Bernard currents: indications and contraindications for physiotherapy

Electrotherapy is the use of the properties of electric current for therapeutic purposes; it occupies a separate large section in physiotherapy. Modern methods of physiotherapy use electric current to combat various pathologies: injuries of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the nervous system, during recovery in the postoperative period.

This article will discuss the various uses of electrotherapy in medicine, and also describe the main mechanism of its action on the human body.

What are Bernard currents?

Diadynamic currents or Bernard currents are constant low-frequency pulse currents of a half-sinusoidal shape, which are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Principle and mechanism of action of therapy

With the passage of Bernard currents, smooth and skeletal muscles contract , which leads to stimulation of the muscular corset, muscles of the vascular walls and internal organs.

Bernard currents affect smooth and skeletal muscle tissue

When an electric current with an intensity of 100 Hz irritates nerve receptors , an analgesic effect occurs. This often occurs during a physical therapy session.

Repeated impulses irritate peripheral receptors, due to which a “dominant rhythmic stimulation” is formed in the brain. It, in turn, suppresses the existing “dominant pain”, which leads to the elimination of pain.

A current with a frequency of 50 Hz promotes rhythmic contraction of muscle fibers, increased lymph and blood circulation . A current with a frequency of 100 Hz has a pronounced inhibitory effect on the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to the expansion of arterioles, activation of collateral capillaries, improvement of blood circulation and tissue nutrition.

Advantages over other methods

Advantages of Bernard currents over other methods of treating diseases:

  • relief of pain in the shortest possible time;
  • normalization of blood circulation processes, relieving inflammation;
  • increased muscle tone due to low frequency impulses.

Thanks to a large set of electrodes, manipulation can be carried out on any part of the body , including small bone joints (with the exception of the head).

But if the patient suffers from a chronic disease of unknown etiology, unpleasant symptoms may appear again after a few days.

Some people experience side effects such as skin rashes. But the use of modern drugs for diadynamic therapy reduces the risk of adverse reactions.

Mechanism of action

Physiotherapy with pulsed currents became possible due to the ability of electricity to penetrate the entire thickness of the skin and act on water dipoles. This leads to dehydration and also increases the permeability of tissues to various substances. The temperature of the treated area increases by 1 degree, which stimulates the release of enzymes and activates the work of macrophages.

As a result of diadynamic therapy (DDT), small vessels located on the surface expand, which increases blood flow.

At the same time, inflammation is reduced due to the activation of the body’s defense system in the form of the release of macrophages. Excess fluid is released from the cells under the influence of current, which ensures a rapid reduction in swelling. And stimulation of metabolic processes accelerates recovery and improves tissue regeneration.

Under the influence of electricity, the sensitivity of pain receptors is noticeably reduced, which allows the patient’s condition to quickly improve. At the same time, endorphins are released into the blood, which relax the nervous system and ensure normalization of the condition. A stimulating effect is exerted on the muscles, which tones them and causes them to contract. This is especially important for patients whose muscle fibers are severely atrophied.

What is therapy used for?

As part of diadynamic therapy, different types of devices are used . Most often, doctors use SNIM-1 (the abbreviation stands for “sinusoidal, low-frequency, pulsed, modulated”), which increases the effectiveness of treatment through the use of different currents. Operation of SNIM-1 is possible only in a hospital setting and only under the supervision of a doctor.

If desired, the procedure can be carried out at home , in familiar and comfortable conditions. For this, simple portable devices are used. The purchase of a device should be discussed with a doctor, since self-medication in this case is unacceptable. The specialist’s task is to ensure that there are indications and that there are no contraindications, to adjust the current supply system, and to adjust the treatment regimen if health conditions worsen.

Advantages of our clinic

  • Professionalism . Our clinic employs experienced and trained physiotherapists.
  • Saving time . Physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out by appointment, this allows you to avoid wasting time in queues.
  • Painless . During the DDT procedure, the patient does not feel pain.
  • High efficiency . Electric current treatment effectively stimulates muscle groups and restores joints.

Indications for the use of Bernard currents

Most often, diadynamic therapy is prescribed to patients with diagnosed neuralgic diseases.

But, due to the possibility of simultaneous administration of drugs and a wide variety of methods of influence, Bernard currents are used to treat other pathologies accompanied by stiffness of movement and pain. The use of diadynamic therapy contributes to an almost immediate improvement in well-being.

Indications for the use of diadynamic therapy are:

  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as spinal hernia, epicondylitis, spondylosis, osteochondrosis of any part of the spine of varying severity.
  • pathological joint mobility caused by operations and injuries;
  • muscle overstrain in people professionally involved in sports;
  • joint damage: polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, arthrosis (including deforming);

  • Check out the indications for the use of diadynamic currents for diseases of the digestive tract:

  • dislocations and fractures without the use of metal elements of osteosynthesis, their complications, soft tissue injuries;
  • disorders of the functioning of the intestines and gallbladder, gastritis, duodenal and stomach ulcers in remission;
  • acute lesions of the peripheral nervous system: neuralgia, plexitis, polyneuropathy, neuritis, radiculitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • ENT pathologies: chronic sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • cardiovascular diseases: the initial stage of development of atherosclerosis, Raynaud's syndrome, the initial stage of varicose veins, hypertension of II and I degrees;
  • inflammatory and infectious pathologies;
  • skin, dental and eye diseases accompanied by itching and pain;
  • connective tissue pathologies: keloid scars and adhesions.

In each of the listed cases, the decision on the advisability of using Bernard currents is made by the doctor. In principle, the procedure is quite safe. However, before performing diadynamic therapy, it is necessary to ensure that there are no contraindications.

Video: “Treating joints with physiotherapy”

What effect does physiotherapy have?

First of all, physiotherapy can be either an addition to therapy or the main form of treatment. Prescribing physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is necessary to solve certain problems and achieve goals, which include:

  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • normalization of motor functions;
  • providing tissues with the nutrition necessary to activate regenerative properties;
  • reduce the amount of medications consumed;
  • eliminate the source of inflammation;
  • strengthen the patient's immune system.

All these effects are achieved through the action of the properties of transformed forms of energy. Procedures are prescribed taking into account the stage of the disease and the characteristics of its course.

Active treatment is indicated only during periods of remission, and during exacerbation of the disease it is recommended to use methods that are aimed at achieving an analgesic effect.


At first glance, the list of contraindications may seem extensive. But in most patients, the listed diseases and conditions simply do not occur due to their low prevalence.

Carrying out diadynamic therapy in the following cases is fraught with deterioration of the patient’s condition:

  • myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, angina pectoris;
  • inflammatory and allergic skin lesions;
  • various neoplasms;
  • impaired skin sensitivity;
  • decreased or increased blood clotting;
  • general serious condition of the patient;
  • tuberculosis of the kidneys or lungs in the active stage;
  • exhaustion;
  • mental illness in the acute stage;
  • individual intolerance to the method;
  • various forms of epilepsy;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • increased body temperature;
  • skin damage;
  • presence of a pacemaker, metal implants;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, if impact on the corresponding parts of the body is necessary;
  • X-ray therapy, as well as 2 weeks after it;
  • thrombophlebitis at the site of current exposure;
  • individual intolerance to the drug administered using diadynamophoresis;
  • purulent skin diseases.

contract rhythmically during diadynamic therapy , so electrical impulse therapy cannot be used during pregnancy (especially if the effect is planned on the lumbar and abdominal area). A doctor must identify diseases and conditions in which treatment with Bernard currents is impossible.

Since Bernard currents cause muscles to contract rhythmically, they are contraindicated for pregnant women


Drug diadynamophoresis involves the simultaneous exposure of the patient’s body to Bernard currents and pharmaceutical drugs administered using electrical impulses. DDT, in contrast to galvanic current, which is used in classical electrophoresis, has a more diverse effect.

Drug phoresis is used to treat diseases with deeply localized lesions. First of all, the goal of diadynamic therapy is to achieve an analgesic, vasodilating, trophic and resorption effect. Therefore, analgesics (Novocaine) and vasodilators (aminophylline) are administered using phoresis. Medicines delivered to tissues using physiotherapy with Bernard currents penetrate deeper into the tissues, are absorbed faster into the blood and enter the internal organs.

How to carry out therapy correctly?

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Next fact

Physiotherapeutic treatment with Bernard currents consists of several stages:

  1. Preparing the device . The device is connected to the network and wait for the corresponding indicator to light up. The equipment warms up for 1-2 minutes, after which an image appears on the screen indicating that the device is ready for operation.
  2. Preparation of electrodes . Electrodes are usually round in shape. The doctor’s task is to determine in advance the areas of the body with which the device will come into contact. Sponge pads are moistened in warm water, thoroughly wrung out and secured to the electrodes. Then the wires are connected to the device.
  3. Equipment setup . The specialist examines the patient’s medical record and indications for the procedure. Then he determines the duration of the procedure and changes the current supply pattern.
  4. Conversation with the patient . The doctor prepares the patient for the upcoming procedure and tells him about the sensations that the person will experience during the session.
  5. Starting the current supply . The patient is seated or laid down on a couch, after which the nurse connects electrodes to specific areas of the body. At the beginning of the procedure, a slight tingling sensation appears, which gradually turns into a burning sensation and vibration. As the current increases, the sensations become more intense. The process is controlled by a specialist, whose task is to prevent vibration from turning into pain. If the patient complains of severe tingling or a feeling of tightness, the current intensity is reduced.
  6. Ending the session . At the end of the procedure, the electrodes are removed, and the sponge pads are washed in cold water and sterilized. The skin where the electrodes are attached remains red for some time.

The duration of one session depends on several factors:

  • purpose of physiotherapeutic treatment;
  • form of current used;
  • the severity of the existing pathology;
  • number of sites selected by the doctor.

The duration of the procedure is less than 10 minutes. The course of treatment is determined by a specialist and, as a rule, includes 3-10 sessions. At first (the first 3 days) they are carried out daily, then every other day.

Video: “Modern methods of physiotherapy for joints”

Methodology of the procedure

Physiotherapy requires special equipment. Devices for carrying out DDT include:

  • SNIM-1 for stationary use, DTGE-70-01, Tonus-1, Tonus-2 portable type (can be purchased for home) made in Russia;
  • “Binulsator”, “Diadynamic” of foreign companies.

Before using the device, it must be connected to the network. After installing the electrodes, turn the toggle switch, which is indicated by a lamp located on the control panel. Then the current form suitable for therapy should be selected. To monitor it, the devices are equipped with oscilloscope screens.

With a static arrangement of electrodes, the doctor can change the types of current to achieve the best effect. The following places are most often chosen as application points:

  • trigeminal nerve (one electrode at the point where the fibers exit, the other at the area of ​​greatest pain);
  • superior sympathetic cervical ganglion (the patient occupies a position on his side, with the cathode located at the lower jaw, and the anode 2 cm above it, perpendicular to the neck);
  • glossopharyngeal nerve (under the lower jaw, forming an angle with it);
  • temporal zone (electrodes are fixed at eyebrow level);
  • shoulder joint (cathode and anode are located in front and behind the joint);
  • branches of the trigeminal nerve (one electrode in the place of the highest pain, the second in the area where it radiates);
  • ankle joint (clamps are attached to the joint on both sides);
  • stomach area (electrodes are located on both sides of the body - in the epigastrium and on the back);

  • cervical vertebrae (on both sides of the affected area);
  • bronchi and trachea (both electrodes are located between the shoulder blades);
  • lumbosacral zone (above the affected area);
  • sciatic nerve (cathode at the point of exit of the fibers, anode on the upper part of the thigh);
  • large intestine (one at the site of projection of the ascending colon, the other descending colon);
  • legs (one on the lumbar region, the second alternately on the hips, in the lower leg, on the foot);
  • uterus (cathode above the symphysis pubis, anode in the sacrum);
  • orbital region (one on the closed eyelid, the second under the neck);
  • lungs (above the lesion);
  • larynx (on the sides of the thyroid cartilage);
  • intercostal nerves (along the fibers at the exit site and in front of the chest);
  • paranasal sinuses (in the place of projection on the face);
  • wound surface (along the edges of the injury);
  • tonsils (under the lower jaw);
  • ear (a turunda made of gauze is inserted inside, onto which a warm solution of furatsilin, iodine, zinc, lidase or other medicine is applied, and the electrodes are placed on a tampon and on the cheek on the opposite side of the body);
  • elbow joint (in the area of ​​the humeral condyles).

The correct placement of the electrodes during the procedure is determined by the physiotherapist. To conduct a session at home, you must consult a specialist, during which he will clearly demonstrate how to connect and use the device.

Reviews from doctors and people about the use of Bernard currents

Typically, a course of treatment with diadynamic current consists of 10 sessions. The Internet contains reviews from ordinary patients and medical professionals.

Both of them used Bernard currents to achieve different goals: some - for the comprehensive healing of the body, some - to improve well-being in case of existing diseases.

Typically, patients were prescribed a maximum course of diadynamic therapy, consisting of 10 sessions..

Many people wrote that they did not complete the full course recommended by their doctor, but not because of ineffectiveness.

On the contrary, the patient's health improved after several procedures to such an extent that further treatment was no longer necessary.

The essence of the method

During the pathological process, accumulation of oxidation products occurs in the affected tissue area. This leads to a change in the charge of the electric field in a positive direction. As a result, nerve endings are activated, tissue function is disrupted and pain occurs. To return normal charge to tissues, diadynamic therapy is used. It is based on the use of electrical currents for therapeutic purposes, the frequency of which is 50–100 Hz, low voltage (60–80V) and strength up to 50 mA.

In medical institutions, a stationary DDT device is used to deliver impulses to tissues. The procedure is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You can use diadynamic current treatment at home using a portable device without spending a lot of money. The most commonly used devices for treatment with diadynamic currents are: “Tonus 2M”, “SNIM”, “Diadynamic”. The current frequency range of some devices (for example, Endomed-481) allows it to be used for treatment with diadynamic and interference currents (alternating currents of sound frequency).

Physiotherapeutic equipment for creating alternating current consists of a generator and electrodes. One device can operate in several modes:

  • continuous supply of high-frequency current ensures accelerated transmission of electrical impulses and a rapid therapeutic effect;
  • continuous supply of reduced frequency current (half the standard) is used to treat patients with poor tolerance to this type of physiotherapy or in the presence of concomitant diseases;
  • supply of alternating current of various frequencies is used for restorative treatment of relatively healthy patients.

Physiotherapy of DDT is carried out in a lying position, less often - sitting (depending on which position provides better access to the source of influence). The strength of the impact is determined individually depending on the patient’s medical history and sensations during the procedure. To achieve the desired effect, it is important to completely relax the patient, especially the muscles that are affected by the current. The electrodes should not directly touch the skin; to do this, they are insulated with oilcloth. Diadynamic currents with a frequency of 50 Hz cause a burning sensation, tingling, and sometimes painful vibration. The frequency of 100 Hz is felt as a fine vibration and is easier to tolerate. The standard voltage is 2–30 mA. As sensations decrease, the current strength gradually increases.

Types of diadynamic impulses

Diadynamic currents are successfully used to combat various diseases. In each individual case, specially selected electrical impulses are used.

There are the following types of diadynamic currents:

ContinuousFor treatment, currents of 50 Hz are used at intervals of 1 minute. They have a positive effect on the muscular system.
During the procedure, diadynamic impulses with a force of 100 Hz are used. Muscle contraction and blood vessel dilation occur, and pain is reduced.
WaveDuring therapy, there is a gradual increase in amplitude, starting from zero and up to maximum values. After the cycle decreases, a short break is taken and the session continues. The wave method of treatment with diadynamic currents helps reduce pain and stimulates muscles.
ShortenedDuring each session, different forms of current alternate. Shortened diadynamic impulses stimulate skeletal muscles.
Two-periodThe amplitude gradually increases, then decreases over 8 seconds and repeats again. Two-period treatment improves blood circulation in the muscles and reduces pain.

Diadynamic therapy in some cases involves the use of certain medications. This procedure is called diadynamophoresis, when the active components of a specially selected medicine enter the inflammatory focus and quickly eliminate pathological processes.

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