Cervical spine instability - symptoms and treatment

A condition characterized by instability of the cervical vertebrae occurs when excess fluid begins to accumulate between them. This disease provokes the appearance of unpleasant painful sensations in the cervical region, the occurrence of migraine headaches and severe muscle tension.

Instability of the cervical spine can occur against the background of developing osteochondrosis. In this case, the mobility of the vertebrae increases, and the existing relationship between them is disrupted. Displacement of the vertebrae often occurs.


The first sign indicating the occurrence of such a disease is a displacement of the vertebra back or forward by three millimeters. Other symptoms of this disorder include:

  • pain in the cervical region, which increases with physical activity;
  • discomfort when trying to move the neck;
  • increased muscle tone, which begins to tire quickly;
  • when palpating the affected area, discomfort occurs.

If this disease causes compression of the spinal nerves, then the person begins to suffer from dizziness and headaches. Blood pressure may increase or decrease sharply, weakness is felt in the legs and arms, and sensitivity is sometimes impaired. In severe cases, the disease can lead to complete or partial paralysis.

Causes of the disease

Instability of the cervical spine can be caused by various reasons. The main ones are:

  • falling from height;
  • injury or lifting of heavy objects;
  • advanced osteochondrosis;
  • congenital anomalies associated with improper development of intervertebral discs;
  • weakened ligamentous joint apparatus.

Sometimes such a disease may be associated with age-related changes.

Danger of disease

If instability of the cervical vertebrae does not respond to timely treatment, the disease becomes chronic. It accelerates the development of diseases such as osteochondrosis. And this subsequently leads to intervertebral arthrosis. Severe pain begins to bother a person every time he tries to lift heavy objects or tries to bend his body.

Without proper therapy, migraines intensify, groundless irritability appears, and sleep disturbance occurs. Subsequently, problems arise with coordination of movement, vision and hearing. A person is constantly worried about drowsiness. Therefore, you should not start such a problem, since treatment in the initial stages always gives a positive result.

Unstable vertebra - is it dangerous?

The main danger of the disease is that at the initial stage it manifests itself, as a rule, only by pain during excessive load, sudden movement or minor injury. In such cases, usually no one even thinks about contacting a neurologist, preferring to “wait it out” until the unpleasant sensations go away on their own.

They can indeed disappear for a while (sometimes even for years), but soon they will remind themselves again, because an unstable vertebra, due to its mobility, constantly injures the nerve endings and the spinal cord. This can lead to the most tragic consequences, such as:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • intervertebral disc herniation,
  • spinal cord injury
  • compression of spinal vessels,
  • paralysis.


Back pain does not necessarily mean that it is a vertebral compression fracture. To correctly determine the cause of the ailment, a comprehensive examination is needed. The doctor at the Noosphere clinic will carefully examine, interview the patient and determine how dangerous the fracture is, if any. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis using the following diagnostic methods:

  1. MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging
  2. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)
  3. Laboratory research

List of sources

  • Kremer Jurgen. Diseases of the intervertebral discs. Per. from English; under general ed. prof. V.A. Shirokova. – M.: MEDpress-inform, 2013. – 472 p.: ill.
  • Travell and Simons. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: A Guide to Trigger Points. In 2 volumes. T.1. // Simons D.G., Travell J.G., Simons L.S.: Trans. from English – 2nd ed., revised and expanded. – M.: Medicine, 2005. – 1192 p.
  • Neck pain: differential diagnosis and basic approaches to treatment / Shostak N.A., Pravdyuk N.G. // General Medicine - 2009 - No. 2.
  • Mumentaler Marco. Differential diagnosis in neurology. Guide to the assessment, classification and differential diagnosis of neurological symptoms / Marco Mumenthaler, Claudio Basseti, Christoph Detwiler; lane with him. – 3rd ed. – M.: MEDpress-inform, 2012. – 360 p.
  • Popelyansky Ya.Yu. Orthopedic neurology (vertebroneurology): a guide for doctors / Ya.Yu. Popelyansky. – 5th ed. – M.: MEDpress-inform, 2011. – 672 p.


A disease such as instability of the cervical vertebrae is treated with conservative methods or through surgery. At the Noosphere clinic, specialists will be able to select a comprehensive treatment that will help get rid of pain in the neck, which appears due to displacement of the vertebrae. Our doctors help the body get stronger and the spine regain its former stability.

The full therapeutic course consists of the following procedures:

  • Resonance wave UHF therapy

Resonance wave therapy is a method of therapeutic effects on the aquatic environment of the body with low-intensity, high-frequency electromagnetic waves.

  • Fermatron injections

Fermatron intra-articular injections are an effective method of treating various diseases of the musculoskeletal system by introducing a drug (chondroprotector) into the affected joint.

  • Rehabilitation on the Thera-Band exercise machine

Treatment of the spine and joints using the Thera-Band simulator will restore limb mobility in a short period of time without expensive treatment in specialized sanatoriums.

  • Block of joints and spine

Joint blockade is a type of drug treatment of the spine and joints aimed at relieving acute pain, inflammation and muscle spasms.

  • Drug treatment

Drug treatment of joints and spine at the Noosphere clinic is used in a wide range and in combination with physiotherapy. Intra-articular injections, blockades and droppers.

The therapeutic course is selected individually in each case. This allows us to take into account the characteristics of the patient, his age and the very degree of displacement of the vertebra. Treatment usually takes up to six weeks, but this will depend on the severity of the disease.

At the Noosphere clinic, instability of the cervical vertebrae is treated using kinesiology. As a result, the displaced vertebra returns to its original place without any pain, the discomfort disappears, and the muscles become stronger. Thanks to spinal traction during kinesiotherapy sessions, the vertebrae themselves return to their normal position. Due to acupuncture, unpleasant spasms are eliminated, and hirudotherapy enriches the affected areas with oxygen and stimulates blood circulation.

If the mobility of the vertebrae has become advanced, the patient is asked to wear a special neck brace. It makes it possible to hold the vertebrae in their natural state, as well as support the head. Our specialists will help you decide on this device and calculate the duration of its wearing.

After the treatment is completed, the patient is given a manual containing a list of selected recommended exercises that help strengthen the neck muscles. The patient continues to consult with the attending physician throughout the year.

Cervical misalignment: types of instability in children

Pathology associated with the unnatural position of the vertebral body in relation to the spinal column in medical practice is called instability.

Classification by type

A disease of the spine, against the background of which there is a loss of normal mobility of the intervertebral discs, is classified as a degenerative type. Sign: pain appears due to pressure of the disc on the longitudinal ligament, as a result of which its nutrition is disrupted.

  • The X-ray image shows asymmetry of the intervertebral joints, fusion of the vertebrae, and underdevelopment of cartilage. This is an abnormal formation of tissue, or a dysplastic appearance.
  • Post-traumatic is associated with pathological childbirth. Both the baby and the mother are injured when the fetus is pulled out with forceps.
  • After surgery on the cervical spine to remove the damaged area, a postoperative type is observed.

In a child from 2 years to 20 years of age, the first stage is recorded. Children feel acute painful discomfort along the spine, or pain manifests itself in the nerve roots.

Causes of underdevelopment

subluxation of the cervical vertebra in a child

occurs after injuries received during rapid childbirth. The birth canal has not yet had time to move apart, and the baby, making its way into the light, experiences pressure on its torso. It falls on the cervical vertebrae. The newborn exhibits tissue swelling, bruising, and minor hemorrhages.

Weak labor activity is no less dangerous. The baby stops in the birth canal and is left without amniotic fluid for a long time. As a result, the integrity of the vertebrae of the neck is compromised. As a fact - swelling of tissues and shedding of blood into the body cavity.

If there is an anomaly in the entanglement of the umbilical cord, it compresses the transverse processes with such force that they, being fragile, move. Damage is noticed up to five years. The baby's head is rotated 180 degrees, or his weight is more than 3.7 kg.

In older children, the disease develops:

  • due to excessive physical stress;
  • due to genetic inheritance;
  • improper formation of bone tissue, cartilage;
  • if the neck has been in one position for a long time;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • The spinal column is bent due to compression of blood vessels and nerve fibers.

Disc displacement does not always bother people. Headaches are observed due to intense physical activity. If the child is sitting in an incorrect position with his head bowed low or leaning forward too much. At the same time, it becomes more and more difficult to bend/unbend and turn the neck. A sign of instability is numbness in the arms and legs, and pre-fainting.

The muscle corset is constantly tense, which is why painful discomfort occurs. Pain in the form of shooting in the lower and upper extremities, lethargy of the arms. When palpated, parts of the body respond with pain. Focal neuralgia accompanies instability of the cervical area.

Noise in the ears is eliminated after stabilization of the anatomically correct rotation of the head. To avoid developing a hump, you should watch your posture.

Diagnostic measures

Before making a diagnosis, the doctor examines the sick baby, listens to his complaints, and conducts a thorough examination. A neurologist examines the child's face. Constriction of the pupils is a sign of instability in the cervical area. Neck deformity, characterized by incorrect head position, is easily explained by the fact that the nerve roots associated with the eyes are compressed by the processes. A qualified specialist will find signs of torticollis.

For the initial examination, palpating the forearms is suitable. Their tone is increased. Children have poor physical fitness. Muscle tension is unstable. Pressing on the appendages leads to pain. Tilt to the right/left is problematic.

To identify displacement of the vertebrae of the spinal column, MRI and computed tomography are prescribed. Based on the images, the entire cervical spine or a section thereof is studied, the width of the spinal canal is determined, and the intervertebral discs are visualized. An ultrasound examination will provide information about soft tissues and blood vessels.

Therapeutic technique

The path to recovery lies through the timely identification of pathology. The sooner a doctor prescribes adequate therapy, the greater the chance of success.

  • Conservative method. Involves smoothing pain and eliminating inflammation. Technique: fixing the neck with a corset to protect the brain of the back and nerve fibers from external influences.
  • Pharmacy products. Medicines will relieve pain, restore cartilage if the tissue is damaged, and unblock pinched nerves. Vitamins D and B will restore bone and nerve tissue.
  • Massage and manual techniques will increase the mobility of the cervical vertebrae. The manipulations will improve blood flow, saturate the tissues with oxygen, and strengthen the muscle frame and ligamentous structures along the spine.
  • During physical therapy, which is prepared by a doctor, intense loads are not used immediately. They are gradually increasing. The classes are simple and physical fitness is not required. Train for vertebral instability twice a day for ten approaches.
  • Physiotherapy will locally improve blood circulation, providing nutrition to the tissues and organs of children. This procedure includes ultrasound, electrophoresis, and laser.

Maternal health plays an important role in the complex of measures.
Older children need sports activities that support immunity and control weight. Organization of proper sleep, selection of pillow height and orthopedic mattress are required. During training sessions, take control of your posture when walking or sitting. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr


In order to further protect the body from the development of this disease, it is necessary to monitor your health. You should regularly engage in moderate exercise, such as swimming or yoga. You can do Pilates and try to strengthen the muscle tissue of the shoulder girdle.

You should not make sudden movements with your head, as they can provoke displacement of the vertebrae.
Every day you should take a contrast shower, which tones the muscles. And while working at the computer, you need to carefully monitor the correct position of your back, which should be straight. During therapy, a physical activity program is developed for each patient suffering from instability of the cervical vertebrae. These are exercises that affect the recovery and strengthening of joints, the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system. The correctness of performing therapeutic exercises is recorded on a video camera, after which the patient uses the finished recording as a teaching aid.

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