Neck massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: types, how to perform correctly

Osteochondrosis on x-ray.
For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, massage becomes one of the main methods of treatment. When carrying out general healing procedures, the muscle corset is strengthened and blood circulation improves. Sessions of classic, acupressure, and vacuum massage are especially recommended for patients with cervical osteochondrosis, manifested by headaches, dizziness, and surges in blood pressure.

Is it possible to do massage with cervical osteochondrosis?

So far, no drugs have been synthesized that would help restore cervical vertebrae and intervertebral discs affected by osteochondrosis. Therefore, treatment is aimed at stopping the destructive-degenerative process and improving the patient’s well-being. This can be achieved by normalizing the supply of vertebral structures with nutrients. This task is effectively accomplished by the basic movements performed during massage:

  • kneading;
  • rubbing;
  • vibrations;
  • pats.

After the massage, aching neck pain and stiffness of movement disappear. This occurs, first of all, due to the breakdown of protein-fibrous nodules - compactions under the skin. The reason for their formation is the effect of lactic acid produced during muscle spasms, which are very characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis.

Efficiency of the procedure

At the initial stage of development of cervical osteochondrosis, a combination of massage and physical therapy allows you to do without medications. This pronounced therapeutic effect is due to the multifaceted effects of the procedures:

  • reduction in the severity of pain;
  • relaxation of the skeletal muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle;
  • elimination of stiffness in the cervical spine;
  • accelerating the removal of tissue breakdown products and harmful mineral salts.

Due to the mechanical effect on the neck muscles, blood circulation in the cervical region is improved, nutrient reserves are replenished, which leads to accelerated tissue restoration. Muscle spasms are eliminated, which often provoke compression of the vertebral artery supplying the brain with blood and pinching of the spinal roots.

Therapeutic exercises for the neck

Physiotherapists recommend ending each massage session with several simple exercises from the Bubnovsky neck gymnastics complex. The exercises are simple, harmless, but relieve muscle tension. They are done in a sitting position with a straight back. Rotary movements are performed slowly and smoothly, with effort while exhaling, with repetitions up to four times. At the extreme point, the position of the head is fixed for 15 seconds. This helps to relax the muscles and restore blood flow.

First exercise. Lower your head to your right shoulder, fix the position and bend to the left side through the starting position.

Second exercise. Press your chin down towards your neck, trying not to lower your head. Hold for 15 seconds. Then pull your chin forward and up without throwing your head back. Freeze at the point of extension and return to the starting position.

Third exercise. Turn your head to the right and, straining the back muscles of your neck, lift your chin. The shoulders and back remain in a stationary position. Make a left turn.

Self-massage of the cervical-collar area is an effective procedure. To get results: restoration of neck mobility, elimination of pain and muscle spasms, appearance of vigor and a surge of strength, perform massage procedures regularly for 2 weeks in a row. During the year you need to do 3-4 courses. Self-massage techniques can be used as an “ambulance” if you experience a feeling of fatigue and numb areas in the shoulders and neck during working hours.

Indications for use

Massage is indicated for patients with cervical osteochondrosis of any severity. Treatment procedures begin immediately after acute pain in the neck and back of the head has been eliminated and inflammation that has arisen due to damage to soft tissue by bone growths (osteophytes) has been relieved. Main indications for massage:

  • pain in the back of the neck;
  • restriction of movements;
  • crunching when bending and (or) turning the head.

Treatment procedures are especially recommended for osteochondrosis complicated by cerebrovascular accident as a result of compression of the vertebral artery. Clinically, this condition is manifested by dizziness, decreased visual and hearing acuity, shortness of breath, tinnitus, and double vision of objects in front of the eyes.

Types of massage

In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, various types of massage, performed by hand or using special equipment, are in demand. When choosing a specific technique, a vertebrologist or neurologist takes into account the stage of the disease and the form of the disease, the number of complications that have developed, the degree of damage to the discs and vertebrae, and the severity of symptoms.

Classic massage

This is the most common type of healing procedures aimed at easing pain and eliminating stiffness. Classic massage is recommended for patients to strengthen the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle through a direct effect on the skeletal muscles. This therapeutic effect is achieved by kneading, stroking, shaking, tapping, and rubbing.

During the session, the massage therapist treats the collar area, paying special attention to the back of the neck. It mechanically affects fibrous nodules formed in the muscles, which leads to a decrease in their size.


During the procedure, the massage therapist uses his fingertips on certain biologically active points. They are located not only in the neck, but also on the shoulders, forearms, and hands. First, the massage therapist treats 3 points, and then gradually increases their number to 10. If the course of osteochondrosis is complicated by muscle spasms, then he provides measured resistance with his hands.

The therapeutic effect of this massage technique is due to the increased production in the body of substances with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The production of endorphins, which improve a person’s psycho-emotional state, also increases.


There are areas on the human body that have common innervation (supplying organs and tissues with nerves) with discs, vertebrae, and muscles. Therefore, exposure to them has a positive effect on the condition of the cervical vertebral structures. By treating the back, arms, and hips, blood circulation in the spinal cord and brain improves, and all neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis that occur due to compression of the spinal roots disappear.


When performing vacuum massage, plastic, glass, and sometimes bamboo jars are used. They are easy to install on the upper back once the air has been eliminated. Due to the vacuum formed in medical banks, blood flows to the discs, vertebrae, and ligamentous-muscular apparatus. Nutrient reserves are replenished and the processes of restoration of damaged tissues are accelerated.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the massage therapist smoothly moves the cups, performing pressure, kneading, rubbing, and vibration.


Vertebrologists recommend using self-massage to reduce the severity of all symptoms of osteochondrosis and to prevent its relapses. Small areas between the spinous processes need to be treated. This is the name of the parts of the vertebrae that can be easily felt on the back of the neck.

First, light stroking and kneading will be performed, and then intense rubbing and patting. The muscles located along the vertebrae and lateral surfaces of the neck are also treated.

It is enough to devote 15 minutes a day to self-massage to get rid of dizziness and surges in blood pressure.

Massage with a rolling pin

A smooth wooden rolling pin is the most commonly used tool for self-massage. It gently affects the areas between the spinous processes of the vertebrae, as well as those located behind the ears. Roll the rolling pin over the skin, lightly tapping and rubbing. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is used to treat the lower back (with the exception of the kidney area) and the upper back.


This massage is performed using devices. A pneumatic apparatus connected to an air compressor is often used. It creates high and low pressure in nozzles similar to medical cups. Due to the difference in pressure in the cervical vertebral structures, regeneration processes are accelerated and muscle tone is normalized. Hydromassage and vibration massage are also used in the treatment of osteochondrosis.


The positive effects of honey vary at the initial and final stages of cervical massage. First, it is used to facilitate the sliding of hands, making stroking and rubbing easier. Gradually the honey thickens and the massage therapist begins vigorous pats. His hands are difficult to lift from the skin, so the vibration affects the deepest tissues.

Periosteal (periosteal)

Periosteum (periosteum) is a connective tissue film surrounding the bone from the outside. It is equipped with blood vessels and nerves, and takes part in the nutrition of bone tissue. This is a complex multifunctional structure, so massage is performed only by a specialist with a medical education, preferably a chiropractor. The procedure is quite painful, but very effective. By acting on the periosteum with his hands, the massage therapist eliminates vascular compression, stimulating an increase in microcirculation and an increased supply of nutrients to the discs and vertebrae.

Connective tissue

This massage technique is used not only during the remission stage, but also in the acute period to eliminate severe pain. The massage therapist acts on reflexogenic zones, stretching the skin. The receptors located in the subcutaneous tissue are irritated, and pain impulses are sent to the central nervous system. The body's response is an increased production of endorphins and bioactive substances with an analgesic effect.


This is a special type of massage that focuses on acupressure. It is performed with the thumbs, the surface of the palm and its base, the outer part of the wrist, elbows, forearms, knees and feet, as well as bamboo sticks. During the session, the massage therapist is especially focused on the patient’s condition. To do this, he even adjusts his own breathing in order to feel changes in the patient’s well-being. If discomfort occurs, the massage therapist reduces the intensity of the treatment or begins treating other areas of the body.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage massage can be superficial, medium, or deep. The latter option is usually used for inflammation of soft tissues caused by injury to soft tissues from bone growths. It is treated first with medications, and then with the help of lymphatic drainage massage, swelling is eliminated. During the procedure, tissue breakdown products and harmful mineral salts are also rapidly removed from the cervical spine. The patient notes an increase in range of motion, elimination of crunching and clicking when turning or tilting the head.

Shiatsu massage

Performing Shiatsu massage requires special medical knowledge, which takes several years to obtain. Its principle is based on the presence of 14 special energy channels in the human body. With osteochondrosis, they are destroyed at certain points. In them, the energy stagnates or weakens, which is felt by a person in the soreness of the back of the neck, swelling, and stiffness of movement. The massage therapist’s task is to restore the integrity of energy channels, thereby curing osteochondrosis.


You can massage the back and sides of the neck yourself only at the stage of remission. The procedure is indicated for aching, intermittent pain that is not accompanied by limited mobility of the cervical vertebrae. It allows you to prevent exacerbation of chondrosis due to hypothermia, relapse of chronic pathology or heavy lifting. Self-massage should be performed with the pads of your fingers, avoiding excessive pressure on the collar area.

Self-massage of the cervical region.

It is necessary to begin the massage by rubbing the mastoid processes (tubercles behind the ears), shoulders, forearms, and arms. Then the neck is gently massaged and then vigorously rubbed. You need to feel a chain of small bulges in the center of the back area and stroke them with gentle circular movements, pressing lightly.

It is enough to massage once a day for 10 minutes to prevent the spread of the disease to neighboring discs and vertebrae.

Basic execution rules

The therapeutic effectiveness of any massage depends on its correct implementation. The last meal should be at least 2 hours before the procedure. It is not advisable to smoke or drink alcohol during treatment.

Rules for performing massage for cervical osteochondrosisCharacteristics
DirectionAll massage techniques are performed along the lymphatic tract, but they are not directly affected
No painDuring the session, the patient should not experience severe discomfort.
Clear rhythm and tempoTo increase the excitability of the nervous system, the tone should be fast, to decrease it - slow
Alternation of techniquesA pause between techniques is not allowed, for example, immediately after stroking the massage therapist should begin kneading


This is the most common type of massage for cervical chondrosis with proven therapeutic effectiveness. The session begins with warming up the muscles, preparing them for more intense effects, reducing stress on the spine. The massage therapist strokes the back, hips, legs, and neck with smooth pressure movements until the skin becomes slightly reddened. Then the focus is on the back, in the upper part of which the muscles are usually in spasm. The massage therapist uses squeezing, pinching, vibrating, chopping movements, and then moves on to spanking, hitting with the edge of the palm and (or) with a fist. At the final stage, the scapular region, which is characterized by common innervation with the back surface of the neck, as well as the shoulders and forearms, are treated.

Classic cervical massage.

After completing the preparatory stage, the neck massage begins directly. The lower part of the head is warmed up with soft stroking movements, and then the massage therapist’s hands gradually move to the shoulder blades. He kneads by rolling a roll of skin between his fingers, rubbing with his palms, and applying light pressure on tense muscles. The specialist must treat the vertebrae and their processes, so he asks the patient to tilt his head forward, to the right, to the left. The massage ends with vigorous rubbing and then stroking.

The first procedures are carried out using a gentle method due to the occurrence of discomfort already at the kneading stage. As muscle spasms are eliminated, the intensity of pressing movements increases. During the first and second sessions, the massage therapist usually does not treat the vertebrae and processes, since movements in the cervical region are severely limited.

Read the article about the treatment of intercostal chondrosis.

Contraindications for carrying out

With rare exceptions, massage for cervical osteochondrosis is carried out only after relief of acute pain and inflammation of soft tissues. It is started after the compression by osteophytes or displaced discs of the vertebral artery or spinal roots has been removed.


Massage procedures are not prescribed to patients with malignant tumors, aneurysms, atherosclerosis, hematopoietic disorders, mental pathologies, tuberculosis and HIV. Absolute contraindications also include thromboembolism, gangrene, angiitis, and osteomyelitis.


Massage is not performed in case of bleeding, acute inflammatory process, high body temperature, relapse of allergies, dyspeptic disorders, lymphadenitis. Relative contraindications include acute renal or cardiovascular failure.

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