Bubnovsky exercises at home: for the lazy and not only

Greetings, dear readers of this blog! Did you know that there is exercise for which you do not need a tracksuit, a gym, exercise equipment, a trainer, or even a mat on the floor? What’s more, you don’t even need the floor itself, because you can do it...right in your bed! Yes, gymnastics in bed for the lazy is one of the best inventions of humanity! In this material you will learn about special joint gymnastics. It was developed by the world famous kinesiotherapist Sergei Bubnovsky.

What is special about this type of charging?

Firstly, exercise in bed after sleep is valuable because it requires a minimum of effort and conditions from a person. Agree, in order to do a full set of exercises, even the shortest ones, you need many conditions. For example, you need to put on appropriate comfortable clothes, pick up dumbbells, and lay a mat on the floor. And the main thing is to find at least 20 minutes for all this, in the end! But the “bed” version of gymnastics does not require any of the above!

Secondly, it is very important that such gymnastics is extremely safe. The fact is that after sleep, in the morning in bed, you are still very “warm” and relaxed. Your muscles are warmed up, which reduces the risk of stretching and damage to almost zero.

Thirdly, after waking up, you often don’t want to get out of bed. And there is even a temptation to take a nap a little more. Each of us knows how it ends.

So, gymnastics in bed for the lazy is an excellent way to get out of bed on time and the first time. And the secret here is simple: when we start to move, even making simple movements with our toes, blood flow increases. As a result, our body awakens faster.

In fact, doing exercises in bed in the morning according to Bubnovsky is a real life hack on how to easily force yourself to get out of bed in the morning!

And you don’t need to force yourself to get up, you just need to start doing the first exercise for your feet.

Abdominal massage for weight loss

Massage can work wonders for people who are trying to lose weight, but massage therapy alone will not lead to weight loss.

If you're hoping that massage will reduce your cellulite, reduce belly fat, or reduce your thigh size, you'll likely be disappointed. However, massage can make it easier to stick to your diet and exercise program.

We all know how difficult it is to get rid of excess fat, especially in the abdominal area. Gone are those teenage years when our metabolism was Ferrari-fast. But even for those of us who live an active lifestyle and eat a healthy diet, getting rid of that stubborn belly fat can be a real challenge.

Abdominal massage works as an internal exercise that cleanses and detoxifies the skin and melts away fat.

You must understand that this technique alone will not help if you are a slacker who eats fast food and drinks soda every day. But it works wonders for those people who exercise regularly but still cannot get rid of belly fat.

The benefits of exercising in bed

Bubnovsky’s lazy gymnastics is joint gymnastics. There are other options for exercises in bed, ranging from breathing activities to those that strengthen the back, abs, and so on. We will talk about such Tibetan longevity gymnastics next time. Follow the publications.

Today we will focus on the joint complex, since healthy joints are a guarantee of health, a good figure and excellent well-being.

Here are the main advantages of such gymnastics:

  1. it makes us cheerful and energetic in the morning;
  2. gives a good mood;
  3. ideally takes care of the condition of those who lead a “sedentary” lifestyle and move little;
  4. safe with a minimum of contraindications;
  5. minimizes the risk of osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other similar diseases;
  6. makes the back muscles strong and strong;
  7. improves heart function;
  8. helps to truly and, at the same time, gently wake up;
  9. makes joints flexible and healthy;
  10. normalizes blood pressure;
  11. is an effective prevention of constipation, which helps minimize the risk of hemorrhoids;
  12. removes tension from the spine and lower back;
  13. normalizes blood circulation;
  14. protects against pain;
  15. suitable for almost everyone, including the elderly;
  16. has a minimum of contraindications.

Benefits of abdominal massage

Abdominal massage activates the digestive system, helps to permanently reduce body acidity, supports colon cleansing and promotes weight loss. It also helps with constipation and flatulence.

By using this massage you will feel better and look better. Self-massage of the abdomen also improves posture, skin condition and well-being. Try this massage first when you are nervous. Then you will feel that the tension immediately subsides and you will feel relaxed and satisfied.

Have you ever experienced abdominal pain as a result of nervousness, stress or muscle tension? Abdominal massage can help you with these problems. It gives the following effects to you and your body:

  • Improves blood circulation in the abdominal area, and this affects a better supply of various internal organs with nutrients and oxygen.
  • Relaxes the intestinal muscles
  • Reduces flatulence
  • Improves intestinal motility, eliminating congestion.
  • Gives a feeling of warmth and improves mood as it reduces emotional stress.
  • Improves posture and reduces back pain.
  • Relieves discomfort from hemorrhoids.
  • In women, it soothes the uterus and ovaries.
  • Reduces constipation

Gymnastics in bed for the lazy according to Bubnovsky

As you already understand, you should perform all movements in the morning, preferably immediately after sleep. Then, when you are still relaxed, and your body is warmed up by sleep and a blanket.

Here are the exercises in bed and in what order you need to do for your easy warm-up:

  1. Lying on your back, extend both your arms along your torso. Spread your legs slightly. Now pull the toe of your right foot towards you, and pull your left foot away from you. Then vice versa. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Now, with your legs still spread, bring your feet closer to each other, connecting your toes. And spread them apart.
  3. Now rotate your feet, counterclockwise and clockwise, making 10 circles in each direction.
  4. Now you should squeeze your toes tightly, as if you were trying to pick up an apple or other round object with them. Then unclench your fingers with all your might, spreading them very wide, with maximum effort.
  5. Draw your heels toward your buttocks, bending your knees deeply. Then extend your legs. Repeat several times.
  6. Bend your legs at the knees, with your feet shoulder-width apart, resting on the surface of the bed. Hands, as before, along the body. Now place your legs one by one on the surface of the bed from the side, trying to reach it with your knees. The thigh (or rather its side surface) must also touch the bed. For example, when turning your legs to the right, the outer side of the right thigh and the inner side of the left touch the bed. Repeat 5-6 times for each leg.
  7. Bend your legs, bringing your feet together. Your knees should reach towards the bed. Inhale and lift your buttocks off the bed, squeezing them tightly. Now exhale, lower your pelvis to the surface, relax. Repeat 5-6 times, moving slowly and smoothly.
  8. Stretch one leg straight, bend the other at the knee. Then pull the bent leg towards your chest, helping yourself with your hands. Pull your knee toward your chest, but with moderate force. Raise the body of the tracker. Do this movement while inhaling. Repeat with the other leg. As you lower your leg, exhale smoothly and relax. Repeat several times for each leg.
  9. Do an abdominal exercise: place your arms bent on your stomach, bend your legs at the knees, pressing your feet to the floor. Inhaling fairly steadily, inflate your belly. As you exhale, try to draw it in as much as possible. Repeat at least 10 times.

All these warm-up activities are simple, accessible, and safe. Even a person who is not at all prepared for physical education can safely do them. Or, for example, an elderly person.

Who is Bubnovsky and why can you trust him?

Sergey Bubnovsky – Doctor of Medical Sciences, founder of modern kinesitherapy. This is the name of a treatment method that involves performing active and passive movements, where simple exercises are combined with work on simulators. The goal is to achieve a specific therapeutic result.

Bubnovsky works in the field of sports medicine and rehabilitation. The direction was not chosen by chance. While serving in the army, he was involved in a serious car accident. Fractures of the spine and both legs led to severe disability. He lived with pain for many years and could not move without a crutch.

To overcome the disease, Bubnovsky entered the medical faculty of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. During his studies, he developed a rehabilitation technique, which he tested himself.

When Bubnovsky achieved positive results, he opened a clinic to help people cope with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Since then, Bubnovsky has written many scientific papers and helped many patients avoid disability.

Adaptive gymnastics from Bubnovsky

But if you are a more or less prepared person, or have already done a warm-up, and you have the strength and desire to continue, perform the following adaptive exercises. You can also do them without straining too much and lying in your own bed. So:

  1. Get on your knees, and with a deep breath, raise your arms straight up in front of you. Now, exhaling smoothly, lower them, without disconnecting, to the right, while tilting your pelvis to the left, and lowering yourself onto your heels. At the same time, you should do a slight “twist” and direct your gaze behind your hands. Repeat similarly on the other side.
  2. Remain sitting on your heels. Place your hands on top of your stomach. Inhale through your nose and exhale, saying “pffff” and exhaling through your lips, which are tightly compressed.
  3. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms bent behind your head. Inhale to the maximum, and exhale, lift your body, trying to reach your knees with your hands. Hold for a couple of seconds, as you exhale, slowly lower and relax.
  4. Staying on your back, spread your arms to your sides, bend your legs at the knees, feet on the surface of the bed, shoulder-width apart. Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your buttocks slightly, while trying to move (and actually move) your knees together.
  5. Cross your shins, bend your legs, and lift your shins. At the same time, clasp your hands above your head and take a breath. As you exhale, stretch your elbows toward your knees, lifting both your shoulders and pelvis. Entry: Carefully lower both shoulders and legs onto the surface of the bed.
  6. Lie on your right side with your feet together. Place your right hand on the bed, extending it to the side. Inhale, and exhale, stretch your left elbow to your knees, lifting your body low, leaning on your right hand. Inhale - go down. Repeat 5 times on one side, 5 times on the other side.
  7. Standing in the “cat” position, raise your feet slightly above the bed and bring them together. Now move your pelvis and shoulders, trying to bring them closer in an arc at the same time, now to the left, now to the right. This movement will stretch the side of your torso. Repeat several times on each side.

Reasons for appearance

It should be noted that intervertebral hernia does not occur overnight. This should be facilitated by certain negative processes that affect the body for a long time. But the very appearance of the disease usually provokes some specific action. It can be called a kind of “last straw”, but not the root cause. Often such a provoking factor is sudden and incorrect lifting of heavy weights.

As for the real reasons for the development of intervertebral hernia, we can distinguish four main ones:

  • Incorrect load on the back. And here we mean not only non-compliance with the rules when lifting loads, but also incorrect posture. Even a slight curvature of the spine can subsequently lead to more disastrous results.
  • Lack of fluid. In this case, absolutely all the connective tissues of your body suffer, and therefore the intervertebral discs. The main function of the latter is spring. Thus, if there is not enough water, they will simply dry out and will no longer be able to withstand the load placed on them.
  • Lack of exercise. With a passive lifestyle, your muscles and ligaments will gradually atrophy. Plus, the load on the spine allows you to improve blood circulation and metabolism.
  • Poor nutrition. All your organs and tissues require a number of microelements for normal functioning, which can only be obtained through food. This category includes magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and so on. With their deficiency, the intervertebral discs become porous and are no longer able to perform their function normally.

Possible contraindications

There are practically no contraindications for such gymnastics. This is what its author himself claims. But still, you shouldn’t do it if:

  • you have a high temperature;
  • severe weakness;
  • very high or low blood pressure;
  • there are acute inflammatory processes;
  • there is an oncological tumor;
  • you are recovering from strokes, injuries, heart attacks, after operations, childbirth, cesarean section.

In any case, it is highly advisable to consult a doctor if you have even the slightest doubt about your health.

Why you need to strengthen your muscles

Old age is accompanied by loss of muscle tissue. The main reason is a slow metabolism caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

When muscles work, blood actively runs through the vessels, supplying nutrients to the tissues in a timely manner. This allows cells to grow and develop normally.

When a woman moves little, blood flows slowly, tissues do not receive the necessary nutrition, and their degradation begins. One example is osteoporosis, the destruction of bone tissue that develops in women during menopause. Calcium tablets do not help, since it reaches the bone tissue as part of the bloodstream. If the plasma flows slowly, then calcium arrives in small quantities.

Gymnastics will help solve the problem. If a woman takes care of herself, goes to the gym, and does the recommended physical exercises, she can stop the aging process.

Strength training

Strength exercises - squats, push-ups, presses. These movements pump and strengthen the muscles. If they work poorly, the functioning of the cardiovascular, lymphatic and other systems deteriorates, and internal organs lose nutrition.

Squatting with a fixed support (holding the back of a chair) – prevention of femoral neck fracture. The thoracic region is strengthened by push-ups from the floor, couches, walls, on the knees - as health allows.

You don't have to do 100 push-ups right away. Today – 5, tomorrow – 10, the day after tomorrow – 15. The body must adapt. If you feel severe pain, do not increase the load. If you do the exercise from a support, straighten your arms completely.

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