Treatment of joints with baking soda: features of the method, effective recipes

Despite the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry, a huge number of people, as before, use proven folk methods and recipes in the treatment of joint diseases. Thus, the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with peroxide and soda has been proving its effectiveness for many years. At the same time, a substance such as baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) was used in ancient Rome for making glass and washing dishes, and was also used by healers to treat ailments. In this article we will look at how to help our joints with baking soda, and how to prepare effective remedies based on it.

Pharmacological properties and benefits of baking soda for the body

Over time, the body of many people experiences a shift in the acid-base balance towards acidity (pH less than 7). Such conditions are favorable for the life of pathogenic microorganisms that can cause joint diseases. To avoid this, you need to bring the pH level to normal (7.4–7.5). In an alkaline environment, most pathogens die, and the functioning of organs and tissues is restored.

Soda restores the acid-base balance of the body

Soda, being a compound of a strong alkali (sodium hydroxide) and a weak acid (carbonic acid), when dissolved in water gives an alkaline reaction. Consuming sodium bicarbonate normalizes the pH level in the body.

Soda solution triggers favorable biochemical processes:

  1. Replenishes alkali reserves. Controls acid concentration.
  2. Restores the functioning of the urinary system. Promotes the removal of sodium and chlorine.
  3. Improves the functions of the lymphatic system.
  4. Removes excess sodium. Promotes the accumulation of potassium in cells. Eliminates swelling and pain.
  5. Improves blood circulation in joints. Provides tissue nutrition.
  6. Normalizes trophism.
  7. Neutralizes toxins, waste and poisons.
  8. Strengthens the immunity of cells, increases their biopotential. Metabolic processes and rejuvenation functions are improved in them. Cells stop dying prematurely.
  9. Cleanses joints.
  10. Returns mobility.

When is baking soda good for you?

To treat joint pathologies, soda can be taken orally or used in mixtures for compresses or ointments. Its main therapeutic effect is to change the acid-base balance of any fluid in the body (blood, urine, gastric juice, bile). The alkalization process is useful, but not for all diseases. The use of soda dilutions will improve the well-being of patients with gout with oxalates or urates in the kidneys. A course of treatment will give the desired effect and will somewhat prolong the remission stage, but the likelihood of gout attacks is reduced slightly.

Baking soda helps relieve minor inflammation in the joints.

Taking a soda solution for patients with other joint pathologies is useful because of its ability to accelerate the elimination of tissue breakdown products. When the acidity of gastric juice decreases, appetite decreases, which has a beneficial effect on body weight. Losing weight is always important for people with joint diseases, since obesity often causes the development of arthritis or arthrosis. Indications for internal or external use of soda:

  • cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral osteochondrosis;
  • rheumatoid, reactive, gouty arthritis;
  • arthrosis, including gonarthrosis or coxarthrosis.

Soda is used for such diseases exclusively for preventive purposes. Taking it does not have any effect on the cause of arthritis or arthrosis, and the severity of symptoms during exacerbations does not decrease.

When using soda to treat gout, remember that it is not intended for long-term use. The chemical compound negatively affects blood vessels, reducing their elasticity. And this is a trigger for the development of many diseases, for example, varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

Methods of using soda solutions

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, soda solutions are made for drinking, compresses and baths.

Drinking solutions: conditions of administration

Baking soda is a powerful medicine. To avoid adverse reactions, follow the recommendations:

  1. Therapy begins with a minimum dose - 3 g of sodium bicarbonate diluted in 200 g of warm water. Gradually, its amount is increased to 15 g (1 teaspoon).
  2. Drink soda on an empty stomach. With this technique, it passes unhindered into the intestines without reducing the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. A 30-minute interval is maintained between taking the soda solution and eating.
  3. Drink the medicine 2-3 times a day. The treatment course is 30 days.
  4. Sodium bicarbonate mixed with milk is less harmful to the stomach than with water.

Drinking helps with systemic pathologies with many affected joints (especially if they are infectious).

Baking soda should only be dissolved in warm water or milk.

Soda is consumed only with warm liquids (water and milk). Cold solutions are ineffective, hot solutions cause burns. The optimal temperature is 60 degrees.

How to drink soda for gout, arthrosis and other pathologies: popular recipes

  1. Drinking for gout: 1/5 teaspoon of soda with 200 ml of warm water (you can stir the powder in the liquid and drink). The medicine is taken 2-3 times a day, rest for 3 days and drink again, adhering to the regimen.
  2. They drink soda by dissolving it in warm milk (or wash it down with milk). Sodium bicarbonate helps in the absorption of amino acids. The product is useful for arthrosis and other joint pathologies.

Soda weakens the effect of antibiotics, aspirin and a number of other medications. In order not to reduce the therapeutic effect of medications, you should consult a doctor.

Soda compresses for joint pain

To carry out local procedures, soda compresses are made. The following applications work effectively:

  1. Complex application for arthritis, gout:
      use sea salt, sodium bicarbonate, honey and mustard powder;
  2. substances are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1:1;
  3. the product is distributed over the joint, covered with oilcloth and a piece of warm fabric;
  4. the procedure is carried out before bedtime;
  5. Applications are made for 14 days.
  6. For the treatment of large joints and spine:
      add ground rye bread (1:1) and 10 g of soda to fermented baked milk;
  7. the product is kept warm for 6 hours;
  8. the pulp is distributed over a napkin and applied to the joint;
  9. procedures last 14 days.

    Soda compresses relieve swelling and pain

  10. Soda-kerosene application for joint pathologies:
      combine sodium bicarbonate, kerosene and honey (1:10:10);
  11. the paste is applied to a canvas napkin and fixed on the joint;
  12. The duration of the compress is about 60 minutes. The application is removed as soon as the patient feels a slight burning sensation;
  13. the area under the compress is wiped with a swab with vegetable oil;
  14. Take a break of 2 days between compresses.
  15. Applications for arthrosis, lesions of the joints of the cervical spine:
      dissolve 2 tbsp in 1 liter of water. spoons of soda, dip a napkin into the solution;
  16. wrap the sore joint, cover it with oilcloth, wrap it warmly;
  17. Leave the bandage on until the morning. Helps with joint diseases accompanied by swelling.


Local baths are given only for the sore joint and for the whole body. In the first option, the liquid temperature is higher and the concentration of minerals is higher.

  1. Hot baths with soda and salt for arthrosis. The affected joint is immersed in the solution for 20 minutes. The sore spot is massaged to enhance the therapeutic effect. After completing the procedure, the joint is wrapped (which allows it to retain heat). 30 sessions are carried out.
  2. Bath for gout. Pour 3 teaspoons of soda into the water and add iodine. Session duration is 20 minutes.

    To treat joints, take warm soda baths

  3. For full baths, 200 g of salt and soda are dissolved in 150 liters of warm water. Since the soda-salt solution has a sedative effect, bathe in the evening. Session duration is maximum 20 minutes. Therapy is carried out for 30 days. Used for joint pain of various etiologies.

Treatment with soda is carried out simultaneously with physiotherapy and drug therapy.

How to get rid of joint pain with soda - video

Treatment of joints with soda: recipes

Having figured out how soda affects joints, you should learn how to properly treat with this compound. For pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, soda is used:

  • internally;
  • externally;
  • for preparing baths.

Internal use of soda is indicated for any pathology. In this case, it is of interest to normalize the acid-base balance in the body, which helps eliminate excess salts and prevents an increase in uric acid levels.

Internal use of baking soda is especially recommended for gouty arthritis and metabolic disorders.

External use of the product is lotions and a compress of soda for sore joints. This treatment method improves metabolic processes, reduces pain and restores mobility.

Therapeutic baths for joints with soda are used in the treatment of osteochondrosis and for the treatment of lesions of large joints. For pathologies of the spine and hip joint, soda baths are the most convenient method of treatment.

Internal use of soda

Taking baking soda internally stimulates the immune system

Soda is drunk for systemic diseases accompanied by joint damage. This treatment is appropriate for osteochondrosis, symmetrical joint damage due to arthritis and systemic rheumatoid arthritis. The purpose of internal intake of soda is to improve cellular immunity and strengthen the entire body as a whole. The method can also be recommended for infectious inflammation in the joints, since drinking soda effectively prepares the body to fight pathogenic microorganisms.

So, how to drink soda for joints? To begin with, it is recommended to take one dose of the medicine, stirring 2 g of soda in a glass of water, and wait a few days. If there are no negative reactions from the digestive system, treatment can be continued according to the following scheme:

  • in the first three days, 2 g of soda is taken;
  • from the 4th to the 7th day the amount of soda increases to 5 g;
  • from the 8th to the 12th day, take 8 g of soda;
  • from the 13th to the 17th day you should drink 12 g of soda daily;
  • from the 18th to the 21st day take 15 g.

If the body accepts soda well, 15 g of this substance should be taken from the 21st to the 30th day. Treatment is then stopped for at least two months. If necessary, after a two-month break, treatment can be repeated.

A certain amount of soda must be thoroughly mixed in a glass of water. The mixture should be drunk in small sips. Take only on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The daily dose of medicine for joints can be divided into several doses, then you need to take soda 2-3 times a day before meals.

Taking this solution eliminates pain, but for joint pain you can use compresses and baths with soda.

If the body accepts this substance well, it is possible to combine different methods of using soda.

External use

Sodium carbonate or soda is used as compresses for arthrosis of the knee joints. Such compresses improve local blood circulation, normalize the trophism of cartilage tissue, improve motor activity and quickly relieve pain. There are several effective, time-tested recipes that are advisable to use for arthrosis.

  1. Soda-mustard ointment: mustard, honey, soda and sea salt are mixed in equal proportions and the product is used as a compress for sore joints. To make the mixture easier to apply, you need to add a small amount of water. The recipe uses mustard powder. The product must be applied to the sore joint, secured with a gauze bandage, and covered with cling film on top. The compress is kept overnight. It is recommended to use this remedy daily for two weeks.
  2. Mix half a glass of fatty fermented baked milk with 20 g of soaked rye bread, add two tablespoons of soda to the mixture. Mix the composition thoroughly and apply to the affected area under a compress. The product must be left overnight, secured with polyethylene. It is recommended to make such compresses daily for 10-15 days.
  3. Take one part soda, ten parts kerosene and ten parts natural honey. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the sore joint for an hour. This remedy relieves swelling and eliminates pain, but should not be used for acute inflammation.

Treatment of joints with soda must be previously agreed with the attending physician. Despite the effectiveness of the product, in some cases the use of sodium carbonate may be unsafe, for example, with infections in the joint capsule.

Soda baths

Soda baths are easy to take at home

Baths and baths with soda are recommended for arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis. This treatment method helps:

  • normalization of synovial fluid production;
  • reducing the inflammatory process;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • normalization of movements in the inflamed joint.

For small finger joints, the following recipe is recommended. Pour 4 liters of hot water into a basin, adding 4 tablespoons of sea or iodized salt and the same amount of soda. The diseased joint is placed in this solution for 20 minutes. Then the limb must be rinsed with water and any anti-inflammatory agent for the joints applied. It is advisable to use such a bath for gouty arthritis of the feet. After the bath, it is recommended to wrap the sore limb in a warm shawl.

For osteochondrosis, baths with soda are used. Preparing them is very simple: you need to fill a bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature and dissolve 200 g of sea salt and soda in the water. You should take a bath for half an hour; it is recommended to do the procedure before bed.

Baths and soaks should be used every other day for 3-4 weeks.

Contraindications and possible harm

Soda is not able to cure all joint pathologies. In case of degenerative-dystrophic processes and irreversible age-related changes, it only alleviates the condition. She is unable to restore worn out and destroyed tissues.

Soda with milk has a gentle effect on the body

Treatment with sodium bicarbonate is contraindicated:

  • patients with gastritis due to low or high acidity. The effect of soda at high acidity is short-lived. First, it suppresses heartburn and relieves pain. Over time, the synthesis of hydrochloric acid increases significantly, which provokes the return of discomfort. In addition, complications develop in the form of perforations, ulcerations and erosions;
  • with peptic ulcer;
  • people prone to constipation;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • if you are allergic to sodium bicarbonate;
  • during pregnancy.

Long-term use and excess doses cause nausea and irritation of the mucous membranes. When soda penetrates the respiratory system, chemical burns sometimes occur. When there is a lack of water, sodium bicarbonate dries out the mucous membranes and skin and causes swelling.

When can you use baking soda?

Baking soda for joints is used in the fight against the following diseases:

  • arthritis (including rheumatoid and gouty);
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis.

Arthritis is a disease manifested by damage to connective tissue. Arthritis primarily affects small joints, such as the phalanges of the fingers or toes. Arthritis can be rheumatoid or autoimmune, traumatic, reactive. According to statistics, it is arthritis that most often leads to disability and early loss of ability to work due to impaired motor activity of the affected joints. With arthritis, there is pain and impaired joint mobility after prolonged inactivity (for example, immediately after sleep). The use of soda can relieve swelling, reduce pain and stop the progression of the disease.

Gouty arthritis is the most common complication of gout. The disease is manifested by deposits of uric acid salts in the joint capsule, which leads to severe pain and limited mobility. In this case, baking soda allows you to get rid of excess uric acid and improve nutrition in the tissues, restoring mobility to the joints and the former ease of movements.

Baking soda treats joints affected by arthrosis. This disease is manifested by degeneration of connective and cartilage tissue. The use of soda can relieve swelling, eliminate pain and restore normal mobility.

One of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system is osteochondrosis. This pathology is manifested by a decrease in the elasticity of cartilage tissue, as a result of which it is destroyed. The use of baking soda in this case allows you to stop the progression of the disease, normalize metabolic processes occurring in the affected area, and maintain normal function of the musculoskeletal system.


Baking soda is also used in ointments to treat joints. The ingredients of homemade products do not penetrate bone, cartilage, and soft tissues. The therapeutic effect of ointments is a warming effect, and soda can prolong it and somewhat enhance it. Under the influence of heat in the joint area, body temperature rises, which leads to increased blood circulation. This helps to saturate all structures of the elbows, knees, and ankles with nutrients and biologically active substances. Due to faster metabolism, recovery processes are accelerated. The value of ointments with soda depends on the presence of other components with medicinal properties in them. The greatest therapeutic effectiveness is typical for the following folk remedies:

  • mix 100 g of medical Vaseline with a teaspoon of soda, 20 g of thick flower honey. Rub into sore joints 2-3 times a day;
  • In a mortar, thoroughly grind a teaspoon of soda with 50 g of fresh butter and 5 drops of almond cosmetic oil. Rub into joints at night;
  • mix a drop of essential oils of fir, mint, thyme with a tablespoon of soda and 50 g of fatty baby cream. Apply to joints 2-3 times a day, rub in with light massaging movements;
  • Grind a teaspoon of gum turpentine with 100 g of petroleum jelly in a mortar, carefully add a teaspoon of soda into the mixture, a pinch at a time. Rub into joints once a day.

Homemade ointment with soda for treating joints.

All homemade ointments should be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for no longer than 10 days.

A change in the consistency of folk remedies, their color or smell indicates spoilage. Such ointments must not be used for therapy.

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