Treatment with movement, not drugs: Sergei Bubnovsky about squats

Professor Sergei Bubnovsky is a well-known doctor and author of books in Russia, who himself once escaped from the tenacious clutches of the disease. And his method was treatment with movement, not drugs.

To restore his damaged health, Bubnovsky used the hidden reserves of his body and emerged victorious from the battle with the disease. Kinesitherapy is a healing system he created, which today puts even seriously ill patients on their feet.

Here are some motivational quotes from Sergei Bubnovsky about pills, movement therapy and squats.

Sergey Bubnovsky about pills

  • Don't rely on miracle pills - use the body's internal reserves.
  • Not a single cardiologist in the world can show me a patient who has recovered from hypertension by taking medications. First they put you on one pill, then on a whole handful...
  • When you have chest pain, you dutifully go to the pharmacy and get hooked on drugs that supposedly prevent coronary heart disease. In fact, no prevention is taking place, the disease is getting worse. Because pain behind the sternum is a consequence of the body’s malaise, and not the cause.
  • I didn't see healthy people leaving the hospital, I saw survivors. And he himself went from a disabled person to a completely healthy person.
  • If you are already 40, the doctor says: “What to do, honey, it’s time to get sick!” And prescribes pills. And the person drinks them and notices: it doesn’t help! And there is not enough money for medicine! And then he begins to read books on alternative medicine and discovers other medicines - movement, breathing.

Squats for training the 1st “floor” of the body

Squats are one of the main exercises that help the heart, and in the case of heart disease - ischemia, arrhythmia - its medicine. They do not burden the heart, but help it.

That is, the “peripheral heart” picks up the arterial wave of blood and delivers it back to the heart while maintaining the required speed and volume of blood flow. Nature has not come up with other mechanisms for maintaining normal blood flow.

Therefore, weak legs mean a weak heart!

How to do it. Squats must be done with a straight back, best of all - holding on to rubber shock absorbers attached to a fixed support or simply to a wall bars. This allows you to turn off your back muscles and turn on only your leg muscles. For people with not entirely healthy hip joints, in order to reduce the load on them, it is better to squat in the water: in the sea, standing deep in the water (hands on the water), or in the pool at the side, holding the handrails.

The main condition when squatting is to bend your knees and straighten your legs and make an active diaphragmatic exhalation “haaa”.

By the way

Squats can be both strength (leg extension) and aerobic in nature. It depends on the speed. For example, if you squat for 15–20 minutes, managing to do 3 times 10 repetitions in one minute, then this will be an aerobic exercise. The guideline for this load is the heart rate (pulse) on average 140–145 beats per minute (measured immediately after the load). If squats are performed, for example, in one approach with 20 repetitions on a special machine for squats with weights, then this will be a power load. With it, the average pulse should be 120 beats per minute.

Training mode. For daily exercise – 30–50 squats (in small series of 10 times); when exercising every other day - from 50 to 150 squats.

Try squatting 10 times first. Bend your knees to the angle that your joints and muscles allow. To begin with, you should not lower your thigh below your knee. It happens that the leg muscles are so weakened that a person literally sinks to the floor in a squat and cannot get up. In this case, it is enough that the angle between the thigh and lower leg is 90° (thigh parallel to the floor). If there is no muscle pain the next day, you can do 20-30 squats.

In weakened people, blood pressure and even body temperature may increase in the first days. These are normal adaptive reactions. You need to train gradually and patiently, without rushing to increase the exercise numbers.

Contraindications to squats are coxarthrosis of the hip joints (dysplastic or deforming) and deforming gonarthrosis of the III–IV degree (damage to the knee joints).

Result after several months of training:

  • improving the speed and volume of blood flow;
  • improving vascular elasticity;
  • decreased peripheral vascular resistance of the lower extremities;
  • decrease in diastolic (“lower”) pressure, eliminating the need to use antihypertensive drugs.

Read about how to train the 2nd “floor” of health in the next issue.

Sergey Bubnovsky about movement therapy

  • It’s a paradox: our doctor exempts children who have had an illness from physical education! For some reason, it is believed that while moving a person will certainly get sick, but lying in bed will get better. But, as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone.
  • For acute pain, we apply a cold compress to relieve swelling and improve microcirculation. Pain is always swelling, fluid accumulation. And you need to do the right exercises to pump fluid from the joints.
  • Doing gymnastics when you are out of pain, out of disability is a pleasure. For me, the only truly happy hour of the day is when I do gymnastics in the morning. Because at this time you are getting younger. In a regularly exercising person, young cells are formed instead of old cells.

By training muscles, we train blood vessels

Why do physiologists call skeletal muscle the peripheral “heart”? The fact is that each muscle is a small pump, that is, a small heart, which, when contracting and relaxing, pumps blood within itself - from muscle to muscle.

Here you have a large circle of blood circulation: heart → vascular smooth muscle → skeletal muscles → heart! During treatment sessions, we force the skeletal muscles (primarily the lower extremities) to work fully, that is, for themselves and for the myocardium (heart muscle). And, paradoxically, by the end of the session, when the patient is sweating and flushed, blood pressure returns to normal!

Sergey Bubnovsky about squats

  • My health triad: squats, push-ups, abdominal exercises.
  • Do morning exercises regularly, and also squats. Daily squats with a straight back will help get rid of many problems.
  • I met with the long-lived artist Boris Efimov, who lived 108 years. He was such a little old man, lively! I ask him: “What are you doing to live so long?” “Nothing,” he answers, “I squat 450 times a day.” And this is a universal way to drive blood through the body!
  • If you squat daily with a straight back (10 times - a sip of water, 10 times - a sip of water), many health problems will disappear. This is especially important for those who sit at the computer a lot - accountants, designers, programmers. Make it a rule: if you work for an hour, you sit down 30 times.

Professor Bubnovsky’s approach brought many people back to their feet. Therefore, do not rush to run to the pharmacy at the first feeling of discomfort. Listen to your doctor's advice and try movement therapy.

Health triad

A system of exercises for training blood vessels is performed without exercise equipment, using your own body weight. It includes the so-called “health triad”:

  • squats (free or holding the body by a fixed support);
  • raising legs 90° while lying on your back (press);
  • push-ups (from the floor, from the table, from the wall).

These exercises provide consistent activation of the three “floors” of the body.

Scheme: AiF

Squat technique

  1. To perform squats, stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing in different directions, and bring your hands together next to your chest.
  2. Start squatting until your thighs are parallel to the floor (for convenience, you can stand in front of a mirror).
  3. Then start climbing.

It is important to keep your back straight throughout the entire exercise, your gaze should be directed in front of you, and not at your feet. If your physical fitness allows, you can squat even deeper.

To achieve the result of daily squats, always keep the goal in mind and strive for it, remember that you have one health and you need to take care of it.

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Why do you need to squat regularly?

The older we get, the worse our flexibility becomes. Because of this, we face various restrictions. Therefore, if you want to stretch your muscles, then squats are the best leg exercise. For this reason, squats are included in most sets of exercises from physical therapy and in many other workouts aimed at developing the body.

In order to help our joints, we first need to learn more about them. Synovial fluid is a substance that nourishes our cartilage and ensures its mobility. To produce this fluid, a person needs to move more and put pressure on his joints more often.

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Therefore, joint problems begin primarily in overweight people and in those who rarely move. In the first case, the load on the cartilage is too large, and in the second, too small. Because of this, the joints lack synovial fluid and the process of cell death begins, while new ones are not born.

The health benefits of daily squats

Bubnovsky argued that regular squats are the best method for treating joints. And it’s hard to disagree with this.

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Here are the benefits of daily squats for women and men. Daily squats result

  • Increased coordination.

The human body is built in such a way that, constantly performing the same movement, each time it will turn out better and easier than the previous time. This will help improve your mobility, agility and overall coordination.

  • Benefits for the heart and circulation.

Squats also provide blood flow to the lower part of the human body. This will take the strain off your heart and allow your cells to regenerate.

  • What will daily squats do? Losing weight.

One of the most common problems can also be solved with the help of squats. If you want to lose extra pounds, then squats are perfect for you. However, you shouldn’t rely only on them; to achieve results, you also need to eat right and move more.

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