How to treat knees if they hurt when squatting and standing up?

For every joint in our body, there is an optimal range of motion in which the joint works most efficiently. If the load is applied in a state of excessive flexion or extension, the ligaments of the joint wear out, wear out and begin to hurt. Thus, for the knee joint, the optimal physiological load angle is about 60–130 degrees. With age, as well as with arthrosis, this range becomes narrower.

Pain that appears during squatting or when going down stairs indicates that the ligamentous apparatus of the knee is already quite worn out. The flexion angles at which the maximum load occurs when descending, standing up and squatting are the least beneficial for the knee joint. Descending stairs occurs with legs almost straightened, when the angle between the shin and thigh is more than 130 degrees. Squats and getting up from a chair, on the contrary, are associated with a peak load at angles less than 60 degrees between the lower leg and thigh. At such angles of movement, it is more difficult for the joint to cope with the load, and it begins to hurt.

Thus, knee pain when going down stairs, pain when squatting and getting up from a chair are signs of initial changes in the knee joints, which do not manifest themselves under more favorable mechanical conditions. However, if you do not take care of the health of your knees, then soon their changes can go much further - turn into arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis or other diseases. Pain that appears only during certain activities, such as squats or going down stairs, can become a constant companion of life, and if this process is started, the only salvation from serious arthrosis of the knees will be joint replacement or constant use of analgesics. That is why it is better to start treatment without waiting for serious changes in the joints.

Discomfort in the knee area

Knee pain when squatting and standing is one of the most common complaints of patients when visiting a doctor. The resulting discomfort is often attributed by experts to excessive stress placed on the knee joints. Deciding what to do about this problem and what treatment is required is necessary only after identifying the root cause. Otherwise, your knees will continue to hurt when squats.

The main factors for such discomfort may be incorrectly performed strength exercises, for example, squats with a barbell. Long-standing knee injuries can also contribute to pain when squatting and standing up. But even in the presence of these two factors, degenerative phenomena of the joints cannot be ruled out - they may be the answer to the question, why do my knees hurt when squatting and standing up?

The knee joint is a complex joint that is based on the principles of operation of hinge mechanisms. During movement, it is the knee joint that receives the main load. The main work when standing up, while running, jumping and walking is done by the knee.

Gradually, the knee joint wears out - first there is a crunching sensation, then a slight nagging pain, and periodic sharp pain. As a signal of the need to consult a traumatologist, constant acute pain occurs in the knee, which can only be relieved with medications. It becomes painful for a person to sit down, walk, or otherwise work with the affected leg. As a result, the joint is completely destroyed and the person becomes disabled.

To avoid disability, you need to be a little attentive to your own body and the signals it gives. If your knees hurt, you need to do the following:

  1. Calculate when your knees hurt the most - after squats or jumps, walking or running.
  2. Determine the nature of the pain syndrome - nagging pain, stabbing, pulsating.
  3. Finding out the average duration – it hurts for a couple of seconds, a minute, an hour.

In the case where pain is caused by physical exercise, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • fidelity to the technique of performing exercises;
  • correct positioning of the legs and distribution of loads;
  • intensity of load on the knee joint.

When it’s not a matter of technique or correct position, but of excessive loads, you should think about what to replace squats with.

  • Knees hurt when squatting and standing up: causes, treatment

Read about Bubnovsky’s advice for knee pain here.

If the unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the knee joint do not depend on the load, then you should go to the doctor. When it hurts to kneel, or after squats or when squatting, the knee or both hurt, it is also advisable to visit a doctor, who will determine the nature of the root cause.


If a specialized specialist complains of pain in the knee joint during flexion and extension, he conducts an initial examination of the patient. The initial examination includes the following procedures:

  • patient interview;
  • viewing a medical record;
  • visual inspection;
  • palpation;
  • issuing referrals for tests and research.

As part of a diagnostic examination, the patient is required to follow the doctor’s instructions - tests and studies guarantee the truth of the diagnosis and the correctness of treatment tactics. As usual, the list of necessary diagnostic measures is as follows:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • X-ray examination;
  • MRI;
  • CT;
  • Ultrasound;
  • arthroscopy of the knee joint.

The last type of study is invasive and is prescribed exclusively when other methods are powerless or there is suspicion of a serious pathology of the knee joint.

Relief of pain until a definitive diagnosis is made

It may take some time for the attending physician to receive the results of studies and tests, as well as make a final diagnosis based on the data obtained. During this period, you should take care of the sore joint and reduce the load on it.

Important! If you need to move, it is advisable to fix the joint with an elastic bandage.

If there is such an opportunity, then provide complete rest to the knee joint. In order to reduce pain, it is possible to use the following medications and traditional medicine recipes:

  • Knee pain when squatting and standing up
  • compresses and bandages on the knee;
  • local painkillers;
  • warming ointments;
  • massages (with extreme caution);
  • relaxing baths with salts, essential oils and herbs.

For people who cannot even temporarily give up sports, swimming is the best way out of the situation. It will not put such a significant load on the joint, but at the same time it requires significant muscle work.

How to relieve pain

Although there are many ways to eliminate pain, after relief of the condition, you still need to immediately consult a specialist.

Pain can be relieved by applying compresses and warming rubs:

  • based on bitter pepper tincture;
  • from the alcohol composition of the golden mustache;
  • from burdock and horseradish.

For a compress, mix 1 tsp. salt and soda, adding 7 drops of iodine. Warm up the knee and apply the prepared mixture to it. Wrap in cellophane for 15 minutes and then rinse. Improvements occur after 5 procedures.


Once a diagnosis has been made, and the pain in the knee area is the result of an illness or serious injury, there is no way to get by with general measures. How to treat knees if they hurt when squatting and standing up? In addition to the main treatment prescribed by a specialized specialist, he can recommend the following auxiliary measures to the patient:

  1. If an injury is detected, the knee joint should not be strained. All sports and any intense movements are prohibited. This is necessary to prevent consequences and complications.
  2. If arthritis has been diagnosed, non-steroidal drugs are prescribed as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug.
  3. If you have gout, it is recommended to review your diet and exclude from it those foods that have a fairly high content of purine bases.
  4. In the absence of deformations and degradation of cartilage tissue, as well as neoplasms in the joint area, exercise therapy is recommended.

All of these measures cannot be prescribed independently, since some of the measures aimed at improving the condition may have the opposite effect.

Important! After performing physical therapy exercises, rest is required. In the event that pain occurs in the affected area when performing an exercise, you should abandon it completely.

Treatment for pain in the knee joints

If your knee is swollen and painful when you bend it, treatment depends on the specific diagnosis. Meniscus rupture, bursitis, formation of purulent processes, significant destruction of the joint require surgical treatment. It could be:

  • drainage and rinsing of the joint cavity with antibiotics;
  • endoprosthetics;
  • other types of operations.

In the early stages, joint pathologies and muscle inflammation do not require surgical intervention. A comprehensive conservative treatment plan usually includes:

  • ensuring rest during the acute period;
  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • after improvement of the condition - exercise therapy;
  • dietary food.

To speed up recovery, auxiliary therapeutic methods may be required: massage, acupuncture, compresses and other procedures. An integrated approach is aimed at:

  • pain relief;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • regeneration of cartilage tissue;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • strengthening muscle tissue;
  • restoration of joint mobility.

Medicines are prescribed based on the diagnosis. Most often, chondroprotectors, B vitamins, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are required. If infection is present, antibiotics are necessary. Physiotherapy and exercise therapy help restore damaged tissue. Physiotherapeutic procedures eliminate pain and inflammation, relieve swelling and muscle spasms, but most importantly, they accelerate regeneration processes. Therapeutic exercises are needed to restore joint functions, strengthen muscles and increase leg endurance. Clinics of the “Hello!” network specialize in joint pathologies. Experienced doctors use all methods of conservative treatment, using not only classical treatment regimens, but also proven new techniques. If surgery is necessary, they will recommend highly qualified surgeons from other clinics and ensure continuity of treatment, and after surgery they will develop an effective course of rehabilitation. All clinics have convenient opening hours and are located close to metro stations.

Preventive measures and prophylaxis

To prevent any damage to the joints of the lower extremities, as well as to reduce the likelihood of inflammation, common sense should be used. This is required not only in everyday life, but also when playing sports. If you have non-recurrent pain, you can try to get rid of it by following these instructions:

  • Before any physical exercise, a warm-up is required.
  • After performing exercises, your knees need rest and relaxation.
  • When performing squats, the technique of their execution must be ideal.
  • If pain occurs, you need to reduce the intensity of the exercise - this will prevent injury and deformation of the joint.
  • Avoid hypothermia of joints.
  • Treat all diseases in a timely manner.
  • Eat a balanced diet and keep your weight under control.

Such measures will help to avoid unwanted processes in the joints in youth and reduce their likelihood in old age.

If the meniscus is not completely torn, then such an injury is similar to a bruise

After a few weeks, the bruising will disappear. When the gap in the cartilage widens, severe pain will appear, and there is a high probability that the meniscus will rupture completely. When you sit down and stand up, you experience pain. In most cases, the injury is treated conservatively. The leg is immobilized, the inflammatory process with pain is eliminated. In severe cases, surgery is indicated.

The knee joints are protected from injury by the patellas, which is why the kneecaps are often injured. When a person falls or hits himself, there is a high probability that he will break a bone and a crack will appear. If the patella is fractured, the shape of the joint changes, becoming painful and swollen. In fractures with displaced bone fragments, soft tissue structures with ligaments and tendons are injured.

If there is a crack on the patella, then the person can move independently for a long period; when squatting, the knee will hurt and ache. In case of a crack in the kneecap and a fracture without displaced bone fragments, the lower limb is fixed with a plaster bandage. According to indications, the patella is surgically restored using a wire. During the rehabilitation period, the joint is not loaded, and its mobility will gradually be restored.

The joint is intact and mobile thanks to ligaments. They are injured when a person falls, hits, or moves carelessly. Ligaments can:

  • Partially rupture. It will seem to the person that they are stretched (the ligament is not elastic). There is pain in the knees when squatting and standing up.
  • Suffer from an incomplete rupture, when the fiber structure of the ligament is severely damaged, but is still intact. The pain syndrome is provoked by any physical activity: when squats, when the patient gets up, walks.
  • Break completely. Motor activity is impossible; it is difficult for the patient to move the lower limb.

If the internal collateral ligament is damaged, the pain inside the knee will intensify when the shin area is retracted outward when I stand up or squat. If the lateral collateral ligament is damaged, the outer side of the knee is painful, and the discomfort will increase when the lower leg moves inward after squats. If the pain is in the center of the knee, then the person’s cruciate ligaments are affected.

After sitting, when the patient has to get up or sit down, the pain will intensify. If the ligament is not completely torn, then a rigid bandage is applied from the ankle to the femoral area. When it ruptures completely, surgery is required, after which a plaster cast is applied. During the rehabilitation period, exercise therapy (physical therapy) is used.

Tendons have low elasticity; they are attached to bone and muscle tissue. Tendons are more likely to be damaged in patients suffering from pathological changes in the muscles, as well as in people involved in sports. The quadriceps tendon is most commonly injured. When such a muscle is tense, the leg is bent at the knee joint, the tendon is injured.

When tendons are injured, pain is localized above the knee above the patella

A frequent complaint from a patient over 50 years old: “I can’t get on my knee after I squat, when I straighten my leg, my knee hurts.” If the tendon is not completely torn, the cast should be worn for 3 to 6 weeks. If the rupture is complete, the tendon is sutured and the leg is in a cast. During the rehabilitation period, a complex of exercise therapy with massage is recommended.

Injuries during sports occur because a person:

  • Didn't warm up enough before doing gymnastics.
  • Squatted incorrectly if the knee joints protruded beyond the level of the fingers of the lower extremities.
  • Lifted a heavy barbell while squatting.
  • He fell and got injured.

With chronic pathological changes in the knee joints, it is difficult for a person to determine the cause of pain. Arthritis of the knees (gonitis) often occurs chronically. Any joint inflammation can be infectious or non-infectious. The non-infectious form is caused by impaired metabolism, injury, excess body weight, and pregnancy.

The affected joint tissues are enlarged, swollen, and the person experiences pain during physical activity. If joint inflammation is not treated, the destructive processes of bone and cartilage tissue will intensify. In rheumatoid arthritis, the joint is chronically inflamed, the pathology is caused by impaired metabolism. When a person wakes up, aching pain occurs, and it is difficult for the patient to sit down.

In the future, due to rheumatoid arthritis, all joint tissues will begin to hurt, and nodes will appear under the skin

Joint inflammation caused by infection will occur due to the fact that the patient was bitten by ticks or the infectious process was introduced from the urinary organs. The patient is weakened, he has hyperthermia, the knee joints are hot on palpation, and purulent contents can accumulate in them. How to treat arthritis?

Therapeutic measures depend on the genesis of the inflammatory process. Pathogenic bacteria are eliminated with the help of antibacterial drugs. Symptomatic treatment is used: pain is eliminated, inflammation is relieved, a cold or warm compress is applied externally. If the patient is overweight, then you need to get rid of it, and it is also better to say goodbye to bad habits forever.

Physical activity should be moderate, and you should eat a balanced diet.

With arthrosis, the trophism of the joints is impaired, gradual destruction of cartilage occurs, which becomes thinner, and the joints gradually lose function. Arthrosis changes develop due to:

People who spend a lot of time on their knees are prone to inflammation of the prepatellar bursa, located in the center of the joint under the kneecap.

If the nerves are pinched or inflamed, the pain will occur suddenly. After a person has trained, his joint may hurt. When you change position, the pain may disappear, which signals a pinched nerve. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is most often observed; an inflammatory process in the femoral, breech, and gluteal nerves can also be observed.

The inflammatory process is promoted by excess weight, pathological processes in muscle tissue, old injuries, and exposure to low temperatures. Treatment is aimed at eliminating pain and inflammation; physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy, and massage are used.

A doctor will help determine the cause of knee pain.

Exercise therapy is used after the exacerbation has been eliminated, and the exercises are monitored by a specialist. Set of exercises:

  • You need to lie on your back, bend your legs, imitate riding a bicycle for 2 minutes, then rest for 1 minute.
  • The starting position is the same. The legs are straight, positioned above the floor surface, alternately crossed, imitating the movements of scissors.
  • Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, relax one by one, strain your thumbs forward and back.

Unconventional methods are used in addition to the main treatment; before using them, you should consult a specialist. Take 15 golden mustache leaves, they need to be crushed. Insist for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Apply externally as a rub. Honey with mustard, soda and salt are mixed in the same ratio. Apply externally to the affected area before going to bed, fix it with film, and wash the area in the morning.

Take a teaspoon of willow bark with birch leaves and calendula flowers. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 12 hours. Take 100 g 3 times a day 60 minutes before meals. If a person suffers from gout, then nettle juice, which is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, will help him.

To prevent your knees from hurting, you need to warm up before doing gymnastics, and after physical education you should rest. If a person has done a warm-up, his microcirculation will improve and the joint will be abundantly lubricated with fluid. It is required to eat a balanced diet of natural food, drink at least 2 liters of water per day, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, control body weight, not be dependent on addictions, and not be overcooled.

There is no need to endure pain in the knee joints, otherwise the pathological process will become chronic. You can strengthen your joints with foods rich in vitamin D. They eat mushrooms, herbs, eggs, dairy products, and fish with liver. There is a lot of vitamin A in vegetable oil, rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, carrots, and pumpkin.

It is important to remember that if pain occurs in the knee joints, you should not treat it yourself, you should seek medical help. The doctor will help establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, choosing the correct dosage of drugs. Self-medication will lead to negative consequences due to which a person may become disabled.

You can also read: Is cracking your fingers harmful?

Healthy foods for joints

In order for all body systems to work harmoniously and correctly, nutrition must be complete and balanced. To prevent knee pain, special attention should be paid to products that promote the production of joint fluid and the restoration of cartilage tissue.

Products containing:

  • vitamin A – carrots, pumpkin, sea buckthorn oil;
  • vitamin E – corn and sunflower oil, nuts, legumes;
  • B vitamins – liver, kidneys, eggs, beef;
  • omega-3 fatty acids – fatty varieties of sea fish, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed oil.

A separate point worth mentioning is dairy products rich in calcium. It is this element that is responsible for ensuring that the bones of the body are strong and durable.

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are widespread. Joints are often affected. If your knee hurts when you sit, it is important to understand the possible causes and the correct choice of treatment methods.

Video on the topic


The knee is a joint that allows the leg to bend, provides stability to the body and supports all of its weight. Thanks to the knee, activities such as walking, running, turning, jumping and squatting are possible.

This work is ensured by several components:

  • bones;
  • cartilage tissue;
  • muscles and ligaments;
  • tendons.

No. 1. Injuries

Acute or chronic injury is a common cause of knee pain. According to some studies, the knee is the joint most often subject to injury. The very anatomical structure of the knee and its functions predispose to the development of injuries, which can disrupt its functioning and, accordingly, cause pain.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates damage to one of three ligaments:

  • anterior and posterior cruciate;
  • medial collateral.

Such injuries occur in athletes, especially track and field athletes. But this does not mean that non-professional athletes are out of the risk zone. Incorrect running technique is one of the causes of ligament damage and joint pain, which is typical for non-professional athletes.

Football and other contact sports with a ball can cause injuries such as direct blows to the knee. Some injuries may be so severe that they require surgery.

Despite the fact that this injury is serious, it is, unfortunately, not uncommon. Pain can occur not only in the acute period, but also persist in the future.

A fracture can affect several bones, including the kneecap. At risk are older patients and those suffering from degenerative diseases. In this case, a fracture can form even with minor injuries and everyday activities.

No. 2. Bursitis

This is an inflammation of the joint capsule of the joint. Anatomically, they are designed to soften the work of the joint and allow the ligaments to easily slide over the component parts of the joint.

Sudden impacts, chronic injuries and irritations can damage this joint capsule, which leads to inflammation.

Characteristic symptoms of inflammation will be: swelling, pain, stiffness of movement, and the knee becomes hot to the touch.

Treatment is prescribed individually, but more often it comes down to taking anti-inflammatory medications; rest for the knee and the absence of a traumatic agent are also necessary.

No. 3. Dislocations

Patella dislocations are also common, which is accompanied by severe and acute pain. When seeking medical help, the doctor can easily return the patella to its place, however, visual examination methods are mandatory.

Radiography allows you to identify possible fractures and, based on this, develop treatment tactics. In severe cases, surgery may be required to prevent further dislocations.

No. 4. Degenerative changes in tissues

Osteoarthritis is a common problem and degenerative tissue disorder. A decrease in the volume of cartilage and surrounding tissues is the cause of pain, stiffness of movement and dysfunction of the joint.

Such changes are more associated with the aging process: it occurs in 10% of men and 13% of women aged 55-65 years.

No. 5. Rheumatoid diseases

These are inflammatory autoimmune diseases in which the target organ is the joints. Their own immune system perceives them as enemies and attacks.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease include: swelling, severe pain in the joints; if left untreated, bone erosion and joint deformation may occur.

There is no specific treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, but depending on the clinical picture, the doctor may prescribe a number of medications:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • corticosteroids;
  • biological agents and antirheumatic drugs;
  • painkillers and others.

This is a very painful form of arthritis. Characteristic symptoms include: severe swelling, stiffness of movement, severe pain, etc. Their appearance is associated with the accumulation of uric acid in the joint; taking anti-inflammatory drugs or other treatments helps break down these chemicals.

No. 7. Infections

Even after a scratch in the knee area, the infection can spread to underlying structures, including the joint. The spread of infection can also occur through the blood and lymph flow. In weakened patients with immunodeficiency, this condition can be dangerous and pose a threat to the patient's health.

Discomfort in the knee brings a lot of inconvenience. The causes of discomfort range from physiological factors to pathology. Such manifestations should not be ignored. Treatment for pain depends on what causes it. It is important to see a doctor in time. Painful discomfort in the knees manifests itself when at rest and in motion; it hurts under the knee when squatting. This article will discuss this type of discomfort.

A little about the knee

The knee joint is a joint that connects the patella, femur and tibia (roughly speaking, thigh, tibia and kneecap). It consists of cartilages, menixes, collateral ligaments, etc. The structure is really very complex.

This entire “mechanism” is placed in an articular capsule (also called a joint capsule), inside which a special fluid is produced. This fluid nourishes and moisturizes the joint, minimizes friction and protects the entire cartilage complex from mechanical damage.

If any of the above fails, a person will have difficulty squatting, let alone doing squats in the gym.

Characteristics of pain syndrome

The knee is subject to stress and suffers from discomfort; the reasons for this condition are ambiguous. Distribution area:

  • below the knee
  • above the knee
  • under the knee
  • in the knee joints

Knee pain syndrome

The character is varied:

  • acute (sudden and short-term)
  • chronic (permanent)
  • sharp
  • aching
  • stabbing

Inconveniences may occur:

  • when bending
  • during extension
  • during flexion and extension
  • when walking
  • in a calm state

Often there is pain behind the knee when squatting. If you have symptoms, consult your doctor. They will help you: rheumatologist, physiotherapist, traumatologist, orthopedist, massage therapist, chiropractor. After tests and examination, the diagnosis will be clear. Doctors will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Reason to see a doctor

If your knees hurt when you have to sit for a long time, such symptoms cannot be ignored.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • aching pain lasts more than 2-3 weeks;
  • unexpected sharp pain occurs;
  • the knee joint crunches;
  • it hurts to get to your feet after sitting for a long time;
  • high temperature rises;
  • the knee begins to swell or swell.

First of all, you need to contact a therapist, who, after a general examination, will refer you to specialized specialists.

Physiological factors

There are a number of factors that are not pathological.


If these factors are present, the diagnosis is obvious. See a doctor for treatment.

  • Damage. Common causes of knee pain. The results of injuries, bruises, dislocations, sprains, serious fractures. After violations, pain syndrome appears. Unbearable pain, accompanied by swelling and bruising. After injury, numbness and tingling are possible. In case of serious injuries, deformation of the knee joint and bending cannot be ruled out. Some injuries result in disability.
  • Excessive loads. After systematic stress on the knee, discomfort is a common occurrence. The result of the action is injury. Legs need rest. Do gymnastics and massage, relieving your lower limbs from overwork. Measured, balanced loads are the key to a healthy knee joint.
  • Excess weight is also a cause of discomfort. Excess weight puts pressure on the lower limbs. The knees are the first to suffer. It hurts people to walk, bend and straighten their legs. Difficulty standing. Overweight
  • Wearing the wrong shoes. If the shoes are uncomfortable, expect lower extremity discomfort. The lower part of the knee is often affected. Look at comfort, then at beauty. Then the leg will not need treatment.
  • Improper execution of exercises. The causes of discomfort are negligence, leading to unpleasant consequences. A considerable number of athletes and training enthusiasts have injuries. It is important to adhere to the technique of performing the exercises. The exercises should be done correctly. Beginners and amateurs need instructions from a trainer.

Athletes with barbells often suffer from knee pain. Barbell training should be done responsibly. Incorrect technique for squatting with weights leads to dire consequences. Beginners need to follow the instructions of the trainer. Do barbell exercises correctly.

Injuries during training occur as a result of setting records. The desire to sit down an incredible number of times per approach will not lead to good results. Expect unpleasant discomfort and pain.

  • Lack of physical activity. If a person moves little, “does not knead his bones,” the functioning of the joints, including the knee, is disrupted.
  • Poor nutrition. Eating more than normal leads to osteoarthritis.

As a result, the knees hurt when squatting. These factors are not considered diseases. The manifestation of these factors requires consultation with a doctor. When it comes to injuries, you can’t hesitate.

Proper barbell squat technique

There are many different types of squats: against a wall, on a support, with special equipment - flexible loops, a platform. It is also possible to do a front squat, when the barbell is not at the back, but at the front deltoid.

But for pumping up the muscles of the legs and buttocks, classic exercises with a barbell are most suitable. If you follow certain rules when following them, injuries and pain can be avoided:

  1. It is imperative to start your classes with a warm-up.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes turned out about thirty degrees.
  3. Squat down so that your knees are wider than your toes.
  4. Place the barbell low on your shoulders, at the level of your shoulder blades. If it is higher, the load on the spine and limbs will increase greatly.
  5. When standing up, first lift your pelvis, then straighten your legs and whole body. It is incorrect lifting that can lead to injury.

If even minor pain occurs, squats should be stopped.

With the right approach to training, you will protect your knees from injury and give your body the necessary relief.

As a symptom of a disease

When there is no reason for unpleasant sensations, pain is constantly bothering you - this is a reason to think about the presence of pathology. A professional will answer the question. Having determined the disorder, he will prescribe treatment to eliminate the disease.

Similar sensations in the knee joint are symptoms of diseases:

Intervertebral hernia. Characterized by radiating pain extending above the knee. Treatment consists of correcting disorders of the source of the disease, the spine.

Osteoarthritis. Destruction of the joint structure. Pain appears during movements. A characteristic symptom is increased in the morning, weakened in the evening. Accompanied by a crunch in the knee. A good solution is physical therapy. Which needs to be done systematically.

Necrosis of the tuberosity. Boys aged 11-15 years suffer. Chronic pain is characteristic.

Bursitis. Inflammatory process. There is joint swelling and decreased activity.

Baker's cyst. There is discomfort in the popliteal area.

Gonarthrosis. The condition of the cartilage worsens. Pain under the knee when squatting.

Osguth-Schlatter disease. Discomfort when bending the leg. Affects the tibia. Occurs after an injury; an unexplained occurrence is possible. May become chronic.

Osguth-Schlatter disease

Arthrosis. Manifests itself during movement, extension, squatting. Accompanied by a crunch. In the initial stages, you can cope with special exercises. In its advanced form, it manifests itself in unbearable pain syndromes that do not allow movement.

Symptoms and first aid for injury

In case of a knee injury, you should immobilize the leg and apply a cold compress.
The first signs of sprain and rupture of the ligament are severe pain, swelling, and inability to lean on the leg. When the kneecap dislocates and moves to the side, sharp pain is also experienced, and the knee may become enlarged and swollen.

If the internal meniscus is damaged, when trying to strain the leg, a person feels a sharp lumbago, and flexing the limb leads to pain along the tibial ligament. After an injury, the kneecap cannot be moved.

If the external meniscus is damaged, the pain intensifies when trying to rotate the lower leg inward. In both cases, muscle weakness is felt in the anterior thigh area.

With minor damage, the joint will crunch painfully, difficulty in movement may occur, and with major damage, a blockage of the joint may occur.

How to properly provide first aid to athletes in case of injury:

  1. Immediately apply a cold lotion to the damaged area. This can be a wet cloth, a container of cold water, or the best option is an ice pack. The compress will reduce pain and swelling, and also reduce the risk of bleeding inside the joint.
  2. Try to immobilize the knee joint as much as possible using an elastic bandage or any piece of textile.
  3. Secure the injured limb in an elevated position using available means. To reduce the rate of swelling, the foot should be located above the level of the body.
  4. If the pain is very severe, give a painkiller.
  5. Take the victim to the emergency room or call an ambulance.

If the pain syndrome disappears immediately after stopping the workout, exercise can be continued, but be sure to reduce the initial load.

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