Baby massage No. 10: what it is and how to do it

Massage No. 10 for children is the most popular appointment of a physical therapist. We recommend inviting a massage therapist to perform the procedures. On our website you can choose a professional with a medical education.

Newborns are very sensitive to tactile sensations. Even the simple touch of your mother's hands can relax and calm you down. But professional massage for infants number 10 will help you cope with postpartum complications and help the baby develop properly.

Nuances of massage, why it was assigned No. 10

It is mistakenly believed that, just as in the case of diets, dozens of massage techniques have been developed. And the pediatrician prescribes some kind of special massage. But actually number 10 represents the number of sessions. In the medical record you can also see the entry “massage number 10-15”. This means that the child needs to undergo at least 10 and no more than 15 procedures.

Newborns should not be massaged by parents without experience and without prior consultation with a pediatrician. To begin with, it is better to hire a professional massage therapist. After observing the movements of the specialist, you will be able to carry out the procedure yourself.

A general 10-session newborn massage should be performed in a safe and warm environment. It is better to invite a specialist home. But some massage therapists work in equipped rooms. If the baby’s body cannot maintain a normal temperature, then the procedure is performed under a special heat lamp.

The first massages, especially if they are performed by a stranger, can be stressful for the baby. Therefore, it is worth eliminating unnecessary noise and dimming the bright light.

Gymnastics in the pool for weight loss and figure correction

These exercises are aimed at reducing subcutaneous fat reserves in the most problematic areas.

  1. Standing in water up to your neck, imitate arm movements as in the butterfly style of swimming.
  2. Walk out into shallower water until it reaches your waist. We run in place, throwing our knees high.
  3. Squat down, the water should hide your shoulders. Jump out of the water as high as possible. At the same time, you should feel the tension in the gluteus maximus muscles.
  4. Now let's complicate the task: when jumping, try to turn around your axis.
  5. Lie down on the water surface, holding onto the sides of the pool. Move your legs in circles, alternating inward and outward.
  6. In the same position, perform the “scissors” exercise, crossing your legs alternately in the horizontal and vertical planes.

How to properly massage your baby

The procedure is carried out in a clean, quiet and warm room. Make sure that light (for example, from a ceiling lamp) is not in your child's eyes.

Movements should be gentle, but confident, very rhythmic. Too light stroking will not have a therapeutic effect, and too aggressive an effect will lead to the appearance of bruises. If you are not confident in your abilities, invite a massage therapist with the correct technique for performing baby massage 10 and ask him to supervise several sessions.

You need to start massage movements from your feet.

It is this part of the body that is not so sensitive to touch. Even if the intensity of the impact is too high, the child will not suffer, but will clearly show his dissatisfaction.

After adjusting the pressure, you can move on to the baby’s tummy.

Stroking the abdomen helps normalize gas formation and prevent constipation.

Then you can massage your back and head.

A restorative massage 10 usually takes 20-30 minutes. Do not be too zealous; the procedure is a passive load and can tire the child.

Let's take a closer look at how to massage each part of the body.

  1. Head.

    Place your baby's head in your cupped hands. Using your thumbs, gently press on the brow ridges and smooth the skin from the forehead to the temples. It is forbidden to squeeze the head, especially if there is an unhealed fontanel. It's better to just draw tiny geometric shapes on the child's skull with your fingertips.

  2. Legs.

    Lightly squeeze your baby's heel with one hand, and with the other hand, gently knead the top of the thigh and down to the ankles. When performing massage number 10 for children's legs, movements should be smooth, without strong pressure. Repeat with the second leg. Finally, rub your feet with your thumbs, carefully straightening and bending your toes.

  3. Face.

    Cup your hands so your thumbs are on your baby's forehead, then gently move your palms from the center of your face outward. Make sure that your baby's nose always remains open.

  4. Tummy.

    Using your fingertips, draw a circle under your baby's belly button. Gradually increase the radius of movement. It is important to move clockwise to follow the natural path of digestion. Finally, run your fingertips from one side of your baby's belly to the other diagonally, as if you were drawing a cross.

  5. Back massage

    Number 10 is carried out for the child as follows. The baby is placed on his tummy, after which he gently presses the palm of his hand on the area of ​​the shoulder blades. To achieve a relaxing effect, simply stroke your child's back.

Exercise therapy for the spine

The most common spinal curvatures are:

  • scoliosis (to the side);
  • kyphosis (backward);
  • lordosis (anterior).

The most acceptable forms of exercise therapy for spinal curvature are therapeutic exercises and exercises in water. Gymnastic exercises are used in the initial position “lying”, “standing on all fours”. Trains the muscles of the back, gluteal region, and abdomen. To correct the defect, special corrective exercises of two types are used - symmetrical and asymmetrical. To increase the mobility of the spine, exercises on all fours, mixed hangs, and exercises on an inclined plane are used.

The exercise therapy complex for protrusion of the lumbar spine includes the following exercises:

  • walking on all fours;
  • “boat” (lying on your stomach, you need to stretch your arms and legs straight up, stay in a tense state for 1 minute and return to the starting position);
  • “lazy” press – lying on your back with straight legs, tense your abs as much as possible for a few seconds and then relax.

Therapeutic exercise for the lumbar spine is performed daily, with increasing loads. The method of exercise therapy for spinal injuries is divided into four stages. During the first ten days after injury, exercise therapy helps to raise general tone, improve the functioning of the digestive and circulatory system, and the body's endurance. At the second stage of treatment, the following tasks are solved:

  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • stimulation of regeneration processes;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • improved blood flow.

The main tasks solved at the third stage of treatment are strengthening and development of the muscles of the pelvic floor, trunk and limbs, improving spinal mobility and coordination of movements. The fourth stage is aimed at increasing the mobility of the spinal column, further developing and strengthening muscles, restoring correct walking skills and healthy posture.

The benefits of massage for a baby

Light massage has a relaxing effect and makes it easier to go to bed. Baby massage number 10 also helps with colic and constipation. Other benefits of the procedure:

  • establishing an emotional connection with the baby;
  • development of non-verbal communication skills;
  • improving mutual understanding;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • maintaining normal muscle tone;
  • increased flexibility;
  • reducing stress levels;
  • prevention of flatulence, colic, constipation;
  • relief of pain symptoms without medications;
  • relieving muscle tension;
  • softening the skin.

Pediatricians recommend that fathers also have a relaxing massage 10. Simple stroking and touching help establish contact with the newborn. Mothers understand babies much better without words. But it is difficult for future fathers to understand why exactly the child is crying. During the massage, you can track positive and negative reactions to each movement.

We have a useful article on how to understand the reasons for crying and how to calm your baby.

Also, during a massage, endorphins are released: neurotransmitters that fight stress hormones. Even a change in the usual diet, a new face in the environment or a loud sound can frighten the baby.

It has been proven that babies who have undergone general massage number 10 sleep better, gain weight faster and are less likely to be capricious for no reason. Doctors also note a positive psychological effect.

Massage is also often prescribed at certain stages of development if indicated - for example, at the age of 9 months.

What is exercise therapy in medicine?

The history of exercise therapy begins in ancient China, where therapeutic gymnastics techniques with a main emphasis on breathing exercises were successfully used to heal patients. The use of physical exercises for healing purposes in Russia began in the 16th and 17th centuries, often in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures, hardening and hydrotherapy. At the moment, exercise therapy is successfully combined with drug treatment, surgical interventions, physiotherapy methods, and massage. Physiotherapy and sports medicine are inextricably linked, as athletes need to quickly and effectively recover from injuries.

The therapeutic effect of physical exercise is based on loads that are strictly defined for each patient. There is general training for healing and strengthening the body and special training, which is aimed at eliminating impaired functions in certain organs and systems.

Sets of physical therapy exercises help increase joint mobility and reduce the effects of muscle strain. They allow you to improve metabolic processes in pathologically altered tissues. With the help of exercise therapy (photos are available on the Internet), the patient can improve health, lose weight, and restore impaired functions. The use of physical therapy prevents further progression of the disease, accelerates recovery time and increases the effectiveness of complex therapy.

Physical therapy is an independent scientific discipline. In medicine, exercise therapy is a treatment method that uses physical education for prevention, treatment, restoration of impaired functions and maintenance therapy. In the process of repeated physical exercises, existing motor skills are improved, lost ones are restored and new physical qualities are developed, and positive changes in the function of organs and systems occur. This together contributes to the restoration of health, fitness, increased physical performance and other positive changes in the state of the human body.

Physical activity during exercise therapy sessions, which are carried out by specialists from the Yusupov Hospital, corresponds to the patient’s functional capabilities. When performing physical exercises, the functional activity of internal organs increases. This is due to the activation of neurohumoral mechanisms, the inclusion of additional metabolic regulators, the action of hormones of the endocrine glands, tissue hormones, and other biologically active substances. Under the influence of exercise therapy, the mobility and balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition increases, the activity of the visual, motor, auditory, vestibular and tactile analyzers improves.

Can massage be harmful?

Massage therapy, the purpose of which is to correct disorders of the musculoskeletal system, should be carried out strictly according to indications. The procedure must be carried out by a specialist with medical education. Corrective massage No. 10 may be painful. Any incorrect movement is fraught with the development of complications.

Relaxing massage at home brings only benefits to the baby's health. But sometimes complications arise as a result of incorrectly selected cosmetic products.

Before using a new type of oil or cream, you need to conduct an allergy test: apply a small amount of the product to the crook of your baby’s elbow and see if complications arise. Red spots and peeling should be a signal that you should try other cosmetics.

It is also strictly forbidden to use undiluted essential oils. Such products are too aggressive for a child’s skin and can cause an allergic reaction.

Vegetable oils, especially olive and sunflower, are also not suitable for the procedure, as they disrupt the barrier function of the skin. Thus, an incorrectly selected product can provoke the development of skin diseases.

Exercise therapy in traumatology

Rehabilitators choose exercise therapy techniques for injuries depending on the period of the disease. The objectives of the first period, corresponding to acute injury, are to normalize the patient’s psycho-emotional state, improve metabolism, the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and excretory organs. In the second period, the following forms of exercise therapy are used: morning exercises, walking, dosed running and walking, swimming. The third period takes place in a rehabilitation center or sanatorium. The objectives of exercise therapy during this period are:

  • final restoration of functions;
  • adaptation of the body to everyday and industrial stress;
  • formation of compensations, new motor skills.

At the Yusupov Hospital, rehabilitation specialists take an individual approach to the choice of means and methods of exercise therapy for spinal injury, after surgery on the knee joint, for hypertension, after a stroke and other diseases. In order to undergo a rehabilitation course using the latest techniques, call the Yusupov Hospital.

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