Turmeric for joint pain - the best recipes

Turmeric has been used for thousands of years not only as a seasoning, but also for therapeutic purposes. Proper use of this spice can relieve various diseases, including joint problems.

Turmeric is a reed-like perennial plant native to eastern Eurasia. The culture belongs to the ginger family and reaches 1 m in height.

The seasoning is obtained from the roots - they are dried and ground to a powder. The therapeutic effect is due to the fact that it contains a lot of the active substance curcumin, which has a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

Useful and healing properties

Beneficial properties of turmeric for joints:

  1. Elimination of inflammatory processes - in a short time you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism.
  2. Freeing the body from toxins and other unnecessary substances, including bad cholesterol.
  3. The walls of blood vessels are cleansed and the accumulation of salts is eliminated.
  4. Reducing weight and blood sugar levels is very important for joint health, since most pathologies are provoked by increased stress on the joints.
  5. Unlike many other drugs that should be taken orally, it does not have a negative effect on the intestines, but, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Uses of turmeric:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • improves blood circulation in tissues;
  • stops infectious processes;
  • helps restore joint mobility;
  • cleanses synovial fluid from toxins and salts and stimulates its synthesis;
  • reduces pain from arthritis and rheumatism.

Turmeric can be used in the treatment of joints either in its pure form or in combination with other joint-healing products, in particular honey, milk, ginger, and so on.

Important! Turmeric not only stops the inflammatory process, but also prevents relapse.

Turmeric is not able to completely eliminate joint pathology and restore damaged joints. But the fact that the positive effect will be noticeable even in the later stages of pathologies is a fact confirmed by a large number of patients and their treating doctors.

Natural alternative

Anti-inflammatory diet

If you are using aspirin to relieve swelling or inflammation, keep in mind that this can be achieved in other, more natural and safer ways. The best place to start is with your diet.

First of all, you need to avoid foods that cause inflammation, swelling and pain: fast food, processed and packaged foods, foods containing artificial ingredients and added sugar, high amounts of caffeine and alcohol.

Instead, focus on eating healthy to help manage inflammation. Anti-inflammatory foods include:

  • leafy greens and colored vegetables
  • fruits such as blueberries and pineapple
  • healthy fats, such as wild salmon and coconut oil
  • bone broth
  • nuts and seeds, such as walnuts, flax and chia seeds
  • high quality free range meat and organic chicken
  • anti-inflammatory spices such as ginger, cayenne pepper and turmeric


Did you know that ginger has antithrombosis properties? Regular consumption of ginger can actually prevent the occurrence of heart attack and stroke.

In addition, ginger can relieve pain and cope with inflammation. Gingerol, the most powerful healing substance in ginger, affects receptors that are located on our nerve endings.

Research suggests that due to its ability to fight pain and inflammation, ginger is often used as part of natural therapy to treat degenerative diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, as well as cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension and atherosclerosis.


Research shows that turmeric may even be more effective than some anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants and painkillers. Moreover, turmeric does not have any side effects unless consumed in too much quantity.

Research also suggests that curcumin in turmeric has antithrombotic effects, and daily consumption of this spice may help thin the blood.

Scientists believe that turmeric extract can be used as a pain reliever. A meta-analysis published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that 1,000 mg of curcumin per day was effective in relieving pain in patients with arthritis.

In fact, five studies found no significant difference between the effectiveness of turmeric and painkillers.


Cinnamon may not only fight inflammation, but also promote heart health. Research suggests that the main benefit of cinnamon is its ability to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Scientists have found that cinnamon acts as a natural coagulant and can speed up blood flow. The spice promotes tissue repair and cell regeneration, which can help your body cope with a heart attack or stroke.


Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a plant-derived adaptogen that helps manage stress and recover from injury, surgery, and exercise. MSM supplements are often used to relieve chronic pain, muscle cramps, lower blood pressure, and relieve eye inflammation.

MSM fights inflammation thanks to the sulfur it delivers to your body. Sulfur helps restore muscle cells. Research has shown that MSM also helps restore flexibility and permeability of cell walls within muscles, which speeds up muscle recovery.


This enzyme is present in pineapples and is often used to treat inflammation caused by diseases such as arthritis. Research suggests it may be used to relieve post-surgical pain and swelling, joint pain and sinus inflammation.

A study published in the journal Biomedical Reports found that bromelain has anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects. It effectively speeds up blood flow and strengthens the immune system.


Scientists have found that magnesium deficiency can lead to a range of problems, including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, kidney and liver damage, muscle spasms, decreased immunity and migraines.

Supplementing with magnesium will keep your blood pressure normal and prevent hypertension. A study from the Journal of Clinical Hypertension found that heart diseases such as coronary artery disease, ischemic stroke and heart rhythm disorders can be prevented and treated by simply taking magnesium.

  • Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory drug that is used to relieve pain, inflammation, and fever.
  • Although taking aspirin daily is recommended for adult men and women to prevent heart attack and stroke, it is important to understand that it carries certain risks. The most dangerous side effects of aspirin include liver and kidney damage, ulcers, hearing loss, hemorrhagic stroke and Reye's syndrome.
  • Long-term use of aspirin can be especially dangerous for people with heart failure, liver and kidney disease, asthma, stomach ulcers, bleeding disorders, hypertension, and diabetes.
  • Fortunately, there are natural, safer alternatives to aspirin that can help you avoid the side effects associated with taking this drug.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones, buy only healthy products!

Recipes for pain

Treatment of joints with turmeric involves the internal and external use of the spice. Both of these options are effective.

Do not be afraid to introduce turmeric into your diet; if you use it in the correct dosage, it will not cause any harm to the body.

Recipe No. 1 - “Golden Milk”

This remedy was nicknamed “Golden Milk” and not only because of its color, but also to a greater extent because of the effectiveness and efficiency of the therapy. The effect of “Golden Milk” is compared with the effectiveness of expensive drugs intended for the treatment of diseased joints.

To prepare Golden Milk you will need:

  • 9 medicinal properties of turmeric for joints that you didn’t know about: why pain and inflammation go away
  • turmeric powder (50 g);
  • water (100 ml);
  • milk; honey (1.5 tsp);
  • a few drops of almond oil.


  1. Add turmeric powder to warm water, mix well and leave on low heat for 10 minutes. The mixture should simmer slowly.
  2. Then the mass is cooled and put into the refrigerator.
  3. Before using the medicine, it is diluted with milk, honey and almond oil are added (can be replaced with sesame oil).
  4. The drug is drunk in one gulp, it is better to do this before bedtime.

The course of admission is 20 days.

Recipe No. 2 - tea

Tea with this spice gives a very good effect; it is useful not only for people with joint problems, but also for completely healthy ones.

To prepare tea, add 1 tsp to a glass of boiling water. turmeric powder. If desired, you can add honey and lemon to the drink.

It is better to drink this tea in the morning on an empty stomach to help the body invigorate. But taking the drink in the evening is also quite acceptable, but in this case it is better to drink it 2 hours before bedtime.

The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Recipe No. 3 - with kefir

Turmeric with kefir perfectly fights diseases of joints and bone joints. It is recommended to drink this remedy once a day for 2 weeks.

To prepare this product you will need:

  • loose leaf black tea (4 tbsp.);
  • turmeric (2 tbsp.);
  • cinnamon (a little);
  • chopped ginger root (1 cm);
  • honey (1 tbsp.).

All ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous mass, after which half a liter of fresh kefir is added.

  • Turmeric for rheumatoid arthritis

A serving is consumed in one sitting; it can replace an afternoon snack or an evening snack before bed.

Recipe No. 4 - compresses

For joint pain, it is recommended to make compresses with turmeric. The benefits of compresses will be noticeable after the first procedure.

You will need to prepare a composition of 1 tsp. turmeric and 2 tbsp. l. honey You can also add 0.5 tsp to the mixture. chopped ginger.

The prepared mixture is applied to the sore joint and secured with a bandage.

To enhance the warming effect, you can additionally wrap the joint with a woolen scarf.

The compress should be kept for 2 hours, the procedure is carried out once a day for 2 weeks.

Recipe No. 5 - pasta

You can prepare a paste of turmeric, which will need to be rubbed into the sore joint.

To prepare this paste, you only need turmeric itself and water.

50 g of spice mixed with 250 ml of water
Place the mixture over low heat and cook until it thickens.
The consistency of the finished paste will resemble thick ketchup.
The hot medicine is transferred to a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

Use 2 times a day, rubbing into the sore joint.

Course - 2 weeks.

  • Use of badger fat for joints, composition and effects of the drug

Recipe No. 6 - with garlic

This recipe is based on garlic. It well activates blood circulation in the affected area and warms up the joint.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 3 large cloves of garlic, mashed;
  • 1 tbsp. l. turmeric paste;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey

Once the main ingredients are well mixed, you can add 1 tsp at the end. ground ginger.

The product is applied to the affected joint at night every day for 3 weeks.

Recipe No. 7 - with red pepper

A product based on turmeric and red pepper has a good warming effect.

Expert opinionEvdokia Sergeevna SemenovaHealthy lifestyle expertAsk a question to an expert Important! Warming mixtures are not recommended for use in the acute stage of arthritis, but in case of arthrosis they will come in handy.

To prepare the warming mixture you need to mix:

1 tsp. ground turmeric
0.5 tsp. red pepper
0.5 tsp. ground ginger

Then put the mixture on a napkin and apply it to the sore joint.

Leave the compress on for 2-3 hours. Course - 10 days.

Recipe No. 8 - with salt

If joint pain worsens, you can use the following turmeric-based compress:

  1. Mix 2 tsp. turmeric with a pinch of table salt.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and the same amount of coffee grounds.
  3. Add a little cinnamon and bring to a smooth consistency.

The product is spread on the affected joint and insulated with polyethylene and a woolen scarf. It is recommended to leave the compress on for at least 3 hours.

Duration of use: 10 days.

Means for internal use

If a patient is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis or arthrosis, it is recommended to drink turmeric before bed along with bee honey and milk. To prepare the product, dilute turmeric in a glass of boiling milk, after forming a homogeneous consistency, remove from heat and add 1 tbsp. honey

Also, to treat joint pathologies and increase their flexibility, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • Ground ginger - 20 g;
  • Turmeric 1 tsp;
  • Kefir - 300 ml;
  • Boiling water - 300 ml;
  • Cinnamon and honey - individually. Taste.

Ground ginger



Cinnamon and honey
The drink is prepared in two main stages. First, thoroughly mix turmeric, ginger and tea until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then pour boiling water over it. The infusion is kept in a warm place for 24 hours, after which it is diluted with kefir and cinnamon and honey are added. The drink is taken 1 tbsp. per dose, several times a day. The duration of therapy is 14 days.

How to drink correctly

When taking turmeric internally, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Before the first use, be sure to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to this spice. Although allergies to turmeric are very rare, it is best to start with a small amount of the spice, and if no negative reactions occur, the dosage can be increased to the recommended dosage.
  2. You need to take turmeric-based products in one go, preferably in one gulp. As a rule, it is recommended to take it at night, but there are recipes according to which it is preferable to take the spice in the morning.
  3. You cannot increase the dosage at your own discretion, as well as increase the frequency and frequency of taking the drug. This will not lead to an increase in the effect, but is fraught with negative consequences.

Side effects of aspirin

Kidney failure

A study has found that taking aspirin regularly can lead to kidney damage called analgesic nephropathy. Analgesic nephropathy is a form of chronic kidney failure that occurs with long-term regular use of analgesics such as aspirin.

This disease often begins without visible symptoms, leading to severe kidney failure and the need for daily kidney dialysis.

A 2021 review published in the Korean Journal of Family Medicine found that long-term use of large amounts of aspirin may be associated with kidney failure. The evidence, however, has been mixed, as some studies have not shown a relationship between aspirin abuse and kidney damage. One study, however, found that combining paracetamol and aspirin resulted in greater kidney toxicity than taking aspirin alone.

A study published in the European Journal of Heart Failure found that the effects of aspirin on the kidneys are dose dependent, with aspirin taking more than 80 mg being associated with adverse effects, especially in patients with heart failure.

Liver failure

When aspirin is taken regularly, the drug is absorbed by the liver, which can lead to liver disease or liver failure. This is a very serious disease, since the liver helps eliminate harmful substances from the body. Otherwise, if the liver does not function properly, intoxication occurs.

A 2014 study from Georgetown University Hospital found that drug-related liver damage occurs in an average of 10 out of 100,000 patients. Scientists say that high-dose aspirin can cause hepatotoxicity.

Thus, as a result of treatment with high-dose aspirin, a 41-year-old patient developed acute liver damage, which was eliminated by discontinuation of the drug. This case showed scientists that, despite the lack of information about the effects of aspirin on liver health, the drug can be dangerous in large quantities.


The American College of Gastroenterology states that regularly taking aspirin is the second most common cause of stomach ulcers. This drug causes irritation of the stomach lining and the formation of painful ulcers. Moreover, regular use of aspirin aggravates existing ulcers and can cause complications such as bleeding and perforation of the ulcers.

A study published in the Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare indicates that aspirin treatment is one of the leading causes of deterioration in patients with gastrointestinal ulcers. Scientists have found that aspirin and Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that attacks the stomach, significantly contribute to their development.

Tinnitus and hearing loss

Ringing or tinnitus is a symptom of impaired hearing and damage to the nerves located near the ears. Ringing may be caused by excess aspirin consumption and may indicate intoxication.

According to a systematic review conducted by Harvard Medical School, USA, among patients aged 45 to 79 years who regularly take aspirin, the likelihood of hearing loss is 13-68%.

Scientists have found that 1.95 grams of aspirin per day can significantly impair hearing. They also believe that the side effect is related to the dosage of the drug, and the condition can be improved by stopping the drug.

Hemorrhagic stroke

Although many people take aspirin to thin their blood and prevent heart attack and stroke, this drug can actually make your condition worse in some cases. Sometimes strokes can be caused by bleeding in the brain. In this situation, taking aspirin can make the problem worse and lead to serious brain damage and even death.

Scientists from the University of Illinois, USA, suggest that "the cardiovascular benefits of aspirin must be weighed against the possible risks associated with taking this drug, the most serious of which is hemorrhagic stroke."

Although research suggests that the risk of hemorrhage associated with aspirin use is quite low (0.2 cases per 1,000 patients per year), it should still be listed as a side effect and considered when prescribing aspirin as a measure to prevent heart attacks. and strokes.

Reye's syndrome

Reye's syndrome is a fatal disease that affects vital organs in children, mainly the brain and liver. The study showed that Reye's syndrome is quite rare, but the likelihood of death is very high (about 30-40% of cases lead to death as a result of brain stem dysfunction).

This disease typically occurs in children and adolescents recovering from the flu or chickenpox, and aspirin has been linked to the development of Reye's syndrome.

Scientists believe that the drug may act as a contributing factor in susceptible patients. For this reason, children and teenagers with viral infections should never take aspirin.

A study published in the journal Drug Safety suggests that the severity of the disease may depend on the dosage of aspirin. And in the case of taking aspirin during a viral infection, this drug, in principle, cannot be called safe.

Use for rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis

There are certain features regarding how to take turmeric for medicinal purposes for rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis.

Important rules when taking turmeric:
Turmeric-based compresses should be combined with drinks containing this spice.
For rheumatoid arthritis, it is preferable to use turmeric in the form of ointments, compresses and rubs.
In the acute form of arthritis, compresses with a warming effect are extremely undesirable.
Medicinal drinks based on turmeric are consumed in courses of 1.5 months, after which they take a break for a month and repeat the treatment. For rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis, you need to drink turmeric drinks for 3-4 cycles.
Turmeric does not replace traditional medications; medications prescribed by a doctor must be taken as prescribed.
For rheumatoid arthritis, turmeric can be taken in its pure form (1 tsp), it must be moistened with vegetable oil, wait 2 minutes to activate the beneficial components, and then taken orally.


Despite all its medicinal properties, turmeric also has contraindications for use.

The main ones are:

  • allergy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • immediately before surgery;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • chronic gastrointestinal pathologies.

Strict contraindications are:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • acute gastritis;
  • exacerbation of cholecystitis and hepatitis;
  • exacerbation of glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis.

Consuming turmeric for a long time in large doses can cause an increase in the level of acid in the stomach, which will lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and the appearance of ulcers.

It is important to understand that this spice in large quantities can cause a decrease in blood pressure. This must be taken into account by hypotensive patients, as well as hypertensive patients who take antihypertensive drugs.

In addition, side effects of turmeric may include:

  • bloating;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • cramps in the stomach;
  • pain in the chest.

Turmeric is an affordable spice, and its proper use is safe at any age. In principle, turmeric is considered a harmless seasoning, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of its beneficial properties for joint pathologies. But of course you should stick to what is reasonable.

Turmeric (turmeric, Indian ginger, yellow root) is traditionally used in Eastern medicine to treat joint diseases. Balms and infusions based on hot spices relieve inflammation and pain in diseased areas, restore mobility to the limbs and help restore cartilage tissue. The beneficial properties of the Indian root are not limited to this.

The healing properties of turmeric for joints and more

Turmeric root contains more than 100 biologically active substances: essential oils, essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. But the most valuable component is curcumin - a polyphenolic compound, which determines the main healing properties of the plant.

  • Anti-inflammatory effect. Curcumin stops the production of inflammatory enzymes and slows down the destruction of cartilage tissue, which together suppresses inflammation, relieves negative symptoms of joint ailments and prevents their progression.
  • Protection of cartilage tissue. Products based on yellow root protect cartilage from irreversible changes, improve the quality of cartilage and bone tissue and promote their restoration, thereby increasing the elasticity of joints. Using turmeric to treat arthritis and arthrosis helps stop the progression of these diseases.
  • Antioxidant effect. The active substances of turmeric remove residual metabolic products and salts from joints, activate blood circulation and tissue regeneration. Preparations containing curcumin increase local immunity, neutralize oxidative stress and suppress the development of tumors.
  • Analgesic properties. Turmeric has a warming effect, increasing the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients to diseased areas and restoring mobility to the limbs. Curcumin stimulates the production of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joint surface and prevents friction.

Curcumin preparations and folk recipes based on turmeric enhance the effect of some medications against arthritis, rheumatism, and arthrosis. The product also reduces the side effects of drug therapy. The product for joints can be used as an independent remedy and is indicated in the initial stages of diseases; more advanced conditions require complex therapy.

The spice has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Indian root balances blood glucose levels and prevents the development of diabetes, stimulates the digestive system, treats inflammation of the genitourinary system, strengthens the immune system during colds, and improves the condition of the skin in dermatological diseases.

Medicinal potential of turmeric

Turmeric is classified as ginger and is successfully used for medicinal purposes both in whole form and in powder form. Turmeric is one of the most sought after and popular spices all over the world. In Eastern medicine, the powder is called “natural aspirin.”

The spice has many beneficial properties, but most importantly, it has a strong disinfecting and calming effect and is characterized by a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect on organs and tissues.

Curcumin, which is part of the spice, effectively destroys substances that cause inflammatory processes in the joints.

A number of studies have confirmed the medicinal properties of turmeric as an independent remedy and as an element of complex therapy in combination with other natural products (honey, kefir, ginger, etc.).

It can quickly eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. Turmeric is used not only in treatment, but also in the prevention of pathological processes in joints.

It is used to treat arthritis of various etiologies. But you shouldn’t give up proven methods of traditional medicine. Turmeric therapy is most appropriate in the initial stages of the disease.

Folk remedies based on turmeric for the treatment of joints

Turmeric is effective both internally and externally. It is recommended to use crushed fresh root, ground seasoning, pharmaceutical curcumin or plant extracts as raw materials. The spice can be used alone or in a mix with other medicinal ingredients: ginger, honey and bee products.

Turmeric with ginger for joints:

How to take: mix powdered ginger and turmeric in equal proportions, add honey. Take half a teaspoon of the mixture two to three times daily with water or a hot drink.

Turmeric tincture for joints:

How to take: Grind the unpeeled turmeric root in a blender, place in a dark glass container and fill in equal parts with 65% alcohol or vodka. Leave for 14-16 days, then filter. Take the tincture 10-30 drops per day, after diluting it in water, not too hot ginger tea or a cocktail.


Recipe No. 1. Directions: Mix ground turmeric with coconut or olive oil to form a paste. Apply carefully to the joint damaged by the disease, lightly massaging the sore area, cover with a cloth and hold for 30-60 minutes, then rinse off the paste with cool water. You can apply the compress up to two times a day.

Recipe No. 2. Method of preparation: mix 1 tablespoon of crushed plant root with two or three garlic cloves passed through a press, 1 tsp. freshly ground ginger. Add a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture to the inflamed area and keep for about 45-60 minutes. The procedure can be repeated twice a day.

Attention: spice-based compresses have a strong warming effect, so they can only be used in the absence of acute inflammation.

How to take turmeric correctly for joint pathologies?

This spice helps slow down oxidative processes in organs and tissues and suppress inflammatory processes. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, it does not negatively affect liver cells.

This remedy helps normalize the digestive system and improve metabolism, and it also helps eliminate poisons and endotoxins.

Clinical and laboratory studies, as well as in folk medicine, have identified the main indications for which taking turmeric is most rational:

  • Arthritis (1 tbsp as a food additive);
  • Stomach diseases (1 tsp diluted in a glass of water);
  • Thermal burns (used topically with aloe juice in equal proportions); to suppress hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to take 500 mg of extract and 1 tablet of turmeric 2 times a day;
  • Bleeding gums - mouth rinse (1 tsp per glass);
  • Removing toxins (added to food);
  • For quick recovery from viral and colds (30 ml milk + tea milk powder);
  • Rhinitis of any etiology (smoke from burning turmeric);
  • Pharyngitis, tonsillitis (resorption of a mixture of 3 doses of 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of turmeric);
  • Asthma (orally, on an empty stomach 1/3 tsp of powder + a glass of milk);
  • Malignant neoplasms (in complex therapy, as an adjuvant - an additive to dishes);
  • Inflammation of the eyes (6 grams of turmeric is diluted in 50 ml of water, then boiled until evaporated by 50%. After filtering, used in the form of drops);
  • Excess weight (helps suppress appetite and cravings for sweets, improves the digestibility of proteins).

The medicinal properties of turmeric are a panacea for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases. Regular use of turmeric as a supplement reduces inflammation and helps relieve pain.


The use of curcumin preparations and folk remedies based on the pungent plant is contraindicated in the presence of the following symptoms and conditions:

  • Chronic diseases during exacerbation.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
  • Taking blood thinners.
  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Carrying a child and breastfeeding.

Before starting to take dietary supplements with curcumin or traditional medicine with the addition of the root, consult your doctor to determine a treatment regimen and exclude possible contraindications.

More entries in the category

Even before the advent of full-fledged medications, it was well known how beneficial turmeric is for joints, and how to properly use this spice to treat the musculoskeletal system. This fact is confirmed by numerous historical documents that have survived to this day. Moreover, the description of some treatment methods dates back to the pre-Christian era, that is, several millennia BC.

Thanks to the capabilities of modern science, the healing properties of the popular spice have been confirmed, which has expanded the range of its use in various fields of medicine. We will dwell on the use of turmeric in the treatment of various joint diseases, talk about popular forms of treatment, and offer the most effective folk recipes.

Brief description of the spicy product

Turmeric is one of the most prominent representatives of the Ginger family. The culture grows in regions with tropical and subtropical climates. Today, the main suppliers of spices to the world market are the countries of Southeast Asia: India, China, and the Philippines. The crop is successfully grown in South America.

The most valuable part of the plant is the root, in which the bulk of substances beneficial to the human body are concentrated. The composition of this oriental spice is very complex; it contains several dozen substances and chemical compounds. But the solo part in this symphony is played by curcumin, the main active component. It is this substance that provides all the healing properties of turmeric for joints, since it is the strongest antioxidant. In addition to this property, curcumin complements the popular seasoning with a whole range of beneficial effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • calming;
  • hemostatic;
  • wound healing;
  • painkillers;
  • antiseptic.

The listed set of actions allows you to use turmeric in the home treatment of various joint problems.

In the East, turmeric is still called “natural aspirin” or an antibiotic for its unique qualities. That is why this herbal preparation has become so widespread in oriental medicine.

Medical perspectives of the spice

As already noted, the range of uses of turmeric in medicine is very diverse. Some plant components, such as essential oils, are included in medications that are in demand in official medicine. There are many known ways to use spices for home treatment. As for problems of the musculoskeletal system, both the fresh root of the plant and the powder concentrate are equally often used to treat joints. Moreover, based on the base product, a wide variety of dosage forms can be prepared:

  • infusions;
  • decoctions;
  • healing teas;
  • pastes;
  • ointments;
  • solutions for compresses and rubbing of problem areas.

In a word, turmeric can be considered a universal home remedy for treating joints. Considering the good compatibility of the seasoning with other ingredients, the prospects for such therapy inspire justified optimism. For example, the spice makes an excellent tandem with dairy products and honey; it works effectively in conjunction with other spices and medicinal herbs.

Since each person’s body is individual, before starting treatment using traditional recipes with turmeric, you should consult a doctor. Such precautions will minimize the likelihood of complications and help increase the effectiveness of therapy.

Medicinal properties of turmeric

Scientifically, turmeric is a natural source of essential vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for joint health. Therefore, the product can be used as a powerful prophylactic agent to prevent problems of the musculoskeletal system. The medicinal properties of the spice are manifested in the following actions:

  • improving blood supply to tissues;
  • relieving signs of inflammation;
  • pain relief;
  • restoration of joint mobility;
  • stimulation of synovial fluid production.

Of course, the choice of treatment option depends on the nature of the disease itself and the extent of organ damage. It is for this reason that it is recommended to first consult with a specialist. After all, the treatment method for arthritis will differ from the complex of therapy for arthrosis.

Any home treatment involving turmeric can only be an effective addition to the main complex of therapy. This most important rule must be followed to achieve maximum therapeutic results.

For what joint diseases is turmeric indicated?

Almost all common problems of the musculoskeletal system respond well to treatment using folk remedies based on this spice. Moreover, there are separate dosage forms that should be used in the initial stages of the disease, but there are options that help cope with severe damage to the diseased organ. It is worthwhile to dwell on the mechanism of action of the spice. Once in the body, the main active component, that is, curcumin, demonstrates the following abilities:

  1. Blocks the production of cytokines - substances caused by the inflammatory process. This in turn prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue. Thanks to this feature, turmeric helps with arthritis of various origins, bursitis, and arthrosis.
  2. The antioxidant properties of the spicy product increase joint protection and reduce the effects of oxidative stress, which significantly alleviates the symptoms of the disease.
  3. The reduction in degenerative changes in cartilage tissue is due to the ability of the spicy plant to strengthen the body’s immune resource, as well as stimulate natural regeneration. Clinical trials have shown that people who regularly consume turmeric as a dietary supplement rarely suffer from joint problems.
  4. Analgesic effect. Experts consider turmeric one of the safest alternatives to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. Highly effective for autoimmune joint pathologies. Some types of arthritis are the result of a malfunction of the immune system. This is usually observed when the tissues of one’s own body are attacked because they are perceived as foreign counterparties. Therefore, turmeric helps with rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
  6. Reduces the risk of hereditary factors. People who have a family history of arthritis are also at risk of developing this disease. But if you regularly add turmeric to your food, this will serve as a good prevention.
  7. Fight against pathogenic microflora. Thanks to the powerful antiseptic properties of turmeric, with the help of seasoning it is possible to cope even with the consequences of septic and candidal arthritis.
  8. Increasing the effectiveness of medications. Because curcumin has the ability to relieve pain and inflammation, it may enhance the effects of antirheumatic drugs. This is especially true in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Is it safe to take aspirin every day?

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend using aspirin every day to prevent heart attacks and strokes. However, in some cases, the risk of heart attack and stroke may be much greater than the risk of side effects associated with aspirin use.

But in any case, you need to discuss the consequences of taking this drug with your doctor.

Recent changes to the USPSTF guidelines state that patients should decide to take aspirin only after discussing the benefits and risks of the drug with their doctor. The organization suggests that taking low-dose aspirin as a measure to prevent cardiovascular disease may have a negative effect on people of a certain age.

Taking aspirin daily as a preventative measure may not be effective in those aged 40–59 years.

One study also suggests that one-time use of the drug may be as effective as regular use.

Thus, a 2021 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Research analyzed the effects of aspirin when taken regularly and intermittently for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. The study included 1,720 pairs of patients who took aspirin daily or occasionally between 1997 and 2000. Scientists recorded 25 cases of bleeding and 67 cases of stroke in volunteers who regularly took the drug, while in patients of the second group the number of cases was 69 and 100, respectively.

At the same time, the researchers monitored the development of cancer in the experiment participants. In those who periodically took aspirin, 32 cases of cancer were identified, and in patients who constantly took the drug, 26 cases were recorded. The scientists concluded that long-term, regular use of aspirin was not significantly more effective than intermittent use of the drug in preventing heart attack and stroke.

Those who take aspirin for preventive purposes have something to think about. Is Aspirin Really Necessary for Your Health? Will it do more harm than good?


Despite the impressive list of positive properties, spice cannot always be used for medicinal purposes. You should not risk your health and treat joints with turmeric in the following situations:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • patients diagnosed with cholelithiasis;
  • persons with individual intolerance to this product;
  • those who are undergoing surgery in the next two weeks;
  • patients with blood clotting problems, since the product can provoke bleeding or, conversely, contribute to the formation of blood clots.

You should also limit the use of turmeric to patients suffering from gout and during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Contraindications to taking turmeric

It is not recommended to take turmeric if you have one or more of the following contraindications:

  1. In the presence of clinical cholelithiasis (promotes the movement of stones and blockage of the bile ducts);
  2. Individual intolerance or hyperreaction;
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding (can only be taken as a spice);
  4. Predisposition to bleeding;
  5. Preoperative preparation, regardless of location.

Review of the most popular recipes

After a thorough study of the theoretical part, you can begin to get acquainted with the most popular turmeric-based recipes. To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, treatment of joints with turmeric at home must be carried out with strict adherence to the indicated dosages and frequency of medication administration.

Golden paste

This is perhaps the most popular recipe. To prepare the product, you can use spice powder or fresh roots. The paste is suitable for both internal use and external treatment of the problem organ. The whole procedure consists of several elementary steps:

  1. First you need 50 grams. Add spicy raw materials to a glass of water.
  2. Place the mixture on the fire and cook until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream.
  3. Transfer the hot mixture into a glass jar and close the lid tightly.
  4. When the paste has cooled, store the medicine in the refrigerator.
  5. When used internally, you can mix the paste with honey, milk
  6. It is recommended to start treatment with one quarter teaspoon, increasing the dosage weekly by exactly the same portion. The maximum permissible dose is a tablespoon, but in the absence of adverse reactions. Golden paste is best taken after meals, and it is strictly forbidden to combine it with taking other medications.

Golden paste is best taken after meals, and it is strictly forbidden to combine it with other medications.

Golden milk

The method of preparing this healing drink is also not complicated:

  1. Add a teaspoon of tea paste to a glass of boiling milk.
  2. Immediately remove from heat and stir the medicine well.
  3. Before taking, you can add a little natural honey to improve the taste.
  4. It is best to take this medicine before bed.

This recipe can be taken as the basis for effective prevention or included in therapy for arthritis and arthrosis. The course of such treatment should not be less than 40 days.

Spicy mix

Turmeric goes best with ginger. You can use two options for preparing a healing cocktail:

  1. Option 1: Mix equal parts of turmeric, ground ginger root and honey. Take half a teaspoon of the medicine before meals.
  2. Option 2: combine 1 l. tsp turmeric with a double portion of grated ginger and ½ l. h. red pepper. Then dilute the mixture with heated mustard oil. The resulting pasty mixture is recommended to be used for compresses. The procedure time is 2-3 hours.
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