“Second Heart” Nuga Best - foot massager

As you know, there are many active acupuncture points on the human body, by properly influencing which you can improve your overall health, normalize your well-being, strengthen your immune system and get rid of many ailments. There are about 360 of these points on our body, 34 of which are located on the feet. Therefore, a person’s feet are often called the “foundation of health”, by protecting them properly one can remain young and healthy for many years.

Today, many fans of alternative medicine use various products and devices made from tourmanium ceramics to prevent diseases. One of these devices is a compact and easy-to-use massager from the Nuga Best company “Second Heart” with a myostimulator. Regular care of your legs, and in particular your feet, using the “Second Heart” foot massager will help improve your cardiovascular system and the body as a whole, and replenish your energy and strength. How does this massager affect the human body? Are there any contraindications to its use?

Feet are the mirror of health

Methods of foot massage were known not only in the East. Native Americans also knew about foot massage. Perhaps that is why they interested Dr. William Fitzgerald. He was one of those who stood at the origins of modern reflexology.

Fitzgerald noticed that applying pressure during massage to a specific part of the body improves the condition of internal organs. In addition, it reduces pain.

The fact is that each vital organ is projected onto a strictly defined part of the soles of the feet. Therefore, if you reflexively influence these projection points, you can ultimately improve the work and function of certain organs.

Thus. Reflexology treats the foot as a map of the entire body.


Even a simple foot massage has a lot of benefits for a person’s well-being. This is the most popular procedure in beauty salons. It is often added to daily care for your face and body. Modern devices provide a full-fledged complex, including not only mechanical massage, but also exposure to pulses, infrared radiation, and skin cleansing.

The hardware vibrating massager provides:

  • long-term effectiveness, which is significantly higher than that of manual manipulations, which weaken over time;
  • availability of self-massage regardless of time and place;
  • savings on massage therapist services;
  • the ability to regularly use this method of self-care;
  • the presence of many programs for various purposes: improving blood circulation, fighting cellulite, excess weight, reducing muscle tone, relaxation.

Positive effects on health

The range of massagers is very large: baths for hydromassage, roller, compression lymphatic drainage, manual. All of them are divided into subtypes: for the eyes, head, face, neck, forearms, back, abdomen, waist, arms, legs, feet. They work out areas of the body with high quality, not inferior to the actions of a qualified professional. There are also universal models.

All of them are good for health:

  • A feeling of pleasure, maximum relaxation. This will relieve tension and restore strength: both physical and moral. Massage lifts your mood and gives positive emotions.
  • This is an effective method of combating sleep disorders. It becomes deeper, calmer, longer lasting.
  • Massaging stiff muscles can help reduce pain. This is how they fight headaches.
  • Blood circulation improves and lymph outflow is stimulated. All this reduces swelling and problems of the circulatory system.
  • Muscles become more elastic and recover more easily after training. Hardware massage is effective for rehabilitation after injuries.
  • The complexion improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, toxins are removed from the body.

To prevent and treat many diseases, including arthritis, it is better to buy a special device and use it regularly. So, to combat flat feet, hydromassage baths with a scalloped bottom are used. Massage in combination with water makes the skin pleasant to the touch, the heels soft, without cracks.

Why "Second Heart"

Because the heart does a gigantic job. Our pump pumps blood through every capillary, every organ and tissue of the body. As a result of circulation, the blood delivers oxygen. It takes metabolic products from the tissues and rushes back to the heart.

It is known that the veins of the upper and lower extremities play a large role in the outflow of blood. From the fingers to the shoulder, there are up to 20 special valves in the veins.

From the toes to the thigh - up to 25. The speed of venous blood flow and pressure largely depends on the tone, elasticity, thickness and patency of the venous walls. Veins pump 300 liters. at one o'clock. There are more than 100 billion capillaries in the human body. It must be said that their total length is 100,000 km.

If the veins have weak tone, for example, there are atherosclerotic plaques. This means the pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult for the heart to pump blood. Veins become deformed.

As a result, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, high blood pressure, heart failure, etc.

Eastern medicine believes that the feet are the “second heart” of a person. The soles of the feet close the “circle of life” - arterial and venous circulation.

Massager device NM 55

“Second Heart” Nuga Best is a massager. Externally, it looks like a small rug made of tourmanium ceramics. The mat has rounded cone-shaped inserts. They resemble chocolate truffles.

The shape of the pyramids allows the energy of long-wave infrared rays to be concentrated as much as possible in the upper part. It is she who comes into contact with the foot.

There are 7 pyramids in four places of the massager. They differ from the others in height by 7 mm. It should be noted that this is the optimal value for maintaining the arched shape of the foot.

The left side of the massager heats up and has three T° modes. This is: 50/60/70°C. The right side remains cold.

Installation panel with temperature display.

Methods of healing

The energy of life is at one point

Reflexology (acupressure) is the stimulation of bio-points. Impulses from specific nerve centers transmit signals to the affected organ. Thereby activating the self-healing system.

The MM-55 massager is effective:

  • For diseases of the joints and spine.
  • Digestive problems, peptic ulcers.
  • Migraine.
  • Stress.
  • Allergies.
  • Sclerosis.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Other problems.

Contrast massage

The left side of the MM-55 massager heats up. The right one remains cold. Alternating exposure to cold and warm stimulates the work of capillaries, expanding them. As a result, oxygen saturation of organs improves. All this contributes to the activation of metabolic processes.

Eventually. Over time, the chilliness and numbness of the legs disappear. Blood sugar returns to normal. This is important for diabetic patients. Venous outflow improves. As a result, swelling of the legs decreases and fatigue is relieved.

Contrast massage is used:

  • For hardening.
  • For heavy sweating.
  • Cold feet syndrome.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Vessels of the limbs.
  • Migraines.
  • To relieve stress and tired legs.
  • swelling and pain after exercise.

Low frequency therapy

The tall pyramids on the right (cold) half of the massager are low-frequency probes. They provide low frequency therapy. In this mode, you need to place a damp cloth or towel under your feet.

Contraindications and scope of application

"Nuga Best" not only stimulates important points, but also has a temperature and electromagnetic effect. One half of the device always remains cold, the other - warm . This allows you to experiment with massage techniques, achieving different therapeutic results.

Despite conflicting reviews from doctors, the bed has few contraindications and can be recommended for use when:

  • metabolic disorders,
  • musculoskeletal disorders,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • pathologies of the biliary tract,
  • insomnia,
  • diabetes,
  • prostatitis,
  • digestive problems.

According to doctors, the device can achieve better results in the treatment of osteochondrosis and joint diseases. But before starting therapy, you should read the instructions in detail and find out the contraindications.

The therapeutic effect is enhanced by deep electrowave effects. According to doctors, you should not overuse massage. The maximum session duration is 12 minutes, after which the device automatically turns off.

Despite its wide range of applications and minimal side effects, the bed should be used with caution in case of varicose veins, since temperature exposure can adversely affect the patient’s condition. Direct contraindications to the use of a massager are injuries, dermatitis, and damage to the skin. If you plan to use the Nuga Best mat for sitting or warming your abdomen, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to using the device in this form. The mat should not be used if the thermal effect on certain organs is undesirable.

How to use the massager – NM 55

The device has a timer. After 12 minutes of operation, it automatically turns off. It is best to alternate types of massage and perform the procedure every day. As a result, after a few sessions you can feel an improvement in your general condition. Switching massage modes using buttons on the display. Which is located on the massage mat.

Recommended use

  • In the morning, after getting up.
  • In the evening. before bedtime.
  • Any time, during the day.

1 option

Place both feet on the left side of the massager (heated). After 2 minutes, after the sound signal, place your feet on the right side of the massager (with cooling).

Repeat steps 3 times. It will be like this: 3 times “heating” - 2 min. / 3 times “cooling” - 2 min. Every 2 min. the signal is triggered. The signal reminds you that you need to change the position of your feet.

It should be noted that this can be done while sitting on a chair or armchair. You can lean on the table.

Option 2

Place your left foot on the left side of the massager (heated). Right to right (with cooling). After 2 min. swap legs. Repeat steps 3 times.

(“heating” - 2 min./3 times, “cooling” 2 min./3 times.)

Option 3

Place both hands on the left side of the massager (heated). After 2 min. place on the right side (with cooling). Repeat 3 times. (“heating” - 2 min. / 3 times. “cooling” - 2 min. / 3 times)

Option 4

Place your left hand on the left side of the massager. Right - on the right side of the massager. After 2 min. swap hands. Repeat the action 3 times. ("heating" - 2 minutes/3 times. "Cooling" - 2 minutes/3 times.)

Option 5

Sit on a flat surface. Moreover. stretch your legs so that your calves rest on the massager. Place both feet on the left side of the massager (heated). After 2 min. Place both feet on the right (cooled) part of the massager. Repeat steps 3 times. As in previous versions.

Option 6

Sit on a flat surface. Stretch your legs so that your calves rest on the massager. The left leg rests on the left side of the massager. On the right - right. After 2 min. swap legs. Repeat 3 times. Same as in the options above.

Option 7

Walking on the mat. It should be noted that this method increases the load on the legs. If it hurts, then you can start from a sitting position. placing your feet on the massager. Then you can move to a standing position.

If you want to get the maximum effect, then you need to walk. It may be difficult to use the projections of the pyramids at first. Therefore, you can place your feet along the ledges. Then, after about 7 days, as usual - the arch of the foot is above the protrusion.

It is advisable to use no more than 2 times a day. After 30 min. after meal.

Foot massage is recommended for preventing diseases and keeping the body in good shape.

Options for using a massager

Using the “Second Heart” massager from Nuga Best is very simple. It has very compact dimensions, so it will fit in any, even very small apartment. Each device must be accompanied by detailed instructions, following which you can make the procedure as beneficial as possible for your health.

Using the “Second Heart” foot massager, you can simultaneously work on both feet or on each one separately. When working on both legs at the same time, you first need to place your feet on the warm part of the massager for 2-3 minutes. After this you need to switch to the cold half. After 2-3 minutes, change the position of the legs again, and there can be 5-6 such changes in the position of the legs per session. The total duration of the session should be 12-15 minutes. The massager has a built-in timer that warns you about the need to change the pad.

When alternating the impact on the feet, one foot is placed on the warm side, and the other on the cold side. Changing legs must be done every 2-3 minutes.

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