Pain after back massage: causes, contraindications to the procedure

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the indications for back massage?
  • What are the contraindications for back massage?
  • Is it normal for pain to occur after a back massage?
  • Why your back may hurt after a massage

Back massage is a beneficial procedure, but some patients complain of pain after it. Such troubles occur in approximately 30% of cases. And often the point here is not the lack of professionalism of the master, but the irritation that appears when kneading the skin. However, one cannot do without such an effect on the body, because it is thanks to these manipulations that impulses are sent to the central nervous system, which subsequently produces a tonic or relaxing effect.

Most often, after a quality massage session, the patient regains strength and increases endurance. But the opposite result also happens when a person experiences severe discomfort. In what situations is pain after a back massage considered normal, and when should you consult a doctor, we will consider in the article.

Indications for back massage

Back massage is a pleasant procedure that many people love. But this type of effect on the body is not suitable for everyone. Before undergoing a treatment course, it is necessary to perform a thorough diagnosis, after which the doctor will be able to determine whether a person needs such manipulations or not.

Back massage is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Constant or aching back pain.

Such discomfort brings the greatest inconvenience to a person, as it disrupts the rhythm of life. The reasons for the occurrence of such a symptom may be different. It is often the result of pinched nerve endings.

  • Excessive nervous excitability.

The relaxing massage effect gives quick results. Already after the first session with a good specialist, you can feel significant improvements, which are not always possible to achieve with drug therapy.

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.

This nuisance often occurs in people who engage in intellectual work and lead a sedentary lifestyle. With serious mental stress, a loss of overall body tone occurs. But chronic fatigue syndrome disappears without a trace even after a 10-minute session in a massage therapist’s office.

  • Problems with the immune system.

Frequent colds provoke a decrease in the defenses of the human body. Back massage has a restorative effect and prevents the occurrence of new ailments.

  • Muscular hypotonia.

A decrease in muscle tone often occurs for no apparent reason. Although this condition is extremely unpleasant, it can be easily eliminated through a course of therapeutic back massage.

  • Scoliosis.

This disease is associated with the incorrect location of muscle tissue in the back. Due to this, in some areas there is severe overvoltage, that is, hypertonicity. This provokes pinching of nerve endings, which results in severe pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

  • Osteochondrosis.

This disease occurs in people of all ages. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is especially often diagnosed. With the help of the right massage procedures, you can alleviate the patient’s condition and straighten the intervertebral discs.

Types of back massage and pain after them

Massage techniques are divided into several types. After some manipulations, the occurrence of pain is considered normal, but it happens that this is a signal to consult a doctor.

Each massage is divided into several categories and is performed according to its own instructions. Sometimes the patient experiences discomfort due to overly aggressive effects on the skin and back muscles. The greatest danger comes from incorrectly selected equipment, which can be harmful to a particular person.

Types of procedures according to type of pain:

  • A relaxing massage is required to eliminate tension and fatigue in muscle tissue. The technique involves the use of gentle movements without strong pressure and acupressure. In this case, there should be no pain after a therapeutic back massage.
  • A tonic effect is necessary to restore weakened muscles . A painful symptom when using this technique is possible, but it goes away after a maximum of two or three procedures (no later than two to three days). If the discomfort in the back does not disappear, you need to take a break and perform additional diagnostics from a specialist.
  • Acupressure involves the active development of certain points and areas of the back . This technique is the most aggressive, so patients often feel pain and discomfort during the procedure. As a rule, after completing the massage, the discomfort stops. If this does not happen, then most likely the specialist made a mistake when performing the manipulations or incorrectly selected the points of influence.

You can reduce the risk of back pain by undergoing a preliminary diagnosis of the whole body, which will identify possible contraindications and complications. Much also depends on the qualifications of the medical worker.

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Why does pain occur after a back massage?

A back massage can be prescribed by a specialist according to indications or at the request of the patient himself to relieve tension after a difficult week of work. A correctly selected technique makes it possible to get rid of pinched nerve endings, excessive excitability, chronic fatigue, decreased immune defense of the body, low muscle tone and even cellulite. After massage treatments, your back may hurt, and there are many reasons for this.

Most often, such a symptom is the result of errors in performing manipulations or an overly aggressive effect on the patient’s body. Problems that provoke pain after a massage can lead to complications, so the root cause of such trouble must be identified. In the future, special treatment or correction of the current state of the body may be necessary.

Causes of back pain may include:

  • Presence of contraindications to massage.
  • Intervertebral hernia during the period of exacerbation.
  • Violation of the rules of back massage, for example, strong pressure on the spinal column.
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  • ARVI with elevated body temperature.
  • Inflammatory processes in muscles.
  • Poor blood clotting and poor circulation.
  • Strengthening the dynamics of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Congenital anomalies in the spine.
  • Late pregnancy.
  • Severe hypothermia or excessive physical activity after a back massage.

There are also situations when a pain symptom is considered a normal phenomenon. But the unpleasant sensation should not cause severe discomfort, and should also completely disappear on the third day. If your back pain increases in intensity and persists, you should definitely consult a doctor. After a thorough diagnosis, complex therapy will most likely be required. Painkillers alone will not be enough.

Most often, discomfort is observed after medical procedures. This is due to processes that normalize blood circulation and improve the condition of the diseased area. After a relaxing and cosmetic back massage, unpleasant sensations occur in rare cases and, as a rule, are always associated with violation of the instructions for performing the manipulations.

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Presence of contraindications

If a person is healthy, then after massage procedures he should not have any pain. One of the common causes of discomfort is the presence of contraindications or hidden diseases. This happens when a specialist does not have objective data on the state of health. The main factors prohibiting the use of basic massage techniques are:

Massage of the lumbosacral spine

  • Late pregnancy.
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  • ARVI, rise in body temperature, fever.
  • Inflammatory process in muscle tissue.
  • Malignant processes regardless of their location.
  • Neck or lower back injuries received less than six months ago.
  • Infectious processes.
  • Skin diseases that violate the integrity of the skin.
  • Psychiatric disorders.
  • Active phase of tuberculosis.

In the presence of certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example, intervertebral hernia, massage is allowed only with the permission of a doctor, and the techniques should be as gentle as possible.

Causes of back pain after massage

There can be many reasons for such back discomfort. This is caused by both the unprofessionalism of the massage therapist and the exacerbation of chronic ailments.

By signing up for a massage, a person wants to get rid of the disease or weaken its course, but such exposure can provoke a worsening of the pathology and cause complications.

The cause of pain in the back can be:

  • Vertebral injury. There is a nagging pain concentrated in the spine. As it progresses, it spreads from one point along the entire diameter. If the patient has been injured, pain may not appear immediately, but after some time.
  • When the spinal column is deformed, this symptom is associated with excessive impact on some internal organs.
  • Pain in the lumbar back after a massage may be a sign of pyelonephritis. In this case, hyperthermia is additionally noted.
  • With muscle inflammation, a nagging pain appears, which intensifies with movement and when pressing on the problem area. The skin in this area will be red and swollen.
  • If pain manifests itself in the groin, coccyx or sacrum, it is possible that the patient has prostatitis. The symptom in this case is of a pulling nature.
  • With ankylosing spondylitis, which is a special form of arthritis that affects the spine, discomfort is concentrated in the abdomen.
  • The lumbar back may hurt after a massage due to some gynecological ailments. The symptom in this case will be aching.
  • Back massage for pneumonia can lead to severe pain in the lower ribs.
  • Acute form of cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

If the patient has a disease or injury, the pain symptom will be pronounced. Some illnesses are hidden, so they can only be detected with careful diagnosis.

Important! If you experience back discomfort after massage procedures, you should definitely consult a doctor who can identify the source of the pain. Correctly identifying the cause is half the cure!

If there are no diseases or injuries, the pain factor must be looked for elsewhere. The most common causes of discomfort are:

  1. Incorrectly chosen technique.

The instructions provide for a certain sequence and intensity of actions for a particular case. But patients do not always undergo preliminary diagnosis and warn a specialist about health problems. As a result, the wrong technique may be chosen. To prevent such developments, it is recommended to undergo an examination before the massage course, including an MRI or X-ray of the back. This will help in making a correct diagnosis and eliminate complications.

The equipment may be incorrectly selected for several reasons:

  • Low qualifications of the massage therapist.
  • Lack of a complete picture of the patient’s health status.
  • Carrying out general strengthening procedures instead of therapeutic or targeted ones.
  • Tightness during massage.
  • Incorrect location for performing manipulations.

If an inappropriate technique is used, and the patient has concomitant ailments, his condition will become worse from session to session, and the pain after a back massage will intensify. In addition to discomfort, stiffness in movements, tension and other troubles will appear. This often happens when using tonic techniques when the patient needs a relaxing massage that releases nerve processes.

  1. Presence of contraindications.

In a healthy person, massage procedures should not cause negative reactions from the body. If discomfort does appear, it is possible that the issue is a hidden disease, which could be a contraindication to back manipulation. Cases like this, when a patient reveals to a massage therapist an incomplete picture of his health, are not uncommon.

The main contraindications include:

  • Last months of pregnancy.
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  • ARVI with fever and hyperthermia.
  • Muscle inflammation.
  • Malignant neoplasms, regardless of their location.
  • Recent injuries to the lumbar back or neck that occurred no more than six months ago.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Skin pathologies with a violation of the integrity of the integument.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Tuberculosis in the active phase.

Some diseases allow back massage, but only with the approval of a doctor. These include intervertebral hernia, for which light and most gentle procedures are performed.

  1. Master's mistakes.

Back massage can bring both benefits and harm. To reduce the likelihood of the latter, you need to choose only experienced professionals who have appropriate orthopedic or neurological education. If a patient is being tested in a hospital setting, they may be referred to a hospital-based office.

But if you wish, you can always contact a private specialist. It is important that this is not just a beauty salon, but a full-fledged office. It will be difficult to test the skill and skills of such a massage therapist, so it is better to visit a person working in a reputable medical institution.

If a specialist does not have enough experience, during the procedure he may incorrectly calculate the intensity of movements, and this is a serious mistake. It is because of this that most often the vertebrae are displaced and soft tissues are injured, and subsequently bruises and hematomas appear.

Osteochondral structures may also be damaged. In such a situation, the patient will experience not only back pain, but also symptoms such as:

  • severe discomfort during physical activity or turning the body;
  • restriction of mobility at the site of exposure;
  • lack of effect from painkillers;
  • appearance of low-grade fever (+37 °C…+37.5 °C);
  • redness of the skin on the back;
  • swelling or swelling at the site of the massage.

Important! Severe progressive neck pain that does not go away for more than two days is a signal to see a doctor.

If the patient's condition worsens, the specialist will definitely order an x-ray. This diagnostic method makes it possible to see displacements or damage to the spine. It should also be remembered that everyone’s physiology is different, so for some people back discomfort after a massage may be considered normal. But this applies only to those cases when the symptom gradually loses its severity and can be easily relieved with painkillers.

  1. Hidden diseases.

After an intense back massage, muscle discomfort is quite natural. However, if after the procedure in the lumbar region the stomach begins to tug strongly or when the cervical region is affected, the head hurts unbearably, most likely, hidden ailments have made themselves felt. The most common pathologies causing this symptom are:

  • Inflammation in the muscles , which is characterized by aching pain that intensifies with every movement.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system . In this case, the patient will experience severe pain, and purple spots similar to bruises will begin to form on the body. Moreover, they can appear anywhere, not just in the area of ​​influence.
  • With degenerative changes in the spinal column , including intervertebral hernia, the patient will feel back pain. A feature of this type of discomfort is the lack of effect from analgesics. The pain of a hernia does not go away on its own even after a few days.
  • If a person has scoliosis . At an early stage, without special diagnostics, it may not be noticed. But unprofessional massage in such a situation is unacceptable.

If you experience pain in the lumbar back, a feeling of weakness in the legs or limb failure, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be the result of an old injury or inflammation, which without proper and timely help can lead to serious complications.

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Incorrectly chosen technique

After a back massage, pain appears if the master has chosen the wrong sequence or intensity of actions. This happens when the patient does not provide a complete picture of his health status and does not warn about the presence of diseases or problems with the surrounding tissues of the spine. Before signing up for a procedure with a specialist, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a doctor, take an X-ray or MRI. This will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and avoid complications of the condition.

The main reasons for incorrectly chosen technology are:

  • Insufficient specialist qualifications.
  • Concealing information about your illness.
  • Sign up for a general restorative massage instead of a therapeutic or highly specialized one.
  • Inability to relax during the session.
  • Inappropriate venue.

An incorrectly selected technique that does not take into account the nature of the patient’s disease will worsen his condition with each subsequent session. Gradually, the intensity of the pain increases; in addition to discomfort, tension, stiffness, and other clinical manifestations appear. This happens if instead of a relaxing technique, in order to release pinched nerve processes, a tonic technique was used, which only provokes a spasm.

Cough, runny nose, fever are grounds for refusing to visit a massage therapist

Why does pain appear the next day after a massage?

Pain during periodic back massage is normal.

It is possible due to muscle weakness, as well as low blood flow and oxygen starvation. If you do not provide constant support to muscle tissue, it will be sluggish even with absolute health and the absence of various diseases.

A high-quality massage procedure provides toning of the body. A powerful flow of blood along with oxygen flows to weakened areas. Active metabolic processes begin in these areas. All this leads to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which provokes pain.

Important! Metabolism increases significantly at night. This is why back pain may appear only the next day after the procedure. It can be felt especially well in the morning after waking up.

But the discomfort should disappear within two to three days. If even after this period of time your back hurts a lot, this may indicate a possible chronic illness. The reason is often hidden in excessive weakness and neglect of the muscles or in the low qualifications of the master.

In the first case, it is necessary to carry out the initial massage sessions in a particularly gentle mode, gradually increasing the load and pressure.

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When pain after a massage is normal

After the first procedure, back pain occurs frequently, which is considered normal and not a cause for concern.

This situation can be directly related to certain factors:

  • Sedentary lifestyle.

In this case, the first shock to muscle tissue necessarily leads to pain. The reason for this is the atrophy of some muscles that have not received the necessary nutrients for a long time. During a back massage, a lot of lactic acid is removed from the tissues, which causes discomfort. These sensations can be compared to those experienced after intense exercise.

  • Change in the strength of tonic tension.

After prolonged muscle stiffness and severe tension, their transition to a normal state can cause some discomfort. This is due to the fact that the fibers are straightened and the pinching of blood vessels is relieved. As a rule, after three to five procedures, the pain disappears completely.

  • First massage procedure.

If a patient with weak muscles comes for a tonic massage for the first time, most likely he will not have the most pleasant sensations. The reason for this will be the reaction of the treated area to increased blood circulation and reflex stimulation of the back muscles. The discomfort goes away after the second or third session.

Experts believe that pain after massage procedures is normal in most cases. But this only applies to those types of discomfort that gradually disappear with each subsequent session. Two days after the onset of pain, it should almost completely disappear.

If you experience severe discomfort, you must first make sure that your back has not been injured and that there is no inflammation in the affected area. Signs of such problems are redness of the skin, hyperthermia and swelling. If the described signs are absent, there is nothing to worry about.

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Osteochondrosis causes disruption of the most important structures: blood vessels and nerves. Without treatment, the disease can lead to the following complications:

  • ischemic stroke;
  • loss of sensation or motor function in the hand;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • loss or significant decrease in visual acuity.

In addition, damage to the intervertebral discs and joints leads to significant limitation of neck mobility.

How to relieve back pain after a massage

Pain after a massage can cause a lot of inconvenience that you don’t have to endure. Modern medicines can effectively and quickly relieve a person from discomfort. The drugs can be purchased in the form of tablets, gels, creams and ointments. Options for external use for back pain are as convenient as possible. They have a local effect on the body and reduce the risk of side effects due to minor absorption into the blood.

Negative reactions to medications are quite possible. Therefore, before using this or that drug, it is necessary to consult a specialist and carefully study the instructions.

Regarding how to relieve pain after a back massage, the following remedies are most often used:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (“Ketorol”, “Ibuprofen”, “Nise”).
  • Camphor oil 2–10% (“Zvezdochka”, “Viprosal V”, “Doctor Mom” ointment).
  • Warming preparations that contain turpentine or formic alcohol (“Zhivokost”, “Turpentine oil”, “Turpentine ointment”, “Capsicam”).
  • A nicotinic acid.

For maximum efficiency you can use:

  • "Fastum gel" based on ketoprofen. It is prescribed for back pain, which may be associated with injury to the spine or muscles. The medicine should not be used for open wounds, cuts, unhealed scratches and eczema. It is also unacceptable to use it if you are allergic to ketoprofen. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women.
  • "Finalgon" produces an irritating effect. Its active components are nicoboxil and nonivamide. The gel is useful for muscle pain, sciatica, neuritis and back injuries. The drug should not be used during pregnancy or if you are hypersensitive to the components. Also, the medicine is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age.
  • “Dolobene” consists of several active substances at once. It contains sodium heparin, dexpanthenol and dimethyl sulfoxide. The product helps well with inflammatory processes in muscles, injuries, sprains, bruises and neuralgia. It is prohibited to use Dolobene during pregnancy, if you have asthma, heart disease, liver disease or kidney disease. Cannot be used by children under five years of age.

Note! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, almost all painkillers are contraindicated. However, some drugs can be used in relatively safe trimesters, but only with the approval of the attending physician.

In addition to popular drugs, Apizartron, Diclofenac, Chondroxide, Diclovit and Betanicomylon can relieve back pain after a massage.

The gel is applied to the problem area without unnecessary pressure or rubbing. Two to three uses per day are sufficient. The treatment course should not exceed five days. If relief does not come after starting use, or side effects appear, you should urgently consult a doctor.

In addition to the use of medications, do not forget about the need for complete rest and a ban on excessive physical activity for the first two days after a back massage. A warm bath or shower helps relieve pain. The main thing is that the water is not too cold or hot.

Back massage is a popular therapeutic technique, which is often included in a set of procedures to improve the health of the body and speed up the healing process. Discomfort during the session, turning into pain after a few hours, is possible. This can be either a norm that you just need to endure, or a reason to consult a specialist.

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When should you refrain from massage?

Back massage is contraindicated for patients with certain diseases. If you ignore the ban, pain may appear caused by an exacerbation of the disease and new complications.

When performing a back massage, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Muscle inflammation is a contraindication . Even a gentle procedure can lead to a neurological syndrome that causes severe pain. The latter is localized from the lumbar region to the extremities.
  • Massage is not recommended for dorsal hernia . The procedure is possible, but only on condition that an experienced technician does not touch the problem area.
  • Aggressive effects on the spine or the area where organs such as the liver and heart are located are unacceptable . The massage therapist should not try to adjust every vertebra, as this may cause pain.

An absolute contraindication for the procedure would be bone tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, oncological diseases of the spine, the presence of open wounds, late pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and back injuries.

In some cases, massage can be very helpful. However, this is not as simple a manipulation as it might seem at first glance, so it must be carried out correctly and taking into account all the nuances that affect the patient’s health.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can undergo a massage course at a reasonable cost, and you will be treated by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

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For those with a can

Russians consider paid medical services to be of higher quality. Every third patient turned to a paid specialist in 2021.

From September to February, those who crave quick beauty rush to massage therapists-aestheticians: there is neither time nor extra money for a large number of procedures, but you really want to take the weight off your tired shoulders at least for a day.

“They go for some one-time procedures: relax with a massage, lie down with a body wrap, undergo the same thalassotherapy - not to go to the sea, but at least to recharge with algae in the salon. They come with tired backs - they’re sitting at their computers, they need to stretch,” says Anna Strakhova.

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