Tablets, gel, ointment and drops Traumeel for joint pain

Athletes, especially professional bodybuilders, powerlifters and weightlifters, regularly put their joints and ligaments through severe stress. Each training session puts them under increased stress, which sometimes results in a sports injury. And then there is no other choice but to start therapy. But here it is important that she is competent, because there are many absolutely ineffective products on the market, the composition of which does not contain anything truly beneficial to health.

So how to choose the best drug for treating joints and ligaments? Let's find out!

Indications for use Traumeel

When patients ask: what is Traumeel gel, an experienced pharmacist will say - this is the safest drug for inflammatory processes. The medication is indicated as part of the general treatment of diseases. Traumeel is actively used for joint diseases such as tendovaginitis, bursitis, styloiditis, epicondylitis, periarthritis and so on. The medication can be used to treat bruises, dislocations, and sprains caused by injuries. The product is recommended in the postoperative period to speed up recovery.

Why do my joints hurt?

Limited mobility and pain can develop due to poor nutrition and destruction of articular cartilage.
This happens gradually: with age, the process of self-healing of the cartilage tissue of the joint slows down and the amount of intra-articular fluid decreases. This process is accelerated by diabetes, thyroid disease, injuries and bruises. There is also evidence of hereditary predisposition1. The cartilage becomes dehydrated, becomes thinner and is easily injured: this causes the processes of bone tissue degeneration to begin. To reduce pressure on painful areas, the body forms growths on the bones, and joint deformation occurs. Inflammation of the synovium leads to morning stiffness and shooting pain1,2.

Since all these processes occur slowly, people only become concerned when the disease has progressed too far and requires drug treatment.


Traumeel is a medicine that regulates the inflammatory process. Inflammation in the body is a protective reaction. It is manifested by swelling, pain, increased local temperature, redness and other signs. But sometimes the inflammatory reaction is very pronounced, which requires outside intervention. In traditional medicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, and glucocorticosteroids are used to relieve the inflammatory process. These drugs, influencing the mechanisms of humoral immunity, quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease, but severely overload the kidneys and liver.

Traumeel acts on the inflammatory process, gently interfering with its biochemical processes. The homeopathic medicine gradually reduces the severity of inflammation. At the same time, the medicine does not put a strain on the kidneys and liver.

The mechanism of muscle pain development

In most cases, the pain is of inflammatory origin. The inflammatory reaction develops as a result of tissue damage, where immunocompetent cells (various types of leukocytes) rush. They produce a number of biologically active compounds (histamine, bradykinin, interleukins), which irritate sensitive nerve endings, causing unpleasant pain

Feel. In addition, when cells are damaged, prostaglandins are formed from arachidonic acid, which is part of their membranes, which increase the sensitivity of pain receptors to inflammatory mediators.

Another mechanism for the development of pain is “referred pain,” which is the irradiation of a “problem” in the back

, associated with pathology of the spine and infringement of the sensory fibers of the spinal cord roots, their inflammation. A rare mechanism for the development (pathogenesis) of muscle pain is their increased tone due to disruption of the functional activity of the motor structures of the central nervous system.

Based on the prevailing mechanism of pain, scientists and pharmacists have developed painkillers for muscle pain

, which can effectively reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and pain.

Composition, forms

Traumeel is a homeopathic medicine that contains a complex of herbal components. Ingredients of the drug and their effect on the body:

  • Aconitum, Hamamelis virginiana, Achillea millefolium, Bellis perennis, Atropa belladonna, arnica - increase vascular tone;
  • Aconitum, arnica, chamomilla recutita, hypericum perforatum - anesthetize;
  • Echinacea, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni, Hepar sulfuris - kill pathogens;
  • Calendula, arnica, Echinacea purpurea, symphytum - increase blood flow.

All herbal components are added to the drug in very small dosages.

For ease of use, the medication has various dosage forms. The following are sold in Russia:

  • Drops (30 ml bottle);
  • Tablet forms (50 pcs per package);
  • Gel - applied topically (50 g);
  • Ointment for external use (100 g).

In other countries, drinking ampoules are available for sale, but this form is not registered in our country.

Gel Traumeel

Achieving speed of action

To achieve a therapeutic effect, an anesthetic drug for muscle pain

must have a number of characteristics - block the enzyme cyclooxygenase, due to which an anti-inflammatory
, and accumulate quite quickly in the affected tissues.
Thanks to these properties, a modern painkiller can quickly relieve discomfort. A representative of this group of drugs, Next® contains a combination of analgesic components – ibuprofen and paracetamol, which have a complex effect on the peripheral and central mechanisms of pain pathogenesis, thus complementing each other’s biological effects. Next® is available in the dosage form of film-coated tablets for oral administration. This ensures fairly rapid* absorption of the active components into the systemic bloodstream with their subsequent penetration into both the site of injury and the nervous system. As a rule, painkillers for muscle pain
can quickly help cope with the pain. Preparations based on paracetamol and ibuprofen begin to have an analgesic effect on average 15-30 minutes** after administration.

Instructions for use for different forms of the drug

For a drug to be effective, it must be taken correctly. The use of the drug should only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Traumeel tablets

In addition to ampoules, there is a tablet form. The drug is available in the form of sublingual tablets, which must be dissolved until completely dissolved. The medicine is indicated for patients over 12 years of age. You should drink 1 tablet form three times a day. The drug is indicated 15 minutes before meals. Course therapy is:

  • 2 or more weeks - dislocations, sprains;
  • From 3-4 weeks - arthritis, bursitis and so on.

Only a doctor can extend the course of therapy.

Drops Traumeel

There is also a droplet shape. They are available as a liquid in a bottle with a dropper. It is recommended to take the medicine 15 minutes before meals, 10 drops three times a day. The required amount of the drug (single dosage) is first dissolved in 5 ml of boiled water. Before swallowing the medicine, it should be held in the mouth for 60-120 seconds. If tissue swelling is severe, the single dose is increased to 30 drops.

Cream Traumeel

According to the instructions, the ointment should be applied topically. It is allowed for patients over 3 years of age. The drug is applied 2-3 times a day to the skin in the affected area and rubbed in thoroughly. If necessary, apply a gauze bandage to enhance the effect. Treatment lasts 2-4 weeks depending on the disease. The gel is used in the same way.

Differences between ointment and Traumeel gel:

  • Different tube sizes;
  • The consistency is different - the texture of the ointment is thicker and stays on the skin longer; The gel is quickly absorbed and is more convenient to use during the day, as it does not leave marks on clothes.

There is no difference in the effectiveness of the drugs, since they have the same doses of active ingredients.

Special conditions

When using homeopathic medicines, symptoms may increase (pain, swelling, redness). This is due to the peculiarities of pharmacological action. If deterioration occurs, you should stop using the medicine and see a doctor.

Attention! To enhance the effectiveness of therapy, it is allowed to combine the tablet form with local drugs.

Ointment and gel should be stored in a cool place. Overheating reduces the effect of therapy.

The drug has no effect on brain function. During course therapy, you are allowed to work with machinery and drive.

Traumeel tablets

When not to use

The medicine is not indicated for allergies to its components. This is due to the high likelihood of an allergic reaction to yarrow, chamomile, calendula, echinacea and other components. Intolerance to the emulsifying cetyl stearyl alcohol is also possible.

The medication should not be used for tuberculosis of the lungs, collagenosis, or multiple sclerosis. The drug is not indicated for patients with acquired immunodeficiencies, HPV, and autoimmune diseases.

The medicine should not be used in children under 3 years of age. This group of patients is highly likely to have an allergic reaction to herbal components.

Analogues of Traumeel ointment and gel

The drug Traumeel has non-structural analogues that differ in composition, but can have a similar effect on the body. The closest analogue is the drug Cel T. It also belongs to homeopathic remedies and comes in the form of tablets and ointments. The product helps restore articular cartilage, relieves pain, and heals the skin and soft tissues. The medicine is prescribed for joint diseases, as well as for injuries (fractures, sprains, bruises).


Another analogue of Traumeel is Voltaren gel. The active component of the drug is diclofenac (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It is produced in the form of a gel. The drug is indicated for inflammatory diseases of the joints, pathologies of the spine (hernia, strangulation) and others. The medicine is applied topically. It is prescribed as an adjuvant (simultaneously with Diclofenac, Nise and other systemic medications).


The next similar medication is Teraflex. It is produced in the form of capsules or cream. The medicine belongs to the group of chondroprotectors. It restores cartilage tissue and prevents its further destruction. The drug is indicated for osteoarthritis.


Chondroxide is also considered an analogue. It is produced in the form of tablets, ointment and gel. The drug restores the structure of cartilage and is prescribed for diseases of the joints and spine.


Nise - refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug is sold in the form of tablets, gel, spray. It is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The medicine has more undesirable effects in contrast to medicines from the homeopathy group.

Vishnevsky ointment

Similar external remedies include Vishnevsky ointment. It contains birch tar and bismuth oxide. The drug is well suited for soft tissue bruises and skin damage.

Traumeel is a homeopathic remedy that is used to treat joint pathologies, fractures, and bruises. The medicine is prescribed less frequently in traditional medicine, as it is not included in the standards of treatment. The advantage of the medication is the absence of unwanted effects in the form of overload of the liver and kidneys. Due to the presence of very small dosages of active substances in the medicine, an overdose during administration is not possible. In the acute period of the disease, manifested by severe pain, it is advisable to use Traumeel as part of general therapy, and not as an independent drug. As a monotherapy, a homeopathic remedy is more suitable during the recovery period.

Main reasons

Discomfort in striated skeletal muscles can be a manifestation of various diseases. The most common of them are:

  • Osteochondrosis is a pathology of the spine, which is a degenerative-dystrophic disease. The main consequence of osteochondrosis is pinching of the spinal nerve root and its inflammation with the appearance of “referred” pain in muscles of various localizations.
  • Myositis is an aseptic (non-infectious) inflammation of muscle tissue, which often develops as a result of local hypothermia, usually localized in the neck and shoulder girdle.
  • Neuralgia is a lesion of the peripheral nerves, which also leads to discomfort in the muscles that they innervate.
  • Myopathy is a pathology that is often of hereditary origin and is characterized by fairly intense discomfort in the muscles and muscle weakness.
  • Long-term physical static or dynamic loads, which lead to the accumulation of lactic acid (a product of glucose oxidation under conditions of oxygen deficiency) in muscle tissue and irritation of sensitive nerve endings.
  • Excessive loads, which cause micro-tears of muscle fibers and the development of an inflammatory reaction.
  • Increased loads on muscles and tendons, which are the result of pathology of the joint
    of various locations or other structures of the musculoskeletal system.

In most cases, regardless of the cause, the mechanism of pain development is almost the same, therefore analgesics


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