Arthritis of the knee joint: what is it, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Arthritis of the knee joint is an inflammatory disease that affects the joint and periarticular tissues. If left untreated, inflammation invades neighboring tissues and can spread.

Arthritis of the knee joint on x-ray.

In this regard, it is extremely important to carry out differential diagnosis and make the correct diagnosis.

There are several basic forms of arthritis:

  • Infectious . This form occurs when infection is introduced through open wounds (external route) or through blood (internal route) during an infectious disease.
  • Post-traumatic . It develops as a result of chronic overload of the knee joints (hereinafter referred to as KS), due to falls, blows, and bruises.
  • Rheumatoid . It stands out as a separate item as the most dangerous form due to its widespread manifestations. Caused by autoimmune aggression of the body as a result of a violation of defense mechanisms. In this case, antibodies (hereinafter referred to as AT) themselves destroy the structures of the joint.
  • Septic . For this form, the characteristic symptom is an acute onset and severe swelling of the periarticular tissues.
  • Gouty . Caused by a violation of metabolic processes in the body. As a result of these disturbances, salt crystals with sharp edges (osteophytes) are formed in the CS bursa. These growths systematically injure tissue and lead to regular inflammatory reactions and pain.

Arthritis of the knee - external manifestations.

Separately, it is worth carrying out a differential. diagnostics with knee joint arthrosis:

  • Both conditions are characterized by stiffness, pain and limited joint function, but arthritis also causes local hyperemia and swelling.
  • in the case of arthritis, inflammation is the main damaging factor in the development of pathology; in the case of arthrosis, inflammation is a consequence that contributes to the development of destructive-degenerative changes (hereinafter referred to as DDI) of bone structures.
  • arthritis is a reversible condition, the treatment of which achieves full restoration of joint function; with arthrosis, the development of existing changes can only be slowed down, but the pathology is prone to progression.


Now that we know that one of the main reasons for the development of arthritis is infectious diseases, let’s talk more specifically about what organisms have a destructive effect:

  • fungi;
  • viruses;
  • gram-negative bacteria;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • gonococci;
  • brucellosis;
  • Reiter's disease (most often affects the hip joints, but in a proportion of cases the knee joint is also involved in the process);
  • helminthic and protozoal infestations;
  • chlamydia;
  • syphilis;
  • hepatitis.

As for non-infectious arthritis, their development is due to many factors:

  1. DDI of cartilage structures (age factor).
  2. Injuries of varying severity and their complications.
  3. Inflammatory processes in tissues close to the joint capsule 4. Genetic
  4. predisposition
  5. Disorders of calcium metabolism (for example, rickets).
  6. Behçet's disease.
  7. Ankylosing spondylitis.
  8. Cappilatotoxicosis.
  9. Osteomyelitis.

Arthritis statistics

Despite the fact that arthritis is a very common disease, collecting statistics on it is not easy. Many people ignore the symptoms of the disease, citing the fact that such manifestations are “natural” at a certain age. There are approximately 314 million people diagnosed with arthritis in the United States, and approximately 39-42 million cases are reported each year.

In Russia this figure is close to 143 million people. The number of registered patients per year is approaching 17 million. At the same time, a much smaller segment of the population is susceptible to arthrosis of the knee joint (for the USA - 21 million, for Russia - 1.5 million).

Interpreting these data, we can say that 1% of Russians are diagnosed with arthritis every year and the number of healthy Americans is decreasing by approximately the same amount. In developed countries, up to 90% of injuries are due to falls, and the remaining 10% are non-traumatic injuries.

The issue of rheumatoid arthritis (hereinafter referred to as RA) is particularly acute. According to statistics, about 1.3 million Americans are susceptible to this disease, which is equivalent to 41 cases per 100 thousand population. Women suffer from pathology 2-3 times more often than men, and the life risk is: 3.6% for women and 1.7% for men. The worldwide prevalence of the disease is 0.5-1% (up to 5% among the elderly population).

Treatment of arthritis with folk remedies

Doctors do not deny the benefits of traditional methods and even prescribe some of them as part of conservative treatment. Alternative medicine does a great job with:

  • inflammation;
  • pain syndrome;
  • tumors in the knees.

Traditional methods eliminate the risk of overdose. But the patient should remember that most of them bring only temporary relief.

Preparation of ointment from medicinal herbs

Ointments based on medicinal plants are the first aid in relieving joint inflammation.

The most popular are 3 methods:

  • 10 gr. sweet clover, hops and St. John's wort are mixed with 50 gr. Vaseline. The resulting composition is used by applying to the knees.
  • The second recipe is much simpler: 1 part of hop cones should be mixed with 4 vaseline.
  • 800 gr. butter + about half a kilogram of birch buds. Place in layers in a clay container. Keep warm for 24 hours. Grind, add powdered camphor on the tip of a knife. Store the resulting product in the refrigerator.

Medicines with gelatin

Gelatin is considered the basis of joint health. It is not only recommended to use it internally, but also to make a compress at night.

The recipe is as follows: 1 tablespoon of the substance is diluted with a third glass of water to obtain a mixture of medium thickness. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to carry out at least 6 procedures.

Application of soda

Soda is useful because it quickly and effectively normalizes the acid-base balance throughout the body. It also removes breakdown products, uric acid, excess sodium and chlorine.

For arthritis, baking soda relieves inflammation and relieves pain. There are 3 main directions for its use for the treatment of diseased joints:

  • Inside. For 30 days you need to consume up to 1 teaspoon of soda, dissolved in a glass of warm water for 30 minutes. before meals 2-3 times a day. Before use, you should make sure that soda does not reduce the effectiveness of other drugs.
  • Healing compress. A mixture of salt, mustard powder, soda and honey in equal proportions is applied to the site of pain, insulated and left overnight. The course lasts 2 weeks.
  • Bath. 200 gr. The substances are poured into the bath and taken for 20 minutes. It has a good effect on both the functioning of the knee joints and the general psychological state.

Medicines based on cinquefoil

Tincture from cinquefoil stems is useful not only when consumed internally. Rubbing and compresses also have an anti-inflammatory effect for arthrosis and arthritis.

The preparation method is extremely simple: the plant is placed in a bottle and filled with vodka or alcohol. Insist for 21 days in a dark place. The average dose is 1 teaspoon before meals.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is used to make homemade compresses.

Dissolve 2 teaspoons in a quarter glass of water. The resulting solution is applied to cotton cloth and wrapped around the knee joints. Keep for no more than 1 hour. To combat dryness after the procedure, it is permissible to lubricate the skin with baby cream.


The symptoms of arthritis largely depend on the cause that caused it. Acute ones begin suddenly and, unlike chronic ones, are characterized by severe intoxication. A clear symptom expressed in arthritis of any etiology is pain. At the beginning of the disease, it may be small and appear during exercise.

However, there are a number of nonspecific signs characteristic of arthritis of any origin. The symptoms can be seen more clearly at a certain stage:

  1. Initial. The articular cartilage is slightly damaged. It manifests itself as slight pain during active movements, with slight lameness. There is no restriction of mobility, and the pain goes away with rest. There is moderate swelling with unchanged skin. The temperature can reach 37.3-37.5 degrees.
  2. Pathological changes are more noticeable, swelling and pain increase with limited mobility. X-rays show erosion, drying of the hyaline cartilage with thickening of the capsule, and narrowing of its lumen. The temperature can rise to 38.5.
  3. Terminal. DDI of articular and bone tissues is typical. Inflammation leads to persistent muscle tension and subsequent atrophy of the muscle layer. X-rays show narrowing of the joint space and proliferation of osteophytes. The joint reacts to weather changes (meteodependence). The temperature rises to 39.0 and above.

Stages of knee arthritis on x-ray.

External means

This method is considered the safest. The drug is not taken orally, which means it cannot have any side effects. In addition, medicinal components are applied directly to the painful area and have a direct effect.

Cabbage and clay compresses

Good results can be achieved using cabbage leaves and honey. This remedy helps relieve pain, swelling and reduce inflammation.

You must proceed as follows:

  • One large, dense cabbage leaf is separated from the head of cabbage.
  • It is washed and slightly heated in the microwave.
  • Using a knife, make several cuts on the leaf and smear it with honey.
  • The compress is applied to the sore spot and secured with plastic wrap.

The patient will feel improvement quite quickly if he applies the compress daily. It is best to do this before bed, when the joint is at rest. Cabbage leaves can be replaced with coltsfoot (to make a paste) or burdock. If desired, you can alternate plants.

With the help of clay compresses, metabolic processes are restored, swelling is removed and toxins are removed. Use blue clay.

  • Add a little warm water to the clay powder.
  • Stir the mixture until it reaches a creamy consistency.
  • The medicine is applied to the knee, wrapped in cellophane and a warm scarf.
  • The compress is kept for 3 hours.
  • The knee is washed and lubricated with vegetable oil.

The procedure is also recommended to be carried out at night. In the photo you can see what blue clay looks like.

Clay is a common component of effective arthritis treatment formulations.

Using Potatoes and Chalk

Potato compress has an excellent pain relieving effect. There is nothing complicated in this method of treatment. You just need to grate one large potato once a day.

The resulting pulp is applied to the sore joint, wrapped with film and cloth. Leave it on all night. Potatoes act quickly enough, and a restful night without pain and morning swelling is guaranteed.

For a therapeutic compress, one raw potato should be grated on a coarse grater.

To restore cartilage tissue, you can use a mixture of kefir and chalk. The simple chalk that schoolchildren use is crushed and diluted with kefir so that a thick, dense mass is formed. The mixture is applied to the painful area, wrapped and left overnight.

Flower tincture and heating

A tincture of cologne is being prepared. Used for rubbing.

The instructions for preparing the medicine are simple:

  1. Dandelion flowers are washed, dried and placed in a small glass container.
  2. A bottle of cologne is added to them.
  3. The product should be infused in a dark place for 45 days.
  4. After the required time has passed, I filter the tincture, squeezing the flowers well.
  5. The knee joints are rubbed with the resulting product daily.

It is not always possible to prepare such a remedy; you may miss the flowering period, or not catch it at all. Don't be upset, you can replace dandelions with calendula.

Another remedy can be replaced with a pharmacy calendula tincture. The price of such a remedy is minimal, and the effect will be no worse than from a homemade medicine.

Calendula tincture can be used to replace dandelion home remedies.

Treatment of arthritis of the knee joint with folk remedies, using mustard plasters, is well known to many. It is this product that gives an excellent warming effect. The packaging of mustard plasters always describes how to use them correctly. It is advisable to repeat warming procedures daily at night.

The effectiveness of beeswax and turpentine

To quickly feel the desired relief, you can prepare an ointment based on beeswax. You will only need a small amount of wax, about the size of a walnut. It is placed in a water bath.

When the substance begins to melt, you need to add a little honey and one chicken yolk to it. The mixture is distributed over the tissue and applied warm to the sore knee. At the top, secured with a warm scarf.

A mixture of beeswax, honey and chicken yolk helps to cope with knee diseases.

Turpentine is widely used in alternative medicine. It is not difficult to prepare such a remedy for arthritis.

Mix in a jar:

  • 100 ml turpentine;
  • 100 ml vodka;
  • 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil.

The resulting mixture is used within a week. Every evening a compress is made from it. Cotton bandage soaked in medicine. Apply to the sore spot, secure with cling film, and leave to act until the morning.

Oral preparations

Traditional methods of treating knee arthritis are based not only on the use of ointments and lotions. During the entire treatment, it is useful to prepare infusions, teas and decoctions that will have a beneficial effect on the healing process, speeding it up several times.

  1. A decoction of bay leaves will quickly get rid of salt deposits. Approximately 25 - 30 leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of water and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. The decoction is filtered and taken throughout the day in small sips. After 3 days of use, a week break is taken. Then the course can be repeated.
  2. To forget about knee arthritis for a long time, you can use a horseradish-based recipe. The product is designed for a long period of treatment. You will need 1 kg of horseradish, which should be peeled, finely chopped and chopped. The resulting slurry is poured into 4 liters of water, put on fire, brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes. After the mixture has cooled. Add 50 g of honey to it. Apply 50 g 4 times a day until all the prepared product is consumed.
  3. It is very useful to eat celery during treatment. To achieve an even greater effect, it is recommended to make juice from the plant and consume it 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.


Taking into account the multiplicity of causes that provoke the development of arthritis, some forms were especially actively studied by doctors in order to develop an optimal diagnostic algorithm.

Juvenile arthritis (hereinafter referred to as JA) is one of the most disabling rheumatic diseases of childhood.

Clinical blood test

  • JA with systemic onset – pronounced leukocytosis (30-50 thousand) with a neutrophilic shift to the left (up to 30% of band leukocytes). ESR increases to 50-80 mm/h, hypochromic anemia, thrombocytosis.
  • Juvenile polyarthritis, JRA – hypochromic anemia, neutrophilic leukocytosis (up to 15*109/l), ESR > 40 mm/h.
  • Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis - usually laboratory parameters remain normal, but sometimes typical changes characteristic of JA occur.

Immunological and immunogenetic analysis

  • JA with systemic onset – the content of CRP, IgM and IgG increases.
  • Juvenile polyarthritis - sometimes ANF (antinuclear factor) is positive, RF is negative. Increased levels of CRP, IgM and IgG.
  • Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis - 80% of cases are positive for ANF, RF is negative, a high titer of HLA A2 is detected.

X-ray examination of joints

Changes in bone structures are assessed according to Stein-Broker.

  1. stage – epiphyseal osteoporosis is observed.
  2. stage – osteoporosis is associated with the breakdown of cartilage, narrowing of the joint space, and isolated erosions.
  3. stage – DDI of cartilage tissue and bone, osteochondral erosions and subluxations in the joints are formed.
  4. stage – similar to III with the inclusion of fibrous or bone ankylosis. Reactive arthritis (hereinafter referred to as ReA)

Patient examination scheme

  1. clinical blood test;
  2. proteinogram (total protein and protein fractions);
  3. CEC titer;
  4. immunological markers of RA;
  5. immunological markers of SLE – antinuclear factor, antibodies to DNA, LE cells;
  6. HLA typing (HLA B-27);
  7. diagnosis of intestinal infections and latent genitourinary infections (PCR, RNGA, RIF);
  8. X-ray of the affected joints, sacroiliac joints, and spine.

With a long course of ReA, laboratory parameters similar to JA are always found: increased ESR, dysproteinemia, hyperimmunoglobulinemia, high titer of CEC. One of the most important diagnostic signs of ReA is seronegativity for immunological markers of RA and SLE.

Treatment of knee arthritis

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, you should follow an integrated approach to the treatment of arthritis.

Medication link:

  1. NSAIDs. With their help, it is possible to relieve pain, especially at night. Among the many drugs, none showed specific benefits, which means that any NSAID drug is suitable for use.
  2. Glucocorticosteroids (GCS). Usually not prescribed, only in short courses, if the course of arthritis affects the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Antibiotics. Short courses (1-2 weeks) against a specific pathogen.
  4. Chondroprotectors. Prescribed to restore the integrity of articular cartilage. However, numerous studies (for example, data from 10 large studies in the British Medical Journal) show no effect even compared to placebo!
  5. Hyaluronic acid. An important element of cartilage tissue. It is injected into the joint cavity, creating a protective effect and preventing the joint from further damage. However, the therapy does not involve stimulation of one’s own acid, so it seems very expensive (from 30 to 250 thousand rubles annually).

Author's methods

The most famous method in our country is the one developed by Neumyvakin. He based the treatment of joint damage on regular but moderate intake of soda. The professor claims that it perfectly relieves all symptoms even in the acute form of the disease.

His method:

  • Soda should be drunk, diluted only in warm liquid. This improves its ability to penetrate tissue and break down toxins.
  • It is acceptable to use both water and milk.
  • Quarter 1 tsp. soda is dissolved in a glass of liquid and drunk 15 minutes before meals.
  • For people under 40 years of age, it is enough to take the product twice a day. Older - three times.
  • Gradually, based on your own feelings, the amount of soda at a time can be increased to 1 tablespoon.

The described therapy cleanses the joints of excess salts.

This method is absolutely not suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal problems.



Vibroacoustic therapy involves the transmission of sound microvibration using a special medical device. It creates microvibrations that, with their physical characteristics, are identical to those created by muscle tissue under maximum static physical tension. In short, this therapy is a direct alternative to exercise.


Phoning Effects:

  1. Improving lymph flow in the area of ​​influence, which promotes accelerated tissue cleansing, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Improves blood flow and, accordingly, nutrition of the treated area.
  3. Has a beneficial effect on nerve pathways with prolonged exposure.
  4. Promotes the release of joint lubrication.

Galvanization and electrophoresis

The essence of the procedure is to activate the blood supply to joint tissues in chronic arthritis. Vasodilation occurs in the area of ​​influence, increasing blood supply and improving recovery processes.


UHF therapy

The affected joint is exposed to a continuous or pulsed electric field. For the knees, low-thermal doses are used at a current power of 20-30 W.

The procedure is aimed at reducing swelling, activating regenerative processes in the joint, improving nutrition and blood supply. The method allows you to achieve long-term remission.

Infrared laser therapy

Using a laser applicator, they act on biologically active points located along the lateral surfaces of the joint. The procedure activates blood flow, reduces pain sensitivity, and stimulates healing processes.

Ultrasound therapy

The method optimizes and accelerates the biochemical processes occurring in joint tissues, accelerates healing processes, and reduces swelling.

Hydrogen sulfide and radon baths, peloid therapy, massage, and manual therapy have also proven themselves well.

Recommendations from experts

Before using folk remedies, especially for internal use, you must consult your doctor. He will study the composition of the ointment or decoction, evaluate its safety and possible therapeutic effectiveness. If folk remedies are used after the main therapy, at the stage of remission, then rheumatologists usually do not object to such treatment.

But they definitely give some recommendations:

  • You cannot take tinctures, infusions and decoctions simultaneously with pharmacological drugs or bioactive additives;
  • you need to use only one folk remedy, otherwise the likelihood of unwanted chemical interactions increases.

If any symptom of a local or systemic adverse reaction occurs, treatment should be discontinued. The development of an allergy is usually indicated by shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, redness and swelling of the skin. In this case, it is necessary to take an antihistamine tablet (Suprastin, Tavegil, Cetrin) and urgently seek medical help.

Endoprosthetics for arthritis

The main indications for knee replacement for arthritis are:

  1. Deforming arthrosis developed as a result of chronic inflammation.
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis.

Most often, total endoprosthetics is performed in these cases. At the initial stages of development of degenerative processes, the method of unicondylar endoprosthetics is used.

Knee replacement in the Czech Republic: guarantees, prices, rehabilitation, reviews and statistics.

Find out more


  1. The most important factor in favorable disease control is control of BMI (body mass index), which reduces the axial load on the joints. You should avoid foods rich in starch and sugar (potatoes, sweets, sweet flour products). 2. It is worth adding more vegetables and fruits: apples, sea buckthorn, rowan, black currants, plums.
  2. Include fatty fish in your diet: tuna, salmon, cod, sardines, trout, herring.
  3. Rejection of bad habits.
  4. Taking vitamins.
  5. Hardening.
  6. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Strengthening the immune system.
  8. Maintain an active lifestyle (preferably including regular exercise).
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