Lower back pain on the right: possible diseases, what to do, treatment

The appearance of painful sensations in the body indicates some health problems associated with various reasons. At the same time, the localization of pain can already tell a lot. For example, if the lower back hurts on the right side at the bottom, this often indicates diseases of the kidneys, pancreas and other internal organs or problems with the musculoskeletal system. It is unreasonable to leave such pain unattended. A timely visit to a neurologist
will help you avoid more serious problems and serious, expensive treatment.

When does the pain appear?

Pain in the right side, felt in the back area, is a symptom that can appear with the following diseases.

  1. Muscles of the back or spine
  2. Respiratory system diseases:
      Pleurisy (“dry”);
  3. Pneumonia;
  4. Pneumothorax;
  5. Bronchial and lung cancer.
  6. Digestive system diseases:
      Intestinal colic;
  7. Acute cholecystitis
  8. Appendicitis.
  9. Diseases of the urinary system:
      Retroperitoneal hematoma;
  10. Hydronephrosis;
  11. Glomerulonephritis;
  12. Pyelonephritis;
  13. Kidney abscess;
  14. Renal colic (kidney stones).
  15. Lesions of the spine, spinal cord:
  16. Spondylosis;
  17. Intervertebral hernia.

The list of possible diseases that cause pain in the right side, localized in the back, is quite long. You should definitely pay attention to the nature of the pain and the accompanying symptoms.

Diagnostics: methods of diagnosis

If your back hurts above the lower back on the right, the causes can be found through careful diagnosis. Depending on the preliminary diagnosis, X-ray or ultrasound is chosen. Almost always, the patient needs to donate blood and urine. The process looks like this:

  • Kidney problems are detected through blood and urine tests and ultrasound. Organ disorders affect the composition of urine - an increased content of salts is found in it, and sometimes blood is also found. Blood tests are also a good way to confirm (or refute) the diagnosis.
  • When a patient has a spinal problem, their blood and urine are usually normal. An x-ray is required to check the condition of the vertebrae. It will show characteristic changes - osteophytes. It will also be possible to see problems with intervertebral discs.
  • Ultrasound is used in most cases to diagnose internal organs. If the back hurts on the right side above the lower back, and the patient’s tests are normal, then the doctor may prescribe ultrasound diagnostics. In most cases it gives good results.

Making a diagnosis is sometimes difficult - the patient may have complex diseases. This is especially true for older people who experience degenerative changes in bone tissue, osteochondrosis, and organ diseases.

Muscles of the back or spine

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders (NINDS), 80% of adults experience low back pain on a regular basis. Most of this pain is caused by mechanical problems such as:

  1. Excessive stretching or tearing of a ligament due to improper lifting.
  2. Degeneration of the shock-absorbing spinal disc due to aging or normal wear and tear.
  3. Muscle tension due to poor posture.

Treatment depends on the cause and severity of your condition. Your doctor may initially recommend more conservative options, such as physical therapy or medications to reduce inflammation. If conservative treatments don't help or if your condition is severe, your doctor may recommend surgery. [1]

How can it hurt?

Radiating pain can suddenly spread and be localized in various parts of the body, even if its source is far away. Subjectively, pain is perceived differently. A person can:

  • Prick. This painful condition occurs during physical activity. In acute pancreatitis on the right side, there may be a stabbing pain on the back side, even if the person does not move.
  • Burning, cutting, also causes acute pain. Such sensations occur with vertebrogenic pathologies and dysfunction of internal organs.
  • Pull, whine. A person develops severe pathological changes.
  • Sweep. Such sensations occur with pinched vertebrae, radiculitis, rheumatism and other problems. The lower back and lower thoracic spine are affected.

Respiratory system diseases

Pain in the right side, manifested from the back, is one of the characteristic signs of pathologies of the respiratory system.

  • Inflammation of the pleura (pleurisy) can be exudative and dry, in both cases it can manifest itself with sharp pain when breathing. In the purulent form, severe pain on the right side is accompanied by poor breathing on the affected side. The dry form makes itself known by cutting pain attacks, activated by movement and coughing.

    Pleurisy and other pleural disorders are treated with: [2]

      Symptom relief (ibuprofen, cough syrups).
  • Removing fluid, air, or blood from the pleural space (if large amounts are present).
  • Treatment of the underlying condition.
  • Pneumonia (right-sided pneumonia) is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, wheezing in the lungs, and cough. The intensity of pain varies.
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax causes acute, sudden pain radiating to the scapula. This is a condition in which air enters the lungs (pleural space). Typically, the doctor will deflate the air using a needle or tube; this procedure does not require general anesthesia.
  • Lung cancer is a disease characterized by nagging pain localized in the back on the right; seizure of the shoulder blade and right shoulder is also possible. The syndrome becomes more active as the tumor grows, during movement, coughing, and breathing.

Treatment: how to get rid of pain

Pain on the right side of the back above the lower back will go away after proper therapy. When stones are detected in the kidneys, doctors strive to break the formations or remove them surgically. But first, the cause is always identified, and only then a set of medications is prescribed.

When the back hurts on the right above the lower back in men, this can signal nervous tension, a pinched nerve under load. This requires physical therapy, various exercises, and in critical situations, surgery. Disorders in the spine are different, sometimes they require urgent treatment.

For osteochondrosis, drugs are prescribed: analgesics, antispasmodics, various vasodilators. Physiotherapy helps - the patient is offered different types of massage. They also give injections of drugs that increase muscle tone. Osteochondrosis may also require surgery.

Digestive system diseases

Pain that is concentrated in the back right side may also indicate problems related to the digestive system.

  • Acute cholecystitis is a disease in which pain is concentrated in the right intercostal space and can radiate to the shoulder girdle, scapula, and right shoulder. In some cases, a burning sensation in the lower back is also present. The duration of the attack can range from several days to several hours. Additional symptoms are fever, bouts of vomiting.
  • Intestinal colic can also cause pain in this area. You can eliminate it with the help of No-Shpa; it often disappears on its own.
  • Acute appendicitis can also cause pain in the right side behind. This rare symptom appears if the appendicular process is localized behind the cecum, enlarged in size, and swollen.

    Traditional treatment is to remove the appendix (appendectomy). In some cases, it can be treated with antibiotics alone, meaning you may not need surgery. In one such study, nearly 75% of people who received antibiotics during appendicitis did not require an appendectomy. [3]

Gender dependent

Although all people are susceptible to lumbar pain on the right side, the causes of its occurrence often depend on gender.

In men

When lower back pain on the right in men is not justified by disorders in the spinal region, there is damage to the internal organs. The syndrome in its acute form informs about the presence of pathologies affecting the prostate gland. The same symptom manifests itself in the formation of benign hyperplasia, as well as inflammation of the prostate. The pain radiates to the lower extremities, accompanied by discomfort in the groin area, frequent and difficult urination.

Aching, nagging pain in the lower back on the right in males is a consequence of pathological processes affecting the prostate, ureters and testes. The syndrome is observed in the following cases:

  • for inflammation;
  • dropsy;
  • urethritis;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • dilation of veins in the testicles, etc.

At the same time, not only does the right side hurt and radiate to the lower back. There may be disturbances in urination and bowel movements, as well as a noticeable deterioration in sexual function. All these symptoms are a reason to immediately contact a specialist.

Among women

Pain in the sides of females also has its own characteristics. If a woman has lower back pain on the right side, it is possible that her reproductive system has undergone an inflammatory process. In addition, it happens that pain in the right side of the waist in women appears due to diseased ovaries, cysts or organs located in the pelvis.

In addition to general causes, lower back pain in the weaker sex is often associated with the characteristics of the female body

Factors when a woman has back pain closer to the lower back are often excess weight. The spine of obese women is constantly exposed to excessive stress, becomes deformed and becomes the cause of this syndrome.

There is no universal recipe for eliminating lower back pain on the right. The treatment regimen is established by the attending physician on an individual basis, depending on the diagnosed disease that caused negative sensations.

It is quite difficult to completely avoid lower back pain, but it is still possible to reduce the risk of this phenomenon. To do this, you need to optimally load the spine, eliminate a sedentary lifestyle and excess weight gain, lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly visit your doctor.

Diseases of the urinary system

Many kidney diseases can cause pain in the back of the right side.

  • Glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, kidney abscess and other pathologies are marked by aching, drawing, dull and sharp pain. The pain increases if you put pressure on the lumbar area.
  • Stones in the kidneys. Renal colic (obstruction of the ureter by a stone) causes acute pain in the lumbar region, nausea, vomiting, and hematuria. Also, this type of pain may indicate renal artery thrombosis.
  • Despite the fact that kidney stones account for about 30-40% of all causes of hospitalization in urological departments of hospitals, pain in the kidneys can also be caused by infection (pyelonephritis). The most common cause of kidney infections is bacteria (E. coli) that enter the urinary tract through the urethra. [4]


With this pathology, spiky bone growths grow along the edges of the affected vertebrae. The pain syndrome is not constant, it can ache on the right under the ribs at the back, at the back under the ribs, in the lower back. The person feels tired, stiff, and the pain will intensify when weather conditions change. When a neurological examination has been performed, the doctor will prescribe an X-ray examination, CT scan, and MRI. Therapeutic measures are complex, symptomatic, physiotherapeutic procedures are used. Surgery is performed according to indications.

Problems of the spinal cord, spine

Intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, pinched nerve roots - all these problems can cause sharp pain localized on the right side of the back. In order not to confuse spinal pathology with other diseases, it is worth studying other signs. A feeling of stiffness appears in the back, a pain attack increases with movement, radiating to the chest, limbs, and groin area. Numbness and “pins and needles” may also occur.

Severe pain is possible with a fracture of the scapula or ribs on the right. It is activated by coughing, deep breathing, and movements.

Prevention of back pain

The best prevention of diseases is an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits. This will not eliminate the risk of getting sick 100%, but it will reduce the likelihood of many diseases and improve the quality of life. It is difficult to deal with hereditary factors, poor ecology, and unforeseen situations (injuries).

It is recommended to maintain good physical shape - it guarantees a high quality of life. When spinal diseases are detected, it is easier for someone who is already in good shape to stay in shape.

It is worth undergoing regular examinations at the clinic - it will help identify diseases in the early stages and prevent their development. If you have a negative hereditary factor, you should definitely contact the clinic. Heredity cannot be changed, but it can be successfully combated by preventing diseases.

How to calculate a “sick organ”?

Often, people experiencing pain concentrated in the back right side have no idea which specialist to contact or which organ the problem is associated with. Of course, only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis after completing a full examination.

However, the location, intensity and nature of pain attacks can tell us something:

  • Right under the shoulder blade. Perhaps the problem is neurological in nature and is the result of a pinched nerve. You can also suspect lung diseases: pneumonia, pleurisy, lung cancer.
  • Under the ribs. The liver and pancreas are located here, and the gallbladder is located. Pathologies of any of these organs can be a source of pain. For prolonged pain, the liver is checked first.
  • Right in the central part. Most likely, the problem is related to kidney disease.
  • Lower back right. Painful attacks may indicate pathologies and injuries of the spine, hernias. Disruptions in the urinary system are also likely. In the latter situation, the pain does not subside in any position.

Back pain on the right side can also bother a person in the morning. Possible problems that cause pain after waking up are an incorrect mattress, muscle dystrophy.

Lower right lower back pain

This localization of pain occurs due to the appearance of tumors or after injury. Discomfort can occur even as a result of intense physical activity (sports or physical labor). In women and men, pain in this area may indicate problems in gynecology (inflammation, ectopic pregnancy, oncology) and urology. If the lower back hurts on the right back and below, this is considered relatively normal only in late pregnancy, when the fetus is located close to the back wall of the uterus and puts pressure on the sacrum of the expectant mother.

When does a person need help?

The ambulance is called in terminal conditions:

  • Unexpectedly, there was severe pain in the side area; the pain lasted for 38–45 minutes.
  • The person vomits bloody substances profusely, feels bitterness in the mouth, and hyperthermia appears.
  • Pain increases during physical activity.
  • The pain syndrome suddenly disappeared.
  • Antispasmodic drugs do not help eliminate pain.
  • Hematuria is observed.
  • The patient became worse and became confused.

Pain with radiculitis

The soreness will appear unexpectedly and may disappear suddenly. When it appears again, it becomes intense. It will also intensify if you lift your straight leg while lying on your back. The leg will reflexively bend if a person wants to sit down from a lying position. Acute pain will appear when a person sneezes or coughs. The pain will intensify if you tilt your head forward. It is difficult to remain in one position for a long time, and if a person is motionless, the pain will subside.

It may sting in the side

At night, a person’s health worsens, he sweats, his face turns pale.

Signs of liver problems

We have found out where a person’s liver is located and how it hurts; now we should talk about the symptoms. Liver diseases manifest themselves in different ways. There are external and internal symptoms of liver disease. Let's take a closer look at each group.

External manifestations

  • The appearance of spider veins
    . Spider veins are a pronounced capillary network of dilated small vessels located in the superficial layers of the skin. This symptom is characteristic of serious liver dysfunction associated with intoxication, viral and alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Spider veins most often appear on the lower torso, but sometimes appear on the cheeks and back.
  • Changes in pigmentation of the skin and mucous membranes
    . With liver diseases, regardless of the cause, a person experiences jaundice syndrome. For example, in the acute form of hepatitis, the skin acquires a yellowish tint already 2–3 days after the onset of the disease. The color of the mucous membranes may change even earlier. This occurs due to the fact that the concentration of liver pigment fractions (bilirubin) greatly increases in the blood of an infected person.
  • Change in color of palms and soles
    . A symptom of liver disease is also pronounced pigmentation in places of physiological folds. As a rule, it has a bronze or smoky tint.
  • Hair loss
    . Accelerated hair loss is often observed with liver disease. The liver processes almost all nutrients that enter the body. If liver function suffers, then the body’s supply of “building materials” for growing tissues also suffers. For example, wounds heal more slowly or hair may fall out faster.
  • The appearance of a rash
    . Along with changes in skin color, rashes appear in liver diseases. They can be of a very different nature. Pustular elements (folliculitis and furunculosis) are caused by an immune imbalance due to a decrease in the liver’s ability to synthesize immunoglobulin. An allergic rash (papules and spots) occurs due to a violation of the detoxification function of the liver. This reaction is triggered even to familiar environmental conditions. Hemorrhagic rash (small hemorrhages on the surface of the skin) appears when the synthetic function of the liver decreases. Patients have an increased tendency to form hematomas (“bruises”) even with minor injuries.

Internal manifestations

  • Asthenia
    . It is characterized by general weakness and lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue, and decreased performance. These symptoms are usually the first to appear when the liver is damaged. Their occurrence is due to the inability of the organ to completely neutralize the products of nitrogen metabolism, which affect the functioning of the brain.
  • Dyspepsia
    . In case of liver diseases, dyspeptic manifestations may be observed in the form of belching, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, a feeling of heaviness after eating, and bloating due to increased flatulence. Due to impaired digestion and absorption of fats, qualitative changes in stool occur. Steatorrhea (“fatty stools”) is observed. Any liver disease is usually accompanied by changes in peristalsis (motor activity of the intestines) and the secretion of intestinal glands.
  • Cytolysis.
    The first sign of liver damage is cytolysis—the destruction of hepatocytes. When liver cells (hepatocytes) are destroyed, the level of enzymes such as ALT and AST increases in the blood. If these enzymes are elevated in a biochemical blood test, this indicates an inflammatory process in the liver tissue.
  • Increased body temperature
    . Often, people with constant pain in the liver area experience a slight rise in temperature (up to 37.8 °C). With cirrhosis, thermometer readings can reach 38 °C. In some cases, fluctuations are observed throughout the day, but most often appear in the evening. A higher temperature (from 39 °C) is a symptom of purulent processes in the gallbladder or bile ducts and is not associated with liver disease. Accordingly, treatment is prescribed for another organ.

To learn more about the causes of pain in the liver area and what to do when it occurs, you should consult a specialist. He will conduct an examination, based on which a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed. In most cases, the main minimum recommendation from doctors is to avoid drinking alcohol and junk food.

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