Gel Horsepower for joints: composition, application, price and reviews

Joint pain.
Balm-gel Horsepower is a cosmetic product for body care. It contains natural ingredients that soften, moisturize the skin, and stimulate its regeneration. The gel is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. After applying the balm to the joints, the severity of swelling and pain decreases, and the range of movements increases.

The cosmetic product contains no components that have a toxic effect on the human body. This explains the small list of its contraindications for use. But there is a possibility of developing a local allergic reaction. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor about the safety and advisability of using Horsepower.

Composition and release form

Relaxing gel Horsepower is produced by a Russian cosmetics factory. It is a greenish, homogeneous, jelly-like substance with a pleasant smell of essential oils. The balm gel is packaged in 500 ml white plastic bottles equipped with a dosing device. Secondary packaging: cardboard box with instructions for use inside.

The active ingredients of Horsepower are tocopherol acetate, menthol, peppermint and lavender essential oils. The auxiliary composition is represented by the following components:

  • demineralized water;
  • soybean oil;
  • glycerin;
  • carbopol;
  • triethanolamine;
  • methylparaben;
  • propylparaben.

Additional ingredients ensure maximum transepidermal absorption of fat-soluble vitamin and essential oils. They also enhance the therapeutic properties of natural components and promote their uniform distribution in the epidermal layers.

What foods contain glucosamine and chondroitin?

Before talking about what products to use to compensate for the deficiency of glucosamine and chondroitin, you need to have an idea of ​​what joints are made of.

Any joint in the body is formed by at least two bones. The contact points are covered with articular cartilage, which, like a sponge, has a cellular structure. The space between the cartilages is filled with synovial fluid. It consists of a liquid part - blood plasma, and a protein part - chondroitin, glucosamine, hyaluronan.

When a person moves, cartilage acts like a sponge: fluid from the deep layers of cartilage penetrates between the fibers and lubricates the articular surface. When the load decreases, the fluid flows back into the cartilage. With this mechanism, friction between bones is reduced and their strength is maintained.

In order to restore the osteoarticular system, special preparations have been developed - chondroprotectors, which include glucosamine and chondroitin. In addition to medications, for proper joint function, you need to take vitamins and microelements and eat the “right” foods. Chondroitin and glucosamine are found in small quantities in almost all products, but they are bound in the structure of polymers, so their digestibility is low.

The main substances from which these substances are well absorbed are:

  • cartilage;
  • white meat;
  • hard cheeses;
  • beef;
  • fish of the sturgeon and salmon families;
  • dairy products;
  • butter;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • gelatin dishes: jellied meat, jelly;
  • legumes;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • eggs;
  • linseed oil.

pharmachologic effect

Gel Horsepower does not contain ingredients that have a pronounced therapeutic effect. Its ability to relax skeletal muscles and eliminate swelling is based on the properties of menthol, peppermint, and lavender essential oils. Natural components prolong and enhance each other’s effects.

Other brand products.

These cosmetic ingredients are characterized by the following clinical activity:

  • menthol. Metabolite of plants of the Lamiaceae family, obtained from mint essential oil. It has a local irritating, distracting effect, reduces the severity of pain, swelling, and itching. Shows weak anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial activity. The irritating effect is expressed in a feeling of cold immediately after applying the product, followed after some time by a slight burning or tingling sensation;
  • lavender essential oil. It has a disinfectant, antiexudative, bacteriostatic effect. Stimulates tissue regeneration by stopping inflammatory processes. When inhaling the vapors of lavender oil, nervous excitability decreases, sleep improves, anxiety and restlessness disappear, and the psycho-emotional state normalizes;
  • peppermint essential oil. It has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, inhibits inflammatory processes provoked by infection of the skin by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and pathogenic fungi. Eliminates muscle spasms, stimulates the restoration of connective tissue structures. After application to the skin, it affects the nerve endings, distracting from joint pain;
  • vitamin E. A powerful antioxidant that prevents tissue destruction by free radicals, preventing premature skin aging. Tocopherol increases the resistance of cells to oxygen starvation and inhibits the activity of enzymes that destroy cell membranes. The fat-soluble vitamin has a healing effect. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen, contractile proteins in skeletal and smooth muscles.

The balm gel regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents the production of excess secretions. Course use of Horsepower helps cleanse the skin of rashes, saturate it with moisture, nutrients and biologically active substances.

Composition of Horsepower products

The recipe for any horse power cream contains only natural ingredients.

The main active ingredients are essential oils and vitamins, as well as plant extracts.

The basic set of ingredients looks something like this:

  • vitamin E – has a rejuvenating effect, restores skin, protects against blood clots and enhances metabolism;
  • mint oil – affects blood circulation, improves vascular tone, penetrates deep and restores nerve fibers;
  • lavender oil – tones, heals, relieves pain, penetrating deep into the joint capsule;
  • menthol – fights germs, relieves irritation, removes inflammation;
  • phenoxyethanol – antibacterial drug;
  • euxyl PE-9010 – natural preservative;
  • carbomer – emulsifier to obtain a gel structure;
  • glucosamine sulfate – helps relieve pain and starts regeneration processes in the joints;
  • triethanolamine – cleanses and moisturizes the skin, removes excess fat from the surface.

The formula includes beneficial essential oils that warm and treat affected joints, help with varicose veins and eliminate muscle pain (oil of cloves, eucalyptus, cinnamon).

Indications and contraindications for use

Gel-balm Horsepower can be used as part of complex therapy for any chronic pathologies of the joints and spine. It is used to eliminate pain in muscles due to inflammatory diseases - rheumatism, rheumatoid, gouty, metabolic arthritis.

Using the gel, joint stiffness and swelling are eliminated at the stage of remission of degenerative-dystrophic pathologies:

  • osteoarthrosis, including coxarthrosis and gonarthrosis;
  • cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral osteochondrosis.

Horsepower is used for inflammatory lesions of the ligamentous-tendon system (epicondylitis, tendinitis, tendovaginitis) during the rehabilitation period. The balm is also used at the recovery stage after the main treatment of dislocations, ruptures of muscles, ligaments, tendons in order to relieve pain in the back and joints.

But the main purpose of the Horsepower gel is a relaxing effect on the body and skin care. It helps eliminate discomfort in the legs after intense sports training or a hard day at work, and is suitable for relaxing massage treatments. With regular use of the balm, the condition of the skin improves. It becomes moisturized, more elastic, elastic due to stimulation of blood circulation.

The cosmetic product should not be used if you are hypersensitive to the active or auxiliary ingredients. The possibility of its use during lactation and while pregnant should be discussed with your doctor.

Reviews from experts about the effectiveness of the product

  • Vera: I have been working as a rheumatologist for 20 years, and people come to me every now and then with joint problems. Undoubtedly, I prescribe qualified treatment, but as an additional, preventative and pain reliever, I often recommend using the Horsepower gel. It perfectly relieves spasms and pain, relaxes muscles and promotes regeneration. In general, patients are satisfied.
  • Vasily: I suffered from arthritis for a long time, I went to a rheumatologist and he recommended me the “Horsepower” joint balm. I doubted it for a long time, especially since the name is kind of peculiar. When it was too much to bear, he sent his wife for some pain-relieving ointment. I was surprised when she brought me a bottle of Horsepower. There was nowhere to go, I used the product according to the instructions, and the pain disappeared after half an hour. I decided to undergo the full course of treatment and have no regrets. I still don’t remember my problem, but for prevention I periodically apply gel.
  • Lyudmila: Recently I started having pain in my legs. The doctor at the hospital recommended the “Horsepower” joint gel. I visited several pharmacies and finally found the treasured bottle. I came home, smeared it on my legs, and the effect came almost immediately. Now this drug is constantly in my medicine cabinet, since my husband periodically suffers from osteochondrosis. A good and economical product.

Instructions for use

The duration of the therapeutic course of Horsepower is not limited - the gel is intended for continuous use. It is applied to the entire body or the area of ​​sore joints 1-2 times a day and rubbed in with light massaging movements. The cosmetic product is used in any quantity, as it cannot cause an overdose. Applying balm under a breathable bandage and additional insulation will help enhance the therapeutic effect.

The effectiveness of therapy depends on the regularity of use of Horsepower. If discomfort does not disappear within 2-3 days or its intensity increases, you should consult a doctor. After conducting a series of studies, he will draw up a therapeutic regimen, including local or systemic pharmacological drugs.

There have been no cases of chemical interaction between Horsepower and drugs. The instructions recommend applying the gel-balm an hour after using medications.

Gel-balm “Horsepower” - joint health

Balm-gel for joints “Horse Power” is created on the basis of natural ingredients. This product is indicated for the care of skin and joints for pain caused by arthrosis, arthritis, injuries of bones, ligaments, and joints. The gel also has an excellent preventive and therapeutic effect during heavy physical activity. The product is available in a 500 ml bottle in a box. Ingredients: vitamin E, peppermint essential oil, lavender oil, water, glycerin, carbopol, soybean oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, propylparaben. The gel contains 3 active components, which is why it is beneficial for joints and the body: 1. Vitamin E. When rubbed into the product, it has a positive effect on the skin: wounds on the surface heal faster, blood formation improves, endurance increases, and the risk of scar formation decreases. during wound healing. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that improves cell respiration and stops cell aging. 2. Peppermint essential oil. Contains a lot of menthol. Thanks to this, it is a catalyst that accelerates the penetration of other substances into the deep layers of the skin and into sore joints. Among other things, the oil has relaxing properties. 3. Lavender oil. Increases body tone and has a positive effect on brain structures. Taken together, the medicinal substances of this balm have a pronounced analgesic effect for joint diseases, pain in ligaments and muscles of various origins. Indications and contraindications for use The instructions for horse balm indicate the following indications for its use: · rheumatoid pain, · arthrosis, arthritis, · osteochondrosis, · recovery from injuries, sprains, surgeries, · the need to relieve muscle tension after active training, · performance therapeutic massage. Contraindications: · do not apply the drug if there are skin lesions at the application site; · do not use the product on mucous membranes. · direct contraindications: · allergy to one of the components of the gel, · presence of malignant neoplasms. · The composition has a significant local irritant effect. · This can negatively affect sensitive skin, causing the appearance of bruises and spider veins. · Therefore, before starting a course of treatment, you must try the gel on a small area of ​​skin and observe the reaction for 12 hours. · How to use the product with maximum effect · Horse balm is almost universal. Its consistency and properties make it possible to use the product for rubbing into affected areas, compresses, and during therapeutic massage. · The composition has an analgesic and relaxing effect already 15 minutes after application. Essential oils act as aromatherapy relaxants and local irritants. · Rub the gel into sore joints 2 times a day. It is advisable to use a large amount of balm and massage the limbs until the drug is completely absorbed. · The course of treatment lasts 10-12 days until noticeable improvements in condition and mobility appear. · Sometimes it is allowed to increase the treatment time to 3 weeks. In the future, the drug is used symptomatically; there are no restrictions on the duration of its use. · What to remember and additional instructions · Avoid contact of the composition with the eyes, lips, and damaged areas of the skin. · Do not use the drug if there are wounds, inflammations or ulcers on the skin. Do not apply the product to mucous membranes.

Please check with the seller for detailed information about the product by contacting him at the phone number indicated above or by sending an electronic request through the feedback form.

Side effects and special instructions

The active and auxiliary ingredients of Horsepower do not penetrate the bloodstream, and therefore do not cause systemic side effects. If you are hypersensitive to one of the components, a local allergic reaction may develop. Clinically, it manifests itself in swelling and redness of the skin, the formation of rashes, itching and pain. Any of the allergic symptoms becomes a signal to stop using the gel. Its remnants should be washed off under running water, dry the skin and apply any external antihistamine preparation - Fenistil, Gistan, Psilo-balm. Then you need to see a doctor to prescribe another remedy for treating joints.

Do not apply the balm gel to the skin if it has damage - cuts, cracks, burns, scratches, open wound surfaces.

Varieties and analogues

There are 2 Horsepower products that have been in production longer than others and are generally considered staples - gels from Horse Force and Dr. Forster .

  1. Product from Germany Dr.Forster

    certified and manufactured for people. The main active ingredient is horse chestnut. Sold in pharmacies and on the official website of the brand representative. One jar per 250 ml costs from 650 to 1000 rubles. Most often called “Horse Balm”.
  2. Gels from Horse Force. Relaxing balm-gel for joints and body is available in a convenient bottle with a dispenser and yellow packaging.

Gels from Horse Force were previously produced in 2 types, but now they have been combined and an additional 2 products have been made with a different spectrum of action.

The second product from Hourse Force is a toning gel in green packaging. It contains chestnut and medicinal leech extract, as well as many other useful components.

In addition to treating joints, this product is suitable for relaxation and elimination of tension, to combat swelling and varicose veins. It eliminates rosacea and gets rid of bruises and cellulite.

Dispensing from pharmacies and price

Balm Horsepower is available over-the-counter. It can be freely purchased not only in pharmacies, but also in cosmetic stores. The cost of a 0.5 liter package is 490 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of relaxing gel-balm Horsepower
Lack of many restrictions on useLack of active ingredients that have a pronounced therapeutic effect
Large package, which is enough for 1-2 months of regular useFeasibility of use only at the stage of stable remission
Can be used for an unlimited amount of timeA feeling of coldness on the skin, which not all patients like
Rare occurrence of adverse reactionsIf individual hypersensitivity is detected, it is necessary to get rid of large packaging
Convenient packaging, presence of a dosing devicePresence of a specific odor

Reviews from doctors

It is widely believed that the gel-balm was originally used to treat joints in horses, and the manufacturers do not refute this. The active ingredients of the cosmetic product are vitamin and two essential oils, contained in small concentrations. It is clearly not enough to treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system not only in horses, but also in humans.

The therapeutic properties of Horsepower are based on creating a cooling effect. Essential oils and menthol irritate receptors located in the subcutaneous tissue. There is a pleasant feeling of coolness, and then blood rushes to the skin. If painful sensations in the joints or vertebrae are mild, then they can be eliminated due to the distracting effect of the gel.

It is not advisable to use Horsepower during an exacerbation of pathologies of the joints or spine. It does not have anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative and analgesic effects that can relieve symptoms that occur during relapses. Gel-balm is used only at the stage of stable remission for preventive purposes. Doctors recommend using Horsepower for its intended purpose - to care for skin prone to inflammation and provide a relaxing effect after a hard day at work.

Why should you try it?

Initially, the gel was intended for the treatment of veins and joints of horses, but modern formulas have become significantly different from the first generation of drugs.

Here's why the gel is great for people:

  • There is not a single component in the products that is harmful or has an aggressive effect.
  • The vast majority of people who try the drug experience a noticeable reduction in pain.
  • The original composition was designed for animals that do not need marketing tricks and hooks. The cream would either work on them or not. Therefore, the manufacturer had to create a truly high-quality product.
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