Spinal antelesthesis: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Diseases associated with the spine are always a danger to human health. They are a common cause of irreversible consequences in the body. Antelisthesis of the L5 vertebra is one such disease.

If there is untimely intervention, the patient's locomotor system develops complications that lead to dire consequences, including his death.

Antelisthesis of the l5 vertebra: what is it?

In this article we will tell you everything about antelisthesis of the l5 vertebra: what it is, what are the causes, what are the symptoms of this pathology, what diagnostic procedures are needed and how to recover from such a disease.

About lumbar antelisthesis

Antelisthesis is a pathological condition in which the vertebral body changes its position.

This disease leads to compression of the vertebra not only of the nerve roots, but also of the endings. Intense acute pain appears. The development of antelesthesis can be accelerated by physical activity. Because of it, the vertebra, as a rule, protrudes forward more, which ultimately causes disturbances in the entire spine.

Antelesthesis of the fifth lumbar vertebra is a complex and dangerous disease

Most often the disease develops in the lumbar region. There, vertebral displacement is especially dangerous to health. The fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (L4 and L5, respectively) are most affected.

If you want to learn in more detail what antelisthesis of the L4 vertebra is, and also consider the symptoms, characteristics, stages and treatment procedure, you can read an article about it on our portal.

The most critical situation becomes when the L5 vertebra is damaged, since it is this vertebra that unites the lumbar region and the sacrum. In addition, it is he who is most exposed to stress when a person works in a standing or sitting position.

What is antelisthesis?

Antelisthesis is one of the types of deformation and displacement of the vertebrae. Most often, antelisthesis develops against the background of progressive osteoarthritis or congenital spondylolysis.

Antelisthesis - forward displacement of a vertebra relative to the spine

With this pathology, one or more vertebrae shift forward. If antelisthesis is not treated, the patient will face serious complications in the future, including the development of radicular syndrome and limited mobility of the spinal column.

Types of pathology

Antelisthesis has three main types :

  • Cervical antelisthesis;
  • Thoracic antelisthesis;
  • Lumbar antelisthesis.

Most often in medical practice, lumbar antelisthesis occurs (vertebras L3, L4 and L5); cervical antelisthesis (vertebras C2, C3, C4) is much less commonly diagnosed. Typically, pathology develops in people under 45 years of age.

There are also several types of vertebral displacement :

  • Involutive;
  • Post-traumatic;
  • Isthmic;
  • Pathological;
  • Dysplastic.

The displacement can be stable or unstable. Unstable displacement implies displacement of the vertebrae when the position of the body changes. There are also four degrees of displacement: with the first degree, the location of the vertebra changes by 1/4 of its length, with the second degree this value reaches half the length of the vertebra, etc.

There are four stages of vertebral displacement

ICD 10 code

Antelisthesis does not have its own code in ICD 10. The pathology is recorded in the group “Other deforming dorsopathies” and is listed in the pathology group M43 .


The prevalence of the pathology is about 2-4% among the population. Usually antelisthesis develops together with another pathology (for example, osteochondrosis, kyphosis, scoliosis, etc.).

Features of the disease

In most cases, antelisthesis is found in older people and women. It also develops with severe hyperlordosis (sharp protrusion of a vertebra with subsequent curvature of the spine).

Usually, during a consultation with a doctor, an initial diagnosis of antelesthesis is carried out. During its implementation, as a rule, osteochondrosis is also detected, but as a secondary disease, which often progresses in the lumbar region.

Antelisthesis has some developmental features

According to the observations of doctors, the lower the vertebra is in the department, the higher the chance of its displacement. When the fifth lumbar vertebra is displaced, the changes in distance average no more than six millimeters. He will not be able to move further due to the connection with the first sacral vertebra, which is achieved through the ligamentous apparatus.

Operations for retrolisthesis

Surgical treatment of retrolisthesis can be either titanium screws or interspinous fixation, depending on the degree of displacement. The disruption of biomechanics in this case is less pronounced. For grade I retrolisthesis, especially in young patients, a dynamic interspinous fixator “DIAM” can be used at the L5-S1 level. At the level of L4-L5, i.e. if the L4 vertebra is displaced, in addition to the DIAM, you can use the titanium interspinous fixation Stenofix. For degree II and higher displacement, it is advisable to use transpedicular fixation.

Differences from other diseases

When they talk about antelisthesis, we are talking about displacement of only the vertebral body in relation to the rest.

But there is often a situation among people when they do not understand what the difference is between antelisthesis and other diseases of the lower back, or what is worse - they call the disease we are considering by another name (initially incorrect) - spondylolisthesis.

The differences between antelesthesis and other diseases help to quickly detect it

With the development of antelesthesis, as mentioned earlier, the displacement of the vertebral body is directed only forward. With spondylolisthesis, the shift occurs both forward and backward. Both diseases develop in the mobile parts of the spinal column (cervical and lumbar). It's all about the ligamentous apparatus - in these departments it is highly developed.

Video - Difference between antelesthesis and scoliosis

What is the danger of antelesthesis?

It is obvious that any violation of the configuration of the spinal column, where each vertebra occupies a strictly assigned place and fulfills its role, is dangerous for the entire spinal system and organs whose work directly or indirectly depends on it. Even one vertebra, which, even slightly, changes its location, disrupts the vertebral structure, which ultimately causes damage to the nerve roots.

Important! Antelisthesis in the lumbar area and especially displacement of the L4 vertebra is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious unpredictable consequences for the health of the entire body.

Antelisthesis is a serious illness that can lead to disability

Athletic belt

With uncontrolled or excessive physical activity, the vertebra “slips” out of its place and causes deformation changes in the entire lumbar spinal region. Deformation of bone structures is aggravated by damage to soft tissues. Muscles are stretched, ligaments are torn, and the patient’s condition requires medical intervention. And all this is only because a single vertebra has moved. It is not without reason that there is a statement that everything in the body is interconnected.

By the way. The shift occurs forward, the vertebra begins to resemble a kind of “visor” hanging over the vertebrae located below, if you look at it from the side. The shift can reach one centimeter.

Vertebral displacement

Like many pathologies, this one does not come alone, but is combined with lumbar osteochondrosis. Moreover, the resulting deformation further increases the load on the lumbar vertebral area, causing increasingly greater deformations and shifts.

Reasons for development

According to statistics from doctors, ninety percent of cases of detection of antelisthesis of the L5 vertebra are associated with previous injuries and bruises of the spine as a result of heavy lifting, sudden movement or pressure applied to the lower back.

The following reasons are also quite common:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • tumors and other neoplasms.

Antelisthesis occurs for many reasons

The signs described below can be attributed to provoking factors that trigger the process of progression of antelesthesis of the L5 vertebra:

  • congenital anomalies (for example, the ligamentous apparatus was poorly developed in the womb);
  • inflammation of the spine, leading to swelling and proliferation of the joint capsule;
  • tetanus, which can cause muscle spasms.


The degree of vertebral displacement directly affects the symptoms that appear and the force with which they will affect the sick person. To make it faster and easier to find out, doctors created a special classification.

Table No. 1. Stages of antelesthesis of the L5 vertebra

First stageOffset less than twenty-five percent
Second stageOffset from twenty-five to forty-nine percent
Third stageOffset from fifty to seventy-four percent
Fourth stageOffset greater than seventy-five percent

The first two stages of the disease are asymptomatic or with a small number of mild symptoms. Typically, the following symptoms appear:

  • discomfort;
  • pain symptoms when working or changing body position.

When antelisthesis enters the third or fourth stage of development, the symptoms become more specific. They appear more intensely and more often each time. This is due to compression of the spinal cord nerves, which ultimately disrupts the passage of electrical impulses through them.

Symptoms of antelesthesis undergo changes as the disease moves into a dangerous stage of development

The lumbar region of the spine contains nerves that provide communication with the legs. First of all, it is these nerves that are subject to the degenerative and destructive influence of the disease. Prolonged exposure to antelesthesis leads to paralysis of the legs and subsequent loss of sensation (numbness), as well as muscle atrophy. It is worth noting that analgesic drugs become ineffective during this period of time.

Important! In addition to the lower extremities, the disease negatively affects the pelvic organs and gastrointestinal tract. Antelisthesis creates conditions for problems in the functioning of the urinary system, as well as difficulties in removing feces from the digestive tract.

The most important thing is that the pain becomes stronger and more intense. It is present in the lower back and legs. The patient has to remain in a specific body position and only then the pain subsides, and this happens only after taking medications.

Clinical picture

Anthespondylolisthesis of the spine in the initial stage of development occurs without a characteristic clinical picture. Diagnosis of vertebral antilisthesis can occur by chance when an X-ray examination is prescribed for other indications.

Pain and neurological manifestations appear most often when the disease passes 25% displacement. At this stage, the narrowing of the spinal canal is sufficiently pronounced to cause disturbances in the functioning of the nerve endings.

For each part of the spine, antelisthesis manifests itself in different symptoms. The patient may suddenly find out what antespondylolisthesis of the cervical spine is. If the 3rd or 4th cervical vertebra is displaced (antelisthesis c4, antelisthesis c3), the patient may lose consciousness, since the vertebra has pressed on the cervical artery, and the blood supply to the brain has sharply decreased.

Also for these diagnoses, a characteristic symptom is numbness or paralysis of both hands. Antelesthesis of the cervical spine of the 2nd vertebra manifests itself in headaches that cannot be treated.

Schematically, the clinical picture of antespondylolisthesis of the lumbar spine in development looks like this:

  • The first pain sensations are unclear and are reflected in the perineum and buttocks. The patient may complain of increased pain when visiting the toilet (typical of l4 antelesthesis). During the process of bowel or bladder emptying, the pathological vertebra receives additional rotation;
  • Insensitivity develops in the genital area. The patient loses control over the acts of defecation and urination (a characteristic manifestation of antelesthesis l5);
  • The pain becomes so severe that it forces the patient to seek relief in non-physiological positions;
  • Atrophy of the muscles of the lower body develops. The patient loses the ability to move independently.

Lumbar antelesthesis l5 is expressed in the patient freezing in an uncomfortable position, a sudden loss of control over the fulfillment of natural needs, and muscle spasm. This is explained by the special location of the last vertebra and pronounced compression of the spinal canal.

The symptoms of anthespondylolisthesis of the L4 vertebra associated with damage to the sensitivity of the pelvic organs are explained by the fact that the bulk of the nerve roots of the cauda equina approach this area of ​​the spine. Damage to the nerve endings of the cauda equina is also typical for antelesthesis of the l3 and l5 vertebrae.

Anthespondylolisthesis l3, in addition to the above symptoms, is expressed to a greater extent by damage to the muscular system of the legs. The patient demonstrates muscle silence during a myogram. Paresis of the lower extremities develops, and the patient faces disability.

About complications

If the treatment was initially incorrect or delayed, antelisthesis of the L5 vertebra will develop and eventually turn into a form that will threaten the patient’s life.

Complications of antelesthesis are as follows.

  1. The transition of pain into a chronic form, which becomes resistant to drugs.
  2. Weakening of the leg muscles, followed by atrophy and paralysis.
  3. Frequent muscle spasms, due to which you have to take muscle relaxants.
  4. Uncontrolled bowel movements and urination.
  5. Complete deformation of the spine.

It is better not to take any illness to extremes

The advice is simple - consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations. This is enough to significantly reduce the risk of complications.


In the absence of treatment and progression of the pathological process, the following complications develop:

  • uncontrolled physiological functions;
  • decreased sensitivity in the limbs;
  • paresis, paralysis;
  • intractable pain that significantly reduces the quality of life;
  • severe curvature of the spine;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract and other systems.

Thus, in case of any discomfort or back pain, you need to undergo an instrumental examination - x-ray of the spinal column. The doctor will identify the cause of the symptom complex and prescribe adequate treatment. The best prevention of back problems is moderate physical activity, walking, swimming, a healthy diet with sufficient intake of vitamins and, of course, timely examination.

Types of antelesthesis

The situation that caused the appearance of antelesthesis, the root cause and course of development of the disease in the fourth and fifth vertebrae of the lumbar region - all this determines what type of antelesthesis the patient will have.

Let us highlight the following types of the disease in question.

  1. Congenital antelisthesis. It is caused by anomalies that appear during the birth of the child. The most common cause of this type of disease is a malformation of the ligaments and/or joints of the spine. It is found in both children and adults.
  2. Traumatic antelisthesis. As a rule, it develops due to various physical damage to the spine (trauma, bruises, etc.). Only this type of antelisthesis has a subtype - isthmic, which occurs due to injury in a child or adolescent. As a result, accelerated growth and proliferation of connective tissue occurs. The traumatic type of illness is considered the most dangerous of all.
  3. Degenerative antelisthesis. Occurs mainly in older people. The reason for its appearance lies in the aging of tissues. This process is natural for the elderly patient. Most often, women suffer from this type of disease.
  4. Iatrogenic antelisthesis. It occurs in those who have previously undergone surgery to cure spinal pathologies.
  5. Pathological antelisthesis. The occurrence of this type of disease is possible with the development of tumors or infections that have penetrated into various elements of the spine.

Knowing the types of antelesthesis allows you to quickly identify the disease and select the most appropriate course of treatment.

Classification and diagnosis

Important parameters that help in the implementation of diagnostic measures are the classification types of the disease and its degree.

  1. Antelisthesis can be congenital , resulting from underdevelopment of the ligaments. This type is the least common.
  2. The traumatic type of pathology is caused by mechanical damage and is the most commonly diagnosed.
  3. The isthmic type is also a consequence of injury, but delayed. For example, if the injury occurred in childhood or in a teenager (compression fracture, when some organs are ahead of others in development). If the deformation is not corrected in a timely manner, due to the growth of connective tissue, it worsens and becomes permanent.
  4. The pathological type is possible in the presence of tumors or infectious lesions of vertebral tissue.
  5. The iatrogenic type manifests itself in the postoperative period if surgery was performed to remove a vertebral fragment.

As for pathology, there are four of them. They are formed depending on the amount of deformation (displacement). In other words, this indicator depends on how many millimeters the L4 vertebra is shifted in relation to L5.

  1. First degree – 25% displacement.
  2. The second – up to 50%.
  3. Third – up to 75%.
  4. Fourth – from 75% or more

Antelisthesis - stages

Important! Identifying the degree of displacement is important because it determines the treatment approach that will be taken.

As for the diagnostic methods used to determine antelesthesis of the fourth lumbar vertebra, the main one is radiography. First, X-rays are taken with the lumbar flexion/extension. Then, to clarify and make a final diagnosis, a computed tomography scan is performed.

How is a CT scan of the spine done?


As soon as symptoms of possible antelesthesis of the fifth lumbar vertebra appear, it is better for the patient to immediately go to the hospital. By that time, during the initial examination, the patient’s spinal asymmetry will already be clearly visible.

Antelesthesis of the L5 vertebra is detected due to the characteristic displacement of the spinous process forward. If this vertebra is damaged, however, it will be more difficult to detect deformity and displacement. In this case, the spine is palpated throughout the entire lumbar region in order to preliminary confirm the diagnosis.

There is also a functional test. It is light, but will allow you to immediately confirm or refute the presence of antelesthesis of the fifth lumbar vertebra. To perform it, the doctor needs to place his fingers near the patient’s vertebrae. The patient must stand. Then the doctor asks him to reach his socks with his hands. In the process of bending the body of a sick patient, the doctor discovers a pathological change.

To determine antelisthesis of the lumbar vertebra, careful diagnosis is necessary

After the initial examination, the doctor directs you to undergo instrumental diagnostic examinations. Most often, lumbar radiography and computed tomography (CT) are prescribed.

During an X-ray of the lumbar region, two pictures are taken - lateral and direct, which allows you to determine the stage of development of the disease, how much the vertebra is displaced, and also to indicate the final diagnosis as accurately as possible.

Important! In the early stages, antelisthesis of the L5 vertebra is difficult to detect during diagnosis, since this vertebra is fused to the sacrum. In addition, at the beginning of the development of pathology, the displacement will be barely noticeable.

Symptoms of vertebral displacement

The most surprising thing is that up to a certain point, the shift of the L4 vertebra from its usual place may not manifest itself in any way for a long time. A lot of patients (about a third of all diagnosed episodes) are surprised to learn about a disorder in their spine and that one of the vertebrae is displaced, being examined for completely different complaints.

The patient often learns about a vertebral shift during a comprehensive examination.

Important! It cannot be said that pain or other symptoms can detect forward displacement of the vertebra. But this displacement causes increased physical stress on the spine, which subsequently leads to the emergence of dangerous pathologies.

With antelesthesis, a person's back does not visually change. Neither the geometry of the shoulder girdle nor the location of the shoulder blades undergo changes. Also, in the vast majority, there is no pain.

With antelesthesis, there are no visual disturbances in posture

However, there are a number of clinical manifestations due to which a vertebral shift can be suspected.

  1. Sensation in the arms and legs decreases.

    Decreased sensitivity of the limbs

  2. The patient experiences urinary incontinence, and spontaneous uncontrolled urination may become regular or occur from time to time.
  3. Arms and, in some cases, legs reduce motor activity and become stiff.

    There may be stiffness in the arms and legs

  4. Bowel movement may occur spontaneously.
  5. The patient assumes a forced body position (in the presence of pain).

By the way. Not in every case can the patient experience even part of the listed symptoms; there are only a few cases of complete symptoms. The clinical picture is formed individually and depends on heredity, exposure to injury, the presence of other diseases and unhealthy habits. But if antelisthesis is not diagnosed at the first stage, it will further develop at the level of the spinal cord.


As a result of compression of the spinal cord by the displaced L4 vertebra, the patient loses the ability to control urination and partly the process of bowel movement.

The patient may become incontinent

In addition, aching pain occurs. If you do not go to a doctor for diagnosis and do not start treatment, after three days the muscles may begin to degrade, and problems with the motor activity of the arms and legs will begin.

If you want to learn in more detail how to treat aching lower back pain, and also consider symptoms, diagnosis and alternative treatment methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

When a vertebra is displaced, the arms and legs may no longer “obey”

The pain will intensify and can be completely relieved only by the targeted injection of painkillers.

Treatment of the disease

The direction of treatment for antelisthesis of the fifth lumbar vertebra is based on the following factors:

  • stage of development antelesthesis;
  • type of illness;
  • condition of the sick patient.

In medical practice, there are two methods of treating this disease:

  • conservative;
  • operational.

Let's look at them in detail.

Conservative treatment

Doctors often prescribe conservative treatment for antelesthesis of the fifth lumbar vertebra. It most often consists of taking painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Conservative treatment is an opportunity to quickly recover from an illness

In addition, the patient should follow the bed rest prescribed by the doctor as strictly as possible. In addition, wearing special orthopedic devices, such as bandages and orthopedic corsets, becomes a mandatory procedure. These items help to stabilize your back and maintain it in the correct position. Thanks to this, complications can be avoided in the treatment of antelesthesis.


Drug treatment is the first thing a doctor prescribes to a patient with antelisthesis. It includes taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthetics, analgesics, chondroprotectors, as well as B vitamins.

Among nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  • "Nurofen";
  • "Citramon";
  • "Ketorolac";
  • "Ketorol";
  • "Nise";
  • "Analgin";
  • "Ketoprofen".

They are available in any pharmacy in the form of tablets or suspensions for intramuscular injection.

Taking medications is an effective method of treating antelesthesis

For rapid healing of cartilage and joints, the patient should take Chondroitin sulfate (sold in the form of tablets, capsules or solution for intramuscular administration) or other chondroprotectors. The average course of taking this type of medication should not exceed several months.

In some cases, in order to achieve the maximum effect of therapy, doctors place a blockade by introducing strong anesthetics (novocaine and lidocaine) and local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

"Chondroitin sulfate"


Physiotherapeutic procedures are part of comprehensive treatment measures for antelisthesis of the fifth lumbar vertebra. They are aimed at reducing pain, eliminating symptoms and accelerating the patient’s recovery process.

Doctors often prescribe an electrophoresis procedure in conjunction with the administration of Novocaine or Diprospan to enhance the therapeutic effect. In addition, prescriptions are written for creating compresses and all kinds of ointments for external use.

After achieving the primary goal - relieving inflammation - doctors prescribe therapeutic exercises. Its goal is to strengthen the muscles of the lower back and lower extremities. This stops the development of antelesthesis and alleviates the patient's condition. It is selected taking into account the characteristics of the physical structure of the patient’s body, as well as the stage of development of the disease at the time of prescribing this physiotherapeutic procedure.

Physiotherapy is an effective treatment method in combination with medication

Massages along with ointments and gels, the components of which help reduce pain and inflammation, as well as manual therapy are aimed at relaxing overstrained back and lower back muscles.

A few words about traditional medicine

The most common misconception of people is their unshakable belief in the cure for antelisthesis with the help of tinctures and decoctions from the arsenal of traditional medicine. We hasten to assure you that antelisthesis of the L5 vertebra is not a disease that can be cured without any help from the attending physician.

Remember - traditional medicine will not help here. Antelesthesis of the L5 vertebra has a destructive effect on both the skeleton and its structure, which means that decoctions and tinctures will not bring any benefit. Since they initially will not have any effect, the patient will waste valuable time and delay treatment.

Important! If a patient suspects antelisthesis, he should immediately consult a doctor.

Surgical treatment

In advanced cases (third and fourth stages of the disease), conservative therapy becomes ineffective. Doctors insist on urgent surgical intervention, since it is the only correct way out of the current situation.

If the displacement of the L5 vertebra is on the verge of moving to the third stage of the disease, then the doctor may prescribe its reduction. It is worth noting, however, that not everyone can do this - the help of a highly qualified specialist is needed here.

Complete relief from pathology is possible only in the absence of irreversible changes in the spine.

Surgery is a last resort measure to cure such a dangerous disease as antelisthesis

Spondylodesis is an operation during which antelisthesis of the L5 vertebra is eliminated. The essence of the operation is the implantation of a special metal structure. It will correct the position of the spine and fix it.

In this way, the patient gets rid of pain and other symptoms that were present when the vertebra was displaced.


Sometimes, with pain in the legs or back, after examination the patient is diagnosed with “pseudoantespondylolisthesis” - what is it?

Pseudoantespondylolisthesis is instability of the vertebra, which allows it to move slightly relative to the axis of the spine. Changing position periodically leads to compression of the nerve endings, causing pain, numbness, and pins and needles in the legs.

The causes of pseudoantespondylolisthesis lie in an unhealthy lifestyle and physical inactivity. The result is weakening of the ligaments, atrophy of the muscular system of the back, and the development of dystrophic-degenerative changes in the spine.

Vertebral instability should be treated with physical activity, which is aimed at strengthening the back muscles and increasing blood circulation in the area of ​​the spinal column.


In order to prevent relapse of the disease, patients should take the following preventive measures.

  1. Strict dosage of load during physical exercise and during strength training. In addition, the patient requires a full warm-up and wearing a protective belt.
  2. Be careful not to injure your lower back in any way. Great care should be taken.
  3. Avoid prolonged tension in the lumbar region.
  4. You should work hard on correct posture - a lumbar bandage can help with this. It will relieve tension and reduce the load on the spine.

If you suspect a recurrence of antelisthesis, you should immediately consult a doctor. This simple action will help prevent the development of possible complications in the future.


Antelisthesis of the fifth lumbar vertebra is a dangerous disease caused by various reasons. Being in the first or second stages, the disease is practically asymptomatic - there is only slight pain and discomfort in the lower back. However, at the third and fourth degrees, the clinical picture completely changes and becomes extremely depressing.

To diagnose the disease, there is no need for expensive research - an initial examination, medical history and x-ray are sufficient. However, antelisthesis in the early stages is not so easy to diagnose.

It is quite possible to cure antelisthesis, the main thing is to detect it in time

If it is possible to detect the disease in time, then the conservative method of treating antelesthesis will be quick and effective. In addition, it will in no way affect the patient’s quality of life.

Advice! If you are always on the alert and undergo regular examinations, you will not have to resort to surgical intervention.

How is antelisthesis treated?

Conservative therapy is recognized as the most common treatment. It is always used if the disease is diagnosed in the first and second degrees, and in most cases if the third degree is diagnosed. In the fourth degree, surgery may be indicated if the vertebral displacement approaches one hundred percent.

If you want to learn in more detail what antelisthesis of the I5 vertebra is, and also consider pathologies, types and methods of treatment, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Table. Components of the therapeutic complex.


Drug therapy

Non-steroids are prescribed, which immediately relieve pain and inflammation. The most popular is Ibuprofen, but numerous drugs of the group can be used. If non-steroids do not cope with pain, novocaine blockade is used.


Includes manual therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage. Helps strengthen muscles and limit mobility of the damaged spinal segment.

Orthopedic corset

It must be worn constantly until complete recovery, when the displaced vertebrae falls into place. Wearing a corset allows you to fix the vertebra. The product must be selected by a physician.

Exercise therapy

This method is mandatory, but the gymnastic complex must be prescribed by a doctor and carried out under the supervision of a physical therapy trainer.

Folk remedies

Of course, they will not help return the vertebra to its place, but they can relieve inflammatory processes in the tissues. Used after consultation with a doctor.


The choice between conservative therapy and surgery depends on the stage of displacement. The operation most often, even at the fourth stage, is performed locally. A large incision is not made; the vertebra is reduced using a laparoscope.

Important! Complications during the operation are minimal, and surgery corrects the position of the L4 vertebra to normal in almost one hundred percent.

Surgical treatment of antelisthesis of the lumbar spine consists of fixing the displaced vertebra to the underlying vertebra with titanium screws

The screw is inserted into the vertebral body through its arch (from the Latin “pedicule”), so this type of fixation is called “transpedicular”

Prices for postoperative bandages

Complications may appear if you do not consult a doctor about this problem in a timely manner. Initial asymptomaticity and unclear clinical picture at the first stage of the disease do not cause an urgent need to see a doctor. Hence the lack of timely treatment and the formation of serious complications, which will be much more difficult to cope with than with stage 1 or 2 vertebral displacement.

Chronic pain and incontinence, paralysis of muscles and limbs are just some of the symptoms of an advanced stage of antelesthesis, which was not diagnosed and not treated in time.

Video - What to do if there is a displacement of the vertebrae

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