Pros and cons of using mustard plasters for lumbar osteochondrosis

When treating osteochondrosis, people often use unconventional methods, including the use of mustard plasters. Although this treatment option has been criticized, it still has a lot of fans. Patients experience the effect of mustard plasters for osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, making sure that their grandmother’s recipes are no less effective than expensive procedures and medications. Although the truth is somewhere in the middle. Therefore, the use of non-traditional therapy methods must be approached thoughtfully.


The essential oils present in mustard are released after applying the mustard plaster, beginning to act irritatingly on the skin. Nerve impulses enter the brain, causing vasodilation, which can provide blood delivery to the affected area. This fluid transports oxygen and nutrients with it. Blood cells also fight inflammation, eliminating it along with pain.

The production of adrenaline simultaneously with norepinephrine allows the body to receive a signal that a problem is present, so it tries with all its might to resolve it. The use of mustard plasters activates the immune system, directing protective forces to the problem area.

The property of local skin irritation provokes immediate blood flow to the affected area. Skin irritation simultaneously distracts a person from the painful signs of the underlying pathology.

What is the action based on?

This drug contains mustard powder wrapped in a thin layer of paper. The drug has a local effect, irritating the skin and thereby improving blood microcirculation in the inflamed area.

Mustard powder is rich in essential oils, which, when released, affect the skin, irritating it. Impulses are sent from the nerve endings to the spinal cord and brain, which promotes the expansion of blood vessels and a rush of blood to the sore spot. Blood cells begin to fight inflammation, thereby relieving pain.

This drug contains mustard powder wrapped in a thin layer of paper.

In addition, irritation of skin receptors causes the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which help relax the muscle tissue located in the inflamed area. By relieving the spasm, the intensity of the pain becomes less.

By increasing blood circulation: metabolism in inflamed cells improves and oxygen supply to tissues increases. Thanks to this effect, one procedure is enough to relieve inflammation and pain.

Operating principle

Mustard plasters are known to everyone as a treatment for colds, but they are also recommended for use in osteochondrosis . It is in this capacity that they fully exhibit their own therapeutic properties.

Is it possible to apply mustard plasters during the development of cervical type of osteochondrosis? The products are not able to eliminate the disease completely, but they reduce pain symptoms, slightly stopping the pathology. The products are available to purchase in pharmacies, although it is not difficult to make them at home. This will not require large expenses, which is an additional advantage of the drug.

To make homemade mustard plaster, you need the following ingredients:

  • Mustard powder;
  • Wheat flour or starch;
  • Pure water.

Mustard Powder Starch

Add flour and powder equally, slowly pour warm water into them until you get a consistency comparable to porridge. Then spread the dough onto the paper and cover the top with gauze, allowing the product to dry a little. Then it will become suitable for therapeutic use. Self-made mustard plasters have a long shelf life. In almost no way are they any worse than store-bought products.

The therapeutic qualities of mustard plasters lie in their warming and ability, due to the dilation of blood vessels, to accelerate the blood, increasing the supply of oxygen with other beneficial substances present in the blood directly to the tissues affected by osteochondrosis. Under the influence of these substances, long-awaited and necessary results for the patient are achieved.

Who is shown and who is not

Most people are sure that mustard plasters only treat colds, but this is nothing more than a stereotype. Due to its medicinal properties, this remedy is used to treat many pathologies, including osteochondrosis. Mustard plasters are prescribed for pain caused by displacement or destruction of intervertebral discs.

Mustard plasters are contraindicated at temperatures above 38 degrees.

In addition, warming bandages are excellent for headaches caused by migraines or osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Despite the effectiveness of this medicine, they are not approved for use by everyone. Absolute contraindications include the following conditions:

  • Body temperature above 38 °C.
  • Cramps.
  • Pulmonary hemorrhage.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Decreased sensitivity of skin receptors.
  • Individual intolerance to mustard.

In addition, the use of mustard plasters is not recommended for dermatological diseases and the presence of skin rashes of any origin.

When to treat

Therapy with mustard plasters is recommended in the initial phase of the disease, when a feeling of numbness in the legs occurs, constipation develops due to circulatory dysfunction, and at the time of unpleasant pain in the lumbar area. Topical use of mustard plasters will help with weakness of the limbs, with dryness or blueness of the lower back, to eliminate aching pain.

Acute inflammation accompanied by severe lower back pain is a reason to immediately visit a doctor. It is prohibited to use mustard plasters on your own for such symptoms.


Healing squares with mustard for lumbar osteochondrosis are applied above the tailbone, distributed along the sides of the pelvis. Wet mustard plasters help relieve pain. The product gives the following effect:

  • Irritate skin;
  • Relaxes muscles;
  • Warms the discs;
  • Distracts from pain.

The use of this therapeutic method against osteochondrosis has an irritating effect on the lower back, stimulating vascular expansion, helping to deliver blood to the vertebrae.

This starts the local process of supplying oxygen to the cells, and the inflamed tissues begin to cope with pathology more successfully. Due to the warming effect of mustard plasters, muscle spasms relax and the pain subsides.

Instructions for the use of mustard plasters for osteochondrosis

There are two types of mustard plasters: bags of mustard powder and paper greased with mustard mixture. According to the instructions for use, warming bandages must be applied in the evening, since after treatment the patient should not go outside. Depending on the form of osteochondrosis, the method of using the drug may differ slightly.

To the cervical region

If a patient is prescribed mustard plasters for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is important to carry out the procedure according to all the rules to avoid the development of side effects:

  • A furatsilin tablet is dissolved in 50 ml of warm liquid.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of any honey to the resulting solution.
  • Maintain the mustard plasters in the solution for several seconds.
  • Apply mustard plasters to the area of ​​inflammation at a distance of 1 cm from each other.
  • Leave the compress on for 10–15 minutes.
  • Remove the warming bandage and wipe the skin.
  • Lubricate the skin with baby cream.

A compress with mustard plasters is applied for 10-15 minutes.

For cervical osteochondrosis, a warming bandage is placed on the back of the neck on the right and left sides parallel to the midline. If a burning sensation occurs, the product must be removed to avoid the formation of a burn.

To the thoracic region

For osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, mustard plasters are placed at the level of the inflamed spinal motion segment.

  1. Immerse the mustard plaster in warm water for 2–3 minutes.
  2. Apply a warm compress to the area of ​​inflammation.
  3. Cover your back with a towel.
  4. Hold the mustard plaster until a slight burning sensation occurs, usually 10–15 minutes after applying the compress.
  5. Remove the mustard plaster and wipe the skin thoroughly.
  6. Lubricate the skin with cream and wrap yourself in a blanket.

It is important to know that the width of the warming compress should be 1 cm larger than the area of ​​inflammation. More precisely, if the pain is localized in a 6x6 square, then it is necessary to apply a 7x7 compress. In addition, if for cervical osteochondrosis mustard plasters are placed once every two days, then for chest osteochondrosis the procedure is repeated 2 times a day.

On the lower back

For osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, it is recommended to use two sheets of mustard plasters. They are placed on the lower back on both sides. It is important that they are parallel to the spinal column. Before installation, mustard plasters are moistened in warm water or a solution with honey and furatsilin. The first time the warming compress can be kept for no more than 5 minutes. If no side effects occur, the duration of the procedure is gradually increased to 15 minutes. It is important to remember that mustard plaster can be applied no more than twice a day.

The use of warming bandages should be carried out in combination with taking NSAID medications.

Despite the compromise cost, mustard plasters are considered the most effective remedy for osteochondrosis of any form. To achieve the best effect, the use of warming bandages should be carried out in combination with taking NSAID medications.


The industry produces two versions of mustard plasters suitable for therapy:

  • Sheets with dimensions of 80 x 125 mm, coated on top with a special rubber glue that holds a thin ball of mustard powder;
  • Bags - four squares with pores on a paper base contain mustard powder.



Both of these products have a similar effect, but mustard bags are more convenient because they do not allow the powder to come into direct contact with the surface of the skin.

When purchasing, be sure to check the expiration date of mustard plaster, since paper sheets stored in pharmacies for many years are useless.


Applying mustard plasters to the spine will increase local blood flow. To achieve this effect, you need to use high-quality products. Check the smell of mustard plaster first - it should have a specific smell. A musty aroma indicates moisture has penetrated into the powder. Such a product cannot be used, although it may not yet have expired.

Installation Rules

More often, the procedure for applying mustard plasters is used when the thoracic or cervical spine is affected. Before starting treatment, mustard plasters should be immersed one by one in warm water, then applied to the area above the affected area. Maintain a distance of approximately 1 cm between the products. Place a towel on top of the mustard plasters.

If the cervical spine is affected, place the products on the back of the neck, placing them on the sides of the middle. When the disease has affected the thoracic region, perform the manipulation at a level corresponding to the location of the affected segment. In case of high blood pressure due to cervical osteochondrosis, use some kind of distracting maneuver - apply mustard plasters to the back of the head or calf muscles.

The duration of action of the product should not exceed a quarter of an hour. A strong burning sensation signals the need to remove mustard plasters. It is forbidden to abuse such therapy, otherwise exceeding the duration of exposure will cause skin burns. After the procedure, wipe the skin dry and cover the patient with a warm blanket. To relieve pain in a situation with thoracic osteochondrosis, it is recommended to repeat the technique several times a day.

However, traditionally the procedures help when using the product every other day.

The decision about the possibility of using mustard plasters should be made together with your doctor. Although the procedure is relatively safe, certain restrictions prevent its implementation. When it is allowed to use the technique, first, to determine the tolerability of the procedure, conduct a short trial manipulation.

When everything ends well, continue the recommended therapy. Do not despair if there is no effect after the first use of mustard plasters. Only a course of treatment can indicate the achievement of a positive result or its absence.

Osteochondrosis and its treatment with mustard plasters

When the normal state of the intervertebral disc is disrupted, blood circulation and innervation change due to compression of the main vessels and nerve bundles. Symptoms of the disease in the cervical spine are as follows:

  • Circling in the head;
  • headache in temples;
  • Limbs go numb;
  • Shoulder girdle pain syndrome.

Description of mustard plasters as a medicine

Mustard plaster is a preparation with a base of mustard powder. Ingredients: cake of mustard essential oils with vitamin group B, A, P, C, E, D, PP, K. With iron, calcium, contains nicotinic acid.

Forms of release: made of thick paper - on one side a substance of fine mustard cake is applied, or bags with mustard cake.

Effect of the drug on the body

Healing effect: increased blood circulation, increased metabolic processes, oxygen saturation, nourished areas of degenerative change. All of the above reduces inflammation of the disc between the vertebrae and stops the aging process of cartilage.

An important property is that the nerve endings are distracted and irritated, and pain is reduced. Intervertebral muscle fibers relax. The tension of nerve fibers and pain syndrome are reduced.

Contraindications for use in the treatment of osteochondrosis are

Absolute contraindications when using these therapeutic methods include:

  • Skin inflammation, infectious skin diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema);
  • Skin wounds;
  • Allergy to drugs that are part of these medications.

In various types of new formations, there are also limitations in use, because with increased blood circulation, the tumor tissue is nourished and the growth of cancer cells increases (see Symptoms of a spinal tumor). In cases of severe disease, the use of mustard plasters is contraindicated, because swelling may increase and the symptoms of the disease worsen.

The procedure for using mustard plasters to treat osteochondrosis

To treat this disease, the application is placed according to a developed, independent, specific installation. It is necessary to install the drug directly on the neck: on both sides and specifically along the spine. The distance from each mustard plaster to the neighboring one will be two to three centimeters. The use of this method is permitted directly when relieving complications of diseases.

The use of reflexogenic properties of mustard plasters in cases where osteochondrosis worsens

Mustard plasters are placed on the calf muscles. Blood circulation increases and swelling in painful areas decreases. This action, as a distracting maneuver, achieves a reduction in pain. Spasmed muscle fibers involuntarily relax.

For sensitive skin, mustard plasters are applied to gauze folded several times, thus weakening the irritating effect. This is recommended to mitigate the effect of the drug. It is possible to prepare special solutions necessary for soaking: this is a solution of furatsilin - one tablet dissolved in fifty milliliters of water, flower honey - add one teaspoon to the solution. The mustard plaster is soaked in this solution for two to three minutes, immediately during the procedure.

In conclusion, it should be noted that before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with your doctor about the possibility of using mustard plasters at this stage. The doctor determines the general condition of the patient, the severity and severity of the disease.

The use of mustard plasters will undoubtedly be a good auxiliary remedy, it will reduce the use of other medicinal drugs, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and reduce the side effects of these drugs.

In case of such a disease, basic conditions are sufficient for the use of this medicine.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr


Home therapy with mustard plasters does not always end well. Failure to comply with safety requirements, which consists in increasing the duration of the session, can cause skin burns. Having warmed up under a warm blanket, the patient is able to lose the sense of time and even fall asleep. It is necessary for the patient's relatives to monitor the time of the procedure.

When a burn occurs, it is necessary to immediately provide first aid to the person:

  1. Dry the skin with a bandage or napkin, remove mustard particles if they are present with a damp swab;
  2. Apply antiseptic cream against burns to the skin;
  3. To prevent infection at the burn site, do not wear any clothing to the patient.

It is forbidden to treat burns with alcohol - this will only worsen the situation. Sometimes a burn can cause allergies. To prevent it, take any antihistamine.

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