Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis according to the Gitt method of Vitaly Demyanovich

Coxarthrosis is a disease caused by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the articular surfaces. At a late stage of pathology, cartilage tissue almost completely disappears, is replaced by bone tissue, and osteophytes appear. Overgrowth of the joint space leads to joint immobility. In such cases, official medicine offers complex conservative treatment or joint replacement. Gitta exercises are an essential part of therapy. Performing exercises using a special technique gives positive dynamics in restoring motor functions.

Benefits of Dr. Gitt's exercise routine

Gitt Vitaly Demyanovich - chiropractor, author of the micromovement technique
Chiropractor Vitaly Gitt has developed a technique that helps improve the condition of joints with pathological changes. The proposed exercises are easy to perform and do not require the purchase of special equipment. The load on the hip joint is minimal, it will not lead to complications of the condition. Advantages of the technique:

  • Joint restoration occurs without surgery.
  • A small range of motion does not cause pain in the joint.
  • Gymnastics is available for patients with grade 3 coxarthrosis, characterized by limited mobility.
  • You can study at home, at work, anywhere when you have free time.
  • There is a set of exercises for patients who are unable to get up. They perform the movements while lying in bed.

Treatment of arthrosis is a complex and long process; Dr. Gitt’s developments help stimulate the natural processes of cartilage tissue regeneration. The technique is effective in the treatment of various joint diseases - tendonitis, synovitis.

Classes with a specialist

In the medical centers of V.D. Gitt, patients with cervical osteochondrosis of any severity are trained. And if patients with the initial stage of the pathology can soon practice independently, then with its recurrent form this is strictly prohibited. The fact is that advanced and complicated osteochondrosis is characterized by a strong proliferation of bone tissue. Improper execution of micromovements will cause damage to tendons, ligaments, muscles, nerves, and soft tissues. Therefore, specialist supervision during training is necessary. How patients perform exercises in medical centers:

  • The doctor tilts the patient's head first to one, then to the other shoulder. If the ward is a child or a weakened patient, then the doctor manipulates only his hands. Head tilts of physically strong people are made with the doctor’s forearm;
  • the doctor places his palm under the patient’s chin, as if fixing it in one position. At this time, the patient tends to turn his head in different directions, trying to overcome resistance;
  • The patient sits on a stool, he is relaxed, slightly flexes and extends his neck. The doctor tilts the patient's head approximately 1-1.5 cm with a sharp movement;
  • under the supervision of a specialist, the patient tilts his head and slightly turns it to the side, making a limited rotational movement.

During training, the vertebrae may crunch and clicks may be heard periodically. Something happens that is unacceptable during home exercises. Doctors thoroughly know the anatomical structure of the cervical spine; first, they study X-ray images of the patient’s neck. Therefore, crunching and clicking only indicate the effectiveness of the micromovement technique.

Rehabilitation doctors at the V.D. Gitta Medical Center explain to patients in detail the essence of the upcoming therapy. The concept of the fundamental difference between the methods of physical therapy and performing micromovements helps patients not to harm themselves during exercise.

Basics of the technique

The Gitta diet involves a reduced protein content in the diet.
Gitta's therapeutic exercises for coxarthrosis are based on the doctor's belief in the constant growth and change of joint and bone tissues. With methodical influence on them, a change occurs in the desired direction. The proposed exercises do not load the joint, activating the production of synovial fluid. The tissues receive sufficient nutrition, and the cartilage restoration mechanism is launched. Treatment is based on a complex of three components:

  1. Micromovements are measured, regular movements with a small amplitude of 1-2 cm.
  2. Percussion massage - to restore the normal state of the joint capsule, tendons and adjacent tissues, manual pressure is required. Gently tapping your fingers speeds up blood circulation and improves muscle tone.
  3. A diet with a reduced protein content - according to the observations of a chiropractor, protein provokes autoimmune reactions in the body. Reducing its amount in the diet helps relieve inflammation and stop rheumatic processes.

Vitaly Gitt speaks rather skeptically about the treatment of coxarthrosis with medications. Medicines can slow down pathological processes, but we are not talking about restoring the structure. The chiropractor believes that his technique can not only stop the destruction of joints, but also reverse the processes and achieve regeneration.

Doctor Bubnovsky and his exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

The Bubnovsky set of exercises is aimed at improving the health of the neck, since its system is designed to promote and heal joints, muscles and ligaments from top to bottom.

Principles of the Bubnovsky technique:

  • You may feel pain in the cervical muscles during exercise, which you need to be prepared for.
  • After classes, the doctor recommends visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or simply taking a cold shower, which will help get rid of swelling of the joints, which in any case will arise after the very first class.

Now let's get to the gymnastics itself.

Exercise No. 1

It needs to be done in the gym. We sit on the floor or on a special bench. We rest our feet on the exercise machine and take the plank in our hands. Now we lean forward as much as you can, then slowly return to the starting position, pulling the bar towards you and bending your arms at the elbow joint. Just don’t be lazy, since the process of regression of this disease depends on the effectiveness of the exercises.

It is also important to coordinate the movements with breathing: as you inhale, we bend over, and as you exit, we return back. Adjust the weight so that you can lift it with ease, do not overload yourself, but do not let yourself relax. The number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

Exercise No. 2

Pull-ups on a horizontal bar or wall bars. Moreover, this must be done using different grips: narrow, wide, classic and reverse. The number of repetitions depends on your physical fitness, ideally you need to do at least 20 pull-ups. For men this exercise is quite familiar, but for many girls it is not.

However, it’s not too late to learn why you need a low horizontal bar. Grasp the bar with slightly bent arms and place your feet on the ground. Now try to pull yourself up. The number of repetitions is at least 30 times.

What are micro movements

The basis of the Gitta method is the use of micro movements. The patient moves the limb with minimal amplitude. In addition to gentle loading on the diseased joint, the author presented the theory of healing cartilage through moderate but constant nutrition with synovial fluid. When moving a limb by 1-2 cm, a limited amount of lubricant is produced. The amount of liquid is sufficient for absorption. Long-term performance of the same type of exercise ensures a constant supply of essential nutrients.

An increase in amplitude can aggravate the process of destruction of articular surfaces. To supplement the impact of micromovements, the use of a vibrating couch is recommended. Massage helps relax muscles, improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Basic principles of therapy

The positive result of therapy for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system with physical therapy is achieved mainly by strengthening the muscle corset. This reduces the load on damaged vertebrae and intervertebral discs, and becomes a kind of prevention of the progression of pathology. The structural elements of the spine no longer wear out or wear out, but their condition does not improve.

Regular exercises help restore mobility to joints: flexion and extension of the neck, bending and turning the head. These are the exercises that all exercise therapy doctors recommend. Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt considers this approach to the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis not only ineffective, but also overly dangerous. Yes, a sufficient amount of blood flows to the vertebrae and discs to supply them with nutrients and biologically active substances. But during turns and tilts, the surfaces of all elements of the cervical spine are subject to excessive loads and, consequently, damage.

V.D. Gitt suggested replacing intense training with repeated micro-movements throughout the day. Slow, barely noticeable shaking of the head will be much more beneficial than vigorous bending and turning. After several weeks of exercise, the condition of the joints improves:

  • a sufficient amount of synovial fluid is produced to lubricate the contacting surfaces of the discs and vertebrae;
  • overgrown bone tissue is gradually destroyed, and deposited calcium salts are removed from the cervical region;
  • the range of movements increases, neck stiffness in the morning disappears;
  • painful symptoms no longer bother the person.

An important rule for performing micromovements is the absence of pain. If discomfort appears, then classes should be interrupted. They begin after a few hours, but the frequency of bending or turning the head is reduced. These should be barely noticeable vibrations, however, ensuring the restoration of discs and vertebrae.

Contraindications to classes

Any physical activity may have contraindications:

  • You should not start a course of exercises during an exacerbation of chronic diseases. There is a possibility of triggering an attack due to arterial hypertension.
  • Heart disease is a diagnosis that limits physical activity.
  • A history of stroke or heart attack requires delaying the start of classes for several months.

You should not choose a set of exercises on your own. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to consult with the author of the technique. At the appointment, he prescribes individual courses based on the patient’s condition. It is important to consult with your doctor. He will recommend types of movements that will not have a negative effect on the condition of the hip joint.

Rules for performing exercises

The range of movements should increase gradually.
To achieve the maximum positive effect and not aggravate the patient’s condition, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The duration of classes and the size of the load are determined depending on the degree of damage to the hip joint.
  • Before starting classes, it is advisable to warm up the muscles with a light massage or take a bath.
  • The exercises are performed in several passes.
  • There should be no feeling of discomfort during gymnastics. If the patient feels pain, it is necessary to reduce the range of motion.

Positive dynamics are not immediately noticeable; persistence and perseverance will be required to start the mechanism for restoring damaged cartilage.

Can scoliosis be corrected? And if so, how to do it? Are there exercises to develop the thoracic and lumbar spine? The magazine's consultant, the famous chiropractor Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt, answers these questions from the readers of Physical Culture and Sports.

Hello! I am 42 years old, height - 176 cm, weight - 66 kg. Two years ago, for the first time in my life, I had back problems: aching pain in the lower back and clicking on the left side there. This encouraged me to take regular physical exercise. This year, in addition to the clicking sensations, there was also a feeling of squeezing on the left side and a sinking feeling when lying on the right side. I did a tomography, and the result of the examination baffled me. It turns out I have scoliosis, and I have no idea what to do with it. Is it possible to correct scoliosis and how to do it? We don’t have any orthopedists, chiropractors or osteopaths here. I hope to receive qualified advice and practical recommendations from your specialists. Best wishes to you!

Igor Anatolyevich Butakov, pos. Chulman, Yakutia."

A healthy spine, as is known, has natural curves, but pathological curvatures are also common, which include such common ones as scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis. Mostly parents come to me asking for advice on how to help their children who have these diagnoses. Adults usually keep silent about such problems, apparently believing that it is too late to help them, since their skeleton has long been formed and is already too rigid to somehow influence it. However, it is not. Observant people, of course, notice how the posture deteriorates and the legs of many older people become deformed, and skeletal rigidity is not a hindrance here. This means that the skeleton at any age can actively change. And in which direction depends on the conditions that we offer him.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, which is possible in all its parts and in any direction. Already at the initial stage of the disease, internal tension in the vertebral bodies and discs increases sharply. The spine becomes rigid and inflexible. Pathological processes are developing at an accelerated pace. The ability of the spine to withstand various overloads is reduced. For this reason, the disease progresses into old age.

The photo shows left-sided lumbar scoliosis. The lumbar spine is curved to the left, the muscles on the left side of the waist are hypertrophied, and on the right side they are practically absent. This distribution of muscle mass also enhances the visual perception of the defect. Where does muscle asymmetry come from? To maintain the body in an upright position, the muscles on the left must be constantly in a tense state, and on the right - in a relaxed state. That is, if the patient is standing or sitting, the muscles on the left work hard, and on the right they rest. If you walk, run, swim, or play sports, the difference in load increases many times over. This means that treating such a curvature by playing sports and regular physical education is pointless, moreover, it is harmful. Scoliosis will only increase!

Traditional methods - physical therapy, gentle living conditions (children, for example, are asked to do homework on their stomachs), corsets, mattresses molded to the shape of the body - are ineffective, and sometimes simply akin to sophisticated torture. Well, and also surgery. I have seen and treated children after surgery. The results are not just zero, but tragic.

The usual practice of chiropractors is to try to straighten the spine using a standard set of techniques, unfortunately, also does not achieve its goals. The spine straightens for a few hours at best, then returns to its original state. What can you do yourself without resorting to the services of specialists?

Create conditions for the patient such that most of the time the spine is in a state of counterbending.

Take all measures to align the muscular system.

Both can be successfully implemented by constantly performing the following exercises, or rather, by taking certain healing poses. Posture for the treatment of lumbar scoliosis: the patient sits on a chair, placing a book under the left buttock. At the same time, the lumbar spine bends to the right, the muscles on the left relax, and the muscles on the right tense. The thickness of the book (or other suitable object) is selected based on the magnitude of the spinal deformity, the patient’s age, the width of the pelvis and fat deposits on the buttocks and varies from 1-1.5 cm for a child to 5-6 cm for a well-fed person. Seating time for schoolchildren and adults is constant. This means that you need to sit like this in classes at school, at home, at work and generally always and everywhere, until complete recovery. For children 4-5 years old with slight scoliosis, half an hour of sitting a day is enough.

But there are times when it is impossible to sit on a book, for example, at a party or on the beach. So, when visiting, it is convenient to sit on an armchair or sofa, placing your leg under you instead of a book. It turns out extravagant and is not at all associated with treatment. On the beach, on the lawn, you can bend two legs to the side. Sitting in such poses, you can lean your right shoulder on a suitable support - the back of a chair, a wall, a tree trunk...

All poses are given for left-sided lumbar scoliosis; for right-sided scoliosis, the exercises must be performed in a mirror version.

For lumbar scoliosis, the reverse-bending position can be taken while standing. To do this, the body must rest completely on the left leg, the right leg is slightly bent, and the right half of the pelvis is lowered down.

For those who suffer from lumbar scoliosis, it is important to remember that both sitting and standing, they unconsciously take a position that is convenient specifically for scoliosis, that is, a mirror healing position. Therefore, watch yourself and take the right poses.

Well, what about muscles? Even with complete cure of scoliosis, muscle asymmetry remains, which some time later easily leads to the return of scoliosis. Therefore, to develop atrophied muscles, I suggest performing two exercises regularly.

While standing, press with your right hand on a stationary support (wall), while tensing the muscles on the right side of your waist. Recommended exercise mode: 2 seconds - press, 1 second - rest. In mild cases, 1 series of 10 presses is performed, in severe cases - 2-5 series.

Lying on your left side, with your left leg slightly bent. The left hand is under the head, the right rests on the couch. The body is slightly tilted forward, the straight right leg is raised up and slightly laid back. To stimulate the muscles, you can hang a weight (several kilograms) on your right leg and lift it with a straight leg until fatigue appears. You can resort to the help of loved ones: an assistant presses on the leg in the area of ​​the ankle joint, and the patient resists the pressure (until fatigue).

Attention! Do not forget about regular diagnostic examinations, as overdose is possible. Therefore, it is important to stop in time, otherwise the curvature may go in the other direction.

A significant part of scoliosis should be classified as acquired (induced), in contrast to those when scoliosis is caused by congenital defects - wedge-shaped vertebrae, fusion of ribs and some others. In this case, scoliosis cannot be completely cured, although the defect can be masked and posture can be improved by targeted stimulation of the development of certain muscle groups.

Acquired scoliosis can be treated perfectly using my technique. They are caused by prolonged stay in a fixed incorrect position, for example, a child constantly sits with his leg tucked under him, wears a heavy backpack on one shoulder, or plays the violin. Some sports - fencing, tennis, throwing sports equipment - predominantly develop one side of the body and can also contribute to the development of scoliosis. One day I observed an amazing case, the only one in my many years of practice. Severe scoliosis developed in an adult, mature girl. She became interested in bowling, and three years of training brought her to the Russian national team. Every day, for many hours, in a fixed position, she threw heavy balls and developed a serious curvature of the spine. Hence the conclusion: to prevent the development of “sports” scoliosis, it is necessary to develop the other side of the body, to create a counter-curvature of the spine in any available way.

You already know how this is done for lumbar scoliosis. But scoliosis can also be thoracic. Moreover, in most cases, right-handed people develop right-sided scoliosis in the thoracic region. This is due to increased development of muscles and skeleton on the right side. The right shoulder is usually raised, the right shoulder blade sticks out. When bending forward, the curvature of the spine to the right is clearly visible. To treat this anomaly, the following exercises are used.

Venus pose - lying on your left side, resting your head on your left hand. The exercise is performed 1-1.5 hours a day, preferably in small doses. Don't lie down and stare blankly at the wall. You can read, write, watch TV.

“We reach the ceiling” with our left hand. Use this exercise if your left shoulder is lower than your right. It’s done like this: stretch your hand up for 2 seconds, rest for 1 second without lowering your hand. Dose: 10 times in the morning and the same in the evening.

If the difference in shoulder height is 3 cm, 2-3 weeks are enough for alignment. In case of an overdose, the left shoulder may become higher than the right. It is rare, but it still happens that with right-sided scoliosis, the right shoulder is lower than the left. This is possible due to birth injuries. Then, when performing the first two exercises, the right shoulder will drop even lower. In this case, I suggest exercise 3. 3. We take a dumbbell, not very heavy, in our right hand, and while standing, we swing up and down until we feel tired. For left-sided thoracic scoliosis, all exercises are performed in a mirror manner.

“Humpty Dumpty” for the spine

Hello, dear editors of the magazine “FiS”! Many thanks to your consultant Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt for his “Humpty Dumpty” technique. For my hernia in the cervical spine, this is simply a wonderful first aid. After just a few procedures, the pain subsides, and on occasion I always talk about this wonderful technique.

But are there exercises based on the same humpty-dumpty principle for other parts of the spine? Maybe Vitaly Demyanovich has some experience in the thoracic and lumbar regions and will share them?

Alexander (the letter came by email)

I have long had several exercises for the spine of the “Humpty Dumpty” type in my arsenal. They are very simple, however, the more often you need to do them, the better. Ideally every waking hour.

To treat the lumbar spine, exercises are performed in a lying position on a fairly hard surface, such as a carpeted floor.

Lying on your back, legs extended, and arms along your body, and having previously placed a cushion (or a folded terry towel) under your lower back, relax. Rock your hips from side to side for 2 minutes.

Turn over onto your stomach, placing a cushion under it, and also sway from side to side for 2 minutes.

There are also two exercises for treating the thoracic spine.

Sitting straight in a chair, hands on your knees, relax as much as possible. Bend your back a little (1-2 cm) back, then bend your back a little. And so straighten and bend your back 100 times. When performing this exercise, try not to move your shoulders, breathe deeply and synchronize your breathing with your movements.

Lying on your back and placing a cushion under your shoulder blades, relax. And then perform the same movements as in the previous exercise - slightly bend and straighten the spine in the thoracic region. This exercise is suitable even for very weak people who are unable to sit.

Vitaly GITT

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Exercises for the hip joints

The chiropractor has developed sets of exercises for various areas of the body. Patients with varying degrees of coxarthrosis are offered a dosed load:

  • The exercise is performed while lying on your stomach. The body is relaxed, arms are straightened or lie under the head. The feet are placed on an elevation. Rolls are performed with swaying of the pelvis. The duration of the lesson is 10 minutes, in severe cases, reduce to 3-5 minutes.
  • Take a sitting position, feet on the floor, knees shoulder-width apart. With an amplitude of 1 cm, the knees smoothly move in and out.
  • Lying on your back, slightly spread your legs and turn them out and in.
  • Stand with your healthy limb on a support, and the patient perform pendulum swings. The exercise is recommended for the initial degree of coxarthrosis. A modified version is recommended for bedridden patients. It is necessary to make a loop of material and place it at a height of 25 cm above the bed. The affected leg is placed in a support loop and rocked.

Exercises should be pain-free; if discomfort occurs, stop gymnastics immediately. Videos of Gitta exercises for the hip joints will help you master the execution. In them, the author not only demonstrates the technique, but also talks about the changes occurring in the joint.

Workouts at home

After several classes with specialists and mastering basic skills, you can train at home. This is allowed for patients diagnosed with grade 1 or 2 cervical osteochondrosis. You should not exercise during periods of relapse or if you feel unwell. Respiratory or intestinal diseases, exacerbations of any chronic pathologies are also contraindications.

To get rid of stiffness in the cervical spine, dizziness and headaches, you should perform the following movements:

  • lie on your back, relax, breathe evenly and deeply (for convenience, you can place a narrow, dense cushion under your neck);
  • slightly turn your head from side to side with an amplitude of 5 turns per minute;
  • sit on a stool, tilt your head slightly, looking straight ahead, place your palms on your knees. Slightly tilt your neck towards your chest, as if agreeing with something. Within a minute, you should make at least 80 barely noticeable nods;
  • in the same starting position, turn your head from side to side, this time without agreeing with anything. Do not forget to breathe evenly, the number of turns should not be less than 2 per second;
  • sit up straight, straighten your back, lower your arms. Slightly tilt your head, first to one, then to the other shoulder - smoothly and very slowly.

At first glance, such exercises seem like a waste of time, because the muscle corset is not strengthened by microloads. But this is not the goal of Gitta gymnastics. During training, the rate of tissue repair prevails over the rate of natural destruction. Thus, something happens that drugs and physical procedures cannot do - regeneration of the affected hyaline cartilage.

Patient reviews

The effectiveness of gymnastics is confirmed by positive reviews of the Gitt method for coxarthrosis. Patients with stage 2-3 pathology after 12-14 months of scrupulous training note a significant improvement in their condition. Pain goes away at night, range of motion increases. The only drawback of the method noted when using it is the long duration of classes. Every day you need to allocate 3-6 hours for micromovements.

Patients believe that over time, gymnastics becomes a habit; movements are performed automatically, even during sedentary work.

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