Which massager will help get rid of back and neck pain?

A detailed article on how to choose and buy the right massager for your back and neck!

80% of people over 30 years of age suffer from back pain - spasms, heaviness and impaired mobility. At the same time, 68% already have intervertebral hernias, which can lead not only to the development of osteochondrosis, but also to general paralysis.

If you take care of your spine in time, there will be no such consequences. All that’s left to do is buy the right massager for your back and neck at the right price.

What should the right massager be like?

There are 30 options on the market and each manufacturer beats itself in the chest, “Our massager helps better than others!” How can you verify these statements without wasting money, time and health?

It's simple! The right massager meets the three “sacred” principles of manual therapy: deep penetration (to spasming muscles), precision of impact and safety.

Deep penetration

The right massager works the muscles at a depth of up to 26-28 mm, since the cause of back pain “emerges” there - spasms, which lead to the development of osteochondrosis, hernia and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Impact accuracy

The right massager accurately affects the spasmed area of ​​the muscle, which allows you to quickly relieve tension, get rid of acute pain and relieve stress on the spine.

If the massager affects a wide area of ​​the back or neck, this reduces the effectiveness of the procedure or does not produce results at all.


If the technology is patented, certified and tested in numerous studies, then the massager is considered safe. The only thing worse than the current problem is getting worse. Therefore, choose a massager that was invented by doctors or medical scientists.

Let's pull and pull! Who can benefit from spinal traction?

When your back hurts, the natural desire is to hang on the horizontal bar.

How beneficial are tractions for the spine? In what cases can their use be justified, and when can they cause harm?

We talked about therapeutic traction with a neurologist and chiropractor at the Expert Voronezh Clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences Viktor Fedorovich Opletaev.

— Back pain is always unpleasant. Modern doctors have enough methods in their arsenal to alleviate the condition of a patient with back diseases: from non-traumatic massage to radical surgery. In what cases is spinal traction prescribed?

The main indications for this procedure (otherwise known as spinal traction) are protrusions and small (up to 6 mm) herniated intervertebral discs; “unloading” of intervertebral discs and so-called facet joints; weakening or eliminating compression of nerve formations.

Read the material on the topic: How to treat hernias and protrusions of the spine?

In simple words, spinal traction is indicated for a patient who is in the gap between a healthy person and someone who already needs surgery.

— Victor Fedorovich, what types of spinal traction exist?

Conventionally, according to the method of execution, it is divided into “dry” and underwater (the definitions speak for themselves); simple mechanical (using weights) and hardware (using a computer and traction system). The latter happens in combination with massage and without it.

— How is the healing effect achieved during spinal traction?

During the procedure, the perivertebral ligaments and muscles are stretched. The pressure inside the intervertebral disc decreases. Conditions are created to eliminate subluxations of the intervertebral joints, reduce or relieve compression (pressure) of the spinal nerves and feeding blood vessels passing here. The latter fact helps to improve microcirculation, reduce venous stagnation and swelling of the spinal roots.

Read the material on the topic: Does osteochondrosis exist?

— Tell us more about hardware spinal traction. How is this procedure carried out?

The procedure is performed in a lying position on a special table (couch). The patient is put on two belts - one above and the other below the traction site. These belts are fixed, respectively, to the head and foot ends of the bed. When stretching the neck, a so-called Glisson loop is put on the head (traction is done with its help), the lower part of the body is not fixed.

Using a computer program, the traction mode and its parameters are selected (load, with or without massage, etc.) and traction begins. It is fully automated and performed exactly according to the specified parameters.

After the procedure is completed, it is necessary to wear a corset (on the thoracic and thoracolumbar regions) or a special Shants collar (on the neck) for some time (1-2 hours). This is done to prevent sudden “shrinkage” of the discs after traction.

In the future, it is advisable to engage in physical therapy to strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine.

— How many sessions does a patient need to undergo to achieve a therapeutic effect?

Optimally - from 10 to 20, depending on the dynamics of positive changes. On average, the patient begins to feel the effect after 5-7 sessions. Sometimes after 1-2 sessions there may be a certain deterioration. If it is insignificant, according to the doctor’s decision, the course of traction can be continued. Otherwise, the procedure is not carried out further.

Read the material on the topic: Who will benefit from MRI of the spine?

— When is hardware spinal traction contraindicated?

As with any physiotherapeutic procedure, contraindications include cancer; exacerbation of chronic pathologies, inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity; intervertebral hernia more than 6 mm (relative contraindication, the possibility of carrying out the procedure is decided depending on the specific situation); so-called sequestered hernias (when a fragment of the disc is separated from its main mass), osteoporosis, old age.

Read the material on the topic: How is manual therapy useful?

— Under what conditions can spinal traction cause harm to a patient suffering from back pain?

This is possible if the above contraindications are ignored; when the procedure is performed without an MRI examination and there is no accurate diagnosis.

— Is it true that spinal traction provokes hernia formation and leads to the formation of new protrusions?

No, quite the opposite, since the mechanism of action on the discs is aimed precisely at reducing the conditions for the formation of protrusions and hernias.

Read more materials about health, methods of diagnosis and treatment of various diseases on our social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki

— In order to undergo spinal traction, do you need a doctor’s referral?

Absolutely yes. This procedure is carried out on the direction of a neurologist, orthopedist-traumatologist or neurosurgeon, since only a specialized specialist can objectively assess the indications, contraindications and predict the development of possible complications.

Read the material on the topic: Educational program on medical professions. When to contact a neurologist?

— Spinal traction is indicated only for the treatment of diseases of the spinal column or can it be recommended for prevention?

In a certain sense, we can talk about prevention. For example, a person may have osteochondrosis, which is even accompanied by pain (particularly due to muscles), but there are no hernias or protrusions (yet). In this case, traction can be considered as a method of preventing pathological structural changes in the intervertebral discs.

— Viktor Fedorovich, what diagnostics does a patient need to undergo before spinal traction sessions?

It is mandatory to perform an MRI of the spine and, if indicated, electroneuromyography.

You can sign up for an MRI of the spine here

— What should a patient be wary of during a spinal traction procedure? How to understand that his health is in the reliable hands of a professional?

It is important to focus on the appearance of pain: normally the procedure is painless.

You will be told more about spinal traction during your consultation.

You can make an appointment by phone in the contacts section

Please note: the service is not available in all cities


Popular neck and back massagers: pros and cons

  1. Tennis ball. Affordable and inexpensive massager. It relieves pain for a short time, but only affects a depth of 5-6 mm. Although the cause of pain is at a depth of 26-28 mm.
  2. Roller. Similar to a tennis ball - temporarily relieves pain, but does not treat the cause. Has many contraindications. For example, a roller massage for a herniated disc can aggravate the pathology and increase pain.
  3. Massage chair. It is ineffective and even dangerous, since erratic and harsh vibration can displace a vertebra or cause a pinched nerve.

It is obvious that these massagers do not comply with the principles of manual therapy. They don't cope with the task and can harm you.

What then will help solve your back problem?

Cordus is an international technology for relieving back and neck pain!

“Cordus” is a patented device and accompanying method of spinal therapy that not only eliminates pain, but also treats its cause! The principle of operation is to relax the muscles and eliminate compression of the intervertebral disc or nerve.

The device copes with pain much better than various ointments, pain-relieving injections and other medications. In fact, this is the only massager that meets all the stated principles:

  1. It is safe for the body,
  2. Works the deep muscles of the spine (up to 28 mm),
  3. Precisely affects the spasmodic area and relaxes the muscles in a few minutes!

Typical result after training with the Cordus apparatus

  1. Posture correction at any age.
  2. Restoring the functioning of the vertebrae.
  3. Elimination of back and neck pain.
  4. Relaxation of muscles, elimination of pinched nerve endings.

What does the device look like?

The design corresponds to the anatomical features of the vertebrae of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, consisting of three pairs of therapeutic vertices. They affect the deep intervertebral muscles, which neither the doctor’s hands nor other massagers can reach.

Light weight, pleasant-to-touch surface and compactness allow you to take the device on any trip and practice at home, business trips or travel.

How does he work?

All you need to do is place it on a carpet or sports mat under the desired part of the spine and relax for 3 minutes. Next, transfer it under another segment of the spine. This kind of work is done on every department - from the cervical to the lumbar (5-8 zones in total).

During the procedure, the anatomical elevation is smoothly immersed to a depth of 26-28 mm, directly affecting the deep intervertebral muscles. This therapy relaxes the muscles and relieves spasms - the main cause of pain in the back and neck.

The device with vibration modes and reflexology provides better and faster relaxation of tense spinal muscles thanks to vibration. Reflexology relieves tension and stress in the nervous system, improves sleep and activates recovery processes in the muscles and the whole body.

To consolidate the result, it is recommended to use additional manual exercises from the instructions.

Cordus is a modern development of doctors and scientists!

The inventor of the Cordus device has a higher medical education and many years of practical experience in eliminating back and neck pain.

The device has been tested in many studies, where it has proven to be highly effective in relieving pain and preventing the occurrence of intervertebral hernia.

The device penetrates the back to the spine and relieves tension from deep muscles. Each side is designed for a specific part of the spine. This allows you to easily treat the thoracic spine in a short time and permanently eliminate the cause of pain.

The device corresponds to the three principles of effective therapy and relieves muscle pain better than drugs and other means. At the same time he:

  1. Does not harm muscles and does not displace vertebrae,
  2. Works muscles to their full depth,
  3. Quickly relaxes even the most cramped muscles.
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