The doctor prescribed swimming for back and neck pain, and after swimming the pain only gets worse!! What's wrong? And what is the reason???

Removing fibroids (benign tumors) is a complex operation, and after its completion you cannot simply return to normal life. The next stage is rehabilitation. There are several stages:

  1. Early postoperative: it begins immediately after the completion of the operation and ends when the patient leaves the hospital.
  2. Late post-operative: This rehabilitation period lasts approximately two months after discharge.
  3. Long-term: this recovery period begins two months after discharge and lasts until the patient is fully recovered, the exact timing depends on the patient’s condition.

Consequences and complications of the postoperative period

Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body. Its consequences depend on the age, weight, general health of the patient, methods and quality of treatment and other factors, but there are a number of the most common complications depending on the rehabilitation period.


  1. Complications after anesthesia: a sharp rise or fall in temperature, constant temperature measurements, vomiting, tongue retraction, arrhythmia.
  2. Inflammatory processes: infection or suture dehiscence, swelling, redness, purulent discharge, peritonitis as a result of inflammation.
  3. Circulatory disorders: thrombosis, internal and external bleeding, hematomas, hematomas, etc.
  4. Painful sensations: any damage to tissue integrity is accompanied by a painful symptom. Rehabilitation after surgery to remove uterine fibroids allows you to minimize pain. Discomfort often occurs when urinating. This is considered normal, but still requires treatment.
  5. Disorders of urination and stool excretion, intestinal obstruction, etc. The impact of surgery affects metabolism and leads to various adverse consequences.
  6. Pneumonia, usually caused by prolonged bed rest.

Typically, these consequences and complications are characteristic of all surgical interventions, and not just for this particular disease.


  1. Intestinal disorders.
  2. Hernias.
  3. Depression. The state of depression is caused by emotional exhaustion associated with an unpleasant diagnosis and subsequent treatment. Mood is affected by changes in lifestyle, thoughts about infertility, the presence of scars (they remain if abdominal surgery was performed, with laparoscopic surgery there are practically no traces), etc.

During the late period, the main healing processes are completed. Significant complications are rare.


  1. Recurrence of the disease: This is usually due to the fact that the doctor did not eliminate the cause of the tumor or did not take into account other factors, such as hormone levels.
  2. Menopause: Hormonal changes cause various reactions in the body, including the early onset of menopause.
  3. Osteoporosis: The disease and subsequent surgery negatively affect the body's calcium levels. Its deficiency leads to increased bone fragility.
  4. Diseases of the genitourinary organs: this may be infertility (many operations, for example, laparoscopy of uterine fibroids, allow you to preserve reproductive function, but a number of surgical interventions lead to infertility immediately or after some time), prolapse
  5. vagina, urinary incontinence, as well as diseases caused by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, doctor’s recommendations and infection.
  6. Transformation of benign cells into malignant ones: special attention should be paid to the condition of the mammary glands, since they are most at risk.
  7. Depression and other psychological problems.

Complications can be determined not only at a doctor’s appointment. Increased body temperature, uncharacteristic discharge, burning sensation in the genital area and other changes are a reason to visit a specialist.

Recovery after surgery to remove uterine fibroids allows you to minimize the negative consequences.

Causes of back pain after visiting the pool

The main advantage of swimming, in comparison with exercise in the gym, is that it trains the muscular corset and, due to the lack of gravity, relieves increased tension in the spine. There are times when, after some time of training in the pool, back pain begins to occur.

Causes of pain

Pain as a result of this type of training can be a manifestation of an absolutely normal response of the body to physical activity, with weaker muscles reacting and responding with pain more strongly than trained ones. The back muscles work intensively during swimming, they become much stronger, and over time the pain will become more and more unnoticeable, and then disappear altogether.

Another aspect of painful manifestations after training in the pool is positive correction of the spine. During swimming, the spinal column is stretched, which is why the intervertebral discs occupy the desired location - hence the discomfort that disappears without a trace after a few visits.

Sometimes swimming can aggravate the course of certain diseases due to:

  • excessive activity;
  • incorrectly selected swimming style;
  • errors in the technique of performing exercises;
  • sudden nature of movements.

It is necessary to undergo an additional examination of the spine if, after practicing in the pool, persistent and prolonged back pain

, in order to notice at the initial stage the development of common deviations of the musculoskeletal system.


This is a disease caused by dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue. It is most common among older people, but is increasingly beginning to appear in middle-aged people. The most specific symptoms of osteochondrosis are ongoing back pain, a feeling of aching arms and legs, increased pain during physical activity, attacks of coughing and sneezing, as well as some limited movement and frequent muscle spasms.

The pool can help with this problem, but the exercises must be performed only under the supervision of a competent instructor - this way you can reduce the pain or, over time, completely eliminate it. Due to the stabilization of metabolic processes, improvement of heartbeat, blood flow and the establishment of proper breathing, the supply of necessary elements to the intervertebral discs improves, which significantly improves the patient’s condition.

Hernias and protrusions

They manifest themselves as localized periods of back pain in the area of ​​projection of the affected discs. If it is necessary to ensure the safety of training during these diseases, it is necessary to adjust the correctness of the exercises.

Various twisting during swimming should be excluded for the reason that this can worsen the course of the disease: thus the joints are subject to even greater wear and tear.


If you have scoliosis or, in other words, curvature of the spine, pain may also occur when exercising in the pool. In this case, a change in the location of the shoulder blades and pelvis is characteristic - it becomes asymmetrical, therefore, exercises in the pool are radically different from all others.

The orthopedic doctor needs to determine the order of training and the sequence of exercises, based on the stage of the disease, only then swimming will not harm, but will help in treatment.

Recommendations for classes

Although it is necessary to obtain a doctor's referral before using pool exercises as a treatment for some diseases, there are some general recommendations that every patient can follow without harming their health. Here are some of them:

1. Adjust your workout intensity.

In the first stages of training in the pool, this will help protect the back muscles from excessive stress and give them time to recover and “get used” to a new type of activity.

2. Don't try to set records.

The goal of such training in the pool is not to win competitions, but to improve the activity of the back muscles, metabolic processes in the body and blood circulation, which will contribute to the treatment of diseases.

3. Perform a small gymnastic routine to warm up your muscles.

Before immersing yourself in water, you should perform a certain set of simple exercises that will take no more than ten minutes. It is necessary to adapt to the water, for this, before starting the main style, swim slowly in the pool for several minutes - this will improve blood circulation and finally stretch the body and muscles.

4. Dive into the water slowly; jumping is strictly prohibited.

When jumping, the joints experience increased stress, which is why they can be damaged, as a result of which it is necessary to dive into the water slowly and carefully so as not to cause overexertion.

1. Master the correct technique for performing exercises, and also choose a swimming style suitable for treatment.

Remember that the main thing is the correct swimming technique, because performing the exercises incorrectly can expose the muscles to unnecessary tension, which can only worsen back pain.

2. Avoid sudden, twisting movements in the water.

Such actions can cause sudden attacks of pain, which can significantly worsen the course of the disease.

By following these recommendations, you can avoid pain after training in the pool.
Also, not only the physical fitness will improve, but also the patient’s health, and in combination with taking medications, visiting exercise therapy, physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy, diseases of the musculoskeletal system can be completely overcome. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

How to speed up the recovery process after removal of uterine fibroids

When a woman undergoes fibroid removal, recovery from even minimally invasive surgery can last up to 3 months. A number of procedures allow you to speed up this process, make it more comfortable and quickly return to your normal lifestyle; it is also important to follow the basic recommendations of a specialist. As a rule, the doctor voices them to each patient personally, but there are a number of universal tips:

  1. Wear a postoperative bandage: it provides the condition necessary to maintain the desired position of the internal organs, which helps prevent vaginal prolapse, etc.
  2. Observe contraception: pregnancy is not allowed for a year, but this period may last longer, depending on individual health indicators. It is optimal if contraceptive methods are selected by a doctor.
  3. Refuse thermal procedures: visiting a solarium, bathhouse, beach, seaside holidays, etc. is prohibited.
  4. Eat right: foods should be easy to digest. You should not eat fixing foods; you should give preference to soups, cereals, etc. After discharge from the hospital, you can add fruits, raw or baked vegetables, fish, and lean meat to your diet. It is recommended to completely avoid fatty, fried, viscous foods, carbohydrates, alcoholic beverages and coffee.
  5. Maintain a daily routine: it is worth including full sleep, daily walks, moderate physical activity (morning exercises, exercise therapy).
  6. Get rid of bad habits: smoking, stress, lack of sleep, etc. are prohibited.

And, of course, do not forget about regular examination by a doctor, even if there are no signs of complications.

Recovery after removal of uterine fibroids: methods

  1. Drug therapy.
    Removal of fibroids does not leave its mark on the body. Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor selects medications. Usually these are drugs that relieve pain, strengthen the immune system, help replenish blood loss, as well as drugs to prevent blood clots. To restore hormonal levels and as a means of preventing relapse, the doctor individually selects hormonal drugs.
  2. Physiotherapy.
    A number of procedures, for example, SMT, lymphatic drainage massage, ultrasound and magnetic therapy, improve blood circulation and accelerate tissue regeneration processes, help avoid problems associated with changes in hormonal levels, early menopause, and are a means of preventing adhesions, swelling of the lower extremities, urinary disorders, etc.
  3. Physiotherapy.
    Moderate physical activity under the supervision of a specialist can strengthen the immune system and restore muscle tone. The optimal sports are gymnastics and regular walks, but any water sports will have to be abandoned. Kegel exercises help relieve urinary incontinence. Breathing exercises help avoid adhesions and speed up recovery.
  4. Psychotherapy.
    Women often experience depression caused by infertility after surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Rehabilitation in this case is impossible without psychotherapy. The doctor helps restore your emotional state and overcome depression.

Why do my veins hurt when exercising?

Veins themselves cannot hurt.

“The discomfort that patients with varicose veins often experience is caused by impaired lymphatic and venous drainage in the lower extremities,” says Grigory Bashkirtsev. — An increased amount of fluid accumulates in the intercellular space and irritates pain receptors, which leads to nagging pain with varicose veins. If the patient already has an inflamed vein, the inflammatory process will be accompanied by other symptoms.”

With some types of loads, pain after training occurs more often.

“Impact training (high-intensity aerobics and step aerobics, high-intensity running), lifting heavy weights, especially in a standing position, jumping rope, jumping on a stand, burpees, some static yoga asanas - all of this puts additional stress on the veins and leads to the appearance of unpleasant pain symptoms,” says Alena Gribanova.

General rules for recovery after myomectomy

Rehabilitation after removal of uterine fibroids is associated with a number of limitations. For example, at first, bed rest is indicated: you cannot walk or stand for a long time. Thermal procedures and sunbathing are prohibited. You should also not be in the cold: hypothermia has a negative effect on the body. It is contraindicated to lift weights (more than 2 kg at first and more than 10 kg after discharge), overexertion (this includes daily household chores and physical exercise). You should abstain from sexual activity for about two months after surgery; pregnancy is not allowed for about a year. It is important to eliminate stress and emotional overload. For 1-2 months you should not use tampons, only pads; until the stitches are completely healed, you should not go to the pool or swim in bodies of water. If you have constipation, you should consult a doctor or solve the problem yourself. It is not recommended to use synthetic or too tight underwear; clothing should not squeeze or rub the skin.

Causes of pain after swimming

Pain after swimming is a completely normal reaction of the body to physical activity, and if the muscles are weak enough, the more pain in them will be. When you swim, the back muscles actively contract, the muscles will gradually become stronger, the pain will become unnoticeable, and soon you will completely forget about the discomfort after water procedures in the pool.

If a person experiences pain after swimming, this may indicate positive changes in the spine. When you swim, the vertebral bones are stretched and the intervertebral discs are in the correct position; this process may be accompanied by discomfort, which will go away with time and regular exercise. But there is also another type of pain, which can be caused by various back diseases.

Excessive activity, incorrect exercises during training, and too sudden movements can aggravate an existing disease and lead to a deterioration in a person’s condition.

What not to do after abdominal surgery to remove fibroids

Patients are interested in what can and cannot be done after surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Rehabilitation usually consists of the procedures and recommendations described above. The main thing is to listen to your doctor and take care of your health. The early period is considered the most important: a number of restrictions are caused by the fact that the wound has not yet healed completely and there is a risk that the stitches will come apart. For this reason, you should not overexert yourself; loads are allowed, but they must be moderate. It is recommended to take a shower instead of a bath to avoid infection.

Veins hurt: how to structure your workouts

As we wrote above, patients with varicose veins should not give up fitness - physical inactivity can only worsen their well-being. To prevent your veins from hurting after training, it makes sense to review your fitness plan and continue to exercise regularly.

What do doctors recommend?

  • Before starting classes, consult a phlebologist. He will select the right compression garment for you with the required compression, which should not be neglected during training.
  • Try to eliminate all exercises from a sitting or standing position.

    “In those exercises that cannot be eliminated, we try to expose our shins and legs as high as possible (for example: placing them on a platform or hill),” says Grigory Bashkirtsev. Some movements can simply be replaced. “If you have varicose veins, you should not do squats with a barbell and lunges with weights, but you can do leg presses and isolated exercises for the muscles of the lower extremities (flexion and extension exercises),” adds Grigory Bashkirtsev.

  • Perform stretching of the Achilles tendon and feet.

    “Particular attention should be paid to the soleus muscle. The health of the feet directly affects the coordinated work of the muscles of the lower leg and legs, it is recommended to exercise in orthopedic insoles,” reminds Grigory Bashkirtsev.

  • Choose lighter types of loads.

    “In the first stages of varicose veins, you can walk, jog, exercise on an exercise bike, elliptical, swimming, water aerobics, Pilates, stretching,” comments Alena Gribanova. — Aerobic types of training will improve the tone of the walls of blood vessels, running and walking will promote contraction of the calf muscles, using the muscular-venous pump of the lower leg, and normalize blood circulation in the vessels by contracting the muscles of the lower leg. During swimming and water aerobics, the load on the lower limbs is reduced, the muscles relax, which provides a massage effect. Stretching helps relax muscles and normalize blood flow. Inverted yoga asanas prevent blood stagnation in the lower extremities.”

    Thus, all of the above types of physical activity will help to significantly improve the condition of varicose veins.

  • Give preference to exercises in a lying or bending position. Try to make a whole workout out of them.
  • Rest properly between sets. Do not walk around the hall, but sit with your legs extended (or place them on an elevated surface) and perform special gymnastics.

    “I recommend doing the following exercises before, during and after training: raising your legs up or doing a bicycle exercise while lying on the floor,” advises Grigory Bashkirtsev. - In all these movements, the legs will be elevated, which promotes the outflow of venous blood using gravity. We also activate the muscles a little to improve their pumping function.”

  • Train your pelvic floor muscles and abs.

    “This will help create the correct intra-abdominal pressure. Normal intra-abdominal pressure affects the quality of venous and lymphatic outflow,” adds Grigory Bashkirtsev.

  • Watch your breathing technique.

    “With proper breathing, the abdominal diaphragm will work adequately and form the correct intra-abdominal pressure,” recalls Grigory Bashkirtsev. “It will also be useful to practice abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing, when when inhaling and exhaling, the chest does not move, only the stomach is involved.”

  • Take care of your foot health. Flat feet and foot dysfunction affect the muscle tone of the lower extremities, which can also have a negative effect on varicose veins. Therefore, it makes sense to do gymnastics for this area.
  • Choose the right equipment.

    “Wear clothes for training that do not restrict movement, without tight elastic bands that pinch your legs and interfere with normal blood flow in the lower extremities. The soles of your shoes should provide good shock absorption. Wear compression jersey (leggings, knee socks),” adds Alena Gribanova.

  • Maintain drinking regime.

    “The condition of blood vessels is affected by the water-salt balance of the body; it is important to drink water while playing sports. This will help replenish the fluid that you lose during active sports,” says Alena Gribanova.

How long does it take to recover after removal of uterine fibroids?

It is difficult to determine in advance how long rehabilitation will last, since this parameter depends on many conditions: from the patient’s age to the treatment method. For example, the early postoperative period after hysterectomy is 10-14 days, and recovery after laparoscopy for uterine fibroids usually does not exceed 5 days. The late and late periods also differ from each other in duration.

In addition to the type of intervention, the period determines the age, general health of the woman and the quality of the selected treatment. As a rule, complete recovery in the absence of serious complications takes about a year.

Removal of fibroids: rehabilitation after surgery in

The health, well-being and mood of our patients is our main value. That is why we provide them with all the conditions to achieve the desired results. Our center employs professional doctors who regularly improve their skills. We adhere to an individual multidisciplinary approach: all procedures are selected depending on the health indicators of each individual patient; not only rehabilitation specialists, but also doctors of other subspecialties participate in decision-making. This is the only way we can choose the optimal course of procedures. Our center is equipped with modern simulators and devices that have proven their effectiveness. The friendly atmosphere and cozy rooms make you feel comfortable. Good mood and positive attitude play a big role in recovery, so we have created a pleasant microclimate, and professional psychotherapists with extensive practical experience work with patients.

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