Intravenous ozone therapy: indications and contraindications for the procedure

Ozone is a colorless gas that is made up of three oxygen atoms. In nature, the element is found in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and protects the Earth from UV radiation. But ozone in its pure form is harmful when inhaled and causes irritation to the lungs and throat. Prolonged intense exposure can lead to coughing and exacerbation of asthma. Surprisingly, intravenous ozone therapy has a healing effect. Ozone injections are also performed in cosmetology for the purpose of rejuvenation.

The drug for intravenous ozone therapy is prepared as follows. A laboratory technician takes the patient's blood and then uses a special centrifuge to enrich it with ozone gas. This product is also suitable for injections into the face. But most often the blood is reintroduced into the body using an IV. The procedure must be carried out in a medical clinic, under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

Indications and contraindications for ozone therapy

Indications for the procedure: chronic inflammatory diseases, weakened immunity. Before placing an IV, the doctor is also obliged to exclude possible contraindications: any disease in the acute stage, problems with blood clotting, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The key to the body's self-healing is making optimal use of the oxygen it receives. Decreased oxygenation levels lead to excessive production of free radicals. You can find out about a decrease in saturation after a special examination. But you can suspect a lack of oxygen in the blood and assess the need for ozone therapy based on the following signs:

  • problems with burning fat (a person cannot lose weight even if he goes on a diet or plays sports);
  • fatigue even after short and minor physical exertion;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • increased sensitivity to low temperatures;
  • low body temperature;
  • constant relapses of viral diseases;
  • shortness of breath even in the absence of physical activity, lung and heart diseases;
  • poor healing of ulcers and open wounds.

Of course, some of the above symptoms are signs of the natural aging process. But this does not mean that a course of ozone therapy cannot help. The introduction of ozone will not preserve youth forever, but it will definitely help you improve your health.


Carrying out physiotherapy for degenerative lesions of the intervertebral discs of the neck, thoracic region or lower back includes two different approaches:

  • injections of a mixture of ozone and oxygen into the paravertebral region;
  • intravenous administration of saline solution enriched with ozone.

When performing soft tissue injections, injections should be made at trigger points characterized by the maximum degree of muscle tension and soreness. They are also applied to those areas of the skin that have a bioactive effect on the body.

Local use of the ozone mixture is associated with its intramuscular injection into the area around the vertebrae. In case of osteochondrosis of the neck, the collar area is subject to piercing. A mixture of ozone in an amount of 2-6 ml is injected into the muscles to a depth of 1 to 3 cm, depending on the severity of the person’s back muscles. When inserting, the needle should always be positioned perpendicular to the skin, which avoids shallow injections that are ineffective. The attending physician can inject the entire paravertebral region or perform local effects in trigger areas, which depends on the specific situation.

Proper injection of ozonated solutions ensures a rapid onset of therapeutic effect and the absence of negative consequences of treatment.

When using intravenous infusions, the concentration of molecular ozone should be 1100-1300 mcg/l. It is at these values ​​of the amount of ozone that the greatest effectiveness of ozone therapy is observed. Infusions are carried out by introducing saline solution enriched with ozone. Ozonated liquids are obtained using special physiotherapeutic units.

The total number of ozone treatment sessions ranges from 5 to 10, depending on the severity of the clinical symptoms of osteochondrosis, the presence of its complications (hernia, paresis of the arms or legs), as well as the severity of pathological processes in the spinal column.

Benefits of Ozone Therapy

The benefits of intravenous ozone therapy have been scientifically proven. The procedure can be performed for prevention or to support immunity before the cold season. Ozone medications have a positive effect on the immune system and stop inflammatory processes. Chronic inflammation can lead to an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. Oxidative stress negatively affects health and provokes exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Other benefits of ozone therapy

  1. Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral action.

New strains of bacteria are more resistant to synthetic antibiotics. And not all viruses and fungi respond to drug therapy. One of the options for supporting the body: ozone therapy. This procedure maximizes the effect of the prescribed treatment. Unlike medications, ozone does not cause resistance. In the USA, ozone therapy is prescribed to prevent tick-borne encephalitis (but only if more than 48 hours have passed since the bite). Also, people who take droppers with ozone preparations for prevention are less likely to get sick with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, and other seasonal viral diseases.

  1. Restoration of brain tissue.

A stroke is a pathological condition due to which the brain is less supplied with oxygen. The best way to reduce damage: undergo ozone therapy. Artificial enrichment of tissues with a mixture of oxygen and ozone makes it possible to slow down destructive processes and restore damaged tissues.

  1. Reducing the risk of recurrent heart attacks.

People who have suffered a heart attack are recommended to undergo ozone therapy. The simple procedure significantly reduces the likelihood of another heart attack. After all, heart tissue can die due to lack of oxygen.

  1. Detoxification.

Even people who lead a healthy lifestyle accumulate toxins over time. Natural waste has an adverse effect on the human body. Natural defense mechanisms deteriorate, and the immune system is less able to fight infections. Proper nutrition alone is not always enough to get rid of toxins. The introduction of ozone will speed up metabolism and improve overall health.

  1. Accelerated wound healing.

People with impaired trophism more often suffer from non-healing wounds on their legs and arms. Ozone therapy is indicated for patients with diabetes. Intravenous ozone also shows limited effectiveness for stomatitis and gingivitis. The effect of the procedure is not immediate, but long-lasting and persistent.

Ozone therapy is also indicated for older people. Physiotherapists who hear complaints of pain in the back and limbs give a referral for the procedure. In the absence of contraindications, ozone therapy can be repeated every six months. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect, the causes of pain are eliminated.


A mixture of ozone and oxygen is injected directly into the joint or periarticular areas. It is recommended to administer two to three times a week; a course of treatment requires 6 to 10 procedures. It is recommended to combine this administration with the use of 200 ml of ozonized saline solution. Ozone is passed through the saline solution until the required concentration is created, and the resulting drug is injected into the human body through a dropper. These solutions cannot be prepared in advance and stored. They are prepared right before administration; special equipment (ozonator) is used for this purpose. You can also supplement ozone treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures (electrotherapy, shock wave, magnetic therapy, ultrasound).

Is ozone therapy an official procedure?

Many people mistakenly believe that ozone therapy is a new, fashionable procedure that is not used in official medicine. But in fact, ozone was first used for medical purposes 150 years ago. Ozone therapy has been well studied and is actively used by doctors from all over the world. Ozone is a natural disinfectant and immune system activator. At the moment, physiotherapeutic manipulation is included in more than 100 official protocols for the treatment of various diseases. It is also believed that the introduction of ozone helps to recover faster after suffering from COVID-19.

Ozone therapy for spinal osteochondrosis

Injections in the back with ozone are considered a fairly effective method of getting rid of the symptoms of osteochondrosis, which is gradually becoming the scourge of our time in Russia. The action of ozone simultaneously covers several pathogenic manifestations:

  • restores blood microcirculation in the spinal area;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • increases the level of blood supply to muscle tissue in the problem area;
  • Helps relieve inflammation and pain.

As a rule, after 3-4 sessions the patient’s condition improves, the neutralization and removal of toxic substances from the body increases (which has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver), appetite and good mood return.

It should be noted that ozone therapy of the musculoskeletal system increases the effectiveness of therapeutic massage sessions carried out after the introduction of ozone-oxygen composition into the body.

Preparation and process

How to prepare for the procedure The preparation for ozone therapy of the spine is an examination before prescribing the course. During treatment, you should refrain from placing excessive stress on the spine. You should be prepared for the gradual development of a positive effect.

Description of the process Ozone therapy for the spine and hernias in it mainly consists of subcutaneous injections near the spine of a saline solution with dissolved ozone. Less commonly, intravenous injections of saline or the patient’s own blood saturated with ozone from a medical ozonizer are prescribed.

What to do after ozone therapy of the spine? Immediately after ozone therapy, you should protect your spine from intense physical activity. You should also monitor your general condition, especially pay attention to bleeding. Timely detection of side effects will help quickly adjust treatment.

Main contraindications

Despite the high effectiveness of ozone therapy, this method has certain contraindications that limit its use:

  • bleeding disorders of any origin;
  • the presence of internal or external bleeding;
  • ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke;
  • taking medications that thin the blood: Clopidogrel, Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland in the form of hypo- or hyperthyroidism;
  • history of epileptic or convulsive syndromes;
  • electrolyte imbalance, primarily potassium and calcium;
  • the presence of individual intolerance to molecular oxygen.

In addition to these contraindications, ozone therapists identify a number of conditions in which physical treatment should be postponed until they are eliminated:

  • menstrual bleeding;
  • acute poisoning with alcohol, drugs or other substances.

If there are any contraindications, the attending physician should refuse ozone therapy and choose other therapeutic methods approved for use in this patient.

Under no circumstances should you try to self-medicate, as incorrect injections can lead to the development of various complications.

Negative consequences

Complications of ozone therapy are extremely rare, however, during this procedure the following conditions may occur:

  • Pain in the area of ​​the vein through which the ozone solution is administered. These pain sensations may persist for several hours after the procedure.
  • Minor bruising at the injection site.
  • Development of allergic reactions of varying severity: urticaria, Quincke's edema, etc.
  • Neurological manifestations in the form of headache, temporary visual impairment, convulsive symptoms.

If a patient experiences discomfort during a physiotherapy session, the administration of ozone should be stopped and the cause of the symptoms should be identified. If a connection is identified between their occurrence and ozone therapy, the latter should be abandoned in favor of other therapeutic techniques.

Ozone therapy has been widely used in medicine for over a hundred years. Despite the lack of scientific research, the method demonstrates high effectiveness in the treatment of osteochondrosis. It allows you to slow down the development of inflammatory and degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs, and also eliminates pain along the nerve roots. It is important to note that the use of ozone should always only occur after consultation with your doctor. Such procedures have certain contraindications, which, if ignored, can lead to the development of complications of varying severity.


All intervertebral hernias are formed according to the same principle. They have features depending on the location and severity.

By localization

There are three localization options:

  • Hernia of the cervical spine. It is painful for the patient to move his head, turn and tilt it. In this case, the pain radiates to the arm and back at the level of the shoulder blades. There is also numbness and weakness in the hands.
  • Hernia of the thoracic spine. There are girdling pains, loss of coordination of movements, decreased tone, and there may be urinary disorders.
  • Hernia of the lumbar spine. At any stage, protrusion is accompanied by pain. If the hernia is small and does not put pressure on the spinal cord, pain occurs periodically, increases with loads and activity, and with uncomfortable body position. When the size of the hernia increases, the symptoms intensify and lumbago appears. There are difficulties with straightening the back, limbs become numb, and tingling becomes more frequent. At this stage, the shape of the spine changes, and the functions of the excretory and reproductive systems are disrupted.

Depending on size

Depending on what stage the protrusion is at, pathologies are divided into:

  • Protrusion or prolapse. The size of the hernia is no more than three millimeters, can be considered a physiological norm and does not cause any unpleasant symptoms. The disc bulges without rupture of the annulus fibrosis.
  • Prolapse. The second, pathological degree, the formation reaches six millimeters and begins to cause pain. The nucleus pulposus is displaced to the outermost layers of the anulus fibrosis.
  • Extrusion. The bulge can be up to one and a half centimeters in size and causes severe pain. The functions of internal organs are impaired, the quality of life decreases. The fibrosis of the intertubular space is perforated, and the gelatinous material is pressed against the epidural membrane enclosing the spinal cord.
  • Sequestration (a subtype of extrusion). The disc is fragmented and may be found as free-floating material within the spinal canal, causing significant pain and neurological symptoms.

According to the mechanism of occurrence

Depending on the factor that caused the protrusion, hernias are divided into:

  • Bone – caused by the proliferation of bone tissue and the concomitant narrowing of the spinal canal.
  • Pulpous - the option that occurs most often and is characterized by penetration of the pulpous nucleus of the disc outward. Exit is provided through cracks in the destroyed annulus fibrosus.
  • Cartilaginous. They are formed from intervertebral cartilage, which is deformed under the influence of inflammation or injury.
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