Massage bed “Nuga Best”: instructions for use and reviews

Our body requires care so that every day we can be active, productive and easy-going. Is it possible to be in shape if you don’t use aids? It is possible, but it is very difficult. But the “Nuga Best” massage bed can become a real lifesaver in cases where a tired back hurts, joints creak, and the spine is no longer straight.

Such a bed can replace a regular one, and the bonus in this case will be the prevention of healthy sleep and beauty!

Pros and cons of hardware massage

There are various types of hardware massage: vibration massage, vacuum, vacuum roller, lymphatic drainage, hydromassage. Each of these techniques has advantages and disadvantages. Common benefits include:

  • Impact on deep body tissues.
  • High intensity of impact.
  • Selection of parameters depending on the clinical picture and purpose.
  • Elimination of overdose and complete safety for the patient.
  • Possibility of affecting large areas.
  • Stimulation of the production of your own collagen and elastin, consequently, skin rejuvenation and other cosmetic effects.
  • Improving blood microcirculation and tissue nutrition.

But besides the pros, there are also cons. Despite the variety of devices, there are not many massage techniques. In this regard, manual massage has a greater advantage. Hardware techniques have a number of contraindications: pregnancy, oncology, some diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as the last stages of varicose veins, etc.

For what?

A good service cannot be cheap - the modern consumer has understood and remembered this axiom, and therefore actively takes advantage of free master classes on the proper use of massage beds. The range includes not only massage beds, but also many other accessories that can relax, soothe and restore strength. Almost every city has free rooms with Korean massage products.

The principle of operation of this accessory is the movement of tourmaline rollers along the spine. The tissues are also heated at a temperature of 50-60 degrees. The movements of the rollers cover the entire back - from the neck to the lower back. The process itself is very pleasant, and therefore the Nuga Best massage bed is in demand among pensioners and avid workaholics, whose backs turn into a continuous center of pain from sedentary work.

Types of hardware massage

There are several types of hardware massage:

  • vibration massage;
  • vacuum;
  • vacuum roller (LPG);
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • myostimulation;
  • hydromassage.

Depending on the goals, one type of procedure or a complex of several techniques is prescribed.


Vibromassage is an irritating effect on the surface receptors of the skin, muscles and internal organs using a special apparatus or chair. Vibromassage devices are equipped with special attachments - vibrotodes. The procedure is carried out in two ways - stable and labile. When stable, the vibration rod is installed at one point to achieve a local result; when labile, it is moved along the area being worked along a straight, spiral, zigzag, dashed, transverse or circular trajectory.

Vacuum massage

Vacuum pneumomassage is an alternation of cycles of pumping and pumping out air using special suction cups. Suction cups of different shapes and volumes are provided for different parts of the body.

With the stable method, the suction cup is applied to one point for 2-3 minutes, after which it is moved to another. If the patient's pain threshold is increased, the exposure time is reduced to 40 seconds. With the labile method, the suction cup is smoothly moved across the entire treated area.

A type of hardware vacuum massage is a vacuum-roller LPG massage. It is carried out using special roller attachments that capture folds of skin with fatty deposits.

During their processing, the membranes of fat cells are destroyed. The effect of vacuum stimulates blood flow, which increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to problem areas. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin is activated - soft tissues are smoothed and tightened. LPG vacuum roller massage is approved by the US FDA.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage affects the lymphatic capillaries in the upper layers of the skin. A type of lymphatic drainage is a pressotherapy procedure. The client puts on a sealed suit, in which the pressure is sharply increased and decreased using a device. Pressotherapy is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.


Myostimulation is the effect of pulsed currents of various modulations in order to cause muscle contractions. When passing through tissue, an electric current stimulates local lipolysis. The procedure helps improve the outline and relief of the problem area.


Hydromassage is the effect of a jet of water on the skin and muscles. The impact area and intensity are adjusted depending on the goals of the course. The procedure is carried out in special hydrobaths or using a directional Charcot shower.

What are people saying?

For the most part, people are happy. That is why the Nuga Best massage bed is in demand. Reviews are left by people of different ages and gender groups. According to women, their headaches go away, their backs become flexible, their blood tests improve, as well as their hearing and vision! Men note normalization of pressure and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Surprisingly, with the help of a massage bed, people get rid of fatty tissue and multiple sclerosis. The most dramatic results are found in situations with paralyzed patients. After the second visit, the limbs warm up and sleep normalizes. After the fourth, progress in muscle work is observed.

Indications for hardware massage

Universal indications for hardware massage:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory pathologies;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • swelling;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • muscle spasms;
  • circulatory disorders, hematomas;
  • sagging and sagging skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • stretch marks and scars.

Hardware massage allows you to achieve effective and lasting results in weight loss and complex anti-cellulite therapy. In addition, each technique has specific indications.

Vibromassage is effective for polyarthritis, bronchial asthma, chronic gastritis, intestinal dyskinesia, postural disorders, and helps to recover from injuries.

Vacuum massage is recommended for:

  • imperfections of the figure (to correct volumes);
  • disruption of lymph flow;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • signs of hypoxia.

Hydromassage is prescribed for:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • reduced immunity;
  • depression and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Charcot's shower is indicated for decreased immunity, muscle and vitality, as well as arthritis.

Myostimulation is effective for muscle atrophy in areas that are difficult to work out during physical exercise.

I have a question

And not alone! Many people worry that the Nuga Best massage bed is playing with fire, as heating can be risky if you have certain diseases. In particular, people are concerned about rumors that the bed can provoke the growth of tumors and the appearance of oncology. In addition, I would like to know whether such procedures are safe for female organs, especially during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause.

Is the mistrust of massage beds justified? Indeed, in America and Europe, people have long been successfully practicing massage at home using improvised means and are delighted with the results that the Nuga Best massage bed gives.

Contraindications to hardware massage

Different types of hardware massage have contraindications:

  • vibration massage is not performed for hypertension, atherosclerosis, neurosis, heart disease, spinal injuries, trophic ulcers, tuberculosis;
  • vacuum pneumomassage can cause harm in case of bleeding and circulatory disorders;
  • lymphatic drainage is excluded in case of heart failure, serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system and blood circulation;
  • Pressotherapy is prohibited if excess body weight is more than 20%.

Universal contraindications to hardware massage:

  • pregnancy;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • infectious diseases;
  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • thrombosis, severe stages of varicose veins;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infection or mechanical damage to the skin in the affected area.

What two aspects are achieved as a result of treatment?

Two components of healing are blood and nerves, and the effect on them. Blood is an important part of our body. Our health depends on its quality. In childhood, the blood is clean, liquid and moves quickly through uncontaminated vessels. With age, under the influence of poor nutrition, the environment, and lack of systematic physical training, the blood becomes viscous and clogged, the vessels become fragile, and cholesterol plaques are deposited on their walls, which narrows the lumen of the blood vessels.

As a result of heating with long-wave infrared rays, the blood and vessel walls are cleansed, blood circulation in all tissues and organs is improved, and the hematopoietic function is enhanced. The spine is the pillar of life.

With age, under heavy physical and prolonged static loads, changes in the intervertebral discs occur, which leads to infringement of one or another spinal cord root. This leads to pain and dysfunction of human organs. During the massage, the pinched root is released. But to revive it, the heat of infrared rays is used (cauterization method).

Which massage is better: manual or hardware?

All modern devices and techniques are based on classic manual massage. Therefore, it is considered the “gold standard”. The massage therapist works on subcutaneous fat, skin and muscles.

Hardware massage works according to a given algorithm, but thanks to additional effects, it is possible to work on the deep layers of tissue. All this only enhances the effect of the massage and allows you to achieve better results. Therefore, the course of treatment is shorter.

The manual massage procedure lasts 30-120 minutes, the massage therapist uses creams and oils that have a cosmetic effect. Hardware massage lasts 15-45 minutes and is performed on “dry” skin.

The best result is achieved by a combination of manual and hardware massages. This technique helps to quickly get rid of cosmetic and medical problems.

How exactly?

is network-based, and the action of all products sold is based on the use of infrared rays. The rays themselves are beneficial to the human body and actually have the ability to heat tissue. Doctors confirm that the Nuga Best massage bed can stimulate the growth of benign and malignant tumors. Contraindications therefore include many points: increased blood pressure, exacerbation of various diseases, etc.

You need to clearly understand that the company’s products have not been tested for safety, but manufacturers do not hide this fact. In cases where the product has not been tested, customers are told about it. Strictly speaking, the use of the product is at the buyer's own risk. Manufacturers give a reasonable warning that you should not replace the treatment prescribed by your doctor with a massage bed alone. If you have osteoporosis, then the bed is not suitable for you. By the way, burns from use are also possible. The risk is especially high for people with diabetes. The instructions include a note that systematic use of the bed can lead to increased blood flow in the brain. As a negative bonus, you can get sprained spinal ligaments and disc dislocation.

Massage bed device

The basis of the massager is an internal projector - a mechanism consisting of jade rollers rotating and heated by a source of infrared radiation. The heating temperature is 35-70°C/.

The internal projector moves along the spine under the main mat, covered with hygroscopic material that absorbs sweat well, making the procedure more comfortable. An additional one is attached to the main mat with straps. The angle of inclination between the main mat and the surface on which the head is located can be varied from 10 to 30 degrees.

The following accessories are included in the kit:

  • additional warming mat made of tourmanium;
  • five-ball jade projector;
  • belt for a five-ball projector;
  • low frequency massage pillow.

An additional heat mat is used for additional heating of any parts of the body. The five-ball projector can be used to massage the limbs; for ease of use, it can be placed in a belt designed for this purpose. A low-frequency pillow is used for myostimulation and reduction of excess fat on the abdomen, hips, and buttocks.

All additional accessories are connected to the panel located on the side of the bed, where the thermostat is also located. If desired, massage with additional devices is carried out in parallel with the main massage. The desired modes can be set using the remote control.

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