Bubnovsky: exercises for knee joints with gonarthrosis

12 exercises from Sergei Bubnovsky, which are recommended for the restoration of knee joints, as well as safety precautions that must be observed when performing them.

I want to talk in more detail about the basic exercises that need to be performed to restore your joints and which I recommend to almost all people in the form of prevention and treatment. These exercises, of course, were created thanks to the advent of the MTB simulator, which is used both in specialized treatment centers and at home. But not all people have such capabilities, so I recommend performing these exercises with a rubber shock absorber.

Description of the pathology

Before starting treatment, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the disease. With arthrosis, the knee joint undergoes deformation, and the cartilage becomes thinner. That is, a suffering person with this disease will find it more and more difficult to move, and at the final stage of gonarthrosis he will not be able to move at all. The functionality of the limbs decreases and gait worsens.

The pathology mainly affects people over 50 years of age. The disease process occurs unilaterally or bilaterally. This is caused by damage to both or one limb. Often young people acquire such diseases due to injury received during physical exercise. Other factors causing this pathology:

  • parallel diseases inside the knee;
  • the appearance of excess body weight;
  • meniscus formation;
  • poor nutrition, which provokes metabolic disorders in the body.

Some experts say that gonarthrosis in the joint occurs during prolonged stress. In this case, both elderly and young people suffer from the disease.

Joint pathologies for which the Bubnovsky technique can be used

Sometimes such significant pressure is placed on the knees that the joints become vulnerable to damage, which inevitably leads to injuries or diseases of the joints. Older people and athletes are at increased risk of injury.


Arthritis is a disease that is caused by inflammation of the joints and ultimately affects the entire body. The causes may be various types of infections or autoimmune processes. Pathology can also appear due to a bruise or other injury.


Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a disease caused by damage to cartilage, which as a result of pathology undergoes slow destruction. Gradually, such destruction can lead to atrophy of connective tissues and joint deformation.

Main symptoms

Frequent pain in the knee area is considered the first signal of gonarthrosis. Therefore, first of all, you need to switch your attention to the symptoms. At the very first stage of the pathology, you can feel discomfort, which over time turns into more acute pain - this is due to the gradual progression of the disease. The primary period of the disease lasts from two months to a year or more, after which the second degree of exacerbation of the disease occurs.

Often, pain syndrome initially appears during physical activity, no matter whether it is sports or household chores. But the sudden onset of pain does not signal gonarthrosis; this is already associated with another problem.

At the second stage of progression, patients feel increased discomfort. With a mild degree, they feel mild pain only during exercise, and in the second case, the pathology makes itself felt even during rest.

Kneeling exercises

You need to perform the exercises through pain, starting with a couple of repetitions and then increasing their number to 10-15 times.

  • Before you begin the exercise, place bandages filled with crushed ice on your knees. Get on your knees, lean on a chair and step your knees at least twice. Over time, you need to increase the number of steps.
  • An exercise to stretch the anterior thigh muscles. You need to slowly lower your buttocks onto your heels. To make the workout easier, you can place a bolster on your calves. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

After finishing the exercises, lightly massage your knee , avoiding too much pressure.

Stages of the disease in detail

Experts say that the disease has 3 stages of development. At its mildest, the patient experiences minor discomfort during active movements and activities. Osteoarthritis in the knee is accompanied by the accumulation of synovial fluid, which, in turn, provokes the formation of a Baker's cyst. The bones themselves are not affected by the disease and are not deformed, but disturbances occur in the cartilaginous tissues. Doctors use radiography to make an accurate diagnosis. It is very difficult to determine the stages the first time, so secondary diagnosis will be required.

  • Exercises for gonarthrosis of the knee joint: rules and technique, video

The second degree of pathology significantly damages the cartilage. The same radiography is used and a primary and secondary examination of the knee is performed. In this case, not only deformation of the internal tissues is noticed, but also a change in the bone structure. Pain occurs even when walking, but disappears in an instant when the person stops moving. The first signal indicating the presence of the disease is a loud cracking sound during flexion and extension of the limb.

The third stage is considered gonarthrosis, it is final. The final deformation of bones and cartilage occurs, their structure completely changes. Changes can be seen not only on an x-ray, but also externally. The pain syndrome does not relieve the patient even when he does not move at all.


You should not exercise if you have respiratory and intestinal infections, especially if they are accompanied by high fever, chills, fever, and gastrointestinal disorders. Complete immobilization (ankylosis) of the knee is also a contraindication - in this case endoprosthetics is necessary. Doctors prohibit training if there is acute inflammation in the joint, the presence of malignant tumors of any location, or recent surgery.

Treatment Options

Gonarthrosis can be cured if you use complex therapy. Experts prescribe not only medications, but also strongly recommend engaging in other equally important procedures that help eliminate pain, restore the affected area and achieve normal blood circulation . Treatment methods:

  1. Ozone therapy. It is considered one of the most effective ways to eliminate the disease. The damaged knee is treated with ozone or used as an injection. Many patients noted this technique as positive. Because the recovery process does not take much time. An important advantage of this therapy is the absence of side effects and contraindications.
  2. Kinesitherapy. It is also considered one of the popular methods. This option involves the use of physical special exercises that have different levels of load. An individual approach is used for each degree of pathology progression. This technique does not require special equipment.
  3. The first and second options can be combined together using modern biological additives (BAS) together with a set of training. This is an excellent alternative to drug treatment.

Naturally, the ozone therapy procedure is expensive, since special medical equipment is used, which is not available in every hospital. Therefore, patients prefer Bubnov physical exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint.

Adduction (bringing)

The exercise relieves axial load from the knee and hip joints. It not only restores the cruciate ligaments and adductor muscles of the hip, but also acts as a blood flow pump for the pelvic organs (pelvic floor). Therefore, it serves as the best prevention of prostatitis in men, endometriosis and uterine fibroids in women. A good means of preventing hemorrhoids. Contraindications: coxarthrosis of the 2nd–4th degree, inguinal hernia.

Option 1. I.P. Sitting on the floor, with your side to a stationary support (or partner), stretch your legs forward. Pull the rubber shock absorber with a straight leg from side to center.

Pain in the groin and inner surface of the knee joint is acceptable. The number of repetitions is 20.

Option 2. I.P. Same. The leg is fixed to the upper block of the exercise machine. This option is suitable for physically weakened people.

Benefits of gymnastics

Doctor of Medical Sciences Bubnovsky created a modern unique method of treating gonarthrosis based on complex physical exercises. The peculiarity of such gymnastics is the absence of surgical intervention and the use of medications.

He believes that such an effective development will be able to eliminate the disease and relieve pain in the joint. Since the disease occurs through the release of a small amount of fluid, which provokes an inflammatory process, this is considered the main cause of the pathology. It is such effective gymnastics that helps restore this substance.

Regular physiotherapy exercises for arthrosis and gonarthrosis of the knee joint normalize the proper nutrition of cells in the cartilage. The Bubnovsky technique is effectively used at all stages of the disease. A course of treatment will restore motor functions to normal.

A significant advantage lies in conducting training at home. However, the first few sessions are best done under the supervision of an instructor or someone who has successfully completed a course of treatment. Such gymnastics always begin with preparing the knee - exercises and massage.

After a certain period of training, the exercises become more complicated and the time increases. If unprepared people have to spend an average of 35 seconds on exercises, then over time they need to reach 2-3 minutes or more.

To reduce knee pain and fatigue, finish with stretching. The best results are achieved at the first stage of arthrosis, which has not yet developed into gonarthrosis.

You don't have to do intense strength training. It is enough to lie down on a special prepared mat laid on the floor and perform simple actions that help restore normal blood circulation. You don’t need to invest significant amounts of money for these activities.

  • Therapeutic gymnastics by Bubnovsky for arthrosis of the knee joint: a set of exercises


Bubnovsky pays close attention to an alternative approach to the question of how to treat knees through physiotherapeutic procedures. Physiotherapy is most effective at the early stage of development of the disease.

Thermal impact

Knees do not always hurt only because of the manifestation of the disease; sometimes the pain intensifies due to tension in the muscles. Exposure to heat can help reduce spasm, which will significantly alleviate the discomfort. Additionally, applying heat to the affected area can act as an analgesic.

Important! It is worth remembering that when treating arthritis, heat therapy can relieve pain, but the healing process will be significantly delayed.

This is due to the fact that during inflammation, exposure to heat can aggravate the pathology.

As for the specific treatment of arthrosis, heat therapy will be useless, since it is not capable of causing a rush of blood to the knees so strongly as to restore their normal nutrition. In this case, such therapy can only significantly relieve pain, but treating arthrosis with this method is contraindicated.

It is also recommended to read another article about knee pain when squatting and standing.

Exposure to cold

Dr. Bubnovsky himself, in situations where knees hurt, offers an alternative to warming therapy, namely exposure to cold. According to him, the warming method leads to the fact that the rush of blood carries not only nutrients, but also damaging elements that have a detrimental effect on the damaged joint.

With the cooling method of exposure, the inflammation process decreases. Using a cold compress can not only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but also break the pathological chain that led to its formation. Constriction of blood vessels from cold allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. Relieve swelling of tissues that compress nerve endings.
  2. Stop the flow of inflammatory fluid into the synovial bursa.
  3. Reduce pain.
  4. Restore joint mobility.

This method is especially effective for gonarthrosis.


The leading place in the alternative treatment scheme for diseases of the knee joint according to Bubnovsky is given to physical therapy, developed by Sergei himself. The technique is called kinesitherapy, which states that if the patient puts significant effort into eliminating the pathology, then the chances of recovery are significantly increased.

The use of this technique is indicated in certain cases:

  • when injured;
  • during the rehabilitation period;
  • unadvanced degree of damage;
  • if there are mobility impairments.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics allows you to restore the elasticity of ligaments that have been injured or affected by illness and relieve symptoms of pain.

Correct execution of exercise therapy exercises guarantees:

  • reducing the load on the joint;
  • increased range of motion of the joint;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • minimizing muscle tension;
  • acceleration of recovery.

Regular exercise and proper breathing contribute to the rapid rehabilitation of the knee.

Easy workout

According to the specialist, the feet contain points that are responsible for the functionality of all internal organs, including the brain and spine . The algorithm of actions for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method is as follows:

  1. After waking up, without getting out of bed and lying on your back, your toes are stretched and kneaded. Then they are repeatedly bent and unbent. Then the feet are turned as far as possible in one direction, and then in the other.
  2. In the next step, the feet are moved along the surface of the bed. The right limb is bent at the knee, and the heel is pulled towards the buttock. A similar procedure is performed with the second leg. After which the limbs are alternately pulled forward so that tension is felt in the heel.
  3. When lying down, your legs are spread apart and bent at the knees. Such exercises for the knee joint with arthrosis according to Bubnovsky are done at least 10 times. Then, in the same position, the feet are brought closer to each other, and the limbs are pressed. Then, keeping your heels on the bed, raise your pelvis to its maximum height.
  4. The legs are extended and pulled forward. You need to reach the chest with your knee, which is fixed with your hand. The back is slightly raised and rounded. Task: touch the kneecap with your chin. The same procedure is done with the other limb.
  5. At the end, they work on belly breathing. The hand is placed on the stomach and the legs are bent. Next, during inhalation, the stomach is protruded forward and pulled back in. Do this until tension is felt in the abdominal muscles.

After a long, multi-day procedure, Bubnovsky’s therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint will help strengthen the muscles of the legs and eliminate pain. It is important to start training from the moment you wake up. Then such physical education will be quite easy.

Exercises while lying on your stomach

These exercises will help reduce knee pain and will be useful in the treatment and prevention of degenerative changes in the joints. You need to lie on your stomach.

  • Bring your legs bent at the knees one by one to your buttocks.
  • Take turns bending your legs at right angles, holding this position for five seconds. Do 40 reps.
  • Alternately raise your straight legs above the floor and hold the position for five seconds.

You can also use squats. Stand against a wall or other support, bend your legs so that they form a right angle. Keep your back straight. Hold in the bottom position for 3-5 seconds. You need to repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

Walking is also very good for your knees. You can walk up the stairs instead of the elevator. It is also useful to massage the sore joint and apply cold to it.

Exercise therapy at a severe stage

This treatment method works effectively when arthrosis becomes severe. Physical education relieves inflammation of the joints, and deformed bones are restored. To avoid taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. First, the patient makes a compress from ice crumbs, which should be placed between two dense materials. Then comes the knee bandaging. Task: in this position you need to move around the room for as long as possible. If this is difficult to do, then at least you need to move a few steps forward while holding onto the chair. After some time, the pain will subside and walking will become easier during training, therefore, the number of steps is increased.
  2. The patient sits on the floor and stretches his limbs forward. He takes his toes with his hands and pulls them towards himself, despite the increasing pain.
  3. Squats are effective in repairing damaged knees. During classes you will need a chair, and then you can do without it, when training will be much easier. The number of repetitions is increased.
  4. During gonarthrosis, Dr. Bubnovsky recommends stretching the thigh muscles. You need to lie on your stomach and help your hands to pull your feet towards your lower back.

Advice! Before classes, always consult with doctors who will indicate contraindications.

According to all rules, the course of treatment is approximately 30 days. The number of exercises per day is 3 times. The average time of physical education is 15 minutes. You should not overload the damaged joint in the first days of training. Exercises begin with a weak amplitude, which is gradually increased every day. After the procedure, the patient needs rest. It is enough to take a lying position and lie on your back for 5 minutes. Then the knees are doused with cold water. It will additionally help relieve pain. And massage together with thermal procedures and training will speed up the healing process.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, S.M. Bubnovsky, the author of numerous medical articles and inventions, has been dealing with problems of the musculoskeletal system for many years. What he created successfully treats diseases such as gout, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis. One of the unique developments was Bubnovsky gymnastics for knee arthrosis, which returned patients hope for a life without pain and disability.

The Dragon

The exercise allows you to work out the leg joints in decompression mode.
This is one of the most universal exercises for the treatment of acute back pain (lumbar spine), pain in the hip, knee and ankle joints, and coxarthrosis. This exercise works and stretches the muscles of the front of the thigh (quadriceps), gluteal muscles and calf muscles.

For swelling of the knee joint, when supporting the knee is impossible (damage to the menisci, cruciate ligaments), the exercise is performed lying on your side. It has no contraindications.

I.P. Standing on all fours, hands on the floor. One end of the rubber shock absorber is fixed at the top of the room, the other by the cuff - to the leg (lower third of the lower leg). You can work with a partner. Knee thrust forward from a straight leg position back.

It is allowed to perform through pain (in the first 3-4 movements). The number of repetitions is 20, gradually increasing the stretch of the rubber or the number of rubber shock absorbers.

What problems does Bubnovsky’s technique solve?

Therapy for knee arthrosis from Bubnovsky is a solution to the most important problems contributing to the development of the disease. It includes:

  • elimination of pain symptoms;
  • restoration of the structure of hyaline cartilage tissue;
  • treatment without drugs;
  • returning the joint to its natural functions and motor abilities in full.

The treatment program is selected individually and consists of exercises and physiotherapy developed by Bubnovsky for knee arthrosis. The health complex is based on many years of research and practical testing of the proposed methodology.

Software specifics of arthrosis therapy from Bubnovsky

Understanding very well that a disease such as gonarthrosis must be attacked from all sides, Dr. Bubnovsky included several effective methods in his program to combat it:

  • diaphragmatic breathing technique, which activates the vascular system and normalizes pressure;
  • classes on MTB (Bubnovsky multifunctional simulators);
  • cryo- and hydrothermotherapy as natural pain relievers.

The duration of therapy for knee arthrosis according to Bubnovsky and the selection of a simulator depends on the degree of the disease, the patient’s age and his general physical condition. Gymnastics from Bubnovsky on video:

  • Bubnovsky: my knees hurt - what to do? Description and treatment

Gymnastics tactics

While developing a set of exercises, Dr. Bubnovsky established certain rules that must be followed when starting to treat knee arthrosis with the help of his exercises. They look like this:

  1. The first classes are conducted with an instructor who monitors the correct execution of the exercises and the patient’s well-being.
  2. Each workout begins with a mandatory warm-up. Muscles and joints must be warm enough for subsequent exercises to be beneficial.
  3. The duration of training at the beginning of classes is 30-60 seconds for each exercise. Then the execution time is increased, bringing it to several minutes for each exercise.
  4. Complete the set of exercises with stretching. It is necessary to relieve accumulated fatigue and relieve pain.

The doctor warns that to achieve noticeable improvement, classes must be regular and long-term.

Purpose and results of therapy

The main goal of kinesitherapy is to return the patient to an active lifestyle. Treatment of arthrosis using the S. Bubnovsky method is aimed at preventing the spread of pathology to other joints. After all, if the knee is not functioning properly, the loads when walking are redistributed incorrectly. They fall mainly on the hip and ankle joints, provoking the development of a destructive-degenerative process in them. Regular training helps to restore the previous range of motion, improve posture, and get rid of lameness.

Useful tips from Bubnovsky when doing exercises

Bubnovsky accompanies his original technique with various useful tips and professional recommendations. Some of Dr. Bubnovsky's advice for knee arthrosis is unusual and may cause confusion, but the professor knows what he is talking about. All his recommendations have been tested by time and constant training with patients.

We walk on all fours

Getting down on all fours when you have knee arthrosis and are in pain seems like an unthinkable solution. However, according to Bubnovsky, walking on knees is useful and effective. In order to spare the knee joint, the doctor suggests applying an ice compress to it during movements. The first steps will be difficult for you, but after taking two or three today, you should increase their number, bringing up to 30 steps at a time.

Contact the Bubnovsky Center for detailed explanations on walking on all fours.

Magic "Ha!" to exhale the disease

The amazing discovery made by the doctor is that when performing exercises, exhalation should be accompanied by shouting “Ha!” This is where Bubnovsky’s famous statement was born that “The disease must be exhaled.” The doctor is convinced that this procedure enhances the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises on gonarthrosis.

Use the magic “Ha!” You can do it by walking on all fours, trying to sit on your heels afterwards. Shout out “ha” when you try to sit on your heels, and you will more easily endure the pain syndrome, and after 3-4 months you will be able to do it easily and naturally.

A set of therapeutic gymnastics exercises according to Bubnovsky

It is not necessary to look for a trainer or specialist to do recreational gymnastics. You can perform the exercises developed by Bubnovsky for knee arthrosis at home. The main thing is to monitor the gradual increase in load, the technique of performing movements, and prevent the occurrence of severe pain.

Description of the complex exercises:

  1. To perform the first exercise, you need to lie with your back on the floor, bend your legs at the pelvis and knees. Now we proceed to alternately extending and bending the legs. The number of repetitions is 20 times.
  2. We remain in the same position. Legs are straightened and lie on the floor. We bend one leg and try to raise the foot, fix it for a few seconds, lower it, and proceed to perform the movement with the other leg.
  3. In this exercise, you need to alternately bend your right and left legs at the knee. Movements should be soft and smooth.
  4. Now you need to bend your leg at the knee and try to press it to your body, fix the movement, then relax your leg and return it to a straight position.
  5. Raise the straightened left or right leg about 30 cm up, hold for 5-10 seconds, lower. We do the same movement with the other limb.
  6. Everyone knows the “bicycle”. We perform it carefully, monitoring our sensations.
  7. We turn over from our back to our stomach. And we begin to alternately bend our legs at the knees from this position. If you can, try to touch your heel to your buttock.
  8. For the following exercises we will need a chair. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, lift one leg and hold it for about 5 seconds. Make sure your heel is straight. Repeat with the other leg.
  9. Stand near the back of a chair, hold on to it and swing your legs to the sides.
  10. Turn sideways to the back of the chair and swing your legs back and forth.

It is advisable to do gymnastics every day. The minimum repetition of one exercise is 10 times, but it is important to increase their number and try to perform it with maximum amplitude. Dr. Bubnovsky himself talks about how to breathe correctly during gymnastics:

Sergey Bubnovsky: 12 exercises for the knee

First, let me remind you of the basic safety rules when performing these exercises:

1) the rubber shock absorber should be attached to the lower part of the shin with a loop, preferably on a thick sock. The other end is attached to a stationary heavy support, such as the leg of a sofa, bed or cabinet. But it is better to screw some kind of hinge-type brackets at different heights into the load-bearing wall of the house or room, to which the free end of the shock absorber could be secured for performing exercises on the floor or on a bench;

2) a rubber shock absorber, and now silicone ones have appeared, should have handles at the ends, like an expander. It should be of such length that tension is felt in the leg muscles and the shock absorber does not sag. Exercises must be performed with 15–20 repetitions in one series. These exercises should be performed quite easily for the first two to three weeks, that is, without excessive force when stretching the rubber shock absorber. With each cycle of exercises (12), the number of shock absorbers can be increased, following an increase in leg strength. You should not stomp on one effort. It is necessary to feel some discomfort during tension, that is, to overcome it. But there is no need to rush to increase the number of shock absorbers;

3) each movement must be performed gently, with the same effort from start to finish. There is no need to jerk your foot on the shock absorber and suddenly throw your foot back to its original position;

4) muscles, ligaments and tendons performing these exercises for the first time may creak, crack and hurt the next day. Swelling and cramps are possible. This is a normal reaction of adaptation to the new life of the body until the muscle fibers straighten and restore the passage of blood vessels within themselves. Think better about what will happen if you stop doing these exercises. Do you want to go back to drugs and suffering?

5) the minimum number of classes per week is three. The duration of the lesson is no less than 20 minutes and no more than 60. With each week and month, try to increase the number of exercises performed over a certain period of time;

6) immediately decide at what time of day you will perform this treatment program , and under no circumstances refuse to complete it at the allotted time;

7) if you have concomitant diseases , such as coronary heart disease, and are taking medications, then it is not recommended to stop taking them immediately. At the same time, pay attention to your health after exercise and decide whether you need to take another pill if it improves? Try to gradually push pills out of your life, replacing them with exercise;

poor health should not be a reason for missing classes, since these are the exercises that help get rid of it;

9) it is advisable to perform the exercises with pleasant accompaniment or in front of a TV screen;

10) set yourself up for recovery , because by doing these exercises, you create the conditions for restoring your own health.

The first group of exercises is strength.

Strength exercises are necessary to restore muscle “pumps”. These “pumps” work only under one condition: contraction and relaxation of the muscle, that is, the power element of the movement.

Exercise No. 1 (see photo 1 a, b)

Starting position (hereinafter referred to as IP): lying on your chest. Pull the rubber shock absorber with your foot until the leg is fully bent at the knee joint.

photo 1 a

photo 1 b

Performing this exercise helps to stretch the cramped muscles of the popliteal area and improve the drainage function of the thigh muscles, due to which the edema (swelling) of the knee joint area that occurs after direct and indirect injuries disappears.

A direct injury is an injury that occurs immediately after the knee hits a hard object or the knee is struck by an object. An indirect injury is an injury associated with a sprain of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the leg, resulting in edema (swelling) of the knee joint, which prevents the knee from fully bending and unbending.

If you do not perform drainage exercises against swelling or swelling, that is, those in which the muscles above and below the knee begin to perform a pumping function (eliminate swelling), the swelling increases and the knee takes the form of a fluid-filled sack. Usually, in such cases, the actions of doctors to artificially drain edema using a Janet syringe can lead to severe pathology of the joint, even arthrosis.

If you do not take any action and use compresses and ointments of any composition, the swelling can fix the knee, bringing it to contracture, that is, the inability to straighten. In addition, prolonged failure to eliminate edema can lead to suppuration of inflammatory fluid.

Therefore, it is proposed to perform exercises with stretching the muscles of the thigh and lower leg using a rubber shock absorber, one end of which is fixed to the lower part of the lower leg, and the other is secured to a fixed support at different heights so that when straightening the leg is fully extended, and when bending to the maximum possible bending the leg at the knee joint towards the buttock.

If the person performing this exercise is lying on the floor, then it is advisable to place a thick pillow or a heating pad filled with non-hot water under the knee. If he/she is kneeling, then it is desirable that the leg with which he/she performs the traction-flexion movement lies on a stationary support (a bench with a soft surface, an ottoman, a stool).

In the first days of training, the tension of the shock absorber should be such that the person performing the exercise can freely bend and straighten the leg for 20–25 repetitions. In subsequent days, the tension should increase either by increasing the distance from the fixation of the free end of the shock absorber (from the wall), or by increasing the number of shock absorbers (two, three, four).

You need to know that when performing this exercise, in the first days the practitioner may hear cracking, crunching, and clicking sounds in the working joint. This is a normal reaction of spasmed and poorly working muscles in the area of ​​attachment to the knee joint. After performing this exercise, you can apply a cold compress to your knee for a few seconds.

Many patients, even young people, are initially afraid of these sounds. It seems to them that something has broken, cracked, or shifted. But this is an illusion fueled by fear. The exercise is completely safe if you can perform it for at least 10 repetitions.

But when performing this exercise, you should not jerk your leg or throw it sharply back. Sudden movements cannot damage the integrity of the knee joint, although the muscles can be stretched, causing new pain.

And one more note. Please, without fanaticism! That is, no extra effort is needed, but at the same time the muscles should feel that they are contracting and stretching. Just try to do this exercise 15-20 times, each time increasing the impact of the shock absorber on the working muscles.

The main advantage of this exercise is the decompression of the articular surfaces of the knee joint. That is, they do not touch each other when performing these movements.

Note. The same exercise is recommended for bursitis of the knee joint, rehabilitation after meniscus removal or cruciate ligament transplantation of the knee joint.

In gyms, the MTB-1 simulator (No. 19) using a universal bench is used for this.

Do all exercises during the strength phase (bending, pulling) while exhaling “Ha-a”!

What improvements does Bubnovsky’s gymnastics provide?

Patients suffering from gonarthrosis are interested in what results they can achieve by doing adaptive physical therapy using the Bubnovsky method. This is not an idle interest, because the disease is dangerous in that it can lead to disability and loss of quality of life. Reviews from people already practicing this method indicate that there are significant improvements. Experts state that the use of Bubnovsky’s techniques allows:

  • improve the motor function of the sore knee;
  • increase range of motion;
  • reduce the manifestation of pain;
  • improve the quality of nutrition of cartilage and joint tissues;
  • reduce the risk of re-exacerbation and further development of the disease.

Agree that with such forecasts it is worth paying attention to the professor’s invention and applying his methodology to yourself.

When can you not do exercise therapy according to Bubnovsky?

The doctor himself, and the specialists working in his center, warn that not all patients with gonarthrosis can do such gymnastics. It is prohibited to use it in the following cases:

  • with serious inflammatory processes occurring in the joint;
  • if the patient is diagnosed with ankylosis or acute arthritis;
  • if the patient suffers from suppuration;
  • in the last stage of arthrosis and during its exacerbation.

Before starting classes, be examined by a therapist to find out your general health.

Abduction (abduction)

The exercise involves the hip abductors, which are involved in the blood supply to the knee and hip joints, lumbar spine and pelvic organs. Perfectly restores the cruciate ligaments of the knee joint and prevents coxarthrosis and osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. Contraindications: grade 2–4 coxarthrosis, inguinal hernia.

Option 1. I.P. Same as in the previous exercise. Only the straight leg is abducted as far as possible to the side. The shock absorber must be secured to a fixed support or the services of a partner must be used.

Option 2. I.P. The same as in option 1. Abduction is performed with a straight leg, fixed with a cuff to the upper block of the simulator.


Opinions about Bubnovsky's technique

Bubnovsky’s therapeutic exercises, proposed for patients with gonarthrosis, look unusual and, naturally, arouse skeptical considerations from other specialists. Many rheumatologists and orthopedists are suspicious of his methods and mercilessly criticize the professor’s innovation. However, there are statistics that state that the number of people who have overcome arthrosis with the help of Bubnovsky gymnastics is steadily growing.

Humanity has not yet found methods that can completely cure gonarthrosis and other types of arthrosis. Doctors do not stop searching and may someday achieve success. Today, patients are offered effective ways to combat this disease, and Bubnovsky’s method is no worse than others. If it helps, then it's worth trying.


For arthrosis and other joint pathologies, in addition to drug treatment, other auxiliary therapeutic measures are also important. In particular, special gymnastics. For arthrosis, treatment with gymnastics according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method supports the functioning of the joints and prevents damage to their structure. It differs from the conservative one, but many patients note the high effectiveness of this method and rapid recovery.

Features of the technique

The essence of therapeutic exercises is that it allows the body to cope with any degenerative changes on its own, without outside help. To relieve knee pain, you need to adhere to the following requirements:

  • Get examined by a doctor. Only diagnostics can determine the cause of degenerative processes. It is important to undergo radiography, MRI, sonography.
  • Exercise regularly. To perform the exercises, it is recommended to use special simulators. The main load should fall on the muscles, and not on the joints.
  • To increase the effectiveness of the exercises, it is recommended to study with an instructor who will monitor your load and monitor your progress.
  • The author of the technique recommends avoiding painkillers. To relieve pain, he advises visiting a bathhouse and then taking a cooling shower. This helps muscles relax, relieves swelling and eliminates discomfort.
  • Patients are also advised to work with a psychotherapist . A specialist of this profile helps to overcome the fear of pain, which we are used to drowning out with medications.

The proposed exercises for knee pain help to warm up the knee joint, which improves metabolic processes. This is a rather complex, but at the same time effective method that requires constant effort from you.

Now let's move on to the set of exercises itself. They need to be performed with a gradual increase in load. Avoid severe pain. Gymnastics will help with arthritis and arthrosis, and with knee pain typical of athletes. It also helps with osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region. Exercises help stretch muscles that have become tight and decreased in size, which helps restore their normal function and improve the condition of the knee joint itself.

Before you start doing the exercises, read the following recommendations for beginners:

  • Preliminarily undergo an examination and consult with a specialist who will help determine the required degree of load.
  • The volume and number of exercises should be increased gradually as the condition improves.
  • You need to start your classes with a massage. It is necessary to warm up the muscles, prepare the ligaments and joints for further stress.
  • You need to exercise regularly - three times a day for 10-20 minutes.
  • At first you need to perform each exercise for 30 seconds, and over time increase this time to three minutes.
  • Finish your workout with stretching and a light massage.
  • Bubnovsky himself believes that cryotherapy - cold therapy - is very effective in treatment.

So, if your knees hurt, Bubnovsky recommends the following exercises.

Information about the author of the method

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is known far beyond the borders of Russia and the CIS countries. His original method of movement treatment, called kinesitherapy, has become widespread in recent years. Today, thousands of patients with arthrosis and other joint pathologies are treated in Bubnovsky’s specialized centers.

The doctor is the author of numerous publications on his technique; he has developed and implemented methods for treating injuries without surgery, as well as osteochondrosis, arthritis, gout and arthrosis.

Instead of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain, he suggests that patients practice diaphragmatic breathing, thereby protecting the body from the harmful substances contained in these drugs. Thanks to the doctor’s efforts, the principles of sports medicine aimed at treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system were introduced into the practice of Russian doctors.

For spinal fractures, patients can undergo rehabilitation using a special simulator - MTB. Its developer is also Sergey Bubnovsky.

Text of the book “Knees hurt. What to do?"

Sergey Bubnovsky My knees hurt. What to do?

Introduction to the topic

This material is presented not as in a textbook, but as a conversation or debate.
The fact is that there are many manuals, textbooks and monographs. But every doctor is content with his own library, which is recommended by his medical school. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to find common ground if views on treatment and illness are different. Especially if the views are diametrically opposed. But I start primarily from the needs of patients who come to me as a doctor, and they are not very interested in the classification of joint diseases. They are usually interested in two problems - pain in the joint and a treatment method that will help get rid of this pain and return the joint to its normal state.

This book is based primarily on knee problems. But we will also touch on other, no less important topics. Let's talk about the complexity of the anatomical structure of the knee joint. This needs to be said, if only because doctors can look at or even read this book. At least so that there is no feeling of amateurism. As practice shows, treatment of the knee joint in conventional medicine is considered from only two perspectives:

1) treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and chondroprotectors[1]1

Chondroprotectors are drugs that restore the cartilage tissue of the joint (allegedly -

[Close] interspersed with hormone therapy and physiotherapy;

2) operations on joints, which have acquired a truly universal scale in recent years.

I offer my position in the treatment of the knee joint, which is fundamentally different from these two. There are also folk recipes that are widely promoted by the media, but I will not discuss them, since the analysis of most of these recipes has shown their primitiveness and inconsistency. Of all the forms of joint damage, I will consider two main ones - arthritis and arthrosis[2] 2

In special medicine, it has recently become common to call these two forms osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis.

[Close]. I will try to prove the validity of such a mini-classification by debating with the Association of General Practitioners (Family Doctors) of the Russian Federation and the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia[3] 3

Clinical recommendations. Osteoarthritis. Diagnosis and management of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip joints / ed. O.M. Lesnyak. Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2006.


Other problems raised in this book - sports injuries of the knee joint, rheumatoid polyarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, I think will be no less interesting to the reader who, to one degree or another, has encountered any of them.

I think that the answer of the majority of specialists from these associations will be stones in my garden, I do not blame them for this, but the main argument in such a dispute is the result of treatment. Not a single person with joint problems entering a specialist’s office wants to become disabled after completing a course of treatment or receive everyday restrictions (corset, orthosis, cane, etc.) that sharply reduce the quality of his life.

Let's talk about this.

Instead of a Preface, or Unanswered Questions

A short man entered the office, swaying like a drake from side to side. Wheel legs[4] 4

Wheel legs are a varus deformity of the limbs, characteristic of people with damage to the knee joints.

[Close], there is dissatisfaction and irritation on the face. Of course... He was literally forcibly brought to the Center for Modern Kinesitherapy[5] 5

Modern kinesitherapy is a new direction in medicine: the basis for the treatment of large joints and the spine is the impact on the deep muscles of the musculoskeletal system with the help of special simulators to restore full joint mobility.

[Close], which prohibits wearing knee pads, applying heat compresses to the joints, which help him so much, albeit for a short time, and does not even recommend the use of chondroprotectors, on which he has already spent a lot of money.

“Here, you see, they treat you with exercises on some kind of simulators, and, which is completely out of the question, with ice packs that are applied to sore joints.”

He is 64 years old. He doesn't need to be taught how to treat himself. He knows everything about his joints better than any doctor.

This is what another patient thought when he crossed the threshold of my office. He was told that he had arthrosis of the knee joints and that, they say, this could no longer be treated with anything other than endoprosthetics, that is, replacing the original joint with an implant. Maybe he should come to terms with the disease and continue to be treated with the same methods and means to which he is already accustomed and which he no longer wants to replace with something else, albeit modern? Of course, because here are the most powerful drugs for pain relief, and laser, and other methods of physiotherapy, and even corticosteroids - everything, as doctors assure, is the most modern.

Of course, they help temporarily, not for long, but they help?! And although the use of some of these drugs has already developed a drug-induced disease, doctors call it iatrogenicity, he is ready to continue to fight knee pain with these drugs.

But then he came to the Bubnovsky Center, or whatever it is – the Kinesitherapy Center. “A friend was treated, recommended and even insisted. I'm tired of listening to him. So he came. Well. Let's listen to what they tell you about the treatment of joints. They told me to have surgery?! And here they are against surgery on my knees..."

I understood these doubts very well. There are two types of patients with painful joints. The former, as a rule, do not believe that it is possible to do without joint replacement surgery, even if the joint really needs this operation. They fight to the end, looking for a way out, sometimes turning to the most exotic means available to so-called traditional medicine.

I can immediately say that as for traditional medicine, there are no methods in it to cure even arthritis. There are ways to distract from pain and temporarily relieve tension in the body. But it is impossible to cure joints without knowledge of anatomy and physiology. And this is not the arrogance of the doctor. I have been studying since I was 13–14 years old and even now I am interested in all alternative methods of treating the musculoskeletal system, including traditional ones. Yes! Do not be surprised. I remember asking my parents to subscribe me to the magazine “Physical Education and Sports”, which had a section “7 pages of health”. I was 14 years old then - late 60s, I did not suffer from anything, I was a healthy, athletic guy. But the topic of alternative medicine, as they say now, attracted me. Why? I don’t know... A little later, the page “ZOZH” (“Healthy Lifestyle”) appeared in the newspaper “Soviet Sport”, which was then transformed into the now existing newspaper “ZOZH”. These sources of information made it possible to learn about people doing something unusual, but extremely attractive (to me, anyway) in the field of medicine. There was little such information in the USSR. This, one might say, childhood hobby of mine was very useful to me when I became a doctor. That's how it happens. You see patients in a clinic (student practice). You write out prescriptions for grandparents sitting in line. And no, no, some eccentric will come who, in response to your recipe, asks: “Do you know anything about urine therapy or fasting? Do you know such and such, such and such, who treat with this, that, and the third?” Of course, professors at medical schools never talked about such people in lectures, and I think any doctor who does not know such alternative information will brush off such questions, calling all these unconventional methods of treatment quackery, nonsense, etc. But I knew these “others and thirds” and therefore did not dismiss, but explained in detail the advantages or misconceptions of alternative treatment methods, since he actually studied many of them and even applied them on himself. Even now, having become a doctor, I continue to be interested in the history of alternative medicine. But nevertheless, for me there are adherents who develop medicine in a scientific direction, their treatment methods still retain their theoretical and practical relevance. First of all, this is Hippocrates, who defended the methods of natural medicine and proclaimed the principle: “Do no harm.” His oath is taken by all doctors upon graduation from medical school and forgotten in the very first days of their medical practice. Now symptomatic medicine dominates, which Hippocrates and his principles classify rather as alternative medicine, but I considered and consider myself one of the successors of his work and am not going to change my views on treatment, despite the rather aggressive medical environment. After all, we serve the sick, so let them choose their doctors. I believe that the principles of Hippocrates are one hundred percent consistent with the word “health”, that is, the protection of health, not disease. And it is impossible to maintain health or restore it without creating special conditions for this. The main ones are the sun, air and water, that is, the ecology of the earth, which, unfortunately, has transformed into a separate direction “Ecology”. Why "Unfortunately"? Yes, because the majority of doctors do not attach much importance to environmental conditions, focusing on chemistry, that is, on chemical medications. And so that the sun, air and water would not be an eyesore for them, they even created a separate direction - a sanatorium-resort. And in truly magnificent places from an environmental point of view, there are hospital buildings, served by the same puffy nurses and smoking doctors who make up the usual staff of any hospital. I have practically never seen a single sanatorium or dispensary that had specialists in health restoration. They smear them with mud, soak them in bathtubs, irradiate them with quartz lamps, perform primitive massages, and the paths for the path with distance numbers written on them are empty. I have not seen exercise therapy departments with modern rehabilitation training devices even abroad. For stroke patients, some mechanical devices have been invented that perform limb movements for these patients, but the patients must do this themselves. That's probably all. Only there are fewer and fewer healthy people. But what is really needed to treat joints? Of course, movement! If a joint does not work, then the muscles that include it in the operating mode atrophy. This is clear even to a schoolchild. But what movements? How to make them? How many times? With what load? With what frequency? Moreover, it is necessary to take into account concomitant diseases, age, constitution (anatomical and physiological) and even lifestyle, so as not to cause harm.

This is the doctor's task. In this book we will talk about restoring joint health.

So, back to a healthy lifestyle.

Paradoxically, when I myself began to write essays in the newspaper “Healthy Lifestyle,” I had to repel the attacks of the “kerosene workers” and “turpentine workers” who penetrated into my first collection, “Healthy Lifestyle Libraries.” This is what I call those who believe it is possible to treat joints not just with heat, but literally “burn” them with various solutions and ointments.

And what's interesting. These folk healers are so aggressive in their “teachings” that they unwittingly infected official medicine, which began to use various devices and medications for heating joints - phonophoresis, lasers, apizartrons and karipazim. By the way, this indicates that conventional medicine has moved away from the people, except that it has complicated traditional methods of treatment. Just don’t convince them that this is how they treat joints. This is palliative[6] 6

Palliative – temporarily providing relief, distracting from the disease, but not eliminating it.

[Close] medicine. (I feel like a hail of stones is flying in my direction not only from the “kerosene workers”, but also from arthrologists and physiotherapists... I’ll bend over. I think they’ll fly by.) It has a persistent movement only because a person is not only lazy, cowardly and weak ( I already wrote about this), but he still doesn’t want to think about himself, about why this illness happened to him. He considers himself white and fluffy.

70% of patients need repeat surgery after joint replacement with implants. These are official statistics. And the remaining 30% continue to use additional support in the form of telescopic crutches for a long time.

Therefore, I finally decided to talk about the meaning of joint treatment with this psychologically difficult patient, who knows everything and denies everything, except what seems true to him. We began to talk about endoprosthetics, and I showed extracts from the (medical) press, indicating that 70% of patients after replacing joints with implants need a second operation. These are official statistics. And the remaining 30% continue to use additional support in the form of telescopic crutches for a long time. In addition, the period allowed by surgeons for such pain-free walking fluctuates around 10–15 years (I will talk about all this a little later, analyzing the treatment of knee joints).

My personal practice knows a more severe outcome of such operations. And despite the fact that in a number of cases I myself recommend that patients go for joint replacement, I even insist that there is no need to rush. It is necessary to prepare the leg for surgery[7] 7

?This will be discussed a little later.

[Close] to get out of it with dignity. However, such a recommendation applies only to 10–15% of patients with severe (advanced) arthrosis of the knee joints. I recommend that the rest of us fight to preserve them, despite the fact that the joints are in disrepair, just like this patient, let’s call him Ivan Petrovich.

Such depressing statistics struck him unpleasantly. I continued: “Let’s do this, Ivan Petrovich. I will ask you four fairly simple questions, as you might think. And if you answer them, we can go our separate ways. No offense.

In the medical documents that you provided me, various doctor’s opinions are given: where is arthritis, where is arthrosis. These diagnoses were written in approximately the same time period. But the diagnoses “arthritis” and “arthrosis” mean different stages of the disease, both from the point of view of physiology and anatomy. And they need to be treated with various medical methods.”

So. My first question:

“Do you understand the meaning of the words “arthritis” and “arthrosis” and the difference between them?”

This is a very important question, since the choice of treatment tactics depends on its solution. I most often hear the word “arthrosis” from patients when describing their illness, although subsequent diagnosis and analysis of the disease often do not confirm this diagnosis and allow us to insist on the diagnosis of “arthritis”.

By the way, many doctors do not understand the difference between these words, despite the fact that these are two different diagnoses.

But the correctness of the diagnosis, that is, the medical opinion after a comprehensive examination of the patient, determines the choice of tactics and treatment methods.

If the diagnosis is incorrect, then the treatment methods may be chosen incorrectly... You can answer this question a little later, but for now the second question.

Second question


“Is pain in the knee joint, sometimes accompanied by swelling of the joint, a manifestation of a disease of the knee joint itself, and not a symptom of some other disease

My practice confirms the need to examine the entire musculoskeletal system for knee pain.

There are often patients who have had their knees treated for many years. As it turned out later, the pain in the knees was only a side manifestation of another disease, for example, arthrosis of the hip joint or osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. This means that the treatment tactics were chosen incorrectly, since it is not the effect that needs to be treated, but the cause. Both with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine and with arthrosis of the hip joint, pain in the knee is secondary. Moreover, they will disappear on their own if the doctor is able to cope with the underlying disease.

I think you, Ivan Petrovich, will not be able to answer this question due to the lack of knowledge on the anatomy and physiology of the joint. But practice shows that there are any number of cases of neglect of major diseases due to the fact that the emphasis in treatment was placed on a side effect, and not on the main disease.

Let's go further. So you, Ivan Petrovich, entered my office quite quickly, although your gait indicates precisely a disease of the knee joints. You entered without a stick, and in your medical documents I often see a recommendation to perform exercise therapy on a bicycle simulator or a short (up to 4 km) walk.

At the same time, doctors prohibit you from any other physical activity.

Third question:

“Do you know which stress is truly destructive for sore joints and which is therapeutic?

And this question, dear Ivan Petrovich, is inconvenient for you, I would say, unexpected. And we’ll talk about this a little later, but to start a conversation on this topic, I can say that the overwhelming number of arthrologists do not understand the word “load” at all. I constantly read in their epicrisis[8] 8

?Epicrisis is the final conclusion upon discharge of the patient.

[Close] the following recommendations: “Do not perform loads exceeding 2.5 kg,” or “Limit long walking,” and then “Do exercises on a bicycle simulator for no more than 20 minutes,” etc., etc.

And at the same time, in the “parallel world”, that is, in sports, we often hear how this or that athlete, after an injury or operation, returned to football, hockey, tennis, etc.

Why is physical activity prohibited for some, while others return to professional sports thanks to it?

And finally, the fourth question:

“Why do NSAIDs and chondroprotectors, which are widely used and recommended by arthrologists and are prescribed for the treatment of joints, especially knees, not give the desired therapeutic effect?”

Are you used to trusting doctors? If prescribed, you must take it! Not always…

From my point of view, treating joints with medications is the most primitive approach when trying to solve this problem! What happens in this case? A patient comes to a specialist (neurologist, arthrologist, vertebrologist, osteopath, etc.) with complaints of pain in a joint (knee, hip), spine, back, etc. The specialist, tapping different parts of the body with a hammer and poking with a needle, guides the patient for an X-ray (MRI, CT, ultrasound), that is, to the office of a diagnostic specialist who does not prescribe treatment or study the medical history. Simply photographing the patient's bones using various diagnostic instruments. The patient receives the photographs and a conclusion to them, in which the radiologist[9] 9

A radiologist is also a specialist in magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, etc.

[Close] writes his verdict - arthrosis, or osteochondrosis, or IVD hernia, etc. But I draw your attention, these pictures reflect only the condition of the bones and cartilage. That's all. But the radiologist does not describe the condition of the muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, that is, soft connective tissue. At the same time, bones and muscles are only 10–12% of information about the anatomical region being studied. Nevertheless, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the neurologist (or arthrologist) to whom the patient first turned is quite satisfied with the radiologist’s conclusion and... writes a prescription for the pharmacy, in other words, prescribes treatment. A prescription for these same NSAIDs and chondroprotectors. It seems to him that he has managed to understand the disease and will continue to monitor the patient, periodically, so to speak, as necessary, changing dosage forms. But what happens? It is not a neurologist who treats the patient, using his own methods, but a pharmacologist, who is not a doctor. The question arises: why do we need the doctor to whom the patient initially turned? What is its function if other specialists treat and diagnose?! Who is he? Conductor? Manager? No, more like an intermediary... Maybe it’s better to go straight to the pharmacy? A joke, of course, but a bitter one. In any case, a competent pharmacist knows much more about medications than a neurologist who writes prescriptions for these medications.

I really like some types of drug advertising. For example: “If you use such and such a medicine, consult a specialist.” I have always believed that a specialist is a person who masters his craft, if not perfectly, then masterfully. The driver drives the car, the mechanic makes parts, the surgeon operates on the patient. At the same time, the driver must know his car, the mechanic - his machine; the surgeon, naturally, must know the location of the incisions and the suturing technique. It is difficult to imagine that neurologists have tried on themselves all the medications they prescribe for various diseases. Isn’t it easier in this case to get rid of the extra link - a joint specialist in the clinic (choose the name of the specialist yourself, see above) and immediately after receiving an X-ray (MRI) image to go to the pharmacy? Then find a specialist in physiotherapy, exercise therapy and massage? All of them will be guided by the radiologist’s conclusion and prescribe their treatment. This way you can save time and... money.

Well, the most curious can take a closer look at

Features of arthrosis and therapy

Mostly older people experience arthrosis. Young people most often suffer from it due to injuries. Treatment methods for the disease are as follows:

  • taking medications;
  • special diet;
  • physiological procedures;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical intervention.
  • taking medications;
  • special diet;
  • physiological procedures;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical intervention.

However, the doctor’s technique, developed as a result of many years of research, allows you to cure the disease solely through physical activity. When practicing Bubnovsky gymnastics, arthrosis can be overcome without medications. There is no need to wear special devices for external fixation such as corsets.

Special exercises are aimed at strengthening the body as a whole and joints in particular; thanks to them, a person’s recovery capabilities are activated. Those tissues that are involved acquire mobility and strength, the natural muscle corset is restored, due to which joints and bones are protected from stress.

Movements become easy and flexible, blood microcirculation improves, degenerative changes and salt deposits stop. Against this background, the person feels better, his psycho-emotional state normalizes.

However, Sergei Bubnovsky does not recommend practicing on your own; supervision from a specialist is required so as not to worsen your condition.

Exercises while sitting on a table

  1. Sit upright on the table. Clench your palms into fists, lean them on the table, dangle your legs. This relaxation exercise can be done as often as possible.
  2. In the same position, lift your leg and hold it parallel to the floor for 3 seconds. Make sure your foot is at a 90° angle to your shin. Repeat for the second leg. If you do everything correctly, you will feel tension in the muscles of your lower leg and thigh.
  3. Stand up and rest your buttocks on the table. Bend your knees slightly and spread them, place your toes to the sides. Without bending your back, bend forward and return to the starting position.

Sitting on a table is a great way to relax the muscles around your knee joints.

Key principles of treatment and indications

The Bubnovsky treatment method has its own characteristics and principles:

  • you need to completely abandon drug treatment, especially painkillers. If you need to relieve attacks of acute pain, it is recommended to apply compresses or rub;
  • the first few times the exercises should be performed under the guidance of a specialist who can monitor the correctness of the patient’s actions;
  • At first, training should be short - no more than a minute is allocated for one exercise. Over time, their duration increases;
  • Regular visits to the bathhouse and dousing with cold water are recommended. This will help strengthen the body, relieve tissue inflammation near the affected joint, relax muscles and relieve swelling;
  • support from a psychotherapist is required. An experienced specialist will help you accept the fact that you can recover without medications, as well as get rid of the fears associated with starting movement therapy;
  • you need to regularly do special gymnastics in a designated room under the supervision of an instructor; for some exercises, a simulator is used, thanks to which the load is removed from the sore joint;
  • Be sure to practice proper breathing, which saturates the body with oxygen and normalizes the patient’s psycho-emotional state;
  • Each workout should begin with a massage, warm-up or exercise. This will allow you to warm up your joints or muscles before training. At the end, it is recommended to do stretching, which will reduce pain and relieve fatigue.

Experts and patients say that thanks to Bubnovsky’s exercises, many diseases can be successfully cured.

In addition to arthrosis, we are talking about osteochondrosis, arthritis, injuries, flat feet and diseases of the spine. But you shouldn’t expect quick results; the effect will only be after long-term courses.

Indications for performing special exercises are as follows:

  • restoration of joints after damage and injury;
  • treatment of joint diseases in the initial stages, when they have not yet progressed;
  • rehabilitation after inflammatory processes;
  • the appearance of joint stiffness.

Even children, older patients, pregnant women and people with severe pathologies can perform the exercises.

How to increase the effectiveness of exercises?

To completely get rid of the disease, be persistent and patient - because the result is worth it.

  1. Bubnovsky’s unique technique involves both exercises and regular training on special simulators.
  2. Follow your training schedule to achieve the desired results.
  3. Do the exercises correctly: the main load should fall not on the joint or joint, but on the muscles.
  4. We recommend that you spend your first lessons with a professional trainer.
  5. Don't stop if the pain doesn't go away after the first few sessions.
  6. A visit to the bathhouse and subsequent swimming in the pool or under a cold shower will help eliminate pain.

Article on the topic: Adaptive and joint gymnastics by Bubnovsky - video for beginners

Recommendations for performing exercises

The complex developed by the doctor is aimed at relieving the symptoms of joint diseases. It provides a long-lasting effect even after completing the course. A person feels better, gets rid of stress and depression. Some exercises for knee pain include:

  • take ice and place it in a thick cloth. The affected joint is wrapped with the resulting bandage. Then you need to kneel down and hold onto the chair with your hands. In this position, you need to try to walk several steps, eventually bringing them up to 25;
  • while kneeling, you should sit on your heels with your buttocks. This will stretch the muscle walls and improve the functioning of the knee joint. It is recommended to place a bolster under your knees. Recommended execution time: up to 3 minutes;
  • To relieve pain in the joint, you need to stretch the back of the femur and shin. To do this, you need to sit or lie down comfortably and pull the sock towards you as much as possible;
  • A good exercise is a supported squat. In this case, you will need a stick or a chair to lean on. You need to squat so that your back is kept as straight as possible and your legs are bent at a right angle. The first time they perform 20 squats, then gradually increase the number to one hundred;
  • The expander is compressed in the hand, the feet are placed shoulder-width apart, the hands are placed on the feet and movements are made by analogy with lifting dumbbells. The head is kept in one position, the chin should move forward.

When walking on your knees, you don’t need to wear knee pads with ice, but if the pain is too painful, then you can’t do without them.

Exercises for osteoarthritis

With a disease such as osteoarthritis, pathological degenerative processes occur in cartilage tissues. The goal of treatment in this case is to relieve the joints. An MTB simulator is used for training. The following exercises are recommended:

  • A shock absorber is attached to the simulator, and the patient gets down on all fours. Changing legs in turn, you need to sharply move your hip forward;
  • lying on your back, one end of the shock absorber is attached to the lower leg, and the second is attached at a height above the body position. Your legs should be kept straight, and you should try to touch the floor with your heels;
  • in a similar lying position, you should try to touch the floor with your buttocks.

All exercises should be done on a regular basis. The effectiveness of movement therapy largely depends on the frequency of exercise. Additionally, it is recommended to perform breathing exercises.

Experts note that at first there will be severe pain, but you need to endure it in order to achieve what you want.

Universal exercises

Among the universal exercises from Bubnovsky, which do not require special equipment, are the following:

  • in a sitting position, the legs are bent, and you need to lean on your hands. The legs, without straightening, are lifted in turn 20 times;
  • the legs need to be bent, then the left leg is straightened, the toe is turned to the side and pulled towards itself. The leg comes off the floor and rises slightly. The movement is repeated 20 times;
  • straighten your legs in front of you, you need to raise them in turn by 45 degrees. Repeat 5 times for each leg;
  • your legs should be bent in front of you. In a straight position, one leg is raised and moved to the side. At the same time, the second one is bent at the knees and turned to the side. There are 8 repetitions for each leg;
  • The legs are bent at the knees and rest on the hands. The back is lowered as close to the floor as possible, and the legs are raised towards you. At the same time, the raised limbs are straightened with bending of the arms;
  • lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. One hand is placed under the head, and the other is straightened. With a bent leg you need to stretch towards your head, and with the opposite hand - towards your knee;
  • in a similar position, the hands are placed under the head, the knees are bent and turned to the side. Raise the upper back and head 15 times;
  • in the same position, the arms are straightened and raised above the head simultaneously with the legs, then brought together. The exercise is repeated 20 times.

Basic requirements for performing gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

Before starting training, S. Bubnovsky recommends visiting a psychologist who practices with patients with severe joint pathologies. He will explain the principles of the upcoming treatment with movements, mobilize the patient to fight gonarthrosis, and help gain self-confidence. In order for the therapeutic effect of therapeutic exercises to be maximum, the following rules must be followed:

  • train under the guidance of a rehabilitation doctor. You can start doing exercises at home only after acquiring the skills to dose the loads that arise. Otherwise, simultaneously with the strengthening of the muscular frame of the knee, its cartilage tissue will slowly deteriorate;
  • stop using painkillers, including ointments. Folk remedies, the use of which, at best, does not harm health, are also strictly prohibited;
  • visit the bathhouse at least once a week (if there are no contraindications). Thanks to the action of hot, moist steam in the knee joint, the blood supply to the tissues with nutrients is accelerated. The psycho-emotional state of a person also improves, which is important for the therapy.

At the stage of the first training, the patient is taught proper breathing. It should be deep, increasing the effect of classes. When performing some exercises, you need to make throat sounds to enhance vibrating movements and maximize oxygen supply to the body.

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