Shark liver oil - description and instructions for use

Manufacturer: Bio International Inc.
(USA) Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Description of pharmacological action Shark liver oil
  • Composition Shark liver oil
  • Indications for use of the drug Shark liver oil
  • Release form of the drug Shark liver oil
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Shark liver oil
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Shark liver oil
  • Special instructions when taking the drug Shark liver oil
  • Storage conditions for the drug Shark liver oil
  • Shelf life of the drug Shark liver oil

Best before date

24 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Betulanorm (Capsule)
  • For the genitourinary system Life formula (Capsule)
  • Coffeeberry (Capsule)
  • Sana-Sol - Vitamin C (Oral tablets)
  • Pancreavit (Capsule)
  • Blue blackberry, leaves (Briquet)
  • St. John's wort (Oral tablets)

Description of the vitamin Shark Liver Oil is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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What is shark oil and what are its benefits?

It has long been known that Omega-3 fatty acids are obtained from different types of fish and each type of fish oil has different properties.

Among the many types of fish oil, I would like to pay special attention to shark liver oil

, (it is commonly called “shark oil”).

Scientists have studied sharks for a long time, after which they concluded that they are practically not susceptible to disease and are active until old age. Sharks are known for their rich content of key immune-boosting ingredients such as alkoxyglycerides, squalamine and squalene. Research shows that sharks rarely suffer from serious illnesses. The reason sharks have a strong immune defense is because alkoxyglycerides are a natural source of the immune system. Shark liver oil capsules have long been used as a means to improve and strengthen the immune system and protect cells in the human body. Natural acids in shark liver oil contain Omega-3 and vitamin A, which have a beneficial effect on the immune system, heart, skin, mucous membrane, joints, muscles, cardiovascular system, blood vessels, circulatory and digestive systems.

Shark liver oil comes from 5 different species of sharks caught in the Atlantic Ocean. The main species of sharks are the Portuguese shark and the black dog shark (Fabricius shark).

We would like to note that shark liver oil produced in Norway is the highest quality and natural product, since the caught fish are not frozen and defrosted, they are processed on fishing vessels and floating stations, due to this, shark liver oil contains the highest concentration of essential substances 100 gr. product and a high degree of product purification. Therefore, we can guarantee that you are buying effective and high-quality fish oil from us.

NFO Omega-3 Shark Liver Oil

has a beneficial effect on both young and elderly bodies, so it is successfully used to restore health at any age.

Properties of shark oil components:

Vitamin A

Stimulates the renewal of skin cells and mucous membranes. The vitamin, which has antioxidant properties, can be found in cosmetics to slow down the aging process.

Vitamin E

A strong natural antioxidant that strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes heart function and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Vitamin D

Without vitamin D, the body cannot fully absorb calcium. Today, scientists are increasingly making statements attributing anti-cancer properties to the vitamin. It is also important for maintaining youthful and attractive skin.


An antioxidant of hydrocarbon nature that actively fights inflammatory processes. It accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, which has a positive effect on cell regeneration and tissue restoration.


A substance of natural origin to which antibiotic properties are attributed. Successful studies have proven its effectiveness in combating many dangerous viruses. These include pathogens of hepatitis and yellow fever.


A chemical compound that can saturate cells with oxygen and keep their growth under control. The entry of this component into the human body reduces the body’s susceptibility to external negative influences. Today it is actively used to improve the condition of patients undergoing chemical and radiation therapy.

Shark liver oil is a unique source of alkyl glycerol. This substance helps restore the body during cancer, especially during radiation and chemotherapy.

Shark oil is effective for external and internal use. The product is superior to other biological supplements in its medicinal properties. There are several areas of its application:

Dermatitis and rashes, wounds and skin burns

. Thanks to its regenerating properties, you can quickly restore the skin and cure long-term non-healing ulcers.

Joint problems (arthritis, rheumatism)

. Using the product reduces pain and helps restore mobility.


. The substances included in the product eliminate a sore throat and relieve coughing attacks.

Depression, neurosis and other nervous system disorders

. The substances included in the product improve mood, help restore normal sleep, and eliminate anxiety.

Liver and kidney diseases

. The drug cleanses these organs and increases their functionality. The inflammatory process goes away, the discomfort disappears.

Hypertension and hypotension

. The product has a targeted effect on blood vessels, eliminating spasm or, conversely, toning them. Gradually, blood pressure levels return to normal.

Normalization of metabolism

. Shark oil has a stimulating effect on the body's immune system and reduces a person's sensitivity to allergens. As a result, your health improves even with asthma.


Before using Shark Liver Oil, you should consult with your doctor to determine the correct dosage and the absence of contraindications.

If a woman is carrying a child and feeding him breast milk, then fat should be abandoned. It can cause a severe allergic reaction.

This fact should also be taken into account by people prone to allergies. It should be used with caution by persons who have hypersensitivity to fish and seafood. You should take into account the characteristics of your body and remind your doctor about them.

Many people who first purchased the supplement are interested in how to take shark oil capsules. Like other tablets and capsules, it is taken in courses. It all depends on how severe the disease is in a person and whether the pain syndrome is severe.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store shark liver oil in a cool place, protected from sunlight. Children should not have access to a first aid kit containing medications.

Where to buy real shark oil

There are many fakes on the market, so you should only buy the product from trusted suppliers. Capsules are available in pharmacies and in our online store. With us you can always buy high quality shark oil directly from the manufacturer.

Composition and benefits of natural cream

To be honest, I was not too lazy to go to my rheumatologist. I showed him the instructions I downloaded from the Internet. The doctor read the manual and, in principle, approved it. He said the attempt is not torture, at least there is nothing harmful in the ointment, everything is made from natural ingredients. But I didn’t advise hoping for a quick result either - these are not antibiotics.

Having returned home from the hospital, I decided to make some jokes online on my own (I’m not a total kettle). I didn’t delve too deeply into clever formulas and isolated the most understandable components of the “Shark Oil” drug.

  1. Camphor. For those who are not familiar with this plant (the lucky ones), I’ll tell you - the oil relieves pain, eliminates swelling, helps to survive attacks of most diseases of ligaments and cartilage. Many athletes use the solution to prevent sprains.
  2. Chondroitin. Don't think I'm being clever. It’s just that this element is included in many good specialized ointments. My doctor recommended this component as an effective remedy for replenishing the lack of hyaluronic acid.
  3. Glucosamine. I took capsules to improve joint function after I suspected the onset of arthritis. It helped for a while.

You may ask, what about shark oil? An extract from the tissues of a sea predator is also present. It is responsible for accelerating regeneration and accelerating metabolism.

Indications for use

When answering the questions: what is shark oil, what are the benefits of its use for humans and when is it prescribed by doctors, you need to remember all its beneficial properties. Then it becomes clear that shark oil has the widest application.

It is officially used to treat the following diseases:

  • wounds, burns, scars on the skin;
  • diseases of bones and joints;
  • disruption of the functioning of internal organs;
  • cough of various etiologies;
  • venous-vascular diseases;
  • hypotension, hypertension, tachycardia;
  • allergic reactions;
  • low immunity, frequent colds;
  • rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis;
  • muscle neuralgia;
  • growths on the skin, dermatological problems;
  • inflammation of a general clinical nature.

What people write about joint treatment

I'll start from the very beginning. My name is Andrey Gennadievich, I am 42 years old. I worked about a third of my life in conditions of constant low temperatures (I turned the wheel in the Far North). I earned good money and, as a bonus, constant discomfort in my joints. During the USSR, there were inexpensive, natural ointments, such as “bear blood” and “pepper spray”. Nowadays you can’t get them anymore, and they’re unlikely to help. Most likely he picked up complications.

Shark Oil cream has become an excellent alternative to outdated Soviet external products. At least, such a preparation contains a minimum of chemical additives and a completely understandable composition. I’ll say right away that I’m not an expert. Maybe the doctors will laugh, but it helped me. By the way, my nephew found quite a lot of positive reviews online, and they appeared on various sites and forums.

For example, my colleague in misfortune shared:

“I bought shark oil more out of despair than with hope. I tried a bunch of different remedies. Ointments, tablets, vitamins, herbal medicine, I even went to see my grandmother-healer. The result is almost always zero. A former colleague recommended trying a natural product and, lo and behold, I was able to sit down on my own. I hope the effect will be long lasting"

Yes, I would really like to sit down myself. When fishing, you either recline or stand like a pillar - it’s uncomfortable. I decided, well, everyone won’t lie, and ordered Shark Oil on the official website. I'll check it on myself.

Are instructions important?

Shark joint oil should be sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it in retail outlets. Thanks to the Internet - almost everything can be ordered and delivered to your nearest post office. That's what I did. After unpacking the drug, I read the description. Fortunately, there was nothing new for me there.

The instructions are simple:

  • squeezed a little cream onto your palm (clean, of course);
  • rub the ointment into the problem area (in my case, knees) in a circular motion;
  • I let the solution soak in and start working.

On many forums, people complained that a week of use did not produce any results. I don’t know, either my comrades are really not familiar with joint diseases, or they are in a hurry.

The first positive changes were noticed only after 14-17 days of using shark oil.

Shark and fish oil - what's the difference?

Fish oil and shark oil are different products.

  1. Fish oil is obtained from cod fish. Shark - from the liver of 5 species of sharks. Despite the fact that a shark is a fish (if you delve deeper into the biology course, an order of cartilaginous fish), shark oil cannot be called fish oil due to differences in the substances in its composition.
  2. Shark oil has a multifaceted healing effect due to the presence of unique components in it: alkylglycerol, squalamine and squalene.

What's the result?

In conclusion, I will give a quote from a real doctor from St. Petersburg. He himself addressed him in such a way that he was sure of his existence.

“Shark oil is a good remedy for minor injuries to joints, ligaments, and cartilage. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to stop the extreme stages of arthritis or arthrosis, but it is quite possible to reduce pain and restore mobility during the inflammatory process. You need to try - there is no other way to verify the effectiveness of the drug." Alexey Petrovich, surgeon, orthopedist, traumatologist of the highest category

I fully confirm the words of the specialist. I myself didn’t believe that it would help, but nothing, now I can sit on a stool without help and climb the steps to the fifth floor. I hope it helps you too.

Is it possible to fall for a fake?

As it turned out, it’s very easy! One friend (by the way, on my recommendation) also decided to try shark oil. So, two days later I came to complain of allergies. I look, and he even has a different box. He decided to save money and ordered it from somewhere unknown. I gave it a try and no rash.

You need to buy only from trusted suppliers. I bought it on the official website and was not disappointed. I left my details (full name, phone number) and waited for a call back. The registration took no more than five minutes, and this was with patient explanations from the consultant. The cream arrived within a week. I had to pick it up at the post office, although I could have paid extra and waited for the courier. It was important for me not to give money in advance, so payment was made upon the fact.

Benefits of shark oil for the body

Among all the inhabitants of the underwater world, sharks hold the record for life expectancy. This fact could not leave scientists indifferent. Many years of research led them to the conclusion that sharks have an unusually strong immune system. It's all about a large number of immunostimulating components. They are what make sea predators hardy and agile in the wild.

Shark oil is primarily a source of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, which our cells are partially composed of. Fatty acids are not produced in the human body, but it is important to obtain them from the outside. To compensate for the deficiency of these components, preparations with shark oil in the form of capsules are ideal.

What other beneficial substances are contained in shark oil?

Substance nameAction
AlkylglycerolsThey help fight viruses and bacterial infections (flu, respiratory diseases, herpes infections, etc.), saturate cells with oxygen. Today they are actively used in the treatment of cancer. It has been noted that alkylglycerols improve the condition of patients who have undergone radiation and chemotherapy. There are very few of these substances in nature, so shark oil is perhaps the only source of these components.
SqualamineA natural substance with antibiotic properties. Capable of destroying cells of various viruses, fungi, bacteria. It is useful for people who experience pain in the joints and spine, as it helps maintain the elasticity of the joints and cartilage.
SqualeneIt has an antioxidant effect, stimulates cell regeneration, slows down the aging process, and increases performance under severe mental stress. By the way, the beneficial properties of squalamine and squalene are very similar to the properties of collagen.
Vitamins A, D, ENecessary for normal cell functioning and metabolism.
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