Horny skin on the fingers: do not be afraid, but it is necessary to treat

Many dermatologist patients complain of quickly, within a few days, keratinization of the skin on their fingers. Since in the first period of the disease most people try to eliminate this defect on their own, using warm baths and rich creams, they see a doctor only when deep, painful cracks form on the skin. Hyperkeratosis is a general name for a whole group of diseases that cause this symptom, some of them are very serious. This disease is characterized by disruption of the epidermis, an increase in the layer of dead cells and the formation of areas covered with the stratum corneum.

Causes of hyperkeratosis

Excessive proliferation of skin surface cells has many causes, both mechanical and pathological. Rough skin on the fingers is often observed in people whose professions involve daily pressure on these areas, for example, shoemakers or guitarists. The areas of skin that come into contact with the strings become horny, forming a layer of cells and protecting the skin. Workers who constantly deal with resins, sand or tar suffer from excessive cell growth on the fingers and palms, and this is dangerous because the degeneration of such cells can cause a malignant skin disease.

Age-related changes in hormonal levels entail keratoderma: during menopause, some women develop skin layers on the palms and fingers, they are diffusely located and have a grayish or yellowish color. Sometimes keratinization becomes covered with deep, painful cracks. Senile lumps and plaques on the hands usually do not bother their owners, but there is a risk of such cells degenerating into cancer.

Horny skin on the fingers of children and adolescents is a symptom of a serious illness, so keratoderma is most often caused by a gene mutation. Provoking factors can be various viral diseases, hormonal imbalances, a lack of vitamin A in the body, and the cause of the deficiency can be both external and internal. Poor nutrition and diseases of the digestive system, cancer and metabolic disorders are the main reasons for incomplete absorption of vitamin A, which in turn provokes keratosis.

The cause of the proliferation of epithelial cells is sometimes an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product or washing powder. Excessive consumption of food allergens also causes the appearance of horny layers of cells.

In addition to these, there are other causes of dry hand skin:

  • avitaminosis;
  • lack of care for delicate skin;
  • use of cosmetics with irritating ingredients (alcohols, oils, scrubs, preservatives, etc.);
  • non-compliance with the balance of nutrients and minerals;
  • some medications (diuretics, laxatives, etc.);
  • dry indoor air (radiators, air conditioners, heaters);
  • untreated chlorinated water (at home, in swimming pools);
  • smoking;
  • constant stress;
  • insufficient amount of fluid drunk per day;
  • diabetes;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • psoriasis.

Individual consultation

Symptoms of keratosis

First of all, a patient with keratoderma notices that he has rough skin on his fingers, and skin softening products do not bring the expected result. Then, after a sufficiently long period of time, the layer of cells becomes thick, the tissue underneath dies, and the edges of the stratum corneum acquire a purple tint. In the thickening itself, deep, painful, bleeding cracks form, the nails become lumpy and irregular in shape.

The symptoms of occupational or mechanical keratosis, which is the body’s response to local skin irritation, are much less pronounced. Constant pressure on the fingertips leads to the formation of calluses, and then the skin becomes coarser, the surface cells of the epidermis die off and do not slough off, as a result of which keratinization occurs. Occupational keratosis can also be accompanied by the formation of cracks in the stratum corneum, but it is limited only to those areas of the skin that are periodically injured, without spreading further.

Follicular keratosis most often forms on the flexor surfaces of the extremities, but can also be localized on the hands. The patient notices that the skin on his hands is pimply and tough. Follicular keratosis, apart from a cosmetic disadvantage, does not annoy the patient, but can spread throughout the body. One of the reasons for the occurrence of this form of the disease is heredity: according to statistics, people whose parents had a history of keratosis pilaris are most likely to develop it between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five.


Manifestations of hyperkeratosis form on the legs, arms, torso, scalp, palms, and feet. Their location and appearance depend on the reasons for their appearance.

The most common types of thickenings are:

  • Calluses, corns on the soles of the feet and palms. Formed in areas subject to prolonged friction or pressure;
  • Actinic keratosis. Develops due to excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays. Appears as flat, rough patches of yellow, brown or red color;
  • Follicular hyperkeratosis (“goose bumps”). This is a rash of small multiple tubercles on the face, shoulders, legs, and buttocks. It is caused by a violation of the exfoliation of dead skin particles. This form of hyperkeratosis occurs in children; it goes away on its own in adolescence;
  • Warts. Occurs when infected with the human papillomavirus. They appear as convex growths of various shapes and sizes. On the feet they are called plantar warts;
  • Under nail hyperkeratosis. This is a thickening of the skin in the area of ​​the nail bed, nail folds, which is caused by injuries, psoriasis, and onychomycosis. It leads to lifting, bending, and deformation of the nail plate.

You can see what different types of hyperkeratosis look like in the photo on the Internet. Its manifestations also include skin changes in certain skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, seborrhea.

Treatment of keratoses

Keratoses associated with the professional activities of patients with exposure to toxic substances, such as arsenic or tar, are difficult to treat until the person stops engaging in this type of activity. The disease can last for years and go away completely on its own when the employee quits or changes profession.

At the first signs of causeless coarsening of the skin on your fingers, you need to carefully adjust your diet, add vitamin complexes and an oil solution of vitamin A. Locally, thoroughly clean the skin on your hands every evening, lubricate the rough areas with a nourishing cream with the addition of vitamin A. A good result is achieved by using gloves Spa Belle, they moisturize the skin, have a soft and gentle effect, releasing softening and beneficial components of the gel impregnation. You can buy silicone gloves in the online store.

If the symptoms of keratosis are severe enough, you should consult a doctor for a full examination and identify the cause of the disease. It is possible that keratinization of the skin is caused by some disease, and its treatment will help eliminate the unpleasant symptom. Ointments and creams containing healing and softening components are used locally.

At any stage of the development of the disease during the inflammatory process, it is advisable to use ointments containing antibiotics and steroids. They are used in short courses to relieve inflammation, and then use wound-healing drugs such as Panthenol or Solcoseryl, which enhance tissue regeneration. Baths with astringent herbal decoctions and compresses with plantain or aloe juice are also quite effective in the symptomatic treatment of keratoses.

Basic recommendations

The skin on the hands is softer than on the face. It contains five times less lipids, and the palms have absolutely no sebaceous glands. This means that hands often suffer from moisture deficiency and require care treatments on a daily basis.

The minimum program includes:

  1. Hydration. You should always keep the cream at hand: on a shelf in your room, in the living room, in your car and in your bag with you, at work. It should be used every time your hands are washed, and when applying, perform gymnastic exercises - slightly pull each finger in turn. Cosmetologists advise using a product with glycerin elements, aloe juice, herbal extracts (at least twice a day). It is not necessary to buy a specialized cream; a traditional one will do. The main thing is that it is not overly greasy. The cream should be well absorbed.
  2. Peeling. Twice a week it is recommended to exfoliate the skin using scrubbing and a special exfoliant. After the procedure, be sure to apply the cream, and massage the aroma oil into the cuticle area. It is recommended to take care of the cuticle every day, this will make the nail bed softer.
  3. Nutrition. If the skin is excessively dry and sensitive, reacts painfully to wind and low temperatures with peeling, and after washing the skin feels tight, then at night you need to use a rich cream or a special balm. Masks have a beneficial effect on the dermis - they should be applied twice a week, in a thick layer, for 10 - 15 minutes, then washed off under the tap.
  4. Protection. To prevent the early formation of age spots, it is necessary to protect your brushes from ultraviolet radiation using special products with SPF. In the period April-October - in the southern regions, in May-September - in the middle zone of the country.

This is a minimum program for caring for the skin of your hands; you must follow it, then your skin will be soft, healthy, and young.

Prevention of keratosis

The main treatment for keratosis of any etiology is to prevent the development of the disease. But since it is not known for certain what triggers the onset of the disease, you just need to maintain general hygiene, not subject your hands to excessive stress, and take good care of them. Sagging skin on the hands, calluses and redness are a signal for immediate action: stopping any diet, taking vitamins A and E, and cosmetic procedures.

People whose professions involve the development of this disease, or who have had cases of this disease in their family, are advised to closely monitor their health, since keratosis, although it does not threaten human life, sometimes makes it unbearable. Horny skin reduces the sensitivity of the hands, interferes with delicate work, and cracks make any movement impossible due to extreme pain. The duration and, sometimes, failure of treatment for horny growths is a reason to think about preventive measures for an unpleasant disease.


Normally, as a result of their vital activity, skin cells gradually move from the lower layer to the upper, while gradually accumulating keratin - a protein that makes them more durable and resistant to external influences. The top layer of skin is nothing more than completely keratinized cells or horny scales, which are peeled off and replaced with new ones during human life. Such cells lack viability, but at the same time, thanks to keratin, they provide protection to living cells located underneath them from negative environmental factors.

With the development of hyperkeratosis as a pathological condition of the skin

  • on the one hand, there is an active accelerated division of epidermal cells that produce keratin;
  • on the other hand, there is a delay in the process of normal physiological exfoliation of horny scales from the surface layer of the skin.

Hand massage

The most affordable thing that can be done for care is a hand massage. It will provide the following effects:

  • eliminates swelling;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • softens the skin.

Such procedures are especially indicated when there is a feeling of cold in the hands and in the warm season. After applying the cream, you should move very gently, without pressing, in a circle from the ends of your fingers to your wrist. Massage until the cream stops slipping under your fingers.

Hand care is an important part of a woman’s life, and today also a man’s. If you follow the simple recommendations of cosmetologists, your skin will remain young and beautiful for much longer.

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