How to treat intercostal neuralgia - recommendations from a practicing doctor

Why does intercostal neuralgia occur?

The main cause of this syndrome is considered to be compression of the nerve by surrounding tissues (bones, muscles, connective structures) due to injury, inflammation or other cases.

This condition may occur:

  • with severe intoxication of the body with toxic substances;
  • oncological diseases of the spinal cord;
  • dystrophic processes in the spine;
  • vitamin B deficiency;
  • inflammatory processes of soft and hard tissues;
  • destruction of the myelin sheath of nerves;
  • infections (flu, herpes, etc.);
  • endocrine disorders (for example, diabetes);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • pleurisy;
  • aortic aneurysm, etc.

Not least important in the occurrence of intercostal neuralgia is genetic predisposition and congenital anomalies in the development of nerve structures.

General rules

Care for psoriasis requires maximum attention to the skin. It is necessary to avoid contact with aggressive detergents, not only household chemicals, but also soap and shampoo.

Special attention is paid to bed linen and clothing. Prefer work that does not involve wearing a rough uniform with additional fixing elements or interacting with chemicals. When cleaning at home, you must additionally protect your skin and wear gloves.

Psoriasis is a systemic disease that cannot be cured, but its course can be significantly alleviated.
The Psormak clinic in Moscow offers effective and safe methods for relieving exacerbations and transitioning into stable remission. You can contact us and order a consultation using the online form on the website or by phone. January 16, 2021
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

What factors provoke intercostal neuralgia?

The causes of thoracic intercostal neuralgia listed above do not always lead to its occurrence. Provoking factors may be:

  • hypothermia;
  • menopause;
  • injuries;
  • stress;
  • excessive physical activity (sports, prolonged work in a tense position);
  • old age (after 50 years);
  • insufficient nutrition and diets;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • long-term use of medications.

How does intercostal neuralgia manifest?

The main symptom of intercostal neuralgia is pain. With this disease, it has characteristic features, among which are the following:

  • unilateral localization between the ribs;
  • spread of pain from the spinal column to the sternum;
  • attacks are acute or dull in nature;
  • possible sensations of tingling, burning or numbness along the nerve;
  • worsens with movement, breathing or coughing;
  • may radiate to the shoulder blade or heart.

Intercostal neuralgia can occur on any side, but most often occurs on the left.

Cosmetics for skin care for psoriasis

  • Cosmetics containing salicylic acid have proven themselves well. They soften the skin and facilitate the separation of scales. The percentage of the asset is selected by the doctor. Not suitable for diabetic patients.
  • Lactic acid often acts as a keratolytic agent, so you should pay attention to the drugs that contain it.
  • Preparations containing resins have a beneficial effect on the skin. Their action is based on the suppression of cell division. Cosmetic products containing pine, birch, and coal tar resins are popular.
  • Creams and lotions containing vitamin D3 have a positive effect on the epidermis. It has a wound-healing effect and inhibits cell growth.

The specific choice of skincare products often depends on the location of the rash and the intensity of its manifestation, so it is better to consult with your doctor.

Diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia at the Juno clinic

To choose the right treatment tactics for intercostal neuralgia, accurate diagnosis is important, because the symptoms are similar to other serious diseases, such as a heart attack and an attack of angina. To exclude these two diseases, first of all, pay attention to a number of distinctive features of the patient’s condition.

With neuralgia, in contrast to heart disease, the patient:

  • there is no expression of fear or anxiety on the face;
  • the skin and lips are of normal color, there is no sticky sweat;
  • there is no decrease in blood pressure;
  • the pain does not spread to the lower jaw;
  • there is no feeling of pressure and burning behind the sternum;
  • pain does not go away after taking cardiac medications;
  • upon palpation, pressure causes increased pain.

A distinctive feature of neuralgia between the ribs from an attack of pancreatitis is that during it there is no need to lie down and curl up in a ball.

When conducting diagnostics, the doctor first examines the patient, specifying the localization of pain using palpation. The most reliable examination in this case is an x-ray. To exclude heart disease, an ECG and ultrasound may be additionally prescribed. Pathological processes in the nervous system are well identified using electroneuromyography. To exclude or confirm tumor formations or hernias in controversial situations, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is indicated.

When the steam room is contraindicated

1. In acute processes and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Only healthy people (or patients with chronic diseases in remission) can visit the bathhouse. The belief that a bath will help you recover from a cold is a dangerous misconception. High temperature leads to increased swelling of the mucous membrane and contributes to the rapid spread of infection throughout the body. You can only take a steam bath after recovery.

2. For urolithiasis and gallstone diseases.

High temperatures can trigger the migration of stones. Therefore, patients with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis are at high risk of going to the hospital immediately after the steam room.

Article on the topic

Rules for a good bath.
An expert on what can and cannot be done in a steam room 3. For cancer.
If you have an existing disease, any thermal procedures, including visiting a bathhouse, are strictly prohibited.

4. For hypertension.

For initial and moderate forms of hypertension, doctors recommend visiting a sauna - with vasodilation and sweating, the pressure naturally decreases. However, with persistent arterial hypertension, the heart may not be able to cope with the increasing load. A steam room with an air humidity of 60% puts a serious strain on the heart, so it is better for cardiologists to refrain from visiting it. The dry heat of a sauna is easier to tolerate.

5. For varicose veins.

Heat treatments increase blood flow to the legs. Doctors consider this as a factor provoking the development and progression of varicose veins. High humidity and temperature increase the risk of thrombosis (blockage of blood vessels). However, there is no strict ban on visiting the steam room for varicose veins. But it is important not to sit too long in the steam room, not to climb onto the top shelf, and then rinse your feet with cold water.

6. For wounds, cuts, after operations.

Any damage to the integrity of the skin is a reason to refuse the steam room. Hot steam will highlight the problem even more and make recovery more difficult. After surgery, visiting the bathhouse is definitely contraindicated. High temperature will increase the inflammation that is always present after surgery.

7. During pregnancy.

Exposure to high temperatures can cause miscarriage - especially in the first and last trimesters of pregnancy.

8. For mental illness and epilepsy.

A sudden change in temperature can cause an attack.

Even if you have no contraindications, it is important to follow the rules in the bathhouse that will help reduce the likelihood of unwanted effects.

How intercostal neuralgia is treated at the Juno clinic

After the examination and diagnosis, the doctor draws up a treatment plan. Treatment of intercostal neuralgia caused by a disease is carried out in parallel with its elimination. An integrated approach makes it possible to get better results in a shorter period of time.

The following methods can be used for treatment:

  • taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of blockades, injections, ointments, tablets;
  • general strengthening drug therapy (for example, vitamins);
  • fixation of the spine to ensure rest (it is possible to use a bandage or corset);
  • physical therapy in the form of electrophoresis, UHF, laser beam exposure, darsonvalization;
  • reflexology;
  • massage (eliminates muscle spasms, ensures lymph and blood flow in the affected area, improves tissue trophism);
  • Exercise therapy, osteopathic correction, etc.

Physical procedures, massage and therapeutic exercises are not prescribed immediately, but after the acute symptoms have been eliminated.

Hygiene procedures for psoriasis

How to care for skin with psoriasis, is it possible to swim in the acute stage of the disease – patients often ask. Frequent bathing procedures are not recommended: with prolonged exposure to water, the plaques become soaked and begin to collapse, which can cause them to grow. The American Dermatological Association recommends spending no more than 5 minutes in the shower. Periodic bathing is acceptable, but no longer than 15 minutes.

The temperature of the water is important: it should not be too hot or cold. The optimal range is 37-38 degrees.

Body care for psoriasis requires careful selection of detergents. You should choose soap or gel with a neutral pH, without fragrances. Alkaline cosmetics may cause additional irritation. You should also avoid scrubs and peels that have a mechanical or chemical effect on the skin.

You should not choose cosmetics with active ingredients or large amounts of essential oils. These components can become potential irritants and cause a negative reaction.

After a shower, you do not need to rub your skin with a towel; you need to gently pat it dry, avoiding microtrauma. Particular attention should be paid to areas where plaques form.

To retain moisture on the surface, doctors recommend using emollients - special creams, lotions and balms that prevent skin dehydration. The selection of cosmetics is made individually in each case.

A soft tan has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Prevention of intercostal neuralgia

To prevent neuralgia from occurring in the intercostal space, you must adhere to some simple rules. Particular attention to preventive measures should be paid to those who have already suffered from this disease and those who are at risk (for example, there are provoking pathologies).

  • It is necessary to include in the diet more foods containing B vitamins (cereals, liver, fatty fish, vegetables, meat, legumes, nuts, etc.). Nutrition should be balanced and complete.
  • It is important to avoid hypothermia and drafts, especially during physical activity.
  • It is necessary to observe a work regime, preventing overstrain of the intercostal and back muscles. If you need to stay in the same position for a long time, you must take breaks while doing physical exercises (bending, turning).
  • It is necessary to undergo preventive examinations by specialists for the timely detection of spinal diseases.

Are you tired of living with pain? Make an appointment with a neurologist at the medical office. We will help you cope with the disease and return to a healthy life!

Hair products

Caring for the scalp with psoriasis also requires care. Shampoos are chosen with a neutral PH, mild action, aimed at preventing dandruff. Products with tar, salicylic acid and urea reduce itching, additionally moisturize the skin, and reduce flaking.

Keratolytic shampoos and creams have been developed especially for patients with psoriasis. They help to gently remove scales from the skin. Coloring can be carried out only with gentle compositions and in the remission phase. Do not dry your hair with a hot stream of air.

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