Indovazin is an effective remedy against varicose veins

Varicose veins in the lower extremities are always associated with unpleasant and painful symptoms. To relieve pain and swelling, indovazine ointment (gel) is often prescribed. This drug is used externally and belongs to the group of angioprotectors and capillary stabilizing agents. When used, it is possible to relieve heaviness in the legs. By normalizing blood circulation and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, the likelihood of blood clot formation and separation is reduced.

pharmachologic effect

Indovazin gel contains 2 active substances, the complex action of which provides a pronounced therapeutic effect of the drug.

Indomethacin has several effects:

  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant.

The active substance allows you to quickly reduce the severity of pain , relieve swelling, and shorten the recovery period of affected and damaged tissues. The main principle of action is based on suppressing the processes of synthesizing active substances of prostaglandins by reversibly blocking cyclooxygenases of the first and second types.

Troxerutin is a bioflavonoid . Trihydroxyethylrutinoside is an angioprotector . The venotonic effect is manifested due to the ability of the active substance to reduce capillary permeability . Troxerutin is able to block the venodilating effect of bradykinin , histamine and acetylcholine . An anti-inflammatory effect is manifested in relation to perivenous tissue . The component has an antiplatelet (inhibiting aggregation) effect , reduces the severity of swelling, reduces capillary fragility, and has a positive effect on trophism in pathology.

Indovazin gel, when applied externally, suppresses the severity of pain, reduces the temperature in the inflammatory focus, and reduces inflammatory swelling. The drug is characterized by capillary protective (protective) and venotonic effects.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The ointment base used for the preparation of the medication ensures maximum solubility and release of the active components troxerutin and indomethacin. The dosage form in the form of a gel provides the best therapeutic effect due to the good absorption of active substances from the surface of the skin. Application to the skin allows you to create therapeutic concentrations of active substances in the periarticular tissues and subcutaneous fat. A small amount of active substances enters the systemic circulation.

Indovazin 45g gel for external use

pharmachologic effect

Indovazin® gel is a combination drug that contains indomethacin and troxerutin.
Indomethacin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edematous effect. This leads to pain relief, reduced swelling and reduced recovery time for damaged tissue. The main mechanism of action is associated with the suppression of prostaglandin synthesis through reversible blockade of COX-1 and COX-2.

Troxerutin (trihydroxyethylrutinoside) is a bioflavonoid. It belongs to angioprotective agents. Reduces capillary permeability and has a venotonic effect. Blocks the venodilating effect of histamine, bradykinin and acetylcholine. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on perivenous tissue, reduces capillary fragility and has some antiplatelet effect. Reduces swelling, improves trophism in pathological changes associated with venous insufficiency.

When applied to the skin, Indovazin® gel suppresses the inflammatory edematous reaction, relieves pain and temperature in areas of inflammation located on the surface and in the depths, reaching the blood vessels located there. Shows venotonic and capillary protective effects.

Composition and release form Indovazin 45g gel for external use

Gel – 1 g:

  • Active ingredients: indomethacin 30 mg, troxerutin 20 mg.
  • Excipients: carbomer - 23 mg, macrogol 400 - 524.5 mg, sodium benzoate - 2.5 mg, propylene glycol - 100 mg, ethanol 96% - 300 mg.

45 g - aluminum tubes (1) - cardboard packs.

Description of the dosage form

Gel for external use is yellow to yellow-brown in color, with slight opalescence.

Directions for use and doses

The drug is intended for external use.

4-5 cm of gel is applied 3-4 times a day in a thin layer to the affected area with light rubbing movements. The total daily amount should not exceed 20 cm. The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days.


The ointment base used ensures the solubility and release of indomethacin and troxerutin.

The gel dosage form, which includes indomethacin and troxerutin, is well absorbed from the skin surface and provides the therapeutic effect of the drug.

When applied to the skin, concentrations close to therapeutic are created in the subcutaneous tissue and periarticular tissues. The penetration of the active components of the drug into the systemic circulation is clinically insignificant.

Indications for use Indovazin 45g gel for external use

  • In complex therapy of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities (varicose veins) - to relieve swelling, a feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs;
  • superficial thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, post-phlebitis conditions;
  • rheumatic lesions of soft tissues: tendovaginitis, bursitis, fibrositis, periarthritis;
  • for swelling after surgery, contusions, dislocations, sprains.


  • Violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • III trimester of pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • children under 14 years of age (no clinical experience of use);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and NSAIDs.

With caution: simultaneous use of the drug with other NSAIDs, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, polyps of the nasal mucosa.

Application of Indovazin 45g gel for external use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is no clinical experience proving the safety of the drug when used during pregnancy and lactation. Its use is possible only if the expected benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

Use in children

Contraindicated in children under 14 years of age.

special instructions

Do not apply to open wounds, mucous membranes, oral cavity, or eyes.

In case of contact with the eyes, mucous membranes or open wound surfaces, local irritation is observed - tearing, redness, burning, pain.

The necessary measures are to wash the affected area with copious amounts of distilled water or saline until the complaints disappear or decrease.

Indovazin® gel contains sodium benzoate and propylene glycol as excipients that may be irritating to the skin.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions when driving and working with machinery.


There are no reports of cases of overdose with topical use. If large quantities are accidentally ingested, a burning sensation in the mouth, salivation, nausea, and vomiting may occur.

Treatment: lavage of the oral cavity and stomach, symptomatic treatment if necessary.

Side effects Indovazin 45g gel for external use

The drug is usually well tolerated.

Local reactions: symptoms of hypersensitivity on the skin may occur - contact dermatitis, itching, redness, rash, feeling of warmth and burning at the site of application.

Drug interactions

The ointment may enhance the effect of drugs that cause photosensitivity.

Clinically significant interactions with other drugs have not been described.

Indications for use of Indovazin (what is the ointment for)

  • superficial thrombophlebitis;
  • postphlebitic conditions;
  • superficial phlebitis;
  • soft tissue lesions of a rheumatic nature : bursitis, tendovaginitis, periatritis, fibrositis .

Why Indovazin ointment is used in surgery and traumatology:

  • dislocations, contusions, sprains, swelling after surgery;
  • for the relief of pain, swelling in the complex therapy of venous insufficiency in the lower extremities (chronic course).


After applying indovazin ointment to problem areas, the active components are quickly absorbed and penetrate deeply into the tissue. To obtain the desired effect, the drug is used 2-3 times a day. The best time is morning and evening before bed. The duration of treatment without consulting a doctor is 10 days. After this period, if it is necessary to extend treatment, it is necessary to take a blood test to monitor the level of leukocytes and platelets.

The procedure for use is to apply a thin layer of 4-5 cm of gel to the affected area. After this, the product is rubbed into the skin with light massage movements until it is completely absorbed. The maximum daily dose is 15 cm.


Indovazin is not used in pediatric practice (age limit is 14 years due to lack of experience in clinical practice).

Absolute contraindications:

  • breast-feeding;
  • individual hypersensitivity to NSAIDs;
  • damaged skin, violation of their integrity at the site of application of the ointment;
  • third trimester of pregnancy .

Relative contraindications:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • taking other medications containing NSAID components;
  • polyps in the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity;
  • bronchial asthma.

Contraindications and side effects

It is forbidden to use indovazine gel, the price of which is affordable, if you are hypersensitive to any components in its composition. It is also necessary to refuse treatment with the drug if you are intolerant to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Indovazin ointment is not prescribed for children under 14 years of age, in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, or during lactation. You should stop using the drug if there is damage to the skin. The ointment should not be used in combination with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It should be used with caution if bronchial asthma is diagnosed, polyps on the nasal mucosa are confirmed, and manifestations of allergic rhinitis are recorded.

If all contraindications are excluded, side effects are rare. Sometimes local reactions occur. They manifest themselves as redness, rash, and a burning sensation on the skin.

special instructions

Indovazin ointment is not intended for application to mucous membranes, eyes, open wound surfaces, or the oral cavity. Otherwise, severe redness, tearing, pain, and burning are observed, which requires rinsing with copious amounts of liquid (distilled water/saline).

The gel contains auxiliary components such as propylene glycol and Na benzoate, which can cause skin irritation. The medication does not have any effect on the patient’s ability to drive vehicles or perform various activities that require increased concentration.

Other usage features

There is no information about the occurrence of negative reactions of the body with topical use of the ointment in case of overdose. After applying the ointment, you should not use an occlusive dressing, which prevents the flow of air to the treated skin. If no positive effect is observed when using the drug within a week, you should consult a doctor about prescribing another drug.

If for any reason the drug gets into the stomach, it can cause nausea and vomiting. In addition, there is a burning sensation in the mouth and strong salivation. In this case, it is necessary to urgently rinse the mouth and stomach. After this, symptomatic treatment is indicated. Similar actions must be performed if the drug gets into the eyes or mucous membranes.

If any side effects occur while using indomezine ointment, you should consult a doctor about replacing the product with an analogue. The drug does not worsen psychomotor reactions, therefore it has no restrictions on driving vehicles or controlling complex mechanisms that require precise actions. There is no data on the effect of alcohol on the effectiveness of the drug and its removal from the body.

The ointment can be stored for no more than 2 years in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25C. It is important to exclude children from accessing it. You can purchase the drug at the pharmacy without a prescription.


Level 4 ATX code matches:



Troxevasin Neo



Ginkor Gel

Ginkor fort







A structural analogue (a medicine with an identical composition) is Troximethacin . Pharmacological analogues (medicines with a similar therapeutic effect):

  • Voltaren;
  • Valusal;
  • Dicloran.

Which is better - Troxevasin or Indovasin?

The latter contains two active components, one of which is Troxerutin - the main active ingredient of Troxevasin . Indovazin additionally contains Indomethacin, which has a pronounced anti-edematous, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, in the treatment of certain diseases (for example, varicose veins of the lower extremities), Indovazin has a stronger, more complex effect in comparison with the drug Troxevasin.

Features of the drug

Indovazin ointment, the instructions for use indicate this, is a combination drug. It contains two active components:

  • Indomethacin. The substance belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has a pronounced analgesic and decongestant effect.
  • Troxerutin. The substance is a bioflavonoid and reduces the permeability of small vessels. It has a strong venotonic, angioprotective and antioxidant effect.

With regular use of the ointment, the tone of small capillaries and large veins improves, and the permeability of the vascular wall decreases. Indovazin gel enhances the effectiveness of complex therapy in the treatment of varicose veins. The drug is produced in the form of a yellowish gel. It is packaged in aluminum tubes of 45 grams. In 1 gram of indovazine ointment contains 30 mg of indomethacin and 20 mg of troxerutin.

Reviews about Indovazine

Thanks to the combined composition, the ointment has a complex effect, which allows the medication to be used in several areas of medicine (surgery, traumatology, phlebology) for a wide variety of pathologies (bruises, injuries, varicose veins, bursitis, etc.). The gel has a pleasant consistency, is easy to apply and is quickly absorbed into the subcutaneous tissue, without requiring the use of various dressings. The drug is available in tubes that are convenient to take with you. Reviews about the Indovazin gel are mostly positive, because the drug allows you to quickly relieve pain - exactly what all patients with bruises and traumatic injuries to the musculoskeletal system expect. In case of varicose veins of the lower extremities, swelling quickly disappears. Among the side effects, patients note mild itching , sometimes even redness in the area of ​​application, which go away on their own after stopping the medication and do not require medical intervention.

Indovazin price, where to buy

The average cost of a medicine in Russia is 250 rubles. The price of Indovazin gel depends on the region and pharmacy. The price of Indovazin ointment in Ukraine is 45 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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  • Indovazin gel 45gBalkanpharma

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  • Indovazin 45 g gel Balkanfarma-Troyan AT, Bulgaria
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  • Indovazin gel Indovazin gel 45g Bulgaria, Balkanpharma-Troyan

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