Why do my legs swell at the end of the working day?

The usual shoes became tight in the evening, and the ankles became swollen - this is a sign of swelling, which can be accompanied by pain and a feeling of fatigue in the legs.

Isolated cases of swelling of the legs are quite natural if the weather is hot outside, you walked a lot and for a long time, wore uncomfortable clothes and shoes, or took a long flight.

But when such a symptom begins to appear regularly, this is a reason to think about your health and seek advice from a doctor.

  • Why do my legs swell?
  • Swelling of the legs - what is the reason?
  • Possible diseases
  • Prevention of swelling
  • How to treat swelling of the legs?

Edema is the accumulation of excess fluid in tissue. Under natural conditions, in the absence of pathologies, the body removes it through the venous system on its own.

If swelling of the extremities bothers you often and is accompanied by alarming symptoms - such as: the appearance of nodules on the veins, dark areas on the skin, spider veins; frequent bruises and hematomas, even with minor bruises and pressure - this may be a signal of problems with blood vessels and the development of diseases such as thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

“My legs are swollen...”

A similar complaint can often be heard in a doctor’s office: according to statistics, almost 90% of the world’s population faces this problem. Swelling can be pronounced or subtle, people often ask what to do if the lower legs are swollen or what to do if the leg is swollen and painful. Since there can be many causes of swelling, the first thing to do when you have swelling is to see a doctor. He will make an accurate diagnosis, and we will try to comment on the questions that patients have if their leg is swollen.

How to relieve swelling

It is important to eliminate not the effect, but the cause, so it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, and not just relieve swelling. If the cause is fatigue, you need to give your legs a rest. You need to lie on the bed and throw your legs higher, and also do gymnastics and massage. Compression socks and tights will help prevent the disease. All other causes of edema require treatment.

For heart and kidney diseases:

  1. Cardioprotectors.
  2. Potassium-based preparations - “Asparkam” or “Panangin”.
  3. Diuretics - potassium-sparing, loop and thiazide. For large swelling, injections are needed.

For vein diseases:

  1. Wearing elastic compression bandages.
  2. Blood thinners - Cardiomagnyl, Clopidogrel, Aspecard, etc.
  3. Phlebotonics.
  4. Ointments and gels - “Lioton”, heparin ointment, etc.

Gels and ointments can be used to treat tired feet after a long walk or standing. This can be done both for prevention and to relieve symptoms.

Edema usually affects women and rarely occurs in men. Why is this happening?

Indeed, there are several factors that explain why women are more likely to have swollen lower legs. The first is incorrectly selected shoes. Women more often make “sacrifices for the sake of beauty”, wearing uncomfortable but fashionable shoes, or too high heels. All this disrupts the venous outflow, which ultimately leads to edema. The second important factor is regular hormonal fluctuations: many women note that swelling is associated with the phase of the cycle. And of course, edema is accompanied by pregnancy: at this time, blood circulation becomes difficult, hormonal levels change, and often expectant mothers allow themselves to deviate from proper nutrition.

Folk remedies

Burdock decoction helps relieve swelling.
There are several traditional medicines that help relieve pain, improve blood circulation and relieve swelling.

  1. Rinsing with decoctions based on burdock, lingonberry or medicinal comfrey. Pour the ingredients with a liter of water and boil until 500 milliliters remain. Strain and rinse your knee several times a day.
  2. Grind fresh potatoes to a mushy consistency. Place the mixture on the area of ​​swelling, wrap with cling film and cotton cloth. Do not remove the compress for at least 2 hours; for greater effectiveness, leave it overnight.
  3. Cover your legs above the knees with birch leaves and wrap them with cloth. After a few hours, sweat production will increase, after which replace the leaves with fresh ones.
  4. For slight swelling, make lotions from blue clay.

Folk remedies are effective when used regularly. Treatment is carried out under strict medical supervision.

The most common cause of leg swelling is improper kidney function.

Various kidney pathologies often cause swelling of the legs. Kidney swelling is mild and gets worse if you spend a lot of time on your feet. The reason that the legs swell more in the evening is that fluid is usually not removed from the body at night.

However, the condition of the kidneys is not the only factor influencing swelling. Some diseases of the liver (for example, cirrhosis) or the cardiovascular system are also accompanied by fluid stagnation. For example, with heart failure, the leg may swell from the knee to the foot. In liver diseases, swelling of the ankles is more common.


An unpleasant disease manifests itself in the form of a number of symptoms that are easy to recognize. They may disappear over time or persist permanently. The degree of manifestation also often varies. If swelling increases, it means there is a pathology in the body.


  1. Local location. They most often occur around the entire circumference of the ankle joint or around the ankles.
  2. Pasty. If you press your finger on the affected area, marks will remain on it. The same marks remain on the shins from socks and shoes.
  3. Trophic disorders. Due to the large amount of accumulated fluid, the skin stretches, then trophic ulcers, erosions, dermatitis, etc. can form on it.
  4. Large (up to the knee) swelling of only one leg. If you press lightly on it, the mark will not disappear for a long time.

Symptoms may vary depending on the cause of the disorder. The diagnosis is made after a thorough examination and comparison of all symptoms.

My leg is swollen and hurts, what should I do?

As is clear from the answers to the previous questions, you need to contact a specialist. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause that leads to swelling of the legs. If swelling occurs only sporadically, here are some tips for those who want to maintain healthy feet:

  • Wear comfortable shoes. High heels are beautiful, but they are not good for your health. If you want to avoid swelling, then for daily wear, choose shoes with heels no higher than 3-5 cm.
  • Do not disregard your doctor's recommendations if you are prescribed to wear compression stockings. It helps to establish normal blood circulation; it is very important to wear compression stockings or socks if you have a long trip or flight.
  • If you sit or stand for a long time during the day, change your position, do gymnastics during the day, walk. This will help improve blood circulation.
  • Watch your weight. Excess body weight also contributes to the formation of edema.

First aid

In case of swelling of the knee joints, it is important to provide first aid to reduce pain and stop the development of pathology.

  • Immobilize your leg, avoid repetitive movements and stress on your knees.
  • Wrap pieces of ice in a cloth and apply to the swollen area for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day. Instead of ice, you can use any frozen food.
  • Extend and place your leg on a hill. An elevated position will improve the condition of the limb.
  • Take an anti-inflammatory drug: Aspirin, Ibuprofen.

It should be remembered that first aid measures do not exclude visiting a specialist.

Arthrosis of the hip joints (coxarthrosis)

Coxarthrosis is the destruction of cartilage tissue. People of all age groups are susceptible to the disease. Coxarthrosis can be treated in the early stages without surgery; when the first symptoms appear, it is better to go to the hospital for advice.

The main symptoms include:

  • pain in the area from hip to knee;
  • limping;
  • the appearance of swelling in the affected surface.

When the disease occurs, a person experiences severe pain that spreads from the groin area, runs along the surface of the thigh and reaches the knee. Severe pain occurs when walking or when a person tries to get up from a chair. A swelling of the damaged surface appears, and at times, as the disease progresses, a crunching sound is heard in the joint during movement.

Risk factors for developing leg lymphedema

Risk factors for developing leg lymphedema include:

  • weight gain or excess weight;
  • infection of the affected leg;
  • radiotherapy of the pelvic area;
  • reappearance of cancer.

There are other factors that are thought to increase this risk. These include:

  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Flying on an airplane.
  • Compression of the leg. It occurs when there is a tight ring of pressure in one area of ​​the leg and is often caused by wearing certain clothing.
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures.

to come back to the beginning

Health care

An MRI of the leg above the knee helps identify the cause of the tumor.
If the legs above the knees are swollen, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive examination and determine treatment methods. To assess the condition of the knee joint, you will need a CT scan or MRI.

Drug therapy.

Anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antihistamines, diuretics, as well as drugs to normalize the outflow of lymph and blood are often prescribed.

Therapeutic baths

eliminate swelling, are especially effective at the early stages of disorders. Radon, bischofite or hydrogen sulfide baths improve the structure of the knee joints, trigger regeneration processes, eliminate pain, and help increase range of motion.

  • Leg pain in front above the knee: reasons, which doctor to see, treatment methods

Physiotherapeutic procedures

used for injuries and inflammations to improve the outflow of lymph and blood, normalize joint functions. Sessions include laser therapy, electrophoresis, UHF, mud applications, phonophoresis, and exposure to therapeutic magnets.

You should not make a diagnosis and choose a treatment method on your own. With improper therapy, you can harm your health even more.

A leg tumor occurs in a person’s life; pain of this nature causes a lot of inconvenience and trouble. A tumor is a process in which newly formed tissue appears in the human body and is associated with the influence of negative factors of the external or internal environment.

In the article we will look at a specific area on the leg - above the knee, the causes of pain and the occurrence of a tumor. If the leg hurts or is swollen above the knee, a rare phenomenon occurs; more often, patients have pain in the calf muscle, foot, shin or knee. However, any pain that occurs in the human body, regardless of the area of ​​distribution, appears for certain reasons.

Make an appointment

To make an appointment with a lymphedema therapist, contact your healthcare provider. They will decide together which lymphedema therapy is right for you. Once your doctor has made a referral, you will be contacted to schedule an appointment. If you have any questions, call Rehabilitation Service at 212-639-7833.

Lymphedema therapy is provided at several Memorial Sloan Kettering locations. For more information, visit www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/diagnosis-treatment/symptom-management/rehabilitation/medicine-therapy.

To find a lymphedema therapist in your area, you can visit the following websites:

Klose Training


Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy


Academy of Lymphatic Studies


Lymphatic Association of North America


to come back to the beginning

Other Lymphedema Treatments

There are other treatments for lymphedema. Talk to your doctor or lymphedema therapist about which ones are right for you.

Other treatments for lymphedema include:

  • Treatment of scars. Scarring from surgery can make it difficult for your body to eliminate fluid. Scar treatments help soften the area around the scar and make it less tight. It will help drain fluid from your legs.
  • Improved posture.
  • Using kinesiology tape for athletes.

to come back to the beginning

How to recognize the first signs of lymphedema

After surgery, swelling occurs at the incision site (surgical suture) in all patients. This is normal and will subside a few weeks after surgery.

Swelling caused by lymphedema usually occurs in the lower leg(s). If left untreated, it can spread throughout the leg and all the way to the torso. At first, this swelling may appear and disappear. It may decrease as you lift your leg higher than your chest.

Other early symptoms may include a feeling of heaviness in your leg(s) or a feeling that clothes, socks or shoes are pressing in on you.

to come back to the beginning

Exercise stress

The main and common reasons to start with are heavy physical activity on the legs. Nowadays, people of different ages are trying to get in shape with constant training in gyms, wanting to get the perfect result in the shortest possible time. Not every person will be able to independently calculate the amount of exercise required; sometimes excessive physical exercise leads to pain and the appearance of a tumor.

Load on the hips

The leg can be very painful, accompanied by slight swelling in the area above the knee. The tumor limits a person's movements. This condition should be treated accordingly by reducing the amount of physical activity on the affected leg.

Stretches or tears in the muscles above the knee can provoke the appearance of a tumor or hematoma in the problem area. The patient definitely needs rest. Periodically, recovery from such an injury takes several months.

  • Why legs hurt below the knee: common causes and treatment methods

Osteoporosis of the knee joint

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes wear and tear of the cartilage in the knee joints. With osteoporosis, changes in bone tissue occur in the human body; bones become very fragile, provoking further complex fractures. The disease usually occurs unnoticed by the patient, this is the danger; it is impossible to detect osteoporosis at the initial stage.

Osteoporosis of the knee

This disease appears more often than others in women of a certain age category, over 50 years old, the phenomenon occurs due to hormonal disorders in the body. The cause is also a lack of calcium in the body. Alcohol abuse and smoking are known factors in the onset and development of the disease.

A sedentary lifestyle or previous leg injuries are possible causes of osteoporosis of the knee joint. Symptoms of osteoporosis:

  • aching pain in the legs during bad weather;
  • Often people with osteoporosis have severe leg pain in the morning, even at rest;
  • movement is often accompanied by crunching joints;
  • During the inflammatory process, the patient may develop a tumor in the knee area or higher.
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