Treatment of gout with herbs. How to remove uric acid from gout?

We are often asked to recommend a Thai balm that will help with gout. Yes, we have Thai balms that significantly reduce inflammation and pain from gout, and also reduce the size of bumps on the leg.

You remember that I'm boring, right? Alas, Thai balms, like all external remedies, only eliminate the effects of gout. If the cause is not removed, the problem will return over time.

The main cause of gout is an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood. And there are many reasons why this happens.

Uric acid isn't just the culprit for your gout. Because of it, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis develop, and problems with blood pressure appear.

Having removed the inflammation and reduced the lump (growth) on the leg using external means, you simply apply a “patch” - it will be much more effective to solve the problem radically.

In this article, we will look at the reasons for increased uric acid levels, which foods increase its level and which decrease it, and how to get rid of gout by normalizing the level of uric acid in the blood.

Gout is a common chronic joint disease that most often appears in people over 40 years of age. Gout can be localized in different parts of the body, but most often the joint of the big toe and the joints of the hands are affected.

Causes of gout

The main cause of gout is high levels of uric acid. High levels of uric acid over a long period of time lead to crystallization of urate in the tissues of the joints (arthritis, gout) and kidneys (stones and kidney failure). But why the level of uric acid in the blood becomes higher than normal is a separate question to which there are many answers. Uric acid levels become higher than normal when the body produces more uric acid than it can eliminate. That is, the reason may be either excessive production of uric acid, or a disruption in its processing.

Uric acid crystals accumulate in joints, forming a build-up, in muscles, skin, and internal organs, causing pain and discomfort, inflammation, swelling, and fever.

Moreover, in people with gout, a blood test may show a normal level of uric acid and, on the contrary, people with high levels of uric acid may not have problems with the joints. Why? It's simple: for joint problems to start, high levels of uric acid need to remain in the blood for a long time.

The accumulation of crystals does not happen instantly, it is a long process. But the reverse process is even longer. You may have changed the factor that led to gout, but the gout itself remains.

However, it won’t hurt to get tested for the level of uric acid in your blood.

If there is a lack of uric acid, the body will also suffer - it is an important component necessary for our body.

What we eat plays a big role in regulating the level of uric acid in the blood. Eating large amounts of food high in purines leads to increased uric acid levels.

The level of uric acid in the blood depends on the ability of our body to dissolve purines. Uric acid is excreted in two main ways: through the digestive tract and through the kidneys, with 2/3 of the uric acid being absorbed by the kidneys. In 90% of cases, the cause of an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood is a violation of the excretion of sic acid by the kidneys.

What causes an increase in uric acid in the blood?

  • Genetic disorders leading to a lack of certain enzymes, if your grandparents and mothers/fathers had gout - you are at risk
  • Diseases that lead to increased levels of uric acid in the blood. These include cancer, leukemia, blood diseases, thalassemia, obesity, diabetes, as well as chemotherapy and radiation for oncology can lead to an increase in uric acid levels.
  • Kidney diseases: nephrotic syndrome, kidney failure, lead poisoning
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Frequent and excessive consumption of alcohol, especially beer. Alcohol reduces the kidneys' ability to excrete uric acid, resulting in an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood.
  • High protein diet, eating fermented foods.
  • Obesity and overweight
  • Injuries, fractures, concussions
  • Side effects from medications such as aspirin, hydrochlorothiazide, cyclosporine, levodopa, etc.

to the entry “How to remove uric acid from the body: traditional methods”

  1. Diets.Guru:
    08/09/2018 at 22:50

    With nitric acid, uric acid is oxidized to alloxan; under the action of potassium permanganate in a neutral and alkaline environment or hydrogen peroxide, first allantoin is formed from uric acid, then hydantoin and parabanic acid.


  2. Pohudet.Guru:

    08/18/2018 at 10:09

    With nitric acid, uric acid is oxidized to alloxan; under the action of potassium permanganate in a neutral and alkaline environment or hydrogen peroxide, first allantoin is formed from uric acid, then hydantoin and parabanic acid.


Purine content in foods

Foods with very high purine content (up to 1000 mg / 3 servings)Anchovies, Brains, Meat sauces, Kidneys, Liver, Sardines, Yeast, especially brewer's yeast, Mussels, Herring, Meat broths, Veal tongue, Cocoa Coffee Tea, Beer, Whiskey and other alcohol
High to moderately high purine foods (100 mg/3 servings)Bacon, Beef, Fish broths, Carp, Chicken soup, cod, crab, Duck, Goose, Halibut, Ham, Lamb, Lobster, Oysters, Perch, Pork, Rabbit, Shellfish, Turkey, Veal, Venison, Lentils, Pike, Sprats
Foods with moderate to low purine content (5-50 mg/3 servings)Asparagus, Cauliflower, Chicken, Beans, Mushrooms, Oatmeal, Peas, Salmon, Spinach, Sorrel, Tuna, Cottage cheese, Cheese, Eggs

* 1 serving = 80 grams cooked

If you have gout, it is especially not recommended to eat meat broths, especially in which the meat has been cooked for more than 2 hours, and vegetable broths made from vegetables containing purines. At the same time, it is better to eat asparagus, green peas and other “purine” vegetables not raw, but heat-treated.

If purine metabolism is disrupted, you should never fast, as in this case the level of uric acid in the blood quickly increases and can cause a severe attack of gout.

Limit your consumption of coffee and wine, as these foods lead to dehydration, which increases the concentration of uric acid in the blood.

Prevention of gout

  1. Eat as many purine-free fruits and vegetables as possible to reduce acidity, but avoid eating young shoots.
  2. Increase your consumption of clean drinking water
  3. Avoid eating foods high in purines.
  4. If you are overweight, lose weight gradually and correctly - combine proper low-calorie nutrition with physical activity. Don’t lose weight suddenly - weight loss that is comfortable for the body is no more than 500 grams per week. Sudden weight loss, as well as fasting and strict diets, leads to a sharp increase in the level of uric acid in the blood and an exacerbation of gout and arthritis.
  5. Take any medicine only as prescribed by your doctor. do not self-medicate, especially with medicinal chemicals.
  6. Do not knead or squeeze the affected area when rubbing with topical products.
  7. For acute pain, apply ice for 20 minutes, then consult a doctor to identify the cause of gout and eliminate it.

How to treat gout of the legs

Since the Middle Ages, gout has been called the “disease of kings,” since it was the holiest persons who had the opportunity to pamper themselves with rich meals and were prone to gluttony. Therefore, first of all, to control gout you need to review your diet. You should reduce your consumption of meat and meat by-products, give up fatty foods, legumes and fish caviar, beer, wine and, if possible, other alcoholic beverages. Patients with gout are usually prescribed diet table No. 6. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Mineral waters such as Borjomi, Narzan, Essentuki will be useful.

In acute attacks of gout, it is recommended to apply ice to the inflamed area and make compresses with dimexide. The use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain steroids is indicated.

Note! American scientists have established a relationship between calcium and ascorbic acid deficiency in the body and the development of gout. Therefore, as a treatment and prevention of the disease, you need to take these substances in consultation with your doctor.

For gouty legs, physical therapy significantly improves your well-being. One of the most progressive and high-tech methods of treating gout is shock wave therapy. When the affected tissue is exposed to a shock wave of a certain frequency, the following occurs: microcrystals of salts and connective tissue compactions are loosened, blood flow increases tens of times, which in turn leads to the resorption of salts and tissue restoration.

In especially severe cases, surgical methods are used to remove uric acid deposits in the joints. But to avoid this, you should prevent arthritic diseases such as gout of the leg.

Preventing gout on the legs

In order for the joints of your legs to maintain mobility and performance until old age, you should pay attention to the following preventive measures:

  • lead an active lifestyle, walk more, do exercises in the morning;
  • give up bad habits;
  • eat more cereals, vegetables, fruits, boiled or steamed meat and fish;
  • drink more plain water;
  • For preventive purposes, take a blood test to determine the content of essential vitamins and minerals. If necessary, supplement the diet with a mineral-vitamin complex.

If you do encounter gout, do not rush to despair. The main thing is not to put off solving the problem “for later”, contact specialists. The already mentioned method of shock wave therapy (SWT) will be a reliable assistant in the fight against the disease. You will find some of the most affordable prices for procedures in medical. Even older people can receive effective and affordable treatment here. Procedures at the Health Plus MC are carried out without anesthesia in a course of several sessions of 10–15 minutes, the number of which depends on the severity and duration of the disease. Qualified specialists will help you maintain a healthy body.

How to get rid of gout using folk remedies

I do not encourage you to self-medicate, but if the treatment regimen that the doctor prescribed for you does not bring results, you can always try safe folk remedies. In Thailand, unique herbs grow that help reduce the level of uric acid in the blood without causing harm to the body.

Thai herbs that help with gout:

  1. Cat's whisker restores the kidneys, dissolves stones and deposits of uric acid salts throughout the body, and reduces uric acid levels. Be sure to drink calcium after the course!
  2. Yanang restores kidney function, helps get rid of kidney and bladder stones, reduces uric acid levels, helps with gout, and restores normal thyroid function.
  3. Turmeric reduces joint inflammation, normalizes blood pressure and helps reduce uric acid levels in the blood. Can be taken internally and applied externally.
  4. Black galangal reduces inflammation and pain, stimulates joint restoration.
  5. Moringa leaves cleanse blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, improve kidney health and help reduce uric acid levels
  6. Pha krabit helps with gout, back pain and knee pain. Cleanses the blood, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, improves blood composition, and reduces uric acid levels.
  7. Lingzhi restores all organs and systems, immune stimulant. Helps normalize the body's metabolic processes and get rid of gout.
  8. Triphala helps with rheumatoid arthritis and gout, strengthens the immune system.
  9. Jiaogulan relieves inflammation, stimulates metabolic processes, eliminates pain and inflammation, helps get rid of gout and arthritis. Reduces acidity, a powerful antioxidant.
  10. Eurycoma helps with diabetes, normalizes blood pressure, accelerates regeneration, improves blood quality and helps get rid of gout

What Thai balms help get rid of gout (bumps on the leg)

Now that we have learned almost everything about gout, we can give a list of Thai balms that will speed up the healing process of your sore joint affected by gout.

In fact, any Thai balm can help, even the cheapest one, which contains nothing else except Vaseline, menthol, barneol and dyes and flavors. The question is how much it will help you - will it give temporary relief or will it help speed up the solution to the problem. What Iai balms are most effective for gout?

Black royal balm Sabai Balm

This is one of the most effective Thai balms!

We keep receiving letters from grateful clients who have been helped by this balm with many health problems.

Among the numerous reviews, there are many people whom he helped get rid of a lump on their leg, forget about the pain and discomfort that gout brought them.

Black Royal Balm relieves pain and inflammation, accelerates blood circulation and stimulates the dissolution and removal of uric acid crystals.

Green Thai balm "Moringa" according to the recipe of Dr. Mo Sink "Sabai Balm"

This Thai balm is milder in effect than royal black, but is no less effective in treating gout,

This Thai balm contains moringa oil, as well as extracts of flowers and leaves of this amazing plant.

Regular use of Thai balm with moringa will help accelerate the dissolution of uric acid salts, as well as relieve swelling, inflammation and joint pain due to gout, osteochondrosis and arthritis.

Thai tiger balm based on 25 herbs, Thai organic yanang balm and golden cup can also help you.

Whatever Thai balm you choose, the most important thing in treatment is regularity!

To get rid of gout, you will have to apply Thai balm to the bump 2-3 times a day, every day without skipping! Our clients receive relief from the balms listed above within the first week of regular use.

Despite the fact that gout is a chronic disease, it is not fatal, you can live with it. But high levels of uric acid in the blood can lead to serious consequences, so it is in your best interest to monitor the level of uric acid in the blood and follow the recommendations of your doctors.

Interestingly, only humans and great apes can suffer from gout, since other animals produce uricase in their bodies, which completely digests uric acid. Perhaps the super healing effect of vegetarianism is due precisely to the fact that when you refuse animal food, the level of uric acid in the body decreases and the body cleanses itself, removing uric acid crystals from joints, organs and blood vessels.

I do not encourage you to become a vegetarian, this is everyone’s choice, I myself have not given up meat 100%. But by following the recommendations in the article, you can significantly improve the quality of your life.

Materials used:

  1. Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine Siriraja Hospital. " Gout " (Associate Professor Surasak. Nilkanuvong)
  2. Folk Doctors Foundation Magazine “Village Doctor”, volume 310, section: interesting stories. “ How to eat when you have gout ” (Associate Professor Dr. Vanthani. Krieng Sinyot).
  3. Website of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Mahidol University

Conclusion using folk remedies

It is possible to remove uric acid from the blood at home using traditional medicine. There are many recipes, the use of which allows you to quickly reduce the level of the substance and carry out cleaning.


  1. Lingonberry tincture. Twenty grams of leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. Take one large spoon three times a day.
  2. An infusion of nettle herb is prepared in a similar way. You need to drink a small spoon three times a day.
  3. A decoction of burdock roots helps remove toxic substances well. Fifty grams of the substance is brewed with boiling water, take a tablespoon up to two times a day.
  4. Grind the green bean husks. A tablespoon of powder is poured with boiling water in the amount of one liter. Boil in a water bath for two hours. Filter and drink a large spoon three times every twenty-four hours.
  5. Half a kilogram of garlic is crushed and poured with a liter of pure alcohol. The bottle is left in a sunny place for ten days. The finished product is taken on an empty stomach, adding to milk or juice.
  6. The combination of honey and raisins will bring tangible benefits to a person. They take a kilogram of food. On the first day, eat a handful of raisins on an empty stomach, after which they do not eat for a couple of hours. The next day repeat, but add honey. Continue treatment until the products run out.
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