Can heart pain be a symptom of osteochondrosis?

Emerging pain in the heart with osteochondrosis can be reflected or true. In the first case, a person experiences unpleasant sensations spreading along the pinched nerve fiber of the roots responsible for the innervation of the intercostal muscles on the left side. In the second case, the situation is much more serious and develops against the background of damage to the radicular or cranial nerves responsible for the innervation of the heart muscle, pacemaker, coronary blood vessels or the formation of the vagus nerve.

More often, pain in the heart is recorded with thoracic osteochondrosis, since the radicular nerves responsible for the innervation of the intercostal muscles and sternum are subject to compression in this type of disease. Also, if the intervertebral disc is damaged in the thoracic region, an inflammatory process may occur that affects the intercostal muscles. The second factor of negative influence is the static tension of the muscular frame of the back, which tries to compensate for the shock-absorbing load that the damaged intervertebral disc cannot cope with.

The pain in the heart that occurs with cervical osteochondrosis is dangerous because it is often associated with damage to the paired cranial nerves. One of these pairs is responsible for the parasympathetic nervous system, which ensures the performance of the myocardial muscle and regulates the work of the pacemaker. The second pair is responsible for the formation of the vagus nerve, which also regulates cardiac activity and controls the volume of arterial blood released into the systemic circulation. If this work is disrupted, a primary form of vascular heart failure may develop.

Damage to the radicular nerves in the lower structures of the cervical spine leads to disruption of the innervation of the coronary vascular bed. This can contribute to the development of coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, etc.

Pain in the heart area that occurs with osteochondrosis is a reason to urgently seek medical help. It is necessary to get an appointment with a vertebrologist or neurologist as soon as possible. Only an experienced doctor will be able to exclude the development of cardiac pathology and prevent negative consequences, such as aortic thrombosis, acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery stenosis, etc.

In Moscow, you can make an initial free appointment with a neurologist at our manual therapy clinic. To do this, just call the administrator and agree on a time convenient for your visit. During the free consultation, the doctor will conduct a full examination, make a preliminary diagnosis, and give individual recommendations for subsequent examination and treatment.

How does osteochondrosis affect the heart?

If there are several factors of how osteochondrosis affects the heart, they are divided into external and internal. An external factor of negative influence is the constant use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are necessary for pain relief and relief of acute symptoms of this disease. These pharmacological agents act negatively both on the hematopoietic system, triggering the production of defective red blood cells by bone marrow structures, and on the epithelial layer inside the vascular bed. Long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increases the aggregation (tendency to stick together) of platelets, which contributes to the formation of blood clots in the coronary blood supply (this is the main cause of the development of acute myocardial infarction). The ability of red blood cells to transport oxygen changes, so the tissues of the heart muscle suffer from constant oxygen starvation.

Internal factors of the negative impact of osteochondrosis on the heart are:

  1. disruption of the process of innervation of the vascular bed, resulting in its spasm, alternating with prolapse, which entails instability of the blood supply to the myocardium;
  2. compression of the radicular nerves responsible for the performance of the intercostal muscles - as a result, the breathing process is disrupted and a secondary form of oxygen deficiency may develop, the biochemical parameters of gas exchange change;
  3. development of posterior vertebral artery syndrome, which leads to a significant deterioration in the blood supply to the medulla oblongata, where the respiratory center is located;
  4. compression of the cranial nerves responsible for the formation of the vagus nerve and solar plexus - this entails disturbances in heart rhythm, dislocation of the ventricles and atria, disruption of hemodynamics within the heart muscle and in the pulmonary circulation.

Other negative factors include a forced sedentary lifestyle, as the patient tries to avoid increased physical activity in case of severe pain. A secondary change in posture due to static tension in the muscular frame of the back can lead to curvature of the spine and compression of the heart muscle due to deformation of the chest.

Types of arrhythmia and treatment

  1. Sinus type of arrhythmia - in this case, I diagnose an increase in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, from 90 or more beats per minute.
  2. Paroxysmal type of tachycardia. When this diagnosis is made, the heart works without pathological abnormalities, although its contraction frequency is increased - it is 140-240 beats per minute.
  3. Sinus type of bradycardia. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with a decrease in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and is no more than 55 beats per minute.
  4. Sinus type of arrhythmia - it is most often diagnosed in children and adolescents when the patient has an abnormal alternation of heart beats.
  5. Atrial fibrillation - in this case, the patient’s atria do not contract completely, and the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle gradually increases, reaching 300 beats per minute.

In terms of treatment, doctors, first of all, practice therapeutic methods of treatment that help eliminate the cause of heart rhythm disturbances and alleviate the patient’s general condition. But the patient should undergo a medical course of treatment, which includes taking certain medications.

When diagnosing cardiac arrhythmia, doctors use the following medications:

  1. Calcium and potassium channel blockers, as well as beta blockers.
  2. If the arrhythmia is accompanied by loss of consciousness, atropine or dopamine is prescribed.
  3. For gastric tachycardia, cordarone or lidocaine is prescribed.

If drug therapy does not provide positive treatment dynamics, doctors practice surgical intervention.

This method of treatment is radical and is used as a last resort.

  1. Radiofrequency testing - with the help of small punctures, arrhythmia can be completely eliminated. In this case, a special puncture is made in the muscle and the conducted impulse is blocked.
  2. Installation of a pacemaker - a special medical device that helps overcome arrhythmia of the heart muscle. Its main purpose is to maintain the normal heart rate at the proper level.

With osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, as well as the cervical spine, 2 types of arrhythmias often develop:

  • sinus tachycardia;
  • extrasystole.

Heartbeat disturbances in osteochondrosis are constantly observed; they do not go away with rest. It becomes more pronounced when there is a load on the spine and a change in position to a more uncomfortable one, with sharp turns of the head. When the heartbeat is abnormal, sinus rhythm is always maintained.

Extrasystole occurs less frequently, because it appears in the very latest, advanced stages of osteochondrosis. This is an accelerated extraordinary contraction of the heart that follows a normal one, or several in a row. The pathology may not be felt or may be felt in the form of freezing, increased push behind the sternum. The pulse is weakened or its loss is noted. Rhythm disturbances are heard on auscultation.

Can osteochondrosis radiate to the heart?

Many patients are concerned about the question of whether osteochondrosis can radiate to the heart and for what reasons this happens. Yes, degenerative dystrophic disease of the intervertebral discs can cause vague pain in the heart area, both due to direct influence and irradiation of the pain syndrome.

Osteochondrosis is a disease in which the destruction of intervertebral discs occurs. They are a kind of protective structural parts that ensure uniform distribution of the shock-absorbing load on the spine during movement and static position of the human body. The intervertebral disc consists of a dense fibrous membrane (annulus) and an internal pulposus (nucleus pulposus). These structures do not have their own circulatory network. They receive large amounts of fluid and nutrients dissolved in it during diffuse exchange with surrounding muscle tissue.

If the muscular frame of the back, collar area and neck is not subjected to regular physical activity, then the diffuse nutrition of the intervertebral disc is disrupted. The fibrous ring becomes dehydrated and loses its elasticity. Numerous cracks appear on its surface, which are filled with deposits of calcium salts. This is the initial stage of the development of osteochondrosis.

At the next stage, the intervertebral disc loses its physiological height and does not provide protection for the radicular nerves from compression of the adjacent vertebral body and osteophytes developing on their surface. It is at this stage that pain irradiates (spreads) to the heart area.

Disruption of the innervation of the coronary bloodstream, posterior vertebral artery syndrome, infringement of the vagus nerve at its base - these complications, provoking serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system, are formed already at the third and fourth stages of osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine.

Instrumental studies

During periods of acute pain, it is best to seek medical help. In particular, this will certainly help to make a differential diagnosis between osteochondrosis and heart disease.


When recording a cardiogram, cardiac pathology will be immediately determined. If the ECG is normal, then most likely the cause of the pain is osteochondrosis or neuralgia.

ECG is a mandatory method of examination when chest pain occurs.


This study can be performed in those patients who are suspected of having an infectious lesion of the heart (carditis of various etiologies). Used only as an additional method.


X-ray is indicated for everyone who is suspected of having osteochondrosis. The photographs will show destructive changes in the joints. In case of heart disease, the articular surfaces will be normal.

CT and MRI

Performed when radiography is ineffective. And also to identify a clearer localization of the lesion. Using MRI, you can diagnose both cardiac pathology and osteochondrosis. But a heart attack is an emergency condition that requires urgent drug therapy, and an MRI is a rather lengthy procedure.

How to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis?

There is only one way to distinguish pain in the heart from osteochondrosis - an ECG examination, which records changes in the functioning of the heart muscle at the level of electrical impulses. An ECG is the initial stage of examination, which shows the presence of a focus of pathological changes in the structure of the heart muscle.

There are no ways to determine whether heart disease or osteochondrosis is present at home; all the tests described using nitroglycerin have one feature. It is important to understand that if acute myocardial infarction develops, taking this vasodilator drug does not reduce pain. To provide medical care to patients with advanced myocardial infarction, narcotic painkillers are given.

Of course, osteochondrosis in the heart area does not cause such intense pain. But it is quite difficult for the patient to determine this parameter subjectively. You can try to diagnose pain in the heart area with osteochondrosis using palpation. If, when pressing on the intercostal spaces or spinous processes of the spine, increased pain occurs, then there is a high probability that this is osteochondrosis. If the pain does not increase, then most likely it is caused by coronary vascular pathology.

Very often, osteochondrosis radiates to the heart, upper limb (with numbness of the little finger) and under the shoulder blade. When you try to raise your arm up, the pain increases. Confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out using x-rays of the cervical and thoracic spine.

Factors that provoke pain

In heart disease, emotional stress plays a key role. Against a background of stress:

  • pain increases;
  • the number of attacks increases;
  • the duration of the pain syndrome increases;
  • there is a risk of developing myocardial infarction;
  • If medical care is not given in a timely manner, death is possible.

Physical activity also provokes heart pain. The more seriously the disease progresses, the less stress will cause discomfort. In severe stages of the disease, even climbing a few steps is dangerous.

With osteochondrosis, physical activity can also increase pain. The difference is that if a person lies down and takes a comfortable position, the pain will gradually decrease.

Heart pain is often triggered by physical activity

How does the heart hurt with osteochondrosis - symptoms

You need to know how the heart hurts with osteochondrosis, what distinctive signs can be used to identify this condition. First of all, you should pay attention to the primary and secondary symptoms - how the heart hurts with osteochondrosis, at what time the attack begins, what can provoke it, what remedies help stop it, etc.

Distinctive symptoms of heart pain with osteochondrosis include:

  • development after prolonged static stress (sedentary work in one position);
  • prolonged attacks lasting more than 3 hours (sometimes up to several days);
  • feeling of stiffness in movements after sleep and prolonged stay in a static position;
  • pain on palpation of the thoracic spine, intercostal spaces and sternum;
  • difficulty when trying to raise a straight arm up;
  • absence of rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation, extrasystole, etc.).

If the pain in the heart area is radiating, then there are no secondary signs of myocardial damage. These are swelling of the legs, pastyness of the face, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath, cough when trying to lie in bed in a horizontal position without raising the head end.

Effect of drugs

Most people over 50 have a whole arsenal of medicines at home. And among them there will definitely be remedies for high blood pressure and nitroglycerin.

In case of an acute attack of chest pain, taking nitroglycerin under the tongue is justified. If the pain was of a cardiac nature, it will decrease or disappear completely. After this, you still need to consult a doctor to rule out complications.

If the pain arises from osteochondrosis, then nitroglycerin will not have any effect.

Nitroglycerin will reduce the intensity of pain during an attack of angina pectoris

What to do with osteochondrosis and heart pain?

The first thing to do if pain occurs in the heart area due to osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine is to consult a neurologist. Only an experienced doctor can eliminate the risk of developing cardiovascular pathology. In most cases, cervical osteochondrosis and the heart are connected due to impaired innervation. Therefore, if you have a serious heart disease (coronary disease, atherosclerosis, vascular stenosis, angina pectoris, impaired intracardiac electrical conductivity, arrhythmia, etc.), then you should definitely examine the cervical spine for pinched cranial and radicular nerves . It is this circumstance that provokes most of the pathologies of cardiovascular diseases.

Also, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can affect the heart with the development of posterior vertebral artery syndrome. This condition is also accompanied by arterial hypertension, dizziness, and frequent headaches.

It is necessary to treat cervical, thoracic osteochondrosis and the heart simultaneously - for this an individual course of manual therapy is being developed. If compression of the radicular nerves is detected, an experienced doctor will conduct several sessions of traction traction of the spinal column. This will stop all the negative consequences of osteochondrosis. Then a planned course of restoration of intervertebral discs will be carried out by enhancing the diffuse nutrition of their cartilage tissue. For these purposes the following can be used:

  • reflexology (acupuncture) to activate biologically active points responsible for the regeneration of damaged cartilage tissue, increasing the vitality of the human body;
  • osteopathy and massage, improving microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid, increasing the elasticity of all soft tissues, promoting the removal of calcium salts;
  • therapeutic exercises and kinesiotherapy to restore the process of diffuse nutrition and increase the tone of the muscular frame of the back and collar area;
  • physiotherapy, laser treatment, etc.

If you need treatment for osteochondrosis and pain in the heart area, then make an initial free appointment at our manual therapy clinic. An experienced doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and give individual recommendations for the treatment of the identified disease.


Osteochondrosis develops with age. Gradually, a person begins to hurt a joint (one or more) and over time the disease progresses, especially without treatment.

Heart disease, unfortunately, can occur at any age. Even heart attack, angina pectoris and arterial hypertension have recently become younger. They can develop as early as 30 years of age.

Pain that appears repeatedly, is intense, requires control and supervision of a specialist. Therefore, even after coping with an attack, it is necessary to consult a therapist and undergo a full examination.

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