Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky: how to do it correctly?

The most effective method of treating cervical osteochondrosis is the daily exercises of S. Bubnovsky. After 1-2 months of regular training, pain in the neck and back of the head decreases, crunching when turning and tilting the head disappears, and the range of movements increases. This therapeutic effect is due to the strengthening of the muscular frame of the neck, improving the blood supply to the discs and vertebrae with nutrients.

The basis of the Bubnovsky technique for cervical osteochondrosis

S. Bubnovsky is a famous rehabilitation doctor, chiropractor, author of the method of kinesitherapy, or movement treatment. In the medical centers he created, patients with osteochondrosis are helped to completely restore the mobility of the cervical spine. Kinesitherapy is based on the trophic features of intervertebral discs affected by the disease. Since their blood vessels are reduced over time, the supply of nutrients occurs due to the pressure difference. When the head is tilted, it decreases, and after it assumes a vertical position, it increases. Thus, the more a person moves, the better the discs are provided with the nutrients necessary for their restoration.

Benefits of exercise

Usually, patients come to S. Bubnovsky who know well the way to eliminate neck pain - taking a pill or applying a powerful ointment. The doctor immediately warns that you will have to give up analgesics at the preparation stage. The use of painkillers deprives a person of motivation for regular exercise and full dedication during training. S. Bubnovsky teaches patients to get rid of pain by tension followed by relaxation of certain muscle groups.

Not only the elimination of discomfort in the cervical spine is the task of kinesitherapy. Patients are recommended exercises for the spine, the implementation of which is aimed at the maximum possible restoration of cartilage and bone tissues affected by osteochondrosis. Also, due to the stabilization of discs and vertebrae, there is no compression of blood vessels and spinal roots. Headaches, dizziness, surges in blood pressure, visual and auditory disorders gradually weaken and then disappear altogether.

How to do a neck massage

Classic massage is usually performed on a special massage table using various types of lubricants, such as olives, but the most useful and effective massage is a dry massage.

To improve the patient's condition, it is usually recommended to perform a series of 10 procedures daily, but it should be taken into account that pain perception may initially increase after the massage. However, if the patient’s condition worsens significantly, it is necessary to contact a massage therapist; you may have to change the technique or visit a doctor.

To perform a classic massage, many different techniques can be used, depending on the needs and health problems of the patient, as well as the desired effect. Most often, a massage therapist combines several techniques during one procedure.

The main techniques used during the procedure include:

  • stroking (we do it at the beginning and at the end of the procedure, and also intertwine certain techniques with it, it gives a hyperemic reaction, and the gentle surface has a calming effect)
  • rubbing (especially often used to repair injuries such as bruises, sprains, as well as in the case of scars or adhesions)
  • kneading (used primarily to massage the muscles themselves, used for muscle atrophy, paresis, performed using pressure with great force)
  • tapping (improves blood circulation, depending on the force applied, stimulates or soothes muscles)
  • vibrating (weakly soothes muscles, strongly stimulates the nervous system, type of vibration - shaking or beating)
  • rolling (this is a type of kneading, used to massage the muscles of the arms or thighs)
  • squeezing (called deep stroking, promotes faster outflow of blood and lymph)

Indications for the use of gymnastics

Therapeutic gymnastics according to Bubnovsky is indicated for patients with osteochondrosis of any severity. But it is most therapeutically effective in the initial stages of pathology. Daily exercises with careful dosing of loads can reverse the degenerative process. As a result of improved blood circulation and accelerated metabolism, partial restoration of damaged tissue occurs.

It is not possible to regenerate significantly deformed discs and vertebrae with exercises. In this case, the goal of the classes is to completely eliminate symptoms and increase range of motion. Training is indicated for frequently manifested neurological symptoms of the disease.

Causes of the disease

A person gets osteochondrosis for the following reasons:

  • physical and mental stress;
  • disturbance in the body's metabolic processes, due to which beneficial elements are not absorbed;
  • heredity;
  • poor posture during active human growth, development of scoliosis;
  • wearing narrow shoes or high heels;
  • prolonged or frequent dehydration;
  • an incorrectly formulated diet that lacks the vitamins and minerals necessary for normal development;
  • bad habits (especially smoking);
  • pregnancy (especially multiple pregnancy).

Technologies and implementation rules

In the first lessons, you should not strive to complete everything, especially technically complex exercises. Loads need to be increased gradually so that the muscles have time to adapt to them.


Before class, you need to ventilate the room well. It should be cool enough, but not cold, otherwise the pain in the back of the neck will significantly increase due to muscle inflammation. It is best to train in loose-fitting clothes made from natural materials that absorb moisture well and allow air to pass through. It is advisable to exercise on an empty stomach or 2-3 hours after eating.

To warm up the muscles and prepare them for upcoming loads, a warm-up is required. You need to walk around the room, swing your arms, legs, shallow squats and lunges, bend and twist your body. You should massage your neck, stroking the areas between the spinous processes (well-palpable tubercles).

Basic gymnastic exercises

Exercises from the basic complex can be done for osteochondrosis of any severity, as well as for its prevention. Their main goal is to stretch the muscles to increase the distance between adjacent discs, eliminating compression of the vertebral artery and nerve roots.

The following exercises are most effective while sitting on a chair or stool:

  • slowly tilt your head first to one, then to the other shoulder;
  • gently lower your chin down, stay in this position for 15 seconds, and do not throw your head back too far;
  • pull your chin forward, trying not to move your head, turn it to the sides towards the collarbones;
  • turn your head slightly to the side, at the same time raising your chin, look up;
  • Place your right hand on your left shoulder and place your elbow parallel to the floor. Place your chin on this shoulder and apply light pressure. Repeat all movements, using the right shoulder;
  • clasp your fingers at the back of your head, turn your upper body from side to side;
  • extend your arms straight to the sides, placing them behind your back at the same time, trying to bring your shoulder blades as close as possible to each other;
  • move your arms back, and then turn your head to the sides and lift your chin.

Each exercise should be performed 10-12 times. Mild pain during exercise is acceptable. But acute pain should be a signal for a long break.

Strength exercises

Strength exercises are started only after the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle have been sufficiently strengthened. At first, it is advisable to perform them under the guidance of a physical therapy doctor or a rehabilitation therapist who controls the stress that occurs. In Bubnovsky’s centers, exercise machines developed by him are used to strengthen muscles. But some exercises can be performed at home using improvised means:

  • Place two stools near the bed (preferably with a semi-rigid or hard mattress) at a distance equal to shoulder width. Lie on the bed, rest your palms on the seats of the stools. Inhale, lower your body straight, and exhale to return to the starting position;
  • Lie on your back with your head on the edge of the bed. Raise and lower dumbbells weighing up to 3 kilograms;
  • in the same starting position, while inhaling, move the dumbbells to the sides, while exhaling, bring them together in the chest area;
  • sit on the floor between two chairs with emphasis on the seat. Straighten your arms, raise your body, bend them, taking the original body position;
  • stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms with dumbbells forward, spread them and bring them together.

The number of repetitions in the first lessons is 5-7. As they strengthen, you need to increase their number to 15-20. In the medical centers of S. Bubnovsky, hanging and push-ups on the bar are also practiced. At home, such exercises are contraindicated. If they are performed incorrectly, there is a high risk of compression of the vertebral artery by the displaced disc.


Morning exercises do not replace basic and strength physical therapy, but only become a good addition to it. Immediately after waking up, a patient with osteochondrosis often suffers from dizziness, flies and colored spots flashing before the eyes. This is how the body reacts to poor blood circulation in the cervical spine during sleep. Exercise will help improve blood circulation and prepare for the work day. Here are some of the most therapeutically beneficial exercises:

  • sitting on the bed, stretch your ear first to one, then to the other shoulder;
  • perform several circular rotations of your head in different directions, without throwing it back or tilting it too much;
  • extend your arms in front of you, alternately clench and unclench your fists;
  • place your palms on your shoulders, make circular rotations with your elbows;
  • stand up, spread your legs a little, put your hands on your belt, do several bends and turns;
  • Without changing your body position, perform several shallow lunges forward, backward, and to the sides (you can lean on a chair);
  • lie on your stomach, simultaneously raise your arms and legs, stretch the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, and lower back.

The number of repetitions is arbitrary. If, while performing any exercise, pleasant sensations arise in the muscles, then you can do it 15-20 times.

Other exercises

For cervical osteochondrosis, resistance exercises are very effective, helping to strengthen muscles and stabilize spinal structures in the shortest possible time. It is better to conduct the first training sessions with a physical therapy doctor or a rehabilitation therapist from a medical center, who will monitor the execution of the movements. How to quickly strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle:

  • sit on a chair, press your right palm to your right cheek. Tilt your head to the right, offering resistance with your palm. Perform the exercise in the opposite direction;
  • in the same body position, rest your chin on your fist or palm. Try to tilt your head without pressing your hand;
  • the original position is the same. Clasp your fingers in a “lock” at the back of your head, tilt your head back, offering resistance with your hands;
  • sit on the floor, lean forward, trying to touch the opposite foot with your palm;
  • lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. As you exhale, lift your upper body, and as you inhale, lower to the floor.

Each exercise should be repeated 7-12 times. At the point of maximum muscle tension, linger for 15-20 seconds.

Five rules for effective training

Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis using Dr. Bubnovsky’s method will give a positive result if the following rules are followed:

  1. the first two weeks of classes should be done every day without missing;
  2. in the future, the physical therapy doctor determines the number of classes per week individually, usually they take place up to eight times a month;
  3. while performing gymnastics, it is necessary to constantly monitor your posture;
  4. Conduct classes in front of a mirror to control the accuracy of movements;
  5. The duration of the course of treatment with gymnastic exercises is determined individually by the physical therapy doctor, but this is at least three months.

Diet and regimen for osteochondrosis

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis using the S. Bubnovsky method is not only gymnastics, but also the use of deep diaphragmatic breathing techniques, classes with a psychologist, diet and the correct daily routine. Increased stress on the cervical spine, smoking, and heavy lifting are completely excluded. It is necessary to give up semi-finished products, smoked meats, fatty meats, and sausages. It is advisable to replace them with fermented milk products, fresh berries, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.


In the subacute period of cervical osteochondrosis, exercise can only be done under medical supervision. At home, training is carried out at the stage of remission, when there are no pronounced symptoms of pathology. It is forbidden to perform exercises at high temperature, chills, fever, severely low or high blood pressure. Contraindications to physical therapy also include cancer, severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system, relapse of allergies, respiratory and intestinal infections.

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