Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis is an effective therapeutic method with which various medications can be delivered to the affected area of ​​the patient’s body. During physiotherapy, there is no effect on neighboring areas, so allergic reactions do not occur. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to all patients, regardless of their age or gender. But most often they are used as a complement to the main methods of treatment, so physiotherapy is considered a secondary therapy.

Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis

Causes of pathology

There are many different factors that can trigger the development of cervical osteochondrosis, but doctors identify the following main reasons:

  • poor posture, which can ultimately lead to displacement of the spinal discs;

    What is osteochondrosis

  • weak muscle corset in the cervical spine. With a decrease in muscle tone, the load on the vertebrae increases;
  • increased physical stress on the body, due to which the structure of the vertebrae in the cervical region is disrupted;
  • age factor. It is worth noting that older people encounter pathology much more often than younger patients. First of all, this is due to the deterioration of the functioning of certain systems and functions in the body;
  • mechanical damage to the spine resulting from trauma. It only takes one unfortunate fall for the structure of the vertebrae to be damaged.

Structure of the cervical spine

This is not the entire list of causative factors against which cervical osteochondrosis may occur. Often the pathology develops in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, for example, programmers or accountants.

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What is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The name osteochondrosis was first proposed by the German physician Hildenbrandt in the 30s of the 20th century to generally describe age-related damage to the musculoskeletal system. In Russia, it was popularized by neuropathologist Dr. Papelyansky in the mid-20th century and has since become firmly established in the vocabulary of doctors and people suffering from back pain. Unfortunately, due to its wide application, this term is often used incorrectly. What is cervical osteochondrosis, and can it be treated? - this article is dedicated to this.

How does cervical osteochondrosis manifest?

The peculiarity of this disease is that it does not manifest itself in all clinical cases, being asymptomatic. But most often, cervical osteochondrosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the neck, which can spread to the shoulders;

    Cervical osteochondrosis - what does it cause?

  • decreased muscle tone, weakness;
  • profuse sweating;
  • decreased sensitivity in the upper extremities;
  • development of a mild form of ataxia (impaired coordination of movements);
  • severe dizziness, decreased visual acuity and hearing impairment;
  • increased blood pressure, migraine attacks.

How does cervical osteochondrosis manifest?

All of the above symptoms can appear at different stages of pathology development. As a rule, the patient encounters only some of the signs from this list, but in medicine there may be exceptions when cervical osteochondrosis manifests itself in the form of all these symptoms. People who have had to deal with osteochondrosis may not even be aware of the presence of pathology, citing simple fatigue or a pinched nerve. Therefore, they seek help from the right doctor late, which complicates the treatment process.

Syndromes with cervical osteochondrosis

If you want to find out in more detail whether osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be cured, and also consider the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

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Treatment of osteochondrosis

Only a specialist can prescribe the optimal treatment, since osteochondrosis combines many problems associated with the spine. After a thorough analysis of the examination results and a detailed interview with the patient, the doctor builds a treatment regimen, taking into account the characteristics of the body, the patient’s age, and his motivation.

Goal of treatment

  • prevent the appearance of growths;
  • relieve pain;
  • stop degenerative processes in the vertebrae;
  • improve blood supply to the muscles surrounding the spinal column;
  • preserve the functions of the main skeleton;

Conservative therapy

Treatment without a scalpel combines different technologies. Their skillful use can save the patient not only from radical measures, but also from taking medications. Treatment is usually long, difficult, and persistent. The result depends on the person’s motivation and perseverance. Doctors recommend avoiding bed rest and, if possible, continuing to engage in daily activities even with severe pain. You need to constantly strengthen your back!

  1. Physiotherapy.

Physical therapy for osteochondrosis is the first and necessary condition; it is important at any stage of the disease. Any movement of the spine provokes increased blood circulation, which means receiving nutrients. In addition, personally selected exercises train and strengthen the back muscles and form a muscle corset. Well-developed muscles distribute the load evenly across all vertebrae. For each area of ​​the spinal column, the doctor will suggest a special training complex with varying degrees of load.

Exercise therapy will bring the expected result only when the patient follows certain rules:

  • any movement should be smooth and unhurried;
  • forward bends must be done carefully;
  • you should pay attention to breathing;
  • It is advisable to use a fitness bracelet to monitor your heart rate;
  • if discomfort and especially pain in the muscles and back appear, you should reduce the load or stop;
  • clothes for classes should be light and made of high-quality fabric;
  • the spine should be loaded carefully and adequately to the patient’s condition

At first, classes should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. They should be systematic, preferably 2 times a day, at any time, but not on a full or empty stomach. At first, you can repeat the movements up to 5-6 times, gradually the number of repetitions should increase.

  1. Orthokinetherapy.

Treatment with a unique serum is a relatively new method of treatment, but it is becoming increasingly popular, as its effectiveness is very high. Thanks to the introduction of orthokine into problem areas, the body's defenses are increased naturally; the method is safe and has no contraindications. Serum is prepared from the patient’s own blood using several special procedures. Pain decreases after the first injection, joint flexibility improves noticeably after the course of treatment, and the effect lasts for several years. Sessions can be repeated. The clinic must be certified and have the right to conduct Orthokine Therapy.

  1. Visit to the swimming pool.

In addition to performing exercises for patients with osteochondrosis of any kind, doctors recommend visiting the pool at least 3 times a week. Thanks to water gymnastics and swimming, ligaments are stretched, muscles are relaxed, spasms are relieved, the supply of nutrients to cells is improved, and pain goes away. Exercises in water relieve stress on the spinal column and improve metabolism; they strengthen muscles and form a strong and elastic muscle corset. Trained muscles are an excellent prevention of complications. But it is advisable to swim in a pool, since in open bodies of water there can be cold water and strong currents, which will negatively affect the condition of the spine. Due to temperature changes, choosing an outdoor pool is also not the best option.

Tips for visiting the pool

  • before swimming, you need to warm up your muscles by doing a few basic warm-up movements in the air, and then in the water;
  • with cervical osteochondrosis, you need to swim on your back to reduce the load on the neck;
  • if the pathology is localized in the lumbar region, it is advisable to swim in the breaststroke style;
  • you need to swim for a fixed time - from 45 to 60 minutes;
  • while swimming, you need to “slide” through the water as long as possible;
  • during exercises in the pool, you need to monitor your breathing - sharply exhale through your mouth during effort and smoothly inhale through your nose when relaxing;
  • people of advanced age and who cannot swim can use special devices; working only with legs;
  • in case of severe exacerbation and severe pain, you should not visit the pool;
  • It is advisable to do water gymnastics with an experienced instructor;
  • If you feel that you are freezing, you need to either work more actively with your arms and legs, or get out of the pool and take a hot shower.
  1. Isometric kinesitherapy.

Kinesitherapy is a relatively new method of movement treatment. The method is gaining popularity, although not all doctors share it. Special exercises restore nutrition to the intervertebral discs and help improve the health of the spine. After identifying the affected areas, the patient is offered classes on special simulators. The technique is based on overcoming pain, since the load falls on the painful areas. A specialist must be present at the lesson to monitor the patient’s well-being. After the basic course, the patient can study independently. As your condition improves, the range of exercises expands. Patients note the disappearance of pain, increased flexibility of the spine, and increased vitality. It is very important that the classes are conducted by a qualified specialist with extensive experience.

  1. Manual therapy.

Specialists have different attitudes towards manual treatment for osteochondrosis. It is believed that during an exacerbation it is better to refrain from this technique. The doctor decides how necessary it is. A competent specialist can efficiently work on the joints of the spine and improve blood circulation in problem areas. But the course of treatment should consist of several sessions. Going to a chiropractor 1-2 times will not bring any results, at best - short-term relief. In case of severe osteoporosis and spondylosis, one must resort to manual procedures with great caution.

  1. Reflexology sessions.

Acupuncture is usually prescribed during remission or for minor pain. But it has certain contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • bone tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation of concomitant pathologies;
  • cachexia.

Reflexotherapy activates the body's protective reserves and, in some cases, significantly alleviates the patient's condition.

  1. Massage and underwater hydromassage.

Massage has many beneficial properties - blood circulation improves, muscle tone relaxes, and pain is relieved. It is advisable to do it twice a year in courses of 10 procedures. The hydromassage has proven itself quite well. The water flow is directed to the problem area, the patient must be completely relaxed at this time. Sometimes air is added to the stream of water, resulting in air massage being added to the hydromassage. Microbubbles with a stream of water massage the problem area, accelerate the restoration of motor activity, painlessly relieve compression of the roots, and improve the patient’s well-being. But since massage relaxes muscles and stretches ligaments, it must be combined with strengthening the back through exercise.

  1. Treatment by traction method.

Sometimes doctors prescribe traction of the spinal column using special equipment. Its purpose is to release intervertebral discs from pressure. Traction can be dry or water. The water method is considered the most gentle due to the warm temperature. Hoops and handrails are used. Dry stretching occurs while the patient is suspended. The duration of the procedure lasts from several minutes to several hours. There are quite a lot of contraindications, even with water traction. Therefore, spinal traction should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor during certain periods of illness under the supervision of a specialist!

  1. Physiotherapeutic methods.

Physiotherapy effectively helps fight the manifestations of osteochondrosis. There are a lot of physical therapy methods in medicine today, they are varied and sometimes very effective. They relieve pain, increase the body's resistance, relieve swelling, and improve vertebral mobility.

But when treating the spinal column, physiotherapy methods should be used only under the supervision of a specialist, in doses and very carefully. All of the following methods are advisory in nature and should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the nature of the pathology and concomitant conditions.

Most often they resort to:

  • stimulation of the body with magnets;
  • laser beam treatment;
  • cryotherapy (dosed cold treatment);
  • phonophoresis and electrophoresis with drugs;
  • MBST;
  1. Proper nutrition.

There is no specific diet for osteochondrosis. The purpose of nutrition correction will be:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • stopping the destruction of cartilage;
  • obesity prevention;
  • excess weight loss.

It is known that extra pounds seriously increase the load on the vertebrae, thereby provoking the development of its destruction. Losing weight by 5 kg reduces the risk of joint damage by 2 times, so you need to monitor your figure. Conventionally, the weight should be close to the figure = (height in cm – 100).

The diet should be dominated by foods that provide cartilage with the necessary substances, and water, which helps maintain its elasticity.

Products that should be consumed regularly:

  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • fruits (apricots, dried apricots, dates, prunes, citrus fruits, bananas) and berries (especially cherries and raspberries);
  • vegetable oils;
  • corn;
  • eggs;
  • nuts and seeds of flax, sunflower and pumpkin;
  • bran and sesame;
  • seafood and sea fish;
  • water;
  • oat groats.

Products whose consumption should be limited:

  • flour dishes and sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • sorrel, spinach;
  • purine-containing foods – coffee, chocolate, lentils, liver.

Products that are excluded because they are harmful:

  • rich meat and fish broths,
  • fast food;
  • marinades, pickles and smoked meats;
  • refractory animal fats,
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • condensed milk.
  1. Use of medications.

For severe back pain, doctors prescribe oral medications for regular use. But in the absence of intense pain, medication use should be kept to a minimum, since this is a chemical that does not have the best effect on the body.

Medicines commonly used to relieve pain:

  • paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), for example, diclofenac or ibuprofen (you need to take into account the fact that NSAIDs lead to complications, for example, damage to the gastric and intestinal mucosa);
  • chondroprotectors are the most useful group of drugs at the initial stage, since they act on the mechanism of development of the disease - restores cartilage surfaces and normalizes the lubricating properties of the joint; but in the third and fourth stages they are useless;
  • antispasmodics;
  • antioxidants;
  • medications that stimulate blood microcirculation;
  • vitamins and mineral complexes;
  • medications aimed at correcting psychosomatic conditions.

Existing evidence of the effectiveness of herbal remedies is considered insufficient. The medicine can be prescribed locally in the form of gels, ointments, pastes. Recently, the use of pain-relieving patches with a warming and irritating effect, based on chondroprotectors, has become increasingly popular. The advantages of such patches are obvious; they have virtually no side effects or contraindications, can successfully replace tablet forms and are comfortable to use.

  1. Orthopedic correction.

Correction of the spine using orthopedic devices helps return it to its original motor pattern, when the load on the vertebrae is distributed evenly. How can you help the patient, what orthopedic devices should be used?

  • if you have problems with the neck, you should periodically wear an orthopedic collar, which releases the squeezed vertebrae, stretching the spine when the neck bends;
  • If you have problems with your feet, you should not forget about using orthopedic insoles; the ideal option is to have them made to order;
  • choose the right casual shoes, preferably orthopedic;
  • It is important to choose a high-quality pillow and mattress - the necessary rigidity and shape so that your neck and back can fully rest while sleeping;
  • if necessary, you need to use a bandage or corset that takes into account the anatomical features of posture and helps you stay straight;

You cannot treat osteochondrosis yourself. Only a specialist will suggest the correct choice of techniques, their optimal combination, offer the necessary equipment and physiotherapeutic effects, tell you about the best products and, if necessary, select effective drugs. After the course of therapy, individual rehabilitation will be offered.

Surgical treatment of osteochondrosis

Doctors resort to radical intervention for osteochondrosis relatively rarely; this is not the method of first choice. But some problems can only be corrected through surgery. Indications for surgery are the absence of positive dynamics over a long period of time, severe compression of the roots and dysfunction. During the intervention, pathologically altered intervertebral discs are removed, and the vertebrae are fixed using various structures.

Osteochondrosis can be stopped, but if the patient is motivated to recover, he must have sufficient willpower to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

The task of physiotherapy

As noted earlier, when treating osteochondrosis, doctors often resort to physiotherapeutic procedures, since with their help they can significantly speed up the healing process by delivering medications directly to the affected tissues. Another advantage of physiotherapy is its exclusively local therapeutic effect, due to which healthy tissues are not affected. This avoids most of the side effects.

Physiotherapy is used quite often

The main advantages of physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis include the following:

  • the condition of internal organs and tissues improves with regular exposure;
  • the body's protective functions are enhanced;
  • metabolic processes in the affected area are accelerated;
  • neurohumoral regulation of body functions is activated;
  • pain is eliminated (or significantly reduced);
  • blood circulation improves in the affected area and throughout the back area;
  • the patient’s body has an analgesic, decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • disorders of the motor system are eliminated.

Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis

Note! The desired therapeutic effect is achieved through exposure to magnetic fields of current, radiation and thermal energy. With this combination of therapeutic functions, the pain syndrome, which is a constant companion of osteochondrosis, is alleviated or completely eliminated, the regeneration of affected tissues is accelerated and the general state of health is improved.

What's the benefit?

The main goal of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is to relieve pain and stimulate regenerative processes in the vertebrae. Physiotherapeutic procedures have the following effects:

  • Eliminate pain;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Improve microcirculation at the site of the disease;
  • Relaxes spasmodic muscles;
  • Normalize metabolism.

For spinal fractures, physical therapy after spinal surgery is also used. If there is no damage to the spinal cord, then cryotherapy (cold treatment) and electrical stimulation are used. These methods in medical practice are often used in the rehabilitation of athletes. An important element of physiotherapy is massage. Its main purpose is to restore muscle strength, regenerate and stimulate blood circulation. First, a gentle massage is performed, the load on the back muscles is gradually increased.

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Methods of influence

For cervical osteochondrosis, different types of physiotherapy are used, each of which has its own characteristics and advantages. Below are the most common and effective ones.

Table. Physiotherapeutic procedures for osteochondrosis.

Type of physiotherapyDescription
Detensor-physiotherapyIt involves the influence of the patient's own weight. During the procedure, a special design and mats are used, which create the effect of stretching the spine in the cervical region. This allows you to improve blood circulation, relieve tension from muscle tissue and improve the general condition of the patient.
BalneotherapyPrescribed at different stages of pathology, including chronic osteochondrosis. Brine, ozokerite, mud and other applications can be carried out. The main condition for balneotherapy is compliance with the temperature regime.
Laser therapyAnother method of physiotherapy used for osteochondrosis. It consists of using a red low-intensity laser that can penetrate deep into the affected tissue. This procedure helps restore damaged tissues, improve blood circulation, and relieve pain.
MagnetotherapyThe essence of this method of therapy is to stimulate biological and physico-chemical processes in the patient’s body by exposure to a low-frequency magnetic field. Due to this, the process of cell renewal is activated, and blood circulation in the tissues improves.
Ural Federal DistrictUltraviolet irradiation is also successfully used for cervical and other types of osteochondrosis. With the help of ultraviolet irradiation, you can relieve the inflammatory process, eliminate pain and improve the nutrition of the skin with useful substances.
ElectrotherapyThis complex includes such therapy methods as SMT (sinusoidal modulated current), DDT (diadynamic current) and electrophoresis - an effective method of therapy in which an electric current is applied to the patient’s body. The peculiarity of electrotherapy is that it can be used to introduce the necessary drugs directly into the site of pathology (biostimulants and analgesics are most often used).

Advice for osteochondrosis

There are other physiotherapeutic methods of influence, but not all of them will be able to help in your particular case. After all, all organisms react differently to certain procedures, and the doctor must take into account the peculiarities of the pathology, the patient’s condition and the presence of contraindications. Therefore, the above procedures should be carried out only after a thorough diagnostic examination by a doctor.

The most effective physiotherapy procedures

The human body can be influenced for the purpose of treatment by various physical factors. The Yusupov Hospital uses the following types of physiotherapeutic treatment for osteochondrosis:

  1. Electrophoresis – allows you to introduce drugs into the body through the skin without violating its integrity;
  2. Ultrasound can relieve pain and inflammation. Ultrasonic waves can massage tissues in which metabolic processes are activated after the procedure;
  3. Magnetotherapy - the essence of the procedure is the use of constant or alternating magnetic fields of various frequencies. This method allows you to remove pain and eliminate inflammation in the area. The procedure is carried out using a special device called a tape recorder;
  4. Vibration effect. The damaged area can be affected using mechanical vibrations. For this purpose, special vibrating massagers are used;
  5. Detensor therapy. It is this type of physiotherapy that is most often used for osteochondrosis of the lumbar region. The procedure involves stretching the spine under the influence of the body's own weight. To carry out physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the spine, first of all, you need a special mattress, which is made with inclined ribs. They are able to change their position using human weight. As a result, muscle tone is normalized and they relax;
  6. Laser therapy. With this method of physiotherapy, a laser is directed to the damaged area, which helps reduce pain, inflammation and helps the body recover. A decrease in pain and an improvement in general condition is observed after the first sessions. Typically, the procedure lasts about 15 minutes;
  7. Balneotherapy is used as a therapy that relaxes muscles and has a beneficial effect on the skeletal and muscular systems. Mineral water is used as a physical factor using a bath or shower;
  8. Acupuncture. The essence of the procedure is to activate special points on the human body, the purpose of which is to relieve pain.

The focus of vertebral destruction is affected by physical factors: heat, cold, magnet, electrical impulses.

Combination of several methods

To increase the effectiveness of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis, doctors often prescribe several procedures at once. Of course, all of them must be carried out in strict sequence, since serious complications can occur with improper physiotherapy. For example, in cases of severe pain, doctors can prescribe mineral therapy using a laser - this helps relax the neck muscles. Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the doctor may prescribe different sets of procedures.

Physiotherapy is effective for all areas of the body

Physiotherapeutic devices

On a note! You must notify your doctor about all diseases that are related to blood circulation or the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This will prevent the development of many complications and select a more suitable course of therapy for you.

Recommended Exercises

Our specialists

  • Tarasova Svetlana Vitalievna

    Expert No. 1 in the treatment of headaches and migraines. Head of the Center for the Treatment of Pain and Multiple Sclerosis.

    Epileptologist. Botulinum therapist. The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Physiotherapist. Doctor of Medical Sciences.
    Experience: 23 years.

  • Derevianko Leonid Sergeevich

    Head of the Center for Diagnostics and Treatment of Sleep Disorders.

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Vertebrologist. Somnologist. Epileptologist. Botulinum therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 23 years.

  • Bezgina Elena Vladimirovna

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Botulinum therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 24 years.

  • Palagin Maxim Anatolievich

    The doctor is a neurologist. Somnologist. Epileptologist. Botulinum therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 6 years.

  • Mizonov Sergey Vladimirovich

    The doctor is a neurologist. Chiropractor. Osteopath. Physiotherapist. Experience: 8 years.

  • Drozdova Lyubov Vladimirovna

    The doctor is a neurologist. Vertebroneurologist. Ozone therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 17 years.

  • Zhuravleva Nadezhda Vladimirovna

    Head of the center for diagnosis and treatment of myasthenia gravis.

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Physiotherapist. Experience: 16 years.

  • Volkova Svetlana Anatolevna

    Head of the Center for Parkinsonism and Extrapyramidal Diseases.

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Epileptologist. Ozone therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 26 years.

  • Yushina Maria Alexandrovna

    Head of the Center for Epilepsy and Paroxysmal Conditions.

    The doctor is a neurologist. Epileptologist. Ozone therapist. Physiotherapist Experience: 7 years.

  • Polivanova Yulia Vyacheslavovna

    The doctor is a neurologist. Ozone therapist. Physiotherapist Experience: 8 years.

  • Dyachenko Ksenia Vasilievna

    Head of the center for the treatment of dizziness and balance disorders.

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category.
    Angioneurologist. Neurorehabilitation specialist. Physiotherapist. Candidate of Medical Sciences.
    Experience: 19 years.

Are there any contraindications

Despite the large number of advantages, physiotherapeutic procedures are not recommended for use by everyone. First of all, this is due to the possible presence of diseases of various degrees in patients, the presence of which may be a contraindication. For cervical osteochondrosis, physiotherapy is strictly not recommended in the presence of the following pathologies and conditions:

  • drug or alcohol influence;
  • diseases of the blood, hematopoietic organs (thrombocytopenia, leukemia, thromboembolism and others);

    Blood diseases

  • renal or liver failure, as well as disorders of the cardiovascular system. Such pathologies include liver cirrhosis, glomerulonephritis, hypertension, etc.;
  • acute mental disorders, such as psychosis or epilepsy;
  • the presence of dermatological diseases affecting the skin in the neck area;
  • the course of pregnancy at different stages of gestation;
  • an acute form of cervical osteochondrosis, which is accompanied by pronounced symptoms;
  • the development of cancer is also a contraindication to any type of physiotherapy.

General contraindications for physiotherapy

Only the attending physician, having carried out all the necessary tests, will be able to choose one or another method of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This should be carried out taking into account all contraindications and possible consequences.

Indications and contraindications for physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is prescribed for spinal pathologies accompanied by the following degenerative changes:

  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Severe radicular syndrome.
  • Contracture of muscle tissue.
  • Reduced mobility of spinal segments.

The use of physiotherapy methods may be limited with the following contraindications:

  • Patients using pacemakers or other vital devices with metal parts, prostheses.
  • Malignant tumors of various locations.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs.
  • Liver and kidney dysfunctions, skin diseases.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Psychical deviations.

Therapy with physical factors is carried out only at the stage of remission of the underlying disease. During an exacerbation, procedures may be prescribed in limited quantities (for example, to reduce pain, electrophoresis is used to improve the absorption of painkillers).

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