5 Best Inversion Tables of 2021 From $150 to $329

By design, an inversion table is a board with an adjustable angle of inclination, lying on which a person can easily and safely change the natural position of his body to an “unnatural” one, i.e. hangs upside down. This condition is called complete inversion and is believed to have beneficial effects on the body. This is useful for spinal stretching and relaxation. In this guide, we will look at who might benefit from an inversion table, how to use it to reduce back pain, and how to exercise correctly. You will find out whether buying the best inversion table for back pain will be justified by the result, what doctors say about it and we will compile the Top 5 best inversion tables in terms of equipment and price.

How does an inversion trainer work?

Fans of inversion therapy point to the antiquity of this healing technique, which was allegedly used by Hippocrates 2500 years ago. However, real interest in inversion arose only at the end of the 20th century. Gymnast Christopher Harrison came up with anti-gravity yoga - exercises on “hammocks” suspended from the ceiling. Gravity boots, designed for hanging upside down, which were used by the hero of the movie “American Gigolo,” came into fashion.

At the same time, in the 1980s, active research began on the effect of procedures on patients with certain diseases. Proponents of the inversion technique attributed to it broad healing properties: increased growth, treatment of varicose veins, improvement of cerebral circulation and lymph flow.

Of course, the wider the list of indications, the more doubts arise about the effectiveness of the device, because one tablet cannot treat everything. The test results did not really convince the skeptics. But there was evidence of side effects: blurred vision, retinal detachment, headaches, increased blood pressure.

So far, researchers have proven for certain the benefits of an inversion table only for treating the back.

Scientific research and proven effectiveness

Patients with lumbosacral sciatica have been able to avoid surgery thanks to a combination of physiotherapy and inversion techniques, according to an article by doctors from James Cook University Hospital, Middlesbrough. The researchers divided patients awaiting surgery into two groups: the first group (13 people) was prescribed physical therapy and an inversion machine, and the second group (11 people) received only physical therapy.

After 6 weeks, it turned out that the majority of patients from the first group (10 out of 13) no longer required surgical intervention, because their condition has improved significantly. The results of the examination of the second group were not so impressive: out of 11 people, only two did not fall under the surgeons’ scalpel.

Another study examined the effects of an inversion trainer on patients with chronic low back pain. Participants in the experiment used an inversion table at different angles for 8 weeks. The best results were found in the group that used the machine at an angle of 60 degrees: in these patients, the elasticity of the lumbar region increased, pain and discomfort disappeared.

It is believed that the inverted position of the body takes the load off the spine, which suffers from the force of gravity and our evolutionary “habit” to walking upright. The pressure on the intervertebral discs decreases, and the space between the vertebrae increases. As a result, lower back pain disappears.

The question remains for how long. Skeptics believe that inversion tables do not cure, but relieve unpleasant symptoms. The exercise machine stretches the paravertebral muscles and ligaments, temporarily relieving muscle spasm, says expert Celeste Robb-Nicholson, MD Editor in Chief, Harvard Women's Health Watch. According to the doctor, the merits of inversion therapy in improving health have not been proven, moreover, it has many contraindications (eye diseases, hypertension, heart disease, pregnancy). However, exercises on an inversion table can still be recommended for the comprehensive treatment of back pain under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

If we summarize the words of experts, it becomes clear that stretching on an inversion table will not cure the disease, but it can relieve symptoms and, therefore, reduce the use of painkillers.


The tools you need to prepare are:

  • electric jigsaw;

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdrivers;
  • grinding machine;
  • knife;
  • wrench;
  • hammer;
  • brushes

Materials you will need :

  • wooden beam;
  • metal tube;
  • abrasive wheel;
  • bolts and nuts;
  • washers;
  • braided cord;
  • steel pipe;
  • wide cargo belt;
  • screws.

Top 5 best models

The best inversion table can cost up to $3,000. Expensive models allow you to adjust the angle of the table and combine the functions of a simulator for different muscle groups. We have selected the most interesting models in terms of price and functionality. There are no very expensive inversion tables here - with an electric drive - but there are popular and in demand exercise machines among users at affordable prices from $150 to $329.

Budget table

The most budget inversion table with a cost of ~$150. But this is the case when the word “primitive” in relation to a product does not mean bad, but reliable and easy to maintain. Hence the title of bestseller and more than 4,500 reviews on Amazon.

The angle of inclination of the simulator (from 15 to 85 degrees) is adjusted manually using a movable pin that is screwed into one of five slots. Most inexpensive inversion tables do not have this feature, and adjustments are made only with a belt.

The adjustment system itself is hidden under a gray plastic box, so the design looks minimalistic. This inversion trainer is designed for heights ranging from 4ft-10in to 6ft-6in and weights up to 300 lbs.

Despite the low cost, the simulator is stable and durable. This is because its frame is made of steel, and not of plastic, as is the case with cheap analogues.

On the Russian market, similar functionality is provided by the DFC SJ6100 model.

Price: 10490

The best inversion device for back pain

Here we have a very similar model from the same Innova brand, but with an important addition for those who are looking for the best exercise machine for lower back pain. The lumbar area is highlighted here with a special roller that supports the back and provides heating and massage. The emanating vibration is quite weak, but noticeable, users write. The disadvantages of the product include the noise with which the massage pillow operates. For this reason, some buyers have stopped turning it on over time and only use the inversion table itself. Other customers, on the contrary, fell in love with the pillow so much that they even adapted it for shoulder massage.

The massage pillow is controlled using a remote control. It is attached with Velcro, so it can be moved to other areas of the back if desired. The price for this trainer is still ~$150.

On the Russian market, similar functionality is provided by the DFC IT002 model.

Price: 12990

The Lightest Inversion Trainer for Back Pain Relief

Teeter has been making inversion tables for over 30 years and, unlike its competitors, is FDA certified. This is one of the market leaders, which is why the brand’s products are often included in reviews of the best inversion tables. According to a 2013 study from the School of Dynamical Systems at the University of Cincinnati, the Teeter Fitspine was the most popular model in the sub-$400 price range.

Now Teeter inversion tables look different: the slippery material of the back, on which a person would slide forward when lying on, has been replaced with thin plastic with holes. Perhaps this is what makes the Teeter EP-560 more compact than its competitors (it weighs 58 pounds). There are also multi-colored plastic elements in the lumbar area for acupressure and a removable plastic roller. Otherwise, the functionality of the Teeter EP-560 is inferior to the more budget Innova models. So, there is no possibility to adjust the angle of inclination. The only thing you can do is fix the table at an angle of about 30 degrees using a belt. There is also no headrest adjustment function here.

Overall, the Teeter inversion table feels lightweight and well made. The ergonomic ankle straps received special praise from users. Teeter's lightweight inversion table costs ~$329.

On the Russian market, similar functionality is presented by the Body Sculpture model.

Price: 13990

The heaviest and largest inversion trainer

Another well-known brand among inversion tables. The IRONMAN Gravity 4000 features an extended padded backrest and increased load capacity. This is the most “hardy” exercise machine in our Top: it can withstand weights of up to 350 lb. Extended handles help you quickly return to a horizontal position. A soft lumbar pillow allows you to lie comfortably on the table if you do not practice full inversion (turning upside down).

The frame of the machine is not only made of steel, but also powder-coated for added protection. It also has ergonomic ankle mounts, like the Teeter EP-560, while cheaper models usually only have foam pads.

In general, the quality of the IRONMAN Gravity 4000 is not inferior to Teeter products and at the same time costs significantly less.

For an additional fee of $26, you can order a special mat for the simulator for better sound insulation. The cost of the simulator without an additional mat is ~$199.

On the Russian market, similar functionality is provided by the DFC 75303 model.

Price: 27990

The best fitness inversion trainer

A model that claims to be the best inversion table, because it combines the functions of a home exercise machine and a table for back treatment. Sturdy steel construction supports up to 220 pounds, and inversion height ranges from 4'10" to 6'3". Pay attention to the width of the assembled machine (44″ x 29″), because it may not be sufficient for large users.

Removable armrests and rubber handles allow you to train your biceps, forearms, chest, abdominal and upper back muscles. This sports equipment, with its small dimensions (82 pounds), can replace several stationary exercise equipment at once.

Without a doubt, the idea is good, but the execution leaves much to be desired, some users say. They note that the simulator is difficult to assemble and disassemble, so it cannot be put away somewhere after training. Plastic handles become chipped over time. Since inversion is only one of the functions here, and not the main component, it is difficult to adjust it perfectly - there is simply no subtle mechanism for this. On the other hand, if Conquer were more advanced, it would cost many times more. And so its current price of ~$189 is almost half the price of the simplest table from the Teeter brand.

On the Russian market, similar functionality is provided by the DFC 75306 model.

Price: 24990

Manufacturing instructions

The first stage, which is carried out by a master who has decided to carry out all the work himself, is the preparation of all elements. The slats are sawn to obtain the required length. All elements are polished using a grinding machine with an abrasive wheel. To prevent wood or chipboard from clinging to skin or clothing, the grain size should be approximately P220. It is advisable to coat the boards with varnish, thus increasing their service life and resistance to moisture.

In accordance with the instructions, making tables requires the following steps:

  1. Make special holes in those places in the structure where metal tubes should be located.
  2. Fasten the boards using a drawing chosen or developed independently.
  3. Insert the fasteners into the tubes using the diagram. Secure the hinge joints of all elements - legs, levers, stops.
  4. Secure the cross bars using screws.
  5. Attach restrictive cords, the location of which is selected according to the diagrams. Fix the ends of the elements using a drill, making sure that they do not unravel during use.
  6. Secure the straps located below to hold your feet in place while performing exercises. Make the same protection in the chest area.
  7. Attach rubber to the ends of the legs to prevent the table from sliding.
  8. Check the strength and build quality.
  9. Complete the production by painting all parts with paint of the desired color. Wait until it dries.

Drawing of a dressing table for making it yourself, stages of work

You can use other, more detailed assembly instructions. On online resources there are enough descriptions and stories from home craftsmen who also assembled inversion tables on their own. Using the correct instructions, even a person without experience in carpentry or assembly work can easily cope with this task.

Prepare details

Secure the hinge joints of all elements

Secure the cross bars

Attach restraint cords, secure straps

Paint, check strength and build quality

Comparison table of inversion tables

NameImportant FeaturesPrice
Innova ITX9600Precise tilt function (from 15 to 85 degrees), soft adjustable headrest ₽ 10490
Innova ITM4800Same functionality as Innova ITX9600, + removable massage pad with vibration and heating ₽ 12990
Teeter EP-560Hard plastic back, acupressure applicators, closed ergonomic leg attachments ₽ 13990
IRONMAN Gravity 4000Extended padded back, increased load capacity up to 350 lb, extended handles, covered ankle mounts ₽ 27990
Conquer 6-in-1Inversion table with exercise machine functions. Allows you to train your biceps, forearms, chest, back and abdominal muscles ₽ 24990

Benefits of inversion tables

All people experience back problems at one time or another. Sitting at a computer for a long time, driving a car, lifting weights - all this negatively affects the condition of the spine. The intervertebral space decreases, and the spine itself shortens, like a compressed spring. Due to pinching of the nerve endings between the vertebrae, a person feels pain.

This is why stretching has such a beneficial effect: all tissues straighten, it is easier for us to hold our back, it is easier to breathe. In fact, the same effect occurs as from doing yoga or stretching.

What back problems does an inversion table solve?

  • Eliminate back pain (proven)
  • Improved posture and flexibility (more likely yes than no)
  • Possible alternative to surgery (in some cases)

An inversion table really helps relieve pain from chronic back problems. Here’s what, for example, user Nicole writes in reviews of the Innova ITM4800 inversion table: “Many years ago I was in a car accident, and I’ve been suffering ever since. I constantly feel pain. I recently met a new doctor and he recommended an inversion table due to compression of my spine. After receiving a caudal epidural, I began treatment. I felt a huge difference! I'm gradually tapering off the pain pills! I feel like my spine is lengthening and the pain is going away!”

In addition to therapeutic functions, any inversion table plays the role of a fitness machine. You can use it to do backbends, hand pull-ups (holding your hands on the racks of the inversion table), bends to the right and left, and abdominal exercises. There's a trick to increasing the intensity: set your height to a couple of inches less than your actual height. If you do not need complete inversion, the height on the simulator, on the contrary, is set less than real. This way you won't be able to roll over without extra effort.


Having decided to build a table for studying with your own hands, carefully select the materials for it. It could be:

  • natural wood. It is environmentally friendly, durable and has high technical characteristics;
  • Chipboard or laminated chipboard. They have good performance, have a wide color palette, are lightweight and easy to use;
  • MDF. It features excellent performance, ease of use and affordable cost .

Help : most often, chipboard or boards are used to make a simulator at home.

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