Chinese plasters for joints: composition, indications for use, price

To eliminate the symptoms of joint diseases, Chinese-made patches are used. These are external products with a varied, multi-component composition. The medicinal base may contain extracts of medicinal plants, snake or bee venom, essential oils, vitamins and microelements. Chinese plasters help get rid of joint pain, crunching when bending or straightening, and stiffness.

Description of Chinese patches for joint pain

The Chinese patch is a transdermal product consisting of 3 layers. Active ingredients with medicinal properties are applied to the adhesive base. And they are protected from destruction and evaporation by a thin film that can be easily removed. Under the influence of the heat of the human body, the components begin to slowly be released from the therapeutic base, penetrating into the epidermis and dermis.

Composition, pharmacological group

The ingredients of external agents belong to various clinical and pharmacological groups depending on the therapeutic effect they provide. They contain both ingredients of natural origin and useful synthetic additives. What transdermal products may contain:

  • extracts of medicinal plants - boswellia, ginger root, ginkgo biloba, foxglove, laurel, angelica, St. John's wort, elecampane, burdock, red hot pepper, ephedra chinensis;
  • bee or snake venom, death, alcohol extracts from insects, snakes, lizards;
  • myrrh, frankincense, turmeric, pine resin, mummy;
  • essential oils of pine, juniper, rosemary, eucalyptus, thuja, sage, cypress, lemon balm;
  • cosmetic oils of ironwood, grape seed, wheat germ, almond, apricot, jojoba.

Therapeutic bases also contain synthetic components. These are camphor, menthol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors. They are used to enhance the therapeutic effect of phytoextracts, oils, and vitamins on joints affected by pathology.

Action of the product

Transdermal agents are used to improve the functioning of large and small joints, as well as the spine. They eliminate pain at rest, during movement, flexion or extension of joints. With their help, you can stop a sluggish inflammatory process and reduce the severity of edema. After gluing Chinese patches, the range of movements increases, clicks, crunching, and crackling disappear.

How do warming cough patches work?

The principle of action of mustard plasters or mustard patches is based on the decomposition of sinigrin (the active component of mustard) in the presence of water. As a result, the substance allyl isothiocyanate is formed, which has a local irritant effect. There is an increase in blood flow to the site where the mustard plaster is applied - the body warms up. Pepper patches work in a similar way: the active component of the patch, due to its irritating effect, increases blood flow to the area of ​​the body under the patch. It is from skin contact with the active substances of mustard plasters and pepper plasters that a hard-to-bear burning sensation occurs.

Warming cough patch Magicoplast contains iron microparticles in its patch matrix. When using the patch, after opening the sealed packaging bag, the patch comes into contact with air, the oxidation reaction of iron begins with the release of heat and the patch heats up. Thanks to the technology of uniform heat release, the temperature of the patch is maintained at about 40°C. Increased blood flow to the site of application of the patch occurs due to gentle and deep heating, and not due to irritation of the skin.

The patch is attached to clothing and does not cause discomfort to the child. Such patches provide heating for eight hours.

Indications for use

Local remedies are used for the symptomatic treatment of both inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of the joints. These are rheumatoid, psoriatic, reactive, gouty arthritis. Chinese patches are used for the treatment of deforming osteoporosis, chronic synovitis, bursitis, tendonitis, tendovaginitis, and epicondylitis. They help cope with residual pain after fractures, dislocations, muscle strains, ruptured ligaments and tendons.

Pros and cons of use in treatment

Chinese patches are easy to use - they stick well to the skin and are easy to remove. They are not noticeable under clothes and do not stain them or bedding. Transdermal products have a long-lasting therapeutic effect because the active ingredients are released slowly, gradually.

Their main disadvantage is their low therapeutic effect. They are able to temporarily reduce the severity of symptoms of any pathology, but cannot influence its cause.

Types of transdermal products

Chinese plasters are classified depending on their area of ​​application. Some are intended for the treatment of chronic pathologies occurring against the background of inflammation of articular structures. Manufacturers of others promise to restore cartilage and bone tissue affected by osteoarthritis.

Contains painkillers and anesthetics

This is the largest group of patches, because all joint pathologies are clinically manifested by pain. They usually contain methyl salicylate and dimethyl sulfoxide - chemical compounds with pronounced analgesic activity. Almost every Chinese patch contains camphor or menthol, which provides a pleasant feeling of coolness. Many are impregnated with anesthetic solutions to quickly relieve pain.

Warming and pepper

If the composition of the domestic pepper plaster includes 2-3 components, then the Chinese one often contains more than 10. In addition to the extract of hot capsicum, the medicinal base contains extracts from insects, phytoextracts of nettle, golden mustache, poultry grass or other plants that have a distracting effect. After gluing the product, irritation of the subcutaneous tissue receptors occurs. A person feels only warmth or a slight burning sensation, and not joint pain.

Based on natural ingredients

Chinese manufacturers produce patches that contain rare earth metals, for example, Nanoplast. Under the influence of human heat, the smallest particles of the healing base are heated, creating a magnetic field, emitting infrared waves. This leads to warming up of the joints and improved blood circulation.

Types of Chinese patches

Medicinal Chinese back patches are available in many varieties. There are several main types of bio-stickers.


The composition of the medicinal patches includes a large number of anti-inflammatory plant extracts and antispasmodic components. The products have a good analgesic effect and relieve swelling from the affected joint. The immunomodulatory properties of bio-stickers help prevent relapses of the disease.

Orthopedic patches are used in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and heel spurs


The therapeutic layer of such Chinese patches contains microscopic magnetic particles that provide an analgesic effect. It is recommended to use the products not only for the treatment of joint ailments, but also for the prevention and elimination of muscle microtraumas.

Magnetic patches have the highest price tag

With poison

Medicinal Chinese plasters include not only herbal ingredients, but also snake or bee venom. Bio-stickers have a pronounced warming effect and help even with severe pain, since they block nerve endings.

Attention! Chinese poison patches must be used with extreme caution, as they often cause allergies.

With frequent use, medicinal patches containing poisons can lead to severe skin irritation

How to use correctly

You should consult your doctor about the duration of treatment and frequency of use of local agents. He will assess the feasibility of such therapy and determine the optimal dosage regimen.

When treating adults

Before treatment, wash your skin with warm water and soap and then wipe dry. Transdermal products can be used in 2 ways:

  • remove the protective film and stick the patch on the area of ​​pain and (or) inflammation;
  • cut the plate into 5-6 pieces, stick them on biologically active points, usually located in areas of skeletal muscles.

The instructions for use indicate how long you need to keep the patch on your body. This period can range from 3-4 hours to several days.


Chinese patches are strictly prohibited for use in the treatment of joint pathologies in children and adolescents due to the high likelihood of developing an allergic reaction.

Pregnant and breastfeeding

Chinese-made transdermal products are not used to treat pregnant or breastfeeding women. No trials have been conducted to demonstrate their safety in these patient groups.

special instructions

If during therapy the severity of pain does not decrease within 3 days or your health worsens, you should consult a doctor. He will examine the patient and prescribe effective analgesic agents.

The use of medicinal Chinese plaster in medicine

It is necessary to use Chinese plasters for joint diseases in accordance with the instructions. But there are general recommendations for the use of useful bio-stickers:

  1. When treating an intervertebral hernia, the product must be divided into two parts and glued on both sides of the problem area. This will provide a uniform analgesic and warming effect.
  2. For radiculitis, the bio-plaster is also divided in half and one part is glued in the sacral area, and the second is secured on the outside of the foot.
  3. For arthrosis of the knee joints, sticky strips are applied evenly over the entire affected area.
  4. For pain in the spinal column from the neck to the lower back, you need to attach one part of the patch in the area of ​​the shoulder blade, and the second closer to the sacrum.

Bio-stickers should be applied to clean, dry skin, previously degreased with alcohol.

Attention! The strips can be used twice a day, morning and evening, and can be kept on for up to 12 hours. After time has passed, the bio-plaster is removed and the skin is washed.

The Chinese medicinal patch can only be applied to healthy epidermis without damage or irritation.

Treatment of joints with Chinese plaster

The instructions for use of the Chinese tiger plaster recommend attaching it to the body for joint ailments of any origin. The product reduces the severity of pain and relieves inflammation, normalizes metabolic processes in tissues and promotes the removal of decay products. For osteochondrosis of the neck, bio-stickers additionally relieve migraines and dizziness that appear as a result of the underlying illness.

The devices must be used according to the standard algorithm. The strips are fixed in the projection of the diseased joints, the first effect becomes noticeable after an average of 5 minutes. After removing the bio-plaster, you need to re-apply a new one no earlier than 12 hours later.

For serious chronic diseases, Chinese medicinal stickers are used in courses of 7-12 strips. A week after using the last patch, you can repeat the therapy again.

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Treatment of heel spurs with Chinese plaster

A heel spur is a painful bone growth that over time begins to injure soft tissue and provoke inflammation. Characteristic symptoms of the disease include a feeling of tension and heat in the affected area, swelling of the foot and a feeling of numbness. Redness of the skin may appear above the heel tubercle, and in advanced cases, patients experience lameness.

It is usually not possible to completely eliminate a spur with medications or Chinese patches. The pathological growth is removed surgically or using ultrasonic crushing. Despite this, the therapeutic bio-plaster can seriously alleviate the discomfort of the disease. If you regularly apply adhesive strips to the affected area, they will help eliminate intense pain, relieve acute inflammation and restore ease of movement.

Warning! A neglected heel spur can provoke the appearance of intervertebral hernias and curvature of posture, so treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Chinese bio-plasters for heel spurs relieve night pain and help restore healthy sleep

Contraindications and side effects

An absolute contraindication to treatment with Chinese patches is individual intolerance to any active or auxiliary ingredient. They are prohibited from being applied to the skin if there are burns, cuts, or scratches.

There were no cases of systemic side effects. Sometimes a local allergic reaction like urticaria develops.

Popular brands, cost

The most useful patches are those that have analgesic, anti-edematous, and anti-inflammatory properties. Some components reduce local temperature, suppress the activity of infectious agents, moisturize and nourish the skin.

Name of Chinese patchCost in rubles
“Miao Jen” with girchevnik, boswellia, myrrh, Momordica Cochin, Sophora japonica130
“BANG DE LI” with Melletia reticulata, Cistanche salsa, Drinaria, Cybotium100
Zhitong (4 pcs.) with pepper extract, thick belladonna extract, menthol, methyl salicylate, camphor260
“Shexiang Zhuanggu Gao” with anise, Chinese omega, ginger, peppermint, ephedra herb, borneol120
Green Tiger with purple sedum, pistachios, myrrh (aromatic resin), Bornean camphor, menthol, fragrant rue 150

Composition of Chinese medicinal plasters

Chinese patches for the back and whole body are effective and inexpensive bio-stickers with a rich natural composition. The healing properties of the products are due to a unique combination of active ingredients. As a rule, the composition contains extracts:

  • drinaria and Bornean camphor;
  • safflower;
  • reticular milletia;
  • deceptive corydalis;
  • cibothium;
  • large-serulate angelica.

Chinese plasters can be used for a wide range of joint ailments. The products have good warming and anti-inflammatory properties, relieve pain and reduce tissue swelling.

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