A soft lump on the elbow joint that does not hurt: what could it be?

Olecranon bursitis is a condition characterized by tissue damage and inflammation of the olecranon bursa (a small fluid-filled sac located at the back of the elbow), which can be a source of pain in the back of the elbow.

The elbow is formed by the union of the humerus and the ulna of the forearm. The ulna has a bony protrusion located at the back of the elbow known as the olecranon. This bony protrusion is the attachment point for several muscles, including the triceps, and forms the outermost point of the back of the elbow. Between the olecranon and the overlying skin is the olecranon bursa. The bursa is a small sac filled with liquid - a lubricant and its function is to reduce friction between adjacent layers of soft tissue.

The triceps muscle is primarily responsible for straightening the elbow and is especially active during pushing activities. During contraction of the triceps, friction is directed towards the ulnar bursa. Pressure on the olecranon bursa can also occur due to a direct blow. When this pressure on the bursa is excessive due to too frequent movements or the application of force, conditions arise for inflammation of the olecranon bursa.

Causes of the disease

Most often, arthritis of the elbow joint develops due to injury. The elbow is often injured. With sports and household injuries, an aseptic inflammatory process develops, usually ending in recovery. But if an infection gets into the joint, the inflammation becomes purulent.

With microtraumas (professional - tennis players, massage therapists, carpenters), arthritis develops with prolonged minor trauma to the joint tissues. This is how chronic elbow arthritis is formed.

In the development of elbow arthritis, great importance is attached to heredity. In many patients, close relatives with a similar pathology can be found.

Elbow arthritis is sometimes caused by infection. The elbow is often involved in the pathological process of gonorrhea. The elbow can become inflamed due to gout, various hormonal disorders, diseases of the blood, stomach and other internal organs.

With a hereditary predisposition, the onset of the disease is associated with some provoking factor: a cold, a previous infection, stress, acute intoxication (for example, alcohol abuse, drugs, excessive smoking), etc.

Development of the disease

Flexion of the elbow joint is carried out thanks to synovial fluid. It is located in the periarticular bursa (bursa) and acts as a lubricant, reducing friction and preventing various damage.

For a number of reasons, the synovial bursa can become inflamed and filled with fluid, causing the onset of a disease such as bursitis. It can have an infectious form of development, consisting of two types - specific and nonspecific.

The first type of inflammation occurs in diseases such as gonorrhea, brucellosis, and syphilis. The second is the consequences of injury or infection of an open wound, when some of the purulent contents enter the periarticular fluid. After this, the inflammatory process begins, leading to the formation of a soft compaction under the skin.

A feature of the disease is its location, since the proximity of a moving joint can affect the rupture of the hematoma and provoke complications. Therefore, if a tumor appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms of Elbow Arthritis

The symptoms and course of elbow arthritis depend on its clinical form. But the first manifestations and obvious symptoms also have common characteristics.

First signs

When arthritis of the elbow joint begins, the symptoms may be severe or mild. The skin over the site of inflammation swells, turns red, and it is difficult to move the hand due to severe pain. Fever and chills may appear.

In subacute and chronic cases, the disease can begin unnoticed. The pain syndrome is erased, the swelling in the elbow area is insignificant. Limitation of mobility also increases unnoticed and manifests itself in the form of morning stiffness, which quickly passes after the person begins to move.

When the first symptoms of elbow arthritis appear, you should immediately seek medical help!

Obvious symptoms

In an acute course, characteristic signs appear immediately and cannot be ignored. In the absence of adequate treatment, the inflammatory process becomes less acute over time and the course becomes chronic and protracted and much more difficult to treat.

Obvious signs of chronic arthritis of the elbow joint: increasing pain and periodic swelling in the elbow area, limitation of movements in the arm. If at first movement in the elbow was limited due to pain, then after some time the limitation of movement will become permanent and will not depend on exacerbations of arthritis.

It is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible, but if you do not immediately notice signs of arthritis, do not despair, you can help in any case.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

Sometimes arthritis of the elbow joint occurs with complications, as evidenced by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • high fever more than 5 days after the onset of the disease;
  • a sharp rise in temperature with existing arthritis;
  • significant increase in pain and swelling.

If these symptoms appear, you should call a doctor at home!

To better understand how elbow arthritis develops, you need to know how the elbow joint works.

Types of Bursitis

Like inflammatory processes in other joints, bursitis of the elbow joint is classified into several types. The division is based on the intensity of pain, the nature and causes of inflammation. Classification is important for the treatment of bursitis - the principles of therapy differ for inflammation with different causes and forms of progression.

Depending on the nature of the course, bursitis occurs:

  • Acute - develops over several days and is characterized by intense pain. The acute process lasts about a month.
  • Chronic – less pronounced inflammation that lasts a long time (up to a year).
  • Recurrent - bursitis with periodic periods of exacerbation due to untreated traumatic injury or infection.

Depending on the cause, bursitis can be:

  • Specific – among the causes of injury and microtrauma of the joint due to impacts, heavy load or monotonous movements (same type of work).
  • Nonspecific - appears as a result of an infectious lesion of the joint. It is caused by diseases such as tuberculosis, untreated soft tissue infections and other pathologies.

Depending on changes in the composition of the intra-articular fluid, bursitis can be:

  • Serous - the liquid becomes serum-like. In this case, the inflammatory process occurs relatively easily, without severe pain and swelling of the joint, and it is relatively easy to cure.
  • Hemorrhagic - blood is present in the synovial fluid.
  • Purulent - acute inflammation due to pathogens. It is usually accompanied by acute pain due to a significant increase in the volume of the joint, and antibiotics are required for treatment.

What are the dangers of elbow arthritis?

The elbow joint is the main articular joint that determines the movement of the arm. With functional insufficiency of this joint, a person becomes disabled. This is the main danger of elbow arthritis. No less dangerous are various purulent complications.

Any form of arthritis has serious complications, so you should not delay treatment.
See how easily the disease can be cured in 10-12 sessions.


During elbow arthritis there are 4 stages:

  1. Initial
    – occurs with inflammation and pain, but without structural changes.
  2. Explicit
    – the process proceeds subacutely, in waves. On an x-ray you can see a widening of the joint space, on an ultrasound - an increased content of exudate. At this stage, pannus begins to form - the proliferation of granulations.
  3. Soft ankylosis
    - delicate pannus cells are transformed into connective tissue cords that close the joint space. This impairs the function of the hand, and soft ankylosis forms.
  4. Bone ankylosis
    - instead of connective tissue, bone grows between the joint-forming surfaces. The elbow completely loses mobility.

Possible complications

If the disease is not treated, it is difficult to avoid the most serious consequences:

  • suppuration involving surrounding periarticular tissues; untreated purulent arthritis, abscesses and phlegmon can cause the death of the patient;
  • restrictions on movement in the hand;
  • ankylosis of the elbow joint and disability.

It is better to avoid such complications and contact a specialized clinic in a timely manner. But if you have missed time and have complications, do not despair: you can help in any condition.

What to do if you relapse

If elbow arthritis worsens, there is no need to self-medicate; it is better to immediately see a specialist or call a doctor at home. But sometimes joint pain can be very severe. How can I help myself before the doctor comes? Algorithm of actions:

  • calm down - stress increases pain; you can take any sedative - valerian, motherwort, Novo-Passit, etc.;
  • take any painkiller - Naise, Dexalgin, Analgin tablet; You can quickly reduce pain with Diclofenac rectal suppositories;
  • Apply anesthetic ointment, gel or solution to the elbow area - Voltaren emulgel, Pentalgin gel, Menovazin rubbing solution;
  • call a doctor at home or go to a clinic.

Associated symptoms

There are many vessels concentrated in the olecranon process, so cancer cells can quickly spread through the bloodstream into nearby tissues. When the elbow is deformed, the following signs are observed:

  • persistent pain after taking painkillers;
  • obvious protrusion formed under the skin;
  • enlarged joint lymph nodes;
  • general weakness of the body, fatigue, loss of appetite;
  • elevated temperature;
  • painful sensations when bending and straightening the arm.

If you do not start treatment in time, having discovered such symptoms, then in addition to the lump, the disease may also be accompanied by spontaneous fractures.

Some reasons for the growth should be considered. Symptoms of individual cases:

  1. The formation of purulent bursitis can be affected by injuries, infection with streptococcus, as well as advanced inflammation. The disease is accompanied by the growth of a tumor on the elbow joint, the occurrence of throbbing pain, and an increase in temperature above 40. The general condition worsens, accompanied by nausea and fever. In its advanced form, infectious bursitis is complicated by consequences - cellulitis and fistulas that form under the skin. The joints of the bones are affected, which threatens the occurrence of purulent arthritis and lymphadenitis.
  2. Lipoma is painless and quite mobile, which cannot be said about the formation of an inflammatory nature. It only causes inconvenience when the lump is large (about 10 cm). This is a non-malignant neoplasm.
  3. With joint cancer, the main difference is aching pain at night, which is not relieved by painkillers. In advanced stages, severe intoxication of the body occurs, which is accompanied by fever, lack of appetite, and increased fatigue.

With a malignant lesion, the tumor can be located on the outer or inner side of the left or right arm. For any suspicions, whatever they may be, it is necessary to undergo an examination to clarify the disease.

Clinical forms of elbow arthritis

There are several clinical forms of elbow arthritis, which have their own characteristic symptoms and course features.


Acute post-traumatic arthritis begins several hours after a fall, a blow to the arm with a hard object, or a twisted joint and occurs with severe pain, swelling, and limited mobility of the arm. The inflammation is aseptic in nature, so in most cases it ends with complete recovery. When an infection enters a joint, the disease can be long-term, chronic, with subsequent disability.

Chronic post-traumatic elbow arthritis is an occupational disease of tennis players, carpenters, painters, and massage therapists. When performing work, they constantly injure the elbow, causing a small but constantly maintained inflammatory process.

Read more about post-traumatic arthritis here.

Acute purulent

Acute purulent elbow arthritis develops only if the infection enters the blood and then into the joint

This form of the disease is caused by a nonspecific purulent infection that enters the joint through open wounds or with blood from other lesions. Arthritis may initially be purulent in nature. The main symptoms of the purulent process are: significant fever, chills, increasing swelling of the periarticular tissues, redness of the skin. The patient requires surgical assistance.


The cause of this arthritis is a specific infection. The elbow is most often affected by gonorrhea and brucellosis. Gonorrheal elbow arthritis occurs with high fever, severe joint pain, and severe swelling of the periarticular tissues. The process can become protracted with the subsequent formation of ankylosis.

Chondroprotectors: what are they, how to choose, how effective are they?

Joint pain at rest


Elbow arthritis of autoimmune origin develops against the background of a hereditary predisposition. The starting factor (trigger) is usually previous infections. Women get sick more often. The elbows may be primarily affected.

Symptoms: elbows swell slightly, pain and stiffness appear in the morning. The disease progresses slowly, chronically, the symptoms either increase or decrease. Elbows become deformed, over time they can develop subluxations and dislocations, and function suffers. But with proper adequate treatment, it is possible to suppress the progression of the inflammatory process.

Read more about rheumatoid arthritis in this article.


Joint damage in psoriasis most often occurs 5 to 6 years after the onset of skin symptoms. But sometimes arthritis develops first, and then psoriatic rashes appear. Characteristically, the small distal (end) joints of the fingers and nails are affected.

Large joints are affected asymmetrically, no more than 2–3 are involved in the process, including one of the elbows. Elbow arthritis begins acutely with swelling and redness of the periarticular tissues, accompanied by severe pain. The disease occurs in waves, with exacerbations and remissions, and in the absence of proper treatment leads to permanent dysfunction of the hand.


The development of elbow arthritis is associated with a violation of purine metabolism, which leads to the deposition of uric acid crystals in the articular and periarticular tissues. The skin over the pathological focus swells, turns red, and body temperature may rise. The pain is very strong. The attack lasts from several hours to several days, after which all symptoms disappear on their own. With frequent relapses in the same joint, degenerative-dystrophic disorders develop and function is lost.

Deforming arthrosis-arthritis

It develops mainly in people over 60 years of age due to metabolic disorders and the gradual destruction of articular cartilage. Constant irritation of articular and periarticular tissues causes the development of a chronic inflammatory process, which is combined with degenerative-dystrophic and leads to a gradual loss of joint function. The process is slow with mild symptoms, but over time it leads to disability.

If left untreated, deforming arthrosis-arthritis of the elbow joint can lead to loss of joint function.

Lump on the arm under the elbow, below the bend

A lump that appears on the arm under the elbow may be a consequence of vascular pathology or the appearance of hygroma. Often this localization is chosen by the so-called “fat” - lipomas. These two types of tumors are benign. They are elastic, move easily under the skin and are not fused to surrounding tissues. There are no unpleasant sensations during palpation.

Vascular pathology leads to the fact that a lump on the arm below the elbow occurs as a result of compression of the blood vessel that drains venous blood from the tissues of the hand and forearm. It often accompanies tunnel syndromes, in which the conductivity of blood and lymphatic vessels is disrupted due to deformation of the tissue and cartilage tissue. In this case, the vein expands at the site of local compression. It swells in the form of a soft and elastic lump, rising above the skin.

Another type of tumor is osteosarcoma. It is also often localized on the radius or ulna below the fold. A distinctive feature of the cone is its immobility. This indicates that the tumor is growing into the bone structure. The condition is accompanied by severe pain, loss of appetite and deterioration in general well-being. If such signs are present, you should immediately contact an oncologist.


The diagnosis of elbow arthritis is made based on a survey and examination of the patient and is confirmed by laboratory and instrumental examination data. Without an accurate diagnosis, it is impossible to prescribe adequate treatment, so if you suspect elbow arthritis, you should immediately contact the clinic. It is impossible to conduct a full examination at home.

Examination plan:

  • Laboratory tests
    of blood and urine, as well as examination of synovial fluid taken during arthroscopy; signs of inflammation, autoimmune process, infections are revealed.
  • Instrumental studies
      radiography of the joint
      - reveals bone changes;
  • Ultrasound
    – reveals the presence of an increased volume of synovial fluid;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging (CT or MRI)
    - give a clear picture of the pathological process in the elbow;
  • arthroscopy
    - examination of the inner surface of the synovial membrane using endoscopic equipment and taking synovial fluid for laboratory testing.

Bursitis is the main thing

This is an inflammation of the bursa (bursa), a special protective structure of the joint. It has a fairly strong shell on the outside, consisting of connective tissue fibers. It serves to cushion the joint and protect the joint from external influences - shocks, injuries. The inner surface contains cells that secrete synovial fluid - a special lubricant to improve gliding in the joint and prevent wear of the heads of the bones. The second important function of intra-articular fluid is the nutrition of cartilage and bone tissues, which do not have their own blood vessels, and the necessary microelements are obtained from the lubricating fluid.

The elbow is a common place where this pathology occurs. This is a complex joint with a high intensity of movement and load and three joint capsules, each of which can be inflamed.

During the inflammatory process, the fluid in the joint increases in volume, its composition changes - it contains more protein, calcium salts, traces of blood and pus appear (with purulent inflammation). The elbow swells, movement in it becomes painful, limited, and performance is impaired.

Treatment of elbow arthritis

The main goal of treatment is to eliminate pain and suppress the progression of the disease. For this purpose, an individual complex of conservative therapy is prescribed, which includes medicinal and non-medicinal methods.

In the absence of a positive result from conservative treatment of arthritis of the elbow joint, various types of surgical intervention are prescribed.

Crunching in joints - when to worry

Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid

Drug therapy

Drug treatment for arthritis of the elbow joint is selected taking into account the patient’s main diagnosis, his general condition and the presence or absence of concomitant diseases. Drug therapy includes:

  • Elimination of pain syndrome. For this purpose they prescribe:
      medications of the NSAID group - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Nise, etc.) in the form of injections (injections), tablets or capsules for oral administration, rectal suppositories; the choice of a particular drug and its dosage form depends on the patient’s condition and the intensity of the pain syndrome; ointments, creams, gels with analgesic properties are prescribed externally (Fastum-gel, Voltaren, etc.);
  • if the pain is not relieved, swelling increases, glucocorticoid hormones (Prednisalone, Betamethasone, etc.) are prescribed in short courses;
  • To eliminate muscle spasms that increase joint pain, muscle relaxants (Mydocalm) are administered as part of drug therapy.
  • To improve metabolic processes in case of elbow arthritis, the following is prescribed:
      chondroprotectors (Dona, Structum) – restore cartilage tissue;
  • vitamins and minerals – activate metabolic processes.
  • For rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, medications that suppress the autoimmune process are prescribed - Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine, Leflunomide. More modern products that contain biologically active substances (antibodies, cytokines, etc.) - MabThera, Redditux - are also effective in this direction.
  • If the cause of arthritis is an infection, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • To restore local blood circulation - Trental.

Drugs for the treatment of elbow arthritis and the introduction of a medicinal solution into the joint cavity

Traditional methods of treatment

The attending physician may also include folk remedies as part of the complex treatment of elbow arthritis. They act more gently and have almost no side effects. Such means include:

  • juice from celery stalks - take 15 - 20 ml 3 times a day (with honey) 30 minutes before meals for a month; has excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • salt applications; Moisten a napkin with 10% saline (10 g of salt per 100 ml of water), apply to the inflamed elbow and hold until dry (you can bandage it and leave it overnight); relieves inflammation and swelling of tissue.

Non-drug methods

Treatment of elbow arthritis is also carried out using non-drug methods:

  1. Physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis and phonophoresis with medicinal solutions, UHF, paraffin, laser and magnetic therapy. Physiotherapy procedures are contraindicated for malignant tumors.
  2. Massage and physical therapy (physical therapy) improve blood circulation, promote joint restoration, and prevent the development of ankylosis. Exercises for training are selected individually and are initially performed under the supervision of a physical therapy instructor.
  3. Reflexology is a method of influencing points on the human body that are reflexively associated with the tissues of the elbow.


Indications for surgical treatment of elbow arthritis are failure of conservative treatment, compression of the ulnar nerve, and progressive impairment of joint function. The following operations are carried out:

  • synovectomy
    - removal of part of the overgrown synovial membrane; often its implementation is combined with debridement - removal of damaged necrotic or infected tissue of ligaments, adhesions, etc.; in the early stages, this operation is often performed endoscopically, using an arthroscope;
  • endoprosthetics
    – replacement of a destroyed joint with an artificial one.

Which doctor will help if a lump has grown on the elbow?

You need to know which doctor is needed when a lump appears on the elbow, and which specialist you should make an appointment with at a city clinic or in a private clinic. The answer to the question of which doctor will help with a lump on the elbow depends on the reason for which the tumor grew.

Pay attention to the principle of choosing a doctor:

  1. if the cause of this pathology is an injury, even one that occurred several days ago, then you should contact a traumatologist for an appointment;
  2. if the appearance of a tumor was preceded by redness of the elbow, pain, then it is best to visit an orthopedist;
  3. if you work as a painter or perform other types of professional duties associated with increased stress on the elbow, then you need the help of a chiropractor or osteopath;
  4. if the lump is painful, dense and adherent to the surrounding tissues, you need to contact an oncologist surgeon.

In this case, if a lump grows on the elbow several weeks after the injury, the help of a professional rehabilitation doctor may be required. This specialist helps conduct rehabilitation courses in order to restore the physiological state of damaged bone, cartilage, ligamentous and muscle tissues of the musculoskeletal system. For these purposes, massage and osteopathy, therapeutic exercises and kinesiotherapy, laser therapy and much more are used.

Approach to treating the disease in our clinic

The Paramita clinic in Moscow has developed its own method for treating elbow arthritis. After a mandatory examination with an MRI, complex therapy is prescribed, which is based on two different approaches to treatment:

  • modern Western, including all the achievements of modern medicine in the treatment of elbow arthritis;
  • traditional oriental, which considers the body as a single whole and regulates the interaction of all its systems, which leads to the elimination of the pathological focus and restoration of the patient’s health.

The approach used makes it possible to immediately relieve the patient of pain, and then effectively influence the cause of the disease, eliminating it. Regular courses of maintenance therapy allow our patients to lead a full life without inflammation and pain.

We combine proven techniques of the East and innovative methods of Western medicine.
Read more about our unique method of treating arthritis

A hard lump appeared on the bend of the elbow

Any bump on the bend of the elbow prevents movements in their full physiological range. Therefore, the longer a hard lump remains on the elbow, the higher the likelihood of contracture formation.

This is a condition in which deformation of tendon and muscle tissue occurs. The smaller the range of motion, the shorter the ligaments become. Therefore, after removal of the lump, the amplitude of mobility may remain limited. It is very important to start treatment in a timely manner.

If a hard lump appears on the elbow, then pathologies such as:

  • deforming osteoarthritis of the elbow joint;
  • chondromalacia and chondropathy;
  • bursitis and tendonitis;
  • scar changes in muscle and tendon tissue;
  • lateral epicondylitis;
  • bone cyst;
  • development of osteosarcoma.

If the appearance of a hard lump was preceded by a fall on the arm, a sudden movement, dislocation or other types of traumatic effects, then consultation with a traumatologist is required. In this situation, the head of the bone, its tip or hematoma, formed as a result of internal bleeding, can be determined in the form of a hard lump.

General clinical recommendations

To get rid of the symptoms of arthritis of the elbow joint, one course of treatment is not enough; after it, the patient must follow the following recommendations:

  • lead an active lifestyle, engage in exercise therapy;
  • eat properly and fully;
  • do not load your arms with heavy lifting and monotonous professional work, leading to microtrauma to the elbow; if the cause of arthritis is professional activity, it is worth changing jobs;
  • promptly treat all acute and chronic diseases, eliminate foci of infection;
  • carry out courses of anti-relapse treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Prevention of arthritis is necessary primarily for people with a family history. To prevent the development of elbow arthritis, it is necessary to eliminate as much as possible cases of exposure to provoking (trigger) factors: hypothermia, stress, various acute and chronic diseases, heavy physical and professional stress. It is also recommended to get rid of bad habits: smoking and alcohol abuse.

There is no special diet for arthritis; regular nutritious meals are necessary, excluding foods that can provoke the development of the inflammatory process; fatty, fried, spicy foods, a lot of sweets and baked goods. The diet should contain enough lean meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, fruits and cereals.


Sometimes chronic bursitis or septic bursitis may require surgery. In a traditional bunionectomy, an incision is made in the elbow and the inflamed bursa is removed. Since the bursa is located under the skin, the elbow joint is not affected during the operation.

Complications of surgical removal of the bursa may include problems with healing of the skin at the incision site and pain. A few months after the operation, a new bursa usually grows at the site of the removed bursa.

After surgery, patients are recommended to fix their elbow for some time with a special bandage, holding the arm at an angle of 90 degrees.

Exercise therapy. After the symptoms of bursitis subside, it is quite effective to prescribe exercise therapy to strengthen muscle tone.

Frequently asked questions about the disease

Which doctor treats elbow arthritis?

Rheumatoid, psoriatic – rheumatologist, acute purulent – ​​surgeon; post-traumatic and deforming arthrosis-arthritis – traumatologist.

Can you join the army with elbow arthritis?

If there is a violation of joint function, then no.

My elbow has been hurting for several months now after an injury. What to do?

See a doctor and get examined. Once the cause of the disease is determined, you will be prescribed treatment.

If you suspect arthritis of the elbow joint, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor before joint dysfunction occurs. The Paramita clinic will definitely help you!


  1. Asin B.A., Pavlov V.P., Zagorodniy N.V. Surgical treatment of elbow joint arthritis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Scientific and Practical Rheumatology, 1982; 2, 7.
  2. Brion PH, Kalunian KC; Oxford textbook of medicine. 4th edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Section 18.8. Osteoarthritis (2003) Warrell DA, Cox TM, Firth JD, Benz EJ Jr(Eds.)
  3. Reichenbach S, Sterchi R, Scherer M, et al; Meta-analysis: chondroitin for osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. Ann Intern Med. 2007 Apr 17;146(8):580-90.
  4. Herrero-Beaumont G, Ivorra JA, Del Carmen Trabado M, et al; Glucosamine sulfate in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study using acetaminophen as a side comparator. Arthritis Rheum. 2007 Feb;56(2):555-67.

Arthritis, Joints, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 12/09/2020 Date of update: 03/12/2021

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To prevent elbow tendinitis, do not overload the joints, avoid repeated monotonous movements, group correctly when lifting weights, do not make sudden movements, warm up your muscles before training.

To increase the strength and elasticity of tendons, include beef, beef liver, eggs, vegetable oils, dairy products, fish, bell peppers, and nuts in your diet.

Fatty foods, black tea, coffee, chocolate, sorrel, radish, as well as hormonal contraceptives block the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the functioning of muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Important! A drug based on long-acting hyaluronic acid “HYAL-IN PROLONG” stimulates the metabolism of connective tissue structures, accelerates regeneration in case of microtrauma, and prevents inflammation. Indicated for long-term preventive use by athletes during professional activities with a high risk of tendinitis.

Timely initiation of comprehensive treatment of tendinitis will avoid surgical intervention. Elbow pain indicates the need for medical examination and treatment. The earlier therapy is started, the more effective the treatment and the more favorable the prognosis.

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