What is dimexide and should it be poured into the engine?

Deposits and carbon deposits inside the engine have an extremely negative effect on its technical characteristics. Power is lost and fuel consumption increases. Throughout its service life, it is recommended to regularly flush the engine when changing lubricants. Various cleaning agents are used for this purpose. With their help, carbon deposits and varnish deposits are removed, and contaminated channels are cleared. In addition, purification is carried out using decarbonization technology.

The use of Dimexide makes it possible to carry out two cleansing operations simultaneously, guaranteeing an excellent result. On the other hand, improper use of this miracle drug can lead to adverse consequences.

What is dimexide

Dimexide is a drug that is used for pain in the joints and muscles, but some car enthusiasts claim that this drug can cure not only human joints and muscles, but also the car engine.

In particular, there is an opinion that dimexide is the best of all means available on the market for cleaning car engine parts from carbon deposits and other dirt, for which you just need to add a certain amount of it to the engine oil and let the engine idle for a while, after which all its parts will be like new.

Whether this is really so and whether it is worth cleaning your car’s engine in this way, you will find out further.

Are such remedies effective?

Many experienced car owners claim that with the help of dimexide it is possible not only to prevent the appearance of plaque on the injectors, but also to eliminate existing dense deposits. However, tests carried out, including on foreign cars and domestic cars, did not show any improvement in the condition of the engine. Therefore, most experts still recommend not using such improvised means, but removing plaque with the help of specialized auto chemicals.

Today, you can find various auto chemicals on sale in specialized stores designed to prevent the formation of deposits on injectors and improve the condition of the fuel system. Such products are effective, easy to use, and, unlike dimexide, allow you to remove dense deposits, restoring the engine even in cars that have a mileage of 200-300 thousand kilometers or more.

If there are significant deposits in the engine, the injectors do not spray fuel correctly, and the car owner has not taken care of the injection for many years, then even the use of the most effective chemicals and fuel additives in such a case will not solve the existing problems.

In such a case, you will need to take the car to a service center, perform diagnostics, and then use ultrasound or special powerful additives with a solvent to flush the injection, which is performed on special high-pressure installations. Carrying out such work allows you to restore the engine’s performance, eliminates all existing contaminants, thereby increasing its power and improving fuel efficiency.

Properties of dimexide

Dimexide is the trade name for dimethyl sulfoxide, which is a bipolar aprotic solvent with very strong penetrating and dissolving abilities, which is why it has become a popular means among car enthusiasts for cleaning car engine parts.

It is worth noting that dimexide really excellently dissolves all the contaminants that have accumulated on engine parts over time. It is capable of cleaning heavily coked piston rings, valves, spark plugs, gas distribution mechanism and everything else where it gets along with the engine oil. However, I would not recommend pouring this product into a car engine, and there are several reasons for this.

Step-by-step washing instructions

Practical use of the product is carried out as follows in the following sequence:

  • add 30% of fresh oil from the volume recommended according to the passport;

  • warm up the engine to operating temperature, turn off;
  • unscrew the spark plugs;
  • insert pencils or even sticks inside the candle holes;
  • rotate the crankshaft until the ends of the inserted elements are aligned;
  • pour 100-200 ml of DMSO into each cylinder through the holes of the candles;

  • carefully rotate the composition at a speed of 2500 rpm with a drill with a special attachment for 3-5 minutes, repeating the procedure in two passes;
  • pump out Dimexide using a syringe and tube;

  • repeat the performed operations 5-8 times;
  • after that, pour 10-20 ml of engine oil inside each cylinder;
  • turn the crankshaft with a special wrench;
  • pump out the remaining oil emulsion with a syringe;
  • warm up the engine for several minutes, drain the old oil;
  • replace the oil filter, add new engine oil.

Having completed the steps listed sequentially, decarbonization can be considered complete.

How is dimexide dangerous for the engine and its parts?

Firstly, dimexide is such a strong solvent that, in addition to dirt, it also dissolves the paint used to paint the engine pan and valve cover, as well as rubber and plastic parts, such as valve stem seals and oil seals. It goes without saying that after such cleaning, all parts damaged by dimexide will have to be replaced, and in some cars, especially those manufactured by VAG (Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft), the oil pump also has to be changed, some parts of which dissolve in dimexide.

Secondly, the dirt dissolved by dimexide flows together with the engine oil into the sump, after which it enters the oil receiver and clogs its mesh, as a result of which the engine experiences oil starvation and its parts wear out faster. Yes, after cleaning the engine with dimexide, the oil receiver mesh can be cleaned, but what to do with the oil channels, in which, with a high degree of probability, a large portion of the dirt dissolved by dimexide will remain.

Thirdly, dimexide does not dissolve in engine oil and has a very high boiling point, which is why it does not completely drain into the engine sump along with the engine oil and does not evaporate anywhere. To completely clean the engine of dimexide residues, you will have to change the engine oil and oil filter more than once, and before that, dimexide residues will continue to dissolve plastic and rubber parts.

Properties of DMSO and decarbonization technology

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a drug that is used to relieve inflammation in the treatment of various diseases. In addition, it is a strong solvent.

At temperatures below +18 degrees Celsius, the drug is a mixture of crystals, and at higher temperatures it turns into liquid.

When used correctly to clean the power unit, the composition helps to obtain the following results:

  • restoration of engine power;
  • cleaning internal parts from layers of varnish and sludge;
  • freeing the piston rings and combustion chamber from soot, coke, and tar deposits;
  • increasing the compression in the cylinders to the original factory values.

The meaning of the technology for removing coke using the pharmaceutical product DMSO is that the drug is poured into each engine cylinder and thoroughly shaken to penetrate the most inaccessible places of the internal combustion engine.

Before performing these procedures, it is important to clear the paint from the oil dipstick and pan. This can be done in two ways:

  1. First, apply the preparation to the degreased workpiece, while simultaneously heating it with a hair dryer.
  2. With the second, simpler option, it is enough to pour gasoline on the inner surface and set it on fire.

Is it possible to clean the engine with dimexide?

However, despite everything written above, it is still possible to clean engine parts with dimexide, only to do this the engine must be disassembled, after which the parts requiring cleaning should be briefly soaked in dimexide. In this case, dimexide will help you easily and quickly clean every part of your car’s engine to a mirror shine, and at the same time you will not damage other parts that are not desirable to get dimexide on.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if your car’s engine requires cleaning, but you do not want to disassemble the engine to do this, then I recommend that you use products specially designed for engine cleaning.
Yes, they may be less effective than dimexide, but in any case they will not harm your car's engine. Did you like the post? Share!

Dimexide gel

The gel is a colorless or yellowish substance with a slight odor. Dimexide in gel form helps provide anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effects. The use of the gel also has a moderate antiseptic and fibrinolytic effect.

The gel contains 25 mg of the active component dimethyl sulfoxide. Indications for use of the drug are: complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, deforming osteoarthritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, bruises, ligament damage.

It is recommended to apply a thin layer of gel to the affected area of ​​skin several times a day. The exact duration of therapy and frequency of use of the drug is determined by the doctor after an in-person examination.

The duration of therapy should not exceed 2 weeks. If necessary, it is possible to carry out a second course of treatment no earlier than 10 days later.

In case of an overdose of the drug, the likelihood of developing undesirable side reactions increases. Treatment should be to wipe off the medication from the skin surface, wash the affected area, and stop using the medication.

DIMEXIDE to gasoline

Moderators: Ugin, odyssey, Camel, snow1975

So, about a month ago, I accidentally came across videos on YouTube on de-gassing engines using Dimexide.
After poking around on the Internet, I found the original source - link And decided to try it. I bought 0.5 liters of acetone in the store and 100 grams of Dimexide in the pharmacy (solution, not gel). I poured 100 grams of acetone into a measuring glass and poured a 100 gram bottle of Dimeside into the remaining 400 grams of acetone. I shook it all up and, according to the recommendations, poured half a bottle of cocktail (250 grams) into an almost full gas tank.

I burn out about a tank in a week. Actually, for the first week I didn’t notice any results and by the weekend I had completely forgotten about the experiment, but when I arrived at the gas station I came across half a bottle of acetone in the trunk - I remembered. After filling the tank full, we poured out the second half of the cocktail. I always fill up at the same gas station. During operation during the second week of the experiment, around Tuesday, I felt that the car became lighter. It feels like at least 30 percent less. Or as if before that I had been driving on thick tar and then came out onto a dry, smooth road. To start from a traffic light, it is now enough to press lightly on the gas and the car is already rushing along easily and without any compulsion at developing speed.

It’s already been 4 weeks, I’ve been driving on pure gasoline for 2 weeks, from the same gas station, but the car is unrecognizable. The car became completely different, it actually became a third lighter. It wasn’t like this even when I bought it with 100 thousand miles.

Now I’m thinking about carrying out the procedure of pouring Dimexide into the oil with a three-stage replacement. I don’t think the situation will improve any further, but we’ll find out after the procedure. Thank you!


Questions on the topic

DMSO Flushing Oils

Repeated experiments allow us to make a statement that the optimal lubricant composition for working with dimexide is a mineral composition with high viscosity. All copies ranging from 10W-40 to 20W-50 are suitable.

Since the medicine dilutes the emulsion, the mineral water ultimately has acceptable fluidity. To drive a short distance, it is worth filling in the most viscous mineral lubricant. It is prohibited to mix DMSO with flushing oil - the composition is too liquid and there is a possibility that there will be no oil film.

Why overfill the lubricant?

In the instructions on how to properly flush a car engine with dimexide, the purpose of using more oil emulsion is to reduce the concentration of washed away dirt per unit volume. This allows more corroded deposits to be absorbed and automatically increases the efficiency of the flushing operation.

An overflow of 50% does not cause any harm to an engine operating at low speeds. But we have an increase in the level of lubrication to the crankshaft line, which guarantees active mixing of the washed products and their rapid dissolution.

Why run the motor for so long on the cleaning mixture and pour in such large quantities of medicine?

There is no need to make adjustments to the proportions and operating time. Follow the instructions provided exclusively. Otherwise:

  • A short rinse will result in the deposits not being completely removed. As a result, the working oil will become contaminated with deposits in a very short time. Clogging of the oil intake screen under such circumstances cannot be avoided.
  • Not taking enough DMSO will lead to even worse consequences. The deposits will just start to flake off and will not be properly dissolved. The result is clogged oil system channels.

I want to combine washing and decarbonization with medicine

This scenario is possible. In this case, an incomplete DMSO cleaning cycle is performed through the crankcase. After running at speed (step 11), do not drain the oil. Decarbonize, then drain the lubricant, replace the oil filter and follow the steps regarding flushing with a flushing compound.

Detonation occurred when flushing

Dimethyl sulfoxide vapor can enter the engine cylinders through the crankcase ventilation. To avoid such incidents, it is recommended to isolate the crankcase ventilation. This is done simply - remove the hose from the intake tract and connect it to another tube that removes harmful air outside the car. The hole in the intake tract must be plugged.

I did everything right, knocking noises appeared

The likely occurrence of the symptom is associated with the low high-temperature viscosity of the oil used when cleaning the engine oil system with dimexide in points 1, 6, 9. The essence is trivial - the diluted lubricant remains in the channels of the clutches of the phase shifters and hydraulic compensators. The update is difficult, resulting in a knocking sound in the working oil. Eliminated by smooth acceleration over the first 20-40 km. It is forbidden to make sudden changes in throttle.


Dimethyl sulfoxide is an excellent tool for combating tar deposits and harmful deposits of various types accumulated in the engine. Approval for use: high ambient temperature, absence of plastics and paint on parts of the power plant. It is an alternative to classic methods of cleaning engines from carbon deposits at home.

The medicine is used both for decoking and for flushing the oil system. Quite a lot of subtleties are taken into account in technological processes, so it is recommended to make personal adjustments based on common sense. Related questions will help you avoid many mistakes at the stage of implementing the methodology.


Why is dimexide added to a car's gas tank?

When operating a car, car owners will invariably be faced with the need to clean and service the fuel system. Various contaminants can accumulate in the gas tank, and thick deposits appear on the gas pipes and injector nozzles. Ultimately, such pollution negatively affects the performance of the car, power failures appear, the car can consume a large amount of fuel, and serious malfunctions are noted that could have been avoided by properly servicing the car. Car owners often use dimexide, which is a common medicine, to clean the gas tank.

Let's sum it up

Even the highest quality gasoline or diesel fuel will contain various contaminants, which subsequently settle on the fuel system pipes and injector, which leads to the need to repair the car engine. Such problems can be avoided by regular maintenance and the use of special fuel additives that prevent the appearance of such deposits. Many car owners use the drug dimexide for such work, a solution of which is added to the gas tank. However, studies have shown that such a remedy is practically ineffective, so its use should be abandoned.


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