Plastic plaster: is it worth paying for your comfort?

The radius is the bone in the forearm of the hand. It starts at the elbow and continues to the wrist. Its lower part, which connects to the brush, is thinner. This area is called the "typical site" because about 16% of all human skeletal injuries occur there. Typically, damage in this area is the result of a fall.

Most people are right-handed. When they lose balance, they reflexively extend their right arm in search of support. Accordingly, a radial fracture in a typical location is more common on the right side.

Smith's fracture

Smith's Fracture is a flexion fracture of the radius. It happens when a person falls with emphasis on the back of the hand, bent towards itself, or when hit with a hand, when the force falls on this part of the bent hand. With this effect, the distal element of the bone is displaced towards the outer surface.

Characteristic features:

  • damage to the surface of the palm;
  • displacement of the radial fragment to the palmar side;
  • simultaneous displacement of the wrist bones;
  • slight outer bend of the hand.

Colles' fracture

The Colles fracture, or rather Pouteau-Colles (Fracture Pouteau - Colles), is similar to the previous type, but it involves an extensor fracture of the radius. It is observed when falling on a hand resting on the outer part of the open palm, excessive bending of the wrist joint under its own weight, or during a strong blow of a similar direction.

The fracture site in this case is 2–3 cm higher than with a Smith fracture. The main signs are: displacement of the radial bone fragment in the dorsal direction, which leads to a specific deformation of the wrist joint; Often this type of injury is accompanied by a fracture of the styloid process of the ulna. In elderly people, fragmentation of the distal radial element and the fracture line entering the carpal articular surface are often detected.

What are emergency rooms for?

Traumatology is one of the oldest areas in medicine. After all, even in ancient times, people who were injured during hunting, war or careless movement turned to healers and chiropractors for help.

During Soviet times, free government emergency medical care centers appeared. Such emergency rooms operated on the basis of clinics or hospital emergency departments. In trauma centers, traumatologists examined the injured person, provided him with first aid and determined the direction of further therapy. Unfortunately, in those days there was no alternative, and in order to receive the necessary treatment, one had to wait in long lines at the traumatologist’s office.

Now there are emergency rooms on a paid basis, where you will be helped with injuries, poisoning and other emergency conditions (for example, dog bites, ticks, burns, frostbite, etc.).

1 emergency room. Plaster application

2 Emergency room. Plaster application

3 Emergency room. Plaster application

Radial fracture with and without displacement

According to the clinical picture, radial bone fractures are divided into 2 types:

  1. With offset. In this case, the broken bone elements are displaced relative to each other. The direction of the displacement may be different. Transverse and longitudinal displacements are most often recorded. As a rule, a transverse or oblique fracture line of the radius can be seen on the radiograph immediately after the fracture. Then, the muscles that are attached to these fragments, when contracting, displace them. Much less common is an impacted fracture, where one broken part penetrates into another part of the bone. A displaced fracture is characterized by a noticeable change in the shape of the hand in the form of a typical deformity.
  2. Without displacement or incomplete. With it, muscle strength is not enough to displace bone fragments. A typical option is a crack in the bone. The main signs are swelling of the injury site and severe pain, deformation and dysfunction of the injured limb.

Important! Even by external examination, it is most often possible to classify the fracture. A more accurate diagnosis is made after radiography.


Despite the intensive development of medical equipment and treatment methods, along with innovative drugs and devices, conventional methods are also widely used. For example, for arm fractures, plaster is applied to varying degrees. This can lead to a number of complications and problems that should be considered separately, since their timely identification will avoid negative consequences.

General description of the problem

A plaster cast is applied to a broken limb in order to eliminate it and fix it in a specific position. Only in this case can the proper healing of the bone be ensured. Depending on the location of the injury, depending on the structural features of the body, on the professionalism in the actions of the medical worker, on the degree of complexity of the injury and a number of other factors, some problems may arise in the process of hypertension. Immediate elimination and contact a qualified specialist is required.

Swelling of the hand

One of the most common problems encountered when wearing a cast is hand in hand. It follows that for fractures, a circular bandage (when a plaster bandage is wound around the limbs) and a splint bandage (which is a plaster bed in which the limb is placed) are most often used.

Hands after a fracture are an inevitable consequence of her injury. The cause of such an injury can be not only the force itself, but also the surrounding muscles associated with blood in the tissues. All this contributes to swelling of the limb. In obvious cases, this phenomenon is not a dangerous reaction of the body. However, it is worth paying attention:

  • Severe swelling of the injured limb can be observed during the first 6-7 days. During this period, tissues experience the greatest stress and restoration processes begin to occur. Therefore, if you are observing during this period, there is no reason to worry.
  • Monitoring the condition of hypertension at the initial stage or in connection with the need to seek advice from a medical institution. The fact is that any unprofessional intervention can cause harm and lead to improper effects or negative consequences.
  • When this happens, you need to see a doctor. If you can use a splint bandage, you can cut the layer of a simple bandage yourself. To call an ambulance or go to a 24-hour private clinic where emergency care will be provided.

However, this should only be a temporary solution pending a visit to the doctor.

The plaster began to dangle

This problem can be scattered. In this case, it does not fit tightly to the hand, which can be caused not only by unpleasant sensations, but also by more serious consequences, such as broken parts of each other’s bones.

This can lead to the fact that the final result may be limited in the number of movements or due to a number of motor functions that require the need for a second fracture, but of a surgical nature. To avoid this, it is necessary to take into account a number of simple recommendations based on the fact that successful treatment can lead to injury, not only to qualified medical professionals, but also to the responsibility and liability of the patient himself.

One of the most common reasons for this was that his achievements were achieved on the arm. Everything related to herbs, not only from the bones, but also from the surrounding tissues. If this happens, then some time after the injury, that is, a little later, this will lead to the bandage loosening. After a few days, a path passes between people and the plaster. Depending on the physiology, procedures and treatments can be quite minor or quite significant. The plaster may be a little loose

A cast on the hand can also occur due to its tendency, which depends on the speed at which it can be quite significant. The opposite principle of occurrence, but no less common problem is cracking of gypsum. Despite the use of a bandage that is subjected to a high-quality reinforcing layer, the plaster cast remains quite fragile when resisting impact or mechanical stress.

Regardless of the reasons for the problem of loosening of the plaster cast, a number of rules must be followed:

  • Care must be taken when wearing a cast. This can happen easily, because it can happen after a couple of weeks, when the pain goes away a little, the person may lose his vigilance. Preventing a problem is always more advisable than combating its consequences, and because it is important to ensure compliance with conditions other than a plaster cast, which are always voiced by the doctor. Compression and shock loads, etc.
  • If the brokenness is minor, it can be fixed by simply filling the empty ones or using a rolled bandage. For these purposes, you can use a knitting needle or similar item. In this case, you must be careful not to put too much pressure on your hand. If its integrity can be restored using the same bandage. It is necessary to wrap the bandage tightly and in several layers on the outside. If the cracks are minor, then this is a way to give a certain effect.
  • If this is the same as the existing and final value, then it should be a reason for immediate contact with a specialist. If the bones are distorted as a result, then this is impossible.

    Seeing a doctor is the most recommended way to correct obvious problems, even if this is due to the fact that the occurrence of hypertension can lead to displacement, which can only be determined by X-rays and subsequent re-application of the bandage. This is only possible in a specialized institution.

    Pain while wearing a cast

    While wearing a plaster cast, you can often experience pain. Signs of this can be either completely normal or a negative sign.

    In the first few days after injury, pain is quite normal. The body notifies that there is a problem and it requires urgent attention. If all preliminary measures have been taken, you just need to wait a little. As soon as the restoration processes in the tissue have entered a stable phase, they gradually disappear and disappear completely.

    This may be a sign that you need to go back to the hospital. There may be a bone shift, excessive compression of the ends with a bandage, or other disorders. Algorithm of actions in case of situations. If pain occurs, you should seek immediate help.

    Other symptoms

    While wearing a plaster cast, a number of other unpleasant accompanying symptoms are often observed. In principle, each of them can be interpreted as a negative sign. It's all about intensity and duration.

  • He says it could be just one or more fingers. In principle, given the constant immobility, some decrease in sensitivity of the limb or part of it is a normal sign. However, a complete negative impact requires immediate contact with a specialized medical facility. Disturbances in blood flow due to tissue shifts due to bandages or causes. In any case, if it continues intensively and over a long period of time, then this will be a reason to go to the hospital, at least for the purpose of obtaining consultations.
  • In this case, the situation is approximately similar to the above. Due to immobilization of the limb, the intensity of the blood supply is reduced, resulting in cold tissue. To a certain extent this is normal. However, they can cause negative consequences. This evaluation criterion should be common sense and personal feelings. If you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor.

  • Blue/pale/reddening of tissues - any of these factors can be interpreted as negative. The cause may be compression of tissues, their damage caused by injuries to bone tissue, improper progression, restoration, or the onset of negative processes. If such symptoms appear in the first time after an injury, then the pain does not exceed the threshold of tolerance, that is, there is nothing to worry about. It should be immediately to go to the doctor.
  • Fractured arms are a fairly serious injury. In these cases, one should not treat such situations. This responsibility must be manifested not only at the initial stage of treatment, but throughout it. For example, it should be taken not only with food, but also additionally. Folk remedies can be taken only after consultation with your doctor, but it is better to use factory-made drugs that allow you to accurately follow the dosage. A similar approach should be applied at all stages of treatment.

Open and closed fracture

Based on damage to tissue and skin, the following types of fractures are distinguished:

  1. Closed type. The integrity of the skin is not compromised, and bone fragments do not come out. For the victim, this type of injury is the most favorable, since infection and contamination are excluded, and the likelihood of dangerous complications is reduced.
  2. Open type. A broken bone, moving, damages soft tissues and skin. There is direct contact of the damaged area with the external environment. In this case, pathogenic microorganisms enter the open wound along with dirt, significantly increasing the risk of infection.

Types of gangrene

Dry gangrene: This type is more common in diabetics and people with autoimmune disorders, as well as in atherosclerosis of the arteries of the hands. Infection is not usually the main cause of dry gangrene. However, it is possible that a secondary infection may occur and dry necrosis may disintegrate.

As a result of poor blood circulation (ischemia), tissue death and drying occurs. Dry gangrene is dried out tissue where the skin turns from brown or dark blue to black before dying completely. Rarely, self-healing may occur when the dead tissue is rejected, but most often a stump is formed.

Wet gangrene: This type develops when a secondary infection occurs. Wet gangrene has a poor prognosis due to the high risk of sepsis. Burn injuries, or injuries where a limb has been crushed or compressed, can also cut off the blood supply to the affected areas, causing gangrene. Infection with this type of gangrene can spread throughout the body very quickly, threatening the life of the patient.

Gas gangrene: Caused by bacteria that produce gas in the tissues. This is the most severe form and is caused mainly by the bacteria Clostridium perfringens. As the condition worsens, the skin becomes pale and grayish, and cracks when pressed. Requires prompt medical attention, as the patient may die within two days. Most often develops from gunshot wounds. Diabetics can develop even with minor damage to the skin.


Most fractures are accompanied by severe symptoms - pain, swelling, displacement of a bone fragment, and the presence of a hematoma. However, X-rays are always ordered to confirm the type of injury. This diagnostic method is considered the most accessible and widespread.

In severe cases, traumatologists may refer the patient for a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan. These methods are mainly used to assess combined injuries, as well as before and after surgery.

Unique treatment methods at the Innovative Vascular Center

The specialists of our clinic have unique methods of microsurgical restoration of blood circulation in case of gangrene of the hand or critical ischemia. In the treatment of such pathology, we profess the principle of sufficiency of revascularization and accurate identification of the causes of the development of pathology. Sometimes restoring blood flow by removing a blood clot or bypass surgery alone is not possible. A common cause of gangrene in the arm is compression or damage to the arteries of the shoulder girdle. When such a pathology is identified, we intervene at this level. Our surgeons have extensive experience in performing operations for ischemia and gangrene of the upper limb - they have operated on more than 100 patients with similar pathologies.

How are radius fractures treated?

For proper fusion of bones, the doctor must precisely bring the fragments together along the fracture line. It is important to ensure complete contact between them so that there is no gap.

The next prerequisite for successful rehabilitation is complete immobilization of the damaged area (immobilization). For this, various fixing structures are used: plaster casts, orthoses.

To make sure that the comparison of fragments is correct, a repeat x-ray is taken. Restoring the integrity of the radius bone in a typical location most often occurs without surgery. The exception is complex cases when severe damage to bones and nearby tissues has occurred. The patient is sent for hospitalization to the trauma department.

To prevent complications, you must follow your doctor's recommendations. If drug therapy is indicated, medications should be taken according to the treatment plan. This will help relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process.

Don't forget about your diet. The diet should be balanced, high in calcium and vitamin D. A healthy lifestyle and following safety rules are the best way to prevent injury.

Material that “takes care” of your health and comfort

Plastic (silicone, polymer) plaster relatively recently began to be used in traumatology. It has a number of significant advantages over conventional gypsum:

  • Ease. Plastic plaster is 4-5 times lighter than usual, and it is much easier to move in such a bandage.
  • High strength. Polymer plaster will not crumble or break, even with prolonged wear, and some types of material can be reused.
  • Waterproof. With a silicone cast, you can take a shower and/or bath without fear that the cast will get wet and swell.
  • The ability to "breathe". The material freely allows air and skin vapors to pass through, so there is no need to worry about itching and irritation of the skin under the bandage.
  • Hypoallergenic. Plastic plaster does not cause any allergic reactions.
  • Comfort. A bandage made of artificial plaster looks more neat and aesthetically pleasing, and if the material becomes dirty, it can be easily “washed out.”

There are several types of plastic plaster: Softcast, Scotchcast, Turbocast and NM-cast. Each of them has a specific purpose, indications and contraindications, so which material is best to use in a particular case is decided only by the attending physician.

The only drawback of polymer plaster is that you need to pay money for it, whereas a traditional plaster cast can be applied completely free of charge in any public clinic. However, taking into account all the disadvantages of conventional and the advantages of plastic plaster, most victims are inclined to the latter option.

If you are interested in the possibility of treating fractures and other traumatic bone injuries using modern, reliable and safe plastic plaster, make an appointment with Best Clinic specialists by contact numbers or through a special form posted on our website.

Treatment with orthoses

ORDEKT orthoses are designed specifically for comfortable recovery after injuries to ligaments, tendons, muscle tissue, bone fractures, and rehabilitation after surgical treatment. You can learn about all the advantages of ORDEKT products made from low-temperature plastic on our website. If you have any questions, write us a message in the feedback form or call 8 800 500 8333. Our specialists will help you choose the ideal model for you.

Almost every sixth bone fracture in the human body is a fracture of the radius in a typical location. The method of treatment and rehabilitation of such injuries has been sufficiently developed. It is important to make a timely and correct diagnosis, differentiate the type of damage, and immediately begin treatment.

The article was checked by Strakhov Maxim Alekseevich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology-Orthopedics and Military Field Surgery of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (Moscow).

Consequences of long-term rigid immobilization in the treatment of fractures

One of the most unique properties of the musculoskeletal system is its ability to “adapt” to different situations. Functional load helps to increase mass and strength. Lack of exercise leads to atrophy and weakness. The result of rigid immobilization for a long period was: muscle atrophy, shortening of the joint capsule, leading to stiffness of the joints; demineralization of bone mass, weakening of ligaments and tendons, and poor circulation. Thus, the consequence of long-term immobilization is a combination of atrophic processes in bone and muscle tissue - “fracture disease.” To do this, in order to reduce these complications to a minimum, the 3M company suggests using a combination of two materials: rigid Scotchast and semi-rigid Softcast.

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