Lack of lubrication in joints: consequences, diagnosis, treatment

Synovial fluid, synovium, is the name given to the intra-articular lubricant that fills the space between the joints. If its quantity is insufficient or its viscosity decreases, the joints are subject to faster wear, deformation and destruction, since it is it that lubricates their surface. In such cases, therapy includes restoration of lubrication in order to increase its volume and quality characteristics with the help of dietary supplements, vitamins, exercise and a balanced diet.


The problem with lubrication deficiency most often occurs in the knee or hip joint. If there is not enough synovial fluid, the moving joints are poorly lubricated, the bones rub against each other, causing discomfort:

  • discomfort,
  • crunch,
  • creak,
  • pain.

The process of premature aging of the movable joint due to a decrease in the volume of intra-articular lubrication can lead to partial or complete limitation in the movement of the limbs.

Resuming the production of synovium will require diligence and qualified assistance. Before prescribing a treatment procedure, the doctor must find out the reason for the decrease in the volume of joint lubrication. The patient must undergo additional examinations and tests. It is important to promptly pay attention to signs of pathology, then the regeneration process can be improved using conservative methods, without surgical intervention.

Injection of a synovial fluid “prosthesis” into the joint

Hyaluronic acid

(hyaluronan, hyaluronate) is a complex protein-carbohydrate substance - a natural component of connective, nervous tissue and mucous membranes. It is part of many biological environments of the body - saliva, synovial fluid (joint lubricant), blood, etc. It is produced in the body by certain bacteria, for example, streptococcus or staphylococcus.

Hyaluronic acid for joints is a real salvation.

Being part of the synovial fluid, it is responsible for its viscosity and improves the sliding of cartilaginous surfaces even with a high percentage of destruction of articular elements. Hyaluronate is an important component of articular hyaline cartilage; By participating in its nutrition and recovery, it helps ease joint mobility and eliminate pain. The binding of hyaluronic acid to a specific component of cartilage tissue - chondroitin sulfate - promotes water retention in the cartilage, which increases its elasticity and improves its shock-absorbing properties.

The effect of hyaluronic acid injections in the treatment of joints

In older people or those who suffer from any joint disease, the amount of joint lubrication decreases sharply, it ceases to perform its protective and lubricating functions, and cartilage tissue is destroyed. This further aggravates the situation, causing inflammation and increased joint pain.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the joint cavity eliminates (reduces) these negative consequences, replenishing the amount of synovial fluid, increasing its viscosity. The friction of the articular surfaces decreases, the shock-absorbing function improves, movements in the affected joint become less painful, and their amplitude increases.

Hyaluronic acid also improves the nutrition of hyaline cartilage cells (chondrocytes), thereby ensuring cartilage renewal and stopping its further destruction. This liquid implant prevents the development of inflammation, nourishes cartilage tissue, reduces the load on the joint, being a natural prosthesis identical to human joint lubrication. It’s not for nothing that doctors call hyaluronic acid a liquid prosthesis.

The introduction of sodium hyaluronate is useless if the patient has inflamed joint structures: in this case, anti-inflammatory treatment is first carried out, and only then a course of hyaluronate injections.

Indications for hyaluronic acid injections for joints.

— Arthrosis

— Rehabilitation after arthroscopy

— Recovery after traumatic joint injury

— As an alternative to joint replacement

Contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections for joints.

— Acute inflammation of the joint

— Acute period of various infections

— Wound or other violation of the integrity of the skin at the injection site

— Pregnancy, breastfeeding

Methods and frequency of administration of hyaluronic acid in the treatment of joints

Hyaluronic acid is administered under aseptic conditions in a treatment room or small operating room by an orthopedic doctor or rheumatologist. The medicine is injected directly into the joint capsule. In the absence of contraindications, simultaneous administration of sodium hyaluronate into several joint cavities is allowed.

If there is inflammation of the joint elements, which is accompanied by the accumulation of joint effusion, injections with hyaluronic acid are not prescribed. You must first eliminate the inflammatory process so that the volume of synovial fluid decreases to normal, and only then undergo a course of treatment with hyaluronic acid.

The standard treatment regimen is one injection per week. Depending on the severity of the disease, the course includes 3–5 injections. The duration of breaks between repeated courses is different for each drug; it ranges from 6 months to a year.

The hip joint is difficult to reach for an injection, because it is located deep under the layer of muscles, subcutaneous tissue and skin. And in this case, the injection of hyaluronic acid is carried out under ultrasound control.

Possible side effects from injections

  • Redness, slight swelling and soreness at the injection site;
  • itching or burning after injection;
  • hemarthrosis (bleeding into the joint cavity);
  • pain in the periarticular tissues;
  • bruise after injection.

To eliminate most of the above consequences, you just need to apply a cold compress or ice to the injection site for 10 minutes. If an allergic reaction occurs, the administration of the drug is canceled.

It is important that the injections are given by a qualified doctor, and the injection procedure is carried out under sterile conditions to avoid the development of a purulent process in the joint due to infection during manipulation. Correct intra-articular administration of the drug can relieve the patient of pain for a long period, during which he will significantly reduce or completely stop taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

What are some ways to restore lubrication in joints?

It is not difficult to stimulate the production of lubrication at the initial stage of changes in the joint joint by adjusting the daily routine, changing the approach to nutrition, and reducing the strength of physical activity. For maximum effect, all changes are carried out along with medical procedures and the use of traditional medicine.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronate is a natural protein component that is part of intra-articular lubricant and is considered a salvation. Acid increases the percentage of fluid viscosity, which allows it to lubricate the surface of the joint, increasing its elasticity and gliding even with signs of destruction and pain. More often it is prescribed for diseases of the knee joint, regardless of the cause that caused them. Tablets or capsules with hyaluron are presented in the form of dietary supplements, so doctors recommend treatment with a solution for intra-articular administration.

Lack of lubrication in joints: consequences, diagnosis, treatment

If there are problems with synovium in the joint, then they will quickly wear out, deform and collapse, causing terrible pain, since there is no lubrication of the surface.

In such cases, therapy is required with the use of various dietary supplements, vitamins, physical training and proper nutrition, which will help restore lubrication and increase its volume and quality indicators.

Danger of lack of interarticular fluid

If there is insufficient amount of fluid in the joint or there is none at all, then over time, due to constant high loads, inflammation will begin as a result of the abrasion of hyaline cartilage. Over time, if the joint is not treated, the problem becomes chronic. Severe pain and stiffness of movement occur. As the problem worsens, it can cause the development of arthritis, osteoarthritis, and complete immobility of the joint. In this case, only the endoprosthetics service will help.

Most often, a lack of synovial fluid occurs in the knee and hip joints, due to the fact that they are large and bear the most intense loads.

For therapy to produce results, not only medical manipulations may be needed, but also changes in lifestyle and nutrition. Let's consider methods for increasing the amount of synovium.

Taking vitamins and various supplements

Invaluable assistance in treatment is provided by taking supplements that contain a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals. In particular, the following components have a positive effect on the release and quality of intra-articular fluid:

  • Hyaluronic acid – retains fluid and lubricates cartilage.
  • Chondroprotectors containing glucosamine and chondroitin. Glucosamine, as one of the main components of synovial fluid, improves its quality. Chondrotoin helps increase synovial secretion.
  • Ascorbic acid – activates the production of type 2 collagen, which increases the secretion of intra-articular fluid.


Sometimes the problem is solved by introducing sodium hyaluronate into the interarticular space. The course of treatment takes about 3-5 weeks with one injection no more than once every 4 months. Only a specialist in a medical facility can give injections. But manipulations are contraindicated for persons:

  • with inflammation of the tissues and joint capsule;
  • pregnant women and during the lactation period;
  • with drug intolerance;
  • minors;
  • with lesions of the skin and tissues around the joint;
  • with difficulties in venous and lymphatic drainage;
  • with severe joint pain.

Medical and physical training complex

Sometimes therapeutic joint exercises can increase lubricant secretion and give muscles flexibility and elasticity.

Classes begin with a warm-up and gradually move on to the joints of the knees and pelvis, spinal column, neck, shoulders and elbows. Gentle flexion and extension should be done regularly, but no more than half an hour a day. Physical exercise is contraindicated for acute pain.

Also, swimming, yoga, and walks in the fresh air will not be superfluous. Thanks to balanced physical activity, blood circulation in the joints increases. And with the blood they receive nutritional components, thanks to which the restoration processes are accelerated. But in no case should you allow excessive physical activity, as in this case the cartilage will be damaged even more.


Since plasma is present in the synovium, for its normal secretion it is necessary that the vessels are in good condition. To do this, it is necessary to remove cholesterol blocks from them. To improve the quality characteristics of the lubricant and its quantity, the following components should be present in the weekly diet:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (salmon, mackerel, herring, smelt);
  • vitamin B, organic acids (fermented milk products, seafood, beef liver);
  • linoleic and linolenic acids (legumes);
  • Omega-3 acids, retinol, calciferol, tocopherol (olive, sunflower, corn oils);
  • oleic acid (fish, pork and beef fat);
  • stearic acid (nuts and pumpkin and sunflower seeds);
  • palmitic acid (lard, butter).

You should avoid smoked foods, sorrel and spinach, tea and coffee, as these products contain salts, acids and purines that adversely affect the joint capsule.

You should also not neglect your drinking regime. Often, due to a lack of fluid in the body, the lubricant is too viscous. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day, due to which synovium will form faster and the products of cartilage breakdown will be removed from the joint.


Traditional medicine offers a simple and cheap method of treating joints

. You will need the most ordinary gelatin. 2 teaspoons of gelatin should be mixed with 50 milliliters of water and left to swell overnight. In the morning, add warm liquid to the mixture and drink on an empty stomach. Take daily for a month.

A tincture or ointment based on the marsh cinquefoil herb is also effective. 3-4 times a day it is necessary to treat the skin of the joint with the drug, which improves the outflow of lymph and blood circulation. Together with cinquefoil, they also use:

  • medicinal comfrey (ginseng);
  • Golden mustache;
  • burdock;
  • toad picker;
  • camelina oil.

These plants have anti-inflammatory properties.

The condition of joints depends not only on taking certain medications or medical procedures.
The main thing that will help keep your joints healthy is a prudent attitude towards them. It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

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