Sabelnik-Evalar - description and instructions for use

Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Painkiller
  • Description of the pharmacological action of Sabelnik-Evalar
  • Composition Sabelnik-Evalar
  • Indications for use of the drug Sabelnik-Evalar
  • Use of the drug Sabelnik-Evalar during pregnancy
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Sabelnik-Evalar
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Sabelnik-Evalar
  • Overdose of Sabelnik-Evalar
  • Special instructions when taking the drug Sabelnik-Evalar
  • Storage conditions for the drug Sabelnik-Evalar
  • Shelf life of the drug Sabelnik-Evalar

Best before date

24 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Okulokheel (Eye drops)
  • Gastiton (Capsule)
  • Feministim (Capsule)
  • Artovit (Capsule)
  • Venostim (Capsule)
  • Golden mustache. V. Ogarkov's drops No. 2 (Drops for oral administration)
  • Prostate-Man (Capsule)
  • Nephyton (Capsule)
  • Discus compositum (Solution for injection)
  • Kofanol plus (Oral tablets)

The description of vitamin Sabelnik-Evalar is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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pharmachologic effect

To improve the patient’s well-being, rheumatology practices the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and in the event of severe pain, glucocorticosteroids. Taking these drugs does not leave its mark on the human body. The list of their dangerous systemic manifestations includes damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, kidneys, liver, and loss of bone tissue. Therefore, after stabilizing the patient’s condition, doctors prefer to prescribe safer drugs for treatment. Tablets with cinquefoil Evalar are well tolerated by the body, are available, and have diverse medicinal properties. This complex effect is provided by biologically active substances from the chemical composition of the beneficial plant:

  • due to bioflavonoids, blood circulation in the joint affected by pathology improves, its tissues are saturated with molecular oxygen and nutritional compounds;
  • the rhizomes contain a lot of butyric and isovaleric acids, which accelerate metabolism and, consequently, the regeneration of damaged hyaline cartilage;
  • due to the presence of tannins and resins, cinquefoil extract has the properties of an enterosorbent and removes tissue breakdown products from joint structures;
  • organic acids, as a result of accelerating metabolic processes, stimulate the production of synovial fluid, which acts as a shock absorber for bone surfaces;
  • phytoncides have a general tonic effect, relieve inflammation, and reduce the intensity of pain.

Bioactive compounds of cinquefoil roots normalize microcirculation in cartilage and soft tissue structures. They remove accumulated exudate and effectively eliminate even extensive swelling.

Sabelnik contains essential oils with substances of particular interest in the treatment of joint pathologies. These are pinene, terpeniol, methylheptenone. They have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, bacteriostatic, and disinfectant activity. Sabelnik Evalar tablets contain a lot of microelements necessary for the full functioning of joints: phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, copper, molybdenum. Ascorbic acid and B vitamins are present in small concentrations in plant materials.

Contraindications and side effects

Like most products with herbal ingredients, tablets with cinquefoil are not intended for the treatment of children under 12 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women. When using dietary supplements, it should be taken into account that substances from the chemical composition of the roots have a weak diuretic, choleretic and hemostatic effect. The instructions for Sabelnik Evalar tablets stipulate their careful use by patients with severe diseases of the liver, urinary organs, and hematopoietic disorders. Contraindications to dietary supplement treatment are:

  • hypersensitivity to tablet ingredients;
  • the presence of stones in the gall or bladder, kidneys;
  • pathologies accompanied by metabolic disorders.

Since the components of the bioactive supplement are absorbed into the bloodstream, there is a possibility of systemic side effects. From the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, lack of appetite, flatulence, pain in the epigastric region, digestive disorders and peristalsis. Headaches, dizziness, and insomnia occur quite rarely. There have been cases of the development of an allergic reaction - swelling and redness of the skin, the formation of a small rash.

According to the instructions for use of Sabelnik Evalar tablets, taking them in a course can improve the functioning of the diseased joint. Despite the herbal composition of the dietary supplement, its use can cause systemic and local side effects. It is advisable to consult with your doctor about the safety of using Sabelnik Evalar in the treatment of joint pathologies.

Indications for use

The instructions for use of Sabelnik Evalar tablets recommend using them for the treatment of chronic diseases of the joints and spine. Dietary supplements are also prescribed for the prevention of pathologies. Rheumatologists, traumatologists, and orthopedists recommend a course of tablets for athletes, people who spend most of the day on their feet (pharmacists, salespeople, hairdressers) or those who move heavy objects. Doctors advise starting to take dietary supplements at the age of 45-50. At this time, the body reduces the production of collagen and chondrocytes - building materials for ligaments, tendons, bones and cartilage. Sabelnik Evalar tablets are prescribed to patients for the treatment of the following pathologies of the joints and spine:

  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • intercostal neuralgia, lumbago;
  • cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral osteochondrosis;
  • osteoarthrosis of various localizations: gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, spondyloarthrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • synovitis, bursitis.

A course of taking a bioactive supplement improves the condition of the ligamentous-tendon system. This allows the use of tablets with cinquefoil in the treatment of tendinitis and tendovaginitis. Dietary supplements are often included in therapeutic regimens to speed up the rehabilitation of patients after injuries: fracture, severe bruise, dislocation, rupture of ligaments or their complete separation from the bone base.

Dynamics of arthrosis development.

Recipes and methods of using cinquefoil

Cinquefoil root is an excellent folk remedy for ailments associated with digestion and intestines. The root of the bush relieves pain and also produces a calming effect. Traditional medicine has many effective recipes based on this plant.

Tincture of cinquefoil with vodka

Based on dekop, an effective alcohol tincture is obtained, which is used for oncological, motor, and viral diseases. The infusion is able to update metabolism, which affects the removal of toxins from the body. If a disease is discovered in which drinking alcohol is not safe, then such treatment should be postponed. They are replaced with tea drinks and decoctions.

To prepare you will need:

  • 2 s./l. roots in a crushed state;
  • filled with vodka (1/2 liter);

Infuse for 21 days. Infusion takes place in a darkened and cool room. After three weeks it is filtered and placed in the refrigerator. Application is based on the following:

  • one s./l. tinctures are mixed with half a glass of water;
  • administration is carried out three times a day before meals;
  • the course lasts three weeks;
  • Then a break is taken for a week and repeated again.

Decoction of cinquefoil

The decoction is used for pain in the stomach, joints, also in the presence of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, disorders of the intestinal tract, and so on. Preparation proceeds as follows:

  • one tablespoon of crushed root is poured with boiled water (one glass);
  • This is followed by heating for thirty minutes in a water bath;
  • infusion for two hours;
  • filtering the decoction.

Take two tablespoons per liter three times a day before meals.

Oil tincture for joints

Sabelnik in the form of an oil tincture is used to rub inflamed joints. Preparation proceeds as follows:

  • one glass of crushed root is poured with half a liter of oil (any vegetable);
  • infusion for three to four weeks;
  • stirring the mixture regularly;
  • straining stage;
  • cold storage.
  • The infusion is applied to the painful area by rubbing.

Contraindications of cinquefoil root

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period;
  2. Neurological abnormalities (epilepsy);
  3. Low pressure;
  4. Slow heartbeat;
  5. The presence of pathologies in the protective function of the body;
  6. Oncology in the active stage (increased immunity during the progressive phase of cancer can have the opposite effect);
  7. Children under fourteen years of age;
  8. Allergic reactions or intolerances.

The dosage during use must be monitored, and the treatment regimen must be prescribed by a therapist. Particular attention is paid to the compatibility of dry wood with other medicinal herbs.

Instructions for use

In rheumatology, a course of Sabelnik tablets is used for the treatment of joints. Doctors recommend taking 1 tablet daily for a month, and then taking a week break. If the dietary supplement is used for prophylactic purposes, then it is used for 30 days 2-4 times a year. It is advisable to carry out the course during the off-season, before epidemics of ARVI and influenza. Bacterial and viral respiratory infections sometimes provoke the development of joint pathologies, for example, synovitis or bursitis.

The dietary supplement should be taken during meals with a sufficient amount of clean water. The instructions for Sabelnik Evalar tablets indicate that when taken simultaneously with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, their effect may be enhanced. In such cases, doctors reduce single and daily doses of NSAIDs.

Useful properties of cinquefoil root

Sabelnik is used entirely as a medicinal plant. The rhizome has the fundamental properties, but the leaves and stems also have certain beneficial qualities. The rhizome has many components in its arsenal that have a healing effect. The tannins in its composition are used to treat tumors. But this fact is considered insufficiently studied. Research into these possibilities of the shrub is still underway.

Swamp rose has many functional capabilities, as it has the following properties:

  • protection of nerve endings;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • pain relief;
  • increased sweating;
  • blocking inflammation;
  • healing of wounds and abrasions.

Raw materials are collected and prepared in spring and autumn. But it is recommended to do this in the fall, since it is at this time that the plant is saturated with useful substances. When the root looks like hollow tubes, it is considered to be most effective. It is stored whole and does not need to be crushed. This is how you can preserve all the healing qualities. There are many methods of use in folk medicine, but experienced collectors claim that it promotes rapid healing of dislocations, bruises and sprains.

Complex diseases are also susceptible to cinquefoil: hepatitis, joint inflammation, sclerosis. People who use herbal decoctions and infusions report relief from complex symptoms. It is able to cope with diarrhea, dysentery and gastrointestinal upset. The sweating caused by bogweed is used to treat colds and flu. The decoction has a beneficial effect in the fight against ARVI, pneumonia and bronchitis. For various inflammations in the mouth, a decoction of the root will relieve pain and the spread of the disease.

Suholom has a complex effect on the liver, joints and muscles, as well as on the heart. It boosts immunity and promotes detoxification, which is especially useful after an infection. It is also recommended for toothache. To do this, you need to rinse your mouth with a decoction. It also has a beneficial effect on metabolic disorders and weight problems. For this purpose, decoctions and dry grain are used.

Complex treatment with dry wood is known even to doctors. For this purpose, decoctions, tinctures, and so on are used. Treatment with dry wood often occurs with the help of other beneficial herbs.

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