Massage sessions. How long should one procedure last?

For many pathologies of the spine, one of the main methods of treatment is massage. It helps relieve spasms, relax and get rid of pain. This effect on the back muscles also has a preventive effect, as it prevents the development of many pathologies. A particularly popular procedure is massage of the lumbosacral spine. After all, this area of ​​the back is constantly exposed to stress, so pain often occurs here.

Massage has the following positive effects on the body:

  • helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood supply to the massaged area;
  • due to the rush of blood, metabolic processes in tissues are accelerated;
  • muscle spasms and stiffness disappear;
  • muscle tone improves, their elasticity increases;
  • the mobility of the spine in this section is restored.

In addition, after a properly performed massage, a person feels relaxed, fatigue goes away and his mood improves.

For whom is massage contraindicated?

If you are going to undergo a course of wellness massage, you first need to make sure that there are no contraindications. The procedure cannot be performed during colds, since excess stress on the muscles can cause a deterioration in well-being.

The effect of massage is similar to fitness: muscles warm up, blood flow increases, and tone increases. This is why massage is contraindicated for:

  • febrile conditions (high temperature, chills, weakness);
  • oncological diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • severe injuries (fractures, ligament rupture);
  • acute cardiovascular diseases;
  • high blood pressure.

In addition, massage should not be done during menstruation, as it can cause bleeding. A medical examination by a therapist will help you check for contraindications.

Types of back massage

There are a huge number of types of back massage, so we will list only the most popular ones. Each type has its own indications and effect, so it is worth taking the most responsible approach to choosing the right equipment. To do this, it is worth determining the purpose of the procedure (it could be relaxation, toning muscles or treating old injuries) and the complexity of the technique (some types of massage will require special skills and special devices).

What types of massage can you try at home?

  • Classical. The simplest option, a standard procedure for relaxation and relieving nervous tension. Can be performed not only on the back, but also on other parts of the body. Includes all basic massage techniques. Promotes relaxation and relief of muscle tension.
  • Medicinal. Recommended in the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as during rehabilitation after injuries and fractures of the spine. Prescribed by a doctor and carried out under his supervision.
  • Chinese. The technique involves influencing certain biologically active points of the back, due to which it is possible to achieve a wide variety of effects. The technique is based on traditional Chinese medicine and can include various pressures and even acupuncture.
  • Thai. A massage that is great for relieving nervous tension and maintaining good muscle tone. Combines techniques of smooth stretching and pressing with palms and fingers.
  • Honey. It has an excellent cosmetic effect; honey massage helps make the skin elastic and moisturized. Additional results include reduced swelling and removal of toxins from the body.
  • Vacuum. Massage using special cosmetic jars made of glass, plastic or silicone. Cupping massage has the desired effect due to the active flow of blood to the tissues.
  • Stone massage. The practice of treating with cold and warm stones, which came to us from the East. Helps relax muscles or, conversely, tone them.

Photo: by Anna Tarazevich: Pexels

In what cases should the procedure be performed?

Back massage is a mandatory stage of rehabilitation after injuries and various diseases. It is also often used as part of complex therapy. The main indications for this procedure include:

  • headaches or back pain;
  • limited mobility of the back, arms and neck;
  • excessive mental and mental stress;
  • severe physical fatigue;
  • poor sleep;
  • cosmetic skin defects;
  • poor posture or scoliosis;
  • deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • hypertension 1 degree;
  • spinal hernia;
  • neuritis and neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • increased physical activity;
  • sedentary work.

When is back massage contraindicated?

Before performing the procedure, you must make sure that there are no contraindications for it. There are several risk factors:

  • infectious diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • purulent processes on the skin;
  • pulmonary and heart failure;
  • kidney diseases;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • pregnancy period (with caution).

If you have any doubts whether the procedure is right for you, it is best to consult your doctor.

Photo: by Elina Fairytale: Pexels

Benefits of back massage

Many people are interested in what a back massage does and why the procedure is considered extremely beneficial for health. If we talk about the benefits of this technique, then it is definitely worth mentioning the following:

  • Increased blood flow. Massage leads to blood flow to the tissues, and this helps nourish the muscle fibers.
  • Relieving muscle tension. During the session, the muscles are gently stretched, which allows them to be relieved of tension and eliminate muscle spasms.
  • Saturation of tissues with oxygen. This helps restore metabolic processes in tissues and improve their nutrition.
  • Normalization of sleep. Back massage has been proven to help relieve nervous tension and help eliminate sleep problems.
  • Increased skin elasticity. Due to the normalization of lymph and blood flow, the skin becomes more toned and elastic.
  • Improving immunity. Back massage helps restore the body's immune system, which reduces the likelihood of colds and infectious diseases.

Indications for massage

It is worth undergoing massage sessions for headaches, chronic fatigue, and decreased ability to work. Also indications for this procedure are:

  • cervical, thoracic, lumbar osteochondrosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neuroses and nervous exhaustion;
  • pain in the back and limbs that occurs without objective reasons;
  • regular physical overexertion.

The massage is recommended for professional athletes, women who have given birth and the elderly. In addition, it will be useful for children diagnosed with scoliosis and other types of spinal deformities.

Indications for lumbar spine massage:

Massage of the lumbosacral region can be done for preventive or therapeutic purposes. It is useful for all people who are exposed to increased stress. It is recommended to take preventive massage courses a couple of times a year to prevent radiculitis and osteochondrosis. They will help keep your back muscles toned and prevent back pain. Massage is effective in the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, disc herniation

Massage of this department is also prescribed for therapeutic purposes. It is needed for increased fatigue, a feeling of discomfort and stiffness in the lower back, and periodic pain. Massage is one of the mandatory treatment methods for the following pathologies:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region;
  • protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs;
  • radiculitis;
  • spondyloarthrosis;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • recovery from injuries.

How to do a massage correctly?

The basis of a healing massage is a unique technique of moving your hands along the blood circulation and lymph flow. The massage therapist works with the spinal muscles without affecting the spine itself. You need to prepare for the procedure: take a shower and take a comfortable position. You can perform massage only on a flat, hard surface in a position lying on your stomach with your head down.

When doing a massage, you need to listen to the sensations of the person lying down. He shouldn't be in pain. Mild discomfort from some movements is acceptable, but not painful. You can move on to active movements only after the body has warmed up. You need to complete and begin the procedure with light stroking movements.


  • Inflammatory processes accompanied by fever;
  • Viral and infectious diseases;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Dermatovenerological problems;
  • Lymphadenitis;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Alcohol intoxication and neurotic states.

To keep your body in good condition, periodically undergo a massage course. You can make an appointment for a massage leave a request on our website. We are waiting for you at SkinLazerMed medical centers!

Classic massage technique

In the classic version, a wellness massage lasts 15-20 minutes. The procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Stroking - with light movements of the hands along the spine, the massage therapist works the entire back. Movements should be smooth with gradually increasing amplitude.
  2. Squeezing - with an open palm and light pressure, the massage therapist acts on the body in the direction from the spine to the side. The pressure should be moderate and uniform.
  3. Rubbing – the massage therapist actively rubs the muscles with the edge of his hand, starting from the lumbar region and slowly moving to the back of the head. You can rub with one or both hands at the same time.
  4. Kneading - the skin is taken into a fold and moved between the fingers with rhythmic movements of the hands. First, the muscles along the spine are warmed up, then the shoulder muscles and under the shoulder blades.
  5. The end of the massage is stroking. After the procedure, it is advisable to lie down for at least 10 minutes, covering your back with a warm blanket or blanket.

Wellness massage can be different, depending on the goal being pursued. The technique is selected based on the indications and the problem that needs to be solved. For example, massage for osteochondrosis is concentrated on the affected area of ​​the back. The procedure for athletes is performed on the entire body, with special attention paid to the limbs and large joints.

How to determine how long a massage session takes?

It all depends on how you feel and the sensations you get during the procedure. Each person's body and problems are individual. Some people need a lot of time to fully relax, while others work their muscles much faster. In most cases, massage therapists need 1 hour to perform the necessary manipulations in all areas of the body, especially in cases where a person regularly visits the massage room. Some massage therapists claim that a full effect on the body can be achieved in 30 minutes. You can figure out how long a massage should last in your case on your own by going through several procedures and paying attention to the body’s reaction immediately after the session and a day after it.

How should you feel after a massage?

You can tell if the massage was done correctly by how you feel. The following are considered normal after a health procedure:

  • slight dizziness and nausea - occur due to a rush of blood to the brain;
  • desire to sleep, as after a walk in the forest;
  • improved mood and increased performance.

There should be no feeling of excessive loss of strength or severe dizziness after the massage. Bad symptoms also include pain of different locations.

When choosing a massage therapist, do not hesitate to ask him questions about his education . Qualification must be documented. If the massage therapist finds it difficult to answer or refuses to provide documents, then it is better to choose another master. You will receive a high-quality wellness massage at the ACMD clinic. Be healthy!

What affects the duration of a massage session?

The procedure includes several stages. A certain amount of time is allotted for each of them, but if the massage therapist does not feel proper relaxation after the manipulations and does not understand that the body is ready for further steps, one or another stage of the massage may be delayed. If we are talking about the classical procedure, then it includes the following steps:

– 1st – preparatory. The massage therapist performs strokes, preparing the muscles for the main effect. He also tries to improve blood flow to the tissues surrounding the treated area. This stage is mandatory because it helps to avoid injury during the procedure. In addition, at the first stage, the massage therapist performs a detailed study of your body, which allows you to understand how quickly or slowly it reacts to his manipulations.

– Stage 2 – active stage. The massage therapist proceeds to perform the procedure, performing rubbing, kneading, and squeezing actions aimed at increasing tissue mobility. Each movement of the specialist is also aimed at eliminating muscle tension and normalizing blood circulation processes. Improving lymph flow is also the goal of an experienced massage therapist. The duration of the second stage will depend on the degree of muscle tissue overload.

– 3rd stage – final. Manipulations are carried out using smoother, gentler and softer movements aimed at relaxing the muscles. This phase of the session involves carefully working out muscle fibers using a wide variety of techniques. After the end of the session, the person experiences peace and feels amazing lightness in the body. In some cases, people fall asleep, which is quite natural.

Other types of massage may include completely different stages. For example, sports massage procedures, in which the emphasis is on a specific muscle group, or on one at all. The duration of the manipulation in this case, as in all others, can vary significantly. When working one muscle, the session duration can be no more than 30 minutes.

Modeling, anti-cellulite and other types of manipulations aimed at correcting the figure will also include stages that differ significantly from the above. Such massages involve a deep impact on the subcutaneous and fatty tissues, so the duration, techniques used and steps performed will be tailored to the characteristics of the figure and the severity of the problem.

Don't be afraid of massage treatments for hypertension

With high blood pressure, as a rule, no physical activity or manipulation is recommended, but if the tonometer readings are below 160 mmHg, mild exercises can be performed.

Working out the back muscles has a positive effect on cardiac circulation, relieves heart tone, as a result of which blood pressure normalizes.

In the initial stage of hypertension, pressure surges can occur against the background of psychological disorders and weather changes. Many people complain of heaviness in the head, dizziness and tachycardia, without even suspecting that the cause of the ailment is hidden in spasms of muscles, and, as a result, blood vessels.

Check with your doctor how often you can do a back massage and for what duration, and feel free to go to the massage room.

How to choose a massage therapist

When carrying out manipulation, it is important to follow the correct technique. Otherwise, the procedure may be useless or even harmful. When choosing a master, you must:

  • Consider only specialists with medical education.
  • Make sure the massage therapist is qualified. To do this, you need to ask where he was trained, whether he has the appropriate certificates and diplomas.
  • Look for reviews from other clients. A good specialist always has recommendations.

There are also online services for choosing a massage therapist. Thus, residents of Kazan can use and find an individual master or a suitable beauty salon that provides such a service.

Classic massage techniques

A classic massage session involves working only with the hands of a specialist. He can use the following techniques and techniques:

  • stroking. This is the beginning of the session, it is important to prepare the tissues for deeper treatment and relax the muscles. The technique is designed to reduce pain, relax muscles and achieve the desired psycho-emotional state, increase tissue elasticity;
  • trituration. This technique is necessary to improve blood supply to the treated area. It allows you to improve the outflow of lymph and stimulate rapid recovery. Demonstrates good results in cases of trauma, neuralgia, radiculitis;
  • kneading. Represents gentle squeezing, pulling, and grasping of the skin. The intake effectively copes with swelling and congestion, stimulates regeneration by increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients. You can call this technique passive gymnastics for the muscles;
  • vibration. Oscillatory movements of different amplitudes: chopping, tapping, patting. The techniques are designed to stimulate the neuromuscular system, strengthen reflexes, and are used for various sensitivity disorders.

Classic medical massage does not imply ready-made solutions and schemes - a set of techniques and techniques is determined by a specialist taking into account the patient’s diagnosis, his condition, complaints, and concomitant diseases. Some techniques require repetition up to 4-5 times to obtain the desired result. The course can include up to 10–15 sessions, their number and duration (from 30 to 90 minutes) are determined individually.

Baby massage

Children like massage because... it gives not only benefits, but also pleasant sensations. And if a parent is a massage therapist, then the child gets even more pleasure from the process. There are several types of massage:

  1. "Rails-rails." Run your fingers along your back from bottom to top, drawing two lines.
  2. "Sleepers, sleepers." Horizontal lines are drawn by hand.
  3. “The train was late.” Using a fist, from bottom to top, the movement of a train is very gently imitated.
  4. "The grain was scattered." The palms of the hands make stroking movements along the back.
  5. “The chickens came: they pecked, pecked and left.” “Peck” with the pads of the fingers in a chaotic manner over the entire surface of the back.
  6. “The geese came: they nibbled, nibbled, and left.” Use your fingertips to lightly tingle your back.
  7. “The elephants came: they trampled, trampled and left.” Pressing on the back with a fist.
  8. “The little fox-sister came with her tail.” Stroke your back with your hands.

The use of massage for intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia is the result of degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs. Treatment of this disease requires an integrated approach, including medication and therapeutic interventions in the form of massage, physical therapy and other procedures.

In case of vertebral hernia, it is carried out at the stage of recovery after the disease. Under no circumstances should it be used during the acute course of the disease. The professionalism of the massage therapist plays a key role in its implementation. Improper massage for this disease can greatly aggravate the situation and lead to surgical intervention.

Relaxation and warmth in the body during a massage are signs that the manipulations are being carried out correctly.

Where to get a back massage in Omsk?

By contacting our clinic, you can sign up for a course of therapeutic back massage, the duration of which is determined by the disease that is bothering you. The massage is performed by highly qualified specialists with many years of experience.

Types of therapeutic massage

  1. Classical. This massage is performed by specially trained people to target problem areas. Has no age restrictions.
  2. Point (acupunture). The essence of the procedures is that the impact is carried out very selectively, only at points responsible for the functioning of certain organs and systems. The technique is based on the concepts of Chinese traditional medicine.
  3. Vibromassage. This is a subtype of hardware impact. Oscillatory movements are created by electrical devices for deeper penetration. Vibrations vary in frequency of movement.
  4. Hydromassage. In this version, vibrations are created by jets of water. The flows are directed to specific areas of the body.
  5. Jar technology. The main goal is to improve blood flow, which is achieved through the use of medical cupping.

Cosmetic and medical centers offer their services with additional functions: honey massage, stone massage, anti-cellulite massage and others. A general wellness back massage is recommended for people of all ages, regardless of the activity of the rhythm of life.

How to prepare for lymphatic drainage massage

There is no special preparation for the health procedure. To increase the effectiveness of the result, doctors advise following simple rules:

  • Avoid dishes with a high content of animal fat on the eve of lymphomassage;
  • refrain from eating 2-3 hours before the session;
  • reduce the number of drinks you drink before bed;
  • choose the afternoon for lymphatic drainage;
  • drink warm water immediately before the procedure.

Before and after a lymphatic drainage body massage, you are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages (of any strength).

Zhelezny Sergey Nikolaevich


Privolzhsky Research Medical University

25 years of experience

Contraindications to restorative massage

Massage is a therapeutic procedure, and any therapeutic procedure has contraindications. Ignoring such nuances can lead to disastrous consequences, so before deciding on this type of massage, you should first familiarize yourself with the list of situations in which this procedure is extremely undesirable. It is even better to consult with your doctor who is aware of your problem areas and diseases.

So, you should be wary if at least one of the points described below occurs in you:

  • fungal infections;
  • pustular skin diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • influenza, acute respiratory infections;
  • furunculosis;
  • angina;
  • oncological diseases;
  • open wounds;
  • acute stage of arthritis;
  • hives;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • active stage of rheumatism;
  • sharp pain;
  • injuries, hematomas;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gynecological diseases.

Helpful advice: It is also worth noting that massage may have temporary contraindications for various injuries and diseases - these will be determined by your attending physician. Such cases include exacerbation of a disease or poor tolerance of the procedures used in massage.

Honey back massage will relieve pain and excess fat

Massage manipulations are enhanced by honey. Honey pats can replace kneading in case of acute pain or psychological problems. The undeniable advantage of beating honey into the skin is not only an anti-inflammatory, but also an anti-cellulite effect, which leads to weight loss.

Article about back massage with honey read more

How long a back massage with honey lasts depends on the area being treated; as a rule, one session lasts from a quarter of an hour to 30 minutes.

Advantages of honey rubbing:

  1. The presence of vitamins and microelements, driven into the skin with honey, improves the condition of the body.
  2. Honey is an excellent sorbent that can cleanse the skin of toxins.
  3. Regular consumption of honey helps eliminate osteochondrosis.
  4. When fighting insomnia, depression and after suffering stress, trust a unique honey massage.
  5. Deep tissue treatment with honey is an ideal remedy in the fight against a lingering cough.

What is lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphomassage has a healing effect on the entire body. Using special techniques, the doctor works on problem areas, systematically changing the speed and direction of lymph flow from the lower part of the body to the upper parts. The lymphatic drainage massage procedure does not cause pain, since the intensity of the effect increases consistently. A course of physiotherapy usually consists of 7-14 sessions. In our clinic, the treatment regimen is selected personally, taking into account the problem area, health status, contraindications and other individual characteristics of the patient. You can only entrust a massage to a specialized doctor. This is a medical manipulation that requires deep knowledge of the intricacies of the structure and functioning of the lymphatic system.

Zhelezny Sergey Nikolaevich


Privolzhsky Research Medical University

25 years of experience

Importance of the Lymphatic System

A large-scale branched network of lymphatic vessels permeates the entire body, forming an internal environment filled with lymph. This is a transparent liquid type of connective tissue - a connecting link between organs, blood flow and intercellular space. Circulating from bottom to top, lymphatic fluid performs a number of vital tasks, the main of which are:

  • transfer of immune system cells - antibodies, macrophages and lymphocytes, to areas in need of increased protection;
  • collection of toxins, cell waste and delivery to the lymph nodes for neutralization.

When the movement of lymph slows down, the filtration organs and blood flow cannot cope with the evacuation of harmful substances, and the immune system has protective functions. A malfunction of the lymphatic system instantly affects your well-being and appearance. A person complains of increased fatigue, swelling, unstable blood pressure, frequent colds, weight gain, and sagging skin. Advanced disruption of the lymphatic system is indicated by deep vein varicose veins, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, obesity, low immune status, and lymphostasis.

Lumbar massage at home

Step 1. The patient is already lying on the couch, which is covered with a clean towel. The massage therapist washed his hands beforehand. Next, he needs to apply a little massage oil to his hands and he can begin the procedure.

Massage oil is applied to hands

Step 2. You need to perform a series of strokes. They are carried out across the spine with light alternating movements of the palms, then you can make several movements with the palms along the spinal column up and down. It is recommended to perform a series of circular movements.

First, strokes are performed

Attention! Most massage movements in the lumbar region should be carried out downwards, this is due to the orientation of the lymphatic channels in the body.

Step 3. Using the edge of the palm, rub the surface of the back along and across the spine, as well as diagonally.

Step 4. Next, you need to use kneading techniques, performing circular movements with greater intensity than when stroking. The entire palm is used, the fingers are involved. The pressure should be moderate. The duration of kneading is about 2-5 minutes.

Purpose of restorative massage

Naturally, restoring expended energy is not the only goal of this massage. His list of tasks includes:

  • restoration of the body's performance;
  • elimination of pain;
  • relief from fatigue;
  • relieving tension (both physical and psychological);
  • preparing the body for future stress;
  • normalization of blood and lymph flow;
  • increasing muscle tone;
  • excretion of waste products.

Such a massage does not require special preparation, but it is still not worth risking your health, and if the procedure is carried out by a specialist, then there is a greater chance that you will get the desired result, and the massage itself will have the desired effect.

How to choose a massage therapist for a restorative massage?

Any specialist must meet certain criteria. All of them are divided into two types: psychological and technical.

  1. Psychological criteria.

The massage therapist must be attentive and confident in performing the massage correctly. He must also be tactful and patient. No matter how funny it may sound, a specialist of this kind must be friendly. This is explained by the fact that restorative massage implies relaxation and a calm atmosphere, which only an optimistic specialist can provide.

  1. Technical criteria.

In addition to emotional stability, a specialist must have certain skills. He must be capable of any type of massage, he must understand when to use this or that technique, know the sequence of techniques used, and take into account the characteristics of the body of each individual patient. In addition, any self-respecting massage therapist must understand anatomy and be able to carry out operational diagnostics through palpation examination.

Of course, a massage therapist, like any other worker in the medical field, must monitor hygiene and cut his nails short, keep the skin of his hands in order:

  • if the skin is oily, the specialist should use nourishing creams and wash his hands before the session, wiping them dry with a towel;
  • if the skin of the hands is dry, he should use special soap and moisturizing creams.

Important: Prescribing a therapeutic and restorative massage is not exactly a task that a massage therapist must perform, so you should entrust it to your attending physician, who will take into account the nuances of your body and, based on them, will conclude what kind of massage, in what quantities and with what procedures should carried out specifically in your case. The massage therapist, in turn, must monitor your body’s reaction to the prescribed techniques and draw appropriate conclusions to achieve greater effectiveness.

The massage therapist's clothing should not interfere with him - preference should be given to loose clothing, avoid large objects that can damage the patient's skin during a massage, and choose low-heeled shoes. Pay attention to how the specialist approaches the massage - his posture should be comfortable, the breathing rhythm should be correct, both hands should be used.

Why do you need lymphatic drainage massage?

The benefits of lymphatic drainage massage include the activation and redistribution of lymphoid fluid, stimulation of metabolic processes, and strengthening of cellular and humoral immunity. The doctor’s task is to eliminate the consequences of a malfunction of the lymph flow and delicately force the lymphatic system to work the way nature intended it to. Lymphatic drainage helps remove harmful products of cellular metabolism from the body, accelerate lymph circulation, lose weight, improve skin condition, and strengthen the immune system.

The list of indications for lymphatic drainage massage includes:

  • hemodynamic disturbance;
  • early varicose changes in the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • swelling of the arms, legs, face, neck;
  • skin defects - scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, scars, hematomas of non-traumatic origin, changes in the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer - cellulite;
  • fat deposits;
  • soft tissue injuries (rehabilitation period);
  • muscle weakness;
  • visible stagnation of lymphoid fluid of the upper and lower extremities.

Lymphatic drainage massage produces a complex effect - cosmetological, therapeutic, preventive. After a course of physiotherapy, the skin is rejuvenated, looks smooth and toned. Morning puffiness and bruises under the eyes disappear. Excess weight goes away, the figure acquires clear contours. Pain and heaviness in the legs cease to bother you, and the overall tone of the body increases. Immune defense is restored, which helps to resist infectious diseases, which is especially important during the difficult period of the pandemic. The aesthetic and therapeutic results of lymphatic drainage massage are immediately noticeable. To maintain the active functioning of the lymph flow, treatment and preventive procedures are recommended to be carried out regularly.

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