Does it make sense to take hyaluronic acid in tablets and capsules?

Joint pain limits your movements and full life...

You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain...

You may have tried a bunch of medications, creams and ointments...

But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much...

However, there is a truly effective remedy for joint pain!

Hyaluronic acid for joints is a real salvation!

Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan, hyaluronate) is a natural component of connective, nervous tissue and mucous membranes. It is part of many biological media of the body - saliva, synovial fluid (joint lubrication), blood, etc.

About hyaluronic acid injections

Hyaluronic acid is a medicine used to relieve knee pain caused by osteoarthritis. This is a disease in which the cartilage (protective tissue at the ends of bones) in the joints wears away. This may result in pain and swelling.

Hyaluronic acid is used in cases where pain does not go away after using other methods of treating osteoarthritis. This medication is given into the joint by injection and should relieve pain with movement.

In most cases, patients receive injections once a week for 2 to 5 weeks, depending on which medication the doctor uses. The analgesic effect of hyaluronic acid injections can last from several weeks to several months.

For more information about injections, ask your nurse for the resource Hyaluronate and Derivatives.

to come back to the beginning

What is PRP?

This concept is formed from the first letters of the English expression “Platelet Rich Plasma,” which translates as “platelet-rich plasma.” The essence of the method is to produce special platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s own blood by separating red blood cells (erythrocytes). The resulting plasma is injected into the damaged tissue, promoting its restoration and healing.

Platelets are blood elements that contain many biologically active substances called growth factors. When any tissue in our body is damaged, platelets are sent to the affected area through the bloodstream and accumulate in it, starting the repair process. The PRP method allows you to direct 2-4 times more platelets to the desired area than usual. As a result of using this method, the restoration of damaged tissue occurs much faster and more efficiently.

Before the procedure

Before the injection, tell your doctor if:

  • you are allergic to latex or any medications;
  • the area near the knee joint where the injection will be performed is infected;
  • you are undergoing chemotherapy;
  • you are taking any of the following medications: aspirin or medications containing aspirin;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) or naproxen (Aleve®);
  • medicines that prevent blood clots, such as warfarin (Coumadin®), clopidogrel (Plavix®), enoxaparin (Lovenox®), rivaroxaban (Xarelto®), dabigatran (Pradaxa®), apixaban (Eliquis®), or heparin;

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How is PRP made and used?

From 8 to 16 milliliters of blood (1-2 tubes) is taken from the patient and placed in a special centrifuge machine. During centrifugation, a special serum is formed, which is injected into the damaged muscle tissue or joint.

Features of PRP:

  • Plasma is made from the patient's own fresh blood.
  • The material is produced under sterile conditions without contact with air.
  • The platelets must remain intact (damaged platelets do not have healing properties).
  • The plasma is cleared of blood elements that can slow down tissue repair (for example, white blood cells).
  • The material must be used immediately after production.

During the procedure

When you receive hyaluronic acid injections for the first time, you will need to sign an informed consent form (a form stating that you agree to the procedure and understand the risks involved).

Your doctor may do an ultrasound (an imaging technique that uses sound waves to produce images) to determine where to inject. The doctor will examine your joint and clean the area. In some cases, a local anesthetic (medicine that numbs an area of ​​the body) may be given before the hyaluronic acid injection.

When injecting hyaluronic acid, you will only feel a slight tingling sensation as the needle pierces the skin and the medication is injected. After administering the medication, your doctor will remove the needle and clean the injection site. You will be given a small bandage (Band-aid®) over this.

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What is good about hyaluronic acid in tablets, mechanism of action

Native forms of hyaluronate quickly disintegrate. Modern pharmacy produces hyaluronic acid preparations with certain additives that maintain the stability of the molecules. For joints, preparations with glucosamine and chondroitin are recommended.

Hyaluronic acid preparations in tablets are well absorbed by the body, do not cause allergies and have no negative side properties. It is better to take them in the evening, on an empty stomach. The usual course of treatment with tablets is 1 – 2 months at a dose of 150 mg per day.

Once in the body, hyaluronate binds to collagen and elastin, keeping them in optimal condition. The substance also keeps water molecules in a stable state, preventing them from breaking down. With the blood flow, the substance enters the joint fluid, increasing its viscosity. Hyaluronic acid nourishes articular cartilage, stimulating their regeneration. With long-term use of capsules, the shock-absorbing ability of the cartilage improves, it stops wearing out, pain disappears and mobility improves.

Hyaluronic acid also stimulates the immune system, successfully fights the herpes virus, and improves vision.

Your doctor will help you determine exactly whether you need hyaluronic acid in tablets. You should not take hyaluronate together with Aspirin, anti-inflammatory non-steroids, or Warfarin. In your quest for health and beauty, be wise - do not neglect consulting a doctor.

After the procedure

  • After completing the procedure, follow these recommendations:
  • Keep the injection site dry and keep it covered with a clean bandage for 24 hours.
  • Do not take a bath, use a hot tub, use a sauna, swim, or submerge in water for 2 days after your treatment.
  • The injection site may be sore for several days. Ask your doctor if you can take pain medication.
  • Ask your doctor if you need to avoid any activities or movements, such as standing for long periods of time, jogging, or lifting heavy objects.
  • Do not apply warm or hot compresses to the injection site for 24 hours after the procedure.
  • You may feel stiffness in your knee or have a springy sensation when you walk. This may last 2–3 days.
  • Knee pain may not go away until the last injection.
  • You can apply a cold compress to your knee for 10 to 15 minutes every 4 hours to relieve discomfort.
  • After the injection, you can take your regular prescription or over-the-counter (over-the-counter) pain medication (such as Advil, Aleve, or Tylenol®) to help relieve pain.
  • Do not apply topical creams or medications (that are applied directly to the skin) to the injection site for 24 hours.

Side effects

Side effects are rare. After the injection, your knee may be a little sore to the touch or may not have as much movement. Most people do not have any other reactions to the hyaluronic acid injection.

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A Brief History of PRP

The healing properties of platelets have been known since ancient times. However, they have only been used for 40 years to heal wounds that cannot heal for a long time. They began to be used in dentistry, orthopedics and aesthetic surgery. Today, the scope of PRP application has expanded significantly: this method is used in plastic surgery, ophthalmology, cardiovascular surgery, gynecology, and urology.

Application of PRP in orthopedics and traumatology:

  • bone treatment;
  • tendon treatment;
  • muscle treatment;
  • cartilage treatment.

Gilart solution for intra-articular administration in pre-filled syringes of 2 ml



Release forms



Sodium hyaluronate.


Tissue regeneration stimulator.


Transparent colorless viscous solution.


1 ml contains: Active substance: sodium hyaluronate 15 mg. Excipients: sodium chloride, water for injection. ATX code М09АХ01

Action and pharmacological properties

Gilart (sodium hyaluronate) is a polysaccharide consisting of repeating disaccharide units of N-acetylglucosamine and sodium glucuronate, with a molecular weight of up to 2,900,000 Da. Sodium hyaluronate is obtained by bacterial fermentation. Sodium hyaluronate is an important component of connective tissue and is present in high concentrations in synovial fluid, dermis, vitreous and umbilical cord. In synovial fluid, sodium hyaluronate acts as a lubricant and shock absorber, ensuring painless movements in the joint. With osteoarthritis, the viscosupplementary properties of the synovial fluid significantly deteriorate, which significantly increases the mechanical load on the joint and leads to the progression of degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue. This is manifested by pain and limited joint mobility. The high viscosity and shock-absorbing effect of this drug have an analgesic effect and improve joint mobility when used intra-articularly. Gilart normalizes the mechanical interaction of joint elements and is used as a synovial fluid prosthesis. These effects persist for more than 6 months after one course of treatment.

Indications for use

Gilart is used to improve the viscosupplementary (viscoelastic) properties of synovial fluid in the treatment of osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis): • gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, osteoarthrosis of the carpometacarpal and temporomandibular joint; • secondary post-traumatic osteoarthritis of large and medium-sized joints; • osteoarthritis due to orthopedic anomalies;

Directions for use and doses

Gilart injections are carried out by medical specialists. Gilart should be injected into the affected joint 3-6 times at weekly intervals. The injected volume depends on the size of the joint, but does not exceed 2 ml in the knee joint and other large joints, or 1 ml for small joints. Several joints can be treated at the same time. Depending on the severity of the joint disease, the effect of the drug can last up to six months or more. A repeated course of treatment cannot be carried out earlier than 6 months for the same joint. Gilart is intended for intra-articular use only. Do not use intravenously. Gilart is available in the form of a pre-filled syringe, the contents of which do not need to be diluted. The contents of the Gilart pre-filled syringe are sterile and should be used immediately after opening the package. Gilart should be administered into the joint cavity with careful adherence to the administration schedule and the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. The finished syringe is removed from the sterile case, the cap is removed, after which a sterile needle is put on, which is fixed with a slight turn. Before administration, the air must be removed from the syringe.


• individual intolerance (including a history of hypersensitivity) to the components of Gilart; • presence of infected wounds, abrasions in the joint area; • infectious diseases of the joints; • systemic blood clotting disorders.

Special instructions and precautions

It is necessary to follow the administration schedule and the rules of asepsis and antisepsis for intra-articular administration. Do not use sodium hyaluronate in excess. If pain increases during insertion, the procedure should be stopped. After injection of sodium hyaluronate, the patient is advised to adhere to a gentle regimen and avoid excessive stress on the joint for several days. To date, there is no data on the use of the drug in children and adolescents. Gilart should not be used simultaneously with other drugs intended for intra-articular administration. Gilart is for single use only. Reuse is not permitted. Use of open and/or damaged sterile packaging is not permitted. Repeated sterilization is not permitted. Sodium hyaluronate is administered at room temperature. Do not use after the expiration date.

Side effects

Local adverse reactions may occur, such as pain, a feeling of warmth, redness, swelling.


Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C in a place protected from light in the original packaging. Do not freeze. Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life Shelf life: 3 years.


2 ml of solution for intra-articular administration 15 mg/ml in pre-filled syringes with a capacity of 2.25 ml. One pre-filled syringe in a coated blister pack. 1 or 3 blister packs with needles in a cardboard box along with an insert.

Buy Gilart solution for intramuscular injection (sodium hyaluronate 15 mg/ml) sterile in pre-filled syringes of 2 ml in a pharmacy

Price for Gilart solution for intramuscular injection (sodium hyaluronate 15 mg/ml) sterile in pre-filled syringes of 2 ml

Instructions for use for Gilart solution for intramuscular injection (sodium hyaluronate 15 mg/ml) sterile in pre-filled syringes of 2 ml

Results of injection into the knee joint

The positive effect of hyaluronic acid preparations on the healing process due to its intensive use has been sufficiently studied and proven. It also has another name - hyaluronic acid. It has analogues - GO-ON, Fermatron, Sinokrom, Himalgan. Their difference is in the level of sodium hyaluronate and the length of the polymer molecule, the price (cost) of the drug. Essentially, they function as synovial fluid implants or prostheses.

Even at the stage of clinical trials, the effectiveness of the drug was proven. To achieve a positive result, 3 to 5 injections are sufficient, which, however, depends on the severity of the disease. It also affects the intervals between cycles and the duration of treatment. It lasts from four months to a year.

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