Menovazin for hernia of the lumbar spine: helps or not

Menovazin is a complex drug with a wide spectrum of therapeutic activity. It has antiseptic, antipruritic, distracting, local irritant and analgesic effects. Used to relieve pain associated with various diseases of muscles, joints and nerves. Prescribed for adults and children.

Indications for use

Menovazin belongs to the group of local anesthetic drugs and is used for the following indications:

  • development of inflammation in joint tissues. The drug helps reduce or completely eliminate pain;
  • tissue injury (closed fracture, severe damage to soft tissues), without compromising the integrity of the epidermis;
  • joint pain caused by non-inflammatory reactions. For example, dislocation or deformation of a joint, the development of a benign tumor, as well as a pathological disorder of the joint tissues;
  • muscle or ligament sprains. Menovazin eliminates pain and helps reduce swelling;
  • small but painful bruises. The product reduces pain and accelerates the resorption of hematomas;
  • myalgia. The pathology is characterized by the sudden onset of pain, while the person can be at rest or perform physical activity;
  • neuralgia. The disease is expressed by damage to nerve tissue and is accompanied by pain;
  • severe skin itching due to non-infectious dermatological pathologies or after insect bites;
  • angina. Menovazin is used externally to relieve sore throat and reduce the amount of nasal discharge (provided there is no high fever);
  • insomnia. The drug helps eliminate tension and facilitates the process of falling asleep;
  • pain in the mammary glands, provided that the pain is not caused by the development of a malignant tumor;
  • varicose veins The disease manifests itself as a pathological dilation of the veins in the legs and is accompanied by pain and heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • development of inflammation in the ear canals (without infection). The product reduces the pain symptom;
  • teenage acne. Menovazin promotes faster restoration of the skin;
  • sinusitis. The disease is expressed by the development of inflammation in the maxillary maxillary sinuses. The drug reduces swelling and pain;
  • hemorrhoids (inflammation of the veins in the rectum). Menovazin reduces pain and helps eliminate pathology;
  • herpes. The product helps eliminate rashes and reduce pain;
  • rapid fatigue of the legs in old age. Menovazin activates blood flow, eliminates swelling and pain;
  • cough. Menovazin facilitates the discharge of sputum and reduces coughing attacks;
  • migraine (severe headache), pain in the heart and toothache;
  • salt deposition in joints. The drug reduces pain and promotes the dissolution of salts;
  • increased blood pressure. The product helps to normalize it;
  • radiculitis. The disease is expressed by pain due to damage to the nerve roots;
  • osteochondrosis. The pathology is manifested by the erasure of intervertebral discs and is accompanied by severe pain;
  • back pain during pregnancy. Menovazine can be used with the permission of a doctor;
  • cellulite. The drug helps to “smooth” the epidermis.

Menovazin, for the above pathologies, should be used in combination treatment, since the drug only eliminates the pain, and not the cause of the symptom.

What does menovazin treat, how to use it. Pharmacological characteristics of the drug

Menovazin solution is intended for external use. It consists of several components, each of which complements and enhances the actions of each other.

Composition of menovazine:

  • Novocaine;
  • Anestezin;
  • Menthol;
  • 70% ethyl alcohol.

The solution is available in 40 ml glass bottles. Its cost does not exceed 30 rubles.

Menovazin is a budget drug of domestic production, which can be purchased at both a large pharmacy and a small pharmacy. The drug belongs to the group of local anesthetic drugs and is sold without a doctor's prescription. It has a sharp, specific odor that quickly disappears.

Properties of menovazin:

  • has a local analgesic effect due to the content of anesthetics (novocaine, anesthesin) - blocks nerve transmission from peripheral parts to the brain;
  • has a local irritant effect due to the menthol content - when applied to the skin, it has a cooling effect, reflexively eliminates discomfort and pain;
  • has a vasodilating effect at the site of application of the solution due to the content of medical alcohol - increasing the lumen of small arterial vessels improves blood flow to tissues in the application area;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect due to menthol, ethyl alcohol and novocaine.

We have reviewed menovazine, its composition and properties, now let’s move on to the indications and contraindications of the drug.


Menovazin (relieves 13 diseases thanks to the composition used) includes the following elements in the list of components.

List of componentsDescription of components
Operating elementsLevomentholThe substance has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and pronounced irritant effect. It also has a slight antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. Additionally, the component promotes the dilation of blood vessels on the surface of the epidermis (as a result, the remaining ingredients penetrate better into the tissues of the epidermis) and has a cooling property, due to which the analgesic effect occurs faster.
ProcaineThe component is a local anesthetic
BenzocaineThe element has a pronounced analgesic effect and reduces itching
Auxiliary elementsEthyl alcohol 70%The substance has antiseptic properties and also has a warming and mild analgesic effect. Additionally, alcohol is needed to combine the elements used.
Main componentsRacemic mentholThe component has antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, menthol helps eliminate itching, dilate blood vessels, and also has a slight calming effect and improves the absorption of additional components.
NovocaineThe element has an analgesic effect and helps eliminate spasms. It also dilates blood vessels, reduces itching and helps lower blood pressure.
AnestezinThe substance is an anesthetic
Minor componentsMineral oilThe component makes it easier to apply the ointment to the epidermis and creates a protective film so that the main components do not quickly evaporate from the skin. The substance also gives the ointment the desired texture.
White soft paraffinThe element accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin, creates a protective film and enhances the anti-inflammatory properties of the main components
Emulsifier T-2The substance is used to give the ointment the desired shape and combine the components used
Purified waterWater gives the ointment the desired consistency and is also a binding element.

The main components of the solution and ointment are almost identical, so the effect of the products is similar.

pharmachologic effect

Menovazine is a combination drug with broad therapeutic activity. It has a clear antipruritic, analgesic, distracting, antiseptic and sedative effect.

The healing properties are due to the quality composition of the product. For example, menthol affects certain receptors that are sensitive to low temperatures. As a result, it causes a feeling of pleasant cold and relieves pain. It also affects the tone of any blood vessels, arteries and veins.

Procaine has an exclusively analgesic effect. Benzocaine causes local anesthesia without provoking vascular tone.

In what form is it produced?

Pharmaceutical companies produce Menovazin in the form of:

  • a solution that is colorless (completely transparent) and has the smell of menthol and alcohol. The product is placed in dark bottles with a screw cap in an amount of 40 ml. The solution can also be sold in dark bottles with a spray nozzle in an amount of 50 ml;
  • ointment is white in color and smells of menthol. The cream is sold in an aluminum tube in quantities of 40 g.

All release forms are additionally placed in cardboard packaging along with instructions. Both products have a menthol scent that quickly dissipates after use.

The cost per package of the drug is as follows:

  • price range for a bottle of solution with a screw cap - 20-80 rubles;
  • the price range for Menovazin in a bottle with a spray nozzle is 70-160 rubles.
  • Menovazine in ointment form is not commercially available. The approximate price for a tube can be about 120 rubles.

The price for the product depends mainly on the manufacturer and the markup at the pharmacy.

Menovazin, what it treats. Chemical composition of "Menovazin"

The drug is a local anesthetic that does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, which makes it relatively safe. It is produced in the format of an ointment and an alcohol (70%) solution, which do not differ from each other in the concentration of active substances and effectiveness. The difference in form lies only in the principle of use, as well as the drying effect of the solution (due to the alcohol base). The key components of Menovazin's composition are menthol, novocaine and benzocaine, which determine its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

  • Menthol has a slight cooling and antispasmodic effect due to the expansion of blood vessels (in this case, only those close to the skin), as well as irritation of nerve endings. For the remaining components, Menovazina works as a conductor, enhancing the results of their use.
  • Novocaine and benzocaine belong to the category of anesthetics used internally and externally in all medical fields: they stop the pain impulse, working as a freezer of nerve fibers and endings, prevent movement along sodium channels, and also relieve skin reactions - itching and burning. Each of the components is considered a medium-strength pain reliever.
  • Ethyl alcohol present in the solution works as a disinfectant.
  • Per 100 ml of solution there are 1 g of novocaine and benzocaine, and 2.5 g of menthol. The latter determines the characteristic aroma of the drug.
  • A 40 g ointment (classic form) contains 25 mg of menthol, as well as 10 g of novocaine and benzocaine.

The shelf life of the Menovazin solution is 3 years; bottles are available in volumes of 25 and 50 ml; the 40 ml version is less common. The shelf life of the ointment is 2 g, the volume of the tube is 40 g.


Menovazin relieves 13 diseases or more due to the following effect of the drug on the body:

  • helps reduce or completely eliminate pain (headaches, joints, teeth) by blocking the transmission of impulses to pain sensitivity receptors;
  • irritates nerve endings, resulting in heating of nearby tissues;
  • has a dilating effect on blood vessels, which ultimately improves blood flow and resolves hematomas;
  • prevents the development of infection on the epidermis (the antiseptic effect is weak). Menthol prevents pathogenic bacteria from attaching to body cells;
  • due to the activation of blood circulation, a decrease in the inflammation process is noted;
  • reduces itching caused by allergies, dermatological pathology, mosquito bites or other insects;
  • menthol has a cooling effect, which helps to quickly eliminate pain symptoms;
  • creates a protective film on the skin that retains Menovazin components and moisture in the epidermis;
  • has a calming effect on the epidermis, eliminating irritation, redness, and swelling;
  • helps eliminate spasms in blood vessels and muscles, eliminating pain.

The alcohol included in the solution additionally dries the epidermis, helping to eliminate acne and teenage acne.

What does menovazine solution treat? What does Menovazin treat?

This drug has an analgesic effect on the area of ​​application. In addition, it has a calming and antipruritic effect, so it can be applied to irritated areas. Due to its alcohol content, the solution is used as an antiseptic. To understand in more detail what Menovazin is used for, a detailed study of the pharmacological action of each of its components will help. The main substances of the drug have the following effects:

  1. Menthol - has a mild anesthetic effect. This effect occurs due to the expansion of blood vessels close to the skin and irritation of nerve endings. After contact with the cover, it envelops it with a slight coolness. In addition, menthol is an excellent conductor for the other components of the drug: it enhances their effect.
  2. Procaine is an anesthetic. It blocks sodium channels. As a result, the occurrence of pain impulses is prevented.
  3. Benzocaine is also an anesthetic. It provides a long-lasting analgesic effect.

Thanks to this combination of main components, the excitability of neurons is inhibited and the conductivity of axons fades. All this provides a distracting effect. In other words, after applying the medicine to the problem area, the pain intensity becomes less pronounced. This effect lasts for a certain time.


Menovazine can be used without a doctor's prescription. But when choosing a remedy for treating children or during pregnancy, the use of the medication is possible only with the permission of a specialist. He will select an acceptable dosage based on the severity of the pathology, age, and (if necessary) prescribe auxiliary medications. Menovazin “treats 13 diseases” only with complex therapy.

Before starting to use Menovazin ointment and solution, you must familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • Before using the drug, you should test for the likelihood of developing an allergy. To do this, you need to apply a little solution or ointment to your wrist or neck and wait about 15-60 minutes. If there is no redness, severe burning or rash, then Menovazin can be used;
  • the place where the solution or ointment is applied must be clean and dry;
  • the product is used only topically, avoiding contact with mucous membranes;
  • when applying the product to the chest, avoid the heart area;
  • when treating the epidermis of children, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not touch the area where the product is applied with his hands;
  • to enhance the warming effect, the treatment area (after the product has dried) can be covered with a bandage;
  • when using the solution, the skin (about 1-1.5 hours after manipulation) should be treated with a moisturizer, since the alcohol contained in the composition dries out the epidermis;
  • After performing the manipulations, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap;
  • The break between courses must be at least 2 weeks.

Next, we consider the features of using the drug, taking into account age, pregnancy, and the type of pathology.

For children under 18 years old

Before reaching the age of 18, the use of Menovazin is not recommended, since the effect of the components on the children's body has not been studied. Sometimes the drug is prescribed by pediatricians, but subject to completion of a course of treatment under the supervision of medical staff.

Standard dosage of Menovazin according to age and severity of the disease:

Purpose of useAgeFeatures of applicationWell
Joint pain caused by inflammation. Menovazine should be applied to the affected area. From 3 to 7 yearsYou should rub the joint with the solution about 30 minutes before bedtime.Not used5-7 days
From 7 to 12 yearsIt is recommended to apply the product 1-2 times during the dayApply ointment to the affected area once in the evening10-20 days
From 12 to 18 years oldUse the solution 2-3 times every 24 hoursMenovazine is allowed to be used in the morning and evening14-28 days
Muscle and joint injuries. The drug must be applied to the site of injury. From 3 to 7 yearsThe solution should be used 1-2 times a dayIt is allowed to use the ointment approximately 1 hour before going to bed3-5 days
From 7 to 12 yearsApply the product 2 times every 24 hoursThe ointment can be used up to 2 times a day3-7 days
From 12 to 18 years oldThe solution can be used up to 3 times a dayMenovazine should be used up to 3 times in 24 hours5-20 days
Bruises and contusions. The product is applied to the site of the injury/bruise. From 3 to 7 yearsThe product is used morning and eveningThe ointment can be used once in the evening3-7 days
From 7 to 18 years oldIt is allowed to use the solution up to 3 times a dayThe drug is allowed to be used 2-3 times a day5-10 days
Myalgia, neuralgia. The drug is applied to the painful area. From 3 to 7 yearsThe solution is used morning and eveningThe ointment can be used 1-2 times every 24 hours5-10 days
From 7 to 12 yearsThe drug is used 2-3 times a dayMenovazine is used 2 times a day1-2 weeks
From 12 to 18 years oldAllowed to use the product 3 times in 24 hoursThe drug can be used 3 times a day10-30 days
Skin itching. The product is applied to the itching area. From 3 to 7 yearsThe solution can be used 1-2 times a dayThe ointment is used once a day1-3 days
From 7 to 18 years oldThe drug is allowed to be used up to 3 times in 24 hoursThe product can be used up to 3 times a day1-5 days
Angina. You can apply the product to the throat, and also treat the cotton wool with the composition and breathe over it. From 3 to 7 yearsNumber of manipulations per day up to 2 timesYou can use the ointment up to 2 times a day5-7 days
From 7 to 18 years oldYou can use the solution 3 times a dayThe product can be used up to 3 times a day5-10 days
Cough. Menovazine should be rubbed into the chest area. From 3 to 7 yearsThe drug is used before bedtimeThe ointment can be used in the evening3-5 days
From 7 to 18 years oldCan be used morning and eveningAllowed to use the product 2 times a day3-7 days
Rhinitis. Treat the cotton wool with the composition and breathe over it. From 3 to 7 yearsPerform manipulations 2-5 times a day2-5 days
From 7 to 18 years oldYou can breathe over the cotton wool up to 7 times a day3-7 days
Sinusitis. Apply the product in a very thin layer to the sinuses. From 7 to 12 yearsApply the product before bedtimeDo not use1-3 days
From 12 to 18 years oldThe drug can be used morning and eveningIt is allowed to use the ointment 1-2 times a day2-5 days
Bad dream. The product should be rubbed behind the ears. From 12 to 18 years oldUse of Menovazine is allowed only before bedtime. It is not advisable to use it during the day (if there is a daytime nap). No longer than a week
Otitis. You need to moisten a cotton pad with the solution and plug your ear with it for about 1-5 minutes. From 7 to 12 yearsYou can use the solution up to 2 times every 24 hoursNot applicable2-3 days
From 12 to 18 years oldIt is allowed to perform manipulations up to 3 times a day3-5 days
Teenage acne, herpes. Rashes need to be treated. From 12 to 18 years oldThe solution should be used no more than 2 times every 24 hoursNot used2-3 days
Headache, toothache. The product should be rubbed onto the area behind the ears, and you can also treat your temples or forehead. From 7 to 12 yearsApply the drug 1-2 times every 24 hoursUp to 3 days
From 12 to 18 years oldUse the product 1-3 times a dayNo longer than 5 days

If a child has chronic pathologies, also with low weight and prematurity, the use of Menovazin is undesirable even under the supervision of a doctor.

For adults

When treating adults, it is recommended to adhere to the following dosage indicated in the table.

Purpose of application Features of useWell
Joint pain caused by inflammationThe product should be used 3 times a dayThe ointment should be used 2-3 times a day20-30 days
Muscle and joint pain caused by injuryThe solution is used 2-3 times every 24 hoursMenovazine is used 2 times a day10-20 days
Bruises and contusionsThe drug is used 1-2 times a dayThe product is used 1-2 times every 24 hours5-8 days
Myalgia, neuralgiaMenovazine is used up to 3 times a day3-4 weeks
Itchy skinThe solution is used up to 3 times a dayThe ointment is used 2-3 times every 24 hours3-7 days
AnginaThe drug is allowed up to 3 times a dayThe product is used up to 2 times a day3-7 days
CoughMenovazine is used up to 2 times every 24 hours1 Week
RhinitisThe product is used 3-5 times a day3-7 days
SinusitisThe solution is used up to 3 times a dayThe ointment is used up to 2 times every 24 hours5-10 days
InsomniaThe product is used before going to bedNo longer than 3 weeks
Pain in the mammary glands. The product is rubbed onto the painful area. The solution is prescribed up to 2 times a dayCan be used once every 24 hours5-7 days
Varicose veins The drug should be applied to the legs, performing manipulations from bottom to top. The drug can be used 2-3 times a dayThe ointment should be applied up to 2 times every 24 hours3-4 weeks
OtitisThe solution is used up to 3 times a dayThe product is used 2 times a day3-7 days
Teenage acne, herpes. The product should be applied to the rash areas. Menovazine is used up to 3 times a dayThe drug is used morning and evening3-5 days
Haemorrhoids. The drug should be treated very carefully in the peri-anal area, avoiding contact with mucous membranes. Use once before bedtime3-10 days
Headache or toothacheThe solution is applied 2-3 times a dayThe ointment is applied 2 times every 24 hours10-14 days
Deposition of salts in joints. The product must be rubbed into the joint. The drug is used 3 times a dayThe product is used 2 times every 24 hours3-4 weeks
High blood pressure. The product should be applied in a thin layer to the occipital area. The solution can be used up to 2 times every 24 hoursThe ointment can be used once a day5-10 days
Back pain. The drug must be rubbed into the area of ​​pain. Menovazine can be used up to 2 times every 24 hours12-20 days
Cellulite. Menovazine should be added to skin care cream in an amount of 5 parts of cream and 1 part of the drug. Not usedIt is advisable to carry out manipulations before going to bed2-3 weeks

The table shows the standard dosage; if necessary, the attending physician can adjust the treatment taking into account the general condition of the patient.

For pregnant

During the period of bearing a child, the use of Menovazin is possible only with the permission of the doctor leading the pregnancy and only in extreme cases. Since the warming effect can provoke the development of miscarriage or premature birth. In the absence of individual prescriptions from the treating specialist, it is allowed to use the standard pediatric dosage for ages 3 to 7 years.

Menovazin for 13 diseases

Before 12 weeks of pregnancy, as well as after 36 weeks, the drug can only be used in a hospital setting.

For the elderly

In old age, the use of Menovazin is possible provided that the patient has no contraindications. The dosage of the drug is identical to that of an adult (there are no restrictions due to age). But if the patient has chronic pathologies, then the course of treatment is strictly selected by the doctor.

Menovazin, what it treats and how to use it. Folk methods of using Menovazin.

The Russian population shows remarkable intelligence and ingenuity in many situations. This also affected the use of Menovazin. I really want this not to be a medicine with which you can solve all your health problems. This composition works very well when it is involved in complex treatment. Without successful treatment of the main factor of the disease, stabilization of the health status when using the solution will be short-lived.

  • The alcohol composition "Menovazin" began to be used in folk medicine to reduce high blood pressure. To do this, the Menovazin solution must be rubbed into the skin of the back of the head in the morning and evening.
  • The solution is used to apply compresses to sore joints. It is usually done in the evening. In this case, it is necessary to add the same amount of cold boiled water to the portion of Menovazin in order to avoid skin damage from the long-term effect of 70% ethyl alcohol. A gauze pad is moistened in the prepared solution, lightly wrung out and placed on the painful area of ​​the joint. Compress paper or plastic film is placed on top of the napkin. All this is carefully wrapped in woolen cloth and left overnight. If severe pain or other unpleasant symptoms occur during the procedure, you should stop the treatment session.
  • Many people advise that during colds, when a cough often bothers you, carefully apply the Menovazin solution to the back and upper chest. After this, put on a sweater or other woolen item and, in this form, climb under a warm blanket. It is necessary to perform 2-3 such measures and forget about the manifestations of cough.
  • "Menovazin" is popular in the treatment of throat diseases. When your throat just starts to hurt, in addition to the medications you are taking, you need to rub the painful area of ​​your neck with Menovazin and wrap it in a warm cloth overnight.
  • The properties of the components of Menovazin have found application in the treatment of incipient varicose veins of the lower extremities. Using the composition allows you to reduce the feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs, and avoid the appearance of swelling of the legs at the end of the day. Apply the composition with simple massaging movements, from the ankles up to areas not affected by the disease.
  • There are cases of using the composition for sleep disorders. Using a cotton swab, wipe the neck, from the back of the head, with the Menovazin solution. This allows you to restore normal sleep without the use of strong sleeping pills.


Menovazin ointment and solution should not be prescribed if the patient has the following contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to elements of the drug;
  • the presence of pronounced inflammatory processes and pustules on the skin at the treatment site;
  • infectious dermatological pathologies at the site of application of the product;
  • tuberculosis or asthma in the acute stage;
  • severe vascular impairment;
  • the presence of a violation of the integrity of the epidermis at the site of application of the product (wounds, burns, scratches).

Up to 18 years of age, as well as during pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is possible under the strict supervision of medical staff. You should also use the medication with extreme caution in patients with very dry skin when choosing Menovazin in the form of a solution.

Menovazine rubbing: when needed, how to prepare a compress

Menovazine rubbing is a combination of the drug in question with clean water at room temperature in a 1:1 ratio. It is used in the treatment of colds and coughs. Rubbing involves creating “greenhouse” conditions - the treated area is covered with a sheet, then a blanket.

The compress is prepared from 1 part Menovazin and 2 parts clean water. Then a gauze napkin (can be replaced with a fabric one) is moistened in the prepared solution and slightly wrung out, applied to the problem area and covered with cellophane (parchment paper), wrapped in a scarf, blanket, or terry towel.

After rubbing and applying a compress, you first feel coolness on the skin, and after a few minutes the effect changes dramatically - you can clearly feel the warmth.


Menovazin for 13 diseases must be used only topically and in compliance with the rules of application and course of use. If the drug is used for a long time, the likelihood of side effects increases, and the skin becomes very sensitive. And when using the medicine in large quantities (especially with thin skin), a burn may develop.

If you accidentally take Menovazin orally, symptoms characteristic of poisoning develop (vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain). In this case, gastric lavage is not recommended, since repeated promotion of the drug through the digestive tract will aggravate the conditions of the mucous membranes. The victim should be given activated charcoal, and after approximately 40-60 minutes, a laxative should be given to speed up the removal of the medication from the body.

If the victim’s condition worsens, or if the drug is swallowed by a child, you need to call an ambulance.

What to do if a child swallows the drug

If a child swallows the drug, then you need to:

  • make him vomit;
  • rinse the stomach by drinking plenty of clean water;
  • give the child any cleansing drug - for example, Polysorb or activated carbon.

After these manipulations, you need to call a doctor - he will assess the victim’s condition and, if necessary, prescribe therapy.

Menovazin is a cheap but effective drug for external use. It is allowed for children from 12 years old; there are no restrictions for adults. Regular use will relieve muscle and joint pain, alleviate ear infections, herpes and other pathologies.

Side effects

When using Menovazin in compliance with all the rules (duration of course, dosage, frequency of manipulations), the likelihood of developing side effects is minimal.

In rare cases, with long-term therapy, a decrease in blood pressure is observed, accompanied by dizziness and slight irritation of the epidermis. If an allergy has not been ruled out, hives, coughing, and lacrimation may develop.

What does Menovazin help with?

Menovazin helps get rid of pain and itching, which are inherent in many diseases of a dermatological, neurological nature, and accompany disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

What diseases is the drug Menovazin used for?

The drug Menovazin is used for the following diseases:

  • sciatica is an inflammatory process that occurs in the sciatic nerve and is accompanied by severe pain in the buttock and lower limb;
  • radiculitis – pinched nerves in the spinal column, characterized by severe pain along the entire spine;
  • neuralgia – inflammation of the nerve, there is severe pain in the direction of the nerve bundle in which pathological changes occur;
  • myalgia – inflammation of muscle fibers with intense pain;
  • arthralgia – pain in joints (large, small);
  • dermatological diseases that are accompanied by severe, obsessive itching (for example, dermatoses).

In addition, Menovazin can be used to relieve colds, acute respiratory viral infections, inflammation of the middle ear, varicose veins, and poor sleep.

How is Menovazin useful?

The benefit of Menovazin lies in its direct effect on the pathological focus, rapid elimination of pain, and relief of the inflammatory process. The solution will help not only with diseases of muscles, nerve bundles, and skin - it is often used by athletes for quick recovery after dislocated joints and sprained ligaments.

Can it be used by children?

The drug in question is not used in pediatric practice. If necessary, doctors can prescribe Menovazine, but only if the patient is over 12 years old and drug analogues are unavailable, contraindicated, or do not have the desired therapeutic effect.

Do doctors allow it to be used during pregnancy and lactation?

There are no categorical contraindications to the use of Menovazin during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. But you should not make a choice in favor of this drug on your own - a consultation with a doctor before starting a course of therapy is required.


Strict contraindications include any damage to the skin and some dermatological diseases:

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis of various origins;
  • any inflammatory processes occurring directly on the skin;
  • burns.

Menovazine should not be used if you are hypersensitive or hypersensitive to the components of the drug.

Side effects

The drug is well accepted by the body; side effects can only develop with long-term use. These include:

  • hypotension – a sustained decrease in blood pressure;
  • dizziness not related to the previous condition;
  • asthenia – fatigue, weakness, increased fatigue.

If at least one sign appears, you should stop using Menovazin and seek qualified medical help.

Can Menovazine be used at fever or not?

Menovazine cannot be used at elevated body temperatures, although the drug is indicated for rubbing during colds and coughs. If this procedure is carried out at elevated body temperature, then its further rapid increase and a sharp deterioration in health are possible. If treatment is carried out against the background of reduced immunity, then the development of febrile-provoked convulsive syndrome is possible.

Special Recommendations

Menovazin for 13 diseases should be used in compliance with the following nuances:

  • if there is no effect after a three-day bite, the drug is discontinued and replaced with an analogue;
  • Menovazin does not eliminate the pathology, but only “removes” the symptom. Therefore, the medication is used only in complex therapy;
  • if the medicine gets on the mucous membranes, they must be immediately rinsed with cool water;
  • a dry bandage over the product can only be used when the solution or ointment has dried, otherwise there is a high probability of developing a burn;
  • up to 18 years of age and during pregnancy, use the product strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

During the period of using menovazine, driving and performing hazardous work are permitted.

Application for neck pain

During neck pain, severe discomfort develops. A person feels acute pain, leading to difficulty turning the head and insomnia. To eliminate the condition, Menovazine is used. It is used as follows:

  • moisten a cotton pad in the product;
  • applied to the neck from one ear to the other;
  • give a small massage to the back of the head to stimulate blood circulation.

If you use Menovazin for neck pain, a person will quickly fall asleep and will not need to use painkillers or sleeping pills. The method is used only in extreme cases, when pain bothers the patient for a long time, and turning the head becomes difficult. If a person is bothered by neck pain every day, even while using Menovazin, it is better to consult a neurologist.

The only contraindication for Menovazin for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, myalgia, and other pathologies is the presence of individual intolerance to one of the components. It may manifest itself as an allergic reaction. Then a rash will appear in the neck and back of the head.

Drug interactions

Menovazine is prescribed mainly in complex therapy, but it should be borne in mind that the drug should not be used simultaneously with the following drugs:

  • other local painkillers. The simultaneous use of medications will provoke the development of side effects;
  • Menovazine reduces the effectiveness of antibiotics from the sulfamide group;
  • the drug enhances the effect of other vasoconstrictor drugs.

When using Menovazin with other external medications, it is necessary to maintain a time interval between manipulations of at least 1 hour.

Application on the back

The technique is applicable in cases where internal inflammation occurs. For example, with osteochondrosis. If pain occurs due to skin inflammation, Menovazin is not recommended. It is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas, waiting for absorption into the internal tissues. Gradually the pain syndrome will disappear. But it is recommended to undergo examination by a neurologist, orthopedist, and an MRI. This way you can exclude many diseases.

The ointment is not applied to the entire spine, but only to painful areas - lower back, thoracic region, neck.

Menovazine is not suitable for all pain caused by changes in the spine. It has contraindications.

It is not recommended to use it in the development of a benign or malignant tumor, which gradually grows, squeezing surrounding tissues.

Back pain, even with the initial use of the product, will disappear quickly. But for serious pathologies, complex treatment is required. If the disease is detected in the early stages, there is a high chance of complete recovery.

Analogue drugs

If Menovazin solution or ointment caused the development of side effects or was not suitable due to contraindications, then they can be replaced with the following medications:

  • Anestezin (tablets) The drug cannot be used until the patient reaches 2 years of age and during lactation;
  • Alorom (liniment). The herbal preparation has no age restrictions; the product can also be used during lactation and pregnancy;

  • Amprovisol (aerosol). The medication has no age restrictions, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Fastum Gel. The drug is not used until the patient reaches 15 years of age, as well as in the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy;
  • Larkspur ointment. The product should not be used under 18 years of age, during lactation or pregnancy.

It is recommended to replace Menovazin together with your doctor and taking into account the reason for replacing the medication.

Menovazin is a fairly effective remedy for eliminating pain, itching and cold symptoms. At the same time (if the medication is used correctly) the likelihood of developing side effects is minimal. The advantage of the drug is not only its ability to relieve 13 diseases, but also its low price.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Menovazine tablets. Opinions of doctors and patients about the medicine

Due to its effectiveness, availability and low price, the drug is popular, which is why there are many reviews about Menovazine. Doctors speak of it as an emergency aid for sore joints, spine, injured limbs - they note its speed of action and good tolerability. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to combine Menovazin with physiotherapeutic procedures. Doctors warn against non-compliance with the instructions for use, exceeding the recommended duration of use, or using the product for other purposes.

What to do with myalgia?

Myalgia is an inflammatory condition in the muscles due to stretching, damage, infection. The patient's condition is accompanied by increased body temperature and acute pain in the area where the muscles are located. For example, the cervical-brachial region.

Systemic anti-inflammatory drugs are used for treatment. They are taken in full course, for at least 7 days, to eliminate the risk of relapse. However, taking them may not immediately relieve pain. Therefore, Menovazin is used in the following way:

  • applying the drug to the area of ​​the affected muscles in a thin layer;
  • rubbing with massage movements;

  • applying gauze folded in several layers so that the product is absorbed faster.

Anesthetics are used 2 times a day, every 12 hours. Usually 2-3 days of use are enough. If the patient uses non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the pain will go away after the tissue heals or the inflammation ends. But this does not mean that you can not take NSAIDs or anesthetics. The course is continued until the end.

For knee pain

Knee pain occurs due to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially inside the joint cavity. The cause will stop arthritis. This is an inflammatory condition in which immune cells accumulate in the joint, causing pain. Less commonly, the condition develops due to arthrosis. This is a malnutrition of intra-articular tissues, which causes gradual atrophy.

For arthritis and arthrosis, you can use Menovazin. However, to eliminate joint pain, the drug does not need to be taken orally. It is also used topically:

  • apply the drug superficially to the sore knee;

  • wrap a towel or scarf on top;
  • in this position you can sleep at night or rest for a long time during the day.

Application of the drug for arthritis and arthrosis of the knee eliminates pain. It becomes easier for the patient to walk. Therefore, motor activity appears. But do not forget that these diseases cannot be treated without non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are consumed in a course of at least 7 days to eliminate the risk of a recurrent inflammatory condition.

Chest pain

Chest pain is often the result of excessive physical activity. Less commonly, it appears in diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough and other symptoms. You can use Menovazin rubbing to relieve pain. They do this as follows:

  • rub the chest with massage movements;
  • rub your back;
  • Cover yourself with a warm blanket and lie there for at least an hour.

To quickly relieve pain, it is recommended to carry out the procedure immediately before going to bed at night. Then the drug will be absorbed to a greater extent, and an analgesic and antitussive effect will occur. The person will not need to use painkillers that affect the brain and peripheral nervous system.

Usually 2-3 days are enough for the pain to go away under the influence of Menovazin. If the condition does not improve, increased discomfort persists, contact a therapist or pediatrician. Perhaps a complication has occurred in the body. Then additional treatment with other drugs is required. For example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

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