Charcot shower: indications, contraindications, procedure

Charcot's shower is a method of hydrotherapy, successfully used for cosmetic, therapeutic and rehabilitation purposes. It received its name in honor of the person who was the first to appreciate the benefits of a “shock” jet of water - the French research scientist, neurologist and psychiatrist Jean-Martin Charcot.

Then, in the second half of the 19th century, this physiotherapy was widely used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and circulatory system. Later, the range of indications for Charcot's shower became much wider, and by the end of the 20th century it began to be used primarily for cosmetic purposes - to eliminate cellulite and lose weight.

In recent years, doctors are increasingly remembering that they can use Charcot's douche in the complex treatment of many diseases, as a result of which they receive rave reviews from grateful patients who have undergone this procedure.

We will talk about what effects Charcot's douche has on the body, in what cases it is prescribed and to whom it is contraindicated, as well as the methodology for its implementation in our article.

Description of the method

Psychiatrist Jean Martin Charcot, who conducted research in neuralgia, studied mental disorders and methods of their correction, came up with this water procedure. The technique was named after him.

At first, the scope of application of the method was not so wide. Then it was invented to treat diseases of the nervous system. Now the procedure is used in the treatment of a wider range of diseases. Charcot's shower is an active type of hydrotherapy. During this process, hot and cold water streams are supplied alternately under high pressure.

The healing properties of showers using the Charcot method

The procedure has a tonic and calming effect. The latter is relevant for those who suffer from overwork. Water massage prevents depression, eliminates insomnia, fatigue, and helps relax the nervous system.

Thanks to Charcot's shower, the risk of heart and vascular diseases is reduced. During the water massage, blood circulation improves. Due to the alternation of water temperatures, the pores alternately expand and contract. What are the benefits of Charcot's shower? It activates lymph circulation. This helps improve metabolic processes. Toxins are removed from the body faster and more efficiently, and the work of the excretory system is accelerated.

The procedure helps normalize the functioning of all organs and starts the process of restoration of damaged cells. The therapy is loved by women of all ages for its fat-burning effect. As a result of exposure to water jets, the tubercles characteristic of cellulite are “broken,” the condition of the skin improves, it becomes smoother, more elastic, and the “orange peel” disappears.


The effectiveness of the method has been proven for such conditions and pathologies as:

  • depression;
  • allergy;
  • neuroses;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • arthrosis;
  • amyotrophy;
  • gout;
  • neurasthenia;
  • apathy;
  • arthritis;
  • headache;
  • rheumatism.

Water therapy is recommended for people leading an inactive or sedentary lifestyle. Doctors prescribe hydromassage sessions during rehabilitation for people who have been injured in road accidents. This type of hydromassage will be effective in the fight against:

  • overweight;
  • obesity;
  • cellulite (initial stages).

For weight loss, the procedure is extremely necessary. After a session of impact hydromassage, you will feel invigorated and have a charge of energy that can be spent on sports. Charcot's douche is also used as a preventive measure, for example, for the purpose of hardening or strengthening the immune system.

Several months after giving birth, therapy will be useful for new mothers. A course of water massage will help you quickly restore your previous figure. Those who have had a caesarean section should take care. In this case, a Charcot shower should be done no earlier than 6 months after surgery. This time is necessary for the suture after cesarean to heal without complications. Avoid spraying water jets directly onto the seam itself.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

I recommend repeating sessions every 1 – 2 days. Exceeding the established number of procedures leads to the opposite effect. Pain, nervousness occur, and chronic diseases worsen. There must be at least 6 months between courses.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

On the Internet you can find many reviews about Charcot's soul. People who have undergone the procedure note its many positive properties. In addition to treating many pathologies, sessions promote weight loss, tighten the skin, eliminate signs of cellulite, improve mood and energize. Hydrotherapy will be useful if you follow the exact methodology and contraindications.

Contraindications and restrictions

Contraindications to water therapy using the Charcot method:

  • pregnancy (both early and late stages). The jet of water can damage the fetus in the womb;
  • recent heart attack;
  • lactation period;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • oncological diseases;
  • stroke and thrombophlebitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • psychoses and other pathologies in which the nervous system is in an excited state;
  • gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages and others);
  • urolithiasis and kidney diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infectious diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • body weight deficiency, dystrophy;
  • varicose veins Due to the impact of the jets, veins can increase significantly;
  • dermatological diseases (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis). After the sessions, an exacerbation of the disease may begin, and the general condition will also worsen;
  • increased body temperature and blood pressure.

In addition to pathologies, due to which massage is always prohibited, there are time restrictions for carrying out manipulations. During critical days, you should not undergo a course of water massage. Shock therapy can cause more intense uterine contractions and increased bleeding.

In case of skin injuries (abrasions, cuts, burns, etc.), you should temporarily abandon the Charcot shower. Hydromassage will not benefit the body if done after recent injuries (fractures, dislocations). After complete recovery, it will be useful to undergo a massage course using the Charcot method in order to improve the health of the body.

Before attending your first session, be sure to consult with a qualified physician. The doctor will accurately determine whether such therapy will be useful for you personally. The doctor will also tell you which course of treatment will be most optimal and which areas of the body will need to be affected.

Course of procedures

How many procedures are included in the course of treatment? Usually this is 10 sessions. A smaller amount will not bring any special results. Also, the course can be increased to 15-20 procedures, depending on the severity of the disease and other health problems.

The frequency of sessions and their duration are selected by the doctor. Some people are prescribed daily, while others may need a few sessions per week. A course of Charcot's shower sessions can be repeated only six months after the last procedure. Two courses a year will be enough to maintain your figure.

Technique of procedures

Before Charcot's shower, a person must change into a swimsuit (swimming trunks), put a cap on his head, and also put on rubber flip-flops. Men may not wear a cap during the procedure. After a water massage session, it is recommended to use a moisturizer. It is advisable to eat after therapy no earlier than 2 hours later. When undergoing Charcot's shower sessions, it will be useful to drink more water (more than 2-2 liters).

The session is carried out in an equipped shower cabin. The person stands at a distance of three meters from the specialist, holding onto the iron handrails with his hands. The first step is to fan out a water jet from top to bottom to prepare the body. First, the person turns his back to the specialist, after which he turns his front.

Then the water jet is made compact and proceed directly to the massage. The man turns his back to the specialist. The stream hits the legs, and then goes on to the back, arms and sides. After which the patient turns to face the specialist. A circular massage of the abdomen is performed with water jets. This is the final stage of the procedure.

The impact during hydrotherapy is carried out with two jets: cold - 20°C and hot - 40°C. The duration of the procedure is on average 3 minutes. You need to start with 60 seconds. The maximum active hydromassage time is 5 minutes. With each session, its duration increases, as does the pressure in the jet, while the water temperature decreases.

Charcot's shower - types, benefits and contraindications

Charcot's shower is a healing water procedure. A stream of water directed at a specific area of ​​the body creates a massage effect. With the help of strong water pressure with changing temperatures, you will get rid of skin diseases, stress and obesity.

Types of Charcot's shower

Charcot's shower is used in several ways.


In the 21st century, women are more often interested in treatment with water pressure. The procedure is popular due to its fat burning properties.

During the postpartum period, Charcot's shower eliminates the remaining fat deposits in the abdominal area, corrects the figure and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

If you are overweight, the procedure is no less effective. By stimulating cell function, metabolism accelerates. Water pressure accelerates metabolism.

Charcot's shower revitalizes the body's cells. The skin is renewed and detoxified.1


Charcot's shower is used to strengthen the immune system. It is suitable for those who are actively involved in sports. Hardening with a contrast shower with strong pressure activates the body's protective functions and starts the lymphatic system.

For athletes, Charcot's shower is useful for relaxing muscles and preventing injuries during heavy physical activity.2

Charcot's shower prevents exacerbation of chronic diseases and prevents ARVI. The procedure is especially useful in the autumn-winter period.


The healing properties of Charcot's shower are valued for their effect on discomfort in the neck and spine, joint and headaches caused by lack of oxygen, fatigue, depression and poor circulation.

Indications for Charcot's shower

  • excess weight;
  • cellulite;
  • stagnation of blood and lymph;
  • frequent colds;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the joints and spine - arthritis, arthrosis, gout, pinching;
  • neurotic and depressive states;
  • frequent headaches, apathy, fatigue;
  • muscle tension and spasms;
  • skin diseases;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • frequent allergic manifestations.

How does the procedure work?

Charcot's shower is also called hydrotherapy. The procedure involves alternately supplying water with different pressure power and temperature. Fluctuations range from 20 to 45 degrees Celsius. This technique promotes alternate dilation and constriction of blood vessels.

General requirements for the patient are a swimming suit, flip-flops and a swimming cap.

  1. The patient goes into a specialized room and stands at a distance of three meters from the specialist.
  2. The specialist begins the hydromassage session with a light spray of water. Directs pressure from top to bottom.
  3. First, the patient turns his back, then turns around to face the specialist. Then vice versa.
  4. The water pressure is applied from the legs to the upper body - the muscles of the arms, back and sides.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the patient turns his face for a circular massage in the abdominal area. With each session, the water pressure increases and the temperature decreases.

The order in which water is directed to body parts depends on the client's goals and health status. The specialist will calculate the time, sequence and frequency of visits, depending on the doctor’s recommendations.

How many procedures need to be done

The traditional Charcot course is about 2-3 weeks of daily visits. In the classic version, the frequency of visits to Charcot’s shower is 1 course per six months.

For women involved in fitness and wanting to get rid of cellulite and sagging skin, 2 procedures per week are enough.

The duration of the procedure according to the Charcot system is from 1 to 5 minutes. The time period is selected individually, depending on the patient’s condition.

Charcot shower contraindications

  • bladder stones;
  • oncology;
  • temperature 37 and above;
  • pregnancy and lactation - water pressure can harm the fetus;
  • varicose veins - Charcot's douche involves alternating narrowing and dilation of blood vessels, increasing blood flow in the body. Such manipulations can harm the patient’s condition;
  • thrombosis - the pressure of water at the beginning of the procedure in healthy patients leaves bruises. There is a risk of blood clot rupture;
  • critical days, inflammation of female diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart disease - stroke, heart failure;
  • skin diseases, injuries and wounds on the skin.

Charcot's shower for weight loss

The procedure is effective for those who want to lose extra pounds and correct deficiencies. A shock wave of water can remove excess fluid from the body and start fat burning processes by accelerating blood circulation.4

Charcot's shower is valued by women for eliminating cellulite, sagging and hypotonicity of muscles. After two months of the procedure, the result will appear. The skin will become smooth, elastic and toned. The overall tone of the body will increase, good health will return and the patient will feel a surge of strength.

For a visible effect, you must take at least 1 course.

Benefits of Charcot's shower

The benefits of the procedure have been known since the 19th century. Founder J.M. Charcot, a practicing scientist in the field of neurology, discovered the benefits of hydrotherapy in the treatment of mental disorders. Charcot used the technique of supplying alternately warm and cold water jets to restore the human central nervous system.

Today, Charcot's shower is used in various fields of medicine and cosmetology.

Relieves chronic fatigue, stress and depression

During the hydromassage process, positive changes occur in the functioning of the central nervous system. By starting blood flow, brain cells are filled with oxygen. During treatment, the patient stops complaining of insomnia, headaches, obsessive states, fatigue and weakness. Overfatigue and muscle tension disappear.

In the presence of sluggish depression and chronic vegetative-vascular dystonia, Charcot's douche increases the tone of the body, improves well-being, treats headaches, and adds vigor and strength.5

Restores blood flow and lymph circulation

Proper functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems is necessary to supply organs and cells with oxygen. Stagnation in systems often leads to the appearance of chronic diseases and cancer.

With sedentary work and a sedentary lifestyle, there is a high risk of developing stagnation in both systems. Charcot's shower will restore blood and lymph circulation. The organs will be saturated with oxygen and essential nutrients. Detoxification will occur - cleaning of the systems, during which the body will be freed from the accumulation of toxins.

With regular visits to the procedure, patients’ complaints about exacerbation and manifestation of allergy symptoms and skin dermatitis disappear. Experts note positive dynamics in the resorption of tumors with regular use of Charcot's shower.6

Increases the body's protective functions

Thanks to temperature changes, the body hardens and immunity increases. The cells of the body are filled with useful elements and oxygen, and are able to repel viruses and infections. After the procedure, patients note a reduction in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and seasonal colds.

Relieves pain and inflammation in the musculoskeletal system

If the patient complains of pain in the neck, shoulder blades, lower back, shoulder girdle, diagnoses of osteochnodrosis, arthritis, arthrosis and injuries, Charcot's douche:

  • will increase blood flow - blood will flow to muscle tissue, cell restoration will begin;\
  • strengthens ligaments;
  • relieves inflammation - with muscle tension and pinching;
  • activates the work of cartilage and joints;
  • will remove salt deposits from joints;
  • relieves swelling and soreness;
  • will start the process of cell and tissue regeneration - in case of inactivity, chronic diseases, serious injuries.

How to carry out the procedure at home

Charcot's shower at home will not provide a therapeutic or cosmetic effect. Modern conditions make it possible to install a shower stall with different shower heads and variable water pressure. The conditions of the bathroom and the design of the shower will not allow you to establish the proper pressure of the stream and choose its correct direction to areas of the body. The procedure has rules and standards that cannot be followed at home.

Side effects

Every treatment procedure has side effects. The doctor is obliged to warn the patient about the nuances of hydromassage.

The appearance of hematomas and bruises

Hyperemia of the skin appears due to capillaries bursting under the pressure of the jet. The body is not adapted at the beginning of the procedure. The skin is thin and delicate. Bruising is more likely to occur in patients with thin skin and translucent capillary meshwork.

The bruises disappear after the 5th procedure.

Muscle pain

Patients with sore joints often complain of muscle pain. After 4-5 procedures, the unpleasant sensations change to a feeling of lightness and comfort.

Efficiency of the procedure

The results are noticeable after the 8th session. This water massage is effective in treating many diseases. It also shows good results in the field of figure correction. After a course of Charcot's shower sessions, people experience the following improvements:

  • pain in muscles and joints disappears;
  • you feel an additional surge of strength;
  • the skin becomes elastic and tightened;
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • muscle relaxation occurs;
  • cellulite disappears or its signs become less pronounced;
  • rejuvenation of the body and skin occurs;
  • the body contour is tightened;
  • sleep is normalized, insomnia goes away;
  • general well-being improves;
  • immunity increases;
  • the body is hardened;
  • additional energy appears;
  • the body is saturated with oxygen;
  • muscle spasms are weakened;
  • the functioning of the lymphatic system is normalized;
  • pain in the lumbar region disappears;
  • waste, excess fluid and toxins are removed from the body;
  • mood improves;
  • the functioning of the endocrine system improves;
  • anxiety disappears, negative thoughts “go away”;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • the thighs and abdomen decrease in volume;
  • blood vessels are strengthened;
  • there is a loss of several extra pounds. Their number depends on the person’s initial weight, as well as additional measures that he took to lose weight (proper nutrition, sports, etc.);
  • swelling decreases;
  • brain function is stimulated;
  • the condition of the heart muscle improves;
  • Stretch marks on the body are visually reduced and smoothed out.

Side effects from active hydromassage

Charcot's shower is a rather specific procedure in terms of sensations. Many people experience severe pain during this procedure. Although much in this matter depends on the person’s pain threshold. Despite the effectiveness of hydromassage, it also has side effects.

Bruising from impact hydrotherapy is normal. After several sessions, the skin gets used to such manipulations, and the blue discoloration will gradually disappear. Bruises occur more often than usual in thin girls with fair skin types, as well as in those with very sensitive, thin skin. Side effects from hydrotherapy also appear, such as hematomas and hyperemia of the skin (overflow of blood vessels).

After the first sessions, patients may experience muscle pain, which is most often characteristic of people with joint problems. But usually the discomfort goes away after just a few procedures. To eliminate pain at first, you can use gels and ointments, for example, Hepatrombin, Troxevasin.

Preliminary preparation

In anticipation of the session, you do not need to follow any special instructions. You need to take with you:

  1. Swimsuit or swimming trunks.
  2. Flip-flops.
  3. Waterproof hat.
  4. Towel.

After treatment, no special skin care is required. For muscle pain, it is permissible to use pain-relieving ointments.

If hematomas appear on the surface of the skin, a product that accelerates their resorption will be useful.

From reviews of Charcot's shower before and after the procedure, you can find out that the session is carried out very quickly, which is important for business people.

On average across the country, one visit to a specialist will cost 200–3000 rubles. The lowest prices are observed in public clinics where the necessary equipment is available.

Additional questions

What is the difference between Charcot and a circular (Swiss) shower? Circular has fewer contraindications. Its jets are very small. The procedure is carried out at full height with a water pressure of 1.5 atmospheres. A circular shower, unlike a Charcot shower, is not at all effective for weight loss.

What is the difference between Charcot and underwater hydromassage? The latter has a more gentle effect on the body, is completely painless, and the list of contraindications is much smaller. One hydromassage session costs more than Charcot, but it lasts longer (about 20-25 minutes). To achieve maximum effect, it is advisable to use both methods.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home? Yes, this is possible with a special shower head. But still, the most effective procedures are those carried out in medical or cosmetology institutions. At home, it will not be possible to stay 3 meters away from the stream of water.

Special nozzles that are sold in plumbing stores will not be able to produce water pressure that meets the standards. Such devices are mostly necessary only to diversify the bathing process. Most likely, you will not get the desired effect from the procedure. A regular contrast shower is a more effective method without the additional cost of purchasing attachments.

Mechanism of action

This procedure, related to hydromassage therapy, is most in demand.

The mechanism of action is as follows:

  • the specialist stands at a distance of 3-5 m;
  • water is directed onto the human body under high pressure;
  • one jet has a temperature of about 45°C;
  • then cool water is supplied;
  • targeted impacts on the desired areas guarantee a therapeutic effect.

The massage provides the following results:

  • body tone increases;
  • blood circulation increases;
  • muscles relax;
  • soreness and spasms go away;
  • the heart and blood vessels are strengthened;
  • endurance increases;
  • recovery processes are accelerated;
  • excess fat deposits disappear;
  • visible manifestations of cellulite are reduced;
  • immunity increases.

Water is directed onto the human body in two strong jets.

What should you combine Charcot's shower with?

You can combine Charcot's shower with mild chemical peeling. Mechanical products should be abandoned, as they have an aggressive effect on the skin. It is necessary to allow time to pass after mechanical peeling. Otherwise, Charcot's shower may damage cleansed skin.

This water massage goes well with the body wrap procedure. After the session, the skin softens, allowing it to better absorb nutrients. Also, for cosmetic purposes, you can combine Charcot's shower with underwater hydromassage, baths with herbal infusions and regular massage.

The effectiveness of Charcot's shower has long been proven. Many people have already experienced the results of the sessions. Charcot's shower has many contraindications. Therefore, a course of sessions should be carried out only after the permission of the attending physician and under the guidance of a qualified specialist.

Which massage is better: manual or hardware?

All modern devices and techniques are based on classic manual massage. Therefore, it is considered the “gold standard”. The massage therapist works on subcutaneous fat, skin and muscles.

Hardware massage works according to a given algorithm, but thanks to additional effects, it is possible to work on the deep layers of tissue. All this only enhances the effect of the massage and allows you to achieve better results. Therefore, the course of treatment is shorter.

The manual massage procedure lasts 30-120 minutes, the massage therapist uses creams and oils that have a cosmetic effect. Hardware massage lasts 15-45 minutes and is performed on “dry” skin.

The best result is achieved by a combination of manual and hardware massages. This technique helps to quickly get rid of cosmetic and medical problems.

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