Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis at home

“If you have arthrosis, and they tell you: “Your disease is incurable,” DO NOT BELIEVE it. ARTHROSES ARE EXCELLENTLY TREATED.” So says the famous chiropractor Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt .

In realizing his life-affirming position for the treatment of gonarthrosis, he developed a whole set of exercises for the knee joint.

Gittu exercises are very popular. They are available to everyone, both for the treatment and prevention of arthrosis. Their implementation can be combined with office and home work, with traveling on public transport, and with being in any public place.

When performing them, you do not need to overcome pain. “The most important thing,” says Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt, “none of the recommended exercises should cause even the slightest pain. If you feel pain, stop the exercise immediately! Pain is extremely harmful to your joints.”

The main principle used in the development of Gitt exercises for the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is based on the fact that movement is absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of the joint! But movement with minimal amplitude and intensity and without load. But in terms of duration - “Very long, several hours a day.”

Historical facts

For more than 25 years, Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt has been successfully treating patients with various diseases of the joints and spine. The chiropractor actively uses his technique not only on compatriots, but also on foreign patients.

Gitt constantly improved and refined his theory. Thanks to this, he was the first to almost 100% cure a patient with a complex degree of arthrosis. The same technique effectively eliminates diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as myositis, tendonitis, synovitis and many others.

Perhaps Vitaly Demyanovich is the only doctor in the world who fights spinal diseases without resorting to surgery. This includes scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and spinal hernia.

The basis of this technique is the assumption that over the entire period of life, each organ, bone or joint is constantly rebuilt. After all, this is how it really is: even broken bones can gradually heal. This happens because they are alive and constantly renewed, more and more new cells are born, tissues are replaced.

Regular, constant, smooth, systematic exercises for the spine and joints should make them change in any direction. If you fix a joint, for example, with plaster for several months, then it will definitely lose the ability to move and become stone. Add regular, gentle exercises and the joint will come to life again. Also, lack of movement in the spine leads to its gradual compression, compaction, and destruction - to osteochondrosis.

Reviews and effectiveness of the technique

To obtain lasting results, gymnastics should become part of everyday life.
Many patients who cannot engage in other types of exercise therapy speak positively about Dr. Gitt’s method in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. They all note that after the first 2-3 weeks of regular exercise, pain is minimized and mobility improves.

Doctors describe the effectiveness of the technique as follows:

  • calcium accumulations on the vertebrae are destroyed;
  • nutrition of soft tissues and bones is normalized;
  • shock-absorbing function is restored;
  • dryness is eliminated, the content of intervertebral fluid increases.

To achieve the desired results, it is important to adhere to the rules of gymnastics. And then every patient with osteochondrosis will be able to significantly reduce pain and return the joy of their former mobility.

Dr. Gitt's therapeutic micromovements help people with musculoskeletal disorders. The technique is based on long-term exposure with minimal risk of injury. You can do gymnastics at home without spending money on visiting a specialist.

Micromovement theory

The basis and unifying element of the method is the theory of micromovements. This is a kind of “homeopathic” amount of movement that perfectly nourishes the joints without putting too much stress on them. Gitta gymnastics is not aimed at stretching muscles, but at restoring joints. Of course, this cannot be achieved without the patient’s independent, daily work. Such gymnastics should be an integral part of the patient’s life, especially since these exercises are absolutely not difficult to perform. They do not take much time and do not require a specific place or special equipment.

Gitt Vitaly Demyanovich wanted to find an effective remedy for faster healing of patients, so special vibrating couches of several types were developed. They allow for even more productive treatment. The vibrating couch allows the patient, in a completely calm and relaxed state, to make several hundred micromovements per minute.

As Vitaly Gitt says, the element needs a very small amount of joint fluid to absorb, but it must be supplied continuously. With active movement and large amplitudes, nutrition becomes better, but absorption does not, it is absolutely the same as when performing micromovements. At the same time, too active movements lead to injuries and destruction of joints.

What is the difference between micromovement gymnastics and vibrating couch exercises? Why do exercises need to be done slowly, because on the couch they happen quickly? Everything is very simple: the patient lies on the device in a relaxed, free position, he does not need to strain his muscles or load his joints. It is the load that leads to the destruction of the structure of the bone element. Therefore, you should try to avoid it, and perform small, “homeopathic”, smooth and slow movements in the inflamed joint.

Gymnastics is recommended to be performed at any age, in the presence of all kinds of painful sensations.

Principles and theory of the technique

Gitt's technique is based on micromovements that normalize tissue nutrition.
Some colleagues call Vitaly Gitta's micromovement gymnastics the best method for treating cervical, thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis without surgery. Micromovements are actions with minimal amplitude, trauma and tension. They do not cause deflection of the affected joints and do not lead to pain or overload.

Principles and fundamental provisions of the methodology:

  • micromovements are more beneficial in improving nutrition of the joints and soft tissues surrounding them;
  • the purpose of the exercises is not considered to be stretching and strengthening muscles, they are intended for the regeneration of hard tissues;
  • For physical activity to be beneficial, it must be made an integral part of the patient’s life;
  • You can use vibrating couches developed by Dr. Gitt to improve the effectiveness of home exercises.

According to the chiropractor, rough physical activity and a large range of motion cannot provide patients with complete absorption of nutrients. With micro movements this happens better, although the fluid is produced in smaller quantities to lubricate the joints. But what is important here is not the large volume, but its complete assimilation.

The advantage of using a vibrating couch together with exercise therapy is that there is no need for muscle tension. Lying on the device, a person does not make unnecessary movements, so the joints are not overstrained, and their regeneration is better.

Exercises for osteochondrosis

To obtain a lasting therapeutic effect, exercises must be performed regularly and several times a day. Such gymnastics is used to restore very tough, almost immobile cartilage tissue. Vitaly Gitt recommends performing the following exercises for cervical osteochondrosis (for this you only need a chair, you need to sit comfortably on it and start exercising):

  1. You need to slowly tilt your head forward by 25–30º (no more, as this can lead to kinking of the vessel and dizziness). Then you need to lightly nod your head, as if you were answering “yes.” The amplitude should not be large; you need to continue the exercise for at least 2 minutes. Then rest for half an hour.
  2. After half an hour, you need to continue the lesson on a chair. Tilt your head a little and move it clockwise and counterclockwise, as if saying “no” to your interlocutor, but you need to do the exercise slowly, smoothly, with a slight deviation. Duration: from 2 minutes.

Each exercise is performed once every 60 minutes, which means that within one day any movement must be repeated 8 to 10 times.

Such exercises for cervical osteochondrosis (head shaking) can also be done in a supine position. To do this, you need to sit down on a hard and flat surface and place a wide cushion under your neck.

Regularly performing such exercises makes it possible to improve the condition of intervertebral discs, increase height and normalize metabolism and nutrition. This is very important, because when the disease occurs, the discs become flattened and do not receive enough nutrients.

Such gymnastics for the cervical vertebrae is very useful, simple and easy to perform. It can be done at work, at home, at a party, in the car.

Exercises for the neck and head from Gitta

Back and joint health » Miscellaneous

Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt is a famous chiropractor who has developed his own unique method of restoring the musculoskeletal system without surgery or painful procedures.

Many patients used his technique to cure various diseases of the spine and joints.

The Gitt method is a combination of classical manual therapy and effective stimulation of the restoration of damaged joints using mechanical devices such as vibrating beds.

Useful gymnastics without stress on the joints

The method is based on the theory of micromovements, according to which you need to tilt the affected joints to a minimum angle, do not load them, and make sure that there is no discomfort. In other words, the range of motion when performing exercises should be very small.

Exercises for the head and neck from Gitta allow you to achieve:

  • replenishment of lost fluid of intervertebral discs;
  • restoring the shock-absorbing function and increasing power supply to the disks;
  • destruction of calcium deposits on the spine;
  • reducing pain;
  • increasing joint mobility.

Vitaly Gitt is convinced that cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most unpleasant diseases, which not only causes discomfort in the neck, but also negatively affects the psyche.

Problems with the spine cause disturbances in the blood circulation of the brain, in particular, its occipital lobe - and as a result, headaches, tinnitus and dizziness occur.

The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are very diverse: shoulders hurt and arms go numb, including even fingers, blood pressure rises, sleep deteriorates. But the worst thing is that the mood deteriorates greatly and mental abilities are weakened.

The cushion is placed under the neck, not under the head

Osteochondrosis varies in severity, in some cases it is difficult for the patient to even move his head. To get rid of stiffness and pain, Vitaly Gitt recommends performing the following exercises:

  • Lie on your back, place a cushion under your neck, tilt your head slightly back. Turn your head along the roller to the sides. Do it slowly and many times.
  • In a sitting position, place your hands on your knees, tilt your head slightly, and look forward. Nod your head up and down, as if affirming: “yes, yes.” Do 2 nods in 1 second, perform for 2 minutes.
  • The starting position is the same as in point 2. Turn your head left and right according to the principle of negation: “no, no.” The speed and execution time are the same - 1 second - 2 nods, 2-minute session.
  • The exercise is similar to the previous 2, only you need to keep your head straight in the starting position, and make movements from side to side, towards your shoulders.

Contraindications to gymnastics

Before starting the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  1. You should not do gymnastics without consulting your doctor, especially during periods of exacerbation of osteochondrosis. According to the examination results, the doctor will select the necessary and safe exercises for each individual case.
  2. Hypertensive crisis.
  3. Aortic aneurysm.
  4. Heart disease.
  5. Recent stroke or heart attack.

The exercises are very effective and safe, but only if performed correctly.


The famous chiropractor Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt developed a treatment method without vertebral traction, without surgical intervention and without.

In his opinion, the methods of official medicine bring the patient only temporary relief, but do not remove the cause of the disease.

Dr. Gitt's treatment combines traditional manual therapy techniques, proprietary massage, as well as micro-movement gymnastics, which effectively restores the musculoskeletal system.

Micromovements are the deflection of the diseased joint not at a large, maximum angle, but at a very small one. In this case, the joint should not be loaded, movements should not be carried out through force and cause pain or discomfort.

Positive effect of micro-movements:

  • Partially lost fluid in the intervertebral discs is replenished.
  • Their shock-absorbing function is restored.
  • The nutrition of the discs and, consequently, the entire spine is enhanced.
  • Calcium deposits on the vertebrae are destroyed.
  • Pain decreases and joint mobility increases.


No matter how safe and effective the treatment method is, you can always name a group of contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to refrain from performing a set of Gitta exercises. It is not recommended to exercise if:

  • Osteochondrosis is in the acute stage and is manifested by severe pain and inflammation.
  • During exercise, severe pain and discomfort is felt.
  • General standing after class only gets worse.
  • The doctor prescribed complete rest and complete absence of movement.

Cervical spine

Vitaly Demyanovich considers Gitt one of the most unpleasant. If with thoracic and lumbar pain there is pain and discomfort occurs when walking, then with cervical the psyche suffers due to, especially the occipital lobe.

Dizziness occurs, appears. Your shoulders may hurt, your fingers may go numb,... Impaired blood supply leads to a weakening of mental abilities, causing.

Osteochondrosis comes in varying degrees of severity. Sometimes it is so severe that the patient cannot even move his head. Vitaly Gitt has developed effective exercises for cervical osteochondrosis.

Micromovements for cervical osteochondrosis:

  1. The patient should lie on his back on a hard surface, place a cushion under his neck so that his head is slightly tilted back. You need to roll your head along the roller from one side to the other. You can do it as much as you like, ad infinitum.
  2. Sit on a chair. Place your hands loosely on your knees. Bow your head a little. Direct your gaze forward, look at one point. Nod your head slightly down and up, as if saying an affirmative phrase: “Yes, yes.” The speed of nods is approximately 2 up and down per 1 second. Duration – 2 minutes.
  3. Bow your head a little, as in the second case. Direct your gaze forward, look at one point. Turn your head from side to side, as if saying a negative: “No, no.” The speed is the same as in the second movement. Duration – 2 minutes.
  4. For a severe form of the disease - exercise “Ah-ay”: sit up straight, do not tilt your head. Focus your gaze on one point. Shake your head to one side and the other. Speed ​​and duration are the same as in previous versions.

Vitaly Gitt's method of micromovements for cervical osteochondrosis involves repeating them many times during the day.

If you do the exercise once a day, there will be no effect, but if you repeat this complex every hour, you can achieve amazing healing.

This gymnastics is good because it can be performed anywhere: while working at a desk, while driving, watching TV, a computer, etc.

The Gitt technique for cervical osteochondrosis suggests that the amplitude should be small and everything should be done effortlessly, because heavy loads can cause an exacerbation of pain.

Who is Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt

  • Thanks to the system of micromovements, it is possible to overcome the disease and significantly improve the condition of the spine and other areas of the body.
  • Gitta's treatment method incorporates both traditional manual therapy techniques, as well as massage developed in-house, and micro-movement gymnastics.
  • Such an integrated approach allows for the most effective impact on ODA. Accordingly, there is influence from several directions at once, which allows you to achieve significant results:

Micromovements are deflections in the affected area not at a maximum, large angle, but at a small amplitude. In this case, the joint is not loaded, and therefore movements are carried out without coercion, pain or discomfort. Thanks to this effect it is possible to:

  • Replenish lost interarticular fluid in partial volume;
  • Restore the shock-absorbing properties of joints and cartilage;
  • Increase nutrition to the affected area;
  • Gradually destroy calcium deposits on the joints affected by the disease;
  • Reduce pain syndrome;
  • Increase joint mobility.

This technique can be used both for osteochondrosis of the spine and in other areas affected by degenerative processes.

Micromovement gymnastics is used for:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Coxarthrosis;
  • Arthrosis of various types;
  • Slouch.

There are varieties of exercises for the spine, knee, hip, ankle, and elbow joints.

There is a complex that is used after childbirth to strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as the thoracic region and arms.

Basic complexes

But for treatment, basic complexes are still used, aimed at treating joints affected by osteochondrosis. In general, it is enough to practice 2-3 exercises and you will get a good result.

The only “but” is the regularity of execution. That is, some types of actions must be carried out hourly.

For the knee joint

The following exercises are done for the knee joint:

  • Sit on a high bed or other surface and place a pillow under your hips so that you can sit comfortably. The legs should hang down, forming a right angle with the hips. Do small swings of your legs back and forth for 5 minutes. The exercise is performed once every 1 hour.
  • Sit on a chair and place your legs a little further so that the angle between your shins and thighs is about 100 degrees. Next, you need to sharply raise and lower the toe of your foot. After this, pause for 5 seconds and do the same with the other leg.

These two exercises work perfectly on the knee joint without causing an exacerbation of the disease.

For the cervical spine, it is better to do the exercise from a sitting or lying position, depending on the type of manipulation. The following exercises are suggested:

  • Lie on your back, placing a small cushion under the back of your head to relax your neck muscles as much as possible. You need to start shaking your head from side to side in a small amplitude, as if you were saying “no.” Do this 30 times or more, depending on the level of preparation and personal capabilities. This manipulation is carried out 2 times a day.
  • Small amplitude head nods are performed from a sitting position with a straight back. It is advisable not to overstrain your neck during performance. The movement resembles agreement, as if a person is saying “yes.” The complex is carried out 2 or more times a day for 2 minutes (possibly hourly).
  • The first exercise is done, but from a sitting position. Also 2 minutes twice or more times a day (up to every hour).
  • Tilts of the head from side to side (Gitt called it “Ay-ay”) from a sitting position. It is also performed with low amplitude every hour for 2 minutes.

For the lumbar region

The lumbar region is worked out with the following movements:

  • The movement is done from a lying position. Body, legs straightened. The hands are placed under the buttocks for support. The simplest option is to bend your leg and pull it towards your body and then return it to its place, and then do the same movement with the other leg. 20-50 repetitions are expected depending on the physical capabilities of the patient. It is expected to be performed at least 1-2 times a day.
  • The exercise is performed from a lying position. The body and legs are straightened, and the palms are under the buttocks for support. Bend your legs at an angle of 45 degrees and lift them as far as possible to your chest, without lifting your buttocks from your hands. Same as the previous one - 20-50 repetitions, 1-2 sets per day
  • To strengthen the previous exercise, you can raise your legs and lift your buttocks away from your hands by 10 cm. 20-50 repetitions, 1-2 sets.

It is noteworthy that Gitt believes: only working out the abs can give a good effect for lumbar osteochondrosis, while exercises for the back only overstrain the department and, accordingly, worsen the patient’s condition.

For the thoracic region

The following exercises are great for the thoracic region:

  • Flexion and extension of the back in the thoracic region. To do this, you need to sit straight on a chair and keep your back straight. Using light movements with minimal amplitude, straighten your back, and then relax. Do this for 2 minutes every hour.
  • Lie on your back and place a soft cushion under your thoracic region all the way to the base of your neck along your spine. Raise your arms up and swing: the left one up above your head, and the right one down, and then change sides and the right one up, and the left one down. Do alternately without stopping for about 2 minutes. In addition to the beneficial effect on the thoracic region, the shoulder girdle and elbow joint are also restored.

For the hip joint

  • Lie on your back. The pillow under your head can be any size. The size of the roller is determined by the degree of hip disease. Place it under your knees. Next, move your knees in a small amplitude to the sides and inwards, parallel to your toes.
  • Turn over and lie on your back. Place a cushion under your feet so that your toes do not rest on the surface. If necessary, another roller can be placed under the lower abdomen. Start light rocking movements with your pelvis from side to side.
  • The first exercise with swinging your knees in and out can also be done from a sitting position. It is important to maintain a straight back position and a 90-degree angle between the shin and thigh.
  • From a sitting position, as in the previous exercise, you need to raise your heel, standing on your toes, and then lower it. Between movements, take a 5-second break and use the other leg.

The legs can be placed at any width to make it comfortable. You can carry out movements as much as you like.

Otherwise, the use of this technique in accordance with the recommendations of the author of the system is excellent even for severe degrees of joint diseases.

Efficiency and reviews

The effectiveness of gymnastics gives excellent results, allowing over time to restore the mobility of the affected area without pain. In this case, it is important to perform the movements every day in accordance with the recommendations of the chiropractor.

If we talk about specific results, the most positive responses were left by those who performed the exercises exactly and also underwent a course of manual therapy. At the same time, overall health improved.

There have been cases of severe joint pathologies when the patient regained the ability to move. But given the specifics of the system, one cannot expect quick results from the method.

Gitta gymnastics complex in our video:

Thoracic spine

The nature of pain when this area is affected ranges from barely noticeable to very severe. Their localization is different: from the upper chest to the heart (). You can help yourself by doing exercises by Vitaly Gitt.


  1. Sit straight on a chair, hands resting loosely on your knees, relax. Shoulders should not work. Slightly bend your spine back and take the starting position. It is important to take your time, feel your back, feel the spreading warmth. You need to breathe evenly and not adjust your breathing to your movements. This exercise can be performed at home, at work, and in transport. It is very simple and pleasant for a sore back.
  2. Lie on your back, place a roll of terry towel under your shoulder blades. Repeat the movements of the previous exercise - bend slightly in the thoracic back.
  3. You need to exercise every hour for two minutes, doing 100 repetitions of each movement.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastic exercises for the neck

Movement is life! Such a laconic call to action is familiar to the vast majority of people from early childhood. Despite this, for many reasons, more than half of the world's population is forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle. The inevitable cost of a sedentary existence is the appearance of problems with the spine. In particular with the cervical region. Problems in this area lead to pinched blood vessels and severe migraines that can poison your life.

How to escape from pain

What to do? Dr. Bubnovsky has long helped many people solve this problem with the help of a unique gymnastic complex for the neck of his own design. The main effect of the exercises is aimed at strengthening the ligamentous apparatus of the collar area. Bubnovsky believes that the main cause of discomfort in the cervical spine lies in the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics is the only set of exercises that gives real results. However, you should not expect an immediate effect. We'll have to learn to wait patiently. The therapeutic course will take at least 3 months.

The cure is in our hands

  • Sedentary work;
  • Exposure to systematic stressful situations;
  • Improper nutrition, which contributes to the deposition of salts and, as a result, the appearance of osteochondrosis;
  • Lack of regular physical activity.
  • Insufficient cerebral circulation;
  • Neck stiffness;
  • Vertebrobasilar insufficiency is a disease associated with pinching of the basilar artery;
  • Migraine;
  • Hypertension;
  • Facilitation and acceleration of the rehabilitation period.

Exercises and instructions for them

It is recommended to perform the complex daily for 14 days from the start of classes, after which you can reduce classes to two or three times a week

Important! All exercises must be performed with the back as straight as possible, otherwise all efforts are useless. In order to monitor compliance with the rules for performing exercises from the neck gymnastics complex, it would be better to ask someone to observe the progress of the classes

While in a sitting position, tilt your head to the right side and remain in this position until your muscles feel pleasantly tired. This will take about 30 seconds. Then you can take a comfortable position. Duplicate the actions, only now making a similar tilt to the left side. The exercise is done at least 5 times for each side.

To perform this exercise, you need to lower your head so that your chin touches your chest. You need to remain in this position for 30 seconds. Then try to stretch your neck forward and upward, while lifting your chin from your chest. Re-fix this position for an equal period of time.

3. Looking to the sky.

Carefully, slowly, turn your head to the left side until you feel a slight pain. Stay in this position for exactly half a minute. Perform the same action, only for the right side. This must be done 5 times for each side.

The right hand should be placed on the opposite shoulder. The position of the elbow should remain parallel to the floor. The left hand is not used at this time and rests on the knee. The position should remain unchanged for exactly the same amount of time as described in the previous exercises. Perform similar actions on the opposite side of the body.

The execution algorithm is the same as in exercise No. 3. You just need to bend your elbows slightly while clasping your hands above your head.

Starting position: sitting, hands resting loosely on your knees. Putting your hands behind your back, in parallel, slowly begin to pull your chin up. After repeating these movements again, tilt your head to the right side and lightly press the base of your neck with your hands. For the left side - the same.

This is the last exercise in the Bubnovsky gymnastics complex. It is performed while standing, whereas the previous ones required a sitting position. Straighten your head so that your chin is parallel to your toes. Pull your neck forward as far as you can. Turn your head to the left side and reach towards your shoulder. As soon as you feel tension and aches, hold this position for no more than 30 seconds. The same execution scheme for the opposite shoulder.

Absolutely nothing supernatural, right? In addition, it is quite possible to perform such exercises for the neck both at home and at the workplace or on the way home, right in transport. Performing exercises according to Bubnovsky, as one of the elements of kinesitherapy, brings tangible relief within a month, provided that the exercises are carried out regularly. It’s great that you yourself can help your body normalize cerebral circulation and feel great!

Lumbar spine

Increased load on the lower back is a person’s price for walking upright. Therefore, the lumbar vertebrae are the strongest. But this disease also affects.

Lower back pain, aggravated by coughing and sneezing, in which it is impossible to straighten up, numbness in the legs, impaired sensitivity of skin areas - these and other symptoms of the disease can be weakened by regularly doing micro-movement gymnastics.

Gymnastics according to Gitt for the lumbar spine does not involve pumping up the back muscles. Vitaly Demyanovich believes that strong abs will help cure a diseased spine. Therefore, a set of micromovements is aimed at strengthening the abdominal press.

Micromovements for lumbar osteochondrosis:

  1. Lie on your back, on a hard surface, place your arms along your body. It is necessary to slightly, at a small angle, raise and lower the upper part of the body, tensing the abdominal muscles.
  2. Lying on your back, place your hands under your buttocks. Alternately bending your knees, bring them to your stomach.
  3. Starting position - as when performing the second movement. Bring both legs bent at the knees to your stomach.
  4. Starting position - as in previous cases. Bringing both legs bent at the knees to your stomach, lift your lower back 10 cm from the surface.
  5. The starting position is the same. Raise straight legs perpendicular to the surface without lifting your lower back, or lift your lower back 10 cm from the surface.

This complex should be performed in the morning and evening from twenty to fifty repetitions of each exercise. The speed of movements should be approximately 1-2 per second.

Gitta micromovement gymnastics for osteochondrosis not only has a positive effect on the spine, but also gives pleasure, relaxes and restores the nervous system.

Noticeable improvements in physical condition, observed when all recommendations are followed, increase vitality, instill optimism and faith in complete healing.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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The cervical spine is a kind of vital “artery” through which the brain and spinal cord are connected, and therefore between all the organs of our body. The vertebral and carotid arteries and many nerve fibers pass through here. At the same time, due to the high mobility of this part of the spine and the constant loads due to the almost constant vertical position of the head, a disease such as osteochondrosis begins to develop in the cervical region first of all. If the disease has just arisen, then you can achieve its complete regression by using exercises for cervical osteochondrosis.

How to diagnose cervical osteochondrosis in time? Watch out for the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the area of ​​the 6th - 7th cervical vertebrae, radiating to the occipital and collar areas. During an exacerbation, the pain is so severe that it is impossible to raise the head or turn it to the side
  2. Symptoms from the brain: dizziness and headache (with vertebral artery syndrome, pain in the form of lumbago), impaired coordination of movements, vision and hearing, tinnitus, deterioration of memory and performance
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia: increased blood pressure, pain in the heart, numbness in the chest, scapular area, arms, panic fears and phobias

The symptoms are very varied.

Cervical osteochondrosis, due to its complex symptoms, requires mandatory medical diagnosis, since it can be completely confused with other diseases

In this article we will offer you the most popular videos in which you can choose exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.


Micromovement gymnastics is used for:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Coxarthrosis;
  • Arthrosis of various types;
  • Slouch.

There are varieties of exercises for the spine, knee, hip, ankle, and elbow joints.

There is a complex that is used after childbirth to strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as the thoracic region and arms.

Warnings before starting exercises

However, before viewing them, please read the contraindications for this kind of gymnastics:

  1. Do not do these exercises without consulting your doctor, especially in the acute period of osteochondrosis: seeing your radiology and localization of the pathology, he can select the most appropriate and safe exercise therapy techniques in your case
  2. The following diseases are contraindications: hypertensive crisis, aortic aneurysm, recent heart attack or stroke, heart disease

And one more warning: some videos sometimes contain mutually contradictory advice. Therefore, first you need a clear idea in what case and for whom such exercises may be suitable.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine Gitt

Chiropractor Gitt, the author of the “micromovement” theory, in his video does not recommend wide-amplitude movements for the neck. But if we look at it, we will understand why:

  1. This gymnastics is intended not to stretch the cervical muscles, but to restore intervertebral discs, that is, for the severe stage of osteochondrosis
  2. It should be used when the neck is very stiff, almost motionless
  3. It can be used at any age and in the presence of acute pain
  4. Such simple, uncomplicated movements are available to everyone at any time of the day and do not require additional time or equipment (mat, roller, knee pads, gymnastic equipment)

Thus, this system, despite its apparent primitiveness, has advantages and has found supporters.

Video exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Exercises for the neck with osteochondrosis Butrimov

The following set of exercises for the neck with osteochondrosis was developed by Dr. Butrimov. This popular gymnastics is based on such principles.

Wide range of movements - they should be smooth and all-consuming (mentally you need to feel yourself in the cervical region).

Gymnastics consists entirely of turns and bends , but they occur in several directions at once, for example:

  • We tilt our head to the left shoulder and at the same time stretch the top of the head up, then make the same turn to the right
  • We pull our head into the neck and make a turn like a saucer - we reach for the left shoulder, go in a circle to the right, then pull our head in again. We repeat the same movement in the other direction. At the same time, we watch the shoulders so that they do not rise and interfere with movement.
  • We tilt our head slightly to the left and look over the shoulder at the floor, then to the left in the same way. The exercise is not recommended for serious neck problems or exacerbations.
  • A combination of two movements: we lower our head down, then tilt our head to the left shoulder and stretch the crown to the side and up, repeat everything to the right side

The gymnastics conditions are as follows:

  • Exercise shouldn't cause pain
  • They should not be performed if you are unsure of the condition of your neck.
  • You may feel dizzy initially after doing the exercises.

Video set of exercises by Dr. Butrimov for the cervical spine:

Other examples of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis can be performed both on the floor and on a chair. Here are some examples:

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in a lying position

  1. Lie down on the floor. Turn your neck alternately left and right. We do the same while sitting. These movements can be used while lying on the couch or sitting at the computer.
  2. Sitting on a chair, place your hands behind your head and move your elbows as far back as possible
  3. Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent. Raise your head and shoulders, then lower them again. Do this 10 times
  4. Roll over onto your stomach, straighten your legs, put your hands behind your head. Raise your head and shoulders and hold this position for several seconds
  5. The next starting position is the same. Bend your elbows and try to move forward, pushing off the floor with your elbows and toes. The floor surface must be smooth. It is advisable to have elbow pads on your elbows

If you analyze the two videos above, you will notice that these are, as it were, two extreme options:

  • The first complex is very simple, based on micro movements and has virtually no restrictions.
  • The second is quite complex, the movements are designed for maximum stretching, it should not be used in the acute period

Some “golden mean” is the third video. Do these exercises while listening to how you feel and stop whenever you feel more pain. In addition, the complex is good because it provides examples of self-massage of the cervical spine.

Some techniques from the complex:

  1. Press the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae with the fingers of your right hand, and place the palm of your left hand on top. Tilt your head and torso back, pressing alternately on these vertebrae. Do this 5 - 6 times
  2. Remove your left hand and, leaving your fingers on the vertebrae, turn your head (also 5-6 times) to your left shoulder. Then change hands and do the same to the right
  3. Cover your face with your palms and tilt your head back and forth. When bending forward, we resist the head with our fingers
  4. We massage the base of the skull and the back surface of the neck with the ribs of the palms in opposite directions (counter massage), after which we begin rubbing the cervical-collar area with the palms

Exercises for the cervical spine begin at the 7th minute. 40 sec. of this video:

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The neck, or rather the cervical spine, acts as a vital “artery”, thanks to which there is a connection between the brain and spinal cord, and, consequently, between all the organs of our body. And besides, it is through the neck that the vertebral and carotid arteries pass, as well as a huge amount of nerve tissue. However, this part of the spine is exposed to danger every day due to constant stress due to the vertical position of the head.

This, in turn, sooner or later can lead to a back disease such as osteochondrosis. If this ailment has arisen, then you can try to achieve its regression using exercises for cervical osteochondrosis, which are offered to us by such famous specialists as Vitaly Demyanovich Gitt, Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky and Konstantin Aleksandrovich Butrimov.

VSD 8212 neck exercises

I wrote about the enormous importance the condition of the neck plays for our health in a previous post. Those who read it carefully understood that sometimes it is cervical osteochondrosis that is the cause of VSD. Let me remind you once again that blood vessels pass through the vertebrae of the cervical spine, which feed our “command post” called the #171;brain#187;, but if, as a result of incorrect posture or due to microspasms of the neck muscles, the blood vessels are pinched, then this is fraught with either increased or decreased intracranial pressure. Due to a lack of oxygen supply to the brain, a multiple bouquet of diseases, symptoms and discomfort appears.

“Any changes in the cervical spine invariably cause changes (curvatures) in both the thoracic and lumbar spine.”

The typical posture of a person with cervical osteochondrosis is symbolically similar to the letter S. The head and neck are protruded forward, and the shoulders are usually raised and constantly tense. Due to the fact that cervical osteochondrosis is closely related (and sometimes is the root cause of poor posture) with other parts of the spine, in order to align the position of the vertebrae in the cervical region, it is necessary to simultaneously align the vertebrae in the lumbar region.

A set of exercises for the neck

Daily neck exercises:

  1. For 10 - 15 seconds, lying on your back, press the back of your head onto the pillow, while your neck should tense, and do not hold your breath. The same thing, but we lie on our stomachs and press our foreheads onto the pillow. With this exercise we strengthen the neck muscles that hold the head in the correct position.
  2. We lie on our stomach, hanging our head off the bed, after which we raise our head parallel to the floor and hold it for 10-15 seconds, after which we do the same, first on the left, then on the right side.
  3. Exercise “Pinocchio”: Standing, back straight, shoulders motionless, neck stretched forward, parallel to the floor. Move your chin up and to the side, first to the left, then to the right, as if your nose #8212; the key and you turn it in the keyhole, first to the left, then to the right. With this exercise, the vertebrae of the neck fall into place, the clamps are removed, and the mobility of the vertebrae increases.
  4. Standing. We rotate our heads in a circular motion with maximum amplitude, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  5. Standing. Turn your head left and right at an average pace, turning your head as far as possible, trying to look over your shoulder.
  6. Standing or sitting. We lower our head, touching our chest, trying to reach our chin as low as possible. We fix the lowest point for a few seconds.
  7. Raise your right hand up over your side, behind your head, and try to reach your left ear. After which we repeat the same thing, but with the left hand.
  8. We rotate our shoulders in a circular motion, first forward and then back. And so on 5 times back and forth.
  • Exercise “Pinocchio” #8212; described above
  • Press your forehead onto your palm, and your palm onto your forehead.
  • The same thing, but on the back of the head
  • While standing, stretch your spine up, and with it your neck up, as if you were being forcefully pulled by the top of your head.
  • Standing on our hands and knees, we bend and arch our back - make a “cat”
  • Exercise "Cobra". Do not do it at night #8212; tones you up, you may not fall asleep. There are contraindications.

Exercises for the lumbar region:

  • Deflections of the spine in the lower back: to the side, first to the left, then to the right (5 times each)
  • Deflections of the spine in the lower back: forward, backward (5 times each)
  • Twists in the lumbar region. We do it smoothly, with maximum amplitude, but without allowing pain.
  • To strengthen the back, we pump with simple exercises, without weights, preferably with bent legs, so as not to overdo it (gradually, starting with 5 times, and then increasing the number of approaches) the abdominal muscles and spine. You can use: a simple floor, a wall bars or an Evminov board.
  • For the prevention and treatment of scoliosis, and simply for removing blocks from the vertebrae in the lumbar region, I recommend taking a closer look at the following exercises:

And finally, a few key points for VSD and cervical osteochondrosis:

  • First of all, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the general rules for providing exercises from VSD #8212; read #171;Charging from VSD#187;
  • Kuznetsov’s applicators, and especially Lyapko’s, perfectly relieve spasms and swelling of any part of the spine
  • Try to sit at the computer less
  • When working sedentarily, try to change your body position more often and periodically shift the center of gravity of your neck
  • Do a self-massage of your neck (just rub the back of your neck)
  • And most importantly #8212; This is constant monitoring of correct posture.

Our next step in learning about VSD will be:

  • Massage and self-massage
  • Applicators
  • Physiotherapy
  • Drug therapy

So, if you are interested in the topic of VSD, or just want to improve something in your life #8212; It makes sense to subscribe to blog news.

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Symptoms of neck osteochondrosis

In order to diagnose osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, you need to know what symptoms this disease has:

  1. The occurrence of pain in the area of ​​the 6th and 7th vertebrae. You may feel pain in the back of the head and collar area. During the period of exacerbation of this disease, the painful sensations are so strong that it is simply impossible to turn and raise your head.
  2. Changes in the brain. These include: dizziness, pain in the form of lumbago, disturbances of the vestibular apparatus, vision, hearing, the appearance of noise in the ears, impaired memory functions and decreased performance.
  3. The occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is accompanied by increased blood pressure, pain in the heart, panic fears and phobias, and a feeling of numbness in the chest, shoulder blades and arms.

As you can see, the symptoms are quite diverse. Therefore, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine requires exclusively medical diagnosis, since it can be confused with other diseases.

Are there any contraindications

Contraindications to such actions are conditions such as:

  • Acute inflammation;
  • Intense pain syndrome;
  • Recent surgeries and injuries;
  • Bleeding;
  • Feverish conditions;
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Otherwise, the use of this technique in accordance with the recommendations of the author of the system is excellent even for severe degrees of joint diseases.

Precautions, recommendations and contraindications

Gymnastics for the neck for osteochondrosis is prohibited for the following diseases: hypertensive crisis, aortic aneurysm, previous myocardial infarction and stroke (within the last six months), heart disease.

It is also recommended that you consult with your doctor so as not to harm your health, especially during the period of acute inflammation of this disease.

We would like to warn you: some videos with similar exercises contain conflicting advice. Therefore, first you need to understand in what case and for whom these exercises for the cervical spine are suitable.

Popular techniques

Osteochondrosis is a common disease, and therefore there are many techniques for its treatment.

Degree of development of cervical osteochondrosis

Exercise sets are developed by many well-known orthopedists, chiropractors and other specialists dealing with spinal problems. These exercises are based on a basic technique for working the cervical spine, supplemented with various movements to increase efficiency.

Gitta exercise technique V.D.

Stages of development of osteochondrosis.

Gitt Vitaly Demyanovich is a chiropractor who put forward his personal theory called “Micromovements”. It is based on amplitude movements for the cervical spine.

And that's why:

  • Firstly, the gymnastics that V.D. Gitt offers us is not aimed at stretching the neck muscles, but at restoring the intervertebral discs. What does it mean? These exercises are intended for more severe stages of these back diseases.
  • Secondly, the exercises that Gitt developed are used with a stiff, almost motionless neck.
  • Thirdly, this gymnastics can be used by people of different age categories, as well as in the presence of acute painful sensations.
  • Fourthly, the exercises that are included in Gitta gymnastics are very simple and understandable and do not require much time or additional equipment.

Let's proceed directly to the gymnastics itself.

Exercise No. 1

We sit down comfortably on a chair. Then slowly tilt your head forward, approximately 25-30°, no more and no less, since in this way you will simply block the blood vessels, which can cause dizziness. Then we begin to lightly nod our heads, without making a wide amplitude or sudden movements.

Imagine answering someone: “Yes, I completely agree with you.” Duration – at least two minutes. This exercise is aimed at restoring the discs of the cervical spine.

Exercise No. 2

Without changing the starting position, we move our head counterclockwise and along its course, in other words, left and right, as if you disagree with the interlocutor. Again, don't do this too hard and fast. Duration – at least two minutes. With the help of such manipulations, the discs of the cervical spine are restored.

We do the first exercise, and you need to start the second only after 30 minutes. Each of them needs to be done once every 60 minutes, that is, throughout the day, one exercise needs to be done 8-10 times.

Gytta’s exercises for the cervical spine are very accessible and almost invisible, so they can be done anywhere: at work, while driving, in the cinema.

A set of exercises by Butrimova K.A.

Dr. Butrimov’s technique is aimed both at restoring the discs of the cervical spine and at strengthening the muscles of this part of our body.

Effective exercises for the cervical spine.

The basic principles of Dr. Butrimov’s technique include:

  1. Sweeping movements that should be smooth (in no case sharp) and absolutely immersive (that is, you should mentally feel the work of the cervical spine).
  2. The gymnastics itself is based on turns and tilts, which occur in several directions at once, for example:
      We turn our head counterclockwise, while pulling the top of the head up, after which we turn in the opposite direction (it helps strengthen the neck muscles);
  3. tilt your head to the left, and again pull the top of your head up, then bend to the right (developing and strengthening the muscles of the cervical spine);
  4. we press our head to our neck and turn counterclockwise, drawing an imaginary saucer line, and our shoulders should not rise, thereby impeding movement (improving the functioning of the discs and muscles of the neck);
  5. we turn our head counterclockwise until the chin touches the left shoulder, and begin to look back without turning our head, after which we do it all in the opposite direction (developing the discs and muscles of the cervical spine);
  6. we tilt our head to the left shoulder and look behind it at the floor, then in the same way - to the right side (this exercise is not advisable to do in case of acute osteochondrosis, it is more suitable for instability of the cervical spine);
  7. we lower our head at an angle of 30°, then tilt it towards the left shoulder, while the top of the head should stretch up and to the side, after which we repeat everything in the opposite direction (it can be used at the same time for instability of the cervical vertebrae and to strengthen muscles).

You can use Butrimov’s gymnastics only if it does not cause you pain. If the diagnosis is unstable, it is also not recommended to use these exercises; it is better to play it safe and undergo a full examination so as not to cause even more harm.

Charging according to the methods of Bubnovsky and Evdokimenko

Dr. Bubnovsky has developed many systems for the treatment of osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine and neurological pathologies. Special exercises are based on strength exercises using machines, your own weight, and resistance.

Doctor Evdokimenko has developed a number of therapeutic exercises that can be performed by a person without sports skills at home. A feature of gymnastics is slow and consistent movements.

Warm-up for the neck according to Bubnovsky

Bubnovsky exercise for the neck

  1. Support your cheek with your palm. Tilt your head to the side, resisting with your hand. Apply force for 10 seconds. Repeat the movements in the other direction.
  2. Place your elbows on the table and rest your chin on your palms. Apply pressure on your limbs for a count of 10.
  3. Place your hands on the back of your head, touch your chin to your chest, raise your head, resisting with your upper limbs.

To strengthen the neck muscles, the doctor recommends doing pull-ups for osteochondrosis on the horizontal bar. You can perform various push-ups at home. Strength exercises are great for developing muscles and warming up the body.

Gymnastics Evdokimenko

Exercises for the neck of Dr. Evdokimenko:

  1. Lower and straighten your head, touching your chin to your chest.
  2. Turn your head left and right, continuing the movement, lower your chin to your shoulder.
  3. Tilt your head towards your shoulder, trying to reach it with your ear. Repeat the movement in the other direction.
  4. Place your chin on your chest, fix your hands on the back of your head, try to lift your head, resisting with your hands.
  5. Tilt your head to the left, pressing your ear to your shoulder, place your left hand on the top of your head. When trying to return to the original position, resist. Repeat the exercise on the other shoulder.
  6. Finish the exercise with self-massage of the collar area.

Exercise helps relieve muscle spasms and reduce neck and shoulder pain. When performing the complex, perform all movements smoothly. Exercises must be done twice a day for 4 weeks. Simple exercises can be done at your workplace.

Doctor Bubnovsky and his exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

The Bubnovsky set of exercises is aimed at improving the health of the neck, since its system is designed to promote and heal joints, muscles and ligaments from top to bottom.

Principles of the Bubnovsky technique:

  • You may feel pain in the cervical muscles during exercise, which you need to be prepared for.
  • After classes, the doctor recommends visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or simply taking a cold shower, which will help get rid of swelling of the joints, which in any case will arise after the very first class.

Now let's get to the gymnastics itself.

Exercise No. 1

It needs to be done in the gym. We sit on the floor or on a special bench. We rest our feet on the exercise machine and take the plank in our hands. Now we lean forward as much as you can, then slowly return to the starting position, pulling the bar towards you and bending your arms at the elbow joint. Just don’t be lazy, since the process of regression of this disease depends on the effectiveness of the exercises.

It is also important to coordinate the movements with breathing: as you inhale, we bend over, and as you exit, we return back. Adjust the weight so that you can lift it with ease, do not overload yourself, but do not let yourself relax. The number of repetitions is at least 10 times.

Exercise No. 2

Pull-ups on a horizontal bar or wall bars. Moreover, this must be done using different grips: narrow, wide, classic and reverse. The number of repetitions depends on your physical fitness, ideally you need to do at least 20 pull-ups. For men this exercise is quite familiar, but for many girls it is not.

However, it’s not too late to learn why you need a low horizontal bar. Grasp the bar with slightly bent arms and place your feet on the ground. Now try to pull yourself up. The number of repetitions is at least 30 times.

Preparing to do the exercises

In order for gymnastics to be effective and not bring unpleasant consequences, a certain ritual of action should be carried out. Correct technique and compliance with safety precautions are the main key to successful exercise.

Conditions for performing exercises

Doing therapeutic exercises in inappropriate conditions can result in unpleasant consequences: increased fatigue, injury. To avoid this, you need to prepare a room and special clothes for performing gymnastics.

Conditions for competent conduct of physical therapy:

  • well-lit room;
  • large area of ​​the room;
  • special gymnastic mat;
  • comfortable sportswear and shoes that fit;
  • ventilated room with ventilation;
  • mirror to control the correctness of the exercises.

Safety precautions

As with any sport, some unpleasant moments may arise when performing gymnastic exercises. They can be avoided by following safety precautions. With a competent approach to performing exercises, the risk of injury is minimized.

A few simple rules that will help you avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • warm-up before starting classes;
  • performing exercises slowly and smoothly;
  • rest and pause between approaches;
  • strict order of exercises;
  • precise execution of exercises in accordance with the task;
  • no slippery surfaces;
  • the presence of a person who can provide backup during the exercise.
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