Types of pain in the elbow during flexion and extension, possible diseases and their treatment

Diseases that cause pain in the elbow joint

There are several known diseases that are accompanied by pain in the elbow joint.


It is an inflammatory process that is localized in the area of ​​the elbow joint. It occurs due to excessive physical strain on the muscles. This damages soft tissues. At risk are people whose profession or primary activity involves similar movements - these are athletes, masons, tractor drivers, milkmaids, surgeons and others. They constantly strain the muscles in the forearm, which leads to microtrauma of the tissue around the joints and the development of inflammation. Carrying heavy objects, osteochondrosis, and poor circulation also lead to the development of this disease. There are two types of disease - lateral and medial. Lateral most often occurs in people who are actively involved in sports training. The painful symptom is localized on the outside of the elbow joint. Inflammatory processes in the inner part of the elbow occur with the medial one.

Stretching of fibrous structures

This is a complete or partial rupture of the ligaments, which leads to the joint moving out of its normal position. The cause can be a variety of factors - sudden movements during physical activity, performing exercises after a workout in which excessive physical activity was performed. The muscles responsible for movement of the upper limb are often damaged. Athletes who engage in weightlifting, tennis, and baseball are at risk during training. The main symptoms that occur with a sprain include: pain in the damaged area, which intensifies when trying to move the limb; motor activity decreases; swelling and hematoma may form.


It is a disorder in the joint area, which results in inflammation. This disease, in addition to inflammatory processes throughout the body, is accompanied by pain when trying to make a movement and when bending and straightening joints. Most often, acute pain is felt late in the day. In most cases, joint inflammation occurs in older people, but there are situations when the disease manifests itself in children and adolescents.


This is an age-related phenomenon, as a result of which the joint is deformed and pain is felt when performing any action. Arthrosis occurs as a consequence of metabolic disorders in the upper limb, which leads to the destruction of cartilage and loss of elasticity. The development of the disease is facilitated by many factors - hormonal imbalance, injury, age-related changes in the body, rheumatoid arthritis. The pain associated with this disease gradually intensifies, the elbow hurts especially severely when flexing and extending.

Inflammation of the ulnar nerve

The cause of this disease can be various factors - hypothermia, infectious disease, poisoning of the body, lack of useful microelements. First of all, inflammation results in aching pain in the nerve endings, complete or partial numbness of the limb, decreased performance of the hand, and a change in skin color in the area of ​​inflammation.

Elbow bursitis

This disease occurs due to excessive production of synovial fluid, forming inflammation of the joint cavity. If the disease is caused by an infection, an inflammatory, purulent process most often occurs. With bursitis, pain increases in the joint when flexing and extending the elbow, motor activity decreases, and swelling forms.

Osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region

Serious changes in the neck and chest area - displacement of intervertebral discs, compression of blood vessels and canals between the vertebrae - affect nearby parts of the body. This disease is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, and poor nutrition. With cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, the nerves in the elbow area are pinched, pain appears in the elbow joint, which can be felt throughout the arm, but there is no inflammation or swelling.


This is a disease that occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body. There is a deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. First, these compounds accumulate throughout the body, then are deposited in the tissues, and an inflammatory process occurs. Among the main symptoms are inflammation in the joint, increased temperature in the damaged area and gradually increasing pain.

Injuries in the elbow joint

These injuries include fractures, cracks, muscle strains, and bruises. They occur most often during sports, at work, with an unsuccessful fall on the elbow joint, hitting a hard object with the elbow, as well as old injuries that have not been treated. Most often, injuries are accompanied by severe pain in the injured area, redness of the skin, and swelling of the elbow. Less severe pain, which intensifies when trying to bend the elbow, indicates a sprain. In any case, it is necessary to be examined by a specialist and adopt appropriate treatment methods.

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Why might my elbow not straighten?

The elbow joint is formed by three bones connected by a synovial bursa. The bones are surrounded by cartilage, muscles and tendons that provide protection and mobility to the upper limb.

If the elbow does not fully extend, then the main cause of the phenomenon is mechanical damage to the joint, which results in a crack or fracture, or another type of damage:

  • ligament rupture, which affects the extensor muscles of the forearm;
  • dislocation of the ulna;
  • fracture;
  • pinched nerve in one or both arms.

It is difficult to fully bend and straighten your arm to the end, which may be due to heavy physical work. The arm straightens only in a state of rest.

Tendons and ligaments have an elastic structure and are practically not supplied with blood vessels. Therefore, with any, even mild injury, the gap is filled with connective tissue, resulting in limited movement of the joint.

If treatment is not started in time, scars will form on the injured tissues, affecting the normal mobility of the arm. Other reasons why the arm does not bend at the elbow may be the following pathological processes:

  • epicondylitis, internal or external;
  • bursitis of the elbow, when a large amount of fluid of various origins accumulates in the joint cavity;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis.

A doctor can identify the cause and determine why the arm does not extend at the elbow after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis.

There is no need to make a diagnosis yourself and hope that you will be able to get rid of the pathology without treatment and medical assistance. The sooner you see a doctor and start treating the disease, the more effective the result will be, and the treatment will not take much time.

If you delay seeking medical help, the pathological process may move to the next stage or take on a chronic course. In this case, it will be more difficult and longer to cure the pathology. With timely consultation with a doctor, many patients could avoid surgical treatment.

  • The elbow is swollen and hurts: causes, symptoms and methods of treating injuries and diseases

Treatment of elbow pain

If you feel pain in the elbow joint, you must first reduce the pain by doing the following:

  • fix the damaged joint in a bent position and reduce the load on the upper limb;
  • apply a cold compress;
  • relieve pain with medications.

Serious joint diseases that cause pain in the elbow when bending and straightening the arm require appropriate measures to be taken to eliminate the cause that contributed to the development of this disease. To choose the optimal treatment method, you need to seek help from a specialist. The doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient and diagnoses the disease using certain diagnostic methods, which include:

  • Ultrasound examination – detailed examination of damaged elbow ligaments is carried out using ultrasonic waves;
  • X-ray radiation - this method allows you to widely examine the elbow joint and identify the disease that provoked the pain;
  • magnetic resonance imaging – helps to study in more detail the damage to the soft tissues of the elbow and identify the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • electrocardiogram - performed to exclude myocardial infarction.

Only after the correct diagnosis is made, appropriate treatment is carried out. Depending on the nature and extent of the disease, the doctor prescribes medications both in the form of tablets and in the form of ointments and injections. Additionally, to achieve maximum effect, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out, and traditional medicine methods are also used.

Non-steroidal drugs will help eliminate inflammation in the elbow tendon area and relieve pain. After the final diagnosis is made, drugs with stronger effects are prescribed - ibuprofen, diclofenac and others. In case of serious tendon damage, cartilage tissue is restored. The acute form of the disease involves the introduction of injections into the joint with an anti-inflammatory effect.

After appropriate treatment, physiotherapy is prescribed. It involves carrying out special training exercises to promote the restoration of the elbow joint. Light extension-flexion exercises can relieve tension in the elbow area, improve blood circulation and gradually restore the usual functionality of the limb.

There are a number of different factors that trigger elbow pain. The elbow joint is more traumatic than others, since it is not protected from impacts by muscles or a fat layer. Moreover, it is quite complex. An unpleasant painful feeling occurs in the elbow joint due to damage, overload, and disturbances in the functioning of the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.

Diagnosing the source of pain in the elbow is quite simple. Usually, this requires an examination by a specialist, as well as an X-ray or MRI of the joint.


The goal of treatment, when the reason why the arm does not bend or straighten in the area of ​​the elbow joint is identified, is to eliminate the factor that provokes the phenomenon.

Many joint diseases, in which it is difficult to bend and straighten the arm, or these movements become impossible, can be treated conservatively.

The treatment method depends on the cause and type of disease detected, as well as on the severity of the pathological process. In each case, treatment will be individual, as will the selection of drug therapy.

Conservative treatment consists of the following measures:

  • Elbow is swollen and hot: possible causes and treatment features
  1. Drug therapy, consisting of drugs of different categories for external, internal or injection use.
  2. Physiotherapeutic sessions prescribed at different stages of complex treatment.
  3. The process can be treated with therapeutic physical exercises. The course of exercise therapy is selected individually, and the load always increases gradually.
  4. Massage.
  5. Home appointments.

Successful treatment is only possible if all medical prescriptions are followed.

Drug therapy for various joint diseases usually begins with a course of non-steroidal drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Nonsteroidal drugs can be taken in tablet form or in the form of ointments and gels.

If inflammation of the elbow joint is diagnosed, which is of an infectious nature, then antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Hormonal drugs from the category of corticosteroids are prescribed when non-steroidal drug formulations do not have the desired effect. Hormonal medications are usually administered by injection directly into the inflamed joint cavity. After corticosteroid injections, improvement quickly occurs, symptoms of joint inflammation go away, and hand mobility is restored.

It happens that when a patient complains of the inability to fully bend or straighten the arm, surgical treatment is indicated. Depending on the diagnosis, the following types of operations can be performed:

  • for bursitis, a puncture is performed. This is pumping out the fluid accumulated in the joint cavity with a syringe. During the puncture, fluid is collected for analysis. The composition of the liquid determines the category of medications for subsequent treatment of the joint;
  • the arm may not bend due to improper fusion of bone tissue after a mechanical injury. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, then the correct position of the bones is restored. In advanced conditions, conservative treatment with regular physiotherapy sessions is suggested;
  • if the arm does not bend due to infectious bursitis, then complete removal of the inflamed bursa is performed. The operation is performed by excision of inflamed tissue.

If the diagnosis reveals pinching of the ulnar nerve, and the arm has stopped bending for this reason, the surgeon will refer you to a neurologist for additional consultation. This is how tunnel syndrome can develop due to nerve neuropathy.

Prolonged holding of the arm in a bent state leads to muscle spasms and subsequent atrophy of muscle tissue. Eliminating this phenomenon is difficult, and treatment will take a sufficient amount of time. Therefore, if you experience any discomfort in the elbow joint, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In everyday life, when people use the word “elbow,” they mean the elbow joint, which connects the shoulder to the forearm. But not everyone knows that this is a complex joint, consisting of three joints (humeral-ulnar, humeroradial and proximal radioulnar) enclosed in one articular capsule. They are formed by three bones: the humerus, ulna and radius.

Due to its complex structure, the elbow is a movable joint that allows the arm to bend and extend. At this joint, you can rotate the forearm and rotate it outward and inward. However, due to a number of reasons, his mobility is limited. For example, a phenomenon may occur when the arm at the elbow does not fully extend. In this case we are talking about joint contracture.

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The structure of the elbow joint

Causes of pain

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The main causes of pain in the elbow joint:

  1. The presence of arthritis, arthrosis or injuries to the elbow.
  2. Muscle dysfunction, ligament or articular surface damage due to bursitis, myositis or epicondylitis.
  3. Diseases that do not have a direct connection with the elbow joint, such as cervical osteochondrosis, herniated disc or ulnar neuritis.
  4. Temporary pain caused by excessive training and unusual physical activity cannot be excluded. The arm that has been overextended to the greatest extent will hurt – the right and left, respectively. In such a situation, pain is especially possible when bending the joint.


When pain appears when bending and straightening the elbow on the inside, that is, on the bend, this indicates that microtraumas have formed on the ligaments due to the patient’s physical labor. In the case when the patient constantly strains his hand, for example, due to professional duties, the disease develops into a chronic form.

This phenomenon is called epicondylitis. It is divided into:

  • lateral epicondylitis, when pain appears exclusively at the moment of extension of the arm, flexion does not cause discomfort. Popularly known as “tennis elbow.” It damages the outer part of the forearm. Most often it is caused by injuries to the ligaments and tendons, as well as constant severe overstrain of the periarticular surface;
  • medial (internal), in which the elbow hurts when bending, “golfer's elbow.” It appears during injuries and sprains, and is also a kind of side effect when engaging in heavy sports.

You will learn more about epicondylitis from this video from Elena Malysheva:


Bursitis of the elbow joint is a process of inflammation of the joint capsule of the elbow. With this disease, unpleasant, painful sensations appear every time you move the elbow joint. Both the right hand and the left can hurt.

Regardless of whether the pain is severe, it is worth making an appointment with your doctor. Depending on the source of pain, you need to contact a rheumatologist, neurologist or traumatologist for further treatment.

Inflammatory processes in the joint

In addition to injuries and the above reasons, an unpleasant feeling or burning sensation in the elbow joint appears due to the inflammation occurring in it.

One of the factors contributing to inflammation may be the presence of chondromatosis. This is a disease in which bone formations form on the articular surface, which leads to irritation of the nerve endings, and then to inflammatory processes.

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Symptoms of chondromatosis:

  1. Stiffness and swelling in the area of ​​the elbow joint.
  2. Pain and crunching when bending and straightening the elbow.
  3. Hypotrophy of the muscles supporting the joint.

Inflammation is also caused by arthritis. It is divided into reactive, post-traumatic and systemic. The latter type can affect all joints completely. The disease often develops as a complication after a severe cold, rubella, or other infections. The main sign of arthritis is redness, swelling of the surfaces adjacent to the joint, aching pain when the hand does not move, sharp and sharp when moving.

Joint destruction

One of the factors that provokes the appearance of pain in the elbow is the destruction of joint tissue. Often this occurs due to the occurrence of arthrosis of the elbow joint. It appears with constant long-term stress on the joint, as well as with hormonal imbalances. The pain with arthrosis is very severe, especially when bending, and the affected area becomes immobile. The development of arthrosis can be prevented by taking good care of the joint and avoiding overload. Treatment will consist of therapy, taking chondroprotectors and internal administration of hyaluronic acid.

Destruction also occurs with cervical osteochondrosis, when collapsing intervertebral discs allow the vertebrae to pinch nerve endings, which provokes severe pain throughout the body, and not just in the cervical spine. We can say that the pain is of a reflected nature. Often, along with the elbow joint, there is pain in the area of ​​the shoulder blade or neck, and sometimes there is numbness in the limb from the elbow to the hand. The causes of spinal osteochondrosis can be incorrect posture, a sedentary lifestyle, or an incorrect diet. Therapeutic exercises for the back and joints, taking special medications that restore cartilage and tissue can help.

Accordingly, if pain in the elbow occurs as a result of other problems, then it is not the elbow joint that needs to be treated, but directly what provokes the pain in it: it could be an intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis. After the affected area is restored, the pain in the joint will go away.

Causes of contracture

There are many reasons causing this pathological condition. They can be divided into two large groups: injuries and diseases (congenital and acquired).


Damage leading to pathology:

  • Bruise is the most common injury. Usually it affects the olecranon, periarticular tissues, humeral condyle, and ulnar nerve.
  • Partial or complete ligament ruptures.
  • Various dislocations of the bones that form the joint.

Injuries also include fractures, which most often affect the internal joint of the ulna.

Fractured elbow as a result of falling on it

Signs of damage

The first sign of injury is acute, severe pain at the time of injury to the elbow. Then the injured area begins to swell and the color of the skin changes. Any attempts to move the injured limb are extremely painful. Pathological mobility cannot be ruled out. There may be numbness in the forearm, hand and fingers. When a fracture occurs, bone fragments may clearly protrude under the skin.

Consequences of fractures and bruises

After an injury, immobilization contracture may develop:

  1. Due to mechanical obstacles, if reposition was not carried out (comparison of bone fragments for their optimal fusion) or it was not done in the best way. In both cases, the bones do not heal properly, and mobility in the joint is limited.
  2. If scars have formed after ruptures of the ligaments or periarticular bursa.
  3. When a person, after a fracture, is forced to wear a plaster cast for a long time.
  4. If the brain has been damaged.

Less commonly, mobility suffers after puncture and cutting injuries to the periarticular muscles.


The cause of impaired mobility may lie in congenital:

  1. Clubbing. There are two types of pathology (ulnar and radial). In the first case, the ulna bone is absent or underdeveloped, in the second - the radius. The latter type of pathology is most often observed.
  2. Dislocation of the radial head.
  3. Synostosis, which is a fusion of the ulna and radius bones.

Congenital bone abnormalities are accompanied by disturbances in the development of muscles, tendons and ligaments that serve the corresponding bones.

Two types of epicondylitis

Acquired diseases

Often the factors causing the development of styloiditis are:

  • Excessive physical activity. One of the diseases of this nature is epicondylitis - “tennis elbow”. Due to constant overload of the forearm muscles, an inflammatory process begins in the places where the muscles attach to the bones.
  • Long monotonous movements that a person is forced to perform in the course of one or another production activity. The tendons that attach to the styloid or olecranon process become inflamed.
  • Bursitis or inflammation of the joint capsule, which negatively affects the range of motion in the joint.
  • Various forms of arthritis. With this disease, which can be caused by many reasons, almost all joint structures (synovium, capsule, cartilage and others) suffer from inflammation.

Acquired pathologies also include arthrosis, a chronic disease leading to degenerative changes in the joint.

Types of painful symptoms

The types of pain in the elbow are as follows:

  1. Referred pain. Present in disorders of the musculoskeletal system, in particular in cervical osteochondrosis. The development of atrophic syndrome of the biceps muscle is possible. It often causes numbness in the fingers. The nature of the pain is nagging.
  2. Projected. Appears when spinal nerves are compressed, with a herniated disc or after an injury.
  3. Pulling.
  4. Neuropathic. It is provoked by inflammation of the nerve endings in the presence of arthrosis or due to a bruise. When bending, a sharp pain is felt, accompanied by a burning sensation when straightening.
  5. Spicy. Mainly appears with injuries, bursitis or arthritis. Very strong, sharp, limits physical activity.
  6. Burning. Appears during inflammatory processes or when nerve endings are compressed. In this case, straightening the arm causes an intolerable burning sensation in the joint.
  7. Dull and aching. Talks about chronic diseases such as arthrosis and bursitis. It is constantly present, even when the hand does not move, but becomes stronger at the moment of flexion and extension.

Treatment of pain in the elbow joint that occurs during flexion and extension

Despite the fact that unpleasant feelings in the joint may not cause severe inconvenience, it is necessary to treat the resulting disease. If the disease develops into a chronic disease, it will be more difficult to cope with it, and the pain will intensify with exercise and changes in weather.

If pain occurs in the elbow, physical activity and training should be reduced so as not to damage the joint and periarticular surfaces.

If the pain does not stop, you should resort to more serious methods of dealing with the problem.

  • there is special gymnastics that allows you to increase the mobility of muscles and ligaments in order to minimize pain in the joint;
  • One of the first necessary measures is to apply cold (ice) to the damaged area every few hours until the pain stops. You need to hold the ice by wrapping it in a towel and applying it to the right or left elbow joint for 15-20 minutes;
  • in case of very severe, ongoing pain, you need to temporarily immobilize the elbow by placing a splint on it with a scarf (as with a fracture);
  • you can use widely available ointments and gels for joints that have anti-inflammatory or analgesic effects;
  • Procedures will also help, for example, electrophoresis with a solution of novocaine, but they are carried out only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • in some cases, wearing orthopedic bandages for the joint will help, which prevent the condyles from moving during flexion and extension and keep them in good shape.

The restoration process of the joint takes from 1 to 3 weeks. But even when treatment is carried out, the load must be limited for some time to avoid the recurrence of unpleasant sensations. It is worth excluding heavy workouts and excessive strain on the affected area.


If the cause of the pain is identified and appropriate treatment of the joint is carried out, it is important to follow a number of rules so as not to encounter troubles later. It is best to wear a special orthopedic protector during subsequent physical activity, which will fix the joint in its anatomical position and will not allow it to “fail” during flexion and extension. You should periodically perform therapeutic exercises to prevent possible joint injuries and maintain muscles in a flexible state.

Dr. Evdokimenko shared gymnastic exercises for the elbow joints:

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IntruderFineArticle of the Administrative Code
Moped, motorcycle, car, bus driverwarning or 500 rubles12.14 p.1
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In conclusion, I would like to note that turn signals should be given not in order to avoid fines, but in order to warn other road users about your maneuvers.

Good luck on the roads!

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Treatment of joints » Joint pain » Article publication date: 01/26/2016 Article update date: 01/21/2020

Pain when flexing and extending the elbow joint can occur due to:

  1. damage to the joint itself due to arthrosis, arthritis or injury;
  2. pathologies of periarticular tissues (ligaments, joint capsules, muscles) in diseases of bursitis, epicondylitis, myositis;
  3. diseases not associated with structural changes in the elbow joint (osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, herniated disc, ulnar nerve neuritis).

Read more about these diseases further in the article.

In most cases, the disease causes pain both when flexing and extending the elbow joint. But not always:

  • with lateral epicondylitis or acute bursitis, discomfort typically occurs only when the arm is extended at the elbow,
  • With medial epicondylitis, pain occurs when the arm is bent.

Diagnosis of diseases that cause pain when bending or straightening the elbow does not require thorough research. Functional tests (i.e., based on the appearance or absence of pain when performing certain movements in the hand) indicate with high accuracy the nature of the pathology that caused it.

The elbow joint is very vulnerable, because it is not protected by either muscles or fat. Therefore, the appearance of pain in this place should be treated with particular care, since the elbow plays an important role in the active movements of the arm. The danger of any damage or disease in the area of ​​the elbow joint is the rapid limitation of mobility in the arm and a significant deterioration in a person’s performance and quality of life.

Regardless of why the pain in the elbow appeared, the pathology and discomfort can be successfully dealt with. In each individual case, treatment of the elbow joint depends on the disease that caused the discomfort.

Read more about the problem below.

What does this term mean?

Contracture should not be understood as a situation where the elbow does not straighten exclusively. Sometimes the arm straightens, but there are problems moving in other directions.

Contracture is any limitation in the mobility of a joint. It is often accompanied by joint deformation, swelling and pain.

If we classify pathology by type of movement restriction, we can distinguish several types:

  • flexion;
  • extensor;
  • pronation;
  • supination, etc.

The first type is the most common. It manifests itself as difficulties when trying to straighten the arm or complete inability to make this movement.

Flexion contracture is diagnosed when the arm does not fully extend

There are four degrees of joint damage:

  1. In the first degree, the limitation is insignificant, since a person is able to extend the arm no less than 170°.
  2. If it extends in the range of 130°–170°, the second degree of contracture is diagnosed.
  3. At the next degree, extension is possible within 90°–130°.
  4. With the most severe degree of pathology, the extension angle does not exceed 90°.

Next, let's look at the possible causes of the disease.

Types of pain in the elbow during flexion and extension

Pain syndrome, depending on the disease that caused it, has its own characteristics. When examining a patient, the doctor always pays attention not only to what movement causes discomfort, but also what its nature is:

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Type of painReasons and characteristics
Reflected It occurs against the background of pathologies in other organs or systems of the body - for example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Pain aching; sensation as if the source were concentrated in the elbow. When you try to bend or straighten your arm, you experience a nagging pain with tingling and numbness.

Projected Occurs as a result of spinal injury or as a result of intervertebral hernia due to compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord.

Has a pulling character when bending the elbow.

Neuropathic It occurs due to compression of the nerve roots or inflammation of the nerve fibers against the background of deforming arthrosis or injury.

Characteristic features: sharpness and sharpness when bending, burning sensation when straightening the elbow.

Acute Occurs with injuries, bursitis and reactive arthritis.

Extending or bending the elbow causes severe, sharp pain. As a result, movements are limited.

Burning Accompanies inflammatory diseases or compression of nerve endings.

Extension of the arm is accompanied by a strong burning sensation.

Dull and aching This is a symptom of chronic diseases of the elbow joint (initial stages of arthrosis, chronic elbow injuries, chronic bursitis).

When bending and straightening, the pain increases, which is accompanied by tingling.

What diseases can be associated with pain when extending the elbow?

The symptom that occurs with elbow extension appears due to dysfunction of the extensor muscles, which are attached inside the joint capsule. The reasons for this situation may be:

  • inflammation of the epicondyles (lateral or medial epicondylitis);
  • osteoarthritis;
  • isolated inflammatory process;
  • compression n. ulnaris (ulnar nerve) bony structures;
  • nerve inflammation;
  • traumatic damage to the joint;
  • inflammation of the fascial bags (diffuse fasciitis);
  • oncological pathology.

Based on the diagnostic information received, doctors at the Shifa clinic identify the root cause and select therapy that reliably relieves pain. Improving the quality of life is achieved through a combination of non-drug methods with medications.

Diseases that cause elbow pain and their treatment

Lateral (external) epicondylitis

This is an inflammatory disease of the tendons of the forearm muscles.

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Causes Frequent microtraumas of ligaments and tendons, daily increased load on the elbow joint.
Characteristic symptoms Increased pain during extension after carrying or lifting heavy objects and after prolonged monotonous movements.
Treatment Ensuring joint immobility, corticosteroids, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises.

Medial (internal) epicondylitis

This is an inflammatory lesion of the internal tendons of the muscles connected to the medial epicondyle of the elbow joint.

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Causes Frequent injuries, professional sports, hard monotonous work.
Symptoms Sharp pain when bending, which decreases when straightening the arm.

Painful sensations “give” (radiate) to the hand and forearm area.

Treatment The same as for lateral epicondylitis.


Bursitis is an inflammation of the joint capsule accompanied by infection.

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Causes Trauma due to arthritis or gout.
Symptoms Constant aching discomfort of a dull nature. Palpation or an attempt to straighten the joint is reflected by severe sharp pain.
Treatment Ensuring complete rest for the joint, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs.


Arthritis is inflammation of joint tissues. Its main types are: reactive, post-traumatic and systemic (for example, rheumatoid - when the disease affects the entire body).

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Causes Occurs after severe forms of ARVI, rubella, bacterial infections or against the background of systemic connective tissue diseases.
Symptoms Swelling and redness of the joint area. Severe sharp pain when bending and straightening the arm at the elbow. Dull aching pain in the elbow joint at rest.
Treatment Physiotherapy, painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


Arthrosis is damage (destruction) of cartilage due to wear and tear.

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Causes Long-term constant stress on the joint due to injury, arthritis or due to hormonal imbalance.
Symptoms Limitation of motor function of the joint, specific crunching and aching pain, intensifying with extension and rotation of the arm.
Treatment Manual therapy, chondroprotectors, physiotherapy, massage, hyaluronic acid injections.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Osteochondrosis is the destruction of intervertebral discs. Pain in this pathology is of a reflected nature (i.e., the nerves responsible for pain in the elbow and arm are pinched, leaving them at the level of the spinal column - without damaging the joint itself - but the person feels discomfort precisely in the elbow). Often such pain is combined with numbness and pain in the neck, under the shoulder blade.

Click on photo to enlarge

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Causes Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet.
Symptoms Constant dull aching pain in the elbow, numbness, piercing sharp pain when bending and straightening.
Treatment Chondroprotectors, NSAIDs, therapeutic exercises.


If it is difficult or impossible to straighten your arm at the elbow, you should not treat with folk remedies at home. You can find a great variety of similar remedies and recipes on the Internet. However, not all of them are correct from a medical point of view. In addition, motor abnormalities in the elbow occur as a result of various factors. Therefore, each individual case requires its own approach to treatment.

A specialist must decide how to treat. Which doctors should I contact? A traumatologist, orthopedist, neurologist and rheumatologist will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment:

  1. Diagnosis begins with listening to the patient's complaints, examining the sore elbow and examining it with the fingers. The doctor finds out whether the person has suffered injuries or illnesses, how long it takes for the pathology to develop, what sensations it is accompanied by, etc.
  2. At the next stage, the patient is sent for general and biochemical blood tests. A general analysis of the level of leukocytes in the blood and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate allows us to determine the strength of the inflammatory process in the body. The second type of analysis provides information about the presence of arthritis, damage to internal organs, and metabolic disorders.
  3. If necessary, synovial fluid from the joint cavity can be taken for analysis.
  4. An x-ray of the damaged joint is required to identify its anomalies.

X-ray of the elbow joint
To clarify the diagnosis, instrumental examination methods such as magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography and ultrasound can be used.

Let's sum it up

Elbow pain in any of its manifestations causes a lot of trouble. Protect this rather “delicate” joint from injury.

If you experience unpleasant pain when bending or straightening, do not put off visiting a doctor. Depending on the cause of the pain, treatment is carried out by a rheumatologist, traumatologist or neurologist.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Alexey Afinogenov.

Elbow pain when flexing and extending is a symptom with which patients often consult a doctor. There are many reasons for the appearance of uncomfortable and painful sensations: from a simple bruise to the development of serious diseases and pathological processes that require urgent treatment.

The driver's arm bent at the elbow is a signal informing you:

1.?About his intention to turn right.
2.?About his intention to continue moving straight.
3.?About his intention to stop to give way to a motorcyclist.

Before the intersection, the driver of the car extended his left arm to the side and bent his left arm at a right angle upward. This signal corresponds to the right turn light signal. Consequently, he communicates his intention to turn right.

Main causes of pain

Pain in the elbow joint when flexing and extending the limb can indicate many diseases and pathologies. Some can be called conditionally non-severe, for example, injuries and bruises. Others, such as bursitis, arthritis, require urgent treatment because... carry the risk of developing severe complications.

The most common causes of painful symptoms:

  1. Often, pain when moving the elbow can be caused by overwork of the ligament or muscle fibers due to excessive physical activity. This symptom is especially common among athletes.
  2. Mechanical damage to the hand, depending on the severity of the injury, can become a source of short-term pain of moderate intensity that does not require treatment.
  3. The development of severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system causes pain in the elbow joint when moving, as well as in the forearm area.
  4. The sudden onset of pain in the elbow, after which a person is unable to fully bend and straighten the elbow, can be caused by an injury to the tendons, which can rupture with excessive physical activity.
  5. When the upper limb is fractured, a person cannot move the joint due to severe pain; a strong crunching sound will be heard immediately when the integrity of the bone is damaged. Bruises immediately begin to form on the skin.

Long high beam

If oncoming cars do not “wink” with their headlights, but turn on their high beams for a long time, this means that you are blinding them with your headlights. You probably forgot to switch the high beam to low beam. If a stream of high beams is directed at your back, it means that you are being asked to give way. It is necessary to turn on the right turn signal and move out of the lane to allow a hurrying driver to pass. If you turn on the left turn signal, it means you can’t let him pass, because another car is driving ahead, the oncoming car is busy, or there is another obstacle.

But in Europe, they usually ask you to give way not by turning on the high beams in the back, but by turning on the left turn signal.

Possible diseases

If it hurts to bend and straighten the joint at the elbow, and the person has not had physical fatigue or injury to the limb, this sign should alert you, because it may indicate the development of the following diseases:

  1. Osteophytes are bone growths that are deposits of calcium crystals. Pathological growths occur due to excessive physical exertion and due to disruption of metabolic processes in the body. Pain in the elbow joint during physical activity is caused by the fact that osteophytes constantly injure soft tissues with their sharp edges. The character of the symptom is strong, intense, acute.
  2. Pain in the elbow can be caused by a disease of the spinal column - osteochondrosis, in which the pain radiates to the elbow joint. In this case, the patient will have the following symptoms: pain from the elbow joint spreads to the entire limb and upper back, to the area of ​​the shoulder blades. The pain is constant, intensifies with movement, the sensation will be especially intense when bending.
  3. Chondrocalcinosis is the process of salt deposition in the cartilage tissue of the joint. Signs include swelling and redness of the skin, difficulty bending the limb at the elbow. More often, chondrocalcinosis occurs simultaneously on both upper limbs.
  4. Gout is a serious joint disease that is characterized by the development of extensive inflammation. A person cannot bend or straighten a limb normally due to severe pain. The skin on the elbow becomes red and swollen. In particular, the intensity of the symptoms increases during night sleep, the pain is sharp. There are signs of deterioration in general condition: nausea, increased body temperature, lack of appetite.
  5. With the development of arthrosis, the intensity of the symptoms is moderate. Pain is felt only in those moments when a person strongly bends or straightens a limb all the way. If the disease is in an advanced stage, straightening the arm is problematic. She is always in a slightly bent state. There is no increase in symptoms when pressing on the joint.
  6. When elbow bursitis occurs, in which the joint capsule becomes inflamed, pain in the arm will occur every time you flex or extend it. The nature of the symptom is moderate, aching.
  7. Neuritis, in which nerve damage occurs, is characterized by moderate symptoms. The pain is aching, felt in the hands, while they become weak, the fingertips go numb, and sensitivity is greatly reduced.
  8. With arthritis, the pain is severe, the skin becomes swollen and red. Unpleasant sensations are always present in the elbow; they intensify during physical activity with the joint.
  9. Tendonitis is the development of an inflammatory process in the tendon of a joint. Pain is felt only when moving the elbow, if you press on the joint. The skin turns red, becomes swollen, and there is a local increase in body temperature. When bending or straightening a limb, a characteristic crunching sound is heard.

Another disease that causes pain symptoms is the presence of an oncological tumor in the soft tissues of the elbow joint. It manifests itself with the following symptomatic picture: general weakness of the body, a constant feeling of drowsiness and increased fatigue, occurring even after minor physical activity.

In the early stages of development of the pathological formation, the patient feels slight discomfort when extending and flexing the limb in the joint. As the tumor grows, the intensity of the symptoms increases, the pain intensifies, and is present both during movement and in a calm state. Particularly strong unpleasant sensations disturb a person during night sleep.

A distinctive feature of an oncological neoplasm in the elbow from other pathological processes and diseases that have similar symptoms is the inability to relieve symptoms with painkillers.

At what point is the hand signal given?

Let us turn to clause 8.2 of the Rules:

8.2. The turn signal or hand signal must be given well in advance of the maneuver and cease immediately after completion (the hand signal may be terminated immediately before the maneuver). In this case, the signal should not mislead other road users.

You need to start giving a hand signal in advance so that other road users have time to understand what maneuver you have planned.

It is allowed to stop giving the signal immediately before the start of the maneuver, that is, before turning the steering wheel.

Note. You should not give a hand signal while turning, because... Driving a vehicle with only one hand is inconvenient and can lead to an accident.

Who to contact and how to treat?

When asked what to do when pain appears in the elbow during extension and flexion, experts answer that it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and carry out a diagnosis, identifying the cause of the unpleasant symptomatic picture. A rheumatologist deals with such problems.

Treatment of pain in the elbow joint is selected individually, depending on the causes of the symptom. General measures in therapy are aimed at relieving signs of the pathological process and restoring limb mobility. To stop inflammatory processes, relieve swelling and release nerve roots from pressure, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

To quickly restore motor activity, physiotherapeutic procedures are used:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • electrophoresis using medications;
  • therapeutic mud wraps;
  • applications with paraffin.

Treatment includes performing physical therapy exercises aimed at restoring the mobility of muscle fibers and joint ligaments.

Patients are advised to adjust their diet by eliminating alcohol, heavy fatty and fried foods, spices and spices. It is necessary to regularly consume dairy and fermented milk products enriched with calcium, which helps strengthen cartilage tissue and activate regeneration processes. The menu should include seafood, seaweed, jellied meat, jelly and other dishes with gelatin, which restores cartilage tissue. Recommended fruits are avocado, citrus fruits, kiwi, currants.

If the inflammation is caused by pathogenic infectious microflora entering the joint, therapy with antibacterial drugs is carried out. Rarely, in case of total destruction of the elbow joint, when drug therapy does not give a positive result and further development of the pathological process cannot be contained, surgical intervention is required to replace the destroyed cartilage tissue with artificial implants.

By the way

► Do not wear 100% synthetic materials. Give preference to linen made of cotton and silk. Synthetics do not absorb sweat well and are practically impermeable to air. Under such fabric, the skin does not breathe and loses elasticity.

► More often include kefir, yogurt, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, hard cheeses, eggs, dried apricots, carrots, cauliflower, celery, spinach, lettuce, onions, parsley, and apples in your diet. These products contain the mineral calcium, which is important for the skin, which stimulates growth, renewal and restoration of cells, stops bleeding in case of cracks and injuries, strengthens the nervous system, on which the cleanliness and beauty of the skin largely depends.

Methods of pain relief

Treatment can be carried out provided that the painful symptoms are relieved or reduced in intensity. There are many ways to relieve pain:

  1. In case of a severe bruise or attack of pain, the first aid will be to apply a cold compress. This could be ice wrapped in a towel, frozen food, or a bottle of cold water.
  2. If the sign is intense, it is necessary to immobilize the limb. To do this, the arm is fixed in a position where pain is absent or slightly felt, using a splint, scarf, or splint.
  3. Local spectrum medications also help reduce the intensity of symptoms: gels, ointments and creams. Most of these drugs also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Some patients have to fix the limb with special clamps for the joints, which restrain the articular condyles from displacement during flexion and extension movements of the hand.

If such methods do not produce results, a blockade is used to eliminate intense pain in the elbow joint. This method of pain relief involves the injection of Lidocaine or Novocaine directly into the joint.

When should a driver give hand signals?

Hand signals are a complete replacement for turn signals. Drivers are required to use them if the car is faulty or if there is no light signal on the vehicle at all (for example, on a bicycle and certain types of mopeds). This must be done when:

  • stopping;
  • the beginning of the movement;
  • turning right or left;
  • changing from one lane to another.

Interestingly, the rules do not stipulate when the driver must show the brake signal. There is only a description of the action itself.

Preventive measures

Avoiding the development of severe infectious and inflammatory diseases that affect joints and lead to the inability to fully flex and straighten a limb is possible only by leading a healthy lifestyle. Timely treatment of concomitant diseases, inflammatory and infectious, also plays an important role.

People who play sports must properly distribute the load to prevent overworking of muscles and tendons. To avoid damaging the joint, it is recommended to wear a special fixing bandage on the elbow during physical activity.


  • https://otravmah.com/svyazochnyiy-apparat/bolit-lokot
  • https://sustavlive.ru/boli/lokot/bol-v-loktevom-sustave-pri-sgibanii-i-razgibanii-chem-lechit.html
  • https://sustavzdorov.ru/boli/bol-v-loktevom-sustave-pri-sgibanii-i-razgibanii-242.html
  • https://ortocure.ru/kosti-i-sustavy/boli-i-hrusty/v-lokte-pri-sgibanii-i-razgibanii.html
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