Is it permissible to use mayonnaise if you have gouty arthritis?

Patients with gouty arthritis have to adhere to many dietary restrictions. Otherwise, the course of the disease becomes more complicated, it progresses faster, and a number of life-threatening complications develop. The doctor introduces the principles of proper nutrition to patients; everyone knows them. And yet, many are interested in how to diversify their usual menu, and, in particular, whether it is possible to eat mayonnaise if you have gout.

What foods are prohibited for people with gout?

Since purine compounds can enter the body with food, patients are prescribed a special diet. The most important principles are:

  • fish and meat dishes are included in the menu no more than 3 times a week, and they must be properly prepared;
  • the broth should be vegetable;
  • compliance with the drinking regime (in the absence of pathologies from the urinary system);
  • salt is limited to 5 g per day, but even less is better;
  • the diet should be rich in ascorbic acid and B vitamins;
  • fasting days should be introduced: dairy, vegetable;
  • meals are fractional, it is forbidden to starve;
  • do not eat foods rich in purines.

Based on the content of harmful compounds, all dishes are divided into permitted and prohibited for gout. Purines are present in excess in beef, offal, smoked products (fish and meat), and herring.

On the contrary, it is useful to include dairy products, eggs, cereals, honey, vegetables, fruits and berries in your diet.

What to drink for gout

Mineral water for gout helps reduce the acidity of urine (alkalinization) and prevent the formation of urate stones. You should not drink sweet carbonated water. Mineral water can be consumed once a week, but if possible, store-bought sugary drinks should be avoided.

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To relieve an acute gouty attack, a new generation nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, a highly selective COX-2 (cyclooxygenase 2) inhibitor, etoricoxib, may be recommended. Etoricoxib (Etorelex) in therapeutic concentrations blocks the formation of prostaglandins and has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. Selective inhibition of COX-2 is accompanied by a decrease in the severity of clinical symptoms associated with the inflammatory process in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The drug has contraindications for use. It is necessary to read the instructions for its use, and also consult with a specialist.

To prepare healthy and tasty teas you will need:

  • lingonberry leaves;
  • currant leaves;
  • dried rosehip (rosehip decoction relieves inflammation).

Green tea is not advisable. Under no circumstances should you drink vodka and especially beer.

The role of dairy products

Both whole foods and fermented milk products will be beneficial. With regular use, inflammation and joint pain are reduced. They are included in the menu during periods of exacerbations and during remission. Regular use leads to a decrease in the concentration of uric acid salts in the blood.

Dairy products allow you to reduce the calorie content of your diet, thereby normalizing the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This is also a preventative way to combat excess weight, which is unacceptable for gout.

The optimal amount in the diet is considered to be:

  • 90 g of proteins and fats;
  • 400 g carbohydrates.

In this case, the total calorie content should not exceed 2400-2900 kcal. Proper nutrition helps strengthen the body's defenses and improve the prognosis of the disease.

What soups should you not eat if you are sick?

Pea, cheese and mushroom soups are prohibited. It is known that mushrooms and legumes contain large amounts of purines, so including them in the diet only worsens gouty arthritis. Experts allow eating honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and morels, as they are low-calorie foods and contain the least amount of purine compounds.

You should also not cook first courses of spinach, sorrel and cauliflower. The same goes for seafood-based first courses. Your doctor will provide you with a more detailed list of prohibited foods. In some cases, an exception may be made and the use of a small amount of ingredients from the prohibited list may be allowed. This is carried out under the condition of a mild stage of gout and the absence of acute symptoms.

What is mayonnaise

Understanding. Is it possible to eat mayonnaise if you have gout? You should pay attention to its composition. According to the recipe, the product consists of vegetable oil, egg yolk, and vinegar. All these components are not prohibited for gouty disease.

But the fact is that for long-term storage and taste, harmful trans fats and additives are included in the industrial sauce. This is a genetically modified product. In addition, it is high in calories.

A single dose of mayonnaise increases the calorie content of the dish by 100-150 kcal. In addition, manufacturers add dry powder to it instead of natural eggs. Therefore, there is no talk of any benefit to the body.

Is it recommended to use low-calorie mayonnaise during gout?

A product with a lower calorie content is often found on shelves. Many people mistakenly believe that it is less harmful and does not contribute to obesity. 30-40% sauce is just a ploy by the manufacturer to attract a wider range of consumers. It consists of vegetable oil, eggs are replaced with a water mixture. To give consistency and an attractive appearance, emulsifiers, dyes, flavors and thickeners are added to it.

The lower the percentage of fat content of mayonnaise is indicated, the more chemical components the product contains.

Such a diet is unsafe even for a healthy person, let alone gouty patients.

What drinks are allowed?

The drink will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
The most useful and popular recipes for gout that will help quench the patient’s thirst:

  • Oatmeal jelly. Half a glass of oatmeal is dried in the oven, then placed in a glass of water, allowed to brew for 10 minutes, poured into a saucepan, covered with a lid and left over low heat for half an hour. The resulting liquid is filtered; if desired, a small amount of sugar can be added. Doctors recommend sometimes drinking oatmeal jelly instead of the last meal.
  • Rosehip decoction. The fruits of the dry plant are crushed and placed in a thermos with hot water. After the liquid has stood for about 2 hours, it is filtered. If it is possible to get fresh rose hips, then soak the berries in warm water for 12 hours, then put them on the stove until they boil, and then cool.

Homemade mayonnaise according to the classic recipe

To make mayonnaise at home you will need the following set of ingredients:

  • vegetable oil – 150 ml;
  • chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp;
  • salt and sugar - 0.5 tsp.

The main rule for the safety of such a delicacy is the use of fresh products.

You can use a whisk to beat the mixture, but it is better to use a blender to obtain a more uniform consistency. Add egg, sugar and salt alternately to the container. Then pour in the oil, without stopping stirring the sauce. If you add more of it, the product will turn out more liquid. At the end, lemon juice is added - it gives the mousse a piquancy.

The peculiarity of homemade mayonnaise is that it cannot be stored. It should be used within 2-3 days, after transferring it to a clean glass container with a screw-on lid.

Several useful recipes

Salads for gout, the recipes for which are given below, can be prepared almost daily. The only limitation is the period of exacerbation of the disease. If you have joint pain, swelling of the limbs and limited mobility due to gout, you should undergo a course of medication. At this time, the patient is prescribed a very strict diet that completely eliminates the intake of purines.

To dress salads, you can use lemon juice with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. Multi-ingredient fatty sauces are prohibited. Otherwise, preparing such salads is quite simple.

Nutritious chicken salad

Boiled chicken fillet for gout can be consumed 2-3 times a week. It can be eaten with both cereals and salads. The following recipe will help add variety to the diet of a gout patient and decorate the table for the holiday.

To prepare the salad, you need to separately boil 100-150 g of chicken fillet and lightly fry the diced zucchini in butter. The zucchini is placed in a salad bowl, 20 g of leeks, a quarter of a fresh onion, and a little green bell pepper are added. Mix everything thoroughly, add salt and pepper to taste. As a dressing, use lemon juice with olive oil and ½ small spoon of Dijon mustard.

The simplest and healthiest salad “Vitamin”

In winter, when supermarket shelves offer a limited amount of truly fresh and healthy vegetables, a simple cabbage salad will come to the rescue. To prepare it, you need to finely chop white cabbage, add grated carrots to it, and garnish with green onions. Season the salad with a spoonful of lemon juice.

You can eat 150 g of salad daily. White cabbage can sometimes be replaced with blue cabbage, which is also allowed for gout.

Tomato salad with cheese

For patients diagnosed with gout, the diet includes foods that will provide the body with all useful substances and microelements

To prepare the following salad, use homemade tomato dressing. To do this, you need to peel several tomatoes, grate them, and boil the juice a little. Add a pinch of basil, a little sugar and salt to the juice.

The salad itself is prepared from finely chopped boiled potatoes, pieces of mild cheese, leeks and fresh herbs.

Sea kale salad

Sea kale is not prohibited for gout, but you should not abuse it. It is best to use it 1-2 times a week, not more often.

To prepare the salad, you will need to finely chop the cabbage and combine with chopped onions into rings. Season this salad with a spoonful of olive oil and lemon juice.

Layered salad

Layered salads always look festive, so the following recipe can be used for special occasions.

The salad is prepared from boiled vegetables and chicken fillet. To prepare the dressing, mix a spoonful of low-fat sour cream with a small amount of vegetable oil and squeeze out a clove of garlic.

The bottom layer is formed from grated boiled carrots. It is then covered with a mesh of dressing. The next layer is onions, and then grated potatoes, which are again covered with sour cream. Then finely chopped fillet is placed on the potatoes. The chicken is coated with dressing and topped with a mixture of grated chicken egg and processed cheese.

Cucumber salad with cheese

Cucumbers can be consumed in large quantities for gout. They contain very little purines, but a lot of water, which improves kidney function.

There are many recipes for making cucumber salad, but here is the simplest one. To prepare, you need only three main ingredients - onions, mild cheese and cucumbers. The onion should be cut into rings and fried in a small amount of oil. During cooking, you need to add a pinch of sugar. Onions are mixed with fresh cucumbers, cheese cut into small pieces from varieties that are allowed for gout patients is added. This salad should be topped with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.

Herring under a fur coat for gout

Fish can be eaten in salads, but not more than twice a week

You can eat herring under a fur coat for gout, but the recipe will have to be changed. When preparing salad, you cannot use mayonnaise. Herring can be added to the salad only if it is completely low-fat. In this case, the amount of herring should not exceed 50 g. To prevent the lack of herring from being noticeable, it must be cut into very small pieces.

Beetroot salad with prunes

Another delicious appetizer is boiled beet salad. To prepare it, you need to grate large beets, add 30 g of walnuts and about a quarter cup of pre-chopped prunes. You need to season the salad with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.

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Using homemade mayonnaise for people with gout

When preparing salads, the patient can use low-fat sour cream and natural yogurt. But, if you decide to sometimes include mayonnaise in the menu, follow these rules:

  1. Eggs for the sauce must be fresh and of high quality. In their raw form, they can become a source of salmonellosis.
  2. It is better to take olive or rapeseed oil. It contains unsaturated fatty acids and healthy cholesterol, recommended for gout to stabilize metabolism.
  3. Use apple cider vinegar; it normalizes the digestion process and reduces cholesterol levels in the body.

Despite the safety of the composition, the product is very high in calories, so it should not be consumed frequently. Since spices are prohibited for gout, experimenting with the recipe to give it unusual taste characteristics will not work.

Reviews and results

The overwhelming number of patients talk about the effectiveness of nutritional therapy for gout. Eating according to the menu of Dietary Table No. 6 allows you to quickly, together with medicinal drugs, normalize the metabolism in the body and relieve exacerbations.

  • “... The diagnosis of gouty arthritis was made relatively recently (about a year ago), after the first attack. Tests confirmed the diagnosis. I carefully re-read all the information on the Internet about “what diet for gout, practical recommendations.” I carefully analyzed all the information and decided not just to go on a diet, but to completely change my lifestyle: I practice maximum consumption of fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of fluids, especially mineral water and herbal teas, reduced my weight to normal, introduced morning walking walks. The condition has improved significantly, there are no attacks yet”;
  • “... I have not yet been diagnosed with gout, but tests showed that there is an increased level of uric acid in the body and they warned that if its levels in the blood are not reduced in time, then in the near future I may become a regular patient of a rheumatologist. Naturally, I wouldn’t want to become sick at just over 30 years old. Therefore, I spent 6 months on a strict diet and followed all the therapist’s recommendations. Now the tests show the norm, but I will still stick to proper nutrition, because I am afraid that the situation may worsen with age.”
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