Pain in the knee joint: causes and treatment of pathology

Due to its complex structure and function, the knee joint is very susceptible to injury, which can cause pain. Many people, especially the elderly and athletes, often complain of this disease. Overuse, bruises, sprains, sprains, strains, and tears are the most common causes of knee pain. What other reasons can cause knee pain? Do I need to visit a doctor? How to care for your knees? What should I do to prevent them from getting sick?

Knee structure

The knee joint is the largest joint in the human body and is most often affected by various types of injuries. Thanks to it, you can straighten and bend your leg, as well as perform rotational movements.

The knee is located between the femur and the tibia, has a width of 11-22 cm. The design of the knee is distinguished:

  • meniscus,
  • ligaments,
  • knee cap.


The meniscus consists of two rigid plates with flexible cartilage.

There are lateral and medial meniscus. By adapting to the articular surface, they can move when the knee bends backward by 12 mm. These properties allow them to act as shock absorbers during jumps and distribute body weight evenly.

If your meniscus is damaged, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • difficulty flexing and extending the joint;
  • acute pain in the knee;
  • difficulty moving;
  • edema;
  • a feeling of stiffness and an audible clicking sound.

Meniscus damage can be caused by:

  • degenerative changes;
  • cyst inside the joint;
  • severe flexion and torsion injuries;
  • disruption of the meniscus structure,
  • overload.


The knee is strengthened by external collateral ligaments and joint capsules, as well as internal ligaments: the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments. The first prevents the tibia from moving forward, the second prevents the tibia from sliding backward.

The cruciate ligaments protect the knee joint from wearing out too quickly and support a smooth gait.

Damage to the knee ligaments causes instability of the knee, that is, excessive mobility in relation to the physiological state.

The most common injury is the anterior cruciate ligament, which prevents the tibia from moving forward in relation to the femur.

Knee ligament injuries are most often indicated by severe knee injury, a feeling of dislocation, and a hematoma in the joint.

Knee cap

The kneecap is a flat bone located in front of the knee. Together with the femur, it forms the patellofemoral joint. Under normal conditions, the kneecap moves in the groove of the knee joint.

When it slips out of the groove, pain and problems with walking occur. The most common diseases are chronodromalacia patella and lateral support syndrome of the patella.

Chondromalacia is a condition of the cartilage surrounding the kneecap. The cause of this condition is the improper angle of movement of the kneecap by the quadriceps muscles, which causes the kneecap to rub against the bone instead of sliding.

Use of non-traditional methods of treatment

To reduce the severity of pain when bending or straightening the knee, you can use traditional medicine. It is important to remember that such methods are used only as part of complex therapy; they are not an alternative to medications or physiotherapeutic procedures.

Traditional methods are best used if the pathological processes are chronic. It is not recommended to use them when the disease is in the acute stage. Otherwise, the inflammatory process may worsen.

The most effective means are:

  • Pharmaceutical clay. This is an inexpensive but effective remedy with which you can improve blood microcirculation, get rid of congestion in the joint and prolong the period of remission. Pharmaceutical clay should be diluted with a small amount of water. This should result in a thick paste. It is applied to the damaged joint and covered with cling film on top. This compress is left until the morning. Duration of treatment; 10 days.
  • If severe pain occurs, a small piece of salted pork lard can help. It needs to be bandaged around the knee. After a few hours, the unpleasant symptoms will decrease. This compress can be left until the morning.
  • Prepare a tincture of dandelion flowers, lilac inflorescences and dry comfrey. All plants are taken in equal proportions. They need to be filled with vodka. Then you need to put the tincture in a dry, dark place, it should infuse for 2 weeks. After this, the tincture must be strained. The product should be used to rub the knee joint. Plants help restore mobility, improve microcirculation of blood and lymph, and also relieve swelling.
  • Make a tincture of white acacia. You need to take a glass of dried acacia flowers, pour 100 grams of vodka or alcohol into them. The product needs to be moved to a dry, dark room, it should sit for two weeks. Next, you need to strain the tincture and use it as a rub.
  • Horse chestnut tincture. You need to take half a glass of horse chestnut and pour a glass of vodka. The product should be infused for 10 days in a dark room. Next, you need to strain the tincture and use it morning and evening to rub your knee.
  • To reduce the severity of pain when bending and straightening the knee, you can use ice. It must first be wrapped in a clean, dry cloth or towel to prevent cold burns. Ice should be applied to the sore joint in the morning and evening for 15 minutes. Using this procedure, you can reduce the severity of pain, get rid of swelling and prevent the development of congestion.

Causes of knee pain

Knee pain can be caused by many reasons. The pain can be painful after intense running, climbing, heavy exercise and sprain injuries. Knee pain also occurs due to bacterial inflammation, metabolic disorders such as gout, and chronic diseases such as degenerative joint disease.

However, knee pain most often affects athletes who put weight on their knee joints, especially so-called "chair athletes" who do not engage in any activity and suddenly decide to ski or run. Knee pain is characterized by limited joint mobility and swelling of the knees, which often occurs after intense exercise.

Additional symptoms?

Associated symptoms will help determine the approximate mechanism of the lesion and establish a preliminary diagnosis. Their combination may be characteristic of a specific disease or group of diseases:

  • inflammatory processes are accompanied by swelling, redness of the joint and an increase in local temperature;
  • increased pain when moving, crunching in the joints, limited mobility speak in favor of chronic degenerative diseases;
  • impaired mobility with preserved tissue sensitivity is characteristic of tumors, cysts, arthropathy;
  • In case of injury, joint deformation, pathological mobility, and accumulation of blood in the joint cavity or soft tissues are observed.

Systemic diseases (osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout) cause pain not only in the knee, but also in other joints. Arthritis that occurs against the background of a general illness is accompanied by malaise, fatigue, weakness and fever.

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, taking into account the symptoms and examination results.

Why do knees hurt at a young age?

The most common causes of knee pain, especially in young people, are physical activity and joint strain. If it is not caused by direct injury, it is most likely due to training errors:

  • Incorrect running technique
  • Poorly fitting shoes (not designed for running or that do not take into account foot defects such as flat feet),
  • Running on a surface that is too hard (such as asphalt or cobblestones),
  • Lack of proper warm-up
  • Exercise intensity is too high.

Overuse of the knee can also occur as a result of frequent and prolonged standing and obesity.

Knee pain treatment

Before starting treatment for knee pain, you should consult a specialist. Depending on the extent of the injury and symptoms, conservative or surgical treatment is performed.

Conservative treatment of knee pain contains an algorithm of the following actions:

  • First and foremost, the limb must be protected from further injury. The knee is given rigidity and the load is relieved with the help of crutches.
  • It is necessary to avoid putting stress on the limb and avoid activities that cause pain, which promotes tissue healing.
  • The temperature of the tissues is lowered in order to minimize the risk of edema or reduce the existing one. In addition, it has an analgesic effect. Cooling is carried out in the first 48-72 hours after injury for 10-15 minutes, approximately every 2 hours.
  • It is necessary to apply moderate pressure in the form of a bandage of the limb. This prevents swelling.
  • It is advisable to place the limb on high pillows in a supine position. This will help prevent the tumor from spreading to the damaged area.
  • Using ointments and tablets prescribed by a professional doctor will help the pain area heal faster.

Surgical treatment for knee pain is considered when conservative treatment has failed and surgery or reconstruction of the damaged structure of the knee is necessary, such as cruciate ligament reconstruction, meniscectomy, repair of a torn tendon or bone fracture.

Which doctor should I consult for knee pain?

First, it is best to visit your general practitioner, who will conduct an initial examination of the injured knee, based on which it will be possible to diagnose its possible cause. The doctor will examine the sore spot and, if possible, prescribe appropriate pharmacotherapy (most often these will be anti-inflammatory and painkillers) or rehabilitation. If the problem is more complex, your GP will refer you to an orthopedist or rheumatologist for a more in-depth diagnosis.

If you suspect that your knee may have been damaged as a result of an injury, you should not delay visiting your doctor. Quickly identifying the cause of your pain will not only help you combat it, but most importantly, it will save you from serious consequences such as joint damage and disability.

Cure for knee pain

If you have pain in your knees, it is best to consult a doctor who will prescribe you the necessary pharmacological medications. Self-medication may not give you any results, and more often it can only worsen the problem.

To improve the motor system and relieve pain, it is recommended to use nutritional supplements for joints (with glucosamine, collagen, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin), which support the production of synovial fluid necessary for the proper functioning of the joints. To temporarily relieve pain, you can use painkillers or topical gels (with paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac). In addition, patches and warming ointments applied to the sore area relieve pain in bones and joints, allowing effective movement.

Knee pain when bending

Knee pain when bending can be caused by overuse during daily life or sports. In this case, rest and peace to the damaged area helps.

Many patients with knee pain are diagnosed with various conditions that affect knee dysfunction. Such diseases include:

  1. Degenerative changes. A degenerative disease affecting the knee joint is gonarthrosis.
  2. Chondromalacia patella - This condition causes the articular cartilage that covers the kneecap to soften.
  3. Baker's popliteal cyst - with this disease, fluid accumulates in the popliteal fossa. The cyst is treated surgically.
  4. Jumper's knee is an occupational disease that most often affects very active people. Occurs as a result of overload of the upper part of the kneecap.
  5. Runner's knee is an injury to the joint between the kneecap and the thighbone, commonly affecting people who exercise.
  6. Ankylosing spondylitis
  7. Rheumatoid arthritis
  8. Bacterial infections
  9. Lyme disease is a disease that in many cases affects the joints, including the knees.


This joint remedy perfectly relieves pain and swelling, restoring joint mobility. “Dolgit” is indicated for gout, rheumatism, arthritis and other joint problems. This ointment is also prescribed for dislocations and bruises. “Dolgita” contains herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect, and the active substance here is ibuprofen. The positive effect after applying the drug begins within 15 minutes and lasts about five hours.

Dolorgiet, Germany

The drug has a local analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.
Suppresses the production of inflammatory mediators. Non-selective blocks cyclooxygenase (COX-1 and COX-2) and have an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 (GTGR.2), prostacyclin (PG12) and thromboxane B2 (TV2). The analgesic effect is most pronounced for inflammatory pain. Causes a decrease or disappearance of pain, including pain at rest and during movement; reduces morning stiffness and swelling of joints. Helps increase range of motion. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, ibuprofen reduces platelet aggregation at the site of inflammation, as well as the migration of leukocytes and the release of lysosomal enzymes in the area of ​​inflammation. from 86

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Knee pain when walking

Pain in the knees when walking is characterized by a characteristic crunching and cracking sound. It tends to get worse when running, playing sports, climbing stairs or walking. Painful symptoms also appear when sitting in one place for a long time, for example, when working for many hours at a computer or while driving a car.

Internal knee pain when walking is often caused by damage to the kneecap, meniscus (the elastic component of the knee), or ligaments. To avoid the development of physiopathological processes, treatment must be started as early as possible, otherwise there is a risk of surgical intervention.

Knee pain when going down stairs can cause what is called synovial plica syndrome, which occurs in people who are very physically active and constantly bend and straighten their knees. Sharp pain in the outside of the knee when walking is usually closely associated with lateral damage to the meniscus, which is more mobile and therefore more susceptible to injury. Older people mostly complain of pain under the knee when walking. This is because the level of cells that form the vascularized meniscus decreases with age.

Joint stiffness in the morning: possible diseases

Over 100 congenital and acquired diseases can cause stiffness in the morning and throughout the day. These include anomalies in the structure of joints, disorders of collagen synthesis, and a whole range of autoimmune, post-traumatic, metabolic infectious-allergic pathologies. It is impossible to cover them all within one article, so we will consider the most common problems that lead to limited mobility in the joint.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
    . Morning muscle stiffness and pain lasting more than 30 minutes is one of the main signs of rheumatoid arthritis. It is also characterized by symmetrical damage to the joints - for example, if the left knee hurts, then the right one also bothers. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease, and therefore stiffness occurs throughout the whole body, and can be expressed in a feeling of severe fatigue (as if “something is pressing”), “corset-like” stiffness immediately after waking up. Often there is a noticeable decrease in muscle mass for the patient (muscular dystrophy). Rheumatoid arthritis often “selects” the small joints of the foot and hand, then the symptoms move to the ankle, hip, knee, elbow and wrist joints.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis)
    . This disease is characterized by morning stiffness of the spine, pain in the sacrolumbar region, and ribs. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, which affects women more, ankylosing spondylitis most often affects young men. Stiffness increases from about 3 a.m., and gradually subsides with daily activity and warm-up. However, the disease progresses and over time the pathology covers the entire spine, leading to its curvature and even decreased growth. It is almost impossible to independently distinguish extra-articular and peripheral manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis from rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Obesity
    . Excess weight accelerates the wear and tear of the meniscus, which causes abnormal mobility in the joints of the lower extremities (knees, ankles) (the joint seems to wobble, bends in all directions). Muscles and ligaments relaxed after the night are unprepared for sudden excessive load in the morning, so the first half hour after waking up, discomfort and stiffness may be observed, which are accompanied by tension, trembling and heaviness in the legs. During the day, symptoms disappear or become less severe.
  • Psoriasis
    . Psoriatic joint lesions and accompanying stiffness are observed in approximately 6% of patients with this diagnosis. Most often, the disease manifests itself in small carpal and intervertebral joints, less often it affects the elbows and knees. The skin over the joint turns red, the joint and periarticular tissues swell, and sometimes a characteristic psoriatic rash appears. Often the disease can occur without skin manifestations. Symptoms can mimic rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, and other diseases.
  • Rheumatism
    . This name includes several dozen diseases caused by the influence of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus. As a rule, symptoms appear some time (1-3 weeks) after respiratory diseases - angitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. At risk are patients who have chronic tonsillitis. Rheumatic stiffness usually affects the joints symmetrically and suddenly. In this case, patients note a local increase in temperature and redness of the skin.
  • Reactive arthritis
    . The disease occurs as a result of the body's response to an infection (usually genitourinary or intestinal). Joints are affected selectively, not symmetrically. This disease is characterized by a sudden onset, acute course, severe swelling and pain. Reactive arthritis can affect not only the joints, but also the connective tissue next to them, such as tendons. Most often, large and small joints of the legs are involved in inflammation. There is an increased body temperature.
  • Exacerbation of gout
    . In its acute form, gout is a “twin” of reactive arthritis - only a blood test (for C-reactive protein and uric acid) helps to distinguish them. Crystallization of uric acid in tissues causes inflammation (arthritis), which most often affects the big toes, as well as any other joints. The disease is characterized by the appearance of tophi nodes, as well as a paroxysmal course with exacerbations from 2 days to 3 weeks and remissions of varying duration.
  • Osteoarthritis
    . Joint stiffness is one of the first signs of osteoarthritis, a disease associated with degeneration of cartilage and bone tissue. With arthrosis, stiffness increases gradually but steadily. At first it is accompanied by a crunching sound, then pain occurs during physical activity. In the later stages, the affected joint hurts constantly and loses mobility. Osteoarthritis is most often diagnosed in the knee, hip, shoulder joints, intervertebral joints of the neck and lower back, and small joints of the hand.

If pain and stiffness are localized in a specific joint (most often a large joint in the lower extremities), this most often indicates an injury. Damage to cartilage and ligaments takes a particularly long time to heal.

Acute acute respiratory viral infections (for example, influenza), which cause intoxication of the body, cancer, and flat feet, can also provoke stiffness. Mobility is also limited by various inflammations of the periarticular tissues: bursitis, tendinitis, periarthritis. Less commonly, stiffness is observed with vascular spasms and disorders of the autonomic nervous system. In some patients, the cause of this condition is systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus and other, even rarer diseases.

Knee pain on the inside

The cause of knee pain can be a pathology of the knee joint, for example, as a result of injury or osteoarthritis. Sometimes knee pain can be the result of a rheumatological condition, such as gout, or other diseases, such as Lyme disease. A common cause of knee pain is overuse due to excess weight or sports. Pain in the knee or calf area may indicate vascular disease. In addition to the presence of pain, accompanying symptoms are also important. Therefore, it is worth visiting a therapist who, after meeting the patient, will order possible diagnostic tests and refer, for example, to an orthopedist and traumatologist or rheumatologist.

Surgical intervention

If pain occurs when bending the knee, you must first find out the cause of this symptom. Typically, surgery is prescribed only for serious injuries or damage, as well as if the disease is at an advanced stage of development. In this case, the pain is constant, the flexion function of the knee is impaired, and the joint is deformed. All this is an obstacle to the patient’s normal movement.

Doctors often use two surgical treatment techniques:

  1. The first technique is organ-preserving. Its goal is to save more of the natural tissue of the knee joint. The specialist performs the entire procedure using a device such as an arthroscope.
  2. The second type of surgical treatment, which is often used for complete destruction of articular and cartilage tissues, is endoprosthetics. During this procedure, the joint is replaced with an artificial implant. After complete recovery, the person regains the ability to move freely.

Side knee pain

Lateral knee pain is one of the most common pain complaints after injury. It may happen suddenly or develop gradually. These types of symptoms are quite common in runners and people who participate in sports that require activity, such as twisting or sharply turning a limb. Pain on the side of the knee can cause limited mobility and other symptoms such as swelling or jerking in the joints (knee twitching, popping).

The most common symptoms reported by patients are tingling on the side of the knee, a burning sensation, knee pain after running, walking or at rest. As a rule, imaging allows you to very accurately determine the extent of damage to the structures of this joint. They use X-rays, ultrasound of the knee joint and the most accurate magnetic resonance imaging. Sometimes a diagnostic procedure called exploratory arthroscopy is necessary. This is the case when the clinical picture is unclear and there is insufficient information from studies conducted to date.

Simple tips for a restful sleep

Experts advise:

  1. Choose a mattress of medium firmness.
  2. If only your knees hurt, sleep on your side with a second pillow between them.
  3. If you experience pain in your knees and hips, do not lie on your side or bend your legs. It is better to sleep lying on your back with a large pillow under your head and a small pillow under your ankles.

Go to bed feeling tired so as not to think about unpleasant sensations, intensifying them.

You can return to restful sleep only if you follow your doctor’s recommendations. The main thing is to seek help in time, and then you will quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

HomeClinical MedicineDiseasesDiseases of the musculoskeletal system

A person’s knees experience enormous stress every day, because they bear the main weight of the body. This is the largest human joint, and it is prone to frequent injuries due to the fact that the muscular frame of the knee is poorly developed. In case of various falls or bruises, the joints are poorly protected by muscle tissue. Therefore, it is not surprising that almost everyone can feel pain in the knee joint at rest and during movement. At the same time, the causes of pain in the knee can be various phenomena: both diseases and injuries. If the pain when bending or straightening the leg can somehow be explained, then why does the knee sometimes hurt in a calm state, for example, when we are just lying down? Let's try to figure it out.

Another inflammatory disease that can cause knee pain that occurs even at rest is arthritis. It proceeds slowly, periodically worsens, and is accompanied by almost never-ending pain. Because of this, a person feels limited in movements, because... afraid to “disturb” the sore joint.

If arthritis is left untreated, arthrosis can occur, which is the change and destruction of joint cartilage. At the same time, the knee hurts at night, at rest. Arthrosis can occur due to disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels and inflammatory processes in the periarticular tissues.

Often, due to previous infectious diseases, a person is most likely susceptible to polyarthritis and arthritis.

Untreated pneumonia, tonsillitis, and urogenital infections can lead to joint diseases. In this case, aching pain in the knee joint at rest at night most often occurs when weather conditions change.

Does your knee joint hurt at night? Think about whether you have had any recent injuries. Perhaps you suddenly twisted your ankle and didn’t pay attention to it, slipped on the path or hurt your leg when falling. It is very common for the knee to hurt when lying down after such injuries. Any component of the knee joint can be injured, causing it to become deformed, which leads to inflammatory processes. We already said above that the meniscus is most often injured. Walking too long or exhausting workouts, bruises can lead to changes in the meniscus. In this case, painful sensations arise that do not allow you to straighten the knee; such an untreated meniscus injury can over time lead to aching pain even at rest, when you have already forgotten about the very fact of damage.

External knee pain

There is no single cause of pain, but there are several reasons why you may have knee pain. More common:

  • Athletes: runners, cyclists, martial artists, gymnasts.
  • After an injury that pushes the knee outward (away from the other leg).
  • In those who do exercises that involve twisting or rotating the knees
  • In people who tend to be bent at the knees or bow-legged, putting stress on the outer knee

Also, pain in the knee on the outside can be caused by injury. Only a professional doctor can make a diagnosis.

Who is at risk

Knee pain can occur in people of any age and health status. But there are those who are more susceptible to the unpleasant syndrome than others. People at risk include:

  • elderly;
  • with a hereditary tendency to diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • with excess body weight;
  • have had injuries or surgery on the knee joint;
  • with underdeveloped leg muscles;
  • those suffering from metabolic diseases and hormonal disorders;
  • children with joint hypermobility syndrome.

At risk are professional athletes and those whose work involves physical overload.

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