If your hands are swollen and your knees hurt...

Have you noticed that a tumor has appeared on your hand? You don't know the reason for its appearance? Or did the tumor form as a result of grass or a bruise on the hand? What to do in such a situation?

Of course, the first thing is not to panic. Most likely, this tumor is a wen, or, in accordance with medical terminology, a hygroma. This formation is benign and looks like a fluid-filled capsule. But to confirm the diagnosis and determine the nature of the tumor that appears on the hand, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Why does the hand hurt when bending?

There are several groups of diseases that cause pain in the right or left hand when bending (and sometimes in both hands at once).


This is the most common cause of discomfort. The wrist bears a large load and often takes the blow when falling. Due to the complex structure of this zone and the presence of small bones in it, fractures often occur here, as well as other types of injuries.

Due to the bruise, subcutaneous hematomas and swelling may appear, which is why it hurts to bend the arm. A dislocation can also occur, for example, if, while trying to hold something, a person sharply twists his arm. Naturally, the hand hurts very much when bending in case of a fracture.


The inflammatory process in the wrist area has a different nature. So, if the skin is damaged, infection can get inside. In this case, usually only one wrist is affected, for example, the crook of the right hand hurts. Inflammation can also be allergic as a reaction of the body to certain substances. Autoimmune inflammation develops due to metabolic disorders (for example, gout).

Any inflammatory process in the wrist joint is called arthritis and makes itself felt with pronounced pain. At first, this is felt when moving the hand, and later it bothers you even in a calm state. If acute arthritis is ignored, it develops into chronic arthritis.

With inflammation, the joint of the hand usually hurts when bending, but sometimes nearby tissues are also affected: muscles, tendons, etc.


With age, irreversible degenerative changes occur in the wrist joints - arthrosis begins. It often affects older people, although recently the disease has become younger. Also, degenerative processes sometimes provoke chronic diseases. At the initial stage, arthrosis usually does not manifest itself; noticeable pain occurs as it progresses. A characteristic sign of arthrosis is a crunching sound, because the articular surfaces rub against each other, as they lack lubrication - synovial fluid.

Other diseases

Sometimes the answer to the question “Why does my arm hurt in the crook of my wrist?” associated with the condition of the cervical spine. After all, nerves come from this area that can be compressed. Pain in the wrist is provoked by intervertebral hernias, protrusion of intervertebral discs, and osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Another possible cause of the pathology is myocardial infarction. You should be alarmed if your left hand hurts when bending and the discomfort moves up the arm. At the same time, tingling and numbness of the skin is felt.

Sometimes wrist discomfort occurs when the thumb is bent. This is a sign of tunnel syndrome, in which tissue microcirculation is disrupted. If the patient is right-handed, then his right hand hurts, especially at night. Also concerning is swelling, numbness, tingling, and changes in skin color (it turns pale or blue).

What is gyroma and what are the causes of its occurrence?

A subcutaneous tumor on the hand, or hygroma, is cystic in nature. Often, it forms when there is constant stress on the wrist for a long time. People who play sports or music, work at a computer, or do manual labor are most susceptible to this disease.

As a rule, the type of hygroma is determined by its location. For example, it happens:

  • Tumor on the hand.
  • Hygroma of the knee joint.
  • Formation located on the foot.
  • Lump on the finger.

Basically, hygroma forms in the area of ​​the joints, but there are exceptions, for example, hygroma of the neck.

But doctors resort to a different classification. They highlight:

  • A single-chamber formation consisting of one capsule.
  • Multi-chamber hygroma, which contains several capsules.

A tumor on the hand is the most common type of hygroma. It has the characteristic appearance of a ball under the skin, up to 4 cm in diameter.

How to treat hand pain

Therapy involves eliminating the cause of hand pain (specific disease) and relieving discomfort. In the second case, analgesics and anti-inflammatory medications are used in the form of tablets and ointments (creams, gels); sometimes it is necessary to resort to hormonal treatment.

For injuries, plaster or elastic bandages are used. Arthritis, depending on its nature, requires the use of antibiotics, drugs to suppress the immune system, and antihistamines. Arthrosis requires complex treatment, including the use of chondroprotectors. For carpal tunnel syndrome, therapeutic orthoses are indicated (this is a fixation device for the hand area).

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What is hand lymphedema

Lymphedema is chronic swelling that develops due to the accumulation of lymph fluid in the soft tissues of the hand. The reason for this phenomenon is the disruption of the outflow of tissue fluid as a result of complete or partial damage to the lymphatic vessels. When a large number of lymphatic vessels fail, part of the tissue fluid is “pumped” through the veins, and part remains and accumulates in the tissues.

This stagnant fluid creates a breeding ground for bacteria and can promote infection.

With certain knowledge and appropriate behavior, the development of lymphedema can be prevented.

What are the causes of lymphedema?

  1. Surgical division of lymphatic vessels

Treatment of breast tumors involves the most thorough removal of the gland tissues involved in the tumor process along with the axillary lymph nodes, which may also contain tumor cells. During the operation, naturally, the lymphatic vessels through which the lymph moves from the arm are also intersected, since the axillary lymph nodes are common to the upper limb and the mammary gland.

  1. Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy used to kill tumor cells damages small blood and lymph vessels. This can lead to scarring of the tissue and obstruction of the normal drainage of lymphatic fluid. Lymphedema can develop months or even years after surgery or radiation therapy. Its development can be provoked by sudden significant physical stress on the arm on the side of the operation, solar radiation, infection of the tissues of the arm, leading to erysipelas.

Symptoms of lymphedema

The first signs or symptoms of the development of lymphedema are a feeling of heaviness in the hand, decreased mobility of the hand and wrists, slight passing swelling of the hand in the evenings, a feeling of tightness when wearing rings, bracelets, watches. If you notice these signs, you should urgently seek advice from a doctor: timely diagnosis and treatment will prevent further development of edema.

Lymphedema usually develops gradually.

Stage I (transient swelling): the swelling is temporary and intensifies in the evening; when you press your fingers on the skin, “pits” form.

Stage II (mild swelling): the tissue of the affected limb is soft, but swelling persists.

Stage III (dense swelling): the skin acquires a spongy (porous) structure and does not form “pits” when pressed with fingers. In comparison with the opposite healthy arm, there is an increase in the length of the arm circumference by 2-4 cm.

If treatment is not started in time, fluid continues to accumulate, which leads to increased swelling and hardening of the arm tissue.

Stage IV (severe): at this stage the swelling is constant, the tissues of the arm are dense, the limb becomes very large and deformed, the function of the limb is reduced or completely lost. In this condition, the tissues of the swollen limb, saturated with stagnant lymph, are a good breeding ground for bacteria leading to the development of infections (erysipelas).

Lymphedema Treatment Methods

Treatment for lymphedema is most effective if it is started as early as possible. A mandatory preliminary examination by an oncologist is necessary to determine the cause of the swelling and decide on the necessary treatment measures.

Depending on the stage of the disease and your general condition, the doctor recommends a treatment plan, which may include the following methods:

  • wearing a special compression sleeve or using an elastic bandage,
  • physiotherapy,
  • drug treatment,
  • hardware pneumomassage,
  • constant implementation of preventive recommendations.

In some cases, according to clear indications, some methods of physiotherapy are used.

You should know that the treatment of lymphedema is long-term and requires a certain self-discipline and patience.

The application of an elastic bandage is used to increase pressure in the tissues of the limb and reduce swelling. An elastic bandage is used for this purpose. You can bandage your hand yourself. However, it should be remembered that the bandage should be applied evenly and not lead to the formation of “stripes” on the skin.

Wearing a compression sleeve is a more preferable treatment option compared to bandaging, since the pressure on the tissue is more measured and uniform. The production of these products is carried out to order at a prosthetic factory, where you can contact with a referral from your attending physician.

Exercise therapy is an essential part of lymphedema treatment. Specially selected exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle (“muscle pump”) can improve the flow of blood and lymph from the arm and improve your general condition.

Hardware pneumomassage is one of the most effective methods of treatment and prevention of lymphedema. Its action is based on slow dosing of tissue compression from hand to shoulder with air supplied into a special fabric sleeve.

Drug treatment includes the use of drugs that reduce blood viscosity and increase the tone of veins and lymphatic vessels. You can get a prescription for the necessary medications from your doctor.

Magnetic therapy has an anti-edema, analgesic effect, facilitates the outflow of blood and lymph from the hand. The use of this treatment method is especially indicated in the presence of shoulder pain.

For severe lymphedema, the best effect is achieved by surgical treatment (lymph drainage operations) followed by the use of the above methods.

Infectious complications (erysipelas, lymphangitis)

The infection can develop in the tissues of both the swollen and apparently healthy arm on the operated side. Each subsequent exacerbation of the infection contributes to an increase in swelling. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the signs of infection and the rules of behavior during its development.

The main signs and symptoms of the development of erysipelas are:

  • high body temperature;
  • malaise, chills;
  • the appearance of a rash and itching on the skin of the affected limb;
  • change in the color of the skin of the hand (redness or the appearance of red spots);
  • increased swelling;
  • appearance of pain.

It is important to know that these symptoms can occur both simultaneously and separately.

If these signs appear, you should temporarily suspend any treatment associated with arm swelling and immediately consult a doctor.

Antibiotics are used to treat the infection. For repeated (recurrent) inflammations, preventive courses of antibacterial therapy are carried out twice a year. Treatment and prevention of infectious complications is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

How to prevent the development of lymphedema

  1. Monitor the condition of your hand daily. If you experience any of the above signs of swelling or inflammation, contact your doctor immediately.
  2. Do not allow blood pressure to be taken or injections (blood drawn) to be taken on the arm on the operated side.
  3. Avoid heavy lifting (no more than 6-7kg), vigorous movements that require excessive effort (pushing, pulling), or carrying a bag over your shoulder on the operated side.
  4. Pay special attention to hygiene. Carefully and carefully dry the skin of your hand with wet movements after taking a shower (bath). Make sure there is no moisture left in the folds or between the fingers.
  5. Systematically engage in physical therapy under the supervision of a doctor (even if mobility in the shoulder joint has been completely restored).
  6. Avoid wearing tight-fitting jewelry or clothing on your affected arm. Try not to let woolen items come into contact with the skin of this hand.
  7. Use gloves to protect your hands when doing laundry, cleaning the apartment, and other work where there is a risk of injury.
  8. In case of accidental damage to the skin, treat the wound with alcohol (but not alcohol tincture of iodine!) and cover it with a bactericidal plaster or apply a bandage. If you have previously had cases of erysipelas, consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of preventive antibacterial treatment.
  9. If you already have swelling in your limb, wear a well-fitting compression sleeve at all times throughout the day to prevent further swelling. Recommendations for its purchase and use can be obtained from your doctor.
  10. Protect your hand from direct sunlight.
  11. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  12. Maintain your optimal weight through a balanced, low-salt, high-fiber diet.

If there is a sharp increase in arm swelling and/or pain, you should immediately contact your doctor to find out the cause and rule out recurrence of the tumor.

Remember! You yourself should take more care of your health!

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