Lyapko applicators for hernia of the lumbar spine: do they help or so it seems?

The famous doctor, inventor, candidate of medical sciences Nikolai Lyapko is the author of a whole series of home physiotherapeutic devices - Lyapko applicators, which can help with a number of different diseases, including herniated discs of the lumbar spine.

For more than 17 years, the author of the applicator has been producing various modifications of it, and these health products are exported to dozens of countries. Patients who come to a neurologist with discogenic complications of osteochondrosis are often interested in the extent to which these devices are indicated for home use. Does the Lyapko applicator help, how does it differ from the Kuznetsov applicator, which is similar in design, what indications and contraindications exist for its use

Nikolai Lyapko.

A doctor cannot always answer all these questions in detail during an appointment, so this material answers them. You need to start by explaining the principle of operation of the Lyapko applicator, which is essentially a needle massager.

Needle massage device

The Lyapko applicator has a simple and original design. The basis is a hypoallergenic elastic rubber plate. There are needles attached to the plate, which resemble a picket fence; the needles are located at a certain pitch. A special rubber flange is made along the edges of the plate to reduce body pressure on the needles. We can consider that the needles completely reinforce the surface of the rubber plate, being mounted in a “square-socket” way.

The needles are made of metal - copper, or brass, and iron. The needles are designed in such a way that almost their entire part is covered with a protective film of another metal, for example, using chrome plating, galvanizing, nickel plating or aluminizing. And the tip of the needle is an electrode, and no protective coating is applied to it. This is how an iron needle works. A copper or brass needle may be uncoated, or silver-plated, and in some cases gold-plated. Such different materials for needles were not chosen by chance, and further you will find out why.


The distance between the needles is called the pitch. Naturally, if there is only one needle on the rubber plate, the patient will not be able to lie on it, since it will pierce his skin and muscles. But if the distance between the needles is relatively small, a few millimeters, and the needles completely cover the entire surface on which the patient lies, then they will not only withstand the weight of the body without damaging it, but in general, they can sink relatively shallowly into the skin, which at the same time is not damaged and remains intact.

The smaller the step between the needles, the less pressure the applicator develops on the patient’s body, and the more comfortable the procedure is. Therefore, when choosing a Lyapko massager, you need to know your skin sensitivity and, depending on it, choose an applicator. If the patient is overly sensitive, or reacts to touch, or to mechanical impact is quite painful, then he needs an applicator with a small pitch. If a person does not have sophisticated sensitivity, and his pain threshold is high, as they say, “if the skin is like an elephant’s,” then you can choose a product with a larger step, when there are fewer needles per unit area. A frequent step is called dense, and a large step is called sparse. What effects does the use of the Lyapko applicator have on the human body?

Children's age: instructions for using the Lyapko rug

Needle massagers are also good for therapeutic and preventive therapy of small patients. To treat childhood diseases, special mats with delicate (small) needle pitches are used. What diseases can be alleviated by using a needle massager?

  • excessive nervousness, muscle hypertonicity, sleep disturbances;
  • lack of body weight, poor appetite;
  • intestinal colic, nocturnal enuresis, reduced immunity.

Doctors recommend massage procedures for children from 2 years of age. It’s difficult to get kids to lie quietly on a needle massager, but it will even be interesting for them to trample their feet on the needles of a delicate applicator. Crawling on the massager will also have a beneficial effect: on the palms of a person there are many active points that regulate the functioning of the entire body.

Operating principle

Despite the obvious simplicity of the device, the Lyapko applicator has a complex effect. And the simplest and most understandable thing is a mechanical action. The constant pressure that the applicator exerts on the skin with needles initially causes mild painful irritation. Then there is a rapid response from the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. It consists of increasing blood circulation in the capillaries, increasing blood flow to the skin. The blood supply to subcutaneous structures - fascia and muscles - also increases.

The second impact is reflexive. It is known that in the clinic there may be so-called Zakharyin-Ged zones, or zones of referred pain. In other words, the affected internal organ may respond with pain in another part of the body, which at first glance is in no way connected with it. The skin acquires increased sensitivity, and this proves the reflex segmental connection between various structures of the human body. The reflex action of the Lyapko applicator is also based on this principle. As a result of multiple acupunctures, which are performed with needles made of different metals, the principle of skin-segmental and even visceral reflex massage is realized.

Finally, the galvanic component is extremely important. And from this point of view, all Lyapko applicators can be considered unique. The thing is that the metals for the needles are selected in such a way that a potential difference arises between the nearest ones when placed in a conducting medium. It is known that human skin is always covered with a very thin film of sebum, and there are always microscopic particles of water on it. In hot weather, the skin becomes moist, and such moist skin, in the water of which salts excreted with sweat are dissolved, becomes a wonderful thin-layer electrolyte.

When copper, iron, silver, or brass are placed on such skin, a potential difference arises between pairs of metals and a direct current begins to flow. In other words, those areas of the skin where there is inflammation will respond more to the action of the applicator and generate a more pronounced galvanic potential, because there is always swelling at the site of inflammation, and this contributes to the microscopic penetration of water onto the surface of the skin.

Thus, with the help of this applicator, skin receptors and biologically active reflex points are affected. The brain releases endorphins in response to this effect, resulting in a natural pain-relieving effect. Tonic impulses under the influence of needle pressure increase the activity of the heart, the flow of biologically active substances into the blood increases, and the volume of fluid in the body is redistributed.

In the first phase, blood flows to the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the area of ​​impact of the applicator, and in the second phase it flows into organs and tissues. This rhythmic pulsation of blood flow stimulates the lymphatic and immune systems, which leads to the body's resistance to fighting infectious diseases. Let's look at what types of applicators are most often in demand.

Features of the reflex mechanism

The principle of reflex therapy is based on the activation of biologically active points of the body. This impact with needles allows you to stimulate impulses responsible for the activation and normalization of physiological processes in the body.

The reflex-mechanical effect of application devices consists of simultaneous multiple point acupuncture. The high intensity of this effect on biologically active points stimulates the nerve receptors of tissues and organs and the central nervous system. The effect on the human body is as follows:

  • Stimulation of secretory functions in tissues, epidermis and glands.
  • Beneficial effect on blood circulation in a certain area.
  • Stimulation of the body's immune resources.
  • Normalization of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improving the transport functions of blood by enriching it with oxygen and beneficial microelements.

Types of applicators

Let's look at the three most famous types of applicators, which are represented by mats, rollers, and special types of massagers. These are the Sputnik massager and the Chamomile applicator. The mat is the most popular massager. There are several types of them and they come in different sizes. So, the largest mat measures 25 by 46 cm, and can be applied to the entire back. The mat has a needle pitch of 6.8mm, which is the most popular and effective. It is this step that creates pressure on the skin that is not too active and painful.

This mat is used to eliminate pain, the source of which is the musculoskeletal system, it is used to massage the feet, relax spasmodic muscles, improve blood circulation in the pelvic cavity, for routine gymnastics in cases of decreased performance and daytime sleepiness, and for other diseases and pathological conditions .


There are several types of Lyapko rollers: large, universal and for the face. The universal roller has a small needle pitch: 3.5 mm. This step is the most convenient, since you do not lie on the rollers, but use them to roll over parts of the body. The universal roller has a width of 7 cm and a diameter of 5 centimeters. You can use a roller on your feet, neck, legs, back, buttocks and lower back, chest, arms and stomach.

The universal roller is the most popular, besides it there is a small facial roller, as well as a large roller for treating large areas of the body. Rolling also stimulates reflexogenic zones, but is no longer a passive, but an active massage, during which you can change the pressure.

A roller is necessary for treating those areas of the body that a flat applicator cannot handle. However, you need to remember that you can lie on the mat for a long time, and the longer the contact with the skin, the more effective this type of physiotherapy is. The roller can also be rolled for a fairly long period of time, but without an assistant it is still more tiring.


The “Chamomile” applicator is a circle of flexible rubber with needles, on which radial curved cutouts are made. As a result, the solid circle turns into 8 petals. In this way, the applicator can cover circular and convex surfaces, such as the elbow joint, head or knee joint, gluteal muscle, or hip joint area. The diameter of this applicator is about 30 cm, and since the head area can be treated, the smallest step is necessary, only 5 millimeters between the needles. This step makes massage comfortable, even for thin and sensitive people.


There is also a “Sputnik” applicator, and it got its name because of its small size. Thanks to its small dimensions, you can take it with you on a trip; its dimensions are 6 by 18 centimeters, and the needle pitch is 6.2 mm. We can consider this to be a small copy of a large rug. Such a small size allows you to locally massage the muscles of the neck, ligaments, and small muscle groups. For colds, it can imitate mustard plaster, and the needles also consist of various metals. This mat is inexpensive, only about 500 rubles in online stores, and therefore quite often it is with this that people begin to get acquainted with Lyapko applicators, buying it as if to try it out.

There is also a “Sputnik” belt. Its design consists of 6 separate long strips, measuring 18 by 5 cm, connected together. There are elastic fasteners on the sides. This belt can be used even while moving; it can be attached to the stomach, lower back, thigh, neck, shoulder or even in the suboccipital region. The big advantage of this belt is the ability to carry out treatment without being distracted from household chores. The fact that the belt fasteners have elastic adjustment allows you to choose the force of pressure of the needles on the selected area.

In addition to the above models, you can purchase insoles with needles that affect the reflexogenic zones of the feet, a narrow Lyapko belt for the torso, a tape, and even a ball. The ball is convenient to use for the development of fine motor skills, especially in childhood. The most expensive of the goods is a large mat and a “Chamomile” applicator, which cost about 3,700 rubles. The cheapest product in online stores is the Sputnik applicator.

Application therapy Lyapko


Application zones (Fig. 1):

  • main 2, 3;
  • additional 1, 4, 12, 13;
  • auxiliary 20, 22, 28, 31.

The following applicators are recommended. Options for applicators for the cervical-collar area (main and additional zones).

1. “Chamomile M” is used in a lying position on zones 1, 2, 3 or 2, 3, 4. For uniform pressure, you must use rollers or a folded towel.

2. The applicator “Quadro”, “Chance”, “Narodny”, “Needle massage pillow” is placed both along and on the spine, capturing zones 1, 2, 3, 4 or across the back to zone 3, on the front surface of the chest cells, into zones 12, 13.

“Insoles plus” should be used in pairs with the capture of zones 1, 2, 3, 4 in different options: one insole along in zones 1, 2, 3, the second across in zone 4; on the anterior surface of the chest, in zones 12 and 13.

3. Belt “Baby” - fixed across the spine in zone 3 or in a lying position (using it like a regular applicator) in zones 1, 2, 3, 4; on the anterior surface of the chest, to zones 12, 13.

4. Belt “Universal M”, fixed to the neck area covering zones 2.12; in a lying position across the spine to zone 3; on the anterior surface of the chest, in zones 12 and 13.

5. Belt “Magic Tape “Health” 1 band 3-segment is wrapped around the neck and head, which allows you to capture zones 1,2,12.

6.. Rolling in with “Large Roller M”, “Universal Roller M”, “Face Roller M” of zones 1, 2, 3, 4,12, 13.

Options for applicators for auxiliary zones:

1. Apply the “Romashka M” applicator to zone 20, securing it with rubber straps, rolling zone 20 with rollers.

2. Belt “Magic Ribbon “Health” 1 band 5-7 segments wraps around the arms: zones 20, 22, legs, zones 28, 31.

3. Rolling in with “Large Roller M”, “Universal Roller M”, “Face Roller M” of zones 20, 22 on the hands; 28, 31 on feet.

4. “Insoles plus” for the feet – zone 31.

General recommendations

When using an applicator, use the main, additional and zones of maximum pain, but in case of very severe pain, applicators should be applied above and below the pain zone or use points and zones of the opposite side. Exposure time 10 -30 minutes.

If cervical osteochondrosis is combined with osteochondrosis of other parts - thoracic, lumbar and sacral, then application therapy can be used simultaneously or in turn on all parts of the spine. The larger the impact area, the better the effect.

Indications and contraindications

The Lyapko applicator covers a wide range of indications for use. First of all, this is damage, as well as various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These are injuries, bruises, muscle inflammation or myositis, relief of acute pain in the joints, back, including in the presence of protrusion or hernia, lumbago or lumbago. The applicator is used for pathologies of the nervous system, for example, during recovery from strokes, insomnia, migraines, in the presence of cerebral palsy, as well as in the case of Raynaud's syndrome and polyneuropathy.

The applicator is used to normalize blood pressure and heart rate, for sore throat, colds and runny nose. It allows you to increase local and general immunity due to blood flow to the front and back walls of the chest. It is also used in gastroenterology, especially in cases where the patient has low gastric tone, has hypotonic or atonic functional constipation, as well as gallbladder dyskinesia.

The applicator is prescribed in obstetrics and gynecology, urology to increase lactation, to relieve signs of early menopause, and in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female and male genital organs. The applicator is indicated for dermatological pathologies, for example, for urticaria and neurodermatitis.

Without exception, all types of Lyapko applicators increase the effectiveness of massage and manual therapy, as well as improve the effectiveness of applying ointments, creams and gels to the skin. In the case of this combination, treatment with a Lyapko mat is first necessary, and then, after blood flow to the skin, local medications can be applied.

There are few contraindications to using the applicator. First of all, these are various disorders of skin trophism at the site of application of rubber plates. This:

  • clean wounds, streptoderma, and festering wounds;
  • erysipelas;
  • acute weeping eczema;
  • blistering rashes, or herpes zoster;
  • burns, frostbite, clean wounds;
  • dermatomycosis, or fungal skin infections;
  • the presence of spider veins, telangiectasia, rosacea or dilated skin vessels;
  • dermatitis with varicose veins.

The application of the massager is difficult for hirsutism (excessive hair growth in women). Difficulties also arise with thick hair growth in men.

Indications for use of Lyapko-rugs

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  • Weight loss, normalizing some metabolic processes.
  • Relief from pain caused by arthritis and arthrosis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis of the cervical/thoracic/lumbar regions, neuralgia. Doctors are confident in the positive effect of the massager on patients with angina pectoris and cardiagia. The applicator provides relief to patients with migraines/headaches associated with low/high blood pressure.
  • Prevention of central nervous system diseases, hormonal imbalances, disturbances in the processes of falling asleep and staying asleep. Lyapko rugs are also successfully used for muscle spasms and inflammation. There is known experience of using the mat in gynecology.

Let's take a closer look at the instructions for using the Lyapko rug for various diseases.

The effectiveness of the Lyapko applicator for spinal hernia

The Lyapko applicator is quite effective for acute back pain, protrusions and intervertebral (intervertebral) hernias. Its advantage is that it is a non-medicinal method, and there are few restrictions on its use. The Lyapko applicator can relieve acute back pain, resolve muscle spasms, reduce swelling of the deep back muscles (for example, in the lumbar region), and, as a result, increase mobility and quality of life.

Hernia on MRI.

At the same time, like any other type of conservative treatment, the Lyapko applicator cannot cope with a hernia. The hernial protrusion itself, as a violation of the integrity of the intervertebral disc, does not disappear anywhere, and gradually increases from time to time. The gradual enlargement of the hernia and increased pressure on the soft tissue structures is called an exacerbation. For hernias and protrusions, the only radical way to cure the patient is modern minimally invasive neurosurgical intervention. The hernia can be vaporized, and modern vaporization is used for this; it can also be removed mechanically (microdiscectomy), or the protrusion can be prevented from turning into a hernia. In the latter case, the operation is called nucleoplasty.

In Western Europe, countries where medicine is better developed than in Russia, there is a preventative approach. It makes no sense to treat protrusions and hernias for many years at the time of their exacerbation, since this is a “time bomb” and the disc is destroyed anyway. Therefore, the best and least expensive way would be elective surgery.

If the hernia is operated on during the interictal period, “cold,” then there will be no complications after the operation, and the person, after spending one or two days in the hospital, can leave on his own feet. Modern operations for hernias have been introduced not only in Western European countries and Israel, but also in Eastern European countries, for example in the Czech Republic. Czech doctors have achieved great success in the treatment of discogenic complications of osteochondrosis, including cervical hernias. Many residents of Russia and the CIS countries go to Prague for treatment.

Traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment


Today, there are both traditional and non-traditional methods for treating osteochondrosis in the cervical spine.

Drug treatment methods: symptomatic therapy with analgesics to relieve pain; taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve inflammation and tissue swelling; antispasmodics; drugs to improve blood circulation; chondroprotectors for restoring the structure of intervertebral discs.

A course of group B vitamin therapy, external agents for therapy - gels and ointments, creams with anti-inflammatory, warming and analgesic components are indicated.

During the period of exacerbation, it is recommended to wear a special collar (Shants collar).

Complications of cervical osteochondrosis with intervertebral hernias that impair sensitivity and blood circulation can be treated surgically.

The duration of treatment depends on the advanced state of the condition, since osteochondrosis is a progressive chronic disease. Treatment can be long-term, and preventive courses can be carried out for life.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment.

These include exercise therapy, magnetic therapy, balneotherapy, laser therapy, acupuncture, Lyapko application therapy, massage.


Be sure to do exercises several times a day every day to treat cervical osteochondrosis. They include self-traction, self-massage, and a set of special exercises. Avoid neck injuries and heavy lifting.

It is necessary to combine prolonged sitting with periods of rest and warm-up.

The basis for the health of the cervical spine is a strong and healthy back, physical activity, a comfortable bed with anatomical pillows and mattress, correct posture and proper nutrition.

Application technique

The technique may vary depending on the purpose. So, to relieve acute pain in the lower back, you need to lie on the applicator with maximum pressure for 15-20 minutes. If we are talking about a fading exacerbation of a protrusion or hernia, then sessions from half an hour to 2 hours a day for 2 weeks will be quite enough. If it is necessary to tone the muscles, then the session should be as short as possible, no longer than 10 minutes. If the patient needs to relax and relax, then light pressure is needed for half an hour.

Also, the method of application depends on the specific applicator model. If “Chamomile” is used, then it is secured with an elastic bandage on the required area, and if a roller is used, then you need to choose a comfortable position and determine the pressing force of the roller, which will be comfortable and not cause pain.

Instructions for using the Lyapko mat for pregnant women and breastfeeding

How to use a Lyapko mat in the first third of pregnancy? The needle massager can only be used during normal pregnancy in the initial trimester. The strong impact of the applicator can increase the tone of the uterus, so before the procedures, consult with a specialist managing the pregnancy. The density of the Lyapko massager needles should not be more than 3.5 mm. Make sure that the exposure time on all areas: the back of the neck, calves, hip surface, feet, palms does not exceed 10 minutes. The pressing force is minimal.

Lyapko or Kuznetsov massagers: which is better?

In addition to the Lyapko applicator, there is also a Kuznetsov applicator. It differs from Lyapko in that instead of metal needles, the needles are made of plastic. Therefore, the effect of Kuznetsov’s applicator will be less useful than that of Lyapko’s applicator. After all, plastic spines cannot generate potential differences and weak currents on the surface of the skin. Accordingly, the effect of Kuznetsov’s applicator will be irritating, distracting, improving microcirculation and increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin, but this is also not bad.

Use during pregnancy

A massage mat, rollers or balls have a beneficial effect on a woman during pregnancy. For the correct use of devices, we will consider the most effective methods:

  • To reduce toxicosis, act on the legs and feet, shoulders, but the main area is the thoracic and lumbar spine.
  • In order to reduce pain from the increasing weight of the fetus in the later stages and relieve muscle tension, work on the lumbar region and legs.
  • The method of normalizing blood circulation for adequate nutrition of the fetus was described above.

A fly in the ointment

Many words of praise have been said above about the Lyapko applicator, but now it’s time to look at it from the point of view of evidence-based medicine. A 2009 British review by Edward Ernst of the University of Plymouth found no benefit from acupuncture for 13 different conditions and diseases. Back pain, asthma, dementia, premenstrual syndrome and other diseases do not improve with the use of acupuncture. Naturally, only articles written according to the rules of evidence-based medicine were evaluated. This is a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled study.

In other words, a real study, the results of which can be trusted, must be conducted on a random sample, using a “sham” treatment method - a placebo, and administered in such a way that neither the doctor nor the patient knows whether he is being treated or a simulation. Only with such parameters of “blinding” the mass of patients and doctors can objective indicators be achieved. The higher the quality of the study, the more patients participated in it, and the closer it came to the norms of evidence-based medicine, the less the effect of acupuncture was observed.

In the Pubmed database, on the official website of the US National Library of Medicine, among 39 million studies, articles, journal publications, there is not a single material devoted to the proven effects of the Lyapko applicator.

On the other hand, this simple massager will still be effective for acute pain, if only because it can improve blood circulation, distract the patient, relieve muscle spasms, and prepare the skin for rubbing with ointments, gels and medicinal creams. Even if we exclude the reflex effect on the skin and discard the galvanic effect, there remains an unconditional mechanical effect, which is very important.

Features of the galvanic mechanism

The basis of the galvanic mechanism of action is the ability of our body, and in particular the skin, for electrical conductivity. We are talking directly about the physiology of the body, electrolyte content.

“Digging” into the skin, the needles of the applicator act as something like electrodes, creating a galvanic current. As a result, electrical impulses flow at the site of influence of this device, forming a weak electric field.

This means that the action of the needle massager is based on the principle of physiotherapy, which allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Ion exchange of metals that coat the applicator needles. That is, the body is replenished with active substances, ions of silver, gold, copper and other metals.
  • Thanks to the described action, normal pH levels are restored in the body tissues.
  • Even after a short period of exposure, the regenerative capabilities of the body are activated and metabolic processes are stimulated.
  • The production of respiratory chain enzymes is improved.

It is also worth noting that the use of rollers and mats with needles has a massage effect, which is also important. In addition to normalizing blood circulation and metabolic processes in the body, the production of hormones, etc. is stimulated.

How to properly process (disinfect) the applicator

There are several methods for processing and disinfecting applicators:

  • Heat treatment - placing in boiling water for 30 minutes, after which the applicator is thoroughly dried.
  • Chemical disinfection can be carried out - chlorine-free substances are recommended, a prime example would be Lysoformin 3000.
  • Treatment with a jet of hot air at a temperature of 120 °C. This requires a special sterilizer; this method is most often used in medical institutions.

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