Mud for joints: features of the procedure, contraindications and effect

Truskavets is known in our country and abroad not only for its unique mineral waters. Here, under the supervision of specialists, you can undergo a course of effective mud treatment, which has no analogues. The best results are obtained by combining mud therapy with other physiotherapy (mineral baths, massage, paraffin wraps, etc.). Our ancestors knew many ways to cope with a wide variety of diseases. For example, in Ancient Egypt and China they generously smeared themselves with silt obtained from the bottom of rivers. In the sanatorium and resort sphere, the medicinal properties of mud began to be studied only in the 19th century.

Some techniques have survived to this day, improved, and are successfully used in Rixos Prykarpattya programs. Such techniques include mud therapy, or peloid therapy. Mud extracted from the bottom of mineral springs, swamps and ordinary reservoirs, as well as from the destruction of rocks, has healing properties. They are used externally, in the form of applications, lotions, compresses, etc. Even in ancient times, it was noticed that such a simple procedure helps relieve pain, increase joint mobility, restore skin, etc.

Muds differ not only in color, smell and consistency, but also in physical and chemical characteristics (composition, thermal conductivity). Therefore, procedures are selected individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the body and medical history.

What is mud therapy in RP: basic information

Mineral springs are located not only in various parts of Truskavets (including on the territory of Rixos), but also beyond its borders. Some of them shoot right out of the ground. At the bottom of the springs, a silt layer rich in trace elements and minerals gradually forms. Peloids (mud) are carefully collected, processed, mixed with other components, and used for therapeutic purposes. The beneficial properties of such mud will depend on the composition of the mineral water. It is important to know: mineral muds are practically not used in their pure, undiluted form. Their independent use, instead of benefit, can only harm the body. The use of natural resources gives excellent results, allowing you to reduce medication use to a minimum. Mud treatment is a simple but effective way to maintain health, prevent a number of diseases, and improve well-being. The principle of therapy is as follows: a mud mask is applied to previously cleansed skin (or an application is made, completely covering certain areas of the body). The mud is applied warm (approximately +40…+42 degrees), due to which tense muscles are instantly relaxed and the person feels comfortable. Cold mud is applied as a cosmetic procedure. The healing properties of such mixtures are weak, but they have an excellent effect on the skin, saturating it with useful substances and stimulating regeneration processes in cells.

Mineral dirt, in contact with the skin, penetrates through the pores. In this way, beneficial compounds reach damaged tissues and individual cells. Mud treatment helps to further warm up the joints. Due to this, the inflammatory process is reduced and mobility increases.

Depending on the consistency, mud baths are divided into liquid, medium and concentrated. Their type, as well as the number of procedures, are determined by the doctor.

The benefits and harms of mud treatment

Before starting a complex of mud procedures, you must:

  • Undergo the appropriate examination.
  • Consult a doctor.
  • Take into account the presence of a number of pathologies that limit the use of mud.

Mud therapy, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied at a high scientific level, continues to enjoy enormous popularity. Every year the list of diseases that can be cured in this way expands, and the method of using mineral sludge is improved.

What a Rixos Prykarpattya patient needs to know:

  1. Mud perfectly treats both skin diseases (up to psoriasis) and diseases of internal organs. But the best result is the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
  2. A course of mud baths helps strengthen the immune system in adults and children.
  3. Therapeutic mud will not help treat diseases that require surgical intervention, as well as neoplasms.
  4. Peloid therapy is an excellent adjunct in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system (including female infertility).

Mud therapy sessions at Rixos Prykarpattya take place in the most comfortable environment, and are far from self-covering with mud on the shore of the estuary. Mineral sludge collected from the bottom of the springs is subjected to careful processing:

  • Pre-cleaning helps remove foreign impurities and small debris that can injure sensitive skin.
  • Homogenization is aimed at improving the structure. The result is a homogeneous plastic mass, without lumps and clots.
  • Disinfection that occurs during heating helps to completely destroy harmful microorganisms.

The medical benefits of mud therapy are quite high. But therapy must be approached consciously, interacting with a qualified specialist.

Scheme of action of mud

The healing mud of Truskavets has a complex effect. Here's how they act on the human body:

  1. Mechanical impact. Mineral mud perfectly cleanses the skin, eliminating the upper keratinized layers. As a result, epidermal cells are renewed, functioning as usual. They receive all the necessary substances and oxygen. In addition, the mud is applied with light massage movements, which improves the flow of blood and lymph.
  2. Chemical exposure. The mud contains a lot of useful microelements: sulfides, organic particles, sodium, calcium, humic and amino acids, antioxidants, iron sulfide, carbohydrates. But the most interesting thing is that the mud contains substances that are similar in form to antibiotics and hormones. Due to their natural origin, they do not harm the body. Rather, on the contrary, they have powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, positively affecting health. Mud applications will help any wounds heal without leaving any traces, and will also perfectly eliminate inflammation.
  3. Temperature effect. Thanks to its paste-like consistency, mud retains heat well. Elevated temperature accelerates the penetration of beneficial substances through the pores into the skin and their absorption into the blood. In addition, warming up with mud will help relieve excess tension in the muscles of the body, and also increase joint mobility. This unique property of peloid therapy attracts older people who want to stay in great shape for as long as possible.

Indications and contraindications for mud therapy

The range of practical uses of mud at Rixos Prykarpattya is very wide. Here is a list of common cases in which peloidotherapy helps:

  • Pathologies of the nervous system (plexitis, neuritis, poliomyelitis).
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, radiculitis, etc.).
  • Joint diseases (arthrosis and arthritis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, osteomyelitis).
  • Disorders of the digestive tract.
  • Some diseases of the blood vessels.
  • Skin diseases (allergies, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, as well as burns or frostbite).
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.

Also, mud therapy for joints gives excellent results in the rehabilitation period after injuries of varying severity. Here are several ways to use mud in RP spa conditions:

  • “Boot” - treatment of feet and legs.
  • “Gloves” - the mixture is applied to the hands, from the fingertips to the wrist.
  • “Pants” – covers the pelvic area and legs.
  • “Jacket” - mud is applied to the upper body (chest and arms, excluding hands).

If applications are prescribed, they can be done in several ways. It all depends on the initial condition of the patient and the type of disease:

  • Parafocal - to avoid exacerbations, mud is applied not to the affected area of ​​the body, but around it.
  • Focal - involve direct contact of dirt with the affected area.
  • Segmental - to determine the desired area, the projection method is used, designating the laying area on the back (along the spinal column).

General mud baths involve covering the entire body with mud, excluding the head and heart area. Despite the enormous benefits that mud therapy brings, it also has contraindications. Among them:

  • Epilepsy.
  • The presence of malignant tumors.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Atherosclerosis in severe form.
  • The period of bearing a child.
  • Any exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Exhaustion of the body.
  • Internal bleeding.

Doctors recommend using mud baths with caution for diseases of the cardiovascular system. And be sure to follow all the advice of peloid therapists: do not exceed the permissible doses, adhere to the specified session time, etc. Otherwise, there is a risk of overloading the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

What joint diseases are treated at the sanatorium?

Joints play an important role in the musculoskeletal system: they provide mobility. Violation of their functions not only causes pain, but can seriously change a person’s daily life, depriving him of the ability to move comfortably.

There are two main groups of joint diseases:

  • Arthritis is an inflammatory process in the joints.
  • Arthrosis is a degenerative disorder in the joints, that is, their gradual destruction.

Treatment of joint diseases in sanatoriums is extremely important in the overall fight against the problem. Therapy allows you to relieve unpleasant symptoms, delay or completely eliminate the need for surgical intervention, and significantly increase the period of remission between acute stages of the disease.

Compared to treatment at home or in hospitals, sanatoriums offer round-the-clock monitoring, an integrated approach to the problem and individual therapy programs. Rest in picturesque resort areas, comfortable accommodation and specially selected meals contribute to improving your general condition.

Types of therapeutic mud

Muds used for treatment are classified according to several criteria. One of them is the place of formation and production. Truskavets mud is classified as continental. In addition to them, there are also coastal (in estuaries), sea, and lacustrine springs. Depending on the nature of origin, mud is divided into the following types:

  • Sapropelic . They are obtained from the bottom of fresh water bodies. They contain few minerals, but a lot of organic matter. Rich in humic acids and enzymes. They have a pronounced bactericidal and antioxidant effect.
  • Silt sulphide . They are formed at the bottom of reservoirs with mineral and other types of salts. They contain little organic matter, but a lot of iron sulfide, as well as sodium chloride, sodium carbonate and other salts. They have a characteristic hydrogen sulfide odor and black color. The consistency is similar to tar.
  • Peat . They are mined in swampy areas. They are products of processing plant raw materials by certain types of microorganisms. Capable of accelerating regeneration processes, improving the processing and digestibility of enzymes. Rich in chlorine, ammonium, etc.
  • Sopochnye . They are considered the rarest. The consistency is similar to clay. They are formed during the destruction of rocks in places where oil and natural gas are produced. They are mined in places where mud volcanoes reach the surface of the earth. Rich in manganese, strontium, lithium, iodine, bromine, etc.

According to the chemical and biological composition of mud, they are divided into two categories:

  1. Mineral - represent an excellent selection of elements of the periodic table and their natural compounds. The most remarkable thing is that the mud contains unique substances that are not found anywhere else.
  2. Organic. They are formed as a result of the accumulation and decomposition of organic matter (parts of plants, remains of animals and insects).

The Rixos Prykarpattya sanatorium uses silt sulfide mud with a high degree of mineralization and a pronounced therapeutic effect.

How to use

Despite the fact that the technique has been improved over time, and the effect of mud on the body is now better known, the basis of the treatment is almost the same: you need to cover the treated area of ​​​​skin with mud or a mixture of mud and wait a few minutes until it takes effect (usually until dry) and then remove it with water.

When mixing water with mud, you want to create a paste that is neither hard nor soft.

In places where dirt may stick, such as in hair, or in places where it cannot be applied directly, you will need to place a thin cloth before applying the paste.

The most effective and universal method of peloid therapy is a combined method of exposure, alternating sludge and balneological procedures every other day.

Mud resorts of Truskavets

Today, mud resorts (Ukraine) offer their patients a huge range of services. But Western Ukrainian sanatorium-resort complexes are still considered the best. RP is among the leaders because it offers a wide range of treatment and rehabilitation procedures and high-quality medical care.

One of the most popular procedures with a wide range of beneficial effects is a mud-mineral pearl bath. To do this, prepared mud is diluted in fresh water to a certain concentration. And then they saturate the mixture with air, regulating its supply under pressure. The temperature of the mixture is maintained at an average level (+35-+36 degrees). And the temperature of the supplied air is slightly lower - about +20 degrees. Due to this, nerve receptors that extend to the surface of the skin are stimulated. A course of mud pearl baths (10-15 sessions, lasting 15 minutes each) gives excellent results:

  • Reduces the threshold of nervous excitability.
  • Has a general relaxing effect.
  • Reduces symptoms of pain.
  • Increases muscle tone.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Reduces the load on the heart.

A massage will help consolidate the results of a mud-mineral pearl bath. In combination with mineral water, clean mountain air and other physiotherapy methods practiced at Rixos Prykarpattya, peloid therapy gives high results. It helps to significantly improve well-being, increase productivity and maintain health.


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